NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Lowell, Ettie L. 525 Walnut St. Newtonville Tel. Newton North 500 1906 NEWTON EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE My dear Miss Blackwell, Have just returned from NY and hasten to answer your kind letter. I was unable to see the distinguished Russian, but hope to see him in April. The "Armenian Nights" will be held in West Newton, with Mrs Nathaniel Allen, and she prefers for the date Friday, April 26th. Thursday the 25th second choice. We are very anxious to have where as. Suffrage would not appeal to them enough to have them attend. If you wish to speak on any special phase of the question, we shall be pleased to have you. As our board meeting, Miss Ida Clothier enlightened us as to the dire conditions in Colorado with the social class. We worked to gather for temperance, when we were girls. Here is the address of a your man, whom I chance to know, and has been very anxious to me to arrange an Armenian meeting, and I shall invite him, but xxxx four or more, young Armenian women in native dress. We will gladly pay their car fares. Possibly they would be willing to help serve the light refreshments. We shall issue printed invitation as you have the program arranged. I want a drawing card by which I can secure the presence of a few people that are neither for or against suffrage, and then have you lay down some cold facts after the other speakers. The subject I am sure will attract them to speak. I mention it, because he may be able to assist you, as he is heart and soul in the work for the freedom of his people. Mr. M. K. Soukikian 18 Dix Place - Boston. He has had many personal experiences of persecution, because of his labor for the liberty of his people, and would gladly help you if you wish to have him; however it is all your privilege. I shall not mention it to him, except an invitation to be present. Yours most gratefully Ettie L. Lowell (Mrs. Geo. T. Lowell) [*Mrs. Geo. T. Lowell*] Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at