Anna Dickinson Legal File Misc Legal Documents 1888-95New York Supreme Court No. 1507. New No. 505 Anna Dickinson, against Matthew S. Quay, James S. Clarkson, William W. Dud-ley, et al. Bliss & Sehley. 1888 Nov. 8, Served Summons & Complaint 27, Rec'd. Answer of defendants Matthew Quay, James S. Clark-son and William W. Dudley. Dec.24, Served and received Notice of Trial 1891. Feby. 12, Case marked for Oct. 1891. 10, Notice to Produce all letters etc. served by both sides. Dear Miss Dickinson:- The foregoing is a copy of the docket or record of the papers in the case. I have conferred with Mr. Hummel and he says he will move the case on the calendar on your request and it will be tried as soon as reached, and this [?] will probably be in April. He said he thinks you have a good case, -and seems confident of obtaining a judgement in your favor for the full amount claimed. Mr. Hummel seemed ready to move in the matter and push the case to a conclusion as soon as the law will permit. He is very willing to have me with him as Counsel. Write me, on receipt of this, a request that the case be put on the Calendar at once, and that you are not only able, but anx-ious to appear and testify. I will have it moved at once. I trust your journey to New York proved in many ways satisfac-tory, and hope you may live long, flourish and be happy. Very Sincerely Your friend, Warren [?] To Anna Dickinson Goshen, New York. New York Supreme Court No. 1507. New No. 505. Anna Dickinson, H. & H. against Matthew S. Quay, James S. Clarkson, William W. Dud- Bliss & Schley. ley, et al. 1888 Nov. 8, Served Summons & Complaint " 27, Rec'd. Answer of defendants Matthew Quay, James S. Clark- son and William W. Dudley. Dec. 24, Served and received Notice of Trial 1891. Feby. 12, Case marked for Oct. 1891. " 10, Notice to Produce all letters etc. served by both sides. Dear Miss Dickinson:- The foregoing is a copy of the docket or record of the papers in the case. I have conferred with Mr. Hummel and he says he will move the case on the calendar on your request and it will be tried as soon as reached, and this will probably be in April. He said he thinks you have a good case, - and seems confident of obtaining a judgment in your favor for the full amount claimed. Mr. Hummel seemed ready to move in the matter and push the case to a conclusion as soon as the law will permit. He is very willing to have me with him as Counsel. Write me, on receipt of this, a request that the case be put on the Calendar at once, and that you are not only able, but anxious to appear and testify. I will have it moved at once. I trust your journey to New York proved in many ways satisfactory, and hope you may live long, flourish and be happy. Very Sincerely Your friend, Warren Wrigley To Anna Dickinson Goshen, New York.(Copy) STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, DANVILLE, PA. Register No. 3561 Mar. 5th 1891. I hereby give notice to the Committee on Lunacy, that Anna E. Dickinson was admitted into this Hospital as a public patient on the 25th day of Feb'y and I hereby transmit a copy of the statements furnished at the time of said patient's reception. Subjoined is a statement of results of a medical examination made after the reception of the patient, with the opinion formed from the said examination, and from documents received at the time of the patient's admission. (Signed) S.S. Schultz M.D. Superintendent. I have this day seen and personally examined Anna E. Dickenson the patient mentioned in the above notice, and hereby certify that with respect to mental condition, Mania and with respect to bodily health and condition, impaired. (Signed) S.S. Schultz, M.D. Dated this 25th day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety one 1224 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, March 7th 1896. I certify that these are true copies of the original papers filed in this office- Henry M. Wetherill, M.D. Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy, of Pennsylvania (Copy) STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, DANVILLE, PA. Register No. 3561 April 3rd, 1891. I hereby give notice to the Committee on Lunacy, that Anna E. Dickenson a public patient, received into this Hospital on the 25th day of Feb'y 1891 was discharged therefrom improved by the authority of friends and overseers, on the 2nd day of April, 1891. (Signed) S.S. Schultz, M.D. 1224 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, March 7th 1896, I certify that this is a true copy of the original paper filed in this office. Henry M. Wetherill, M.D. Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy, of Pennsylvania.**This paper must be fully executed and ALL the information called for, accurately given. LUNACY LAW OF 1883. NOTE.--The certificate must be signed by at least two physicians and made within one week of the examination of the patient, and within two weeks of the time of the admission of the patient, and shall be duly sworn to or affirmed before a judge or magistrate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and of the county where such person has been examined, who shall certify to the genuineness of the signatures and to the standing and good repute of the signers. And any person falsely certifying as aforesaid shall be guilty of a misdemeaner and also be liable civily to the party aggrieved. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, residents of Pennsylvania, hereby certify that we have, within one week prior to the respective dates herein after mentioned at* West Pittston in the county of Luzerne separately examined Anna Elizabeth Dickenson of West Pittston, Lecturer and Actress and do verily believe that said Anna Elizabeth Dickenson is insane, and that the disease is of a character which, in our opinion, requires that the person shall be placed in a hospital or other establishment where the insane are detained for care and treatment. We further certify that we have been actually in the practice of medicine for at least five years, and that we are not related by blood or marriage to the said Anna Elizabeth Dickenson nor in any way connected as a medical attendant or otherwise with "THE STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, at Danville, Pennsylvania," into which it is proposed to place the aforesaid. Signed, G. Underwood, M.D. Residence, Pittston, Penn Dated this 25 day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Signed, James Oglesby, M.D. Residence, Dannville, Penn Dated this 25th day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. CERTIFICATE OF A MAGISTRATE OR JUDICIAL OFFICER. (The certificate of a Prothonotary or Notary Public cannot be accepted.) I, James Mantanye a Justice of the Peace of Luzerne county, of the State of Pennsylvania, do certify that the foregoing certificate was duly sworn affirmed to before me, by the above named G. Underwood M.D and # James Oglesby M.D on this 2nd day of March 1891, that the signatures thereto are genuine, and that the signers are physicians of good standing and repute. #Qualified by Wm. H. Bourn J. of P. Danville Pa. James Mantanye J.P. L.S. ORDER FOR THE RECEPTION OF THE ABOVE NAMED PATIENT. We, the undersigned, hereby request you to receive Ann Elizabeth Dickenson, an insane person, as a patient into "THE STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, at Danville, Pennsylvania," believing that such detention is necessary for her benefit. Subjoined is a statement respecting the said Ann Elizabeth Dickenson. Signed, J.S. Cortwright overseer of poor of W. Pittson. & J.S. Hileman, M.D. Physician to overseers of poor. Dated this 2nd day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. To the Superintendent of "THE STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, at Danville, Pennsylvania." *Insert street and number o the house, if any or like particulars. +Insert residence and profession or occupation, if any. ++One of these two words is to be crossed out. § Give the occupation of the signer or signers, and the degree of relationship or other circumstance of connection with the patient. True Copy. S.S.S.STATEMENT. (If any of the particulars called for here are not known, the fact is to be so stated.) 1. Name of patient, with christian name at length, 2. Sex and Age, 3. Residence for the past year, or so much thereof as is known, 4. Occupation, Trade or Employment, NAME IN FULL POST OFFICE COUNTY STATE 5. Parents, if living, if not, state the fact, Father, Mother, 6. Husband or Wife, (Given names, not simply numbers.) 7. Children, (Names, not simply numbers, are to be given.) 8. Brothers and Sisters, (Names are desired, not numbers alone.) 