FEINBERG/WHITMAN NOTES and NOTEBOOKS NOTES--Literary UNDATED Judgements of People Box 39 Folder 65[*488*] Queer Judgments of Communities, Ages, and People: prose. A.MS. (1p. 19 x 19 1/2 cm.) Written in ink, with no changes or corrections, in a piece of ruled paper, clipped from a larger sheet, 74 words: Make a piece (short--or longer) on the queer judgment both of communities and ages, and of notable individuals as of Voltaire ab't Shakspere Byron & Wordsworth ab't the poets & as in Dictionary page 939 When women's characters were first attempted to be represented on the English stage by real women, actresses, they were angrily hissed off; it was considered indecent, beyond allowance. The first persons that carried umbrella in Europe were mobbedMake a piece (short - or longer) on the queer judgments both of communities and ages, and of notable individuals as of Voltaire ab't Shakspere Byron & Wordsworth ab't the poets & as in Dictionary page 939 when women's characters were first attempted to be represented on the English stage by real women, actresses, they were angrily hissed off; it was considered indecent, beyond allowance. The first persons that carried [?] umbrella in Europe were mobbed