NAWSA GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE The Woman's Journal (1913) University, No. [Wak?] April 21 - 1913 Miss Agnes E. Ryan 385 Boylston St Boston, Mass My dear Miss Ryan:- Your favor of April 16 at hand. I think I can use subscription blanks and more sample copies of the paper. Every week I feel like marking my copy and sending it to some friend interested in that particular topic, but I want to keep all my Journals on file for future reference. Enclosed please find money order for $2.00 and send Journal to Mrs. Pearl Blough 414 Univ. Ave. [Ward?] Forks. No. [?] and to Y.W.C.A. 414 1/2 De Mers Ave. [Ward?] Forks. No. [?] We are planning on a large open meeting for May 6th. I would be glad to distribute sample copies of the Journal at the meeting if you care to send me any. People like to see a copy before they subscribe. I shall do what I can to procure subscriptions as I consider it one of the most effective ways of promoting the cause of equal suffrage. With best wishes I am, Very sincerely yours, M.E. McCumber. [*class 17-85 70*] [*52/1.00*] [*1 CBHJ*] [*please put on exchange list*] [*ANSWERED OCT 8*] CITIZENS TELEPHONE 7497, BELL TELEPHONE MAIN ____ Everywoman A TWENTIETH CENTURY WEEKLY, PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN EVERYWHERE 79 East Spring Street Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 3rd, 13. Business Manager, The Womans Journal Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. Dear Madam:- Enclosed find check for $1.00 for two yearly subscriptions to your publication. Same to be sent to addresses below given. We have had occasional requests for clubbing rates with your publication, and if it is satisfactory to you, we shall be glad to take any such club offers. Our paper is 50cts per year and I presume yours is the same rate. However, if the check is not enough to cover expense of the two subscriptions, kindly let us, know, and we will send the difference by return mail. We have your publication on our Exchange list, and hope it reaches you regularly. If possible, we would appreciate it very much to get a copy of your publication in exchange as your publication is of national importance and we confine our column to Ohio news generally. Thanking you in advance for an exchange of courtesy, we remain, Sincerely yours, Scioto Publishing Co. Mary Toole, Bus. Mgr. Oct 3 - Mrs. William M. Ritter, 1453 E. Broad St. Columbus, Ohio/yr Oct 20 1914 Oct 3 - Mrs. Harvey Garber, 1509 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio./yr. Oct 20, 1914 Everywoman is the Official Organ for the Ohio Woman Suffrage Assoc. Shelby O - April 1 - 1913 Woman's Journal Boston, Mass - Dear Madams:- Will you kindly send twenty copies (sample) of the Journal to be distributed at our next meeting - also write me if you give percentage in subscriptions of one year. In 1912, I first subscribed at 25c for three months. Yours Very Truly - Mary A Rivinger - 1-14-13 The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St Boston, Mass. I am resigning my work of sending in subscriptions for the Womans Journal, and hereafter, you will receive them through Mrs. J.E. Messer, of 1430 Neil Ave., Columbus Ohio. Thanking you for your kindness to me, I am Very Sincerely Cora V. Morrison. Fargo N.D. Nov 12. 1913 Subscription Dept Womans Journal - Boston Mass. Dear Journal Enclosed find check for $5.50 and list of names o whom you will please send Journal for 4 mo. and I think then they will all be permanent subscribers. - Could you tell me about how many subscribers the Journal has in North Dakota? I feel that but few take it, - and of course this must be changed this winter. - If you could begin these subscriptions with Nov. 8 I should like it, - because that number would have a personal interest - Very truly, Clara L Danow. 714 89 St So. [*57 subscribers in N.D.*] DRS. DARROW & WEIBLE E.M DARROW, M.D. DELENDRICIE BLOCK R.E. WEIBLE, M.D. 3-6 P. M. [*All Ent. Nov 18, 1913 CAMC)*] FARGO, N.D. 191 Trial subscriptions to Womans Journal, Mrs Julia Carpenter 223 - 14th st So to Mar[1]8 1914 Fargo, N.D. Miss Emma Stoner 1114 10th st North to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs Jennie Shaw, 308 8th st North to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs Hanna O Galvin 604 Front st to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs S. H. Crothers 905 7th st S. to Mar[1]8, 1914 Prof A. E. Minard. 