NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE The Woman's Column Indiana - Maryland Mrs Laura Narehal, Muscogeu - 2nd Jeu paid 25 Rene S. Parks- Nov 21/45 1.00CK. June 8/93 1st - 92 Vincennes Ind June Editor Womans Column Please send coppies of column. To following persons - Mrs Justus Chancellor 533 Burling St Chicago, Ill - Mrs. Dr. S.R. Chancellor 2216 Dearborn Street Chicago Ill - Miss Lucy McMillin 909 3rd St Vincennes, Ind - Mrs. John C. Chancellor Bof 66, Vincennes, Ind for which you will find enclosed $1.00 very resolute. E.J. Chancellor EJ Chancellor Virennes Lord 4 names Money order $1.80 1891 Goshen Ind October 16th Dear Madam I send you a list of names for the Womens Column Mrs L W Vale 508 South 6th St Goshen Miss Mary E. Parfitt 602 6th St Goshen Mrs. A E Davis 402 S. 6th St Goshen Mrs Annica M Lauffer 523 S 6 St Goshen Mrs HL Darr 517, S 6th St Goshen Mrs Geo V Roocor 509 S 6 St Goshen Mrs E L Newell 411 S 6 St Goshen Mrs Lue Cramer 405 S 6th St Goshen Mrs M Twonney 301 S 7th St Goshen Mrs Sarah Grant 513 S. 7 St Goshen Mrs Clara Henry 143 Crescent St Goshen Miss Alice Dierderff Warrensburg Missouri Enclosed find money order for same. C E Davis Goshen 619 S 7th St Twelve manus $1,80 Dana Ind. Dec. 15th 91 Norman's Column Boston, Mass. Enclosed find money order for $2.25 of which please send Norman's Column to the following named persons, one year each and oblige Yours respectfully Lora Snively Mrs. S. Johnston, Dana, Ind. Mrs. Fred Rush, Dana, Ind. Mrs. S. Kaufman, Dana, Ind. Mrs. John Peer, Dana, Ind. Mrs. Bell Sharp, Dana, Ind. Mrs. J. R. Swain, Dana, Ind. Mrs. H. B. Meals, Dana, Ind. Mrs. Carrie Taylor, Dana, Ind. [Mrs] Mr. Evan Thompson, Dana, Ind. [*[?Porti]te note 160*] Goshen, Ind. April 192 Miss Blackwell. I send you a list of names for the Womans Column New Subscribers. Mrs. Emma Lipsett 914-S.-Main “ Frank Wissinger. Washington St. Miss Rosa Lee Ellis. 111-S-8th Goshen Ind Mrs. W.H. Pease. 294 Weston Ave. Chicago. Renewals of old sub in March Goshen Mrs. A J Vale. 635. South-6th st. " " H. Smeader. 612. S- 6th st. " “ G W. Berry 601. S- 7th st. " “ C E Davis 619. S- 7th st. " 4 New Subscribers 15 cts .60. c 4 Renewals 25 cts $1.00 $1.00 Inclosed find money order for the amount. Do you alow any Per, cent on renewals of old, subscribers. to the Womans Column. Mrs. C E Davis. Goshen, Ind. 619 - S - 7th st Mrs C E Davis Goshen Ind 8 names 200 Coms on 4 names 40 ______ net 160 Chariton, Iowa, February 9, 1892 Entities of the Womans 6 olrimn 3 Park street Boston Mass. Madam Phare find Enslaved Draft of $850 on V.G. for 15 subserilure for zone Gess of a paper. So cheap and to the point. I do not believe any citizen can be honest. Much less a christian who is not willing to grant all the rights of citizenship to this fellow citizens without regard to mix that the demands is a citizen you will plan send the paper to Chariton Lucas County to the following address. S.D. Hiitanan J.H. Reevies D.20. Storie J.H. MRDHAM Reverend Austin 6.E. ALLEN C SUPERINTENDANT J.M. Shular J.E. Edwards Mifs Aunie 6. Ekfell Eli Manning H Blaus R. E. Edmoneon Alie Ston Blackull I have enlisted in your cause becaus I believe it just & think the govrment needs the good Council of our entiligent Missourians as bad or wors that the good wemmen of our nation need the assistance of the ballautt. Yours for the just cause, S.D. Hickman [*S.D. Hickman Chariton Iowa 15 names 375*] [*Bill & [?h??] 1.80*] Wash. Ioa. June 6/92 Friends I send you 12 names and wish you to send the Woman's Column to each for one year. Some are regular subscribers others we think will be benefited by reading it. I remit $1.80 to pay for same. Miss Eunice B Scofield PS June 7 Please send 15 Long Leaflets No 32 50 Suffrage Chatechisms 4 Ballot for the Women 5 Enough of the latter to make the price count $.20 and I remit $2. in all. Eunice B. Scofield Eunice B Scofield Washington Iowa 12 names 300 Wom. Com. 120 net 180 also to send leaflets Grant D. Harrington, Deputy. S.S. Harrington, Postmaster. The Rock Valley Postoffice Rock Valley, Sioux Co., Iowa. 25 P. note Rock Valley, Iowa, Sept. 28. 1891 Alice Stone Blackwell, Boston, Mass Herein find postal note for 25 cts to pay for "The Woman's Column" one year. Some sample copies sent me by a friend show that it is most worthy and I am amazed that you can furnish so much for the mere pittance you get for one such subscription. Yours sincerely, (Mrs.) Sada Harrington, Rock Valley Sioux Co. Iowa [*.25 wd Pleasant Hills*] THE State Bank of Rock Valley W. P. MANLEY, PRESIDENT. G. D. MARRINGTON, VICE-PRESIDENT. F. M. BUNTING, CASHIER. M. E. DEWOLF, ASS'T CASHIER. ORGANIZED JAN. 10, 1888. PAID UP CAPITAL, $25,000. Rock Valley, Iowa, May 31, 1892 Alice Stone Blackwell, Boston, Mass. Dear Lady: Herein find two new names for your little paper which add for the coming issue. Your friend, Sadette Harrington. Des Moines, Nov. 1st, 1891. Mrs. or Miss Wilde My dear friends, (fraternal) I send the following names of subscribers to the Woman's Column. Mrs. Geo. Gathany 723 Mulbury St. Mrs. Mary Krotzer 202 W. Eighth St. Mrs. A. P. Blaisdull 314 W. Eighth St. The two back members may be sent and these with the love already forwarded considered a club. Can mine be added as the getter if of the club? I am extremely doubtful about getting the twenty five to the Women's Forward in so short a time as to satisfy the first who give me their names and money. I have only one promised now. I will try a while longer. Is any Cash Premium offered for a small club? The specimen copies were duly received. I thank you for the help they afford. Very cordially (Mrs) Josephine A. Woods 722 Mulberry St Des Moines, Iowa, Aurelia [Ia] Ia. Nov 12 1891 Editor Womans Column Enclosed find $1.00 for which please send your paper to the following Mrs Sarah L McLean " Lizzie B Duff " M E Blair Miss E B Schofield Washington Iowa Yours truly Mary E Mallison Aurelia Iowa I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, A R Jamie Street, Town, Chariton State, of Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rachel Davidson Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid Name, Mary K, Stuart Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, M.B Naznide Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mary Nuford Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, S S Arnold Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, J. G. Stafford Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Elizah Lius Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, M. P. Jiluck Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, Joe Thorpe Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, N. C Thorpe Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. A E Enstez Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, D S Buffrington Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, R. C. Stuart Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, B. L