Anna Dickinson GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Sanders, John undatedNov 12th 18 Harrington Lq [?] Hampstead, M.A. My dear Friend I was so glad (?) receiving your letter short & unsatisfactory as it is. You say nothing of what you are to do this winter or why. Your Lecture on Mormonism is creating such a backlash, as on [dit ?] it is - I am also much pleased to find Mr. Pugh out again - Now as to your letter to Mr. Conway he has been most kind also Mrs Conway - I spent last evening there, was to have seen Millsbut did not. From all I hear it was well you do not reach England as a speaker for some time all is so different here - the Cause of Woman is favorably & silently progressing the great horror !! of the people interested is. how any woman should have her voice above the household whisper. This Mr. Conway impressed to me, adding they had. Miles - Taylor etc - had seriously consulted and pondered on the advisability of using your young & so earnest voice - in behalf of the Cause - [expressing?] but they concluded - in the present state of half repulse and whole disinclination it would injure & not afraid[?] so - you see. I tell you this if no one else does as I found it was told me to convey to you. I need a note from our friend in Cali etc M.B. Sevain he says you do not like Callafornia heresy-heresy. Why? Now for myself I have lodgings on a London (almost suburban) I guess I have Mother two orphaned Boys (respectively 8 &10.) A servant girl & myself I have been battling alone with the dramatic chimera. I am undoubtedlybut still the visionary impediment looms against my wish - I do not expect to play - plenty of offers but none that I could or would accept - Therefore I look to a quiet winter to accustom ourselves to the boys whose future lives are thrown on my care - having the children of my mothers niece I do not adopt them - but shall try & help them through this world - we expect to return home early in the Spring when I hope most lovingly to see you - has Pugh put me in his list for a reading or lecture Mr Bechers write that he had. Best regards to him My mother joins me in loving & your Mother remembrances & Sister Affectionately JM LanderSwampscott [?Shine] Cottage Aug. 21st My dear Miss Dickinson you arrive, always, as I leave Swampscott do let me see you = to day - Friday - a few young friends meet to play croquet with Miss Mary Farney of Phil Mrs Lahney & the young Ladies are here- Capt. James F - expected - as Colonel Lahney was compelled to return to Washington = It would give me additional pleasure to have you meet them (Mrs. F tells me - tho your townswomen, you have not met -& if sufficiently rested from your traveling. Come 3 o'clock Friday afternoon Mr. Coggeshall who is polite enough to convey this hastily written message to you. is with his family living near me. So he will I am sure bring me, any assurance of my seeing you - that you may wish to send - & furthermore tell you - that I go to NY on Monday. That I am buried in silks & dress makers - & that I am hurried to the top of my bent - but most desirous of seeing you Affectionately I M LanderDear Friend - Are you at home I told you, I should be busy. I am more than heavy overworked - Come tomorrow night to see Marie Antacristi then come on Tuesday & see me at E. No. 6 Girard House Very truly yours John Sander Sunday night. washed all day.Walnut St Theatres Admit party of four to Orchestra chairs Jean M Lander Oct 5th Monday No. 2 Bullfinch Place Boston Monday- [Mass] Dear [Miss] Dickenson Of course I am to blame but truly I am over worked & terribly tired in my nerves, I seize this day, having packed up to move to Newark & three other towns during the week then I go to Buffalo for one week (Address Theater) I've played a fearfully bad engagement here in Boston & endured — From the annoyances behind the curtains & I don't think I ever played better the worse the house the more I strove to realize Yes, write a play & let us see what we can do. Can you send me a list of your engagements. Theodore Tilton had been in Boston I should like to have seen him. Do you know Mrs Calhoun of N.Y. If you do not, you should. She spoke of you, the other day & your work. So exquisitely & lovingly you ought to be sympathetic How often I think of your Friend Miss Parnes. dont either forget me. Remember me both to your Mother & sister I still am looking forward to class The matter in the early summer. It is not improbable Mother will travel with me this winter. if I can make it easy to her. I do not wish to seperate from her if possible to avoid it= When I know my future movements I will write again. In the meantime believe me Your attached Friend John SandersMcPugh wrote me about playing Camielle at The Accadamy of Music Christmas 7 new year but in an[?]hilriny - I did not think it would play - except on the two holiday nights - have not heard from him yet.