NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE The Woman's Column Michigan - New York Nov 10th 1891 Ediitor Womans Journal Enclosed please find $1.25 for which send Woman's Column to the following persons, all new subscribers the same as were all the others I sent [?] Miss P. A. Wheelock. Dixboro, Washtenaw Co, Mich [?] Mrs. D. C. Shattuck, Plymouth, Mich [?] Mrs. Lydia Lanning Northville. Michigan [?] Mrs. Oscar Huston Plymouth Michigan [?] Mrs. Mary Gardner. Verdi Ottawa Co. Kansas Please begin the year with Oct. 24th so they can have the reports of the Womans Congress at Grand Rapids, and oblige. Mrs Elizabeth Safford Plymouth Mich My husbands name is R. C. Safford. I may have given his initials some times, when I have written. I usually sign my name E. M. Safford, my own name. Did you find the name of Mrs A F. Cameron? I have not heard if she recd her paper. E. M. S. PS. Will you send me "the strike of a sex" as a part of my reward for getting the new subscribers I have sent the full amount always to you, & think I can soon have more new names for the Journal too - will try - have been sick or would have had more now. E. M. S. Money Order $2.50 Plymouth Sept. 23 1891 Editor Womans Column Enclosed please find 2.50 for which send the Column to the following names [ ] Mrs. Jennie Voorhies, Plymouth, Mich. [ ] " Henry Root " " [ ] " Edward Manning " " [ ] " A. M. Potter " " [ ] Miss Elizabeth McClumpha " " [ ] " Frank Cramer " " [ ] Mrs. C. A. Frisbee, " " [ ] " Elizabeth Tuttle [Tuthill], Stark " [ ] " Mary Loud Northville " [ ] " Sophia Flint Livonia, Mich I have succeeded in getting ten new names for you paper, and shall keep on until I get as any more but will send these on so they will not have to wait so long. I sent 8 names for the column and one for the Journal a few months ago. I am district Supt. Franchise in W.C.T.M. Our State Supt wrote me that you allowed some recompense for getting subscribers for it now. if so please let me know what or how much, all who have the paper are pleased with it as far as I hear. I am a subscriber to both Journal and Column. Very Truly Yours Mrs. E. M. Safford Mr. C. Wilde P.S. In the last list of names I sent was Mrs. A. F. Cameron of Traverse City who has never recd it. Please send it on to her, and oblige E.M.S. [M.O. 1.50] OFFICE OF JOHN B. DINSMORE, BOOTS AND SHOES. FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. Portland, Mich., Dec. 16, 1891 Dear Madam, I send you $1.50 For Six new subscribers to the Womens Column. I hope they will receive the first copy next week as they are Christmas presents. Send them to these addresses. Mrs. O.W. Pettit Grand Rapids, Mich " J.B. Morehouse. Portland Mich " Mary J. Jenkins " " " Nell Dinsmore " " " Alice Jenkins " " " Janette Sandborn " " Yours. Truly. Mrs. Anna M. Dinsmore [*Money order 1.00*] 300 Midland St. West Bay City, Mich, 4-25-'92 My Dear Miss Blackwell. Enclosed is One Dollar ($1.) for subscriptions to the Women's Column received at our county W. C. Y. U. convention Mrs. M.H. Dunn. 1300. 8th st. Bay City, Mich Mrs. Charles Brown. 601 W. Midland st. West Bay City, Mich. Mrs. N. H. Webster. 608 State st. West Bay City, Mich. Mrs. George Mead West Bay City, Mich. I hope to add to the list from time to time. Yours Respectfully Mrs. Carrie C. Grayson Mrs. Carrie C [?] West Bay City Michigan 4 names 1.00 [Money Order 170] Ionia Mich Mar 16th 192 Ed. Womans Journal. Enclosed find the subscription price for the names enclosed $1.70 Mrs. Delia Olmstead Mrs. Wm Mercer Mrs. Jeannette Wadsworth Dr. V. C. A. Gesler Mrs. A. J. Raynor Mrs. L. J. Canright Mrs. Juliaette Anderson Mrs. S. S. Rowe Mrs. J. N. Barbour Mrs. R. M. Kellogg. All new subscribers excepting the last two. All of Saranac Mich Ionia Co. except Mrs. R. M. Kellogg Ionia Mich Very Sincerely Mrs. R. M. Kellogg Mrs. R.M. Kellogg Ionia Mich 10 names 2.50 Comms on 8 names 80 Nett 1.70 3 Woman's Column Mrs. G. F. Hunting Flint Mich. Mrs. Maria L. Lovell Flint Mich. Mrs. Julia Dexter Stannard Dexter Mich. Dear Miss Alice, I send fifty manes and retain the Commission for the first time because my financial embarrassment is great. Hurts me to do it, but necessity knows no law. Thine, C.C. Hoffman Woman's Column 9 Mrs. Wm B. Pope Monroe Mich. " J.M. Stirling " " " Frank K. Ilginfritz " " " P. Jackson " " " E.D. Chapman " " Mrs. Harriet G. Wheeler Petersburg Mich, Mrs. Lucy Briggs Whitford Centre Mich. Miss Hettie Ansted Temperance Mich. Miss Maude Dutton 608 Erie St Toledo, Ohio Woman's Column. Mrs. Mary H. Nelson, Ithaca, Mich Mrs. Bettie Pritt " " Mrs. H. Waterbury " " Mrs. Catherine Thornen " " Mrs. Ann Whitcomb " " Mrs. M. S. Jenne " " Mrs. Ella H. Histed Breckenridge, Mich Mrs. Lousise Odell, " " Mrs. A. W. Norton " " Harriet King " " Mrs. Ida L. Wheeler, Wheeling, Mich " M. Snope. " " Miss. L. T. Jackson 664. Leass Ave. Detroit Mich. Woman's Column. Mrs. Mary J. Pace. Salem, Ill. " J. M. Morrow " " " Lyde Humphrey " " D.W. Patterson " " Mrs. F. Wilson " " " Fiona Kagy " " (all Salem Ill) Rev. C. W. East. St Louis, Mich Mrs. Jennie Weller " " " A.J. Hatfield " " " Parker Merrill " " " H. Darcy " " " George Reeves " " " M. E. Moore " " " G. L. Patch " " (all St Louis Mich) Woman's Column Mrs. E. Woolley, St Louis, Mich, " D. C. Drury " " " R. R. Wilson " " " Nancy M. Griffith " " " Gunsaulus Brown " " " W. P. Andrews " " (all to St Louis Mich) Mrs. C. H. Knight, Fenton, Mich. " W. R. Kinch, Alma. " " Alwilda Pecket Perrington Mich " Minnie L. Doane Forest Hill, Mich. Mrs D. G. Sutherland Saginaw West side Mich. 50 names from Miss Hoffman 12 50 Less Coms 5 00 Net amt 7.50 March 23 Money order 175 Chelsen, Mich. Apri 21wt 92 Miss Editor Enclosed find list of names - new subscribers to "woman's Column" - Postal Order for $1,75 Mrs Addie Rawson West Toledo Ohio Mrs Ellen Saxton, Blisefield Michigan Mrs. Hattie M. Doig 46 W. Huron St. Ann Arbor Michigan Mrs. F. L. Parker 24 Ann St. Ann Arbor Mich E. Riemenschneider - Gelen Michigan Mrs. H.M. Wood. Chelsen Mich. Geo Eder Box 53 Chelsen Mich Name Mrs. Maggie Clark Street 2d Street 819 4th ward Town Flint State Mich Time one year. 25 cents paid 7 names from Mich. & Ohio 1.75 Find enclosed .25 cents subscription for the Woman's Column on year - Address Mrs. E. M. Dutton Albion Mich Smith P.O. St Clair Co. Mich 11/5 "91 "The Woman's Column" 3 Park Street Boston, Mass. To the Editor, enclosed find forty five cents for which please send the "The Woman's Column" for one year to the addresses named below. Mrs. S. B. Somers Jole St Clair Co. Mich " Carrie E. King, Smith P.O. " " " " E. T. Stewart, New Baltimore, Macomb Co. Mich. Have only these three subscriptions to send you now but intend to work for it as I can, recommending it to the seniors and sending out sample copies as I have a chance. May Heaven hasten the time of suffrage for women! Yours in a good cause Carrie E. King Cor. Sec'y. of 7th District. Please find enclosed subscription price for 5 copies of Womans Column, send as follows: Mrs. Susan Cotton, Saranac Mich. Mrs Helen Clark Saranac Mich. Mrs. Emma C Horton Saranac Mich Mrs H. S. Towner, Cor. 3rd & Fremont Grand Rapids Mich Mrs. Dexter Cutler, Leuther, Leake Co. Mich Got by Mary L. Clark Saranac Iron Mountain Mich Nov. 17 - 91 Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Park St. Boston Mass Please find 15 cts. enclosed for which please send one copy to Marquette Daily Times Marquette Mich another on my chit sent two months ago Yours truly, A. M. Luten Iron Mountain Mich. Bellevue Dec. 11th 91 Enclosed is postal note for $1.50 one dollar fifty cents, for which send The Womans Column to Dr Delia E. Howe, Dimondale Eaton Co. Mich. Mrs E E Barnum. Coals Grove, Barry Co. Mich. Anna L. Dunton. Union City, Branch Co Mich. Mary. A. Keyes. Shiphard Hall, Olivet, Eaton Co. Mich. Mrs. L E Atwell, Lawton Vanburen Co. Mich. Mrs M B Parker. Battle Creek. Mich. 25 East Vanburen St. Elitha E Sykes [*P.Note .75*] Bellevue Nov 9th 91 My time of subscription will not expire until Feb but I will renew it now. Enclosed is postal note for .75 cts. for which please send the Womans Column to Mrs E E Sykes, Bellevue, time not expired Miss Mary Wells, Bellevue, old subs Nellie, McCollum, Eaton Rapids all of Michigan [*Gave her 3 years credit It should be only one year - the .50 was for Yellow Ribbon speaker.