Anna Dickinson [GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE] Habberton, John 1879-80“Herald” Office, 18/1/79 Dear Miss Dickinson, I regret to have been unable to personally use the tickets you so kindly sent me for your lecture last night, but my wife went and more than represented me. I trust that I need not tell you how heartily I like the subject and tone of your lecture. I wish you might deliver it at the churches of every town in the land. The [illegible] needs a new set of patrons, to help it become all it should be, and I can imagine assurer[?] way for it to push them than through the effort which you are now making, and which I don't doubt will be successful. Always Yours Sincerely, John HabbertonHerald, Sept. 19/80 Dear Mrs. Dickinson: Won't you drop in at my first dramatic funeral, in Brooklyn, this week? Tell me when, and I'll send you seats. With heartiest wishes for the success of the "American Girl," and hoping you've made yourself your heroine, I am as ever Sincerely Yours, John Habberton. Herald, N.Y., Sept. 28/80 Mr. Dan'l Frohman. Thanks for offer of tickets for Miss Dickinson's play. If you will send me three for Saturday night, which is my only "free" night of the week, I will be greatly obliged. And won't you please say to the lady that there's no other woman whom I so much want to have see my piece, and ask me when I can send her seats." Yours truly John Habberton [*Tickets sent as requested D.F.*] Sturtevant House New York 16.2.80 Dear Mr. Habberton Mr. Frohman has sent [me] round to me your very kind note. Thanks for what you said. Also thanks for what you offer. If it is not to late for tonight I think I would enjoy gazing at the "Deacon" while you inspect the"Girl" Only you are to be good enough to remember that I [have] had no opportunity to amend or inform the play at rehearsal & that Miss Davenport has transposed that both the lines & the business of the first act. Where I have the pleasure of seeing you & Mrs. Halverton you are to "tell me about it" [as I suppose you know I have never seen it] & to know her always faithfully yours Anna E Dickinson Perhaps this "G" can stop at the theater for a couple of tickets--will that save you trouble?