CATT, Carrie Chapman General Correspondence Luisi, Paulina Telephone: 4255 Regent. Telegrams: Vocorajto. International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Headquarters: - 11, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 2, England. Executive Board of Officers: - President, Carrie Chapman Catt, 404, Riverside Drive, New York, U.S.A. 1st Vice-President, Marguerite De Witt Schlumberger, 14, Rue Pierre ler de Serbie, Paris, France. 2nd Vice-President, Chrystal MacMillan, 17, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, Scotland 3rd Vice-President, Anna Lindemann, Degerloch, Stuttgart, Germany. 4th Vice-President, Anna Wicksell, Stocksund, Sweden. Rec. Secretary Margery Corbett Ashby, 33, Upper Richmond Road, London, S.W. 15, England. Treasurer, Katherine Dexter McCormick, 393, Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Eleanor Rathbone, City Council, Liverpool, England. Antonia Girardet-Vielle, 18, Avenue du Leman, Lausanne, Switzerland. Margharita Ancona, 8, Via Morigini, Milano, Italy. Adele Schreiber-Krieger, M.P., Ahornalee 50, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany. Chairman of Headquarters Committee, Chrystal MacMillan. Chairman of Committee of Admissions, Anna Wicksell, Stocksund, Sweden Chairman of Committee of Enfranchised Women, Annie Furuhjelm, M. P. Helsingfors, Finland. Secretary of Committee of Enfranchised Women, Ingrid Af Schulten, Helsingfors, Finland. Secretary for League of Nations Business, Margery Corbett Ashby, 33, Upper Richmond Road, London, S.W. 15, England. Official Monthly Organ: THE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE NEWS (Jus Suffraggii). Annual Subscription, 6/-, Editor: Elizabeth Abbot. EAW. Headquarters Secretary: KATE E. TROUNSON. Please reply to 11, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 2. 20th October, 1921. Mrs. Chapman Catt, 404, Riverside Drive, (handwritten: Uruguay) New York, U.S.A. Dear Mrs. Catt, We have today had a letter from Dr. Paulina Luisi dated September 15th giving us the list of officers of the Alianza Uruguaya para el Sufragio Femenino, as follows: Presidente: Dr. Paulina Luisi Secretaire Generale: Rosa Mauthone Falco Tresorière: Cata Castro de Quintela Dr. Luisi also informs us that she hopes to send to us an application for affiliation from the Association Feministe du Paraguay shortly. Yours sincerely, Kate E. Trounson Headquarters Secretary, (Mrs. Kate E. Trounson) (Handwritten: Registered Dec 21/21 Uruguay) Via S/S Huron Sailing Thursday, December 22, 1921 December 20th, 1921. Senora Doctora Paulina Luisi, 1286 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uraguay My dear Dr. Luisi: - The League of Women Voters informs me that I was in error when I said that it would pay the entire expenses of an official delegate appointed by your country. I hasten to correct that statement. The League of Women Voters will give $500 to apply upon the expenses of such an official delegate. The women of Baltimore will give free entertainment for delegates appointed by their Governments from April 20-29, and the expenses of such delegates will be paid for the day during this period which is to be spent in Washington City, the capital of this Nation. The additional expenses for which the League does not make itself responsible will be the railway fare from New York to Baltimore and return. This would be about $18.00. There will also be hotel expense for all time the delegates spend in this country, exclusive of the period between April 20 and 29. In these days it is said that travellers may count upon $10.00 per day covering all reasonable expenses - hotels, railway fare, tips, etc. I think this would not be enough for certain kinds of travelling, but it would be ample for this trip. [The delegate should buy her round trip ticket to New York in South America, since the rate of exchange would be more favorable there and she would pay less for her ticket than would be the case should she buy her return in New York.] The money to be advanced on expenses will not be sent to any delegate at her own home, but will be given her here. That means that the money for the ship fare must be paid out before any return is received. Senora Doctora Paulina Luisi -2- If a president or officer of your national suffrage association (preferably you) is selected as the official delegate, the Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission will give an extra $500 toward her expenses, and this together with what the League of Women Voters gives, should nearly if not quite pay the expenses of the entire trip. In other words, a suffrage officer who is made official delegate from your country would in that event receive $1,000 for her expenses. It is not allowable for the Leslie Commission to pay money for anything but suffrage work, and that is the reason why this arrangement is made in this way. If the president or an officer of your national suffrage association is not made an official delegate from your country, but is appointed by the suffrage association as a delegate, the Leslie Commission will agree to pay $800 toward her expenses. We are hoping, therefore, that if your Government does not see fit to appoint an official delegate, or if it does not appoint you, that you will come anyway and in that case you may depend upon $800 for your expenses. Sincerely hoping that you may be among the delegates to come to this meeting in [New York] Baltimore, I am Yours very truly, President Via S/S Huron Sailing Thursday, December 22, 1921 decembre 20th, 1921. Senora Doctora Paulina Luisi, 1286 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uruguay Mi estimada doctora Luisi:- La Liga de Mujeres Electoras me comunica que yo interprete mal la cuestion de que ellas pagarian dodos los gastos de una delgada oficial que represente a su pais. Me apresuro a corregir la declaracion que nice en mi ultima. La Liga de Mujeres Electoras dara $500 para ayudar a los gastos de tal delegada oficial. Las senoras de Baltimore hospedaran gratis a las delegadas nombradas por los repectivos gobiernos desde el 20 hasta el 29 de abril y asi mismo los gastos de las delegadas seran pagados durante su estancia en Washington, la capital de esta nacion, el dia que la visiten, encargandose de estos gastos la Municpalidad. Los otros gastos, por los que la Liga no se hace responsable, consisten tan solo en el billete de ida y vuelta entre Nueva York y Baltimore, que sera cuescion de unos $18.00. Tambien se daran los gastos de hotel por el tiempo que las delegadas esten en el pais, con la excepcion del periodo entre el 20 y el 29 de abril. Entendemos que las viajeras podran contar con $10.00 pr dia para cubrir los gastos corrientes, tales como hoteles, billetes de ferrocarril, propenas, etc. creo que esa suma no seria suficiente para cierta clase de viajes, pero para laforma enque se va a hacer, sin duda ha de haber