FEINBERG/WHITMAN MISCELLANY Estate of Walt Whitman Bills, receipts, & checks Apr. 1892 - May 1917 Box 45 Folder 17 No. 1015 Philadelphia, 10/29 1894 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co 927 CHESTNUT. ST. Pay to the order of Geo Whitman Admin One Hundred seventy-two & 01/100 Dollars $172.01 Horace L Traubel WM. H. HOSKINS, PHILADA.Geo. W. Whitman Administrator BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, PHILA. NOV 1 1894 ENDORSEMENT CORRECT For Collection and Remittance to MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK BURLINGTON, N.J. NATHAN HAINES, Cashier.No. 6 Philadelphia, 11/24 1893 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of Geo S Ferguson Co Eighty-seven & 00/100 Dollars $87.00 Horace L. Traubel Book a/c WM. H. HOSKINS, PHILA.Geo. S. Ferguson Co. Geo. S. Ferguson, President. 16No. 18 Philadelphia, 8/2 1894 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST Pay to the order of Geo S Ferguson Co Three Hundred sixty-nine & 67/100 Dollars $369.67 Horace L Traubel Book a/c $369.67 WM. H. HOSKINS, PHILAGeo. S. Ferguson Co. Geo. S. Ferguson, President. 16No. 16 Philadelphia, 6/23 1894 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of Oldach & Co Seventy-Five & 00/100 Dollars $75.00 Horace L Traubel Book a/c WM H. HOSKINS, PHILA.Oldach & Co MARKET ST. NATIONAL BANK, ENDORSEMENT GUARANTEED, B. F. DENNISSON, CashierNo. 14 Philadelphia, 3/12 1894 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of Horace L Traubel Treas One Hundred Seventy Three & 00/100 Dollars $173.00 Horace L Traubel Book a/c WM H. HOSKINS, PHILA.FOR DEPOSIT ONLY TO THE CREDIT OF Horace L Traubel Treas ENDORSEMENT CORRECT, PENN NATIONAL BANK.No. 4 Philadelphia, 11/9 1893 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of Oldach & Co Sixty & 00/100 Dollars $60.00 Horace L Traubel Book a/c WM H. HOSKINS, PHILA.Oldach & Co MARKET ST. NATIONAL BANK, ENDORSEMENT GUARANTEED, B. F. DENNISSON, CashierNo. 5 Philadelphia, 11/13 1893 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of Geo S Ferguson Co Eighty-One & 20/100 Dollars $81.20 Horace L Traubel Book a/c WM H. HOSKINS, PHILA.Geo. S. Ferguson Co. Geo S. Ferguson, President 16 Philadelphia Sept 20 1893 Received of Horace L Traubel, Trustee Seventy-Five Dollars on a/c $75.00 Oldach & Co. [??Witman??] WM M. CHRISTY'S SONS & CO. 213 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.No. 1249 Philadelphia, 9/12 1895 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 Chestnut St. Pay to the order of Oldach & Co [?] One & 25/100 Dollars $1.25 Horace L Taubel WM. HOSKINS, PHILADA. @ Oldach & Co. PAID (stenciled on receipt)Oldach & Co MARKET ST. NATIONAL BANK, ENDORSEMENT GUARANTEED, B. F. DENNISSON, CashierNo. 1254 Philadelphia, 9/13 1895 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of Oldach & Co Nineteen & 48/100 Dollars $19.48 Horace L Traubel P A I D WM H. HOSKINS, PHILADA.Oldach & Co MARKET ST. NATIONAL BANK, ENDORSEMENT GUARANTEED, B. F. DENNISSON, CashierNo. 1299 Philadelphia, 11/20 1895 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of David McKay Twenty & 00/100 Dollars $20.00 Horace L Traubel WM. H. HOSKINS, PHILADA. PAID for deposit David McKay Farmers & Mechanics NAT'L BANK. PHILADELPHIA.No. 1300 Philadelphia, 11/20 1895 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co. Pay to the order of David McKay Four & 35/100 Dollars $4.35 Horace L Traubel WM. H. HOSKINS, PHILADA.For deposit David McKay Farmers & Mechanics NAT'L BANK PHILADELPHIANo. 1311 Philadelphia, 12/4 1895 The City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Co 927 CHESTNUT ST. Pay to the order of George W Whitman admin. Two Hundred Twenty and 00/100 Dollars $220.00 Horace L Traubel WM. H. HOSKINS, PHILADA.PAID Geo. W. Whitman Administrator For Collection and Remittance to MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK BURLINGTON, N. J. NATHAN HAINES, Cashier. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, PHILA. DEC. 9, 1895. [ENDOR?] Received Phila April 21st 1892 of Horace L Traubel one copy Walt Whitman complete bound at 4.00 David McKay Martin 4.00 Strouse, Bertha. Strouse, Casper. Swope, Alexander. Swope, Barbara. Swope, William. Swope, William L. Swoyer, Sally A. Society, Adelphi Infant School. Society, American Baptist Publication. Society, American Philosophical, of Philadelphia.PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER. NEW AND SECOND HAND BOOKS MONTHLY STATEMENT, 23 S. NINTH ST. PHILADELPHIA, May, 13 1882 Walt Whitman In account with David McKay, Successor to REES WELSH & CO.'S Miscellaneous Business, 1892 Jan 23 To Mdse 1.00 Feb 1 " " 3.00 19 " " 4.00 Mar 4 " " 7.00 April 23 " " 1.00 cr 16.00 Jan 30 By Mdse 4.00 Feby " " 12.00 Mar 24 " " 4.00 April " " 28.00 48.00 ______ ______ 32.00284.731048 ALL CLAIMS FOR ALLOWANCES MUST BE MADE WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER RECEIPT OF GOODS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS SENT OUT TO BE PACKED OR RECEIVED BY US FOR ENCLOSURE NEW YORK August 16 1892 Mr. Horace L. Traubel, 2 CHARGED Camden, N.J. BOUGHT OF HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS P.O. BOX 959 FRANKLIN SQUARE 1 Electro from Harpers Weekly vol 36, page 318 "Whitmans Home" $1.25 With Credit & Copyright to Harper & Brothers RECEIVED PAYMENT, AUG 27 1892 HARPER & BROTHERS, Per Hany Achis Cmm $1.25 CreditedSTATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. Philadelphia, Aug. 1 1892 M. Est. of Walt Whitman, De[?] TO GEORGE S. FERGUSON CO. DR. Printers, Electrotypers, Stereotypers Established 1844 15 NORTH 7TH STREET. 1892 Nov 11 Totled. 27.05 Rec'd Payment Geo. S. Ferguson Cy 8/2/92PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER. NEW AND SECOND HAND BOOKS. MONTHLY STATEMENT 23 S. Ninth St. Philadelphia, Oct 13 1892 Estate of Walt Whitman In account with DAVID McKAY, Successor to REES WELSH & CO.'S Miscellaneous Business. May 3 90 Mdse $3.48 Credit Oct 13 By copyrights 534.11 " Mdse 26.67 ---------- 560.78 560.78 ---------- Bal credit 557.30 Philadelphia, Mar 1 1893 Est. Walt Whitman To Oldach & Co., Dr. Bookbinders 1215 Filbert Street and 114 S. Third Street Bndg 88 Whitman Complete 1/2 do 15 13.20 Boxing .50 13.70 by Camden Express [?] Philadelphia, Mar 13 1893 Est Walt Whitman To Oldach & Co., Dr. Bookbinders 1215 Filbert Street and 114 S. Third Street 1891 June x Bindg 1 book 1/2 cd .50 50 Good Bye Fancy sewd .50 Nov 17 50 Walt Whitman fold & call 2.50 tied up & delivered to McKay .50 Dec 13 Bindg 100 L of Grass Paper [?] [?] 6.00 10.00Oldach pay this billMONTHLY STATEMENT. Philadelphia, Aug 1 1893 Est Walt Whitman To Oldach & Co. Dr. BOOK BINDERS 1215 FILBERT STREET. 51 N. SEVENTH ST. July 1 Balance 10.61 27 Mdse 91.32 101.93 Sept 12 .87 ---------- 102.80 Sept 19th on a/c 75 RECEIVED PAYMENT, OCT 16 1893 OLDACH & CO., Per Wilson ---------- 27.80Folio 384 MONTHLY STATEMENT. S. B. ______ New York, Dec. 1 1894 M H. L. Traubel, IN ACCOUNT WITH CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO., PUBLISHERS, 67 Fifth Avenue. Am't as per Stat. rend. 48.25 To Mdse. On the above statement of your account with us the sum of $___________________ is now due, for which we will be pleased to receive your check at an early date. Failing to hear from you by _________________ we will take the liberty of drawing upon you for this sum, and trust draft will be honored. Respectfully, CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO.MONTHLY STATEMENT. Philadelphia, APR 3- 1896 Est Walt Whitman To OLDACH & CO. Dr. BOOKBINDERS 45 TO 51 N. SEVENTH ST. July Mdse 2.93 Mar 10 " 24.53 31 " 58.01 Apr 2 " 2.69 88.16 DUPLICATE. (Faded ink) RECEIVED PAYMENT APR 16 1896 OLDACH & CO. wilson Philadelphia, Feb 3- 1896 L. Thes (???) Na(??)d To Oldach & Co., Dr. Bookbinders 45 to 51 North Seventh Street Tavd [??]e Fa[?]y J(?)e(?) (??) (??) 14 1/2 145 [?] [?] [?] 14 1/2 1.48 2.93 [Received Payment,] [APR 16 1896] [Oldach & Co.,] Philadelphia, Mar 10 1896 Est. Walt Whiman To Oldach & Co., Dr. Bookbinders 45 to 51 North Seventh Street [?] 165 Good Dye Fancy [?] 14 1/2 23.93 1 Box & [?] .60 24.53 [?] London Canada [?] Canada [?] 