*] Bear Lake Oct 26. Dear Madam. I enclose .75c for which please send one copy Woman's Column to Mrs. Sarah Erb Bear Lake Manistee Co. Mich. [*Postage Stamps 25 ct*] Mary N Barton Big Prairie Mich Rec May 26/92 26 cts WC Big Prairie Mich May 23 1882 Alice Stone Blackwell enclosed find stamps I want Womans Column Mary N Barton Big Prairie Newaygo Co Mich [*stamps 25*] Inclosed find 25 cts for which please send Woman's Column to Mrs. Bettie L. Stonebraker. 613. 12th St Bay City, Mich. beginning with January 1892. M. E. R. Mrs Bettie L Stonebraker Bay City 25 cts March 28. Grand Rapids, Mich. Editor Woman's Column; Enclosed is a number of new subscribers for the Column, Mrs Dr L Palmer: 456 So. Ionia St. Mrs Avery Hicks 458 So. Ionia St. Mrs. J. A. Robertson 559 Jefferson Ave. My subscription for this year & next. Miss M E Corey subs for 1892 & 3 50 also 5 names 125 175 Grand Rapids Mich March 31 Mrs. C. C. Stone. 11 5th St. Wishing you success. I am respectfully Miss H. E. Corey. 828 5th Ave Grand Rapids Mich Mrs Emily Rathbun 237 Jefferson Ave July 27th, 1890 Dear Madam, Enclosed is 50 cts for which please send the Womans Column to Miss Clara Chipman for one year, and credit the rest to me on subscription. And you will please stop Miss Minnie Jenkins paper, Yours truly, Mrs. Anna M Dinsmore Portland Louis Co Mich Miss Clara Chipman Portland Mich Chelsea - Mich - Jun 10th-90 Dear Friends Enclosed find -25¢ for a years subscription to "The Woman's Column" Cannot get along well without it - it's the cream of the woman papers - we like it Do not want to miss a paper - With many good wishes for your success - Very Truly Julia P. Bowen - Chelsea - Michigan [*.25 in stamps Sept.21/91. Sent Sept 1 19*] Denton, Mich. Sept. 19/91 To the Woman's Column, Enclosed please find twenty five cents, in stamps, in payment for one years subscription to the Woman's Column. Very respectfully Mrs. Ollie G. Smith. Sep 19 .25 [*25 cents postal note*] Lyons. May 31/92 Editor Woman's Column I became a subscriber to your interesting little sheet over a year ago through a club. I am now in arrears since March last. I enclose price for a year from that time. Please change address from Lyons, Ionia Co. Mich. to Wacousta Clinton Co. Mich, and oblige, Yours truly, (Mrs L. J Gibson) Louisa J Gibson Louisa J Gibson address now is Wacousta Mich 25 cts Stamps 55 cts Lisbon Mich 5-25-92 The Womans Column Boston Mass Enclosed find 55 cts to pay my subscription for one year, also one year to each of the following new sub's. For Woman's Column Mrs. Martha McNitt Miss C. A. Bassett all of this place Yours resp'y, Mrs Edith Chubb Ottawa Co Mrs Kellogg Libon, Mich. Since writing the above have concluded to forward it to you as I did not know but you had sent in my sub'n. Hoping you will attend to these many names promptly I remain Yours truly Mrs E. Chubb Mrs A Chubb Lisbon Mich 3 names 75cts com. on 2 names 20 Net 55cts 1st Paid 12 stamps 10.18.1891 Dear Madam Will enclose 12 cts which will pay up for The Woman's Column I don't care for it any longer. Edith Goosbrick Holland. Mich (?) yes [Keep separate.] Paid. 25 [?] Bear Lake Oct. 16 1891. Dear Madam, I enclose .25c for ,a subscription to "Woman's Column," address Mrs. N. W. Nelson Manistee Mich. If you would be kind enough to send me a few sample [?] I may possibly get a few more sub.s, as I shall attend a Co. W.C.Y.U. Convention next wk. Cordially yours Ella S. Hopkins. (9th Dist. Supt. 7th [?]) Bear Lake Manistee Co Mich. Mrs M. B. Herdman - 48 East Huron St. Ann Arbor. Mich Paid .25 Column - Mis Eliza [Ha?me?], 35 North Division St. Ann Arbor. Mich. Pd 25 Column Mrs. M. B. Herdman _ 48 East Huron St. Ann Arbor. Mich Paid .25 Column - Miss Eliza Hosmer 35 North Division St. Ann Arbor. Mich. Pd 25 Column. 135 M.O. Chesaning Dec 13th Mich. "Woman's Column" Enclosed find $1.35 and the names and address of nine new subscribers. I hope to obtain more soon. Yours Mrs. T. E. W. Adams 8th Dist Supt Franchise With the SHAWMUT NATIONAL BANK to the credit of MB Herdman 25 cts Eliza Horner 25 cts No. | AMOUNT. || No. | AMOUNT. || No. | AMOUNT. || | | || | | || | | || 1 |..........|....|| 34 |..........|....|| 67 |..........|....|| 2 |..........|....|| 35 |..........|....|| 68 |..........|....|| 3 |..........|....|| 36 |..........|....|| 69 |..........|....|| 4 |..........|....|| 37 |..........|....|| 70 |..........|....|| 5 |..........|....|| 38 |..........|....|| 71 |..........|....|| 6 |..........|....|| 39 |..........|....|| 72 |..........|....|| 7 |..........|....|| 40 |..........|....|| 73 |..........|....|| 8 |..........|....|| 41 |..........|....|| 74 |..........|....|| 9 |..........|....|| 42 |..........|....|| 75 |..........|....|| 10 |..........|....|| 43 |..........|....|| 76 |..........|....|| 11 |..........|....|| 44 |..........|....|| 77 |..........|....|| 12 |..........|....|| 45 |..........|....|| 78 |..........|....|| 13 |..........|....|| 46 |..........|....|| 79 |..........|....|| 14 |..........|....|| 47 |..........|....|| 80 |..........|....|| 15 |..........|....|| 48 |..........|....|| 81 |..........|....|| 16 |..........|....|| 49 |..........|....|| 82 |..........|....|| 17 |..........|....|| 50 |..........|....|| 83 |..........|....|| 18 |..........|....|| 51 |..........|....|| 84 |..........|....|| 19 |..........|....|| 52 |..........|....|| 85 |..........|....|| 20 |..........|....|| 53 |..........|....|| 86 |..........|....|| 21 |..........|....|| 54 |..........|....|| 87 |..........|....|| W. Col. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Phebe Harmon Street, Town, Perry State, Mich Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. S.M. Boyd Street, 1908 N. Fayette St Town, Saginaw State, Mich Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. J.R. Beach Street, 627 Hanchett St. Town, Saginaw State, Mich. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the Woman's Column. Name, Mrs. E.J. Freeman Street, Town, East Saginaw State, Mich Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. C. V. Waldman Street, Town, Perry State, Mich. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. L.B. Harrington Street, Town, Reese State, Mich Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the Woman's Column. Name, Mrs. E.B. Rigley Street, Town, Corunna. State, Mich Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Renna Bambrough Street, Town, St. Louis State, Mich. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. D.M. Webber Street, 424 S. Warren St Town, East Saginaw State, Mich. Time one year. 25 cents paid. [*25 cts Files*] Petersburg, Mich. May 21/92 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, enclosed find 25 cts for the Woman's Column. Send to the address of Mrs. Jennie Lockwood, Petersburg, Monroe Co, Michigan. I am taking the paper, like it very much, would like a sample copy of the Woman's Journal. I think I might secure subscribers for both papers. I am a member of the W.C.S.A. and superintendent of Franchise in this Co. and very much interested in all that [per] pertains to Woman's work and progress. Yours for the Right Mrs. Harriette G. Wheeler Petersburg Michigan Mrs. Harriet J. Wheeler Petersburg Mich I copy to be sent to Mrs Jennie Lockwood 25 cts [*Postal Note 25*] Please Send Womans Column to Mary A. Rowe Ypsilanti Mich Mary A Rowe Ypsilanti Mich 25 cts Editor Woman's Column Enclosed you will find one dollar's - amount of four subscriptions to your other paper. Two copies are to be addressed to K of S. Florence Nightingale Assembly Room 7 Hilsendegen block. One copy to Mrs. E. L. Harrington 252 Wabash Ave. Miss A. Y. Hurd 669 Baker St. Detroit. Yours Truly, Elizabeth A. Bryant. Detroit 423. Grand Ave. June 18, 90. R. PENGELLY, M. D., ORIGINATOR AND SOLE PROPRIETOR OF Sure Shot for Hay Fever, Fresh Colds, Etc. Residence and Office, 434 Elm St. 25 files Kalamazoo, Mich. 3-29-1892 Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Sister Find enclosed 25 cts for which please resume my sub's to "The Woman's Column". My husband who was an equal Suffragist long before I was, says he cannot get along without it. Am pleased to see that its circulation is broadning so extensively. Yours for Womankind M. E. Pengelly Pres Kalamazoo W. C. T. U. M E Pengelly Kalamzoo Mich 1 Name 25 cts [*Stamps 26*] Le Lueur , Minn, Sept: 29, 1891. Publisher Woman's Column;- Dear Friend:- Enclosed find Twenty Six Cent in stamps with which I wish to pay my arrears in subscription, after which you may stop