Catt, Carrie Chapman General Correspondence Hall, Olivia P. National American Woman Suffrage Association Member National Council of Women Honorary Presidents: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 250 West 94th Street, New York Susan B. Anthony, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N.Y. President, Carrie Chapman Catt 2008 American Tract Society Building, New York Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Vice-President-at-Large, Rev. Anna H. Shaw Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton Warren, Ohio Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon 2008 American Tract Society Building, New York Auditors, Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky. Dr. Cora Smith Eaton 717 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Minn. NATIONAL HEADQUARTER, 2008 AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY BUILDING, N. Y. Sept., 27th, 1901. Mrs. Olivia P. Hall, Ann Arbor, Mich. My Dear Mrs. Hall:- Th e National American Woman Suffrage Association has invited foreign delegates to attend the International Woman Suffrage Conference to be held in connection with out National Con vention in Washington Feb., 12th to 18th, inclusive. Mrs. F Fenwick MIller will attend the Conference from England. Mrs. Miller visited this country in 1893, and was considered by many the ablest of foreign speakers. She is highly pleasing in every way. She has quite a variety of subjects in addition to her speeches on Woman Suffrage. I have agreed to fill six weeks of her time with lectures, in order to aid her in paying her expenses to the United States. She will not be available until the close of the Conference. It is my thought to have her go west immediately after the Conference, and return to the east for the latter part of the six weeks. Her terms would be $25. and entertainment. In the event of two lectures being desired in the same place we would make them for $20 each. It will be a good opportunity to secure an eloquent speaker, and one who is new to the public, and would, therefore, probably draw well. Would you like to engage her for Ann Arbor? If you would let me know. Yours Truly, Carrie Chapman Catt G. Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at