924 13th st N. to Mar 8 1914 Mrs. Lehas Awidon 375 7 ave So to Mar 8 1914 Mrs. Wt Allen 317 81 Ave So. to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs G .M. Boise 424 7th ave S to Mar 8 1914 Mrs. H.H. Aaken loass Aakes B.G. to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. Abbie H Best 1111 3rd ave South to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs H.L. Ballesy 1002 2nd St so. to "Mar 8" 1914 Mrs. F. M. Putnaw ------------- leanington N.D. to Mar 8 1914 Mrs. W..J. Holbrook ----------- Rugby N.D. to Mar 8 1914 Mrs. G. F. Ralhman Jamestown to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. Diver Serimgaand 715 51st. Devils Lake to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. A. Wantver --------------- Harvey N.D to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. Eliparith Buty ----------- Devils Lake N.D. to Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. A. A. Haper ------------- Larimore N.D. Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. L..G. Horwell ----------- Easelton N.D. Mar 8, 1914 Mrs. W. F. Shrake ----------- " " Mar 8 1914 Mrs. Ketle E. Glasfull -------- Jamestown N.D. to Mar 1914 Ohio Equal Franchise Association Corresponding Secretary Honorary President Advisory Board MRS. JOHN M. DIETZ MRS. BYRON STANTON DR. SAMUEL ALLEN Recording Secretary President HON. L. A. BURRELL MISS RUTH VAN PELT MISS FLORA E. WORTHINGTON REV. CHAS. FREDERIC GOSS Treasurer Vice-Presidents MR. FENTON LAWSON MISS SOPHIA B. SPRIGG MRS. CARL S. RANKIN JUDGE WM. LITTLEFORD Auditor MISS EMMA PERKINS REV. SAMUEL TYLER MRS. L. A. McGUIRE Member National Executive Committee President Five Cents a Day Club Representative Auxiliary Societies MISS M. LOUISE SPRIGG MRS. CHAS. W. WAITE MRS. GEO. B. TWITCHELL HEADQUARTERS: 201 DURNER BUILDING Peebles' Corner, Walnut Hills 38 CINCINNATI, O. apr 15, 1913 Miss Agnes E. Ryan, Business Manager Womens Journal, Dear Miss Ryan: I must have mailed order for subscriptions without remittance. Enclosed, four [?] dollars for subscriptions for - Miss Ida Graham, 3458 Observatory Pl. Hyde Park, Centi. O. Mrs. C. E. Wilson, 932 E. McMillan St. N. H. Cincinnati. O. Mrs. J. Y. Porter, 3314 Avery Lane, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O. Dr. Wilhelm H. Noegram, 125 N. 9th St, Cinti. O. The ladies are pleased that they will have What Eight ?????? Want for its reading room and wish to know what other books you offer as premiums. I think that if our society had a good notice in the Journal they would order five or six hundred copies. Ours is the first ?????? headquarters in southern Ohio, and the society is doing a wonderful work. We should like a share of Journal stock [?], and as soon as it is finished well Like one. Please send sample suffrage mahr [?] (clarify enveloped and size of sample Lively Share Journal. Hyde one to order late copies of Journal a week. Yours Truly, Flora E. Washington. March 3, 1913. Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton Warren, Ohio. Dear Mrs. Upton: - In reply to your letter of February 17 we sent you two copies of the Jorunal of February 15 as you requested. The were mailed on February 19. I hope they reached you all right. You were simply killing at the Tremont Temple meeting the other evening. When I want some fun and you are around I am going to follow you. Yours as ever, AER/EBM Ohio Equal Franchise Association Corresponding Secretary MRS. JOHN M. DIETZ Recording Secretary MISS RUTH VAN PELT Treasurer MISS SOPHIA B. SPRIGG Auditor MRS. L. A. McGUIRE Member Nationnal Executive Committee MISS M. LOUISE SPRIGG Honorary President MRS. BYRON STANTON President MISS FLORA E. WORTHINGTON Vice-Presidents MRS. CARL S. RANKIN MISS EMMA PERKINS President Five Cents a Day Club MRS. CHAS. W. WAITE Advisory Board DR. SAMUEL ALLEN HON. L. A. BURRELL REV. CHAS. FREDERIC GOSS MR. FENTON LAWSON JUDGE WM. LITTLEFORD REV. SAMUL TYLER Representative Auxiliary Societies MRS. GEO B. TWITCHELL HEADQUARTERS: 201 DURNER BUILDING Peebles' Corner, Walnut Hills 38 CINCINNATI, O. april 2, 1913 Miss Agnes E. Ryan, Business Manager Women's Journal. Dear