Catt, Carrie Chapman Speech, Article, Book File Article: "The Prohibition Referendum" Mrs. Catt - file 7-26-26 THE PROHIBITION REFERENDUM [As] The referendum is a matter which has come up since the state convention, and the New York L.W.V. has not taken action on it. This does not, however, mean that its members are not deeply interested in all the questions involved in it. They will be glad to have this frank statement of opinion from Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt given in her address at the Westchester County L.V.W.'s annual picnic. ".......The Democrats and Republicans who passed that referendum measure committed the nearest to a political crime that legislators can commit. They didn't have the courage to ask Congress directly to repeal the prohibition amendment nor to amend the Volstead act. They dared not even ask for a state referendum as to whether the Volstead act should be amended by Congress; but they put the resolution is so befuddled a way that its meaning is incomprehensible and must fool the voters. Congress will surely never do what the people of New York state ask, (if the referendum passes), because the Supreme Court would immediately declare the act void. However, if carried the word will go out all over the country that New York has [gone] voted wet and it was for these purposes of propaganda and not because they expected Congressional aclaim that the resolution was passed. "When the League of Women Voters was formed we had one ideal for the newly enfranchised women - that of education for citizenship coupled with getting out the vote. [Now] I now realize that there is a much higher task for the women. Women who are courageous and far-seeing can perform a [great] monumental service to their country by setting themselves solidly against the dodging of political issues and by the demand that there be clear, honest statements of interest on platforms. The party which dares violate party pledges should be punished by being put out of power [office as a punishment]. Ten years of such policy even if begun by a minority would make American parties [responsible and] honorably adhere to [uphold] their party platform. [and give us a] Political responsibility would be established and parties we could proudly serve, [would] clean and honest would come into being. Dear Goat. It gets improved as it travels. Perhaps if you return it a few times more it wil grow into an immortal Another Goat Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at