de sobra. El dinero para los gastos, no le sera remitido a ninguna delegada, a su propio pais, sino que le sera entregado aqui. Esto quiere decir que el billete deberan pagarlo entes de recibir ningun dinero. Senora doctora Paulina Luisi -2- Si una presidenta u oficial de su asociacion nacional de sufragio femenino (preferiblemente Vd.) es elegida delegada oficial, La comision conocida bajo el nombre de Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission de dara $500.00 extra para ayudarla en los gastos, y esta contidad, junto con lo que la Liga de Mujeres Electoras da, deberia pagar, sino completamente, en casi su totalidad, los gastos de todo el viaje. Es decir, una mujer oficial sufragista a la que se nombre delegada oficial de su pais, recibiria en ese cas $1000.00 para los gastos. La Leslie Commission no puede dar dinero alguno que no sea para trabajos relacionados con el sufragio, a lo que se debe que este arroglo haya sido hecho en esta forma. Si la presidenta o alguna oficial de su asociacion nacional de sufragio no es nombrada delegada oficial de su pais, pero es nombrada delegada de la asociacion del sufragio, la Leslie Commission se comprometera a pagar $800.00 para ayudarla en los gastos. Esperamos sinceramente, por lo tanto, que si su gobierno no se digna nombrar una delegada oficial, o si no la nombra a Vd. para ese cargo, que Vd. vendra de todas maneras, y en ese caso podra Vd. contar con $800.00 para sus gastos. Confiando sinceramente verla a Vd. entre las delegadas que se reuniran en Baltimore, quedo de Vd. como siempre, su affma. y S.S. Presidenta RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED ARTICLE Registered at the Post Office Indicated in Postmark. ________ Complete record of registered mail is kept at the post office, but the sender should write the name of the addressee on back hereof as an identification. Preserve and submit this receipt in case of inquiry. POSTMASTER, Form 3806 Per_______________ No._________ (Stamp) 664757 Form 2806. Postmark clearly, showing date and office. (Circular Stamp) NEW YORK STATE REGISTERED NOV 29 1921 05-6852 (Upside down) Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission, Inc. Carrie Chapman Catt, President Bureau of Suffrage Education Rose Young, Director Departments Field Press Work Rose Lawless Geyer, Chairman News Marjorie Shuler, Chairman Magazine Department The Woman Citizen Departments Features Mary Ogden White, Chairman Research Mary Sumner Boyd, Chairman Telephone, 4618 Murray Hill 171 Madison Avenue New York,__________ Telephone: 4255 Regent. Telegrams: Vocorajto. International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Headquarters: 11, ADAM STREET, ADELPHI, LONDON, W. C. 2, ENGLAND Executive Board of Officers.-- President, CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, 404 Riverside Drive, New York, U.S.A. 1st Vice-President, MARGUERITE DE WITT SCHLUMBERGER, 14, Rue Pierre Ier de Serbie, Paris, France. 2nd Vice-President, CHRYSTAL MACMILLAN, 17, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. 3rd Vice-President, ANNA LINDEMANN, Degerloch, Stuttgart, Germany. 4th Vice-President, ANNA WICKSELL, Stocksund, Sweden. Rec. Secretary, MARGERY CORBETT ASHBY, 33, Upper Richmond Road, London, S.W. 15, England. Treasurer, KATHARINE DEXTER McCORMICK, 171, Madison Avenue, New York, U.S.A. ELEANOR RATHBONE, City Council, Liverpool, England. ANTONIA GIRARDET-VIELLE, 18, Avenue du Leman, Lausanne, Sqitzerland. MARGHARITA ANCONA, 8, Via Morigini, Milano, Italy ADELE SCHREIBER-KREIGER, M.P., Ahornallee 50, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany. Chairman of Headquarters Committee, CHRYSTAL MACMILLAN Chairman of Committee of Admissions, ANNA WICKSELL, Stocksund, Sweden Chairman of Committee of Enfranchised Women, ANNIE FURUHJELM, M.P. Helsingfors, Finland. Secretary of Committee of Enfranchised Women, INGRID AESCHULTEN, Helsingford, Finland. Secretary for League of Nations Business, MARGERY CORBETT-ASHBY, 33, Upper Richmond Road, London, S.W. 15, England. Official Monthly Organ: ThE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE NEWS (Jus Suffragii). Annual Subscription, $1.50 New York Office - 171, Madison Avenue Handwritten across top of letter: Also see duplicate Spanish + English under same mail registered Per S/S "Hermonides" Sailing Saturday, Dec. 3 Registered Senora Doctora Paulina Luisi, 1286 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uruguay. Mi distinguida Senora Doctora Luisi: Per mediación de la oficina de Londres me entero de que hay posibilidad de formar una organización para el sugragio femenino en el Paraguay. Si se ha formado ya una, o si conoce Vd. a alguna señora influyente que se interese en esa cuestión, desearía que tuviese Vd. a bien comunicarle el contenido de la presente. En el mes de abril se celebrará en Baltimore, Estados Unidos, una conferencia femonina Pan-Americana. Esa conferencia cuenta con el apoyo parical del Gobernador del Estado y del Alcaldo de la Ciudad. Estas autoridades políticas y la Liga Nacional de Mujeres Electoras recurrió a la ayuda del Departmento Nacional de Estado de nuestro Gobierno. Mr. Charles E. Hughes, nuestro Seretario de Estado, de acuerdo con esa petición, ha enviado una invitación a todos los Gobiernos Sud-Americanos, incluyendo el de ese pais, recomendandoles que cada uno nombre a una o más mujeres para que asistan a esa conferencia. Toda delegada debe tener suficientes aptitudes para discutir (1) Educación para la Mujer; (2) Protección de la Mujer en la Industria; (3) Protección a la Infancia; y (4) Higiene Social. Se ha dicho que los Goviernos Sudamericanos no se sentirían dispuestos a pagar los gastos de tales delegadas, y por lo tanto estamos levantando los fondos suficientes acquí. La Liga -2- Nacional de Electoras está conforme en pagar los gastos de una delegada del Gobierno de cada pais Sudamericano. De ahí que yo me permita indicarla que Vd. u otra dama identificada con la Asociación del Sufragio en ese, país podría actuar perfectamente como delegada del Uraguay. ¿No podría y no querria Vd. tratar el asunte con ese Gobierno y procurar que se nombre a la mujer más apta para ese fin? Personalmente, estoy interesada y desecsa de que sea, si es posible, una persona activa en el movimiento sefragio. No tento gran confianza en la habilidad masculina para la selección de mujeres delegades. Aunque no es necesario que las delegadas que vengan a la Conferencia Pan-Americana de Baltimore, sean sufragistas, considero que éstas son más inteligentes y tienen más amplio criterio que las otras, y espero por tanto que las nombradas pertenezcan a esa categoría. Sincereamente confío en que Vd. sea las que venga del Uruguay. En el caso en que su gobierno, nombre una delegada que no esté afiliada a la causa, tienen Vds. todavía el derecho de nombrar una o más delegadas a esa conferencia, pero en ese casos dichas