9. If not more than one of these classes is known, the names and residence of such of the next degree of relations as are known, 10. A statement of the time during which the insanity is supposed to have existed, (Copy) ORDER FOR THE RECEPTION OF [A] the above named PATIENT. [I] We the undersigned, hereby request you to receive Anna E. Dickenson an insane person, as a patient into the [State Hospital for the Insane] State HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE; ^at Danville, Pennsylvania believing that such detention is necessary for her benefit. Subjoined is a statement respecting the said Anna E. Dickenson. J. S. Courtwright, J. S. Hileman, M. D. Occupation, physician, Pittston, Penna. Degree of relationship (if any) or other circumstances of connection with the patient} none. Dated this 2nd day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety one To the [Board of Managers] Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville, Pennsylvania. _________ Certificate of Physicians. We, the undersigned, residents of Pennsylvania, hereby certify that we have, within one week prior to the respective dates hereinafter mentioned, at Danville, Pa. and West Pittston, county of Montour in the County of Luzerne separately examined Anna E. Dickenson of West Pittston, Lecturer and Actress and do verily believe that the said Anna E. Dickenson is insane, and that the disease is of a character which, in our opinion, requires that the person shall be placed in a hospital or other establishment where the insane are detained for care and treatment. [half of page covered by a typed letter] (Copy) State of Pennsylvania:) s.s. ) County of Luzerne.) On this 2nd day of March A.D. 1891 before me, a Justice of the Peace, in and for the County aforesaid, personally came G. Underwood, M.D. above named who acknowledged in due form the foregoing as his certificate, and his signature thereto as genuine, and who being duly sworn, does depose and say that the facts set forth therein are correct and true; and I do hereby certify to the genuineness of the said signature and to the respectability of the above named signer. Witness my hand and seal the day and year last above named. Jas. Mantanyo, J.P. *This certificate must be sworn or affirmed to before a Judge, Magistrate or Alderman; a Notary Public is not authorized to do so. __________________________________________ 1224 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, March 7th 1896. I certify that this is a true copy of this original paper filed in this office. Henry M. Wetherill, M.D. Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy, of Pennsylvania. (Copy) ORDER FOR THE RECEPTION OF [A] the above named PATIENT. [I] We the undersigned, hereby request you to receive Anna E. Dickenson an insane person, as a patient into the State [Hospital for the Insane] HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE; at Danville. Pennsylvania believing that such detention is necessary for her benefit. Subjoined is a statement respecting the said Anna E. Dickenson. J. S. Courtwright, J. S. Hileman, M. D. Occupation physician, Pittston, Penna. Degree of relationship (if any) or other} circumstances of connection with the patient,} none. Dated this 2nd day of March one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one To the [Board of Managers] Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville. Pennsylvania. CERTIFICATE OF PHYSICIANS. We, the undersigned, residents of Pennsylvania, hereby certify that we have, within one week prior to the respective dates hereinafter mentioned, at Danville, Pa. and West Pittston, county of Montour in the County of Luzerne separately examined Anna E. Dickenson of West Pittston, Lecturer and Actress and do verily believe that the said Anna E. Dickenson is insane, and that the disease is of a character which, in our opinion, requires that the person shall be placed in a hospital or other establishment where the insane are detained for care and treatment. We further certify that we have been actually in the practice of medicine for at least five years, and that we are not related by blood or marriage to the said Anna E. Dickenson nor in any way connected, as a medical attendant or otherwise, with the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville, Pennsylvania. [or other establishment] in which it is proposed to place the aforesaid. G. Underwood M. D. Residence, Pittston, Penna. Dated this 25th day of Feb. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. James Oglesby M. D. Residence, Danville, Penna. Dated this 25th day of Feb. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. CERTIFICATE OF A JUDGE OR MAGISTRATE* I, William H. Bourn a Justice of the Peace of Montour County, of the State of Pennsylvania, do certify that the foregoing certificate was duly sworn: affirmed to before me, by the above-named Jas. Oglesby, M. D. and on this 26th day of Feb. 1891; that the signatures thereto are genuine, and that the signers are physicians of good standing and repute. Wm H. Bourn J. P. [SEAL] *Not to be certified by a Notary Public. *This certificate must be sworn or affirmed to before a Judge, Magistrate or Alderman; a Notary Public is not authorized to do so. __________________________________________ 1224 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, March 7th 1896. I certify that this is a true copy of the original paper filed in this office. Henry M. Wetherill, M. D. Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy, of Pennsylvania.(Copy) STATEMENT. (If any particulars in this Statement be not known, the fact to be stated.) Questions Answers 1. Name of patient, with Christian name at length. Anna Elizabeth Dickenson 2. Sex, age and nativity. Female - 48 years. 3. Residence for the past year, or so much thereof as is known. West Pittston, Penn. 4. Occupation, trade or employment. Lecturer and Actress. 5. Names of parents, if living. Dead. 6. Name of husband or wife. single. 7. Names of children. 8. Names of brothers and sisters, and the residences of each of these persons. John Dickenson, Los Angeles, Cal. Susan E. Dickenson. Pittston, Luz. Pa. 9. If not more than one of these classes is known, the names and residences of such of the next degree of relation as are known. 10. Name and address of all medical attendants of the patient during the last two years. Thos. M. Johnson. Pittston, Luz. Co. Pa. S. E. Agar. 720 Broad St. Phila. J.S. Hileman. Pittston. Luz. Co. Pa. 11. A statement of the time at which the insanity has been supposed to exist, and the circumstances that induce the belief that insanity exists. From Feb. 19th. 1891. Delusions and refusal of food and medicine.N.Y. Supreme Court. City and County of New York. Anne E. Dickinson, Plaintiff, against The Goshen Sanitarium Company, Defendant. Goshen, N.Y. February 10th., 1893. Received from the plaintiff in the above entitled action, the sum of Thirty-nine dollars and forty-eight cents, being in full for my fees, expenses, &c., upon the execution of the replevin process in the above entitled action. And I hereby certify, that I have actually delivered over to the plaintiff all the property mentioned and described in the affidavit, which I was able to take under the replevin process, a statement of which has been furnished to the plaintiff. J.K. Alexander Sheriff By D. Fullerton His DeputyGRAND JURORS. NAME. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. COUNTY. Bridge, Henry Merchant Tailor, Clearfield, Clearfield . Campbell, Geo. W. Merchant, Normalville, Fayette. Elliott, S. E. Minister, Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland. Flinn, Ora L. Lawyer, Erie, Erie. Guignon, Jos. A. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Henderson, Robert A. Lawyer, Altoona, Blair. Hay, Samuel W. Broker, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Ikeler, Frank Lawyer, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mervine, M. P. Lawyer, Altoona, Blair. Morgan, John L. Broker, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Mates, James B. Lawyer, Butler, Butler. McCarty, D. F. Merchant, Eldredville, Sullivan. McCormick, E. C. Carpenter, Ingram, Allegheny. Pender, Thos. A. Tipstaff, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Petty, John M. Lawyer, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Painter, John P. Bank Teller, Kittanning, Armstrong. Rogers, George. Minister, Ridgway, Elk. Randall, Chas. E. Publisher, Catawissa, Columbia. Strahley, Charles Merchant, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Van Fleet, Solomon Gentleman, Williamsport, Lycoming. Straus, Jacob. Merchant, Erie, Erie. Tate, Humphrey D. Lawyer, Bedford, Bedford. Wykoff, B. V. Associate Judge, Emporium, Cameron. ________________________________________________________________________ PETIT JURORS NAME. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. COUNTY Bradley, Chas. D. Clerk, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Brown, Aaron Miller, Tunkhannock, Wyoming. Blackburn, Cyrus W. Farmer, Point, Bedford. Bradford, Thomas Ins. Agent, New Brighton, Beaver. Brandner, Joseph Police Magistrate, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Baker, J. R. W. Lawyer, Mercer, Mercer. Corbett, W. S. Ins. Agent, New Bethlehem, Clarion. Cooper, W. J. Minister, Butler, Butler. Coblens, Isidor Gentleman, Allegheny, Allegheny. Caskey, W. J. Merchant, Pittsburg, Allegheny. Colborn, L. C. Lawyer, Somerset, Somerset. Coe, S. W. Mayor, Parker, Armstrong. Cargill, M. W. Teacher, Great Bend, Susquehanna. Cameron, David Lawyer, Wellsboro, Tioga. Dilliner, E. S. Potter, Greensboro, Greene. Farnsworth, George Lumberman, Ulysses, Potter. Freeman, A. A. Lawyer, Erie, Erie. Fullerton, Rush Lawyer, Kittanning, Armstrong. Griffith, Geo. P. Lawyer, Erie, Erie. Hazzard, Vernon Law Student, Monongahela City, Washington. Hall, J. K. P. Lawyer, St. Marys, Elk. Henry, W. M. Editor, Kittanning, Armstrong. Holloway, W. K. Merchant, Danville, Montour. Howell, George D. Lawyer, Uniontown, Fayette. Hardin, Jackson Farmer, Point Marion, Fayette. Jermyn, John J. Coal Operator, Scranton, Lackawanna. Kerr, J. W. Gentleman, Mercer, Mercer. Keiffer, A. R. Minister, Bradford, McKean. Lowry, Chas. S. Liveryman, Butler, Butler. Landis, A. S. Lawyer, Hollidaysburg, Blair. Moore, Harry L. Lawyer, Erie, Erie. Mellon, E. D. Merchant, Freedom, Beaver. Mussina, Henry Merchant, Cowan, Union. McVay, W. J. Carpenter, Pittsburg, Allegheny. McNabb, Kirk Merchant, New Castle, Lawrence. Miller, James Farmer, Grant Boro, Lawrence. Neel, Hiram M. Farmer, Oak Church, Allegheny. Rosenkraus, Allen H. Editor, Penfield, Clearfield. Sloan, J. Logan Farmer, McConnellsburg, Fulton. Schaefer, W. H. Bank Teller, Ingram, Allegheny. Schoch, Henry Farmer, Selins Grove, Snyder. Trout, Daniel Farmer, McConnellsburg, Fulton. Tonkin, Vincent Lumberman, Grant, Indiana. Van Reed, J. Bookkeeper, Reynoldsville, Jefferson. Vandyke, Hiram Farmer, Slate Lick, Armstrong. Wellendorf, B. E. Railroad Supt. St. Marys, Elk. Wilmarth, Frank. Editor, St. Marys, Elk. Wonders, Daniel M. Teacher, New Paris, Bedford.List of Jurors For the adjourned March Term, 1895, of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, commencing at Scranton, on Monday, the 25th day of March, 1895, before Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, Judge. JUDGES: Hon. GEORGE SHIRAS, Jr., Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court. Hon. MARCUS W. ACHESON, Judge, United States Circuit Court. Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, Judge, United States District Court. [*cha? March 8. 1890*] OFFICERS: HARRY ALVAN HALL, United States District Attorney. JOHN W. WALKER, United States Marshal. WILLIAM T. LINDSEY, Clerk, United State District Court. A.J. COLBORN, Jr., Deputy Clerk.GRAND JURORS Name. Occupation. Residence. County. A.M. Atherton, Merchant, Oliphant, Lackawanna. F.J. Bean, Farmer, Jamestown, Mercer. H.H. Cummings, Oil Operator, Tidioute, Warren. H.S. Calvert, Reporter, Etna, Allegheny. Jerome Chatley, Farmer, Milledgeville, Mercer. Thos. P. Duffy, Reporter, Scranton, Lackawanna. Enoch Hart, Gentleman, Needmore, Fulton. John W. Harris, Alderman, Lock Haven, Clinton. S.S. Jackson, Lumberman, Brookville, Jefferson. Rich. V.B. Lincoln, Farmer, Laurelton, Union. Harry A. Meredith, Clerk, Crafton, Allegheny. McConnell Miller, Farmer, Tarentum, Allegheny. W.A. McGeehan, Physician, Centre Hall, Centre. V.K. McElhaney, Real Estate Agt., Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Burt Oleson, Farmer, Condersport, Potter. W.W. Parker, Law Student, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. C.F. Patterson, Law Student, Allegheny, Allegheny. C.H. Stevenson, Farmer, Moon, Allegheny. MacD. Skinner, Editor, McConnellsburg, Fulton. Geo. H. Treush, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Reuben Thrash, Farmer, Colly, Sullivan. Thos. A. Watson, Clerk, Sewickley, Allegheny. George Weis, Merchant, St. Marys, Elk. PETIT JURORS Name. Occupation. Residence. County. Cornelius Asbury, Minister, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. John Q.A. Boyd, Painter, West Middletown, Washington. Wm. J. Burrell, Farmer, Rote, Clinton. J.W. Carghill, Farmer, Jackson, Susquehanna. W.L. Chalfant, Attorney, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Chas. S. Clarke, Postmaster, Erie, Erie. Peter S. Duncan, Gentleman, Hollidaysburg, Blair. P.M. Dunkle, Jury Commissioner, Lawsonham, Clarion. Francis Donohoe, Farmer, Bean's Cove, Bedford. Jno. E. Davidson, Vice Prest. P.R.R. Co., Pittsburgh, Allegheny. W.L. Dalgliesh, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Guy C. Davies, Attorney, Towanda, Bradford. W.F. Elkins, Law Student, Indiana, Indiana. Fred. Embick, Gentleman, Williamsport, Lycoming. Isaac Freese, Manager, East Brady, Clarion. Charles M. Fee, Clerk, Uniontown, Fayette. John D. France, Hotel Keeper, West Middletown, Washington. John J. Green, Merchant, McCrays, Forest. John J. Hill, Minister, Washington, Washington. Erastus Hoffman, Gentleman, Sunbury, Northumberland. Geo. L. Holton, Farmer, Cochranton, Crawford. Jesse L. Hartman, Manager, Hollidaysburg, Blair. J.C. Harper, Insurance Agent, Bellefonte, Centre. Ernest E. Jones, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. J.P. Keys, Clerk, Brookville, Jefferson. W.E. Lane, Attorney, Towanda, Bradford. O.M. Miller, Purchasing Agent, Edgewood, Allegheny. G.W. Merrick, Attorney, Wellsboro, Tioga. W.H. Madden, Farmer, Orbisonia, Huntingdon. J.B. Mates, Attorney, Butler, Butler. W.E. McCrea, Minister, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. H. Elliott McBride, Farmer, Cliff Mine, Allegheny. M.J. McMahon, Grocer, Ingram, Allegheny. C.L. McGuire, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. W.T. Norton, Superintendent, Franklin, Venango. Henry Neff, Miller, Neff's Mills, Huntingdon. Thos. D. Nash, Clerk, Uniontown, Fayette. James L. Ruffner, Salesman, Uniontown, Fayette. W.P. Stowell, Carpenter, Avalon, Allegheny. H.A. Swan, [friend], Justice of the Peace, Coalport, Clearfield. A. Scanlon, Jr., Detective, Scranton, Lackawanna. Oliver J. Sarver, Contractor, Hyde Park, Westmoreland. Miles Smith, Banker, Reimersburg, Clarion. Michael Trump, Asst. Supt., Edgewood, Allegheny. Geo. H. Welshons, Editor, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Paul E. Wirt, Manufacturer, Bloomsburg, Columbia. W.D. Wilkins, Accountant, Pittsburg, Allegheny. [Page 80] [lu? page 19-21]List of Jurors For the adjourned March Term, 1895, of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, commencing at Scranton, on Monday, the 25th day of March, 1895, before Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, Judge. JUDGES: Hon. GEORGE SHIRAS, Jr., Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court. Hon. MARCUS W. ACHESON, Judge, United States Circuit Court. Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, Judge, United States District Court. OFFICERS: HARRY ALVAN HALL, United States District Attorney. JOHN W. WALKER, United States Marshal. WILLIAM T. LINDSEY, Clerk, United States District Court. A. J. COLBORN, JR., Deputy Clerk.GRAND JURORS. NAME. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. COUNTY. A. M. Atherton, Merchant, Oliphant, Lacakawanna. F. J. Bean, Farmer, Jamestown, Mercer. H. H. Cummings, Oil Operator, Tidioute, Warren. H. S. Calvert, Reporter, Etna, Allegheny. Jerome Chatley, Farmer, Milledgeville, Mercer. Thos. P. Duffy, Reporter, Scranton, Lackawanna. Enoch Hart, Gentleman, Needmore, Fulton. John W. Harris, Alderman, Lock Haven, Clinton. S. S. Jackson, Lumberman, Brookville, Jefferson. Rich, V. B. Lincoln, Farmer, Laurelton, Union. Harry A. Meredith, Clerk, Crafton, Allegheny. McConnell Miller, Farmer, Tarentum, Allegheny. W. A. McGeehan, Physician, Centre Hall, Centre. V. K. McElhaney, Real Estate Agt., Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Burt Oleson, Farmer, Condersport, Potter. W. W. Parker, Law Student, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. C. F. Patterson, Law Student, Allegheny, Allegheny. C. H. Stevenson, Farmer, Moon, Allegheny. MacD. Skinner, Editor, McConnellsburg, Fulton. Geo. H. Treush, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Reuben Thrash, Farmer, Colly, Sullivan. Thos. A. Watson, Clerk, Sewickley, Allegheny. George Weis, Merchant, St. Marys, Elk. -------------------------------------------------------- PETIT JURORS. NAME. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. COUNTY. Cornelius Asbury, Minister, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. John Q. A. Boyd, Painter, West Middletown, Washington. Wm. J. Burrell, Farmer, Rote, Clinton. J. W. Carghill, Farmer, Jackson, Susquehanna. W. L. Chalfant, Attorney, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Chas. S. Clarke, Postmaster, Erie, Erie. Peter S. Duncan, Gentleman, Hollidaysburg, Blair. P. M. Dunkle, Jury Commissioner, Lawsonham, Clarion. Francis Donohoe, Farmer, Bean's Cove, Bedford. Jno E. Davidson, Vice Prest. P. R. R. Co. Pittsburgh, Allegheny. W. L. Dalgliesh, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Guy C. Davies, Attorney, Towanda, Bradford. W. F. Elkins, Law Student, Indiana, Indiana. Fred. Embick, Gentleman, Williamsport, Lycoming. Isaac Freese, Manager, East Brady, Clarion. Charles M. Fee, Clerk, Uniontown, Fayette. John D. France, Hotel Keeper, West Middletown, Washington. John J. Green, Merchant, McCrays, Forest. James G. Heading, Physician, Academia, Juniata. John J. Hill, Minister, Washington, Washington. Erastus Hoffman, Gentleman, Sunbury, Northumberland. Geo. L. Holton, Farmer, Cochranton, Crawford. Jesse L. Hartman, Manager, Hollidaysburg, Blair. J. C. Harper, Insurance Agent, Bellefonte, Centre. Ernest E. Jones, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny J. P. Keys, Clerk, Brookville, Jefferson. W. E. Lane, Attorney, Towanda, Bradford. O. M. Miller, Purchasing Agent, Edgewood, Allegheny. G. W. Merrick, Attorney, Wellsboro, Tioga. W. H. Madden, Farmer, Orbisonia, Huntingdon. J. B. Mates, Attorney, Butler, Butler. W. E. McCrea, Minister, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. H. Elliott McBride, Farmer, Cliff Mine, Allegheny. M. J. McMahon, Grocer, Ingram, Allegheny. C. L. McGuire, Clerk, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. W. T. Norton, Superintendent, Franklin, Venangro. Henry Neff, Miller, Neff's Mills, Huntingdon. Thos. D. Nash, Clerk, Smethport, McKean. James L. Ruffner, Salesman, Uniontown, Fayette. W. P. Stowell, Carpenter, Avalon, Allegheny. H. A. Swan, Justice of the Peace, Coalport, Clearfield. A. Scanlon, Jr., Detective, Scranton, Lackawanna. Oliver J. Sarver, Contractor, Hyde Park, Westmoreland. Miles Smith, Banker, Reimersburg, Clarion. Michael Trump, Asst. Supt., Edgewood, Allegheny. Geo. H. Welshons, Editor, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. Paul E. Wirt, Manufacturer, Bloomsburg, Columbia. W. D. Wilkins, Accountant, Pittsburgh, Allegheny. (Friend)United States, Western District of Pennsylvania.} sct. The President of the United States, to Jessie Winterstein W.B MeredithM.D. And bring with you the certificates of the physicians relating to the mental condition of Annie E. Dickinson, on which certificates Annie E. Dickinson was received in your institution, together with the oaths attached thereto, and the certificates of the magistrates as to the genuineness of the signatures of the said physicians and their standing, and the writing signed by the person or persons at whose instance Annie E. Dickinson was received by your institution, and also the written statements received by your institution required by the 21st. Section of the Act of Assembly approved 8th May, 1883, P. L. 21, and also the Admission Book showing when Annie E. Dickinson was admitted into your institution, the Discharge Book showing when she was discharged and the Case Book containing all the facts bearing on the case, and the Medical Journal containing written statements of her condition. on Monday, March 25th 1895 [*Tuesday 26th*] then and there to testify, all and singular, those MATTERS AND THINGS which you shall know in a certain cause now depending in the said Court, and undetermined, between Anna E. Dickinson, Plaintiff, and John Courtwright et al, Defendants on the part of the said Plaintiff And hereof fail not, UNDER THE PENALTY OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Witness the Honorable [MORRISON R. WAITE] Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Scranton, this 14th day of March A. D. 1895 and in the 119th Year of the Independence of the United States. A. J. Colborn, Jr., Deputy Clerk.UNITED STATES,} Western District of Pennsylvania.} sct. Thomas- Pittston Ruggles- [do] E. Davies- West Pittston Baldwin- Plymouth McDonald- WB The President of the United States, to Jessie Winterstein, W. B. Meredith M. D. J. [A.] Thomas, Homer Ruggles, [Electra?] Davis, [Fanny Davis, struck through] (in New York), John Baldwin (DL&W) Louisa McDonald, (99 Daisy Lane) WE COMMAND YOU, That laying aside all manner of business (M M [?]) and excuses whatsoever, you personally be and appear before our Judges (Longs) of the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, at a Session of the same Court, to be holden at the City of Scranton, on Monday, March 25th 1895 [Tuesday 26th, encircled] then and there to testify, all and singular, those MATTERS AND THINGS which you shall know in a certain cause now depending in the said Court, and undetermined, between Anna E. Dickinson, Plaintiff, and John Courtwright et al, Defendants on the part of the said Plaintiff And hereof fail not, UNDER THE PENALTY OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Witness the Honorable [written in: ^ Melville W. Fuller] [scratched out: Morrison R. Waite], Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Scranton, this 14th day of March A.D. 1895 and in the 119th Year of the Independence of the United States. A.J. Colborn, [Jr]., Deputy Clerk. And bring with you the certificates of the physicians rela the mental condition of Annie K. Dickinson on which certa Annie E. Dickinson was received in your institution, toget the oaths attached thereto, and the certificates of the ma as to the genuineness of the signatures of the said physic their standing, and the writing signed by the person or per whose instance Annie E. Dickinson was received by your inst and also the written statements received by your institutio required by the 21st. Section of the Act of Assembly approv Mar. 1853, P. L. 21, and also the Admission Book showing whe E. Dickinson was admitted into your institution, the Discha Book showing when she was discharged and the Case Book cont all the facts bearing on the case, and the Medical Journal ing written statements of her condition.Luzerne County S.S. I hereby return that I served this Subpoena on the 21st March 1895, on —J.A. Thomas - Homer Ruggles - Electra Davies - John Baldwin and on the 22nd March 1985 on Louisa McDonald, witnesses therein named, personally on each by producing to them the original and informing them of the Contents thereof. So answers J.A. Merrick Gustav Hahn Fees $3.15 United States Commissioner Sworn and Subscribed before me the 23rd day of March AD 1895 Gustav Hahn United States Commissioner No. 2 March Term, 1893 Anna E. Dickinson vs. John Courtwright et al Subpoena. UNITED STATES,} Western District of Pennsylvania.} sct. The President of the United States, to Jessie [Winter Stein?] and H.B. Meredith M.D. WE COMMAND YOU, That laying aside all manner of business and excuses whatsoever, you personally be and appear before our Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, at a Session of the same Court, to be holden at the City of Scranton, on Monday, March 25th 1895 then and there to testify, all and singular, those MATTERS AND THINGS which you shall know in a certain cause now depending in the said Court, and undetermined, between Anna E. Dickinson, Plaintiff, and Gideon Underwood, Defendant, on the part of the said Plaintiff And hereof fail not, UNDER THE PENALTY OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Witness the Honorable Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Scranton, this 14th day of March A.D. 1895 and in the 119th Year of the Independence of the United States. Signed A.G. Colborn, [Jr]., Deputy ClerkMo, 3 March Term, 1893 Anna E. Dickinson vs. Gideon Underwood SUBPOENA.UNITED STATES,} Western District at Pennsylvania.} sct. The President of the United States, to Jessie Winterstein WE COMMAND YOU, That laying aside all manner of business and excuses whatsoever, you personally be and appear before our Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, at a Session of the same Court, to be holden at the City of Scranton, on Monday, March 25th 1895 then and there to testify, all and singular, those MATTERS AND THINGS which you shall know in a certain cause now depending in the said Court, and undetermined, between Anna E. Dickinson, Plaintiff, and James Oglesby, Defendant, on the part of the said Plaintiff And hereof fail not, UNDER THE PENALTY OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Witness the Honorable [MORRISON R. WAITE] Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Scranton, this 14th day of March A.D. 1895 and in the 119th Year of Independence of the United States. A.J. Colborn, Jr., Deputy ClerkMo, 4 March Term, 1893 Anna E. Dickinson vs. James Oglesby SUBPOENA.[*9th paper printed form*] State of Pennsylvania} County of Philadelphia s.s.}[*affidavit (notary)*] I, William B. Mann, Prothonotary of the County of Philadelphia and Clerk of the Courts of Common Pleas of Said County, Which are Courts of Record, having a common seal, being the office authorized by the laws of the State of Pennsylvania to make the following certificate, do certify, that Henry C Huey Esquire before whom the annexed oath or affirmation was made, was at the time of so doing a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in the County of Philadelphia, duly commissioned and qualified to administer oaths and affirmations and to take acknowledgements and proofs of Deeds or Conveyance for lands, tenements, and hereditaments in said State of Pennsylvania and to all whose acts, as such, full faith and credit are and ought to be given, as well in Courts of Judicature as elsewhere, and that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Notary Public and verily believe his signature thereto is genuine,and that said oath or affirmation purports to be taken in all respects as required by the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania. In testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of Said Court this 2 d - day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. William H. Mann Prothonotary, [*Court of Common Pleas. Philadelphia Penna. eagle shield xxx*] - 4 - [*10th paper*] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania} City and County of Philadelphia} S.S. On this 2nd day of June, 1893, Personally came before me Thomas G. Morton M.D. to me known and known to me to be the person who subscribed the above certificate and known to me to be the President of the Committee of Lunacy of the Board of Public Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and took oath to the trust of the matters therein set forth: Henry C. Huey Notary Public. [1 &’s] seal.I the Chairman of such Committee aforesaid duly appointed and qualified as such under & pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In witness whereof I have hereunto placed my hand and affixed the Seal of Such Committee, at the City of Philadelphia, County of Philadelphia and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, this the 1st day of June, 1893. Henry M. Wetherill M.D. Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy of the State Board of Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. [*State Committee on Lunacy x Philadelphia x eagle [?] Seal*] Mem: These papers bound in together & the two blue ribbons shut under the seals. _______________ _______________ -2.- (7th) [Servants] paper. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania} City and County of Philadelphia} S.S. on this 2nd day of June, 1893, Personally came before me Henry M. Wetherill M.D to me known to be the person who authorized the above certificate [*and known to me*] known by me to be the Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy of theBoard of Public Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and took oath to the truth of the matters therein set forth 7th paper - 2 - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania} City and County of Philadelphia} S.S. On this 2nd day of June, 1893 Personally came before me Henry M. Wetherill, M.D., to me known and known to me to be the person who subscribed the above certificate and known to me to be the Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Public Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and took oath to the truth of the matters therein set forth. Henry C. Huey Notary Public [* Henry C. Huey Notary Public Philadelphia Pa Eagle x Shield*] ————————————— (8th) paper) eighth) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania} City and County of Philadelphia} S.S. Be it known that I, Thomas G. Morton M.D., Chairman of the Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Public Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Do Hereby Certify that, Henry M. Wetherill, M.D., is the lawful Secretary of such Board having in his custody and possession according to law the records of such Board, & duly authorized by law to certify to its records & copies thereof, & that the signature herein before annexed to his certificate is his genuine signature and that the seal therewith affixed is the official seal of such Committee. Dated City & County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania June 1st 1893. [*Thomas G. Morton, M.D. Chairman of the Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Public Charities. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania*]U.S. Superior Court Anna E Dickinson Plff Against Press Publishing Company Deft. Certified Copy Records of Penn State Board of Lunacy. Plate & Bowers Counsellors at Law 54 William Street New York City. [*The Seal of the Com. is stamped on each piece of paper. Com. Seal stamped*] (no "Copy" marked) State of Pennsylvania} County of Luzerne} S.S. Jas [?] [*S.S.*] a written paper. pasted on. Note Rule 25,[*Case book to be kept in.*] ===== 19 the physician keeping, or residing in, or visiting, any house, or place, subject to the provisions of the Lunacy Law shall, from time to time, make entries in the "Case Book", of the mental state, & bodily condition of each patient, together with a correct description of the medicine & other remedies prescribed for the treatments of his or her disorder, after form (M); the Committees of Lunacy may (whenever they may deem proper) require, by an order, such physicians to transmit to them a correct copy of the entries, or entry, in any Case Book, relative to the case of any insane patient who is or may have been confirmed in any such house or place. ==== [*Medical} Journal to} be kept in} & entries to} be made} every week.}*] ====== 20 In every house or place, subject to the provisions of the Lunacy Law, the Medical officer thereof shall, once in every week, enter in the "Medical Journal," a statement according to form (N.) showing the number of patients, of each sex, then in such institution ====== Form M. Case Book The Medical Case Book to be kept in every licensed house & hospital shall be in the form or manner hereinafter mentioned, & shall contain the following particulars (to be amplified in cases which appear to call for more extended details.) viz: First. a statement of the name, age, sex, & previous occupation of the patient, & whether he is married, single, or widowed.Second. An accurate description of the external appearance of the patient upon admission, of the habit of body & temperament; appearance of eyes, expression of countenance, & any peculiarity in the form of the head; physical state of the vascular & respiratory organs, & of the abdominal viscera, & their respective functions; state of the pulse, tongue, skin, urine, &c; & the presence or absence, on admission, of bruises or other injuries to be noted. Third. A description to be given of the phenomena of mental disorder; the manner & period of the attack, with a minute account of the symptoms, & the changes produced in the patient's temper or disposition; specifying whether the malady displays itself by any, & what, illusions or by irrational conduct, or morbid or dangerous habits, or propensities; whether it has occasioned any failure of memory or understanding, or is connected with epilepsy, or ordinary paralysis, or symptoms of general paralysis, such as tremulous movements of the tongue, defect of articulation, or weakness or unsteadiness of gait. Fourth. Every particular to be entered which can be obtained respecting the previous history of the patient; what are believed to have been the predisposing & exciting causes of the attack; what the previous habits, active or sedentary, temperate or otherwise; whether the patient has experienced any former attacks, & if so, at what periods; whether any relatives have been subject to insanity; & whether the present attack has been preceded by any premonitory symptoms, such asrestlessness, unusual elevation or depressions of spirits, or any remarkable deviation from ordinary habits & conduct; & whether the patient has undergone any, & what previous treatment, or has been subject to personal restraint. Fifth. During the first month after admission, entries to be made at least once in every week, & oftener when the nature of the case requires it. Afterwards, in recent or curable cases, entries to be made at least once in every month; & in chronic cases, subject to little variation, once in every three months. In all cases an accurate record to be kept of the medicine administered, & other remedies employed, with the results, & also of all injuries & accidents. That the several particulars, hereinbefore required to be recorded, or set forth in a manner so clear & distinct as to admit of being easily referred to, & extracted, whenever the Committee shall so require. That a copy of this order be inserted at the commencement of the case book. ===== 21 The Com to inspect every part &c, & see every patient &c. ————— 24 Upon every visit of the Com. their Sec. or visitors xx There shall be laid before them by the Supt xx a list of all the patients xx (distinguishing indigent, male & female V specifying such as are deemed curable) & also the several books required to be kept by the proprietor, whetheror the medical attendants under the provisions of each, act &c 25 The Com on L. their Sec., or visitors visiting any house or place coming under the provisions thereof, shall carefully consider, & give attention to, the state of mind of any patient therein confined, as to the propriety of whose detention they shall have doubt (or to whose sanity their attention shall be specially called,) & shall, if they shall think that the insanity of such patient is doubtful, & that the propriety of his or her detention require further consideration, make and sign a minute thereof in the Case Book of such house, & send a true & perfect copy of every such minute to the proprietor, or superintendent of such house; & if such inspection have been made by the County visitors, a copy of said minute shall be sent immediately to the Com. on Lunacy. =========Commonwealth of Pennsylvania} City and County of Philadelphia} S.S.: Be it known that I, Henry M. Wetherill, M.D., Secretary of the Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Public Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its legal and public office in the