Feinberg-Whitman Box 36 Folder 28 Literary File Prose "The Insane Man" A.MS.draftHe had a pass=key and knew he could enter the house any time of the night - so he was in no hurry.- Indeed he felt a kind of savage pleasure in delay.- To while away time, he stopped at several drinking saloons, and gulped down [large] at each, a huge glass of liquor.- As he emerged from the last of these saloons, there was a great noise in the street, [and]with the ringing of bells, and the loud cry of Fire!- Reckless, the insane man, (for that he was insane there can be no doubt,) cried as loudly as any - and joining the swift mass of human beings was soon at the scene of the conflagration.- A frame building in a dense neighborhood.