señoras tendrán que pagarse los gastos. La Liga Nacional de Electoras, que es la antigua Asociación del Sufragio de los Estados Unidos, me ha pedido, come Presidente de las Alianza Internacional, que celebre una conferencia especial sobre el Sufragio Femenino. Espere hacerlo así siempre que vengan delegadas de Sudamérica que estén interesadas en ese asunte. Agradecería a Vd. acusara pronto, recibo de la presente y me indicara si esa Asociación del Sufragio podría enviar una o varias delegadas pro su cuenta (delegadas que deben pagar sus gastos), y si sabe Vd. qué medidas ha tomado el Gobierno de ese país para nombrar una delegada oficiale. Con la sincere esperanza de tener el placer de conecer a Vd. en Baltimore, quedo de Vd. Atta y S.S. Presidente IN NECESSARIIS UNITAS, IN DUBIIS LIBERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." International Woman Suffrage Alliance President, CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, 2, WEst 86th Street, New York, U.S.A. 1st Vice-President, MILLICENT GARRETT FAWCETT, LL.D., 2, Gower Street, London, England. 2nd Vice-President, ANNIE FURUHJELM, Helsingfors, Finland. 3rd Vice-President, ANNA LINDEMANN, Degerloch, Stuttgart, German. 4th Vice-President, MME. DE WITT SCHLUMBERGER, 14, Rue, Pierre Charron, Paris. 1st Cor. Secretary, MRS. STANLEY McCORMICK, Hotel Plaza, New York. 2nd Cor. Secretary, JANE BRIGODE, 232, Avenue Albert, Brussels, Belgium. 1st Rec. Secretary, CHRYSTAL MACMILLAN, 39, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. 2nd Rec. Secretary, MARIE STRITT, 30, Dürerstrasse 110, Dresden, Germany. 2nd Treasurer, SIGNE BERGMAN, 10a, Arsenalsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden. 1st Treasurer, ADELA STANTON COIT, 30, Hyde Park Gate, London, England. Official Organ: International Woman Suffrage News. (Jus Suffragii) Headquarters: 11, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W. C. 2. "B" November 23rd, 1921. Dr. Paulina Luisi, 1286 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uruguay My dear Dr. Luisi:- I hear through the London office that there may be a possibility of a suffrage organization in Paraguay. If one has been formed, or if you know any representative women there who believe in suffrage, I wish you would pass on to them the contents of this letter. There will be held in Baltimore, U.S.A., in April, a Women's Pan American Conference. This conference is being in part supported by The Governor of the State and the Mayor of the City. These political authorities and the Nation League of Women Voters appealed for aid to the National State Department of our Government. Charles E. Hughes, our Secretary of State, has in accordance with their request sent an invitation to each South American Government including your own, urging that (your) each Government appoint one or more women to attend that conference. Such women should be able to discuss (1) Education for Women; (2) Protection of Women in Industry; (3) Child Welfare; and (4) Social Hygiene. -2- It has been said that the South American Governments would not feel warranted in paying the expenses of such delegates, and consequently a fund is being raised here. The National League of Women Voters will agree to pay the expenses of one Government delegate from each South American country. I am, therefore, suggesting that you or someone belonging to your suffrage association might very well be the delegate from Uraguay. Can and will you not take up the matter with your Government and try to get the right woman appointed? I am personally interested and anxious that it should be one of the suffrage workers if possible. I do not have much confidence in the ability of men to pick women representatives. While it is not necessary that the women coming to the Pan American Conference in Baltimore shall be suffragists, I have found such women so much broader-minded and more intelligent that others, that I hope the women who will come will be that kind. I sincerely hope that you will be the one to come from Uraguay. In the event that your government appoints a woman who is not one of your members, you still have the right to name one or more delegates to that meeting, but in that event the ladies would have to pay their own expenses. The National League of Women Voters, which is the old suffrage association of the United States, has asked me as President of the International Alliance to hold a Round Table Conference on Woman Suffrage. This I shall hope to do provided delegates from South America come who are interested in that subject. -3- Will you not very promptly acknowledge this letter and let me know whether your suffrage association can send a delegate or delegates of its own (ladies who will pay their own expenses), and whether you know what steps have been taken by your Government to name an official delegate? With cordial hope that I may have the pleasure of meeting you in Baltimore, I am Yours very sincerely, President Telephone: 4255 Regent. Telegrams: Vocorajto. International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Headquarters 11, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W. C. 2, England EXECUTIVE BOARD OF OFFICERS - President, CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, 404 Riverside Drive, New York, U.S.A. 1st Vice-President, MARGUERITTE DE WITT SCHLUMBERGER, 14, Rue Pierre ler de Serbie, Paris, France. 2nd Vice-President, CHRYSTAL MACMILLAN, 17, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, Scotland. 3rd Vice-President, ANNA LINDEMANN, Degerloch, Stuttgart, Germany 4th Vice-President, ANNA WICKSELL, Stocksund, Sweden. Rec. Secretary, MARGERY CORBETT ASHBY, 33, Upper Richmond Road, London, S.W. 15, England. Treasurer, KATHARINE DEXTER McCORMICK, 171, Madison Avenue, New York, U.S.A. ELEANOR RATHBONE, City Council, Liverpool, England. ANTONIA GIRARDET-VIELLE, 18, Avenue du Leman, Lausanne, Switzerland. MARGARITA ANCONA, 8, Via Morigini, Milano, Italy. ADELE SCHREIBER-KRIEGER, M.P., Ahornalle 50, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany. Chairman of Headquarters Committee, CHRYSTAL MACMILLAN. Chairman of Committee of Admissions, ANNA WICKSELL, Stocksund, Sweden. Chairman of Committee of Enfranchised Women, ANNIE FURUHJELM, M.P., Helsingfors, Finland. Secretary of Committee of Enfranchised Women, INGRID AF SCHULTEN, Helsingfors, Finland. Secretary for League of Nations Business, MARGERY CORBETT ASHBY, 33, Upper Richmond Road, London, S.W. 15, England. Official Monthly Organ: THE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE NEWS (Jus Suffragii) Annual Subscription, $1.50 New York Office - 171, Madison Avenue 23 de noviembre de 1921 Senora Doctora Paulina Luisi, 1284 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uraguay. Mi distinguida Senora Doctora Luisi: Per mediación de la oficina de Londres me entero de que hay posibilidad de formar una organisación para el