NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE HARTMAN, LEWIS O. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT L.O. HARTMAN Editor & Manager Zion's Gerald THE NEW ENGLAND METHODIST WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 1823 WESLEYAN BUILDING, 581 BOYLSTON STREET, COPLEY SQUARE Boston, Massachusetts GEO. E. WHITAKER Publisher December 19, 1930 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Monadnock Street Upham's Corner, Boston, Mass. I certainly share your views on the race question. The president of Boston University recently released a statement on the subject which you doubtless saw in Zion's Herald. In it he said that the specific situation at Sargent was still under review. I have been hoping to hear the final decision. Race discrimination, either in theory of practise, should have no place in our great university. With kind regards, I remain, Very truly yours, L.O. Hartman Editor THE METHODIST CHURCH THE BOSTON AREA BISHOP LEWIS O. HARTMAN 581 BOYLSTON STREET. BOSTON 16. MASSACHUSETTS June 23, 1944 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 1010 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts Dear Miss Blackwell: I have recieved no letter that has warmed my heart more than yours of June 11. I feel honored that Alice Stone Blackwell should write me in her own hand such a beautiful letter of felicitation. I prize it highly. God bless you! He has and He will. With kind regards, I remain Very sincerely yours, Lewis O. Hartman Resident Bishop of the Boston Area L. O. Hartman Editor and Manager Zions Herald Independent Methodist Weekly Established 1823 581 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts April 15, 1943 Business Office Tel. KENmore 5379 Editorial Office Tel. KENmore 6251 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 1010 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts Dear Miss Blackwell: I deeply appreciated your Easter greeting. It helped me and I am grateful for your friendship. You have been a courageous child of light for many long years and have given wonderful leadership to many good causes. I often think of you shut in as you are. God bless you. Very sincerely, L. O. Hartman Editor LOH:kr Editorial Department Zion's Herald The New England Methodist Weekly Established 1823 Wesleyan Building, 581 Boylston Street, Copley Square Boston, Massachusetts L.O. HARTMAN Editor & Manager GEO. E. WHITAKER Publisher July 1, 1930 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 2 Monadnock Street Upham's Corner, Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Blackwell: Many thanks for the first of the two articles on India which you promised. I am much pleased. It is just what I wanted and will appear just as you have written it without any "cuts." With kind regards, I remain, Very truly yours, L.O. Hartman Editor Zions Herald Independent Methodist Weekly Established 1823 581 Boylston Street Boston 16, Massachusetts L.O. HARTMAN Editor and Manager Business Office Tel. KENmore 5379 Editorial Office Tel: KENmore 6251 April 3, 1944 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 1010 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts Dear Miss Blackwell: I deeply appreciated your kind thought of me at Easter time, and the card with its poem and uplifting expressions of noble thoughts. I often think of you and find deep inspiration in the good fight you have fought through the years. May God bless you! He has blessed you and He will continue to bless you. With best regards, I am Very sincerely yours, L.O. Hartman Editor LOH:RB Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at