City and County of Philadelphia, wherein are deposited its records, kept according to and pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, whereof I am the lawful and duly appointed and qualified custodian, having as such the same in my custody and possession and authorized by the law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to duly certify copies of the same, Do Hereby Certify that I have as such Secretary aforesaid compared the above & foregoing with the original record in my possession, as aforesaid, and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original thereof. And I do further certify that Thomas G. Morton M.D. of the City and County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,(Lunacy) Certificate of Physicians. (in the County of Montour & Luzerne) Lunacy Law of 1883. then Certificate of Magistrate Wm. H. Bourne. Sworn to by Jas. Oglesby— Signatures are physicians of good standing & repute. Wm. H. Bourne J.P. (Seal) reverse has Order for the Reception of a Patient & Statement Signed by John Hileman Mem: Note the rule at bottom of signatures of order & statement. Mem: This makes two leaves the half leaf of Mantanyo & the one leaf with the four papers. ===== The (3) third paper tied is as Schultz paper of detention. ——— The (4th) fourth is—Extract from the Secretary's report containing a reference and the entire & only reference therein to the case of Miss Anna Dickinson, Confined at State Hospital for Insane at Danville. Committee Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Thomas G. Morton, M.D. Philadelphia Chairman. Henry M. Boris, Scranton Committee on Lunacy George I. McLeod, M.D., Philadelphia, Board of the Public Charities Thomas W. Barlow, Philadelphia, James B. Scott, Pittsburg, Office 1420 Chestnut St. Henry M. Wetherill, M.D. Phila. Secretary Philadelphia, Pa, March 26, 1891 Secretary's Report, To the State Committee on Lunacy, Gentlemen: ............................ ....On March 19th, Mr. Barlow, accompanied by the Secretary, officially visited the Danville State Hospital, and examined into the mental condition of Miss Anna E Dickinson, and indigent patient. She ismanifestly insane suffering from acute mania with delusions of persecution and suspicion. At her request, the Committee forwarded her sealed communication to her legal advisers, Messrs. Howe & Hummell of New York, as well as copies of her paper of commitment and other papers relative to her hospital detention, filed in this office. The Committee feel satisfied of the necessity for her detention in an hospital, and with the quality of her care in the Danville Institution............ Respectfully Submitted Henry M. Wetherill M.D. Secretary. Mem!- (This is type written, with the Respectfully submitted Henry M. Wetherill MD Secretary.) in W's own writing. ====== The (5th) fifth paper tied in is the paper of discharge Schultz. The (6th) sixth paper is—Superior Court in the City of New York Anna Dickinson against The Press Publishing Co. Extract from "Register of Female Patients State Hospital for the Insane Danville Pa" ———— Platt & Bowers Counsellors at Law, 54 William St New York City, ——— [*Extract from "Register of Females Patients State Hospital for the Insane. Danville Pa ======*]Number of admissions 3561 Number of previous and of any number of future 3054 Date of ad. 2/25/91 Christian & Surname in file Anna E. Dickinson age 48 Color White 1 Black Mulatto Where born County, State & Country Philadelphia Residence County Luzerne By whom maintained West Pittston Poor [?] Single 1 Married Widowed No of Children living Bros & Sisters living Brothers 1 Sisters 1 occupation Profession By whom Committed Friend Court Overseer of Poor 1 Insane Council Criminal Insane Bodily Condition Impaired Name of Disorder if any Form of Mental Disorder Paranoia Supposed cause of Insanity Complications Epileptic Paralytic Homicidal Suicidal Idiot Imbecile Duration of attack before admission Years Months Days No of attacks age at 1st at. Discharged Date 4, 2, 91 Restored Improved 1 Not Im. Died Cause of Death Time in Hospital Years Months 1 Days 7 Relatives Insane Remarks one brother had [corea?] when young State of Pennsylvania County of Montour Borough of Danville Be it known that I, H. B. Meredith, Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville, Pennsylvania & as such, by the laws of said State, Custodians of the books, & records of such Institution. Do Certify that the within & forgoing is a true copy of the original in my possession, & has been compared by me with such original, & is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original so far as it concerns the case of Anna E. Dickinson. H. B. Meredith, Supt. Extract from the Register of Female Patients, State Hospital for the Insane Danville, Pa. Date of Last previous admission, if any. No, in order of admission. Date of admission. Christian & Surname at length Present age Color, i.e. white, black, mulatto. Sex & class Indigent Private Male Female Male Female Civil Condition Nativity. Married Single. Widowed. Number of Children living Brothers & Sisters of the Rule 12. Every superinte patient into any hospital, within twenty-four hours aft with respect to such patient, taining, the particulars re for as he can ascertain th latter shall be made when The form [*Extract from the Register of Female Patients. State Hospital for the Insane, Danville, Pa.*] [?????] 1 Single Married Widowed No of Children living Brothers & Sisters living 1 Brothers 1 Sister Occupation Profession By whom Committed: Court 1 Overseers Poor. Insane Convict Criminal Insane Discharged 4.2.91 Date Restored 1 Improved Not Im. Died Cause of Death Time in Hospital Years. 1. Months. 7. Days. Relative Insane. Remarks: One brother had corea when young. [?????] I, H. B. Meredith, Superin[?] [?????]e, at Danville, Pennsylvania, [?????] of the books and records of [?????] [?????] is a true copy of the original [?????] write such original, & is [?????] whole of the original [?????] Dick.inson. H. B. Meredith, Supr Form C. - Admission Book or Register Date of last previous admission, if any. No, in order of admission. Date of admission. Christian & surname at length. Present age. Color. i.e. white, black, mulatto. Sex & Class Indig't - Male. Female. Private Male. Female. Nativity. Civil Condition &c: Married Single Widowed Number of children living Brothers & Sisters of the patient living. Occupation prior to insanity. Previous place of abode. County, City, Township, or Borough to which chargeable. By whose authority sent State of medical certificate, and by whom signed. Bodily condition. Name of disorder, (if any) Form of mental disorder. Supposed cause of insanity. Epileptics. Congenital idiots. Duration of existing attack: Years. Months. Days. Number of previous attacks Age at first[?] attack. State of discharge or death. Discharg'd: Restored. Improved. Not improved. Died. Remarks. Rule 12. Every superintendent or proprietor, who shall receive any patient into any hospital eleemosynary institution, or licensed house shall within twenty-four hours after the verification[?] of such patient, make an entry; write respect to such patient in the "Admission Book", according to, & containing the particulars required in form (C) hereunto annexed, so far as he can ascertain the same as to the form of mental disorder, when ascertained and as to the discharge, a death of the patient, which latter shall be made when the same shall happen. The form of the mental disorder of every patientState of Pennsylvania County of Montour Borough of Danville }} April 1st 1893 Subscribed to and known to this 1st day of April 1893. Robert Adams Notary Public [*Hand drawn circular notary seal*] Robert Adams Notary Public Montour Co., Pa. Shall within seven days after his reception, or entered in the admission book, by the superintendent or proprietor; and subsequent entries shall be made of any change in the condition of the patient, a change of opinion on the part of the superintendent or proprietor, as to the nature of the disorder. This reads on margin: Book of admissions in, entry in book of. Form of mental disorder to be entered by medical attendants in "Book of Admissions." See "Certificate for following Rule 13. & Rule 17 See "History" for Rule 19.Dickinson libel suits. ---- Copy paper Bowers & Sands requested us to stipulate might be read in evidence: "Committee. ______ "Thomas G. Morton, M.D. Philadelphia, Chairman. J. Monroe Shellenberger, Doylestown. Henry M. Boies, Scranton. George I. M'Leod, M.D. Philadelphia Thomas W. Barlow, Philadelphia. Henry M. Wetherill, M.D. Phila., Scranton. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. State Committee on Lunacy of the Board of Public Charities. Office, 1420 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Abstract of Memorandum Book of Dr. Henry M. Wetherill, containing the entire memorandum made in said Memorandum Book. March 20th, 1891. Miss Anna H. Dickinson has recently made appeal to the Committee on Lunacy to visit her at Danville Hospital. This was done and the committee found her manifestly insane and properly detained under humane and kindly care and treatment. March 20th, 1891. Examination of Miss Anna E. Dickinson: Found by Mr. Barlow and Secretary, a lunatic: Manifestly insane, excited, maniacal, delusional and suspicious. She is humanely and properly deprived of her liberty: Is legally so deprived and is suffering no diminution of her legal rights. Memo: Mention to Howe and Hummell, Attys. at Law, New York City, that we have visited Miss Dickinson, on March 20th, 1891, at her request, at the Danville State Hospital; that the Committee found her to be manifestly insane and requiring Hospital care, detention and treatment: That the committee found that she was properly, humanely and kindly treated. Forward copy of her papers of admission. ""Abstract from memorandum book of Dr. Henry M. Wetherill, containing the entire memorandum made in said memorandum book." ——- Mem: This paper in the original is on the Com. papers & written by W. himself, Dickinson against Press Publishing Company. ———[*Fol. 1*] Supreme Court, New York County Anna E. DIckinson, Plaintiff, Vs. The Press Publishing Company, Defendant Whereas, an action was tried at the March Term, 1899, of the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, in which the plaintiff in this action was plaintiff and George B. Thompson & others were defendants, & the testimony given on said trial was taken down by Layton M. Shock, the official stenographer of said Court, & a typewritten copy of such testimony, in two bound volumes, is in the possession of the defendants' attorneys herein: Now, it is stipulated & agreed, that either party to this action, read in evidence from said books the testimony of any witness or witnesses appearing from said volume to have testified on said trial in said circuit court, or any part hereof, with the same force & effect as of such testimony had been duly taken & duly returned by a commission to take testimony duly issued in this action; it being understood that such testimony shall be subject to the same objections as to [relevancy] relevancy.or materiality as if the witnesses or witness were present & testifying in person. And it is further stipulated & agreed, that where written or documentary evidence was introduced in said trial in the said Circuit Court, as appears by said volumes, & is purported to be copied in full in said volumes, such copies may be read from said volumes by either party on the trial of this action, with the same force & effect as if the original documents or writings were produced & proved, & subject to the same objections only. And it is further stipulated & agreed that the copies of the following papers now in the possession of Messrs. Bowers & Sands, & upon which the plaintiffs attorney has signed his initials; may be read in evidence on the trial of this action, with the same force & effect as the original papers might be, if produced & proved, & subject to the same objections only, viz: 1. Board of the Directors of the Poor of the Borough of West Pittston,Pa, dated Feb. 25, 1891. 2. Rules & Regulations of the Committee on Lunacy of the State of Pennsylvania, as printed by Lane S. Hart, in 1884 (Harrisburg) 3. Medical Certificates & Statements, &c, for Anna E Dickinson as to her admission to the State Hospital for Insane, Danville, Pa., Feb. 25, 1891. Register No. 3561. 4. Copy of the Record of the State Board of Lunacy of the State of Pennsylvania, referring to Anna E. Dickinson. 5. Extract from Register of Female Patients, State Hospital for the Insane, Danville, Pa., referring to Anna E Dickinson. 6. History of Anna E Dickinson, from the records of the State Hospital for the Insane, Danville, Pa. And it is further stipulated & agreed that the defendant's attorneys will grant the case of the volumes containing the testimony in said action against Thompson & others to the plaintiff's attorneys for the purposes of this action.agreement?The Relative, Friends or Guardians of Patients making application for their admission into the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville, Pa, are requested to annex, with the assistance of the family physician, Precise and Full answers to as many of the following questions as an applicable to Miss Anna E. Dickinson and send them immediately (by mail or otherwise) to Dr H.B. Nuredelti, Superintendent of the Hospital. If not—sent— before, these answers should be sent— with the patient—to the Hospital. [*Questions*] Answers [*1 What is the name of the patient?*] Anna Elizabeth Dickinson [*Age?*] 48 [*Place of birth?*] Philadelphia [*Residence*] [West Piltrlori?], Pa. [*2 What is the profession or occupation & reputed [freu?*] Lecturer and actress [*Vary circumstances of the patient?*] very low from recent losses. [*If a female, state profession or occupation &c of father or husband*] Father died in her infancy [*3 Is the patient married or single, or widowed?*] Single [*How long since [?] mar. or widowed?*] X [*If patient is a female & has had children, state number & date of birth of each.*] X [*4 What is supposed to have been the exciting cause of the insanity?*] Brooding over wrongs & injustice done to her and inability to work [*Is it a moral cause such as disappointment fight, love, &c; or a physical cause, such as [?] from the immoderate use of any intoxicating agents, bodily injury, serious illness, or accident— affecting the nervous system &c.*] *Do not say the person is insane but mention the chief or all of the facts which lead you to think he or she is insane.[*5 What have been or are the prominent symptoms of the malady? * *] Suspicious disposition and refusal of food. [*Has any obvious change in its form occurred?*] No. [*Does it appear to be decreasing, increasing or stationary?*] Stationary. [*6 Does any constitutional or hereditary predisposition to nervous affections exist in the family of patient?*] One brother in [?outh] had St Vitus dance, otherwise family of nervous temperament. [*Was any relative of the patient ever insane?*] No. [*If so, state particularly whether on the father's or mother's side, or both, & what the relationship is*] X [*7 What ancestors, uncles or aunts, brothers & sisters, or cousins, if any, have died or are affected with consumption?*] No. [*8 Is the patient subject to periodical attacks of any other malady; to any unusual discharge; to lows, eruptions, rupture, epilepsy, or palsy?*] No. [*Specify any bodily disease or infirmity of the patient*] [*9 What is the unique disposition & intellectual capacity of the patient?*] Good cheerful disposition, intellectual capacity above the average. [*Mention general habits of life, predominant passions or pregidices, and any habitual vice or intemperance, does the patient use ardent spirits, opium, tobacco, &c?*] Has taken whisky on recommendation of former medical attendant. [*10 Are there lucid intervals, or any great remissions or exacerbations, & do such change occur at uncertain time, or at stated periods.*] Has been ill but a few days not noted. [*11 Does the patient rave indifferently on various subjects, or chiefly on one?*] Chiefly on one subject. [*What is that subject?*] Suspicion of plots & conspiracies against herself & others [*Mention particularly any permanent or remarkable delusions*] [*12 Has the patient ever [attempted] threatened to commit suicide, or any act of self injury?*] No. [*If so, [how & when] in what manner?*] X [*13 Has [the patient] ever attempted to commit suicide or any act of self injury?*] No. [*If so how & when?*] [*14 Is the propensity now active?*] X [*Give particulars*] [*15 Does the patient manifest any disposition to inspire other persons & how?*] Yes - Cannot tell how as was refrained by force. [*Or cherish any malicious designs?*] No. [*Is the morbid train of thought excited by any particular subject or event?*] Refer to answer No. 11 [*16 Is the patient inclined to tear clothes or to break windows or furniture?*] No. [*17 Since the commencement of the insanity, what have been the patient's habits as to care of person & cleanliness?*] Good. [*State particularly whether the patient is attentive to the calls of nature?*] Yes. [*18 Was the head of the patient ever severely injured?*] No. [*19 How long before occasion of insanity were any such precursory symptoms observed, as the following, viz: unusual depression or elevation of spirits, or any remarkable alteration in temper, disposition, feelings, opinions, conduct, sleep appetite [?] [?] [?] [?]*] Nothing unusual.11) Does the patient rave indifferently on various subjects? or chiefly on one? Chiefly on one subject. What is that subject? Suspicion of plots & conspiracies against herself & others. Mention particularly any permanent or remarkable delusions. 