sufragio femenino en el Paraguay. Si se formado ya una, o si concoce Vd. a alaguna señora influyente que se interese en esa cuestión, desearía que tuviese Vd. a bien commicarle el contenido de la presente. En el mes de abril se celebrará en Baltimore, Estados Unidos, una conferencia femenina Pan-Americana. Esa conferencia cuenta con el apoyo parcial del Gobernador del Estado y del Alcaldo de la Ciudad. Estas autoridades políticas y la Liga Nacional de Mujeres Electoras recurrió a la ayuda del Departemento Nacional de Estado de nuestro Gobierno. Mr. Charles E. Hughes, nuestro Secretario de Estado, de acuerdo con esa petición, ha enviado una invitación a todos los Gobiernos Sud-Americanos, incluyendo el de eso pais, recomendánieles que cada uno nombre a una o más mujores para que asistan a esa conferencia. Toda delegada debe tener suficientes aptitudes para discutir (1) Educación para la Mujer; (2) Projección de la Mujer en las Industria; (3) Protección a la Infancia; y (4) Higiene Social. Se ha dicho que los Gobiernos Sudamericanos no se sentirían dispuestos a pagar los gastos de tales delegadas, y por le tanto estanos levantando los fondos suficientes acquí. La Liga -2- Nacional de Electoras está conferme en pagar los gastos de una delegada del Gobierno de cada pais Sudamericano. De ahí que yo me permita indicarla que Vd. u otra dama identificada con la Asociación del Sufragio en ese país podría actuar perfectamente como delegada del Uraguay. ¿No podría y no querría Vd. tratar el asunto con ese Gobierno y procurar que se nombre a la mujer más apta para ese fin? Personalmente, estoy interesada y deseosa de que sea, si es posible, una persona activa en el movimiento Sufrageo. No tengo gran confianza en la habilidad masculina para la seleccíon de mujeres delegades. Aunque no es necesario que las delegadas, que vengan a la Conferencia Pan-Americana de Baltimore, acan sufregistas, considero que éstas son más inteligentes y tienen más amplio criterio que las otras, y espero por tanto que las numbradas pertenescan a esa categoría. Sinceremente confío en que Vd. sea la que venga del Uruguay. En el caso en que su gobierno nombre una delegada que no este afiliada a la causa, tienen Vds. todavía el derecho de nombrar una o más delegadas a esa conferencia, pero en ese cusos dichas señoras tendrán que pagarae los gastos. La Liga Nacional de Electoras, que es la antigue Asociación del Sufragio de los Estados Unidos, me ha pedido, como Presidente de la Alianza Internacional, que celebre una conferencia especial sobre el Sufragio Femenino. Espero hacerlo así siempre que vengan delegadas de Sudamérios que estén interesedas en ese asunto. Agradecería a Vd. acusara pronto recibo de la presente y me indicara si esa Asociacion del Sufragio podría enviar una o varias delegadas pro su cuenta (delegadas que deben pegar sus gastos). y si sabe Vd. que medidas ha tonado el Gobierno de ese país para nombrar una delegada oficiale. Con la sincera esperanza de tener el placer de conocer a Vd. en Baltimore, quedo de Vd. Atta y S.S. Presidente [I have written this letter in full to avoid possible errors in copying. 23 de noviembre de 1921. [Sorry that lack of time prevents my having written it without corrections. P. Fiera] Señora Doctora Paulina Luisi, 1286 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uruguay. Mi distinguida Señora Doctora Luisi: Por mediación de la oficina de Londres me entero de que hay posibilidad de formar una organización para el sufragio femenino en al Paraguay [Paraguay]. Si se ha formado ya una, o si conoce Vd. a alguna señora influyente que se interese en esa cuestión, desearía que tuviese Vd. a bien comunicarle el contenido do de la presente En el mes de abril se celebrara en Baltimore, Estados Unidos, una conferencia femenina Pan-Americana. Esa conferencia cuenta con el apoya parcial del Gobernador del Estado y del Alcalde de de la Ciudad. Estas autoridades politicas y la Liga Nacional de Mujeres Electoras recurrio a la ayuda del Departamento Nacional de Estado de nuestro Gobierno. Mr. Charles E. Hughes, nuestro Secretario de Estado, de acuerdo con ese petición, ha enviado una invitación a todos los Gobiernos Sud Americanos, incluyendo el de ese país, recomendándoles que cada uno nombre a una o mas mujeres para que asistan a ese conferencia. Toda delegada debe tener suficientes aptitudes para discutir (1) Educacion, para la Mujer; (2) Proteccion de la Mujer en la Industria; (3) Proteccion a la Infancia; y (4) Higiene Social. Se ha dicho que los Gobiernos Sudamericanos no se sentirían dispuestos a nagar los gastos de tales delegadas, y por lo tanto estamos levantando los fondos suficientes aqui. La Liga Nacional de Electoras esta conforms en pagar loas gastos de una delegada del Gobierno de cada pais Sudamericano. De ahi que yo me permita indicarla que Vd. u otra dama identificada con la Associon del Sufragio en ese pais poderia actuar perfectamente como delegada del Uruguay. No podría y no querría Vd. tratar el asunto con ese Gobierno y procurar que se nombre a la mujer mas apta para ese fin! Personalmente, estoy interesada y deseosa de que sea, si es posible una persona activa en el movimiento. No tengo gran confianza en la habilidad masculina para la selección de mujeres delegadas. Aunque no es necesario que las delegadas que vengan a la Conferencia Pan-Americana de Baltimore Sean sufragistas, considere que estas son mas inteligentes y tienen mas amplio criterio que las ostras, y espero por tante que las nombradas pertenezcan a esa categoría. Sinceramente confit en que Vd. sea la que venga del Uraguay. En el caso en que s su gobierno nombre una delegada que no este afiliada a la causa, tienen Vds. todavia el derecho de nombrar una ao mas delegadas a esa conferencia, pero en ese casos dichas señoras tendrán que pagarse los gastos. La Liga Nacional de Electoras, que es la antigua Asociacion del Sufragio de los Estados Unidos, me ha cedido, come Presidente de la Alianza Internacional, que celebre una especial sobre el Sufragio Femenino. Espero hacerlo así siempre que vengan delegadas de Sudamerica que esten interesadas en ese asunto e. Agradeceria a Vd. acusara pronto recibo de la presente y ma indicara si ese Asociación del Sufragio podría enviar una o varias delegadas per su cuenta (delegadas que deben pagar sus gastos), y si sabe Vd. que medidas ha tomado el Gobierno de ese pais para nombrar delegadas oficiales. Con la sincera esperanza de tener el placer de conocer a Vd. en Baltimore, quedo de Vd. Atta y S. S. Presidente Uraguayan Alliance for Woman's Suffrage General Secretary 1286 Paraguay st Montevideo [Translated by Mildred Adams Uruguay] January 2, 1922 Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt President International Alliance for Woman's Suffrage Dear Mrs. Catt: I have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your courteous letter of Nov. 23, 1921. I immediately saw