Miss Ryan: I anchor time allow - one for several of my own falsetime [?] and one in new ???? in Miss Margarete Multer, 4150 Alnal Avenue, Norwood, O. I have mailed my list and semester Friday only him. J. M. Diety, Mrs. Adele Luther, Miss Emma Perkins and this one In Miss Martha.. T Lane left quit due I had one w in too some, Mt lane with yet recurred your list. I have since asked Janiterial reg andy the "rather discredulate career" of Mrs T. N. Martin. Can you give them to us? Mt for future alteration. Some of our frie [?] then died members are bakery for a grand virtue of our society + the first permanent headquarters in southern Ohio. Yours Truly, Flora E. Washington [*2*] [*M 4/1/3*] Ohio woman Suffrage Association Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan,- Enclosed find five cents in stamps for which please send me the copy of the Journal with contained the artile on Ohio laws by Dora Sandoe Bachman. Cordially yours, Harriet Tayler Upton HTU-R THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY CLEAVELAND OHIO ANSWERED AUG 8 1913 August 7-13 No enclosures 1 SRF The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston Street Boston - Massachusetts Dear Madam - Please find enclosed a subscription for the Woman's Journal for one year which is to be sent to Mrs. H.S. Thalheimer - 1972 Ford Drive - Cleveland - Ohio. Sincerely yours - Grace W. Lennon Acting Agent Aug 16, 1914 [*235/1.00*] [*1 IRF*] Richards Pub. Co. CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH., Apr. 1. 1913. Womans Journal Boston Mass: - Enclosed please find check for $1 for years subscription for the Journal. Respectfully, Mrs. Alice Lewis Richards [*Mar 1914*] Ohio Equal Franchise Association May 12, 1913. The Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan:- Enclosed find $1.00 for subscription to the Woman's Journal for Mrs. Wm. M. Spear, [Leona], Leonia, New Jersey. Please verify this post office address, as it may not be correct. Very truly yours Ilna E. [Wo???ington] President. [May 17, 1914*] Ohio Woman Suffrage Association April 26, 1913. Miss Agnes Ryan, c/o Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan:- Enclosed find ten cents in stamps for which please send copy of the Journal for June 8, 1912 and August 17, 1912. Thanking you for the courtesy, I am Yours truly, Besse L. Jones. J Ohio Equal Franchise Association [*[?] given M. Assn. for map*] April 13, 1913. Woman's Journal, Boston, pMass. Miss Agnes E. Ryan, Business Manager Dear Walnut Hills, Cincinnati: O. Mrs. J. G. Porter, 3314 Avery Lane, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O. Dr. Wilhelm [?] Wolfram 125 W. Ninth St. Cincinnati, O. These five with the subscriptions of Mrs. John M. Dietz, Mrs. Adele Stuber and Miss Emma Perkins, make [?] eight, and I shall be glad to receive by copy of What Eight Million Woman Want at headquarters as soon as possible. What other books do you give as premiums? I enclose stamp for sample suffrage [map?] What size frame may be used for small Lucy Stone portrait? Yours truly [?] E. Worthington [*266/.50*] 1 SRF*] [*Halfrey*] [*answered May 19 S.E.H.*] Woman Suffrage Party of Mahoning County Youngstown, Ohio, May 18th 191 To the Woman's Journal - Enclosed please find check for fifty cents (.50) for which please send trial subscriptions to Mrs. George E. Merfield, 252 Fairgreen Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio, and Dr. Charles L. Marstellar, Dollar Bank Bldg. Youngstown, Ohio. Sincerely yours Katharine A. Norris. [*Sept 24, 1913*] 33 THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY Of Cuyahoga County MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, SECRETARY. MRS. LEOPOLD J. WOLF, ASST. SECRETARY. HEADQUARTERS 300 BANGOR BUILDING CLEVELAND OHIO. May 17, 1913 The Woman's Journal, 585 Boyletion, St., Boston, Mass. Ladies: - Enclosed please find $1.00 to pay fro one year's subscription to the Woman's Journal. Will you kindly sent it to Miss Dorothy Everett of Willoughby, Ohio? Sincerely yours, Lace D. Treat. Office Secretary. May 24, 1914 IRF The Woman's a Journal, 585 Boylston, St., Boston, Mass. Ladies: - Enclosed please find $1.00 to pay for one year's subscription to the Woman's Journal. Will you kindly send it to Miss Dorothy Everett of Willoughby, Ohio? Sincerely yours, Office Secretary. [*[?]