FEINBERG/WHITMAN LITERARY FILE BOOKFILE--L of G (1871) Receipt. (DCN44) Box 21 Folder 81872 March RECEIPT FOR 496 COPIES OF LEAVES OF GRASS FROM JAMES S. REDFIELD. A.MS. (1p. 25 x 20 cm.) Receipt for 496 copies of Leaves of Grass and agreement of sales combined, written out by Walt Whitman signed by Redfield, publisher and bookseller: "for said copies I am to account to him (for all that I may sell) at the rate of One Dollar and sixty cents a copy ($1.60) . . ." In indelible pencil the figures were changed to $1.50. Endorsed by Walt Whitman: "Receipt for 496 Leaves of Grass from Redfield, March, 1872." (44)This is to certify that I have this day received from Walt Whitman Four Hundred and Ninety Six (496) copies of Leaves of Grass, and that for said copies I am to account to him (for all that I may sell) at the rate of One Dollar & sixty cents a copy, ($1.60). I am to make no charge to him for anything except one half of the cost of such advertising as it may be deemed advisable to give the books.Receipt for 496 Leaves of Grass from Redfield March, 1872