FEINBERG/WHITMAN Literary File Prose "Ameried is going on her way". (undated). Clipping. Box 35 Folder 31 Includes A.MS corrections.1648 American Is Going on Her Way: Clipping with Changes A.MS. (1p. 7 x12cm.) Written in ink on a scrap of paper, to which a paragraph from a newspaper has been clipped and pasted, 1 word, 1 change, 2 deletions, 1 figure: , I believe that America is going on her [*[In margin:] 3"/¶*] way in the best method that is fitting to her. The great requisite is to establish the basis [*[Carat after the and in margin:] perennial*] of a grand materialistic civilization--products, machinery, intercommunication, and all that practical modern improvements can achieve, equally spread over our vast domain. [I think that] [t]he things done during our existence [*I think that cancelled, t crossed out, and in margin:] [*[I think that cancelled, t crossed out, and in margin: ]*] [T=*] as a people in the past century are just the best that could have been done. Upon these bases in the future and in good time will come an intellectual, literary, and artis-1649 Tic development fitting for us. While I am satisfied with the absorption so far of foreign literary ideals and contributions as nutriment, yet I look forward to the time when poetry and other great imaginative results will be produced in the United States as becoming to them as were the aesthetic products of the classical ages of Greece appropriate to such ages. 6 1/2 written both on clipping and in margin ideals and cancelled. [*3"*] ¶ I believe that America is going on her way in the best method that is fitting to her. The great requisite is to establish the perennial basis [*perennial*] of a grand materialistic civilization—products, machinery, intercommunication, and all that practical modern improvements can achieve, equally spread over our vast domain. [*T*][I think that] The things done during our existence as a people in the past century are just the best that could have been done. Upon these bases in the future and in good time will come an intellectual, literary, and artistic development fitting for us. While I am satisfied with the absorption so far of foreign literary [ideals and] contributions as nutriment, yet I look forward to the time when poetry and other great imaginative results will be produced in the United States as becoming to them as are the aesthetic products of the classical ages of Greece appropriate to [??ch] ages. [*6 1/2*]