FEINBERG/WHITMAN LITERARY FILE POETRY FILE "Peace No More, But Flag of War..." A.MS.draft Box 28 Folder 35 Includes verso note.[*559*] Peace No More, But Flag of War: poem. A.MS. (1p. 16 x 19½ cms., with corner cut out) Written in pencil on a sheet of white paper, with a corner cut out, on which last two lines of the poem had been written, with a list of words on verso, 44 words, and (on verso) 38 words: Peace no more, but flag of war, No more soft and [sunny] courteous folds, [weft] [angry banner] weft vindictive, Now the ordeal is come, and the destinies stern and dim a=waiting, are waiting—the two stand [page cut here] Flag serene to [page cut] [relentless] you harsh [page cut] Dense star [page cut] [*[over]*]200 560 antecedent Premonition ante " to you Doors Preface Dooreay Preamble Portico Announcement Preceder Preparative Gates—Gateway Introduction (?What are the latin To you terms for gates —Gateway? (corner cut our here) Antes—(square pillars on each side of the entrances of temples&c)Peace no more but flag of war, No more soft and [sunny] courteous folds, [weft] [angry banner] weft vindictive, Now the ordeal is come and the destinies stern and dim are waiting—the two [stand[?] [as waiting] Flag serene to you harsh[?] [relentless] Dense starantecedent Premonition ante " to you Doors Preface Doorway Preamble Portico Announcement Preceder Preparative Gates—Gateway Introduction (?What are the latin To you terms for gates —Gateway?) Antes—(square pillars on each side of the entrances of temples [?]e)