Feinberg/Whitman Box 14 Folder 16 General Correspondence Philips, Melville May 1891The envelope addressed by Walt Whitman to Melville Phillips, postmarked Jam. 26, 1890, is listed in the Checklist of Walt Whitman's Correspondence, 1957, p.124. The whereabouts of the letter is unknown. 14015 Hamilton Avenue Detroit 3, MichiganCAMDEN JAN26 5PM 90 Melville Phillips office Press newspaper cor: 7th & Chestnut Sts: Philadelphia WALT WHITMAN, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY.see note May 22 1891 Walt Whitman 328 Mickle St. Camden NJCamden NJ May 20 5 am 1891 Rec'dThe Philadelphia Press. THE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Proprietors, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Philadelphia, May 19th 1891. Dear Mr. Whitman: You have never let me know about that $10, so I suppose you received it from M. I am reminded of the matter now by a note from my friend August Robinson of Once a Week. He asks me to get him some verse. Have you a $10 bit on hand, or will you jot down anything in mind for that amount? Kindly let me know at once and oblige, yours very truly, Melville Philips I'll engage to send you the cash instantly the poem arrives. Have you utterlyabandoned all idea of paying me that visit? You know I can make the journey very easy for you, &, I venture to say, the visit tranquil pleasant. There are vistas out there, at Wayne, and the odor of flowers, & the song of birds. Come.The Philadelphia Press. THE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Proprietors, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Philadelphia, May 21st 1891 My dear Mr. Whitman : Thanks. I know no speedier way to get you the $10 than by the Enclosed cheque. Remember your visit to me. Faithfully yr Melville Philips see note May 22 1891