FEINBERG/WITHMAN NOTES and NOTEBOOKS NOTES--Printing & Pub. Jan. 24,1891 Poems in Magazines Box 42 Folder 28 [*396*] 1891 24 January On Poems Out:note. A.MS. (1p. 19 x 12 cm.) Written in ink on the inside of a discarded opened out envelope, postmarked as received in Camden 24 January 1891 from England, addressed to WW, 26 words: Jan: 24 '91 The only poem-bits out now [is] are "Ship Ahoy!" in Youths Companion the "Death's Valley" sent (& paid) by request Harpers' MonthlyJan : 24 '91 The only poem' bits out now [is] are "Ship Ahoy ! " in Youths Companion the "Death's Valley" sent (& paid) by regrest Harpers' MonthlyWalt Whitman 328 Mickle St. Camden. New Jersey. U.S. America. [*NEW YORK* JAN 23*] [*C 91*] [* PAID G ALL*] [*CAMDEN N.J. JAN 2 [?] 6 AM 1891 E C.D.*]