the paper please. I am taking three suffrage papers which I intend to reduce to the Journal. I shall continue, however, as before to say a good word for the Column. Yours truly, Ella Tremain Whitford, Le Sueur, Minnesota. [*.25*] 311 Aldrich Ave. N. Minneapolis Minn. Dec. 13th 1891. Editor of Womans Column. My subscription to your paper expired some time in Sept. I enclose 25 cts for renewal. Yours &c, Mrs. M. E. Thompson [*125 42 83*] I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. J.W. Hancock Street, 1030 East Ave. Town, Red Wing, State, Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Matilda Graves, Street, 827 East Ave, Town, Red Wing, State, Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid Name, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Street 410 - - 3rd St., Town, Red Wing, State: Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the [*Ahlers*] WOMAN'S COLUMN Name, Mrs. Henry Ahlers Street, Town, Red Wing State, Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. E. S. Wright Street, Town, Red Wing. State, Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. H. A. Hobart Street, 7th. St. Town, Red Wing, State, Minn Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. Charlotte Bolles Street, Town, Red Wing, State, Minn. TIme one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. C. B. Phelps. Street, Town, Red Wing State, Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Julia Krinbill Street, 615 -- 4th. St. Town, Red Wing. State, Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Miss Mattie Wilson Street, Town, Red Wing. State, Minn Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Street, Town, State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Elwell's Addition M'pl's Aug 2, 1890. Editor Woman's Journal; Enclosed you will find 25c for "Woman's Column" Would also like the trial copies of The Woman's Journal Direct to Mrs Cora M. Elwell 809- 14th Ave. S.E. Minneapolis Minn. June 26th 1890 Womans Journal, Will you please change the address of "The Womans Column" now coming to Mrs. S. J. Gilmore Faribault, Minnesota Change to Mrs. Julia B. Metcalf Nebraska City, Nebraska Mrs. S. J. Gilmore Faribault, Minn, Name, Jennie M Moore Street, Rush City Town, Minnesota State, Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. Ella Allbaugh Street, Town, Cooleyville State, Steele Co., Minn. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Sept. 14 Renew W. Col. } Lake City Mrs. L. L. Hubbard } Minn. & Mrs. Sewall Pd. 50 cents Office of Postal Note 60 cts. THE ENTERPRISE OF MORTON AND BEAVER FALLS The County Seat Organ of Renville County. BIRCH COOLEY P.O. Morton, Minn., April 27, 1892 Woman's Journal, Please send the Woman's Column to the following Mrs. Mary Patten, Newton; Mrs. Nettie E. Swan, Boyd, Minn. Mrs Morgan Morton, Mrs. Kate Scott. I have eight of ten more names for the Column but some would like to see a sample copy. Please send me two or three of the best members as I have given away all mine. Baby keeps one very close and yet I keep the question alive here. I will send more names next week. Mrs. C. L. Lutz. Sept 14th .50 Mrs. C L Lutz Morton Minn. 4 Names 1.00 less coms 40 ----- Net 60 cts. Some have paid and some have not. I always use the commission in sending to those who would not otherwise receive it. It is a difficult thing to get women to reading suffrage but when once accomplished it means a great deal. I have resolved to write all my Lady friends to engage for the Column. W.C.T.U Department of Gospel Work for Woodsmen E. M. Bates State Sup't for Minnesota 1628 HENNEPIN AVE. Minneapolis. Minn., June 6 18890 Dear Mrs. Alice Stone Blackwell. Enclosed find 35 cts. for which please send to me the Woman's Column, 25 cts Woman Suffrage Tracts, (example copy), 10 as advertised in the Woman's Journal. Yours respectfully, Mrs Minnie Webber Minneapolis P.O. Box 130 Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association Officers President, Julia B. Nelson, Red Wing. Vice Pres. Jessie G Cawley, Pipestone. Cor Secretary, Anna B. Turley, 810 4th., Av, S, Minneapolis, Rec. Secretary, Exine G. Bonwell, Blue Earth City. Treasurer, William B. Reed, Hastings. Executive Committee: --- Mrs. A. T. Anderson, George M. Lutz, Mrs. M. A. Luly, Mrs. Sandford Niles, Mrs. R. S. Smith, Mrs. Charles Boiles, Geo. B. Kingsley. Red Wing, Minn., April 11. 1892 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park St. Boston. Dear friend;- Enclosed find money order of $2.50 and names of ten subscribers for the Woman's Column. Will try to send more, but will not keep these subscribers waiting longer-would rather go without the premium. Thanks for the package of Columns. Please send me more copies of March 19. Will use fifty-or more, sending to as many different places with an idea. for the Column. Yours for missionary work, Julia B. Nelson. Julia B. Nelson Red Wing Minn. Find 10 names 2.50 Office of J. P. Davis Loan, Real Estate and Financial Agent. Stamps .25 Tracy, Minn.,...............189 Ed. The Woman's Column 3 Park Street Boston. Please find inclosed 25 (cents) in postage for payment of the paper from May 91' to May 92. Please do not send if any longer the later date. Yours Resp' Mrs. J.P. Davis B. B. Marshall & Son, [*Stamps .75*] Jewelers, 242 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Dec 9 1891 Editor, I enclose 75¢ for last year and this year for Mrs Marshall and a copy to be sent to Mrs. R. A. Boyer of this city at Hotel Berkeley. Please have Mrs Boyer's commence with Dec. 5th number. Truly yours B. B. Marshall. [*Stamp 25*] Mrs. Alice Stone Blackwell, Dear Ed, of the Woman's Column. Please find inclosed the subscription price (25 cents per one year) for your weekly paper, The Woman's Column. Please send me the back copies from April 1st, 1892 as I wish my subscription to date from that (date.) Am much pleased with the frank, clear and intelligent opinions expressed in your little paper. Respectfully yours Helen Griffith Ludwig. 1011 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. April 25-1892 Helen G Ludwig Minneapolis Minn 25 ct. Mrs. L. S. Morint and Mrs. Robert Sommerville both of Greenville, Miss. renew for Column 50, pd. [*Stamps 25 cts*] Biloxi Miss Apr. 20.1892 Alice Stone Blackwell Boston, Mass, Dear Madam: Enclosed, Please find 25 cts, (stamps) Your bright "Woman's Column" has attracted a loyal White Ribboner and she subscribes - Please send it to - Mrs. Charles. Patten Biloxi, Mississippi Yours, an interested reader of "Woman's Column." Sadie A. Stilphen Sadie A Stilphen sends 1 Name from Biloxi Miss. 25 ct to Mrs Chas Patten Kansas City, Mo., April-13-1892 Womans Column, Boston, Mass. Please send the Woman's Column to the three names inclosed for one year. Find 13¢ for the same in postal note, and 10¢ for Sample package of leaflets to Mrs. N. E. Bergin Room 401. 1106 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City, Mo. I will try to send the fifty new names, shall I keep the Commission or must I send all the names at the same time with the money? Cardinally, Ellen D. Morris Ellen D Morris Kansas City Mo Finds 3 names 85 ct leaflets 10/75 Dexter Mo. 3/17 Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park St, Boston. Dear Friend:- Find enclosed 30 ct, for which please send the Woman's Column for one year to Miss Marnie Owen, Thayer Mo. and to Mrs. Sallie Langston, West Plains, Mo. - I shall try to secure the fifty more subscribers. Yours for equal suffrage, Carrie Lee Carter. Sufit Mo. Y.W.C.T.U Carrie Lee Carter [Duplin?] Mo. 2 names 50 cts "The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon" Missouri W. C. T. U Clara C. Hoffman President 510-11 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Kate F. Newton Rec. Sec'y Bolivar, Mo. Miss Ellen D. Morris Cor. Sec'y 510-11 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Julia A Glazier Treas. Savannah, Mo. Kansas City, Mo., ____________189____ Woman's Column Mrs Kate Hufford, Market St. Hannibal Mo. Mrs F.F. Combs 9-10 N. 7th St Hannibal Mo. Mrs A.E. Clement 209 Chestnut St Hannibal Mo. Leroy Brown Hannibal Mo. [*Postal Note 1.00] "God in the Government and Purity in the Home." WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION, OF MINNESOTA. President, Mrs. H.A. Hobart, Red Wing, 423 West Seventh Street. Cor. Sec'y, Mrs. E.S. Wright, Red Wing, 732 East Avenue. Recording Secretary, Mrs. E.L. Condit, St. Anthony Park. Treas., Miss A.M. Henderson, Minneapolis, 220 Hennepin Avenue. Supt Pres't District No Albert Lea Minn. Apr. 24, 1892 Alice Stone Blackwell: Editor "Woman's Column" Find enclosed $1.00 for which please send 4 copies of "The Woman's Column" at 25 cts - $1.00 Yours truly Mrs. Dora Noble Albert Lea. Minn. Dora Noble Albert Minn 4 copies 1.00 "The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon." Missouri W.C.T.U. MRS. CLARA HOFFMAN, PRESIDENT, 510-11 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo MISS ELLEN D. MORRIS, COR. SEC'Y, 510-11 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MRS. KATE F. NEWTON, REC. SEC'Y, BOLIVAR, Mo. MRS. JULIA A. GLAZIER, TREAS., Savannah, Mo. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 10- 1892 Dear Friend, Enclosed find postal note for 75¢ for three subscriptions to Woman's Column. Mrs. L.M. Merrell #236 Fifth Ave. Leavenworth, Kas. Mrs. M.E. Golladay, Holden, Mo. Mrs. Sarah E. Allen 1817 Montgall Ave. Kansas City, Mo. Our Conference was a grand success. Audience immense, and enraptured. Yours sincerely, Ellen D. Morris Ellen D Morris Kansas City Mo. 3 Names 75 Woman's Column Mrs E W. Thompson. 2913 Dickson St. St Louis Mo. Mrs E. P. Johnson 2829 Clark Ave. St Louis '' Mrs R. N. Hazard Kirkwood Mo. Mrs T. E. Kizer Louisiana Mo. Mrs Julia Lock " " Mrs Catherine Allen " " Mrs Fanny Anderson " " Mrs Rosalie J Edwards " " Mrs Martha P. Allison "--- " Mrs Sarah E. Pearson " " I send fifty cents for Mrs Pearson, as she says she is in arrears for last year, wants column continued this year, Truly C. C. Hoffman Send Mrs. Hoffman a card to Kansas City to acknowledge receipt "The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon" Missouri W.C.T.U. MRS. CLARA C. HOFFMAN. PRESIDENT 580-11 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo MISS ELLEN D. MORRIS COR. SEC'Y 510-11 RIalto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MRS KATE F. NEW TON, REC. SEC'Y Bolivar, Mo. MRS. JULIA A. GLAZIER TREAS., Savannah, Mo. Kansas City, M., 189 $2.00 Postal note Springfield Mo May 25th Dear Miss Blackwell: Please find enclosed $2.00 (postal note) for the following subscribers to Woman's Column - Miss Anna E. Wheeler 838 South St., Miss Nellie M. Stevenson 1355 Summit Ave., Mrs. A Brignelson 1856 N. Jefferson St., Mrs Seaman 889 South St., Mrs W. A. Wright 602 N. Main St Mrs. Ella J. Robinson 741 South St., [Mrs.] R. M. Balderson Boulevard 2nd N. Center St., Mrs. F. G. Miller, 320 Monroe St., all mailed to Springfield, Mo. Sincerely yours V. M. Travers 748 N. Main V. M. Travers Springfield Mo. 8 names 2.00 Dexter, Mo. Nov. 2, 1891. Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park St., Boston:- Please send the "Woman's Column" to Mrs. Ida Burr, Princeton, Mo. for one year. Yours, Carrie Lee Carter FOR GOD AND HOME W.C.T.U. AND NATIVE LAND. BETHANY, MO., Feb 10th 1892 Editor Womans Column, Enclosed you will find $1.00 for which please send Columns to Mrs. Lucy Crossan, Bethany, Mo Mrs. E.A. Templeman, Bethany, Mo Mrs. Bessie Wannamaker, Bethany, Mo Mrs. W.C. Allen, Bethany, Mo They are all renuals, but I hope soon to send some new subscribers, my time is not out till April but I'll send money now, (you have my name Maude Allen) out there is another in town & our mails get mixed - I hope soon to send a club for the "Journal" also. I am doing what I can in this Dist for the suffrage work - Yours Mrs W C Allen. Harrison Co, Mo Mrs W C Allen Bethany Mo. 4 names 100 Coms 05 Net 95 I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. E. M. Taylor [Street], 413- Rialto Building Town, Kansas City State, Missouri Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Mrs. C. Rountree Street, Town, Westport State, Missouri. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Name, Miss Marietta Little Street, 413 East 14th St. Town, Kansas City State, Missouri. Time one year. 25 cents paid. Stamps 25 Mrs. M. A. Roberts, Dealer In Millinery Goods AND Notions Bethany, Mo., 4-28 18[8]92 Alice Stone Blackwell, Please find .25 enclosed for "The Womans Column." My time expired Jan 1892. Respect, M. A. Roberts, Bethany, Harrison County Mo. M. A. Roberts Bethany Mo 25 cts Stamps 25 cts only [*Grace S. Allen Seneca Newton Co Mo. 25c WC 10c Mass WSA. Rec May 17/92*] Seneca Mo. May 14th 92 American W. S. Association 3 Park Street Boston. Enclosed please find 35 cts for which please send to my address the "Woman's Column" for one year & the remaining 10 cents in your brightest suffrage leaflets. And oblige yours Respectfully Grace S. Allen Seneca Newton Co. Mo. [*Send 10 Ea. Elective Franchise Eminent Opinions Objections Answered W. S. in Wyoming Jesus Christ / the Emancipator*] stamp St Louis Mo 2928 Thomas St. Feb 15th /92 The Womans Column Enclosed you will find 25 cts for which Send me The Column for one year beginning with Jan no./92 Mrs N. J. Tweed Mrs N J Tweed St Louis Mo USA Bertha Barber Pierce City mo. 3 names 75ct Postal Note 75 cts--- Pierce City, Mo., March 26, 1892 Editor Woman's Column, Boston, Mass. Enclosed please find postal note for $ .75. I wish to renew my sub- scription which expired Feb. 8th, and also send the names of two new sub- scribers. They are two young girls aged 15 and 17, but are both strong advocates of Woman's Suffrage Both subscribed for the paper without any solicitation on my part. Happening to remain at my house one evening after out "Y" meeting, they saw some copies of the "Column" on my table and asked if they might read them; and that same eve- ning one of them. came back bringing her quarter saying, "I want to take this paper." Yesterday the other young lady asked me to please send her name in also. Wishing the "Column" success, I remain yours resp. Bertha Barber Address paper to: (Miss) Bertha Barber Pierce City, Mo., Miss Daisy Lines, Pierce City, Mo., Miss Rosa Bell, Pierce. City, Mo., 153 Washington St. Camb port 23.6.90 Pub The Womans Column Please send a copy of your paper for one year to Mrs J.C. Ivy Box 252 Holliston Mass. Also a copy to Mrs Wm/" W. Robertson 26 Brattle St. Cam- bridge Mass. Also please change the address of my paper from 153 Washington St. Camb'port to Lakeview So. Framingham, Mass. Please begin the new subscriptions with June 4th. My paper makes a round of many readers. It is a most valuable paper. [The] In spirit, tone and ability it is beyond criticism, and must win a favorable consideration even from those opposed to its leading principle. Wishing increasing success to the paper. I am Sincerely yours Harriet M. Leonard Dec. 26. 1891 [*pd for 1 year advance*] Mrs. Lucinda H. Russell Tecumseh. Neb. pd. 50 cents for. W. Col. and ordered it stopped. Ardella Rigby. Bloomington, Ill. pd. 25 cents (new) W. Col. Mrs James Corbett. New Bethlehem. Pa. pd. 25 cents. W Col. $1.00 (silver) pd by Miss Turner. Miss Florence Austin. Peterboro. N. H. Paid 25= Mrs. Armenia White. Concord. N. H. Paid. 30 Nov 20/91 [*Postal note .25*] Henniker N.H. Sep 24 '91 Dear Friend Please find enclosed postal note of 25 cents for the renewal of the Woman's Column to Mrs. Prescott Colby Henniker N.H. Mrs. Helen M. Mrs. Wm Johnson Mrs. T. B. Curtis Mrs. N. A. Hunt Napa Mrs. V. R. Tays Mrs. J. H. Howland Mrs. Lena L. Prescot Tilton, N. H. Mrs. Jonathan Gilman Colebrook, N. H. Miss Leanna M. Thurston Tilton, N. H. Mrs. Sarah H. Wright 16th Avenue corner L. St. South San Francisco Cal. 50 names from Napa Cal and other places 12 50 Coms 5 00 Net 7 50 Name, Mrs. Emily A, Street, Primauer, Town, Newman's Grove, State, Neb. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I enclosed a few more names for sample copies of the "Column" East Orange, N.J. Nov. 12, 91 Dear Miss Wilde, Please find enclosed one dollar for 3 subscriptions to the "Woman's Column" as follows; ________ Miss Mary L. Howland, Cor. Spring and Touro Sts. Newport ------ R.I. Mrs. E. M. Long 1859 North 12th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Edward B. Hall, [renewal] 183 N. Arlington Ave. East Orange, N.J. and send me two [ ] of Woman Suffrage leaflets. Sincerely your, Mary D. Hussey, M.D. Nov . 18/91. transfer from Mrs. Lorell- (N.Y. City.) Mrs. James Douglas. 98 Maple Ave. Marristown. N.J. Pd. 25 cents. 124 Union St. Newark NJ Nov 30 1/91 Please find remittance for one years Womans Column I see my subscription expired last month I meant to have renewed it before this time but procrastinated. So continue to send my little gem to my address Dr Jane H Murphy White Ribboner & Suffragist I also send a new subscriber Mrs Mary. T. Hayward. 