NAWSA General Correspondence Mitchell, Charles A. Purity Industrial Homes. Chas. A. Mitchell, Supt. STUDENT SELF HELP DEPARTMENT OF MARIONVILLE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. REV. L. G. RESER, A. M., President TURRENTINE HALL. (For Boys.) J. G. KEMP, Foreman. MRS. J. G. KEMP, Matron. REV. W. M. BOYD, Field Worker. BURGE HOME. (For Girls.) MRS. LILLY ELLIOT, Matron. These Homes furnish work for students with which to pay school expenses. MARIONVILLE, MO., 12/27/5. 1905 Editor, "Woman's Journal," Dear Friend:--You will see by the enclosed literature what we are doing for young people, helping students thru school and taking up the question of personal purity. Papers and magazines all over the country are making mention of this, such as the New Voice, Christian Herald, New York Weekly Witness, and etc. If you cared to do so we shall be glad to send you a typewritten copy. Kindly let me know on the enclosed card. We should also be glad to receive your paper in our reading-room if you cared to send it. Your brother, Char A Mitchell Supt. Dict.Holt [Wa?ts ?] BURGE HOME. The above home, to cost $10,000, will be built as fast as free will offerings will permit. A $2,000 block has been bought for this, containing a small frame house which is now being used. Our great curse is impurity. Little is one to counteract it, and the boy is not to blame, not being told the truth in a pure way, but is allowed to pick up his information in a very hurtful way. THE PURITY FEATURE requires a life pledge against whiskey and tobacco, freedom from profanity and obsenity. The girls agree not to keep company with whiskey or tobacco users. Reading books and attending lecturers on purity; Bible reading; family prayer; religious, temperance, hygienic and purity literature in the reading room and special interest taken in each boy on the line of personal purity. THE INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT provides work for students such as cooking, washing, ironing, barbering, carpentering painting printing, gardening, farming, wood cutting, blacksmithing and broom making Individuals or societies can help us by ordering one dozen or more parlor brooms, which are sent at $3:50. freight paid for a 30 cent broom. You lose nothing, and encourage young men struggling for an education. This philanthropic work is supported by free will offerings. It stands for the annihilation of the liquor traffic, total abstinence from the use and sale of tobacco, for "A White Life for Two," or a single standard of morals. i e: that men should be morally as pure as women, or not to be recognized in society. We condemn the necessary evil idea and declare that chastity is conducive to health. All who endorse the above are urged to co-operate. If you are a lover of purity and a friend of industrial education send us money, fruit, bedding, clothing, furniture, books or good papers. So far over 100 students have been helped and dozens are calling for a chance to enter the Indusaial Family, as the work students are called. NEW FACTORY. A friend gave $500 to buy land opposite the Home, for garden, barn and factory purposes. It will be 40x100 twos tories, concrete, The students will almost entirely build it It will be built by free will offerings. Helping on this you aid students to get an education. PURITY BOOKS. We carry a line of such books which will be sent prepaid for the price below. For boys: "A Holy Temple," "Safe Guards to Party," and "Not a Toothache" for 5 cents each. "Child Confidenc. Rewarded" at 25 cents. "Teaching Truth" and "Almost a Man." 50 cents each. "True Manhood" $1. For girls: "That Bad Girl" 5 cents, "Child Confidence Rewarded" for 15 cents, "Teaching Truth" and "Almost a Woman" 50 cents each, "For Girls" $2 For Older People, "Pre-Natal Culture" 25 cents and "In His Steps 10 cents. Tokology, $2.25. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at