*] [*2M 5/22/3*] [* Rush & write*] The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. Dear Madam, We want two hundred (200) copies of the Journal to sell at a garden party on Saturday afternoon, May 24. Please send 50 copies of the issue of May 3; 50 copies May 10. 50 copies of May 17 and 50 of May 24 if you can get the package to us by Sat. [Jul????] [?essions] These must reach us by Saturday morning. Ohio Woman Suffrage Association June 2, 1913. Miss Agnes Ryan, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan:- Your letter with receipt for Journal stock duly received. You remember I wrote you in regard to this sometime ago. I wish to goodness Ohio could subscribe for a lot of the stock because I do want the Journal to pull ahead. But I do not see how in the world we can now. We have just an excellent Executive Committee meeting in Columbus and here are hundreds of things waiting to be done,things which would help with our campaign which is now starting and which we cannot do because of the lack of funds. So if we do not take stock it is not because we are indifferent at all, in fact we distressed that we cannot. Cordially yours, Harriet Taylor Upton HTU.BJ [*See if name on List.*] [*1 IRF*] [*Write*] [*2*] [*[?] 5/27/8*] [*return [?] [?] [?]*] WOMAN SUFFRAGE CENTRAL COMMITTEE 5-24-1913. WOMAN'S JOURNAL 585 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: -- Miss [?yda] Schruck of #1451 Neil Ave., Columbus, O., failed to receive Woman's Journal of May 17, 1913. Please look this up and mail her copy, as she is very anxious to not miss a member. Thanking you for this in advance I am, Yours truly, Nellie B. Musser, Secy 170 Chamber of Commerce, Columbus, O. [*1*] [*IRF*] [*271/1.00*] [*answered May 26 - [?].E.H.*] [*Halfrey*] The Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Mesdames, Please find enclosed $1.00 to pay for one year's subscription to the Woman's Journal" for Mrs. E. F. Atherton, 3322 Seranton Road, Cleveland. This is a renewal of her last year's subscription. Very truly yours, Grace D. Treat Office Secretary. [*April 1914*] [*order given mailing [?] 9/[?]/13 [?]*] [*Bill [?]*] [*sub*] [*G. R. [?]*] [*Send 50 of Sept 6*] [*1*] [*IRF*] [*Bill*] [*2*] THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY CLEVELAND, OHIO August 22, 1913. [*Tuesday*] Miss Agnes E. Ryan - Boston, Mass My dear Miss Ryan - [*Order for bags [?] [?] 9/3/13*] I have only one new subscription which is for Mrs. G. R. Lamb - 13111 Forest Hill Ave. - East Cleveland - O. Will you please begin this subscription the first of September. For the fair - which is Sept 10th - we shall want 50 current numbers of the Journal and six paper bags. Our office address after September first is to be 1700 Euclid Ave. Sincerely yours - Grace W. Lemmon. [*Sept 6, 1911 IRF*] July 3, 1913. Editor of "The Woman's Journal", Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: We are trying out a new plan in one ward. Will you please assist by sending a copy of a current number as a sample copy to each one of the people on the enclosed list. I do not know what you will charge for this as we are using this for inspiration work for ourselves. Very truly yours, Bertell Lyttle. NIGHT LETTER THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY Received at 109 State Street, Boston [*Bill*] [*E [?]*] [*2*] [* [?] 7/11/13 [*papers sent & bags*] 42 C V 22 NL DAYTON OHIO JULY 10 13 The Womens Journal 585 Boylston Ohio Boston Mass Send twenty five copies this weeks issue to 501 Scwind Bldg Dayton Ohio at once also four journal new bags Womens Suffrage Assn 1215[AM] [*PM per [?] conversation with Telegraph Co.*] Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters [501 and 503 Schwind Building] [25-27 South Ludlow Street] BIMM BUILDING Dayton, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine WInters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel Nov. 21, 1913 [*1*] Halfry [*[?]