168 Plane St. Newark NJ. [*Postal Note W. Column 25 Leaflets 25 leaflets sent.*] Burlington NJ 1892 Enclosed Please find postal note for 25 cts worth of the Best Leaflets on Franchise. also 25 cts for one year subscription to Womans Column. Please adress Mrs. H. B. Hopkins No 11. East Union St Burlington. B. C. New Jersey and oblige one of the workers Mrs H. B. Hopkins Burlington NJ 1 Womans Column 25 Leaflets 25 [*Postal Note 50 cts*] Please send the "Woman's Column" to the two addresses Mrs Edward E. Quimby 31 Oakwood Avenue Orange, New Jersey. and Mrs James B Peck Arlington New Jersey. Enclosed please find postal note for .50 Yours Truly Helen M. Adams 26 Clinton St East Orange NJ Feb 28, 1892, [*Helen m Adams Orange NJ 2 names 50 cts.*] [*25 cts silver*] Please continue sending "Woman's Column" to Mrs Helen M Adams 26 South Clinton St East Orange New Jersey. For the last year I see this name was Mrs Geo S Adams Which is just as well except for S. which should be E. 26 Clinton St Mar 24. 1892 Mrs Helen S. Adams East Orange NJ 1 copy 25 [*Mrs. Olive Pond Amies subscribed for these, & paid 70 cts.*] Women's Column Miss Olive J. Amies- Peddie Institute. Hightstown- New Jersey- Mrs. Olive Pond-Amies 112 North 12th St. Philadelphia Penn- (renewal) Mrs. Eva-Webb- Wilmington- Del- Care Jackson & Sharp- Miss Julia L. Spring 215 Park St. New Britain. Conn- Woman's Column $.25 J. G. Garrettson, Perth Amboy N.J. Mrs S. J. Clark. Perth Amboy N.J. Ann P. Wilbur, Vineland N.J. Ella L. Butler Vineland N.J. Mary K. Eakins Vineland N.J. C. C. Campbell Vineland N.J. Grace L. Leavitt Vineland N.J. Ed. Hoffman Vineland N.J. J. Maycock Vineland N.J. 316 Elma St Vineland N.J. Dr M. A. Ford. Box 80 Vineland N.J. Mrs H. U. Hammond Vineland N.J. W. H. Waite Vineland N.J. Mrs Bertie Ellis Vineland N.J. Mrs Elizabeth Ellis Vineland N.J. P. T. W. Campbell Vineland N.J. Sarah J Griffith Vineland N.J. Woman's Column $.25 W. H. Sloat, 98 Straight St Paterson N.J. Mrs Gray, 100 Vine St. Paterson N.J. Mrs K. Norman, 98 Van Houten St Paterson N.J. Mrs Brown, 72 Bond St Paterson N.J. Mrs C. A. Miller, 132. Broadway Paterson N.J. Maggie Wood, 100 Vine St Paterson N.J. Fannie C. Vanderhoff, 21. Hotel St Paterson N.J. Mrs M. J Corse, 306 Ellison St Paterson N.J. Mrs H. Van Blarcon, 29 Benson St. Paterson N.J. Emma Royle, 343 Straight St Paterson N.J. H. K. Dunwoody. 213. Slater St Paterson N.J. [*Paid money. 6.75*] renewal Name, Fanny Betts Street, [S***buton] Town, State, N. J. Time one year, 25 cents paid. __ Name, Mrs. Henry B. Raymond Street, East Waymouth Town, Mass. State, Time one year, 25 cents paid. .25 stamps W. Col. 25 cents leaflets 10 " Finderne N.J. Mar. 21st 1892 The Woman's Column Boston Mass. I enclose 35 cts. for which kindly renew my subscription from last Oct. and pardon my carlessness in not noting date on wrapper sooner. Please send also, a set of the leaflets which you issue for 10 cts., and oblige Yours truly Sarah M. Coates Finderne Somerset Co N.J. Sarah M Coates Fenderne NJ Lin Leaflets 35cts 10 Net 25 Aug. Khah, 5-2 Green St Newark N.J Susan F Martin, 5-0 Plane St " " Jane W. Bonnell, 62 Fair St " " Mrs M. E. Garabrant, 102 Bleecker St " " Samuel Clark 17. Hampden St " " Mrs L. W Quigley 94 Hillyer St East Orange " S. F Robbins. Hightstown N. Y. ? W. Col. $.25 Mrs M. L. Moore, 40 Webster St, Newark N. J. Mrs M. L. Johnson, 18 S. 18th St, " " Wm O. McDowell. 20 Spruce st. " " J. J. Eastabrook, 50 Camp st " " S. S. Downs, 94 Bleecker st, " " Sarah Miller, 21. Alyea st " " Thos. Haviland, 198 Jefferson st " " Mrs B. F Clark, 328. High St. " " Harry R. Mattison, 103 W. 6th st " " Mrs C. M. Rivers, 22 E. Park St. " " Phillip Horter, 125 Charlton St " " All these names belong in Trenton N.J. G. W. Horner. N. J. Steel & Iron Works J.D. Joslin, Trenton N.J. Mrs. J.H. Smith, 3. East State st J. Rawson, 115 Tyler st Mrs. H.M. Reid, 119 S. Stockton st Mrs. T.J. Stewart, 108 N. Montgomery st Mrs. L. Brown, 128 Fountain Ave Miss L. L. Bailey, 206 E. Hanover st Miss L. Hagaman, 62 Wall st Thos. Hopwood, 39 Rose st Mrs. R. W Barber, Union Library Mrs. Sarah D. Wood, 117. E. Hanover Mrs. Emily S. Dunn, 27 Yard Ave H. B. Howell, Trenton N.J Mrs. T.W. Young, 212 N. State st Mrs. J. McCoy 490 Chestnut Ave Karolyn Maguire, Yard Ave [*M.O. $1.25*] [*? back numbers*] To The Woman's Column, Alice Stone Blackwell, Editor, Enclosed please find $1.25 for which send The Woman's Column for one year, beginning Nov. 14, 1891. Mrs. Clement Bassett, Salem, New Jersey. " William Collins, " " " " Hews Crispin, Sharptown " " " Lida Brown, Front Royal, Virginia. " Sarah A. Mendenhall, Vermilion Grove Vermilion Co., Illinois. I wish to win the $5.00 premium, you offer, for the benefit of our Y.W.C.T.U. Will you credit me with these five names toward the list of fifty? Sincerely yours, Florence Waddington Salem New Jersey Dec. 7, 1891. Mrs Lucy Stone Blackwell, Editor Womans Column Please send the Womans Column for one year to Mrs Eli Gould Bridgeton N. Jersey Box 35, and oblige. 12-23-91 Woman's Column, $.25 All to Paterson N.J. Rev. P.C. Bascom, 16 Smith St Rev. J.B. Gallaway (no st) Geo. E. Sherwood 4 Goodwin St Jane Fenwick, 37 Temple St H.F. Stiles, 7 Van Houten St Mrs. E. Warden, 32, Smith St Sarah Johnson, 16 Main St Margaret A Millar 32 Passaic St. (sent by Clara C. Hoffman) Woman's Column $.25 [*Pub don. only one copy at present*] Mrs J.B. Pudney (2 copies) 123 Gregory Ave Passaic N.J. Mrs. E.M. Frizbie 140 Passaic Ave Passaic N.J. Mrs. A. Swan Brown Passaic, N.J. Mrs. C.G. Lusner " " 20 Irving Place Mrs. Thos. Moore Paulison Ave Passaic N.J. [*Money order 6.50*] Woman's Column. $.25 - Mrs M. L. Eder Ocean Grove N. J. " M. H. Asay " " " Johnson Taylor " " " Mrs L. H. Hubbard " " " B. C. Dewson " " " Rev. G. R. Snyder " " " Mrs Kate Raphael " " " [Mrs Sarah J. C. Downs] " " " Rev. A. A. Phelps, Asbury Park N.J. Miss Kate Weir " " " Mrs T. B. Morgan " " " Dr J. H. Shotwell " " " Mrs F. V. Stauffer " " " Mrs M. S. Mentz Lambertville N. J. [*Money in envelope for Mrs Stone - for security. Please forward letter to her. *] Please find enclosed one dollar. Please send one copy of the "Woman's Column" for a year to Mrs. E.W. Coggeshall, 45 East Park St. East Orange N. J. and credit me with .75 cts. and I will send 3 other names of new subscribers when I secure them. Respectfully, Mary D. Hussey E. Orange N. J. July 16. '90 Let me know on card if you receive this. M. D. H. Alice Stone Blackwell, Ed. The Woman's Column: Enclosed please find twenty five cents to pay for one year's subscription to the Woman's Column which please send to Mrs. Rebecca Reinhardt Salem, Salem Co., New Jersey. E. Orange, N.J. Dec. 21,91. Dear Miss. Wilde, Please find enclosed a check for $1.50 to pay for six renewals for the "Woman's Column." Mrs. Edward B. Hall 183 N. Arlington Ave East Orange, N.J. Mrs. E.A. Piercy 431 Main St. East Orange, N.J. Mrs. Wm. A. MacMahon 138 Washington St. East Orange, N.J. Mrs. Elizabeth Grimes 106 Main St. East Orange, N.J. Mrs. Charlotte N. Enslin, 436 S. Main St. Orange, N.J. Changed Address Miss Jennie D. Littell, 46 E. Park St. East Orange, N.J. If either Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Estlin or Miss Littell have renewed themselves, their time is about up and I have not had a chance to see them very lately - please renew it to the Orange Training School for Nurses, - otherwise you need not send it to the latter until I have time to enquire whether they read it there. Mrs. Anna B. (or E. W.) Coggeshall, East Orange wishes her paper discontinued. With a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you I am sincerely, Mary D. Hussey [*75 Silver*] Paterson Ap 19th 1892 Dear Editor The enclosed names I have got for your valuable paper the Woman‘s Column, to be sent to their respected addresses. Mrs Menter Paterson Haldone New Jersey X Mrs Jane Berry, 95 Ward st. Paterson NJ X Mrs Deits Little Falls N.J. X Please send as soon as you can, because they are anxious to receive the paper. they have heard me speak so much about it. and oblige one of your subscribers Mrs Styles 7 Van Houten St Paterson Mrs Styles Paterson N J sends 3 names 75 cts [*Sept 23/91 $1.75 part of ck. *] Please send six copies of the Woman's Column as follows Mary Dorland Smith Peru Clinton