NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Goodale, John H. Manchester (N H) June 24th Miss Lucy Stone -- In a letter you addressed to me from Maine, last February, you partially engaged to lecture before the Free Democratic Lyceum of this City the coming Winter. We are to occupy a new Hall, the largest in the State, which will be finished before the middle of November. We wish to secure you for the opening lecture of the course, about the middle of November. We will pay you [??] for the Lecture, beside the opportunity of as many succeeding lectures as you may think proper to give, as your own responsibility. I will also, if requested, make an arrange meant with the Concord and Nashua Free Democratic Lyceums so that you can address them without any loss of time or additional expense. Please to reply at your earliest convenience. New Hampshire affords a fine field for effort the present year. WE prefer that your subject should be "The rights of Woman." Yours Respectfully John H. Goodale Sec'y Free Dem. Lyceum Manchester, N. H. June 24. 1854? Miss Lucy Stone In a letter addressed to me from Maine last February, you partially engaged to Lecture before the Free Democratic Lyceum of this City the coming winter. We are to occupy a new Hall, the largest in the State. We wish to secure you for the opening lecture of the course about the middle of November. We will pay you $30 for the Lecture, besides the opportunity of as many succeeding lectures as you may think it proper to give on your own responsibility. We prefer that your subject should be "The Rights of Woman". Yours respectfully John H. Goodale Secy. Free Democratic Lyceum Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at