Nillison Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, N. O. Miller Street, Town, Chariton State, Iowa [* [?SMft] 4--*] Chariton Iowa May 3/92 Womans Colum Your part recd & I have received 16 subscribers to apply on the 50 as provided in your Letter & shall ask you to credit on the fifty subscribers & send some sample coppies & I will rais the balance & Send them in as soon as I can Yours &c James Hickman PS. Please find Enclosed Draft for $4.00 to apply on the $7.50 Please send them soon J. H. Mijs Christiana Wilden 1025 Locust Street Dubuque Iowa Mrs. Charles Welcome Old Scriber Leominster Mass Mrs. Charles Porter Leominster Mass Mrs. Mina L Rugg Leominster Mass [*4 names from Newtin Iowa 1.00*] [*1.00 cheque Mar. 24/92*] Newtin Iowa March 19/92 Editor Thomas Column My subscription for your paper expired, Nov 22 1891 but it still comes weekly. Now I will pay for my paper. Also send you 3 new names. We have organized an “Equal Suffrage Society” in our place and I am anxious to get suffrage literature among the members Think after we have a few more meetings, shall be able to send you quite a number more as subscribers. We are fortunate in having Rev C.C. Harrah as me of our Ministers he is such a strong sufferagist- so also are our Lutheran, Methodist-, and Presbyterian. ministers yes and Christian! (President Aylesworth of Drake Univy Des Moines Iowa ) We hope for a good society ere long ( no. now 31 Mary E. Drew Newton Iowa Rev. C. C. Harrah Newton Iowa Mrs. Charles McFarlin Newton Iowa Mrs. Kate Brown Newton Iowa 1. Mary E. Drew. 2. Rev. C. C. Harrah. 3. Mrs. Charles McFarlin. 4. Mrs. Kate Brown all Newton. Iowa. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Wilson Daugherty Street, Box 791 Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Sade Scofield Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Mary Parker Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Rea Elliott Street, Town, Washington State, Ioa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Lena Steward Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Nora Dewey Street, Town, Wash State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Mary Lewis Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Eva Livingstone Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Rea Brown Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Edith Sampson Street, Town, Wash. State, Ioa. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs J N Matthews Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Aiola Eyestane Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. H. Simonds & Co., Printers, 111 Arch Street, Boston. Sept. 21. 1891 Received .25 for Mrs. V.D. Meek. Chariton Ia. W. Col. Renewal. W. Col. Sept. 21/91 Mrs. Lou Peters. Ottumwa, Ia. sent by Emily Phillips pd. .25 in stamps [*Sent Sept 19 issue.*] I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, Mrs. Wilson Dougherty Street, Box 791 Town, Washington State, Iowa Time on year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Sade Scofield Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Mary Parker Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Rev Elliot Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Lena Stewart Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Nora Dewey Street, Town, Wash State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Mary Lewis Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Eva Livingstone Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time on year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Rev Brown Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Edith Sampson Street, Town, Wash. State, Ioa. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. JM Matthews Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Viola Epstine Street, Town, Washington State, Iowa Time one year. 25 cents paid. (crossed out) keep seperate 50-2=48 stamps Des Moines Oct 17th, 1891. Dear Miss Blackwell Enclosed please find fifty cents ($.50) to pay for the woman's column one year for Mrs. Dr. Orris 1540 Des Moines St. and for Mrs. E. Badger 618 E. Locust St. I want to get up the club of twenty five for which you and the other pro- printers of the woman's journal offer a cash premium of twenty dollars. Do you send specimen copies for me to work with? If so send to my address 722 W. Mulberry St. The Polk Co. W. L. A. is doing good work this fall. The political situation here forces one question to the front. In working for the two papers may I send names on postal as fast as I get them and remit when I have enough collected to make it worth while. Fraternally Yours Josephine A. Woods [* 25 Stamps*] Tipton, Iowa, April 20, 1892. Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Dear Madam, Will you please send copies of the "Woman's Column" for free distribution at the annual meeting, Cedar County (Iowa) W.C.S.U. The franchise sentiment is not strong. Many say "No I do not want to vote. It is only an added responsibility. When the right comes I shall shoulder it as another burden," not considering the good that woman's ballot will ensure, and that it is our right instead of a right. Your suggestions Magazine Club Tipton Iowa 25% OFFICE OF W. G. W. GEIGER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Money Loaned and Invested. Abstracts of Title Furnished Tipton, Iowa,________189 to "Franchise Superintendents" were welcomed most gladly as containing the information especially desired. I will send the copy to our County Sup't. to be read at convention. Enclosed find twenty five cents for the 'Woman's Column" for circulation among members of a "Magazine Club." I want it for franchise mission work-- Mrs. W.G.W. Geiger. Tipton Iowa Please send the copies for distribution to Mrs. P. W. Thompson. Tipton Iowa (Mrs. Geiger.) Mrs Geiger Tipton Iowa for Magarine Club 25 cts Mrs. Allie Pease. 1426 - Eleventh St. W. Des Moines. Iowa. Feb. Paid. 25 silver. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Hattie J. Haridan Street, # 226 Oak St Town, Clinton State, Iowa. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Cherokee Iowa, [*W*] 6/30/90 Editor "Woman's Column" Boston, Mass. Kindly send "The Womans Column" to my address. I enclosed twenty five cents for same. Respectfully, Mrs. Julia Coroles. Abbie E Hill Des Moines Iowa 8 names 200 Coms 80 120 Mrs Allie Peau West Des. Moines Iowa 1 name 25 [Abbie E Hill Des Moins] [Names] [*Put it on the List, fgl*] KANSAS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TOPEKA, KANSAN Dec. I5, 189I. Editor of the "Woman's Column, " Boston, Massachusetts. Dear Madam, -- The Kansas State Historical Society has received a sample copy of your paper. In behalf of the Society I beg to solicit from you the regular issues of the same; for binding and preservation in the library of the Society. The favor would be gratefully appreciated. Our Society is making a specialty of the preservation of the files of newspapers and periodicals, regarding them as we do as the best of materials of history. Of this class we now have on our shelves I0,I43 bound volumes. I mail you a copy of the Seventh Biennial report of the Society, from which you will see the extent of this department of the work of the Society. Yours truly, J G Adams, Secretary. [*28160 44.18 237.42*] [*15 150 [??] *] [*1.10*] Fort Scott Equal Suffrage Society. "EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW." [*stamps*] Pres. ..... Cor. Sec. ..... Rec. Sec. ..... Treas..... 