FEINBERG/WHITMAN GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE McKay, David May 1888-Nov. 1891 & undated Box 13 Folder 17 328 Mickle Street Camden Evn'g May 17 '88 Dear D McK- The bearer Horace Traubel is a valued young personal Camden friend of mine - American born German stock - whom I wish to introduce to you with the best recommendation -- He is of liberal tendencies & familiar with printing office matters & the run of books - Walt WhitmanThe Bright Side of Business Uppermost! We must all turn in to keep up good times! How? How? How? Every buyer must have a hand in it, and take his pay in prosperity and good clothes. We have been too long the Leaders in Ready-Made Clothing to wait for anybody else to take the first step. So—we shut our eyes to making a full profit this Spring on our goods for the sake of starting the wheels a-going, and doubling the business. We'll make the prices turn the handle of trade. Hundreds and hundreds of Suits— Sales must be Increased and Doubled! Men's—three to six dollars off the price. Reduced to make you hunt them up. Men's Prince Albert Suits for Dress, $16. Four-button Cutaway Dress Suits, $15. Black Dress Suits at New and Special Prices. $25 buys a $30 Double-Breasted Frock Suit. The Handsomest Boy's Clothing we ever had in the store! The Nattiest Styles and Best of Workmanship! Good Clothing must be made Plentier and Cheaper! More of it must be made! More of it must be sold! We have got but two things before us: Keep good times to the fore by circulating the dollars faster and faster for bread and good clothes; (Oak Hall is pledged to the last,) and give our work-people steady work and good wages, and make our business twice as big. We depend on giving you more than ever for your money, and push the prices to the front. They are the best talkers. Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall, S.E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., Philadelphia. The old reliable and largest Retail Clothing House in America, and still ahead. Times Printing House.David McKay bookseller 9th St opp: P O Phila: Dave, please send me over by bearer, twelve copies Leaves of Grass, (with the Annex) Walt Whitman The pocket-bk copy I send is a present to you from me Walt Whitman Camden, New Jersey.[1889] Acc 18341Note to David McKay. A.MS.s. (1p. 7 3/4 x 13 1/2 cm.) Written in ink on the front of an envelope with WALT WHITMAN, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY in lower left-hand corner, 39 words: David McKay bookseller 9th st opp: P O Phila: ------- Dave, please send me over by bearer, twelve copies Leaves of Grass, (with the Annex) Walt Whitman the pocket-b'k copy I send is a present to you from me (WW requested the 1888 Leaves made up of the 1881 sheets with the annex of November Boughs.)Sent to D. McKay April 25 '90 Yes will sell the London proposer 100 sets of the entire autograph sheets, plates & back labels for complete book and throw in one of my bound copies, (making 101 altogether) — for $320 — I to receive that sum in full — you to make a fair bonus addition for your trouble. WASHINGTON DC APR 17 7:30 PM 90 Mr. Walt Whitman Camden, New Jersey.Camden, Oct 20 '90 Please give me four copies L of G (last ed'n with Sands at 70) by bearer Walt WhitmanDavid McKay 23 S 9th St Phila.United States Postal Card Nothing but the address to be on this side Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St. Camden, NJ.David McKay, 23 S. 9th St., Phila., Oct 31 1890 Please send us 1 Complete Edition, with bill for same. Also send bill for 50 in sheets and one bound, which have been delivered Yours etc David McKay Publisher and Bookseller Old Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged.Camden New Jersey Nov: 1 1890 David McKay Debtor to Walt Whitman For Fifty full sets in sheets of Complete Works @ 3 each $150. Received Payment Camden New Jersey Aug: 27 1890 David McKay Debtor to Walt Whitman For Fifty full sets in sheets of Complete Works @ $3 each $150. Rec'd payment Camden Nov 1. '90 - Dear Mac: Above find the last & previous bills - I stipulated for each cash down on selling them @ $3 a set - & of course expected it. I send the copy of big book you desired - it makes the fourth you now owe me for - Can you send me the pay for the two bills sheets - $300? I am getting along ab't as usual - have a piece in Nov: NA Rev: God bless you & all Walt Whitmansee notes May 19 1891 I have taken out the copyright for Westin Have printed 1000 copies "Good-Bye my Fancy" 400 " "Nov: Boughs" paper oc: to match Out of these I want to reserve to myself 50 "Good-Bye" in sheets & 100 bound also 100 the little double vol: NB & GB bound (as to be made) Leaving to you in sheets 450 GB & 300 the double little vol: NB & GB You to pay me 30cts set sheets GB 135} $255 " 40cts " " NB 120} &GB The retail price GB $1 " " " NB 1.50 Deduct from these (tx from above bill) 25 copies each book for free press copies You to pay the whole binders' billACC18341[*see notes May 19 1891*] David McKay WALT WHITMAN, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. [*60 54 30 13½ 43½ 5 38 8*]David McKay, Successor to REES WELSH & CO.'s Miscellaneous Business Publisher & Bookseller, 23 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, July 21, 1891 Book Exchange. Old Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Mr. Walt Whitman Camden N.J. Dear Sir We have an order for 6 copies of Complete works in sheets. Kindly give bearer an order on Oldach & Co. for same and oblige Yours & etc David McKay [T? F?]Successor to REES WELSH & CO.'S Miscellaneous Business OLD BOOKS IN ANY QUANTITY BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED David McKay, Publisher and Bookseller, 23 Ninth Street Philadelphia, Nove 25, 1891 [To?] Serelda G. Thomas Dear Sir Replying to yours of 19th, W Whitman restricts the number of his books to be used for review and the quantity has been exhausted, you might address him personaly at Camden, N.J. but I regret not being able to comply with your request Very Truly Yours David McKayDAVID MCKAY, Successor to REES WELSH & CO.’S Miscellaneous Business, Publisher & Bookseller, 23 SOUTH NINTH ST., BOOK EXCHANGE. OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Philadelphia, 188 Total printed Good Bye 1000 N Bgh [900] 400 Mshis for himself 50 in sheets 100 Bound [150] [150] 100 Double [250] 250 Double 100 750. 300 750 copies G. B @ 30 --- Mr CK will be the 750 copies @ [30] 25 ¢ Will take the Nov Bghs when you need them - 200 copies old editions Bght N. B for 33 ¢ [If he said by 40 ¢ for N. B.] Will take whol by at 255 but will not prananter to band together. Wants home shall a chor [*A/c will be payable in Jan - not before*]453 __________ 135- 120- __________ 255- 43 750 25 184.50 ______ _________ 3750 150 300 67.50 __________ 187.50BOOK EXCHANGE. OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. DAVID MCKAY, Successor to REES WELSH & CO.'S Miscellaneous Business, Publisher & Bookseller, 23 SOUTH NINTH ST., Philadelphia, 188 MCK. Objects to price $150 - in paid that it is but a fair deal in his - autograph added - &c MCK supports 2 00 or per you by book[*see notes July 31 1891*] Successor to REES WELSH & CO.'S Miscellaneous Business. DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER, No. 23 S. Ninth St., PHILADELPHIA. OLD BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Mr Walt. Whitman Camden N. J.[?] Will sell you the above described at three dollars ($3) each copy, +150 cash for the 50 Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St Camden NJ