His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Relations and informed him of the contents of your letter. Surely His Excellency will name to represent our country the person designated by our Suffrage Association; this he promised me. Unfortunately it will not be possible for me to take part in this Congress, for I do not know English. Do you remember, dear Mrs. Chapman Catt, that in the Congress of Geneva I was not able to converse with you on account of my ignorance of English? The person whom we have named to represent us is a very good suffragist and knows English. As the government is not prepared to pay the expenses of the delegate, this matter must fall back on the offer which you make in your letter, namely, that the League of American Women Votes has arranged to pay such expenses. Our delegate desires to know if the League of American Women Voters will pay all the expenses of the trip, that is, trip from Montevideo to New York and return, and living expenses during the Congress. As the time is very short, I will be most grateful to you if you will send me a cable with the reply as to what expenses the American Association has decided to pay. 2 I have written to friends in Paraguay, and have sent them the copy of your letter. I hope, dear Mrs. Catt, that, as I must give up going to this Congress this time, I will have the pleasure of meeting you anew in the Congress of Rome in 1923. I am your cordial and sincere admirer, (signed) Dra. Pauline Luisie President of the Uraguayan Alliance for Woman's Suffrage, affiliated with the I.[?].A.S. P.S. Please excuse my not sending you the English translation to this note, but our translator is ill, and time presses. [*Received Feb 4/[??]] ALIANZA URUGUAYA para el SUFRAGIO FEMENINO Secretaria General CALLE PARAGUAY, 1286 MONTEVIDEO [*No[?]a No 43] A Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt Presidenta de la Alianza Internacional para el Sufragio Femenino.- Enero 2 de 1922.- Querida Mrs Catt: Tengo el placer de acusar recibo de su atenta carta fecha 23 de Noviembre de 1921.- Inmediatamente vi a S.E. el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y le enteré del contenido de su carta.- Seguramente S.E. nombrará para representar a nuestro pais, a la persona designada por nuestra Asociación para el sufragio. [*???]. Por desgracia no me será posible concurrir a ese Congreso, pues no conozco el ingles.-Recuerda, querida Mrs Chapmam Catt que en el Congreso de Ginebra no pude entenderme con Vd por mi ignorancia del inglés? La persona que hemos designado para representar[?]os es muy sufragista y conoce el ingles.- Como el gobierno no está dispuesto a pagar los gastos de la delegrada, tendr[*á] esta que recurrir al ofrecimiento que hace Vd en su carta de que la Liga de Electoras Americanas ha dispuesto pagar dichos gastos.-Nuestra delegada desea saber si la Liga de Electoras Americanas pagará todos los gastos de via je- esto es; pasaje de ida y vuelta de Montevideo a N.York y gastos de permanencia durante el Congreso.- Como el tiempo es muy corto,le quedaría grata quisiera enviarme un cable con la repuesta sobre los gastos que la Asociación Americana ha decidido costear.- He escrito a las amigas del Paraguay y les he envia- do el duplicado de su carta. Espero, querida Mrs Catt que, puesto que debo renunciar por esta vez a ir a ese Congreso tendré la dicha de encontrarme nuevamente con Vd en el Congreso de Roma de 1923. Soy de Vd cordial y sincera admiradora Sra Paulina [Lui?] Presidenta de la Alianza Uruguaya para el Sufragio Femenino afiliado a la I.W.S.A. P.S. [?] Uraguayan alliance for Woman's Suffrage Paraguay, 1268 Montevideo Montevideo, January 16. 1922 [* Translated by Mildred Adams Uruguay*] My Much esteemed Mrs. Chapman Catt. I have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your very interesting letter of December 20, 1921. Before anything else, I wish to acknowledge personally and in the name of the Suffrage Organization of my country the lovely invitation which you send us, and the generous aid which you offer us so that a delegate of this country may be able to join in the Pan American Conference. I personally will not be able to attend, for I have just returned from a long trip of a year and a half and it is not possible for me to absent myself again at once. Moreover, I do not know English. Do you remember, dear Mrs. Catt, that I was unable to converse with you in Geneva? We [have] decided to name one of the officials of our Suffrage Committee, Miss Celia P. de Vitale, who would be prepared to go to Baltimore. But we meet a grave difficulty which I will try to explain to you. When talk of this Conference was started, the women of the Woman Voters informed our representative in Washington, who communicated the same to the Government. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, seeing that our association was not manifesting interest, turned the matter over to the Council N (?) of the Administration (a branch of the Government). He named as delegate the wife of our Minister in Washington. It was when we read in the papers of this country that this lady was already proposed, that our suffrage association took cognizance of the calling of the the conference. The Minister of Foreign Affairs would have no objection to naming as the official Delegate a delegate of our association, but there exists the naming of the other woman. These difficulties have come about because our suffrage association received the news of the Conference two months after the Government (received it) The Minister of Foreign Affairs meets with difficulty in naming a delegate for these reasons. The donation of $800 which the Leslie Commission generously grants, does not begin to cover the cost of the expenses of travel. I am working so that the government will name both women as delegates. But I thought that without being able to name two official delegates, perhaps it would be possible to assign to the delegate of our association the amount which the Woman Voters intend to allot to the official delegate, since if the wife of our Minister is named these expenses will not be necessary for she resides in Washington. Because of this, the delegate of our association asks if her living expenses can be paid during her stay in the United States, the time necessary for attending the Conference, and the days which elapse from disembarking to the Conference, and afterward the day xxxx until the departure of the steamer. These expenses are the same which the Woman Voters had offered to pay to the official delegater, but it would not be necessary to do that because, being the wife of xxx our Diplomatic Minister, she lives in Washington. Just the round trip between Montevideo and New York costs $1,000.00. I allow myself, dear lady, to suggest to you this change in the disposition of the fund allotted to Uraguay, because it will not alter in any