120 Lincoln Ave., Fort Scott Kans.. April 12th, 1892. Dear Miss Blackwell: After far too many days I forward you herewith 25 cts. in stamps, to renew my subscription to the Woman's Column, said subscription having, I think, expired March 9th. I keep the Column for a missionary, and find it useful. The roll of Columns for distribution was received and distributed, but alas! no subscriptions. I could not attend to the work myself, and don't think those who did pushed it enough. Still, the papers thus given may do some good, and we, the E. S. S., thank you for sending them. I have a very few column subscriptions in charge for you, and trust to get one or two more next week, when I will forward all. It is the day of small things here. Cordially yours, Genevieve Loel Hawley. Genevieve L Hawley Flat Scott Kan 25 cts Chan 4.95 Salina Kansas Rec. Feb 26 $4 95 Kansas Equal Suffrage Association 1890-1891 Mrs. LAURA M. JOHNS, President, Salina. Mrs. SALLIE F. TOLER, Vice-President, Wichita. Mrs. LIZZIE HOPKINS, Cor. Sec., Salina. Mrs. MARTIA L. BERRY, Treas., Cawker City. "Through Difficulties to the Stars." Salina, Kas. Feb. 22, 1892 Dear Ms. Blackwell. Enclosed please find the name of the subs, I have secured awhile and on over two weeks tour. Could have gotten more if I had more time to devote to the work. You will please send the paper at once. Your kind words to Cora were gladly read and she thanks you for them. In your letter you only spoke of the Seven sent in a previous letter sent by her, she sent you ten names and as some of the subs say they have not received the paper I wondered if it could have been innocent. Please look to it. I think the money was sent by draft. I have three thirty to send now, I ensure $4.93- retaining for the K.E.S.A $3.30, many thanks. Resph. Jane Elizabeth F. Hopkins Coara Sac K.E.S.A. Elizabeth H Hopkins Sunday places Kansas 33 names 825 less com 330 net amt 495 [*Postal note 45 cts*] KANSAS EQUAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION 1892 Mrs. LAURA M. JOHNS, President, Salina. Mrs. NOBLE PRENTIS, Vice-President, Newton. Mrs. LIZZIE HOPKINS, Cor. Sec., Salina. Mrs. ANNA C. WAIT, Rec. Sec., Lincoln. Mrs. MARTIA L. BERRY, Treas., Cawker City. "Through Difficulties to the Stars." Salina, Kas., June 5, 1892. Dear Alice, Please send Column To Mrs. Emma Strickler. Solomon City. Kan. " Louisa Nicolay . " " " " John Johnston. Cedarville. " " Ella B Newell . " " " Alice Young. Downs " Enclosed please find 45 cts for the three first named. The others are Press. Supts.-- to whom I understand you send Column free. I shall be at Americas Kan June 16. Parsons Kan 18. and Excelsior Springs, Mo. June 20. Please have bunch of Columns at each point . Hastily and affectionately Laura W. Johns. [*mem given to C. W. *] Laura M Johns Salinas Kan 3 names 75 Less coms 30 1 net 45 [*9th*] Denison Kansas March 19, 1890. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Enclosed please find $1.00 dollar (one dollar). subscriptins of Mrs. Ruth Hollingsworth, Meriden, Kansas, Mrs. Jane M. Dunn, Valley Falls, Kansas, Mrs. Mary F. Vandruff, " " " Mrs. Sarah L. Stoner. Senica, Kansas for the Womans Column. Very Respectfully Margaret Mulligan. Margaret Mulligan Denison Kan. Send 4 names 1.00 [*Silver 50 cts*] Burlington Kan Apr. 20. 92 Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madam. Enclosed find 50c for which please consider my subscription to the Womans Column paid up to Aug 10, 1893. Respectly Mrs. N.L. Castle, Mrs N L Castle Burlington Kan to Aug 10/93 50 cts Woman's Column from May 1892 to May 1893. New Subscribers. Mrs. Theo. Dinsmore. 1703 East Forrest Ave. Parsons, Kans. $--25cts Miss Lottie A. Kimber. 317. Monmouth Ave, Galesburg, Ill. $--25cts Old Subscribers from March1891 - to March 1893 Mrs. Ella Parks. Parsons. Kansas. $--[1] 50cts Miss Mary E. Scott, Box 163. Parsons Kan's. " -- 75cts Mrs. Sallie B. Howerton, May 1892- to May 1893-- Paris, Bourbon Co., Kentucky. " 25 __________ $2-25 Mrs. S. M Hogue, $-50 Parsons. Kan's. From Feb "91 to "93 50 ________ $2-50 $2-50 I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Carrie Colyer Street, West Broadway Town, Newton State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Sam Bretch Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Cora Brown [Browne] Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. L. Spencer Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Angie Dunn Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Ks Time one year. 25 cents paid. - Name, Mrs. Hattie Norfoss Street, Town, Newton State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Nellie Henry. Street, Town, Concordia [*X*] State, Cloud Co. Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. C. L. Denton Street, Harper County Town, Attica State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid [*PK*] Name, C. V. Eskridge Street, Editor Republican Town, Emporia State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. [*PK*] Name, Mrs. E. E. Lunger Street, Town, Mayetta State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Cora R. Hanna Street, 906. Buchanan Town, Topeka. State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid Name, Mr. E. Powell Street, 921 Clay St. Town, Topeka State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Flora C. Hanna Street, Box 119 Town, Topeka, State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Noble Prentis Street, Town, Newton, State, Kan. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, [Mrs. Case] Mrs. C. O. Benton [Street,] Onaga [Town] [??] Potta Co State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. E. V. Schriver Street, Town, Cedar Point State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Carrie Colyer Street, West Broadway Town, Newton State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Sam Bretch Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Cora Brown Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Ks Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. L. Spencer Street, W. Broadway Town, Newton State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Angie Dunn Street, W. Boadway Town, Newton State, Ks Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs.Hattie Norfoss Street, Town, Newton State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Nellie Henry Street, Town, Concordia State, Cloud. Co. Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. [unable to transcribe] I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs E.L. Metcalf Street, 817 Monroe St Town, Topeka. State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Geo Tanber [*?*] Street, 516 Monroe St Town, Topeka State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Lambert Clark Street, Town, Fancy Creek. State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Cora R. Hanna Street, 906. Buchanan Town, Topeka. State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, M. E. Powell Street, 921 Clay St. Town, Topeka State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Flora C. Hanna Street, Box 119 Town, Topeka, State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Noble Prentis Street, Town, Newton. State, Kan. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, [Mrs. Case] Mrs. C.O. Benton Street, Onaga Town, [??] State, Potta Co Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Ed. V. Schriver Street, Town, Cedar Point State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. H E Front 29de92 Lec Cygne Kan 17 Quarters 4 25 less coms I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN’S COLUMN. Name, L. A. Hambleton Street, 1026 Santa Fe Town, Atchison State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Will. Wadsworth Street, 623 Buchanan Town, Topeka State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. A.B.D Fisher Pd -- Street, 506 North 7th st Town, Atchison State, Kansas -- Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN’S COLUMN. Name, Annie S. Austin Street, Box 114 Town, Pleasanton State, Kansas Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN’S COLUMN. Name, Miss Zu Adams Street, Kan. Historical Sec. Town, [Kansas] Topeka State, Kansas , Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Thursey A. Way - Street, 205 Park Ave Pd Town, Kansas City, State, Kansas-- Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Mrs M E Spooner Newton Kan 7 names 175 Less coms 70 Net 105 [*Postal note 1.05*] Newton Ks. May 16, 1892. Editors of Woman's Journal. I will act as agent for the Woman's Column until I can find one who can devote more time to the work. Will send in the names a few at a time, as I get them. Enclosed find $1.05—the amount required for the seven names I enclose, Yours, Mrs. M. E. Spooner. Newton Ks. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. B. A. Piersen Street, Town, Wamego State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Dr. McMahon Street, Town, Wamego State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. O.D Stanley Street, Town, Wamego State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Mary Cryder. Street, Town, Wamego. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. S. M. Barnes. Street, Town, Junction City. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. J. Copley Street, Town, Junction City. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, Mrs. Elvira Church Street, Town, Junction City. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Geo. Graves, Street, Town, Junction CIty. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Henry Kirby. Street, Town, Junction CIty. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Dora A. Evens. Street, Town, Clay Centre. State. Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs C. W. Bemis. Street, Town, Cawker City. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Josephine Perrin. Street, Town, Cawker City. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs I. McDowell. Street, Town, Beloit. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Dora Clark. Street, Town, Linn. State, Washington Co. Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Ida M. Kramer. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mr I. J. Walker. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, L. G. Hankenberry Street, Enosdale. Town, Washington Co. State, Kans Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mr J. G. Parks. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss S. M. Haseltine. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. E. E. Ward. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. R. E. Roney. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs H. A. McMurray. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Jennie Sprengle. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, W. A. Hoffhine. Street, Albia. Town, Washington Co. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, [Mrs Martha Wesner] Street, [Hastings.] Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Martha Wesner Street, 842 St. Joe Ave. Town, Hastings State, Neb. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Laura Frager. Street, Town, Washington. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Issabelle A. Grover. Street, Town, Morrow Station. State, Washington Co. Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Anna Wriland Street, Town, Morrow Station State, Wash. Co. Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs S. A. Kays. Street, Town, Morrow Station. State, Washington Co. Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, A. H. Foote. Street, Town, Washington, State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Ellen Fry. Street, Town, Clyde. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Joseph E. Hakes Street, Town, Clyde. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. F. E. Babcock. Street, Town, Minneapolis. State, Kans. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. [Mrs. M. L. Leander] Mrs W. G. Todd, [523 B[?uchanan?] St.] 620 Lane Topeka, Kansas. Martia L. Berry Cawker City Kansas Clyde Kas 11/21/'91 The Women’s Column Please pardon lag of my subscription, Enclosed find arrears & advance 30 c Accept my congratulations for Multum in Parvo. & the Light you send above. Respectfully & Faithfully Lorenzo Westover Again allow me to beseech you to change the address on my paper from “Louise” to something masculine that all may see that a man is not ashamed of a woman’s paper. Say L Westover, Lorenzo, or Judge. 8 names Levi Struble, Girard, Ks. John W. Hemphill], " " Mrs. T. F. Gregg, " " W. R. Moore, Macine, Crawford Co. Kans. [Mrs. E. H. Brown] Mrs. Mary A. Sharp, Girard, Ks. Mrs. Bell Holstine, Cherokee, Ks. J. H. Holstine, " " This list was secured during the convention at Girard. Truly Yours. Jenny L. Shelley-Boyd. Pittsburg Ks ' 92-3-19. P.S. This name was omitted, A. C. Gerk[i]en, Brazilton, Ks. [*Gerkin, I think,*] 5 List 8 names 14 names "Woman's Column," aside [ 'Tis delightful to use ink once again] Mrs. Mary Finger, Girard, Ks. " Flora MCDonald " " " J. A. Hutchings Osage, Mo. " D. Coening - Girard, Ks. " Pauline Ennis " " Wm H. Warner " " Mrs. Carrie Warner " " " W. R. Gooding " " " N. M. Griffin " " " M. Purdam " " " M. Fanger " " May Wilder " " Mrs. Daisy L. Perry " " " W. A. Monks Burlington Junction Mo. List 14 Names Eddith Harding, x Fredonia KS. Mrs T. M. Andrews x " " S. S. Kirkpatrick x " Mrs. N. W. Cates - " Mrs Sadie A Pace x " " H.M. Keesling x " Mrs M. C. Johnson x " Mrs J. C. Gray x " Mrs. M C McElhinney x " Mrs. J. D. Allen " H. V Bucher. " Mrs. L. J. Long " Mrs. C. Lippy " Mrs Rebecca Leasure " Maggie E Farmer " Mr. O. V. Sewall. " " W. H. Moore. " G. Y. Kennedy " [28 names from kansas 7 00 less coms 2 80 4 20] 18 names [*Stamps 25 cts*] La Cygne, May 20th 1892 Est. Woman's Column; I send twenty five cts. to pay for the Column one year from Mar. 21st. It should have been sent long ago. Yours truly, Mrs. Eli Cox La Cygne, Kans. Mrs Eli Cox La Cygne Kan 1 Name 25 ct [* # [omit]*] Column. [*money order 570 for [? 