Catt, Carrie Chapman GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Taft, William Howard Hon. W H Taft, Yale University New Haven Conn *(Perhaps there is a better address than this) Nov, 1920 Mid Ocean* My dear Mr. Taft - I thank you most sincerely for your books on the League of Nations. Those papers previously distributed I have read, but I am exceedingly glad to possess the volume containing your autograph. I have tried to keep up with the controversy on both sides and to my mind the situation resolves itself with this: the radicals half is, socialists and near socialists profess no fault in it because it is the imperialistic and capitalistic, beef behind these liars there is something more—a desire to substitute dired return, as workingmen in H [B?] are organizing to do and in where words to keep on with their own program. The conservatives with the lawyers of their class argued them 2 find the plan too imperialistic also but behind their arguments one recognizes the type of mental action belonging to the conservatives that is “let us go back to our former isolation,” the League plan should have been postponed etc. The masses of our people are wholly befogged By the discussion and there remain only the more Understanding ones of the middle moders to defend ratification of the League Treaty. The situation is psychological now and [involves] is a contest between those who have faith in the sincerity of the pledges of their fellow men and allied nations. We look to you to find the plan and the time to apply the entering words to a thoroughly difficult situation. It was your idea after all. When and if I can be of assistance at any time command me. Very sincerely Yours Signed Carrie Chapman Catt by Mrs. Shuler *Thanksgiving Day 1920 Mid Atlantic Ocean.* Commencement Program Saturday, June 6 5.00 P.M.—THE PRESIDENT’S GARDEN PARTY FOR THE SENIORS AND COLLEGE GUESTS. 8.00 P.M.—FINAL PLAY. Sunday, June 7 11.00 A.M.—BACCALAUREATE SERMON The Reverend William Henry Boddy, D.D., Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 5.00 P.M.—STEP SINGING. 6.00 P.M.—VESPERS, in the Dell, President Glass. 10.30 P.M.—LANTERN NIGHT. Monday, June 8 - Alumnae Day 1.00 P.M.—COLLEGE LUNCHEON FOR THE GRADUATES, ALUMNAE, FACULTY AND GUESTS. 2.00 P.M.—ALUMNAE MEETING, Fletcher Auditorium. 7.00 P.M.—ALUMNAE BANQUET FOR THE SENIORS, The Refectory. Tuesday, June 9 10.00 A.M.—COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES: ADDRESS, Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt. CONFERRING OF DEGREES. The Faculty and Senior Class of Sweet Briar College request the honor of your presence at their Twenty-seventh Commencement June sixth to ninth Nineteen thirty-six Sweet Briar, Virginia Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at