NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Brainerd, Eveline Amenia, N.Y. May 16, 1940 Haddam Ct. Res address Dear Pres. Park In my haste to oblige you I now find on rereading your letter that you want - as you state clearly - the first draft of four chapters including the alteration you proposed to me in New York. You shall have them - But I have not touched the book since we talked. It seemed to me better to wait til I had all Mrs. Catt's revisions. This doing a bit here and a bit there and then perhaps more again makes for a poor job, and wastes time. So I told Mrs. Wilson I would take the work up again when the committee was really ready to have it delivered to the publisher. When I get that work & final directions I will do your chapters first, get an extra copy & mail them to you. I'm sorry for my [?] Sincerely yours, Eveline W. Brainerd Haddam, Ct. Jan. 17, 1944. Dear Mrs. Park, Another Chinese card and your greeting lie before me. You had no word from me because I was at Christmas tide in hospital. The illness was not grave but inconveniently timed & only now am I writing New Years greetings. But this delay lets me tell you of Mrs Catt’s birthday luncheon. Michael Russell had a table of us old time fellow laborers and for me it was a great treat. Mrs. Catt is amazing her voice as strong as ever it seemed, her hearing as firm, her hopes as hands. Helen Hayes made a charming speech. Mrs. Roosevelt was at her best perhaps. And the youngster from Radcliff Diana Maurer, I believe, certainly gave us hope for the future. Miss Peck’s life of Mrs. Catt is in press as probably you know. The Chinese card I have saved. They are fascinating. Maybe -- In time -- there will be leisure to enjoy them again. I'm moved that you hold me in memory. May this year bring you good gifts, Mai Mrs Parks. Sincerely yours, Eveline D. Brainerd Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at