Catt, Carrie Chapman General Corespondance Day, Stephen A August 14 1941 Hon. Stephen A. Day House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. Dir Sir: I cannot conscientiously answer your questions with a "yes" or "no". I prefer to stay out of the war, but not when it compels us to pay the price of lost ground in the growth of civilization. When a sufficient cause arises, as it doubtless will, I am for entering the war. Very truely yours, CCC:HW. Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington Dear Friend: I am writing to you because your name appears in a publication that contains the names of outstanding people of the day. Everyone realizes that we are face to face with war. It is the greatest issue with which the American people have been confronted since the birth of the Republic. It transcends all political, social and family affiliations. In order that I may have an expression of opinion from all over the United States, I urge you to mark the enclosed ballot and return it to me at once. You need not sign your name; just vote and drop your ballot into a mail box. This is not done because I have changed my views. They are the same as they were. I merely want to know how American Leaders stand. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would mark your ballot and mail it today. Sincerely yours, Stephen A. Day Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at