Anne Dickinson General Correspondence Forney, John W. 1881 & undated Elizabeth, NJ 8.2.81 My dear Mr. Forney, I thank you sincerely for your personal good will & its expression but in answer I have nothing to add to nor subtract from my Herald letter. I have nothing more to say to, nor to do in this country. Believe me to be always most truly yours Anna Dickinson“Progress” John W. Forney Editor & Proprietor. Philada. Pa. My dear Dickinson- I am clear, that if it is arranged [that] for your day and you to name your own audience, you should come on at once. The sentiment is too favorable to be changed by anybody. I saw Colonel Milhouse of the Times and he was very kind Yours truly J.W. Forney Miss A.E. Dickinson June 8, 1881 “Progress” John W. Forney Editor & Proprietor. Philada. Pa. March 14 My dear Anna- I am very anxious for your success in male [?] but think you should not attempt MacBeth. To Romeo,[?] of officio Mirabel,Hamlet, [you] Chance, [?] [?] & you [?] [?] This from Yours always J W Forney Miss Dickinson "PROGRESS" John W. Forney. Editor and Proprietor. S.W. Cor. 7th & Chestnut Sts. Philada: Pa Nov. 18 My dear Miss Dickinson. The fine article on your Aurelian was written by Mrs. A. S. Wolf, 2217 Locust St. in this city, one of my Progress Corps, and one of your sincerest admirers. It was her work, and tho'suggested by my own honest regard for you personally, and my high sense of your high gifts. The [credit?] of this critique is hers. Write her a line. She will be proud of it. I shall be honored by you letting me see you when you come home. Always J. W. Forney Miss Dickinson