Feinberg--Whitman Family Papers Correspondence Whitman, Jessie Louisa Box 3 Folder 26 Jan 2, 1891 & undated UNITED STATES POSTAL CARD. ONE CENT NOTHING BUT THE ADDRESS TO BE ON THIS SIDE. [*CAMDEN, N.J. JAN 2 6 PM 91*] Miss Jessie Louisa Whitman 2437 2d Carondelet Av: Saint Louis Missouri.Camden NJ Jan: 2 '91 The sun is just out the first in four days - (has been very glum)- y'r good letter came this mn'g & was welcomed -- Matters continue on much the same with me- try to while away the time reading & writing. - am preparing a 2nd annex & completion to L of G. Am sitting here in my 2nd story room same- affectionate uncle Walt WhitmanSt. Louis Nov 10th My Dear Uncle Walt, I have been thinking about you so much lately, that I am going to write with the hope of receiving a reply. The various magazines and papers you send are duly received and enjoyed, and I am much obliged to youfor them. I am still at my old quarters and will remain for this Winter, after that is as yet an unsettled problem, as I have no idea what I will do. Our papers have contained most flattering accounts of the interview between Sir Edwin Arnold and yourself, and as I always was an admirer of the former, I think even more of him, for his good taste in thinking so much of "my Uncle". I have been walking a good deal lately, sometimes doing three miles at once, and find it makes a body feel a great deal better, to get out doors helps lots of the bad and blue feelings. I am kept postedwith the Eastern news by letters from Aunt Lou, she is lovely about writing. Well, dear Uncle Walt, I hope you will keep well, and treat me to a line occasionally. With regards to Mrs. Davis and lots of love for yourself. I remain Yours aff. Jessie #2437 2nd Carondelet