way the sum assigned to this country and will allow our association to be represented in the Congress. Could you send me a cable in reply? I have sent copies of your two letters to Paraguay, but as yet have received no answer. I have also sent them to Chile and to the two exclusively suffrage associations of the Argentine Republic, which are the "League of Woman's Right", whose president is the Dra Elvira Rawson de Dellepiano, No 1568, Aguera street, Buenos Aires; and the "National Feminist Party", President Dra Lanteri Renshaw, 981 May Avenue, Buenos Aires. I believe it would be very wise to invite them, for they do much feminist and suffrage work, especially in Buenos Aires. As I am corresponding xxex associate to these two associations, I permit myself to bring them to your attention. Also allow me to suggest that you invite the Woman's Committee of Social Hygiene, President Balance C de Hume, 26 Jean Jaures st. Buenos Aires, which I founded there and which is occupied with questions of social hygiene, especially those which are related to prostitution. I beg again of you a prompt reply to the question of our delegate. Please have the kindness to send (the answer) by cable, that it may reach here on time. I send to you with this, expressions of my affectionate respect and admiration. ----------------------------(signed) President "Uraguay Alliance for Woman's Suffrage." ALIANZA URUGUAYA PARA EL SUFRAGIO FEMENINO PARAGUAY, 1286 MONTEVIDEO Montevideo, 16 de Enero de 1922 Mi muy estimada Ms Chapman Catt.- Tengo el agrado de acusar ecibo de su muy interesante carta fecha 20 de Diciembre de 1921.- Antes que nada, debo agradecer personalmente y en nom bre de las Asociación Sufragista de mi pais la mable invitación que nos dirige y la generosa ayuda que nos ofrece para que una de legada de este país pueda concurrir a la Conferencia Pan-Americana.- Yo personalmente no podré concurrir porque acabo de regresar de un largo viaje de año y medio y no me es posible ausentarme nuevamente por ahora.- Ademas, no conosco 4l inglés. Recuerda Vd.querida Mrs Catt. que no pude conversar con Vd en Gibebra? Hemos resuelto nombrar a una de las oficiales de nuestro Comité Su[f]ragista, la Señora Celia P de Vitale, que estaría dis puesta a ir a Baltimore.- Pero nos econtramos con una grave dificultad que trataré de explicarle a Vd. Cuando se comenzó a hablar de esta Conferencia, las señoras de la Woman Voters se dirigieron a nuestro representante en Washington el cual lo comunicó al Gobierno.- El Ministro de Asuntos Extranjeros, viendo que nuetra Asociación no manifestaba interes pasó el asunto al Consjo N. de Administración (2o rama de Go bierno). Este nombró delegada a la esposa de nuestro Ministro en 2 Washington.- Fué cuando leimos en los periodicos del pais que esta señora ya estaba propuesta; que nuestra asociación sufragista tuvo conocimiento de la convocatoria de la conferencia.- El Ministro de Asuntos Extranjeros no tendría inconveniente en nombrar delegada Oficial a la delegada de nuestra asociación, pero existe ya la propuesta de la otra señora.- Estas dificultadas se han producido porque nuestra asociación sufragista recibió el avido de la Conferencia dos meses despues que el Gobierno.- El Ministro de Asuntes Extranjeros se encuentra por estas razones con dificultad para nombrar delegada.- La subvención de 800$oo que generosamente concede la Leslie Commisión no alcanza para cubrir la mitad de los gastos de viaje.- Estoy trabajando para que el gobierno nombre delegadas a las dos señoras.- Pero he pensado qie si[n]ne se puede nombrar dos delegadas oficiales, talvez se pedría destinar a la delegada de nuestra asociación la cantidad que la Women's Voters destina para alojar a la delegada oficial, piesto que [*en??*](la Señora de nuestro Ministro es nombrada delegada oficial, estes gastos no serán necesarios porque la señora reside en Washington.- Por lo tante la delegada de nuestra ascociación prgunta si se le pedrían pagar les gastos de alejamiente durante su permanencia en les Estados Unidos, el tiempo necesrio para asistis a la Conferoncia y les dias qye debe permanecer desde su desembarce hasta la Conferen cia, y despues los dias mecesarios hasta la salida del vaper.- Estes gasto sson los mismos que la Women's Voters había ofre/ ALIANZA URUGUAYA PARA El SUFRAGIO FEMENINO Montevideo, ........ de ........................................ de 192...... PARAGUAY, 1286 MONTEVIDEO cide pagar a la delgada oficial, pero que no tendría que ha- cerles porque siendo la esposa de nuestra [*[?]tio*] Diplomatíco ella resi- de en Washington.- Solamente el pasaje de ida y vuelta entre Montevideo y New York cuesta (mil) 1.000$00.- Yo me permite, querida señora, proponerle esté cambio de des- tino a los fendes dispuestos para Uruguay, proque no alteran en nada la cantidad destina a este pais y permitiría a nuestra asociación estar representada en la Conferencia.- Podría Vd hacerme un cable con las respuesta?.- -------------- ------------------ He mandade copia de sus dos cartas al Paraguay, pero todavia no he recibide respuesta. He mandade también a Chile y a las dos asociaciónes exclusivamente sufragistas de la República Argentina que son: la "Liga por los derechos de las Mujer" [?] presidenta es la Dra Elvira Rawson de Dellepiano, calle Agüoro No 1568, Buenos Aires, y el "Partido Feminista nacional" Presidenta Bra Lan-teri Renshaw. - Avenida de Mayo 981. Buenos Aires.- Yo creo que sería muy conveniente invitarlas porque haven mu-cha labor feminista y sufragista especialmente en Buenos Aires.- Como so[n]y socia correspendiente de esas dos asociaciones me permite indicarlas a su conocimiento.- Tambien me permite indicarle que invite al "Comité Femenino de Higiene Social" Presidenta Blance D de Hume, calle Jean Jaures 26 Buenos Aires.- que yo he fundade allí y que se ocupa de cues-tienes de higiene social, espcialmente las que estan relacionadad cen la prostitución.- ALIANZA URUGUAYA PARA [*H*] El SUFRAGIO FEMENINO Montevideo, ........ de ........................................ de 192...... PARAGUAY, 1286 MONTEVIDEO Ruego nuevamente a Vd una rápida respuesta a la pre-gunta de nuestra delegada, que deberá Vd tener la bondad de en-viar por cable para que llegue a tiempo.- Le envio con esta motiva las expresiones de mi afectuo-so respete y admiración.