NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Robertson, Mr. John Affleck [*Smithsonian Collection*] Oct. 2, 1923. Mr. John Affleck Robertson, 409 Madison Avenue, Scranton, Pa. My dear Mr. Robertson: I have before me your letter of December 1922. I did not return to this country until June 1923 and your letter was not forwarded to me. There was such an accumulation of all kinds of mail, that I have never been able to get to the bottom of the accumulation. This must be the apology for the long delay. I was much interested in the photograph you mentioned. If your friend has sent it to you, we would be glad to give it space in the Smithsonian Institute with other mementos of our movement. They have given us a fine booth there. I would be glad to receive it. I suppose I, or someone else, can tell who all the persons are who were in it. Your friend was mistaken about the meeting of 1888 being the first one calledby the National American Woman Suffrage Association, which was at that time forty years old. It was, therefore, not the first convention of women, but it was the first International Convention out of which grew the Council of Women. I was not present at that meeting, but I know all about it and know plenty of people who were there. Pardon me, I beg, for this apparent neglect of your request. I am, Most cordially yours, President. CCC:HW. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at