NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Lewis, Graceanna Graceanna Lewis [*Speak to G.W. who answered this*] 402 Garyley Street, Media, Pa Feb. 13. 1906. To Miss Alice Stone Blackwell. Esteemed Friends. At Christmas, a friend sent me a year's subscription to the "Woman's Journal". This was Mrs. Jaurier, a friend of my cousin, Miss Emily A. Buren of 2155 West Adams Street, Los Angeles, Cal. For three weeks past, two numbers of the "Woman's Journal" have reached me, ^each week and I think that by some mistake, my name must have been repeated in your subscription list:- I therefore write to have the error corrected. In more prosperous days, we used to take the paper, but of late I have not been able to do as I wished, and continue it. But it is a waste to have two copies which I cannot use to advantage of the good cause. I remember well a day spent at thy home, when thy sainted mother was living, I think, in 1872. I have never forgotten her, or her noble life. I am now in my 85th. year, and it cannot be long ere I shall follow her and many other dear friends; but the work she did will never be lost to womankind and to our race. I am thankful to know that her daughter is engaged in the same mission to Humanity, and that her husband still talks with her as when both were together. Thanking you both, I am very truly her friend and yours, and the friend of mankind, Graceanna Lewis. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at