FEINBERG/WHITMAN LITERARY FILE Prose "Let Us Not Lose Our Faith" (undated) A.MS. draft. Box 36 Folder 32140 Let Us Not Lose Our Faith: prose. A.MS. (2p. 12½ x 20½ cm.) Written on a lined sheet from a notebook in ink on one side (with cancelations in pencil) and on the other side in pencil (with a vertical line in blue pencil the length of the page), about 180 words: 'The inquir[y]ies [is a] [are] are terrible & tremendous one. & And Amid all our verbal facility and intellection--amid all our brag, and the plausible way of putting forward certain vulgar and material & rote-educational achievements of the New World--what student of the old incomparable poems of Asia or the science of Europe--what acute and candid mind, can admit, as yet, for the New World, any answer, [or] to such questions, in the affirmative--or even approximation to the affirmative? But let us not lose our faith. [Indeed there is ground] [enough for hope, ground already for enthusiasm.] We bide our time. Long, long is the process of the development of a people. Only to the spiritual vision, [is] does the seen become the prophecy of the /over/140A unseen. / The [improve] (?) re-adjustment of every thing to [The] those two greatest formulations of modern scientism, [Evolution,] [and] that of the Universal Forces, [and leave] (amid all its infinite & varied apparent changes, [death, or disappea eessa or-temporary] transfreences or cessations,) as branches of [ess] eternal and essentially One Eter Force, [essentially] The [inquiry] inquiries [is a] are terrible & tremendous ones. And Amid all our verbal facility -- and intellection -- amid all our brag, and the plausible way of putting forward certain vulgar and material & rote educational achievements of the New World -- what acute and candid mind -- what student of the old incomparative poems of Asia or the science of Europe can admit, as yet, for the New World any answer [as] to such questions, in the affirmative -- or even approximation to the affirmative? But let us not lose our faith. Indeed there is ground enough for hope, ground already for enthusiasm. We bide our time.. Long, long is the process of the developement of a people. Only to the spiritual vision [is] does the seen become the prophecy of the unseen. The [improve] re-adjustment of every thing and to those [The] two greatest formulations of modern scientism, [Evolution and] that of the Universal Forces, [and Laws] (amid all its infinite varied & apparent changes, [deaths] [or disappea] [cesa] [or tempories] transferences or cessations) as branches of [bra] eternal and essentially [o]One Elem Force, [essentially]