FEINBERG/WHITMAN NOTES and NOTEBOOKS NOTEBOOKS 1880 Impromptu Notes of a Half Paralytic (DCN61) Box 38 Folder 5759 1880 NOTEBOOK: IMPROMPTU NOTES OF A HALF PARALYTIC, A.MS. part of a notebook with many empty leaves, some torn out. (6p. 21 1/2 x 14 1/2 cm.) In wrappers made up by Walt Whitman. Inscribed on cover: "Whitman 431 Stevens St., Camden, Dec.: '80" Some pages torn out, then autograph notes on Carlyle. The notebook was turned and started over by Walt Whitman from back to front. On bottom of first page "Impromptu notes of a half paralytic", also some remarks for Passage to India. {61} (Label: Nb. G)Buckle paper carrier 618 Cherry Walt Whitman 431 Stevens St Camden NJ September Days & other days too Letters of John Keats to Fanny Browne [*H B [?Fornire] editor*] Reeves & Turner 196 Straw - pub: London Eng - 1878 Day & Night affinities Lust affinities Notanda (? impromptu) away from Books, (after writing one) Impromptu Notes of a half ParalyticWalt Whitman 431 Stevens St Camden NJ September Days & other days too Letters of John Keats to Fanny Browne [*H B Fornire editor*] Reeves & Turner 196 Straw - pub: London Eng - 1878 Day & Night affinities Lust affinities Notanda (? impromptu) away from Books, (after writing one) Impromptu Notes of a half ParalyticKnit Jackets Mansfield 1417 Ridge Phil Mr A Bryan 3416 Haverford st W Phila Nights of all seasons Specimen Nights Hours [at] of and the Days following Night [Crude?] Notes [intended] made at the time for [the] bases of Sonnets, or a Poem Night Affinities, not forgetting the Days Twilight Hours October Nights [Notes] [on] [the] &c &c [Un] [Momentary] Pencill Notes [at] the [places] [of] at the places & times [and places] [purposed] [vaguely] [vaguely] [for] [the] [as] for bases of Sonnets or a Poem Mr Gilchrist Keats Corner Wells Road Hampstead London Harlakenden Supplement Hours Now [ ] for [ ] close - away from Book Away [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Sweet, Simple, costless, and [ ] negligent hours done AwaySongs for Good Measure From Noon to Starry Night & other Brochures collections [clusters] namely Passage to India [&] [Echoes] songs of 62 & after & Notes as the wild bee hums Thou Mother with thy Brood Passage to India & Notes of a half Penalty or? From Noon to a starry night Notes of a beauty Pa[?]From Noon to Starry Night Passage to India + Notes as the wild Bee hums And away from Art, + away from Books My soul and I the lesson done( First as to Carly [more distracted] distracted and ? [in ] a greater puzzle than the old, quite as ors of the present hour let us examine this new Hamlet from Cheyne walk to whom the whole world especially [i] is out of joint especially its democratic tendencies and mark his contrivances for setting it right WASHINGTON D. C. May 5 6PM 1882 Mr. Walt Whitman No. 431 Stevens Street, Camden, New Jersey.W Whitman 431 Stevens St. Camden Dec: '80