NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Hoyt. John W. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING [* John W Hoyt OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT U of Wyoming*] Laramie, Wyoming, October 4, 1889 Rec Nov 15 " My dear friend: When I wrote you quite hurriedly, some days since, at Cheyenne, acquatining you with the additional guarantees of equality I had been so fortunate as to have adopted by the Wyo. Constitutional Convention without dissent, I did not know that you were so soon to be in the far West, and I now write again, addressing you at Denver, to be the more sure of tracking you. And in order that you may see the liberal character of our constitution, I enclose herewith the whole instrument, as hurriedly and somewhat incorrectly published by the Leader, having marked such portions as will readily show you the time and temper of the whole -- the broadest constitution ever offered to any people. It cannot be [?] that there are opponents to Woman Suffrage among us, but they made a feeble faint in the Convention and they will not be able to defeat the constitution - As a mater of fact, there appears to have been in the convention but one delegate who opposed Woman Suffrage on principle; the others who voted no when the question first came up did so on the ground of expediency, framing [?]the incorporation of that [?] present the acceptance of the Constitution by Congress - Faithfully yours, Thos W. Hoyt Mrs. Lucy Stone Denver - Laramie, Wyo. Oct 4, 1889 My Dear Friend: When I wrote you quite hurridly, some days since, at Cheyenne, acquainted you with the additional guarauties of equality I had been so fortunate as to have adopted by the Wyoming Legislature with [ * * ] dissent, I did not know that you were so soon to be in the far West; and I now write again, addressing you at Denver, to be the more sure of reaching you. And in order that you may see the liberal character of our Constitution, I enclose hereinth the whole [ * * ], as hurridly and somewhat incorrectly published by the Leader, having marked such portions as will readily show you the tone and temper of the whole, ____ the broadest Constitution ever offered to any people. I cannot be denied that there are opponents to Woman Suffrage among us, but they made a feeble front in the Convention and the will not be able to defeat the Constitution As a matter of fact, there appears to have been in the Convention but one delegate who opposed Woman Suffrage on principle; the others who voted no knew the question first came up, did so on the ground of expediency, fearing lest the incorporation of tat should prevent the acceptance of the Constitution by Congress. Faithfully yours, John W. Hoyt ____________ Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at