5 owned] 150/ 420*] G. W. Hopkins, Maxwell. [Hancock Co] Ind. Mrs. L. M. Haight. Sterling. Kan. Rev. Boggess. ————- “ Mrs. Johns ————— Great Bend “ “ C. E. Seibert ——- Larned “ “ A. Griffin —- Larned “ “ E. K. Webb —— Larned “ “ A. E. Hemingway — Larned “ “ G. W. Cunningham, Arkansas City “ “ M. McBurney Anderson Arkansas City. “ “ M. C. Cowles Arkansas City “ Mrs Mary L. Parsons. Kingman, Kan Wants Woman's Journal $1.50 28 Columns at 15 cents Column Mrs. S. P. Byers. Newton. Kan. Mr. R. Gillings. " Mrs. A. D. Peasley. North Weare N. H Mrs. S. M. Swartz- Newton- Kansas " W. I. Plumb. " " Mrs. E. Sloan. " " " J. F. Sims. " " 17 name Newton Republican " " Mrs. Adelaide Glazier " " " A. M. Munger " " Rev. Pierce Pinch. -- " " J. B. Douglas --- " " Mrs. W. E. Spooner " " " O. D. Dexter " " Miss D. C. Mitchner-- " " " Kate Read. " Mrs. Lizzie Andrews. Harper. Kans I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Anna Higgins Street, 1402 Quincy St Town, North Topeka. State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs M.H.McLallin Street, Crawford Flat No 8 Town, E. Fifth.) Topeka State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs H.C. Hubbard Street, 1313 Lincoln [?St] Town, Topeka State, Kansas. Time one year. 25 cents paid. [*Money order 250*] Parsons, Kans. April 20-1892. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell. Madame Editor, Thanks for your good paper and long patience. I have tried hard to make the old Club pay off and begin anew. Have failed, so you can stop their papers. And send in your bills. Enclosed find my own & Mrs E. Parks arrearage and two new names. Yours for political equality, Miss Mary E. Scott, Box 168. Parsons. Kansas. P.S. If money & dates are not correct let me hear. Will send you a Ky friend for a year -- Miss Mary E Scott Parsons Kansas Renewals & subs 2.50 [*Mrs. Addie Wood’s date was Jan 1/91 have stopped paper. H.E.T. *] Cherryvale Kans Dec 12 91 Alice Slone Blackwell I am not a member of the ESA now and would you please send the Woman’s Column to Mrs. J Hulls as she is the President of the ESA that is if it is paid up. I do not know about that I [y] suppose you know about that I suppose the ESA Society pays the for the paper as I know did when I was a member and the President told me I was paied for So please send the Column to Mrs. J Hulls and not to Miss Addie Wood any more Yours Miss Addie Wood Send to President Mrs. J Hulls Cherryvale Kansas [*75 cts in stamps*] Geo. T. Washington Wellington Kans June 1st 1892 The Woman's Column, Please find inclosed Seventy five cts in Stamps. for the Woman's Column. ~Mrs. Rosa Waller Hanson. Ky. ~Mrs. B. L. Gooch. Nebo, Ky. Mrs. M. J. Dearing, Wellington, Kan. Geo T Washington Wellington Kansas Sends 3 names 75cts Address Kansas Miss Mattie M Briggs- 810, Ave. A, East, Hutchinson, Ks. Mrs. Etta Culley - " " " " Helen S. Lund - " Mrs. A. E. Elliott - 326. 6th Ave East " Miss Bessie Free - 717 B. East. " [Mrs. Laura D. Johnson 603 C. East] " " S. N. Parker - Avenue C. " " " S. A. Mount- " C " " " Anna Fontron - 125 West 10th St. " " J. C. Shepherd- " Miss Vinnie May - " " Dora Vestal - " Miss Minnie H Davis- 500. B. East " Miss Olive Willett- 334 East Sherman " Mrs Alice Bruce Vincent- 527. 1st Ave East " Miss Ethel G. Johnson- Kenton Hardin Co. Ohio " Cora L. Crane- Saticoy Ventura Cala " Nettie Wearstler- Wadsworth Medina Co Ohio Mrs. A. B. Woodward - Williams, Arizona Miss Hattie Elliott- Codell Rooks Co. Kansas Mrs. M. E. Scott - Nickerson Kansas Mrs. A. H. White- Nickerson " Mrs. A McAllister- " " Theresa Holzner- " " Mrs. C. A. Greenlees- " " " M. Scharrer- " " Maud Treadway- " " Address Mrs. M. C Maburn - Nickerson, Kansas Cora Cooper - " " Mary E. Van Alstine - " " Mrs. A. B. Mahan - " " " C. E. Arnold- " " " J. H. Chaney - " " J. F. Roddy " " Mrs. Fannie G. Hubbard Ludlow Kentucky Mrs. Hattie Gallup - Nickerson Kansas Miss Lillie Fehr - " " Mrs. J. D. Reed - " " " Rose Elliot - " " Mrs. W. E. Merrifield - " " " G. S. Emerson - " " " Chas. Delano - " " " G. H. Pendleton - " " " C. W. Worth - " " Miss Anna M. Parker - 202 A. East Hutchinson Ks. Mrs. A. T Dora 720 Ave A, East, Hutchison Mr. E. A. Scott Sanderson Texas Mrs. A. H. Robinson- 534 Avenue B. East Hutchinson Ks. Mrs. A. C. Browning - Carbondale Kansas Mrs. Helen M. Smith Sycamore [Ottawa] Ottawa Co. Ks. Miss Mabel Roth Sharon Medina Co, Ohio Girard, Kans. July [2?] 17, 1890 Alice Stone Blackwell. Boston, Mass. Dear Madam, Enclosed find twenty-five in stamps to pay 1 year subscription to Woman's Column, which I am now receiving. Beg pardon for not sending sooner. Yours. truly, Mrs. M. L. Potter, [*money order. .75] Glenlock, Kans Alice Stone Blackwell Oct 20 1891 Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: I enclose an Express order for .75cts, to pay for three copies of the Women's Column to be sent to the following addresses. Mrs. C. K. Smith Garnett Kansas. Mrs. Cora May Lingo, Peculiar Mo. Mrs. Maggie L. Reynolds, Peculiar, Mo. I enclose a stamp for a return postal card, acknowledging the receipt of my letter, and, sent the papers as requested, Yours respectfully Mary Lingo, [Glenlock, Kans Anderson Co, Woman's Column Mrs. S. A. Houghton Lincoln Kansas [*Check 1.05 coms 70cts*] Please send these at once. 1 Mrs. F. A. Lennis No. 231 So. 5 St. Salina, Kans. 2 Mrs Lydia R. Johns. 