Co. New York Dr. Ann H. Searing 52 East Avenue Rochester " " Mary S. Peckham Poplar Ridge Cayuga Co " " Rev. Irene Earll Webster Monroe Co. " " Mrs. L.E. Latham Micco Brevard Co., Florida Rachel Jacobs Salem Henry Co. Iowa. Mrs. K. H. Neville, Merrifield, Cayuga Co, New York. [*Sept 23 $1.75*] [*Fannie Betts Lumberton NJ Rec Dec 10/9*] Lumberton N.J. 12-8-91 Alice Stone Blackwell [30cts W] 25c WC 5c Mass WSA In our little W.C.T.U. here we have added a Dept of Franchise, the Supt, said last Evening, that she knew so little herself in reference to the matter - that she did not feel she could help others. I think she means she wants some strong, plain facts & arguments to feed on herself, & then she can give out to others. When we created the Dept. We sent to you at the “Journal” for the sample tracts (10¢) & gave her, but I think 4 or 5 judiciously selected ones would really have been of more service to her. As one who desires to help along this line - I write to-day to you, asking if you will please take the trouble to send her a few leaflets that you know contain strong arguments in favor of woman suffrage, clear, plain truths - the very essence of the matter. I also ask that you will please send her the Woman's Column for one year. Enclosed please find thirty cents in stamps. Twenty five ct for "Column" & five ct for the Leaflets. Please send them to Mrs. J. G. Eayre. Lumberton, N.J. Thanking you & hoping it will aid her very much - I am Very Truly Yours Fannie Betts. Send her Objections Answered The Nonsense of It W S Collectivism Why the WCTU Seek the Ballot The Elective Franchise & W Column for a year Addresses - Miss Alice Everitt. Dansville, Livingston Co. New York. N.Y. Weedsport, May 23, 1890, Mrs Blackwell. Dear Sister : - I have the reading of The Woman's Journal and do not care for the Column any longer. It is a bright; spicy little sheet and I admire it greatly. Yours Very Respectfully, Mrs. Addie Sprague [*3*] Name, Mrs. S. E. Hazzard Street, 24. E. 106th St. Town, New York City - State, N. Y. Time one year. 25 cents paid. I subscribe for one year to the WOMAN'S COLUMN. Name, Mrs. J. B. Murray Street, Town, Delhi State, New York Time one year. 25 cents paid. [*.25 cts stamps all right*] Easton Washington Co. N.Y. Feb 15th 1892 Alice Stone Blackwell - I sent twenty-five cents for subscription to the Womans Column week before last but have not received a copy as yet - Find enclosed in this twenty-five cents for subscription to the same which please send to Mrs Lessie Slocum Easton Washington Co. N.Y. We have recently started a Womans Political Equality Club and are trying to get all the members to take some one of the Suffrage papers. Hoping we may promptly receive your paper Yours Truly Mabel Lisson W. Col. Feb. 29/92 Mrs. Newton L. Reed. Olean N.Y. Miss Anna W. Greene. Heathsville Va. [*Silver 50*] 2 names 50 cts CALENDAR 1890 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S Jan. .. .. .. 1 2 3 4 July... .. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31 .. .. Feb. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Aug. .. .. .. .. .. 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 March. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sept. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 .. .. .. .. .. 28 29 30 .. .. .. .. April. .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 Oct. .. .. .. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 .. .. .. 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. May. .. .. .. .. 1 2 3 Nov. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 June. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dec... 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 .. .. .. .. .. 28 29 30 31 .. .. .. Springfield Printing & Binding Co., Manuf'rs, Springfield, Mass. Mabel Lisson Easton N.Y. 1 Subs Mrs Lessie Slocomb 25 cts [*25 cents Silver Feb. 16 / 92*] 17 Lake Ave Albany N.Y. Feb 11, 1892 Alice Stone Blackwell - Please send me The Woman's Column for the enclosed twenty five cents and oblige Begin with January number please. Kindly, (Mrs) C.J.A.Jessup State Supt Y.W.C.T.U. Mrs CJA Jessup Albany NY 1 name 25 cts [*25 cents silver Feb 16/92*] Macedon Center, New York Feb. 13. 1892. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Dear Sister "The Woman's Column", has become such a necessity in our home that I cannot do without it. Have been from home, since last Aug., consequently have not re- newed my subscription before. Enclosed, please find twenty five cents for the paper and oblige Yours Respectfully Miss Sarah Downing. Mrs Sarah Downing Mascedon NY 25 cts [*Stamps 26 cts*] Vernon N.Y. Feb.14. 92 Miss Stone Blackwell Enclosed find stamps for renewing my Woman's Column. Respectfully, J Elizabeth Jones J Elizabeth Jones Vernon NY 25 [*.45 stamps Sept. 23/91*] Lockport Sept. 22 - 1891 Editors Woman's Journal The packages of both "Journal & "Column" came safely to hand & are now in the hands of the people of this Niagara Co. I return to you my most hearty thanks with the assurance that I shall endeavor to get a wide circulation of all Suffrage literature___ No one adheres more firmly to the belief "That we are to work out our own salvation" Will inclose to day 45 cts. Please send Woman's Column to the following addresses Mrs. H. L. Lillibridge 121 Gooding Street Mrs. Nettie Lerch 65 Webb St. both Lockport N.Y. also Mrs. May S. Lerch. Shawnee- Niagara Co. N.Y. Am determined that my birth county = must fall into line - yours for the work Carrie S. Lerch No. 7 West Main St. Lockport N.Y. Sept 22 45 [*.25 silver*] 142 E 18th St,, N.Y. City Pub's Woman's Column: Boston: I am requested by my wife to send you 25c, the amt. of a year subscn to the above mentioned publication. I take pleasure in doing so. She sometime ago made this request, but I neglected it. I was going to call the attention of your editor to an article in the July Law Quarterly Review (Sir F. Pollock) which I thought wd be of interest. My copy is downtown, & I cannot now refer to it. I do not now remember the title. I tho't it w'd be found useful to make clippings from. The American Agts for the Review are the Boston Book Co., - formerly Mr. Soule. You can readily discover the article, if desired, by reference to the Review itself: the title would distinguish it from anything else in the number. [?] C.R. [?] [for Mrs. George R. Bishop] [Martha C. Bishop] Johnson's Creek, N.M. June 1st 92 Alice Stone Blackwell, Dear Madam, I have procured twenty-two more subscriptions to your little paper, the Woman's Column. Enclosed you will find $3.80 for which please send the Column one year to the following addresses and the Yellow Ribbon Speaker to my address, and oblige yours truly Caroline Bathrick Mrs. A. N. Dwight Wilson. N. Y. x 1 Mrs. Willard Hopkins " E. J. Parsons " " " x 2 Lewiston N. Y. + " A. D. Pease " " " x 3 " E Hawley " " " x 4 Mrs. John Boyd, Johnson's Creek, N. Y. + " B. J. Smith South Wilson N. Y. x 5 " A. M. Swick " " " .. x . 6 " John Robson " " " " + " S A. McEwin Perkin N. Y. x 7 " E. E. Crosby " " " x 8 Miss Laura Newbury + " C. M. Walker Lewiston " " x 9 Johnson's Creek N. Y. " Wm. H. Sage " " " x 10 Miss Lilian Phelps " R. B. Moss " " " x 11 " Clara A. Weaver, Lockport, N. Y. x 12 St. Catharines " Frances W. Graham, 274 Church St x 13 Ontario + Lockport, N. Y. " Jame Huttleston, Hartland, " " x 14 P. S. Those of New York are all of " Geo. P. Tower Youngstown " " x 15 Niagra Co. " C. B. Corwin Ransomville " " x 16 " E. S. Rose, Sanburn " " x 17 Caroline Bathrick Johnson' Creek N.Y. 22 Names 550 Less Coms 220 Nett amnt 3.30 The extra .50 cents has been sent to Miss Milde to mail the Book wanted H.J. Put on Column X list Kindergarten News Buffalo N.Y. Stockton, July 23rd '90. Ed. of The Woman's Column, -- Find enclosed one dollar fifty cts. to pay for six subscriptions to the same Please forward to the following addresses Mrs. N.J. Smith, Stockton, Chau. Co., N.Y. Mrs. S.M. Clark, Centralia, Chau. Co., N.Y. Mrs. Eliza W. Ames, Centralia, Chau. Co., N.Y. Mrs. Maria Hale, Centralia, Chau. Co., N.Y. Mrs. [?] Maile, Centralia, Chau. Co., N.Y. Lottie Erwin, Centralia, Chau. Co., N.Y. And oblige Mrs. Anna W.S. Bloomfield Sec. of Centralia P.E.C. Centralia. Chau. Co., N.Y. Sep, 19, 1881 Knowlesville N. Y. [*.50 P. N Sept. 24/91.