- Snr Paulina [?] Presidenta "Alianza Uruguaya para el Sufragio Femenino" [*Uruguay*] February 6, 1922. Dr. Paulina Luisi, 1286 Paraguay, Montevideo, Uruguay My dear Dr. Luisi:- I have just had a letter from Miss Macmillan in which she tells me that she has received a letter from you dated December 10th in which you say that you have heard of a Pan American Woman's Conference and yet have had no word from me in reference to it. I wrote you on November 23rd and again on December 20th. Both letters were translated into Spanish and both were registered. I am sure you have received them now and understand that the Pan American Conference is not called by the International Alliance. It is called by the National League of Women Voters which is the old suffrage association of this country, but it is under the direction of younger women and I am only the honorary president. Its management is entirely under the direction of others. However, I hope that nothing will prevent you from attending it. I hope you may be the official delegate from Uruguay. I believe Uruguay is the most progressive of the South American countries concerning the suffrage question. Already delegates have been named from a number of the countries. There are living in the United States for various reasons, a number of women who properly belong to the South and Central American countries, and among these there have been acceptances from eleven countries. No one has been found from Uruguay nor Paraguay as yet. I shall hope to hear from you that you have received my letters and that you will pay us a visit here. It will be a great pleasure to meet you again even though we are only able to smile at each other. Yours very truly, president LESLIE WOMAN SUFFRAGE COMMISSION, INC. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, PRESIDENT BUREAU OF SUFFRAGE EDUCATION ROSE YOUNG, DIRECTOR MAGAZINE DEPARTMENT THE WOMAN CITIZEN DEPARTMENTS FIELD PRESS WORK ROSE LAWLESS GEYER, CHAIRMAN NEWS MARJORIE SHULER, CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENTS FEATURES MARY OGDEN WHITE, CHAIRMAN RESEARCH MARY SUMNER BOYD, CHAIRMAN TELEPHONE: 4818 MURRAY HILL 171 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK,_________________________ POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES CLARENCE H. MACKAY, PRESIDENT. COUNTER No. CABLEGRAM TIME FILED M The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated) transmits and delivers this cablegram subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank. 10 CHECK DESIGN PATENT NO. 40529 ROUTE VIA 25392 Send the following Cablegram, without repeating, subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back hereof, which are hereby agreed to. [*Feb 17/22*] 19 [*Uruguay*] To Paulina Luisi 1286 Paraguay Street Montevideo Can only contribute one thousand dollars and hotel expenses Baltimore during Convention CATT Charge N.A.W.S.A. The sender will please read the conditions on back and sign name and address thereon for reference. The Postal Company's system reaches all important points in the United States and British America, and via Commercial Cables, all the world. POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY (10 AND 20) (DRAWING OF MAP) THE GREATEST TELEGRAPH AND CABLE SYSTEM IN THE WOLD. EXTENDS OVER TWO-THIRDS OF THE WAY AROUND THE EARTH. ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY (INCORPORATED) TRANSMITS AND DELIVERS THE WITHIN MESSAGE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: THIS COMPANY may decline to forward any message, though it has been accepted for transmission, but in case of so doing, shall refund the sender the amount paid for its transmission. THIS COMPANY WILL NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY IN RESPECT TO ANY MESSAGE BEYOND THE TERMINUS OF ITS OWN LINES. To guard against mistakes or delays, the sender of a message should WRITE IT LEGIBLY and order it REPEATED; that is, telegraphed back to the sending station for comparison. For such repeating, an additional charge of one-quarter the regular rate will be made. It is agreed between the sender of the message on the face hereof, and this Company, that said Company shall not be liable for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery, or mis-delivery, of any unrepeated message beyond the amount of that portion of the charge which may or shall accrue to this Company out of the amount received from the sender for this Company and the other companies by whose lines such message may pass to reach its destination ; and that this Company shall not b e liable for mistakes in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery, or mis-delivery, of any repeated message beyond fifty times the extra sum received by this Company from the sender for repeating such message over its own lines. This Company is hereby made the agent of the sender without liability to forward any message by the lines of any other company to reach its destination. No responsibility regarding messages attaches to this Company until the same are presented and accepted at one of its transmitting offices; and, if any message is sent to such office by one of this Company's messengers, he acts as the agent of the sender for the purpose of delivering the message and any notice or instructions regarding it to the Company's agent in its said office; if sent by telephone, the person receiving the message acts therein as the agent of the sender, and is authorized to assent to these conditions on behalf of the sender. This Company shall not be liable for damages or statutory penalties in any case where the claim is not presented in writing within sixty days after the filing of the message. This Company shall not be liable in any case for delays arising from interruptions to the working of its lines, nor for errors in cipher or obscure messages. This is an UNREPEATED message and is transmitted and delivered by request of the sender under the conditions named above. The above terms and conditions shall be binding upon the receiver as well as the sender under the conditions named above. The above terms and conditions shall be binding upon the receiver as well as the sender of this message. No employee of this Company is authorized to vary the foregoing. CLARENCE H. MACKAY, PRESIDENT CHARLES C. ADAMS, VICE-PRESIDENT. EDWARD REYNOLDS, VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. CHARLES P. BRUNCH, VICE-PRESIDENT. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sender's Name and Address: ( ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Letter/new page) (hand written) Uruguay (handwritten) S/S Vasari Feb 25 Sarling February 24, 1922 Dr. Paulina Luisi, 1286 Parguay, Montevideo, Uruguay My dear Dr. Luisi:- I am writing by the first steamer going your way in order to confirm and explain the cable which I sent you a few days ago. I hope I made it clear that no expenses at all are to be paid for anybody except at the hotel during the time of the conference which is from April 20 - 29 inclusive. There will be given to a single delegate from [Argentina] Uruguay provided she is either an official delegate that is appointed by the Government or the Suffrage Association, the sum of $1,000. When the delegate has decided definitely to come please let me know on what steamer she will arrive and when. There may be a few days between the arrival of her steamer and the conference in Baltimore. We will engage a comfortable place for her to stay here during that