Feinberg/Whitman Box 34 Folder 5 Literary File Prose "Leaves of Grass and Their Author" [Aug. 1885]. A.MS.draft.292 1885 5 August + Regarding L of G and Their Author: prose. A. MS. (1p. 171/2 x 21 cm, with 11 x 13 1/2 piece attached) Written in ink on the back of a discarded envelope (with Camden postmark 5 August 1885) to which has been pasted a piece of wrapping paper and the top part of a discarded letter (1 July - 85 [?]. Sir I have a large collection of autographs of celebrities of all counties. Without yours it would be incomplete. Won't you if it is not asking'), about 235 words: addenda appendix [Let me turn upon myself a little of the light I am have been so fond of casting on others.] Ab't the following pieces regarding L of G and [myself] their author I fancy I [give these pieces ab't Leaves of Grass and my self] print [here the following] them as I would give reflections in the glass, and [aidances toward meanings and] helpful illustrations [and] aids toward study and meaning -- all of which I have293 deliberately thought over [and deliberated well,] and [quietly] settled upon. But isn't it also because [they] the [oritieisms] essays are very complimentary too, and that in them my pages and myself are well set up? Very likely. That I have selected [of myself from] these [statements] potraits of myself from friendly French and Irish and American studios, and that I myself have [the same] as much amour-propre as [the rest] anybody-and even in my old days-if of course to be confess'd at once. Then there are quite a good many precious and opportune (may-be indispensable) passages in [them] these criticisms that properly belong to examining and [estimating] understanding L. of G. You wouldn't blam [a] the painter for [a] wanting to put his picture in the [good] best light, for [true verdict] examination and verdict, would you? Isn't the said [good] friendly light-a certain well-directed shaft or so of it - [perhaps[ even indispensable?addenda appendix [Let me turn upon myself a little of the light [I have been so fond of casting on others.] Ab't the following pieces regarding L of G and [myself] their author I fancy I print [here the following give these pieces ab't Leaves of Grass and myself] them as I would give reflections in the glass, and [indices toward meanings, and] helpful illustrations [and] aids toward study and meaning -- all of which I have deliberately thought over [and deliberated well] and [quietly] settled upon. But isn't it, also because [they criticisms] the essays are very complimentary too and that in them my pages and myself are well set up? 'Very likely. take in run in That I have selected [of myself from] These [statements] portraits of myself from friendly French and Irish and American studies and that I myself have [the same] as much amour! and proper as [the rest] any body [--] and even in my old days -- is of course to be confess'd at once. Then there were quite a good many precious and opportune (maybe indispensable) passages in [them] these criticisms that properly belong to examining and [estimating] understanding L. of G; You wouldn't blame [a] the painter for [is] wanting to put his picture in the [good] best light for [true verdict] examination and verdict, would you? Isn't the said [good] friendly light -- a certain well-directed shaft or so, of it - [perhaps] even indispensable?[1?] July - [85 ?] I have a large collection of autographs of celebrities of all countries. Without yours, it would be incomplete Would you if it is not asking Aug 4 85 3 PM Pers Mr. Walt Whitma Camden New Jers Camden, N.J Aug 5 1885 Rec New York Aug 4 8:00 PM 85 Transit