NAWSA General Correspondence Thompson, George 99 Pinckney Street Friday morning July 21 My Dear Mr. Whipple, I fear when on Wednesday I promised to be at Abingdon on the 1st [?], I acted without due consideration. I find that I cannot bear the hot weather of the present year as well as I did that of last year. I am today compelled by a regard for my health to put aside an invitation to take part in the Commemoration at Harvard. On August the 7th I shall have to leave Boston to attend a commencement in Vermont, and deliver an address, I must spare myself all I can, that I may meet the requirements of this occasion. Do not, therefore, advertise me as one of the speakers at the [grove?] but leave me free to go or not, as I may judge right when the time comes. Your's very truly Geo Thompson C. K. Whipples. Esq. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at