period, and a committee will meet her at the steamer. It is difficult for strangers to know each other. Therefore will you please wear a conspicuous piece of yellow ribbon, and the committee will do the same. You will then know each other at once. The porters will take your baggage to the pier and place it under the initial of your name, but the committee will not be permitted on the pier until your baggage has been passed by the customs officials after which they must meet you as you pass out. It will be very simple but tedious. Anticipating the pleasure of soon making the acquaintance of the delegate from Uruguay, I am Yours very sincerely, President Uruguayan Alliance (handwritten and circled) (handwritten) Uruguay for Send copy to Mrs. Cunningham Wash Woman's Suffrage 4/15/22 Montevideo, Mar. 3, 1922 CM Hyde Parguay, 1286 Montevideo Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt President International Suffrage Association My dear Mrs. Catt; I am most grateful to you for the telegram you sent me. Fortunately I have been able to solve matters in a satisfactory manner. The Minister of Foreign Relations has kindly acceded to my request and has appointed two official delegates, the wife of our Minister in Washington, and Senora Paladino de Vitale, member of the Uraguayan Alliance for Woman's Suffrage and its delegate to the Pan American Congress. I am very sorry not to be able to take part personally in this Congress, as much to express my appreciation for the most kind an generous hospitality of our American sisters, as to benefit from their teachings which will have such great value for us. But it is not possible for me to be absent from the country now, for within a few months I must go to Paris to represent the Government and the Medical Faculty at the International Congress of Social Hygeine which will be held in that city. As it concerns a scientific congress related to the medical profession, I believe that I will serve the feminine cause better by accepting that appointment. You know that there are not yet many women in the world who have been called by name to represent a Government and a scientific institution such as the Medical Faculty in an International Congress. I hope that I will have the pleasure of seeing you in Rome in 1923. I am taking advantage of this occasion to present to you my most cordial and affectionate greetings. (signed) Dra. Paulina Luisie N.B. The association of Paraguay will also send a delegate. ALIANZA URUGUAYA PARA EL SUFRAGIO FEMENINO PARAGUAY, 1286 MONTEVIDEO Montevideo, 3 de Mayo de 1922 Señora Carrie Chapman Catt Presidenta de la Alianza Internacional para el sufragio femenino Mi querida Mrs Catt Le agradizeo efusivamente el telegrama que me envió -- Felizmente he podido solucionar las cosas, de una manera satisfactoria. El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores ha accedido gentilmente a mi pedido, y ha clasificado dos delegados oficiales: la señora esposa de nuestro Ministro en Washington, y la señora Paladino de Vitale, miembro de la Alianza Uruguaya y su delegata al Congreso Panamericano. Yo lamento muchísimo no poder concurrir personalmente a en Congreso, tanto para agradecer la gentilisima y generosa hospitalidad de nuestras hermanas americanas, como para beneficiar de las enseñanzas que tanta utilidad nos podrían producir. Pero, no me es posible ausentarme del país, por ahora, pues tendré que ir dentro de pocos meses á Paris, para representar el Gobierno y la facultad ALIANZA URUGUAYA PARA EL SUFRAGIO FEMENINO PARAGUAY, 1286 MONTEVIDEO Montevideo, ___ de _____ de 192__ de Medicina al Congreso Internacional de Higiene social que se al realizará en esa ciudad. Como se trata de un Congreso científico relacionado con la profesión médica, creo que será mejor servir la Causa Panamerica, aceptando aquella designación. Ud sabe que no son todavía muy numerosas las mujeres del mundo que han sido nombradas por los nombres para representar un gobierno, y una institución científica, como es la Facultad de Medicina, en un Congreso Internacional. Espero que tendré el placer de verla en Roma, en la primavera de 1923. Aprovecho esta ocasión para presentarle más más cordiales y afectuosos salutos Dra Paulina Luisi Presidenta de la Alianza Uruguaya para el Sufragio femenina N.B. la asociación del Paraguay, enviaron tambien una delegata. Uruguayan Alliance for Woman Suffrage. Montevideo, March 1922 General Secretary 1286 Paraguay st. Montevideo. [*Send copy to Mrs Cunningham Wash 4/5/22 CM Hyde] To the President of the International Association for Woman Suffrage. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. - 171 Madison Avenue New York. The Executive Committee of the "Uruguayan Alliance for Woman Suffrage" has the honor to inform you that it has resolved to take part in the Pan American Conference of Women, called by the National League of Women Voters, which will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, in April, and has named to represent it Senora Clelia Paladino de Vitale, member of the Executive Committee. The "Uruguayan Alliance for Woman Suffrage", over which I have the honor of presiding, takes pleasure in formulating its best thoughts toward the greater accomplishment of the Pan American Conference of Women. I am glad to take this opportunity to salute the Lady President with my utmost regard. (signed) Dra. Paulina Luisie Rosa Monthorne Falco General Secretary. National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc. 171 Madison Avenue, New York City Telephone: Murray Hill 4818 Miss Esther G. Ogden, President Mrs. Cyrus W. Field, Vice-President Miss Helen Potter, Treasurer & Secretary Directors Mrs. Raymond Brown Mrs. Stanley McCormick Mrs. Arthur L. Livermore Chairman of Literature _________________________________________________________________________________________ Alianza Uruguaya para el SUFRAGIO FEMENINO Secretaria General Calle Paraguay, 1286 Montevideo Montevideo Marzo de 1922.- A la Presidenta de la Alianza Internacional para el Sufragio Femenino.- M. Carrie Chapman Catt.- Madison Avenue 171.- New York.- El Comite Ejecutive de la "Alianza Uruguaya para el Sufragio Femenino" tiene el honor de comunicar a Vd, que ha resuelto adherirse a la Conferencia Pan Americana de Mujeres, convocada por la Liga Nacional de Mujeres Votantes la que se reunira en Baltimore, Maryland, en Abril proximo, y ha designado para representarla a la Senora Clelia Paladino de Vitale, miembro de este Comite Ejecutivo.- La "Alianza Uruguaya para el Sufragio Femenino," que tengo el honor de presidir, se complace en formular sus mejores votos por el mayor exite de la Conferencia Pan Americana de Mujeres.- Es oportunidad esta que gustosa aprovecho para saludar a a la Senora Presidenta con mi mayor consideracion.- [signed] Dra. Paulina Luisi Rosa Monthorne Falco Secretaria General Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at