12) Has the patient ever[ attempted] threatened to commit suicide, or any act of self injury? No. If so, [how & when] in what manner? X. 13) Has the patient ever attempted to commit suicide, or any act of self injury? If so how & when? No. 14) Is the propensity how active? Give particulars. X 15) Did the patient manifest any disposition to injure other persons, & how? Yes - Cannot tell how as was refrained by force. Or cherish any malicious design? No. Is the morbid train of thought excited by any particular subject or event? Refer to answer No. 11 16) Is the patient inclined to tear clothes or to break windows or furniture? No. 17) Since the commencement of the insanity, what have been the patient's habits as to care of person & cleanliness? Good. State particularly whether the patients is attentive to the calls of nature? Yes. 18) Was the head of the patient ever severely injured? No. 19) How long before accession of insanity were any such precursory symptoms observed or the following: viz: unusual depression or elevation of spirits, or any remarkable alteration in temper, disposition, feelings, opinions, conduct, sleep, appetite, state of the bowels, or health of the patient? Nothing unusual. Previous to these symptoms, had the patient been remarkable for any degree. of oddity, eccentricity, or neural/natural infirmity? X. 20. Has the patient been insane previously? No. If so, specify date, duration & form of each previous attack. X. 21. Has the patient ever been treated for insanity in this or any other Hospital for the insane? No. If so, how often & how long on each occasion? X. Where, in what condition, & if not cured, for what reason was the patient discharged? X. 22. How long has the patient been insane? Since Feb. 19, 1891 Did the disorder come on gradually, or suddenly? Suddenly. Drank to excess and was considered insane by her business manager in the season of 81-82. Mem: This is bottom of 3 page of printed forms. 23. What has been done for the recovery of the patient? Nothing. Attempted to give hypoderamus but refused to take it. And with what effect? X. Mention particularly whether diflection by blood letting, leeches, cathartics, low diet &c has been employed & to what extent. X. 24. Has the patient been subjected to any mechanical restraint? No.If so specify the length of time & manner } X. in which the restraint was applied. } 25) _ You are requested to state any other circumstances which you may think of interest or importance. J. C. Hileman Attending Physician. Note, let the person who makes out this report put his name to it- & state his social professional, business or blood relationship to the patient. {R.A. N} { xx } { xx } {Mo.C.Pa.x} State of Pennsylvania County of Montour. Borough of Danville April 1st, 1893. Be it known that I, H. B. Meredith Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane at Danville, & as such, by the laws of said state, custodian of the books & records of such institution, to certify that the within & forgoing is a true copy of the original in my possession and have been compared by the with such original & is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original. The three lines at the bottom of third page were added by me at the date given and form a part of the original. H. B. Meredith M.D. Supd. State of Pennsylvania} County of Montour} Borough of Danville}} Subscribed to and sworn to before me this the 1st day of April 1893. Robert Adams Notary Public. State Hospital for the Insane Danville, Pa. History of Anna E. Dickinson Admitted Feb. 25, 1891 Register No. 3561. Platt & Bowers Counsellors at Law 54 Williams St. New York City[*Bond For Annie E. Dickinson Admitted Feb. 25. 1891 Register Number 3561 Platt & Bowers Counsellors at Law 54 Williams St. New York City.*] State of Pennsylvania} County of Montour} Borough of Danville SS April 1st 1893. Be it known that I, H. B. Meredith, Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville Pennsylvania, and as such, by the laws of said State, Custodian of the books and records of such Institution. Do certify, that the within & forgoing is a true copy of the original in my possession and has been compared by me with such original, and is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original H. B. Meredith M.D. Supt. State of Pennsylvania} County of Montour} Borough of Danville SS Subscribed to and sworn to before me this 1st day of April 1893. Robert Adams Notary Public. [*R. A. N. P. xx xx Mon Co. Pa.*][copy] Printed except where underscord. ————————————————— Whereas Annie E. Dickinson, [?] a resident of West Pittston in the County of Luzerne, State of Pennsylvania, has been admitted as a patient into the State Hospital For The Insane At Danville, in said State: Now, Therefore, as the Directors of the Poor of the Boro of West Pittston, in the County of Luzerne in said State in behalf of the inhabitants of said Boro do hereby covenant & agree that we will well & truly pay or cause to be paid to the Trustees of The State Hospital For The Insane At Danville Pa. the sum of one 75/100 dollars, and — cents per week, for the board, clothing and medical attendance of said patient so long as he shall continue a patient in said Hospital, and to remove her from said Hospital whenever the room occupied by her shall be required for a class of patients having preference by law to be received unto said Hospital. Also, to pay funeral charges in case of death. Payment to be made quarterly and at the time of removal, with interest on each bill from and after the time it becomes due; should payment be not so made and collection thereof be made, through the attorney of the Hospital, such attorney's costs & charges for collection not excluding ten per centum of the amount collected shall also be paid. Witness our hands this 25th day of Feb'y A.D. 1891 J. L. Cortwright Signed in the presence of Directors — of the Poor of West Pittston in the County of Luzerne. Miss A. E. Dickinson Pittston Pa[death]. Payment to be made quarterly and at the time of removal, with interest on each bill from and after the time it becomes due; should payment be not so made and collection thereof be made, through the attorney of the Hospital, such attorney's costs & charges for collection, not excluding ten per centum of the amount collected shall also be paid. Witness our hands this 25th day of Feb'y A.D. 1891. ———————- J. L. Cortwright Signed in the presence of ———————- Directors— of the Poor of West Pittston in the County of Luzerne. Miss A. E. Dickinson Pittston Pa. Mem: filling in & signature all same writing. A.D.Bond For Annie E Dickinson Admitted Feb. 25th 1891 Register Number 3561 Plate & Bowers Counsellors at Law 54 Williams St. New York CityState of Pennsylvania} County of Montour} April 1. 1893 Borough of Danville SS Be it known that I, H. B. Meredith Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Danville Pennsylvania and as such, by the laws of said State, Custodian of the books & records of such Institution, Do Certify that the within and forgoing is a true copy of the original in my possession and has been compared by me with such original and is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the original. H. B. Meredith Supt State of Pennsylvania County of Montour Borough of Danville SS Subscribed to and sworn to before me this 1st day of April 1893. Robert Adams Notary Public Adams Seal [*8. Order for reception 9. Certificate of physician F. [Certificate] [of Magistrate] Statement G. Notice of admission H. Statement of Sup's examination Certificate of Mag is 2nd part of Cer. of physician ————— I. Semiannual [?] report J. Discharge Book K. Notice of discharge or death. M. Case Book N. Medical JournalMeredith's Notary paper for "World" ——————- Mem: Note the omissions on the one Meredith sent me. Mem: The false Certificate he has filled in for Mantanyo in both of these. ————————— "Documents to be furnished on request of persons released from"— marginal. (17) The Sec. of the Com. on Lunacy shall furnish, to any person who shall consider himself or herself to have been unjustly confined in any house, or place, subject to the provisions of the Lunacy Law, or to his or her attorney, copies of all the papers filed on his or her reception therein, & at his or her examination by the medical attendants of each house or place. State Hospital for Insane Danville, PA. —————— Medical Certificate Statement, Etc., For Anna E Dickinson Admitted Feb. 25. 1891 Register No 3561 Plate & Bowers Counsellors at Law 54 William St New York City Rule 13 ) The Superintendents, or proprietor, of every house, or place, subject to the provisions of the Lunacy Law shall, after two days, & before the expiration of seven days, from the day on which any patient shall have been received into such, house, or place, transmit a copy of the order & statements furnished at the time of the reception of the patient, & at the examination of the patient by the medical superintendent of the house, or place, in which such person shall have been received, & also a notice & statement according to form (D. E. F. G. H.) hereunto annexed, to the Com. on Lunacy, & once in six months, in the last days of March [& Apr?], in each year, there shall be a report made by the medical superintendent of the house on the condition of each patient according to form (I.) together with such other matters relative to the case as the said Com. may require; &, at any time, such report shall be made upon the request of the Com. on Lunacy, or their Secretary.