*] Ed "Woman[?Coleman]" Enclosed find 3 vats, for tow yearly subscriptions to your paper. One to tre send to Mrs, A. K. Bacon Box 236 Albion N.. Y The other to Miss, G. J. Lawrence Albion N. Y. Yours Respectfully Kory E. Bradt .50 Sept. 24 Fredonia N. Y. July 12th 1890. Miss A. S. Blackwell. Dear Madam. Please find enclosed. Postal note for $2.50 - two dollars fifty cents - to pay for ten copies of "Woman's Column" for one year, to be sent to the following. Mrs L. M. Edmunds. Box 500. Mrs Margaret M. Lake. Mrs Amelia Maynard. Miss M. L. Stevens. Miss H. G. Colburn. Mrs Esther McNeill. Mrs C. O. Putnam. Mrs Harriet Hale. Mrs L. M. Ellsworth. All of Fredonia N. Y. [*25.47 24 97 .50*] If you can conveniently begin our new year with todays issue, the 12th, I shall be very glad. Mrs. A. E. Hutchinsons, BOP 644 Dunkirk, N.J. You will see by your lists that five of the above are specials. The _______ new subscribed. Please stop the ________ formerly ______ to the following, Mrs. Nancy J. Croeken, Mrs. Eva M. Evarts, Mrs. Esther Abbey, Mrs. Avnas Jackson, Mrs. A. F. Daily, Beg pardon for not sending earlier but I'm crowded with work and not able to attend to the to the matter sooner. Most Respectfully, M.L. Sterand -----------------------------------PAGE 2-------------------------------------------------------------------- South Stockton Aug 25-90 Please, Send the Woman's Column for one year to Mrs. A. M. Green, South Stockton Cantauqua Co. New York [*Postal note 50 cts*] Macedon Centre, N. Y. March 24, 1892. Alice Stone Blackwell, Dear Sister, Enclose, find Postal Note, for renewal of Mary Blaben subscription the "Woman's Column" to address given above, and for Phebe Y. Lawrence Macedon, New York. and oblige yours - Sarah Downing. Sarah Lovering Macedon NY 2 Names 50 Mary Blaben renewal Phebe F Laurence [*Stamps 25*] Chappaqua Apr. 20 '92 Alice Stone Blackwell, Friend: Inclosed please find twenty five cents in stamps for a years subscription to the "Woman's Column," for Anna Washburn, Chappaqua, N. Y. Thy friend, Jane C. Washburn. Jane C Washburn to Anna Washburn Chappaqua NY 25 cts [*Postal 25 ct*] 205 Deer St. Dunkirk N. Y. April 30, 1892. Woman's Column Boston, Mass. Enclosed find Postal note for 25 cents in renewal of the subscription of Mrs. Harriet S. Lucas, which expired March 7 1892. Mrs. Harriet S. Lucas 205 Deer St. Dunkirk. New York. Mrs Harriet J Lucas Dunkirk NY 25 cts Department of Franchise Marie B. Goodrich, STATE SUPERINTENDENT. .25 w.col. .15 letter slips Sept. 15/91 Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, LOCAL UNION. Casselton, N. H. Sept-10” 1891 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Sister - Please send me your Woman’s Column for one year,& 100 letter slips on Equal Suffrage, for which I enclose the amount required. Yours for the cause of equal rights M. B. Goodrich 43 subs, at 25 cents would be $10.75 Commission 4.30 on hand 6.45 Feb. 18/93 South Stockton, [?] Feb. 15 '92 Catharine Wilde: Boston Mass. Dear Madam: The lady that was getting up the club has concluded to send on the names of the persons that have paid as some live some distance from here. Enclosed you will find the amount of $6.45 for 43 names that will also be enclosed. I am very sorry that she misunderstood the article in the Column for she has worked hard to get up the club. Please let us know if the money and names reach you in due time and alright. Yours truly Meintie E. Brunson [*M E Brunson So Stockton N Y Paid 43 names 10 75 Coms. 4 30 net amt 6 45*] - Feb. 18. 1892 - Renew Mrs. Charlotte A. Cleveland. Perry. N. Y. Paid .25 cts. (silver) Mrs Charlotte A Cleveland Perry NY 25 ct Mrs Charlotte [*Postal note 50*] 406 W 57th St. New York, N.Y. Alice Stone Blackwell, Dear Madam, Inclosed please find postal note for fifty-cents for two subscriptions to "The Woman's Column". Please send one [the] paper for one year to Miss F. A. Graves, 282 Broadway Paterson, N. J. & the other to me - Mrs. Isabel Spenser Freeland, 406 W. 57th St. New York, N.Y. Will you kindly thank Mrs. Lucy Stone for her letter of information to me, & for the notice of your paper, which I do not doubt I shall find of value. Very truly yours, Isabel Spenser Freeland. Isabel Spencer Freeland New York City 2 names 50 cts [*Stamps 25*] South Sockton Apr 27 1892. Please stop my paper, the time will expire Aug 30th I don't care for two coppies, and I have had them sent to me. My subscription will expire May 9th '92, inclosed find 25 cts to pay for the paper another year. Mrs. A M. Green South Stockton Chant Co N. Y. Mrs. A M Green South Stockton NY 25 ct 5 Names Salem NY 125 Coms. 50 Net 75 [*25 cents Postal note June 11/93*] Naples, N. Y. 6/4 92 Womans Journal - Enclosed is .25 for which please send "The Womans Column" to Maggie Peabody, Springwater, N. Y. Yours with respect deep wide and long, for good work being done by you for humanity. (Mrs.) M.M. Nichols P.S. Please send one sample copy at above address. Over. Will you be kind enough to send enclosed letter to Miss Bates who deals in reform dress and underwear patterns and oblige (Mrs.) M.M. Nichols. Naples Ontario Co N. Y. Maggie Peabody Springwater NY 25 cts Mrs M E Howe Randolph NY Sends 10 names 2 50 [*Money order 2 50*] Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madam Please find the names of ten subscribers for the Womans Column - also two dollars and fifty cts. (2.50) P.O.M.O Send to the following addresses. Mrs. H.O. Lakin Jamestown Chaut. Co. N.Y. Mrs. Agnis Sheldon Randolph Catt. Co. N.Y. Mrs. A. G. Dow Jr, Randolph Catt. Co, N. Y. Mrs. C. S. Adams Randolph Catt. Co, N. Y. Mrs. M. S. Matteson Randolph, Catt, Co, N. Y. Mrs. S. V. Crumb Randolph Catt. co, N. Y. Mrs Mary E. Lovell Randolph Catt. co, N. Y. Mrs. M. A. Rathbone Randolph Catt. co, N. Y. Miss Elizabeth Beacher Randolph Catt, Co, N. Y. x Mrs. M. E. Howe Randolph Catt. co, N. Y. Very Respectfully Mrs. M. E. Howe Randolph [May] June 4th/92 [*Mabel Sisson Easton NY $1.50 WC Rec May 28 92*] Easton Washington Co N.Y. May 27th 1892 H. B. Blackwell. Dear Sir Find enclosed $1.50 for eight more names as subscribers to the Woman's Column. This I believe makes the balance of the $7.50 due you. Will send more names as soon as I can get them The money for 23 more names will be ours as I understand it. I think if you would offer the same inducements to the first six names I send today It might introduce women's rights into families who know little about it-- Yours truly Mabel Sisson [*Stamp 25*] Knowlesville NY May 23.92 Alice Stone Blackwell Editor Woman's Column Dear Madam Enclosed please find 25-c in postage stamps to pay for one years subscription to Woman's Column to be sent to Mrs. Wm Mosher, Eagle Harbor Orleans Co NY and oblige yours truly Emma C. Root. [*1.25 paid*] West New Brighton Staten Island Nov 25 Dear Friend The enclosed .25 is for my subscription to Woman's Column due in Aug 10" also one dollar for four subscriptions to the same excellent paper. Please mail to the following persons. Mrs K Vreedenburgh, Clove Place West New Brighton (Staten Island, NY. " S D Riddle Mariner's Harbor Staten Island Mrs S Head Cherry Land Staten Island Miss M Beale Castleton Corners Staten Island I should be thankful if you send last weeks date Nov 14" to them having lovely Lady Somerset, if convenient Please send me a copy of Woman's Journal & oblige. Truly Alice Barrett Mrs. Wm. Mosher Eagle Harbor New York 25 cts Lockport, Nov. 17_ 1891 Please send a copy of (for a year) The Woman's Column, as follows Martha V. Lerch 312 West Main St. Cordelia A. Johnson 232 Price St. Josaphine A. K. Sharp_ Lockport, N. Y. Would be glad to send longer lists each time, so as to have it pay to buy order_ If you dont want so many stamps_ please say so___ As ever Yours, Carrie S. Lerch No 7 West Main St. Lockport, N. Y. Miss Grace H. Dodge, 262 Madison Ave, New York. W. Col. paid [2.50] 25 cents. Lockport_ Nov. 13_ 1891 Please send to the address of the following Elizabeth Ellis, Pendleton Center Niagara Co. N.Y. Mary Vansteenburg, Youngstown " " " Lillian Gallighar, " " " " For one year, Woman's Column & oblige. Yours faithfully Carrie S. Lerch No. 7 West Main St. Lockport, Niagara Co. N. Y. Will enclose stamps I subscribe for one year to the Woman's Column. Name, Mrs. CH Street, Mrs. E. H. Cook Town, Holly State, N.Y. Time one year, 25 cents paid Dear Madam, Please find the enclosed 25 ct. in postage stamps to renew my subscription for the "Womans Column" Dr E. T. Landon Fredonia Chautauqua Co. N.Y. Put on Column list for one year Miss Isabel Howland Sherwood, New York. She has paid, but A.S.B. appropriated the money. A.S.B. ? [*.25 st.*] Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 14, 1891 Publisher of the Woman's Journal: Several months ago I sent twenty five cts. (silver) with address given below, for the Woman's Column. I have just learned that the said "Column" has not been received, I suppose the letter with the money was lost in the mail. I know enclose twenty-five cts. in postage stamps, for which will you please send "The Woman's Column" to Mrs. Harriet L. Peck, #139 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill. The Woman's Column is doing a good work among those who have hitherto given little thought to the social and economic status of women-- that is, judging from the influences these have had which I have personally known about, I call it my "little suffrage missionary". Respectfully yours Sarah M. Ellinwood [*stamps .25*] Falconer N.Y Dec. 20. Please find enclosed twenty five (25) cts. in stamps for which please send the "Womans Column" another year to the address Miss Emma S. Keslar Donegal Penn, Yours Truly Lucy Benson Falconer NY Mrs. Edwin Coomis Richfield Otsego Co. New York 1.25 .75 $2.00 Add one more Miss Belle Powers Hannibal .25 Oswego Co. 2.25 New York +.25 $2.50 Have these commence at Christmas. Respectfully Sarah M. Severance Gilroy California for a few weeks Cazenovia New York. Please let me know about the price offer, whether the tablet makes any difference, providing there are fifty names. Miss Sarah M. Severance Aug 12-17- 1891 Dec 23 " Cazenovia New York Editors Women's Journal I have sent to California a notice of your offer to those Unions that secure fifty names, but in your offer you specified that the [offer be] subscriptions be secured "on enclosed blank". The blanks are not in California, and cannot be obtained in time for Christmas, so I ventured to cross off, " on enclosed blank," not seeing how it can make any difference to you if fifty-names are secured and the money sent. I hope the Unions [*Add one more name Mrs. A. C. Townsend Overbrook Montgomery Co. Pennsylvania $2.50*] will take hold of this fine opportunity to do franchise work, though I have usually found that workers do from principle and not for gain. I have sent many subscriptions, and have not kept a list of names or time, many papers are to unbelievers, so do not continue them unless they are renewed, I should be sorry to have a bill sent those who have [sent] had the paper through me, for I paid for it. Please send Woman's Column as follows Mrs. H. H. Beal Sunol St. San Jose California. Miss Mary Porter [*on already*] San Jose St. James Square. Cal Miss Mary Howd Webster City Iowa .75 These are renewals, please not send until the old subscription expires. and with Miss Harriet Howd care of Charles Howd instead of Mary Howd. Send new names as follows. Mrs E. G. Mathews East-Oakland California Mrs M.S. Casey 506 South Second St San Jose California Miss Grace Hammer Cazenovia New York Miss Eva Bush Richfield Springs New York Centralia April 14th 1891 Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madam Please discontinue the Womans Column. You will find enclosed [10 cents] 16 cents in stamps to pay for the 3/4 of the year that I am indetted to you which is from July 26 1891 till the present time it is a nice little paper but I have so many other papers I would desire you to discontinue it and oblige Your Truly Mrs. Eliza W Ames Centralia Chau Co N Y Pres of WCTU Eliza W Ames Centralia N.Y. Pd in full 16 cts [*.25 stamps April 15/92*] Brockport, N.Y. Apr. 6, '92 Editors of the Woman's Column, Please find enclosed 25 c in stamps for which please send me your paper. Respectfully - Anna H. Brown, Brockport, N.Y. Lock box 64. Anna H. Brown Brockport NY Anna H Brown Brockport NY 25 [*26 cts Stamp*] Clarkson New York Monday, March 29th, '92 I think my subscription for your little paper has expired. Please send me another twenty-five cents worth. Respectfully yours Miss Cornelia J. Barker Cornelia J. Barker Clarkson N. Y. 26 cts. Edith Vail NY 1 Name 26 cts Stamps 26 cts. March 10th 1892. Dear Mme:- As I desire to subscribe for the "Woman's Column" for one year I enclose 25 cents (in stamps) Oblige and address Miss Edith Vail #150 West 59th St., New York, N. Y. Caroline Bathrick Johnson's Creek NY 12 names 300 less coins 123 180 W.C.T.U. 1.90 M.O. May 23/92 Johnson's Creek N.Y. May 20, 92 Henry B. Blackwell No. 3. Park St: Boston, Mass. Dear Sir, Up to date I have obtained twelve subscribers to the Woman's Column. I will send these and continue my efforts to get more. I enclose $1.90 One Dollar & Ninety -cts-. Fifteen cts. per. copy for the twelve columns and ten cts. for a package of your Forty Assorted Leaflets. You said you sent me packages of your papers, but I never rec'd them. I hardly think I could get many subscribers for the Woman's Journal. Too high-priced they think. But the Column I can get for quite easily. and I think for people that are not hungering for Suffrage matter, the small one is better. They will read that amount perhaps and digest it. The following are the names of subscribers. Mrs. Kate Sharpsteen Johnson's Creek, N.Y. Mrs. Ida Corey " " " " Anna Eaton " " " " Caroline Boyd " " " " Sarah Swift " " " " Hannah Seaman " " " " Harriet Gill " " " " Louisa Sharpsteen " " " " C. W. Denney " " " " Hannah Deuel " " " " Mary S. Williams Middleport, N.Y. " Elsie Alvord, Medina, N.Y. The package of leaflets send to me. Very truly yours, Caroline Bathrick. RAIL ROADS, WATER WORKS, DRAINS, AQUEDUCTS, PLANNED. MEASUREMENTS AND COMPUTATIONS OF ALL KINDS MADE. Lavalette Wilson; CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Haverstraw, N. Y. FARMS, ESTATES, WATER GRANTS SURVEYED. VILLAGE PLOTS, CEMETERIES, HIGHWAYS, &c. LAID OUT. [*Bills 1.00*] April 29 1892 Publisher "Womans Column" Please advance for two years the subscription of Mrs. Lavalette Wilson .50 Also send to the following new subscribers one copy each for one year J. A. Helvin .25 D. R. Wood all Haverstraw N.York .25 Enclosed please find one dollar. 1.00 If you will send me a few sample copies I may perhaps procure you some more subscribers. Yours Trul Mr. L. Wilson Mrs. L. Wilson Haverstraw NY 1 renewal 2 yrs 50 2 New subs. 50 Total 1.00 Dunkirk June 2d 1892 .25 cents in stamps Alice Stone Blackwell Dear Madam, I see by the tab on my paper that it expired long ago but various causes has kept me from renewing. The old adage is better late than ever so say I. I think the little paper a gem in its self and long may it wave O,er land and seas. I wish I were able to take all the Womens Paper's but small favors thankfully received. My husband and I belong to the P. E. C. and bringing our girls up in our footsteps' thanking you for sending the paper pay or no pay. I remain as ever yours &c. Mrs. [Mary. M.] Francis Hendricks 111 Dove Street Dunkirk N.Y. [*Stmps 25.*] [*Mrs. E. A. Bowen Medina, N. Y. With subscription*] Medina May 21st 1892 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Dear Friend, I have for nearly a year been a reader of your little suffrage paper "The Womans Column", and I prise it greatly, and wish you God speed in your judicious labor for the enfranchisement of women. I am hoping to secure a club for the paper and wish to avail myself of your offer to furnish one hundred back numbers for distribution for which I enclose twenty five (25c) cents. I add ten cents for a full set of leaflets. I particularly wish to find something which contrasts the status many. but I think a goodly number & I propose -- As I am the Pres -- they shall not dwell in ignorance. I beg your pardon for this long letter, Respectfully (Mrs) E. A. Bowen, Medina, New York of women, one or two hundred years ago, and at the present, political, legal as well as in the home. Have you a cheap, condensed publication giving such information? My husband was a strong suffragist & grounded me in that faith years ago. I have a sample of the leaflets you published [then] four or five years since, Ive taken the Womans Tribune for a year but prefer the "Column" for my use. The articles are short, pithy & therefore better to use in our meetings. We have our Suffrage club but some in our Union who believe firmly on the ballot for women. I can't say how Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at