400 [?] wilson [Received Payment,] [APR 16 1896] [Oldach & Co.,]Philadelphia MAR 31 1896 Est Walt Whitman To Oldach & Co., Dr. ...45 to 51 North Seventh Street... Bookbinders Dep 390 November Boughs clo step 147/8 5801 RECEIVED PAYMENT, APR 16 1896 OLDACH & CO., Per Wilson Philadelphia, APR 2 189 Est Walt Whitman To Oldach & Co., Dr. ...45 to 51 North Seventh Street... Bookbinders Bdg of November Boughs clu sten 147/8 104 2 Boxes Handling 165 269 RECEIVED PAYMENT, APR 16 1896 OLDACH & CO., Per Wilson Burlington N.J. Apl, 18th 1896 Received from Horace L. Trauble, acting for the literary Executors of Walt Whitman deceased, the sum of One Hundred and thirty (130 00/100) Dollars, on account of royalty paid to said literary Executors, by the publishers of Walt Whitman's books. Geo. W. Whitman Administrator Burlington N.J. March 4th 1897 Received from Horace L. Traubel, acting for the literary executors of Walt Whitman, deceased, the sum of Two Hundred and fifty and 03/100 Dollars, on account of royalties paid to said literary executors, by the publisher of Walt Whitman's Books. Geo. W. Whitman AdministratorReg. 42, Part 1, No. 23027 Stationers' Hall. 11 Novr. 1897 Messrs. R. M. Bucke, F. Harned & H. L Traubel has this day Registered the undermentioned Book: N.B. -- This Memorandum is for reference only, and is not evidence of the entry referred to. Leaves of Grass. By W. Whitman. (p.p. 423 to 430.) N.B. -- One copy of each publication, and of any second or subsequent edition containing additions and alterations, must be delivered at, or forwarded by post or rail, carriage prepaid, to the British Museum immediately after publication; and four copies should be delivered here for the Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Dublin Libraries. Fees paid: s. Original Entry 5 W. J. E. Certificate 5 Reg. 51 Part I, No. 48060 Stationers' Hall 5 DEC 1904 Map G.P. Putnam's Sons has this day Registered the undermentioned Book: An American Primer By Walt Whitman N.B. - This Memorandum is for reference only Fee for Certified Copy of the Entry 5s. N.B. - One copy of each publication and of any second or subsequent edition containing additions and alterations, must be delivered at, or forwarded by post or rail, carriage prepaid, to the British Museum immediately after publication; and four copies should be delivered here for the Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Dublin Libraries. Fees paid: Original Entry ...5 Certificate ...5ROYALTY STATEMENT. Ent'd FROM ________________________ TO __________________________ THOS. B. HARNED & H. TRAUBEL. c/o THOMAS B. HARNED, ESQ., WEST END TRUST BLDG., PHILADELPHIA, PA. In Account with D. APPLETON & COMPANY. 29-35 WEST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK NOV. 1 1916 AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF TWO YEARS FROM PUBLICATION STATEMENTS ARE ISSUED ONLY WHEN SALES HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE GIVE 1/2 YEAR OR WHEN SPECIAL REQUEST IS MADE BY THE AUTHOR. TITLE OF BOOK NO. SOLD PRICE RATE AMOUNT Whitman Prose Half Roy x 5 1.25 5% .31 By Credit Balance 5/1/16 .93 -------- 1.24 We have examined the authors' accounts on the books of D. Appleton & Co. for the six months ending June 30, 1916 and have made substantial tests of the accuracy thereof by comparison with original sales records and we certify that the above statement is to accord therewith and is, in our opinion, correct. Price Waterhouse, & Co. x Sold in foreign countries. DATE DR. ITEMS [*Ent'd*] ROYALTY STATEMENT. FROM Jul 1 1916 TO. Dec 31 1916 THOS. B. HARNED & H. TRAUBEL, C/O THOMAS B. HARNED, ESQ., WEST END TRUST BLDG., PHILADELPHIA, PA. In Account with D. APPLETON & COMPANY. 29-35 WEST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK May 1 1917. 191 AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF TWO YEARS FROM PUBLICATION STATEMENTS ARE ISSUED ONLY WHEN SALES HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE GIVEN ½ YEAR OR WHEN SPECIAL REQUEST IS MADE BY THE AUTHOR. TITLE OF BOOK NO. SOLD PRICE RATE AMOUNT Complete Prose ½ Roy x 39 1 25 5% 2 44 We have examined the author's accounts on the books do D. Appleton & Co. for the six months ending December 31, 1916 and have made substantial tests of the accuracy thereof by comparison with original sales records, and we certify that the above statement is in accord therewith and is, in opinion, correct. B.T. Price, Waterhouse & Co. Chartered Accountants x Sold in foreign countries. DATE DR. ITEMS