NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Moore, Henrietta G. [*Henrietta G. Moore*] 1239 North Allen Ave Altadena, Calif. 4/11/38 My very dear Friend: Here are my Easter Greetings accompanied by a few of the many thoughts I have of you: Our world received a rich heritage when you were given to it by Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell. They were decreed to give the light of new truth unto their generation — and most of all to fashion you and bequeath you to this world of greater need. You have been heroically true to your mission — which has not yet reached its completion. And your sight shall be keener and your visions fairer than any you have possessed before time. The Great Physician's hand is on your sight anointing you for competion of your work which is to lead those who are blinder than you are into the Light of infinite justice and peace and righteousness. With great Easter love for what you have been and for what you are yet to be. Henrietta G. Moore Dear Alice Stone Blackwell: I moved to this address, Nov. 18 and resumed house-keeping and, wonder of wonders, I positively enjoy cooking! Henrietta [*G Moore*] 609 Fairview Ave South Pasadena, Calif. Where I Live "I do not live in Goshen — I eat here, sleep here, work here: I live in Greece Where Plato taught And Phidias carved And Epictetus wrote. "Think not my life is small, Because you see a puny place. "I have my books, I have my dreams: A thousand souls have left for me Enchantment that transcends Both time and place. "And so I live in Paradise Not here." Author unknown Wishing you the joy of the season Christmas Greetings From Henrietta Greer Moore Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at