Feinberg -- Whitman Notes and Notebooks Notes--Literary (1880-81) Comrades (leaflet) Box 39 Folder 24[**] Philadelphia PA. June 3 - 1896. This was used along in 1880 - 1881. Leaflets, Walt Whitmans, Mr. Whitman made little pocket memorandum books out of sheets of writing paper. In these he wrote down thoughts or made rough drafts of poems or prose work. This is one of them. He carried them about in his pocket - so as to have paper on hand. All of the writing in this book is in his hand. Thomas DonaldsonWalt WhitmanDepartures two or three of them-(death frequent departuresPoemet embodying the idea I wander [through] along my life hurl even-- meeting with comrades Therefore --I have not met my life has not [absorbed] & occup & drawn out my love for comrades How I have not met them Therefore I have put my passionate love of comrades in my poems