FEINBERG/WHITMAN NOTES and NOTEBOOKS NOTES--Personal 1890 Old Fellows/My 71st Year Arrives Box 41 Folder 74392 1890 Old Fellows and My 71st Year Arrives: prose. A.MS. (1p. 28 x 21 1/2 cm.) Written in blue pencil and pencil on a sheet of a soiled paper, 128 words: Old Fellows Tennyson Carlyle Brougham Elias Hicks Victor Hugo Aaron Burr Dr. Lesseps Voltaire Franklin Whittier Palmerston Marshal de MacMahon, the 16th of 17 children Wash'n Irving Geo: Ticknor Bryant Geo: Catlin Bancroft Albert Pike Cassius Clay Henry Shaw of St. Louis 393 [Yes] My 71st year [has arrived and this is my future in it.] arrives: the fifteen [Fifteen] past months nearly all [of] illness or half-illness -- until a tolerabl[y]e [good] day (Aug: 6 1889) and, convoy'd by ------ I [was] have been [went over] carriaged across to Philadelphia, [convey'd by Mr B. and Ed. W.], (how sunny and [florid] fresh and good look'd the river, the people, the vehicles, and Market and Arch streets!) and [had] have sat for this photo., wh satisfies me [?] [?]Old Fellows Tennyson Carlyle Broughum Elias Hicks Jefferson Victor Hugo Aaron Burr De Lesseps Voltaire Franklin Whittier Palmerston Marshal de Mac Mahon, the 16th of 17 children Wash'n Irving Geo. Ticknor Bryant Geo. Catlin Bancroft Albert Pike Cassius Clay Henry Shaw of St. Louis [Yes] My 71st year [has arrived and that ] arrives: the fifteen is my future in it. Fifteen] [the immediate] past months nearly all [of] illness or half- illness - until a tolerable [good] day (Aug: 6 1889) and, I [went over] [was] have been carriaged [to] across Philadelphia, [conveyed by Mr. B and Ed. W.] and good Book'd (how sunny and [florid] fresh the river, the people, the vehicles and Market and Arch Streets!) and he sat for this photo. who satisfies me