12 St. Salina, Kans 3 Mrs. S. O. Manderbach 235 So. 6th St. Salina, Kans. 4 Mrs. Ella Daily. Brookville Kans. 5 Mrs W. B. Dewees [maket?] Dewers 542 S. Santa Fee Salina, Kans. 6 Rev. Mrs. Foulks 10th St. Salina Kans. 7 Mrs Ada Sill, Iron Ave. Salina, Kans. Sill List of 7 Names Salina Kan 175 Com 70 Check for 105 [*Postal Note 30 cts*] Ft. Scott, Ks. Mar. 22nd '92. Alice Stone Blackwell. Boston, Mass. Please send Columns to following addresses: Dr. Nella A. Beadle, Pittsburg, Kans. Mrs. P. W. Howard, Pittsburg, Kans. Truly yours, Laura M. Johns per J. S. B. Laura M Johns Kansas 2 names 50 coms 20 net amt 30 [*Money order 60 cts*] Feb. 8th 1892 Lyons Rice Co, Kansas Woman's Column. Enclosed please find 60 cts in stamps for four copies of Woman's Column to the following address. viz Mrs. S.M. Brinckerhoff Mrs. Bell Brisben. Mrs. Lou Shadel. Mrs. N.M. Wittrup. Lyons Rice Co. Kansas Mrs. N.M. Wittrup Solicitor Mrs N.M. Wittrup Solicitor Lyons Kan. 4 names 100 less Com 40 Money order 60 [*25 stamps*] Girard, Kansas Nov. 2d, 1891. Pubs. "Women's Column:" "Woman's Journal" Office, Boston, Mass. The "Woman's Column has been kindly sent me gratis for some time. I have given it to our Equal Suffrage Cor. Sec. for her use in maintaining a column in a local paper. Will you not kindly send this gratis [no] copy to Mrs. Anna Blanck, and I enclose 25c. in stamps for a year's subscription for myself. Carrie S. Smith. P.S. I think if we could have the necessary sample nos. of the "Journal" now, we might get up the club of 20. C.S.S. [1400 HARRISON STREET*] 1633 College Ave Topeka, Kansas, Dec 10, 1891. Editor of Womans Column - Enclosed please find twenty-five cents, due on your paper - since last June - I also enclose a stamp for a Circular of the "Aladdin Oven--" [umiruted] by Hon Edward Atkinson of Boston - mentioned in Miss Willards address at the Nat Convention. I am sorry to trouble you, but I do not know where or to whom to write for a cut of this oven - Very Sincerely, (Mrs) N. W Lyon - 1633 College Ave - Topeka, Ks. [*?*] Alice Stone Blackwell Editor Woman's Column 3 Park St Boston Mass Enclosed find 25 cts subscription to "The Woman's Column" for one year from date. The copy sent me Vol 14 No 46 pleases me much - Yours (Mrs) M L Ward 703. Poplar St Ottawa Kansas. Nov 23d. 1891 Name, Mrs. D.D. Puterbaugh Street, Town, Newton State, Ks. Time one year. 25 cents paid HALL ACTIVE LODGE A. F. AND A. M. [*Stamps 30 cts*] C.W. WELLER, W. M. G.A. DURGAN, Sec'y. Atchison, Kans., Feb. 7 1892 Alice Stone Blackwell Editor Column Please send your paper to Miss Blanche Boies, Hoyt Kans. also to Mrs. E. A. Moore 1300 E. 6th st. Topeka Kans. As soon as I am able to get down to pool office, will send 12 more names. Have been quite sick Cordially, Ruth F. [Durgan. Miss Blanche Boies Hoyt Kans. Mrs. E.A. Moore No. 1300 East 6th st. Topeka Kans. P.S. Recd. sample copies 1 5 4 8 4 2 1 1 Ruth F Durgan Atchinson Kan 2 names 50 less Coms 20 net amt 30 Mankato Kans Nov 22nd 91 Editor of Womans Column Enclosed please find twenty five cents my subscriptions for the last year. The paper was first sent me as a Christmas card, from an eastern friend. I have enjoyed reading the little column and think it is just what is needed for busy women; to have [act] as it were, cream without the milk, so much in a condensed form, I send every copy of my paper to this one & that to read. I am in hopes to raise a club by the first of Jan. Yours truly, Mrs Frances B. Bliss, [*Money order 1 00*] F163 Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company Office of Agent. Berea (Ky.) May 21st 1892. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Editor Woman's Column Boston Mass. Dear Madam; - Please find enclosed $1.00, which you may place to my credit as a subscriber of the Column, and continue sending it until the remaining time paid for has expired. Very truly yours, Mrs. G.M. Patterson. Berea Kentucky Mrs Gill Patterson Berea KY 4 Yr subscription 1.00 Berea College Berea, Ky., Dec. 25, 1891 Pubs. Woman's Column For enclosed 25 cts please send your paper, for 1892, to Yours truly, Mrs. L. M. Dodge. Mrs S. H. Sawyer New Castle, Ky. Jan. 6th, 1892. [*Rec " 9 " *] My Dear Miss Blackwell, [*sent paid*] Enclosed you will find check for four dollars and five cents ($4.05) for subscriptions to Women's Column and literature. There are twenty-five subscriptions @ 15 = $3.15 and 100 W. S. in Wyoming .15 " The Elective franchise .15 The names of ministers sent are [sent] paid for by the 10 cts commission allowed me on the papers and I hope to order enough Columns this year to have enough from my Commissions to send it gratuitously to at least 100 ministers this year in Ky. and I trust many of them may become strong suffragists over using its Columns as well as for long subscribers. There is a feeling among the ultra orthodox that there is a spirit of infidelity pervading the ranks of the workers of this movement and I think nothing will more surely dispel this illusion than to put our paper in their hands and I only wish I had the means to put the column into the home of every preacher in Kentucky. I was elected a delegate to the Washington Convention but am not sure that I can go. Kentucky is delighted with Dr. Shaw. I have had the President of a Co Educational College to ask me what would be his best method to get her to come to his School and lecture since the Louisville Convention. If I get to W - shall hope to meet you. I enjoyed your visit to Swarthmore College very much Truly, S. H. Sawyer [*Wilde receipt 5'*] Received from Mrs Lucy Stone for leaflets sent to Mrs. B. F. Avery, Louisville Kentucky--- $1.00 Cath. Wilde for F. G. Garrison, Tres. June 23/90 [*Check 375*] New Castle Ky, March 21st 1892 Dear Miss Blackwell; Inclosed you will find twenty-five [yearly] subscriptions for Womans Column for one year and my check for $ 3 25-- the amount due for same. I have several others promised and hope to send another list soon. This makes twenty-nine Kentucky Clergymen that will recevie the paper for one year and I still hope to get enough to send it to 100. Truly Yours, S.H. Sawyer. L.H. Sawyer New Castle Ky Names Chiefly from 25 names 625 Hickman Less Coms 250 Ky. net 375 Sent check for same I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Rev. R. W. Wahan Street, Town, Clinton, State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rev. Mr. Wilburn Street, Town, Fulton, State, Ky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rev. T. H. Pettit Street, Town, [Arlington] Arlington State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Rev. W. C. Beenes Street, Town, Blardville, State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rev. J. W. Hall, Street, Town, Fulton State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rev. Mr. Sellers, Street, Town, Fulton, Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Julia Powell Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. John Cole Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Franie Shaw Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Ness Powell Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Ples Taylor Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Arch Deborn Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Betty Dodds Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Emma Amberg Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Lou Rodgers Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Rev. Wilber Mony Street, Town, Hickman State, Ky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rev. Geo. Fitzhue Street, Town, Hickman State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Rev. A. G. Herr. Street, Town, Columbus State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Anna Bruce, Street, Town, New Castle, State, Ky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Fritz