FEINBERG/WHITMAN LITERARY FILE Prose "Spirit of the Republic" (undated). A.MS. draft Box 36 Folder 55Spirit of the Republic: prose notes. A.MS. (1p. 21 x 18 1/2 cm.) Written in pencil on a sheet cheap paper (once white), about 140 words: [Aserbed i]In the [general] blood, the spirit, the [inmost] emotions and convictions [is there] of this [United] Republic, are [there] [to be per stand starting points and central standards] models [and] beliefs foreign to our policy, scornful of it and [of the] most utterly, most eloquently denying republicanism, to be absorbed by our many women and children, wholesale, and perpetually? [For the true The last] Humanity's [real] progressive revolutions digests------ & broader scale [are] being not of politics [are government, of] but as just said of the [arts], literature, and [to a] (vastest and most permeating of all) manners [and] socilogy and religious beliefs.--In these, when is the [New World] Western Hemisphere to be independent of [Europe] the East in these, as it is in [political] singly dynastic rule? When is it going under the eternal standards of Nature,[A??ed] [in] [o?] The [General] blood. The spirit the [inmost] emotions and [comr?tions] [[?]] of this [United] Republic are [there to be] [[?e?]] s[[?]] s[tarting. points] and cen[tral] s[tandard] models [and beliefs] (foreign to our [Hol??? soo????? of it a?]) [of the] most utterly most eloquently [?] republican ism to be absorbed by our many [?] and children. wholesale, and [per????]? [x] [The last] Humanitys [real] of [For the time] + progressive revolutions [?] [[?]] [?] [are] [b?I?] not of politics [are government] [of] but as just said of the [arts], literature, and [[?]] [so] (vastest and most..permeating of all) manners [and] sociology and : religious belief. — In these. when is the [New World] [W???e?? Hem????] to be independent of [Europe] the East in these, as it is [political] kingly dynastic rule? When is it going under the eternal standards of Nature.