NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE American Association of University Women [*So called Equal Rts Amendment*] AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 1634 EYE STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. ALTHEA KRATZ HOTTEL, PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA , PENNSYLVANIA May 3, 1949 Dear Mrs. Park: Thank you for your letter of April 30, 1949, regarding the article which was circulated by Florence Kitchelt, Alma Lutz, and Harriet Newhall. This could not have been circularized to all members of the American Association of University Women as there are 100, 000 such members and we never would release the names and addresses of these to other members for circularizing individuals. Consequently, I believe that the above women must have circularized particular people whom they knew in the AAUW. They have frequently written to the Chairman of the Status of Women Committee of the AAUW and also to the Chairman of Legislation. The AAUW has reiterated again its stand with reference to opposition to the equal rights amendment. This matter will be discussed at Seattle quite thoroughly and I appreciate your sending me the release from the League of Women Voters. You may wish to call this to the attention of the Chairman of the Committee on the Status of Women, Judge Lucy Howorth, 1112 16th Street, Washington 6, D. C. I know that Judge Howorth would welcome such a communication. Thank you again for writing to me and I feel that you may be assured the Committee on the Status of Women is not in sympathy with the stand taken by the three women who sent out special statements, Sincerely yours, Althea R Hottel Mrs. Maud Wood Park 21 Ashmont Street Melrose 76, Massachusetts AKH/bbo AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 1634 EYE STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. May 16, 1949 Mrs. Maud Wood Park 21 Ashmont Street Melrose 76, Mass. Dear Mrs. Park: I am indeed glad to have your letter of the fifth relative to the so-called Equal Rights Amendment and the position of the AAUW in respect to it. Our national Status of Women Committee is always glad to have the views of members on issues within its field, and we thank you for writing us and giving the information about the article that is being circulated. We wish that it were possible for you to attend the AAUW Convention in Seattle next month. Sincerely yours, Lucy Somerville Howorth Lucy Somerville Howorth Chairman, Status of Women Committee 1sh/fvs Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at