Catt, Carrie Chapman General Correspondence Post, Joe F. We were so happy over the "Pictorial Award" but will not be perfectly content until you receive - The Nobel Peace Award" You remember the old Japanese [?] [?] which runs - "There is nothing so great in all the world - as a wish in the heart" - with deep affection J.F.P. (Image) Greetings of Christmastide Julia Duke Henning [Cause?] to Paducah in Nov, to a U.D. C. Convention--in behalf of the Robert E Lee Stratford Memorial -- She dined with me that evening We lived over again that glorious time, we spent in Washington in Jan 1917--under your leadership! What you have meant to the women who were fortunate enough to come in touch with your statesmenship! We were wishing that we might come to your meeting in Washington Jan 19-22 & and see you once more to gain a fresh inspiration to carry on! "To My Patron Saint _" Just for yourself Your own dear self Is the Christmas wish I send May Christmas Cheer Gladden your year And blessings be Without end Joe Fowler Post_ Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at