Helener Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Crit. Bondura Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. J. M. Hubbard Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Jennie Case Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. S. M. Hubbard Street, Renewall Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Lizie Amberg Street, Town, Hickman State, Kentucky Time one year. 25 cents paid. Kentucky Equal Rights Association, Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, Corres. Sec'y, 1032 Russel St. Covington, Ky, 1890 Dear Miss Blackwell Please send the twelve copies of "The Column" to my address instead of the Cov- E. R. Association, the change in the Post-Office department and the change in my residence has caused some trouble in receiving the package of papers intended for our League. Will be obliged, if you will address them to me, 1032 Russell st. I wrote you a few lines last week enclosing a slip relative to Mrs. Henry., Sincerely yours, Eugenia B. Farmer. Ashland Ky. Dec 21st 1891 Dear Miss Blackwell Inclosed find fifty cents for amount due on Woman's Column, which paper you will please discontinue I think the Woman's Column is very valuable but expect to move from here and will not be in a position to use it as I have for work in local papers, the purpose for which I became a subscriber. I expect to take the Woman's Journal constantly. Very respectfully. Laura R. White [*25 cts silver*] 26-4-92 Find enclosed twenty five cents. Please send the Woman's Column to my address one year. Yours for Equal Rights and Prohibition Robt L. Cooper sec [coc?] Nicholasville Ky. Robert L Cooper Nicholasville Ky 25 ct [*1 name*] [*[9] 7.00 bills .50 silver May 23/92*] HOW TO MAKE $5. Any one who sends, on the enclosed blanks, the names and addresses of fifty new subscribers for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN, at 25 cents a year, with $7.50 in a check or postal order, may retain the remaining FIVE DOLLARS as commission. This will leave to the WOMAN'S COLUMN only 15 cents for each new subscriber. The WOMAN'S COLUMN, at 25 cents a year, is the lowest priced weekly newspaper in the world. It tells what women are doing. Address, WOMAN'S COLUMN, P. O. Box 3638, Boston, Mass. [Tear off this page before circulating the within blanks for signers.] [*50 names cheifly from Saco, Me.*] I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Elizabeth Armstrong Street, Town, Saro. State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Roland Hill Street, Town, Saro State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Moses Lowell Street, Town, Saro State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Lucinda Cassier Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs H. Hill. Street, 412 Maple St. Town, Burlington. State, Vt. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Helen Threll Street, Town, Saco State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. [*Surell*] I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Annie G. Pepper Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, MISs Augusta Bradbury Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs G. A. Field. Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Leonie Fuller Street, Town, N. Sherburne x State, Vt. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs James A. Foss Street, Town, Saco x State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs E. T. Knight Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Emma Baker Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Abby F. Edwards Street, Town, Brooks-- State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs W. I. Bradford Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Frances Weed Street, Town, Saco State, Me [*X*] Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Sarah Bradbury Street, Town, Saco [*X*] State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs I. E. L. Kimball Street, Town, Saco [*X*] State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs C. B. Lord Street, Boynton House Town, Saco x State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss H. D. Chapman Street, Boynton House Town, Saco State, Me x Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs J. Q. Sawyer Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Geo. A. Carter Street, Town, Saco State, Me x Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Annie Powers Street, Town, S. Norridgewock State, Me x Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs E. P. Sampson Street, Town, Dover State, Me x Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Chas. Brisleigh Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Mary Foss Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Angie P Cummings Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMEN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Caroline P. Adams Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. J. L. Marsh Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. E. K. Fairfield Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Alice M. Hanscom Street, Box 704 Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs J. A. Bradbury Street, Town, Saco - State, Me x Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Wm. Perkins Street, Town, Saco - x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Wm Sawyer Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Dr. J. Sawyer Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Handing Street, Town, N. Woodstock State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs M. A. Church Street, Town, Biddeford x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs James L. Dennett Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs Abby Richards Street, Town, Saco x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. John Bensy Street, Town, Saco-- State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Edward Gilman Street, Town, Saco-- State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Myna Foss Street, Town, Saco. State, Me-- Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs Mary Lowell Street, Town, Saco State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs C. F. Goodale Street, Town, Waltham State, Mass Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs C. E. Fales Street, Town, Biddeford State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Annie Johnson Street, Town, Saco-- State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Carrie M. Sawyer Street, Town, Bar Mills, State, Me. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Rena Merrill Street, Town, Saco-- State, Me-- Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Sallie Merrill Street, Town, Saco. x State, Me Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss. Clara Lasbox Street, Yorkville Town, Kendall Co. x State, Ill. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs.E. S. Merritt x Street, Park Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. old sub. Name, Mrs. G. B. Page Street, Main Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. M. M. Clark x Street, High Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Ellen R. Duscomb, Street, Livermore Falls Town, Maine State, x Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Kate Ketchem x Street, Main Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Dr. C. E. Williams x Street, Main Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Almatia Nelson x Street, Summer St. Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Maud J. Ingraham Street, Leonard Town, Houlton - State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. W. P. Kinney Street, Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. James Dempsey Street, Main Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. J. L. Tabor x Street, Court Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Lyman Houlton Street, Main Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Belle J. Stevens x Street, Court Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. H. T. Frisbie Street, Court Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. D. McLeod Street, Keleran Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Howard Carpenter Street, Town, Ogden State, Utah. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. C. E. Stetson x Street, High Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Clara M. Stimson x Street, Keleran Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. M. J. Bumpus. Street, Keleran Town, Haulton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. A. A. Mowry x Street, 27 Flint Town, East Somerville State, Mass. Time one year. 25 cents paid. old sub. Name, Mrs. Jennie Dunn x Street, Court Town, Houlton State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Emma J. Dunn x Street, Town, Bear River State, Nova Scotia Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Julia Page x Street, Court Town, Houlton - State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Augusta Felch ox Street, Court Town, Houlton State, Maine Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Frank A. Gellerson Street, Court x Town, Houlton State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Katie L. Crowell Street, Town, Kingston State, Mass. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Edwin Bradstreet Street, High Town, Houlton. State, Maine. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Mrs Jane W Kneelas Harrison Maine W. Col. 1 yr. Pd. by Mrs. Brown of Waltham .15 [*Stamps 25 cts*] Chase's Mills Maine 4. 19.1892. Mrs. Blackwell: Dear Lady: Enclosed are twenty five (25) cents - subscription for the "Column" the coming year. Yours Truly, Mrs. H. M. Wilder. Mrs H M Wilder Chase's Mills Me 25 ct Hamilton Maine Jan. 2[?] To Editor "Woman's Co[?] I sent a letter two weeks a[?] samples to gain Sub. with an[?] you gave any Comission. But [?] been need. I have been seve[?] getting up this club of 30 and ca[?] more if I can take the time but it [?] strength also & I have not got much Every time I read your spicy and en[?] little paper- I say to myself " I wish every woman in town could read this paper." I never allow it to be burned or torn. I have been a Sub. since last Feb. and every copy has been sent or given to somebody to read. I ask all the ladies in this club to do the same. Yours for the success of the Woman's Column"- Mrs. G. B. Page ! Houlton Maine I enclose order for the Amt. $7.50 with Address [?]y, 159 Brookline St. Boston Mass. Riverside, R. I. [?]d, Hudson--Mass. Houlton, Maine. [?]ly --all that follow are in this place [?] errin -- Houlton Maine [?]y " " [?]dyg " Mc Intyre Johnson [?] Briggs Mrs. George W. Colby [?] Hathaway " R. W. Shaw Nevers " Elira Powers. " Don H. Powers " Dr. J. Donnell " Allen Smith " N. T. Dutton " Myra Donnell " George Gorham " Dr. Innis " Sam. Powers " John Bradford " Waldo Brown " Fred. Powers " E. E. Minard " George Ricahrds " J. E. Goslins [*30 Subscriptions $7.50*] [*Mrs. G P Page Houlton Me Rec Feby 15/92 W C $1.10*] Houlton Maine Feb. 11th 1892 Henry B. Blackwell-- Dear Sir-- About the last of December I sent you 30 subs. to the "Woman's Column and $7.50 cts. You wrote me in reply that if I got 20 more I could keep the $5.00 as a Premium. I send you my own renewal & Mrs. Dunn's-- both old subs-- 50c and four additional at 15 00 60 in all 26 names. $1.10 Please send as promptly as possible for some of them have paid for a month or more. The Grippe prevented my prompt response--to your generous offer. Yours for Equal Rights Mrs. G. B. Page. Pad 26 Names Chiefly Houlton Me Coms. 500 for securing 50 names at Houlton Me. and 100 for 4 additional names, at same place all of which are on the pad Mrs H S Bridges West Pembroke Maine 2 [?] subscription 50 [?adn] 2 name 50 100 Bills 1.00 West Pembroke Maine May 1892 Dear Friend Please send the Colum to Mrs Mary E Young 25c West Pembroke Me To Mrs Bunard Rogers 25 c Pembroke Maine And to myself Mrs H S Bridges West 50c Viola Dines complains that her paper does not come to her is it your fault ? [*Enclosed is one Dollar*] Name, Mrs. C.F. Allen [Street,] Kennebunk [Town,] Me [State,] Time one year. 25 cents paid. Hope Feb 9" 1892 Alice Stone Blackwell Please find enclosed 25 cts for the renewal of my subscription to the "Woman's Column And oblige (Miss) Lacey A. Boardman Hope Knox Co Maine Lucy A Boardman Hope ME 1 Name 25 Feb 13th Total 55 names [*Stamps 50*] Bolster's Mills, Me. Apr. 26 1892. Woman's Column No. 3 Park St Boston Mass I have found you the names of two more subscribers to your paper and 50 cts Mrs. E. M. Cain. Otisfield, Me. Mrs. Rose Edwards. Otisfield, Me. Yours [?] Alice M. Weston. Alice M Watson Bolsters Mills Me 2 names 0 50 [*Stamps 25*] [*9*] [Me Wells Branch, York Co., Dec. 6, 1891. To the publishers of The Woman's Column. For the enclosed 25 cts. Please send The Woman's Column to the following address. Mrs. Emmeline Clark Wells Branch, Maine. I desire the subscription to commence with the first of January 1892. Yours respectfully, Margaret P. Schouler Oct. 26,/91 Mrs. Susan Marsh Dixfield, Maine Mrs. Oliver Newman 80 Wood St. Lewiston, Maine Com. to Mrs. H. M. Peabody. paid .30 silver & .10 samples I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. W.D. Burchinal Street, 114 East Franklin Town, Baltimore State, Md. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Mary E. Brown Street, Town, Chestertown State, Maryland Kent Co. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Hiram Brown Street, Town, Chestertown State, Maryland Kent Co. Time one year. 25 cents paid. [*Stamp 25*] Melitota Kent Co Md Feb. 11. 1892 Mrs A. S. Blackwell Editor of the Womans Column. Find enclosed 25 cts in stamps for which send The Womans Column for 1 year directing the same to Mrs. L. M. Corey Melitota Kent Co. Maryland Yours &c, L. M. Corey, Lo M Corey Miletota M [?] [?] Name 25 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at