FEINBERG/WHITMAN LITERARY FILE Prose "Walt Whitman on Poetry" (1882). Proof Sheet. from cnt. 33-6 (oversz 4-15) Includes A. MS. notation Published as "Ventures on an Old Theme", Specimen Days1256 1882 Walt Whitman on Poetry. A. MS. (1p. 43.2 x 19.5 cm.) Written in ink, with top line in pencil, on a small piece of lined stationary, to which has been pasted a long [galley]-proof (made up of three proofs pasted together), beginning 'A Dialogue-- One party says--, 28 words: for Sunday 11th Walt Whitman on Poetry "Specimen Days," the new prose book by the author of "Leaves of Grass," out this week in Philadelphia, contains the following: (The 'Dialogue' follows...... [)]It appears in SD as 'Ventures on an old Theme'.)Walt Whitman on Poetry "Specimen Days," the prose book by the author of "Leaves of Grass," out this week in Philadelphia, contains the following : A DIALOGUE---One party says---We arrange our lives---even the best and boldest men and women that exist, just as much as the most limited---with reference to what society conventionally rules and makes right. We retire to our rooms for freedom; to undress, bathe, unloose everything in freedom. These, and much else, would not be proper society. Other party answers---Such is the rule of society. Not always so, and considerable exceptions still exist. However, it must be called the general rule, sanction'd by immemorial usage, and will probably always remain so. First party---Why not, then, respect it in your poems? Answer---One reason, and to me a profound one, is that the soul of a man or woman demands, enjoys compensation in the highest directions for this very restraint of himself or herself, level'd to the average, or rather mean, low, however eternally practical, requirements of society's intercourse. To balance this indispensable abnegation, the free minds of poets relieve themselves, and strengthen and enrich mankind with free flights in all the directions not tolerated by ordinary society. First party---But must not outrage or give offence to it. Answer---No, not in the deepest sense---and do not, and cannot. The vast averages of time and the race en masse settle these things. Only understand that the conventional standards and laws proper enough for ordinary society apply neither to the action of the soul, not its poets. In fact the latter know no laws but the laws of themselves, planted in them by God, and are themselves the last standards of the law, and its final exponents ---responsible to Him directly, and not at all to mere etiquette. Often the best service that can be done to the race, is to lift the veil, at least for a time, from these rules and fossil etiquettes. NEW POETRY---California, Canada, Texas---In my opinion the time has arrived to essentially break down the barriers of form between prose and poetry. I say the latter is henceforth to win and maintain its character regardless of rhyme, and the measurement-rules of iambic, spondee, dactyl, &c., and that even if rhyme and those measurements continue to furnish the medium for interior writers and themes, (especially for persiflage and the comic, as there seems henceforward, to the perfect taste, something inevitably comic in rhyme, the truest and greatest Poetry, (while subtly and necessarily always rhythmic, and distinguishable easily enough,) can never again, in the English language, be express'd in arbitrary and rhyming metre, any more than the greatest eloquence, or the truest power and passion. While admitting that the venerable and heavenly forms of chiming versification have in their time play'd great and fitting parts---that the pensive complaint, the ballads, wars, amours, legends of Europe, &c., have, many of them, been inimitably render'd in rhyming verse---that there have been very illustrious poets whose shapes the mantle of such verse has beautifully and appropriately envelopt---and though the mantle has fallen, with perhaps added beauty, on some of our own age---it is, notwithstanding, certain to me, that the day of such conventional rhyme is ended. In America, at any rate, and as a medium of highest aesthetic practical or spiritual expression, present or future, it palpably fails, and must fail, to serve. The Muse of the Prairies, of California, Canada, Texas, and of the peaks of Colorado, dismissing the literary, as well as social etiquette of over-sea feudalism and caste, joyfully enlarging, adapting itself to comprehend the size of the whole people, with the free play, emotions, pride, passions, experiences, that belong to them, body and soul---to the general globe, and all its relations in astronomy, as the savans portray them to us---to the modern, the busy Nineteenth century, (as grandly poetic as any, only different,) with steamships, railroads, factories, electric telegraphs, cylinder presses--- to the thought of the solidarity of nations, the brotherhood and sisterhood of the entire earth---to the dignity and heroism of the practical labor of farms, factories, foundries, workshops, mines, or on shipboard, or on lakes and rivers---resumes that other medium of expression, more flexible, more eligible---soars to the freer, vast, diviner heaven of prose. Of poems of the third of fourth class, (perhaps even some of the second,) it makes little or no difference who writes them--- they are good enough for what they are ; nor it is necessary that they should be actual emanations from the personality and life of the writers. The very reverse sometimes gives piquancy. But poems of the first class, (poems of the depth, as distinguished from those of the surface,) are to be sternly tallied with the poets themselves, and tried by them and their lives. Who wants a glorification of courage and manly defiance from a coward or a sneak ?---a ballad of benevolence or chastity from some rhyming hunks, or lascivious, glib roue? In these States, beyond all precedent, poetry will have to do with actual facts, with the concrete States, and---for we have not much more than begun---with the definitive getting into shape of the Union. Indeed I sometimes think it alone is to define the Union, (namely, to give it artistic character, spirituality, dignity.) What American humanity is most in danger of is an overwhelming prosperity, "business" worldliness, materialism: what is most lacking, east, west, north, south, is a fervid and glowing Nationality and patriotism, cohering all the parts into one. Who may fend that danger, and fill that lack in the future, but a class of loftiest poets? If the United States havn't grown poets, on any scale of grandeur, it is certain they import, print, and read more poetry than any equal number of people elsewhere---probably more than all the rest of the world combined. Poetry (like a grand personality) is a growth of many generations ---many rare combinations. To have great poets, there must be great audiences, too.