Feinberg/Whitman Box 13 Folder 1 General Correspondence Knortz, Karl June 1883-Feb. 1891 & undatedPHILADELPHIA PA. JAN 11 84 5 30 PM Dr Karl Knortz Cor: Morris Avenue & 155th Street New York City WALT WHITMAN Camden New JerseyP.O. 1-12-84 12-IA N.Y. R 1-1[?] 7-A N.Y.US Postal Card Camden, N. J. Jun 21 12 M U. S. Postage One Cent Nothing But The Address Can Be Placed on This Side Dr. Karl Knortz cor. Morris Avenue & 155th Street New York City R 6-22-83 5-1 A N.Y.431 Stevens Street Camden New Jersey June 21 '83 ThanKs for the Portrait. engraving. It is welcome. A Copy of Dr B's booK, in paper goes to you same mail with this. Walt Whitman WALT WHITMAN AUTOGRAPH LETTERS 1883 June 21 WHITMAN, WALT to Karl Knortz Autograph Letter, signed. CWW, VOL. III, NO. 1224 FEINBERG COLLECTION OF WALT WHITMAN Letter in Barrett Collection # 1259 - Vol 3. W.W.C. p. 362 Members are invited to participate in our Association activities and programs. Will you please check the committee of your choice. I would be willing to serve on the committee of Membership Founder's Day Dinner, Thursday, December 5, 1968 (192nd Anniversary) January, 1969 Honors Convocation Presentation Hospitality 21st Annual Honors Convocation, Thursday, May 15, 1969 Program Annual Meeting, Monday, June 9, 1969 (30th Anniversary) Please make your check payable to the Detroit Association of Phi Beta Kappa and mail in the enclosed envelope to the PBK office, 872 W. Boston Blvd., Detroit, Michigan, 48202.NEW YORK JAN 13 6 PM R 89 UNITED STATES POSTAGE R TWO CENTS Mr. Walt Whitman Camden New Jersey [*Karl Knortz*]CAMDEN N.J. JAN 14 6AM REC'D. Y. [?] 89 [?] PM 8NEW YORK SEP 11 6 AM R UNITED STATES POSTAGE TWO 2 CENTS [*see [?] Jan 8 1889*] Mr Walt Whitman Camden New Jersey [*from Dr Knortz Sept. '85*] [*Rollestons Cast included*]Camden, N. J. Sep 11 4pm 1888 Rec'd540 East 155th Str. New York My dear Sir; Your letter, with Rollestons postal, sent to me about one month ago, I received in due Time. I showed both to Chas. De Kay, of the N. Y. Times, who copied them and inserted them into his paper, copies of which I forwarded to you and R., but it seems, as if the paper has not reached your address. I also wrote to R., and gave him the address of a German Scholar, who is willing to read the proofs of L. of G., as by sending these to America too much time would be lost. But I have not heard from R. since. By sending me, Nov. Boughs and 'W.W. Complete' (by express) you will do me a great favor; both books I shall review in the Staatszeitung of this city. I am collecting materials from all quarters towards enlarging my essay (lecture)on you, and publish it as a second edition, with photographs etc. This edition I shall, however, not bring out before the German L. of G. is published, as I want to answer in it the attacks, which it will, probably, incite in the German press. - This is the reason, why I kept the Gilchrist book so long ; and as I am at present very busy in other literary work ( for bread and butter ) I intend to keep keep this book a little longer, if you do not object to it. Yours very truly Karl Knortz540 E. 155th St. New York My dear Sir; Many thanks for a copy of the latest number of Lippincott's Magazine. I wish Traubel had not forgotten, that it was I who gave you an effective introduction to the German public. Rolleston would never have found a publisher if I had not added my translations to his, and procured a publisher. I send you to-day, a German paper, containing some of my newest translations from L.o.G. I lately translated about14 pieces which will be published in weekly instalments. When will Kennedy's book be out ? Yours truly Karl Knortz540 E. 155th Str. New York. Dear Sir; The letter, you sent me, was from your French admirer Sarrazin, who will soon publish an essay on L.o.G. in one of his books, Of the 'Grashalme' I, so far, recd only one copy, but expect some more. I hope, the book will be received favorably by the critics. Yours Ty Karl Knortz UNITED STATES POST CARD. ONE CENT NOTHING BUT THE ADDRESS TO BE ON THIS SIDE. CAMDEN APR 14 6AM 1880 RE D NEW YORK N.J APRIL 6 PM R N.Y. 4-14-89 89 8 Walt Whitman Camden New JerseyDr Karl Knortz 540 East 155th Street New York City Camden, N. J. Apr 8 3PM 88R 4 9 - E [?] 3 - A N.Y. P.O.N.Y. 4-8-89 10-12 [*50*] [*3*][*see notes Feb 26 1891*] Mr. Walt Whitman Camden New Jersey New York Feb25 230PM 8 RCamden, N.J. Feb 26 6 AM 1891 Rec'd540 East 155th Str. New York My dear Sir; Dr. Bucke of Canada, who yesterday spent an hour at my house and whom I had a very pleasant conversation with, left with me Rolleston ttranslation of your poems with the request to find a publisher for this book. As Dr. Bucke informed me the translation had been revised by a competent German Scholar I wrote immediately after Dr. Bucke left me, to my publisher Schabelitz, of Zurich, Switzerland, and offered the MS to him. In the evening I commenced to examine the MS, and found out that it could not be printed in the present shape and that is wants a very careful revision first. One acquainted with the German language perceives at the first glance that the translations are written by a man who thought in English and afterwords tried to write in German. In the present shape no publisher will accept the MS. for publication.What is to be done ? I am, at present, too busy to revise the MS., otherwise I would do it with the greatest pleasure. After three or four months I, perhaps, shall have some weeks to spare. and then I could undertake this task. But the question is, will Mr. Rolleston accept my assistance and wait so long ? Shall I write to him , or will you do it ? How many hours does it take from N.Y. to Camden? I should like very much to spend a few hours with you, and if you have no objections I shall make a trip to your city at my earliest convenience. Or do you intend to spend a few days at New York in the course of this winter ? Yours Truly Karl Knortz540 East 155th Str. New York My dear Mr. Whitman, Please, excuse me for not having answered your letter Two months ago. I was very busy, as I had to prepare a series of lectures for the coming fall and winter. I have not been able to find a publisher who will print the German and the English ; but Mr. Schabelitz, of Zurich, will publish the German text at his risk and pay all the expences. This is as favorable as may be expected. According to the wish of Rolleston I shall add a few of my translations and send the MS to Europe within 6 or 7 weeks from now. __ Of my German - English anthology I have no proofs ; but my publishers will bring out a new edition (revised) this fall and I shall not fail to send you a copy. Yours Try Karl Knortz P.S. I shall answer R.'s letter to-day. Franbl see notes Jan 8 1889 vol 3 p. 488