Feinberg/Whitman Box 42 Folder 65 Notes and Notebooks Notes--Reference Undated Dryden, John--quotation654 1888 14 August Quotation from Dryden. A.MS. (1p. 6 1/2 x 19 1/2 cm.) Written in ink on a slip torn from the top of a lined piece of stationery, with Traubel's notation in upper corner (See notes Aug. 14 1888), 25 words: Not heaven itself upon the past has power, But what has been has been.--& I have had my hour. Horace, translated (improved) by Dryden[*see notes Aug. 14 1888*] Not heaven itself upon the past had power, But what has been has been- & I have had my hour. Horace translated (unproved) by Dryden