*] [*92/1.00*] [ack. 11/25/13*] Woman's Journal Boston, Mass. Dear People:- Enclosed please find One Dollar for one year's subscription to the Woman's Journal, to be sent to Mrs. Howard Meyers, 25 S. Williams St. Dayton, Ohio. Yours truly, Doris C. Stevens. H.S. [*Nov 1914 BHJ*] Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters [501 and 503 Schwind Building] [25-27 South Ludlow Street] BIMM BUILDING Dayton, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine WInters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel Oct 7, 1913 [*75/1.00*] [*AMC*] Halfry [ack. 11/10/13 S.E.H.*] Woman's Journal Boston, Mass. Dear People:- Enclosed please find One Dollar for one year's subscription to be sent to Mrs. F. R. Henry, 374 W. First St., Dayton, Ohio. Yours very truly Doris C. Stevens DCS/HS [*Nov 15, 1914*] Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters [501 and 503 Schwind Building] [25-27 South Ludlow Street] BIMM BUILDING Dayton, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine WInters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel Nov. 7, 1913 [*[?] sent 11/18/13 [?]*] [*Have we cuts or phots*] [*Wrote 11/18/13 [?]*] Woman's Journal Boston, Mass. Dear People:- In one of the numbers of the Journal you printed a photograph of a California voting booth, also one of a Finnish woman voting. We are very anxious to secure cuts of these two photographs for reproduction on slides. We are getting up a picture show to be used as suffrage propaganda. Can you secure suitable cuts of same which we could have reproduced? We should be very careful and return them to you safely. Yours very cordially Doris C. Stevens DCS/HRS [* [?] Jan 13, 1912 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters--501 and 503 Schwind Building 25-27 South Ludlow Street Dayton, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine WInters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel [*1*] [*BHJ*] [*55/200*] Oct. 8, 1913 [*Halfrey*] [*ack. 10/21/13 S.E.H*] Women's Journal Boston, Mass. Dear People: Please find enclosed check for Two Dollars, for one subscription to be sent to Miss Helen L. Edwards, 1304 Cass St., La Crosse, Wis. [*Oct 20 1914*] to begin with the current issue, and the other Dollar for renewal of my own subscription. [*Aug 1914*] Doris C. Stevens DCS/HS Women's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery Countey Headquarters [501 and 503 Schwind Building] [25-27 South Ludlow Street] 7 Bimm Bldg. Dayton, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine WInters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel [*1*] [*AMC*] [*117/1.00*] [*Halfey*] [*ack. 12/18/13 S.E.H.*] Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear People:= Enclosed please find One Dollar for one year's subscription to the Woman's Journal to be sent to Mrs. V. V. Farone, c/o N. C. R.. Dayton, Ohio. Yours truly, Woman's Suffrage Assocn. HS [* [?] Dec 29/13 to Jan 1915*] Woman's Suffrage Party of Montgomery County [*1*] [*IRF*] [*com 26/1.50*] [*184/3.50*] [*Answered Jan 31 1913*] Office of the Woman's Journal, Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan -- Please find enclosed check for $3.50 for club of five subscriptions to the Journal, as follows: [*IRF*] Mrs. Kepele Hall--R.R.#2 - Dayton - Ohio. [*IRF*] Mrs. William Kerr--Bay City-- Michigan. [*IRF*] Mrs. Anna H. Woodruff-- 1651 Vermont St. --Quincy, Illinois. [*IRF*] Mrs. Pearl Wood- 608 W, Madison St.-- Paris, Illinois. [*IRF*] Mrs. Joseph Ivins-Orchard Hill, Louisville, Ky. R.R.#2, Station c Yours truly Alice Kile Neibel, Assist. Secy. [*Feb 8, 1914*] [* 150 75 15 240*] Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County [*Send OK*] [*cut sent 12/2/13*] [*[?]*] Nov. 21, 1913 Woman's Journal, Boston, Mass. Dear People:- I received today the cut you sent, entitled "A Demonstration in Voting." I am glad to have this and will carefully send it back. But this is not the one I asked for. The one I had reference to was entitled, "The Dirty Polls." I cannot find the issue of the Journal which had it, but the picture is clear in my mind. I remember very well, there were flowers on a table in the booth, and a somewhat old lady in charge. The scene, I believe was laid in California, although of that I cannot be sure. Will you be so good as to send this one too? Cordially yours, Doris C. Stevens DCS/HS VOTES FOR WOMEN Woman Suffrage Central Committee [*172/2.50*] [*June 15th 1913*] [*Send 50 Rub blanks*] [*to Musser & to Root*] [*Answered, Jan 7, 1913*] The Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: -- Enclosed find check for $2.50 four subscriptions for the Womans Journal, as follows: Mrs. Cora V. LMorrison, 1201 South High St., Columbus, O., $0.75. This subscription expired about Jan 1st 1913. [*Dec 1913 IRF*] Mrs. C. J. Diltz. #1177 Pennsylvania Ave., Columbus, O., $0.75. This subscription to begins with the issue following receipt of subscription [*Jan 25, 1914 IRF*] Mrs. Chas. E. Balchar, #1430 Neil Ave., Columbus, O., $0.75. This subscription also to take effect report receipt of money. [*Jan 25, 1914 IRF*] Miss A. D. Root, #2803 W. Dauphin St., Philadelphia, Pa., $0.25 for 4 months. Same to take effect upon receipt [*May 25, 1913*] of money. Also please notify Miss Root that the Journal is sent upon request of Mr. Wm. S. Pidgeon, #409 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. As the business of sending in subscriptions for the Woman's Journal has been placed in my hands, will you please send me a number of blanks, like sample enclosed, providing of course you are now using this form. Wishing you success in your work and assuring you of my heartiest co-operation in securing subscribers for the Woman's Journal, I am, Very truly yours Nellie B. Messer, Secy. [*Enc*] Columbus Equal Suffrage Assn #170 Chamber of Commerce Columbus, O. VOTES FOR WOMEN Woman Suffrage Central Committee Jan. 18th 1913 [*26/2.50*] [*174/75?*] The Woman's Journal, #585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: -- Enclosed please find check for seventy five cents, for which please enter subscription for our year for the Woman's Journal, same to be sent to Miss Effie Frazier, c/o Nurses [?] Directory, #32 South Washington Ave., Columbus, O. Yours truly, Nellie B. Messer, Sec'y #170 Chamber of Commerce Cols. O. Enc [*Jan 25, 1914*] [*Return*] Ohio Woman Suffrage Association [*M 7/16/3*] [*Sent June 14 June 21*] The Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan:- Enclosed find ten cents in stamps for which please send me copies of the Journal for June 14 and June 21, 1913. Very cordially yours, Harriet Taylor Upton R [*OK no enclosure*] ack. 12/3/13 [S.E.H. Miss Realfrey?] THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY 102/1.00 [Camc?] LET OHIO WOMEN VOTE MISS HARRIET L. KEELER, Chairman MISS MYRTA L. JONES, 1st Vice Chairman MRS. MYRON B. VORCE, 2nd Vice Chairman MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, Secretary MRS. LEOPOLD J. WOLF, Asst. Secretary MRS. PHILLIP P. MERRILL, Treasurer MRS. ALBERT H. KRAUSE, Asst. Treasurer MR. CLAY HERRICK, Auditor HEADQUARTERS, 300 BANGOR BUILDING [Ent?] Dec. [13] 15, 1913 to Dec 1914 Dec. 1, 1913 CLEVELAND, OHIO The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St. Boston Mass. Enclosed please find $1.00 to pay for one year's subscription to the Journal to be sent to Mrs. [O.F.?] Emerson, 98 Wadena St. East Cleveland, Ohio - yours very truly Grace D. Treat Secy ANSWERED, APR 1 1913 THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY LET OHIO WOMEN VOTE MISS HARRIET L. KEELER, Chairman MISS MYRTA L. JONES, 1st Vice Chairman MRS. MYRON B. VORCE, 2nd Vice Chairman MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, Secretary MRS. LEOPOLD J. WOLF, Asst. Secretary MRS. PHILLIP P. MERRILL, Treasurer MRS. ALBERT H. KRAUSE, Asst. Treasurer MR. CLAY HERRICK, Auditor HEADQUARTERS, 300 BANGOR BUILDING CLEVELAND, OHIO March 20, 1913. Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St. Boston. Ladies: Miss [Lythe?] is very sorry she has not gone to Europe, also she has been reappointed to the Chairmanship of the literature committee. Now as to the [stakes?] of the Journal in Cleveland. I am inclosing an order for ten copies; 7 of which are to be sent to the libraries of Cleveland, where the librarians have promised to display them in the same manner that they display popular magazines. If they fail to do so we intend to change the subscription (with your permission) to someone who will use it. As to the many trial subscriptions that were sent in last year, many have been continued, I know; but I have no means of knowing how many. Our regular [workers?] are all taking the Journal. The Woman Suffrage Party Of Cuyahoga County LET OHIO WOMEN VOTE Miss Harriet L. Keeler, Chairman Miss Myrta L. Jones, 1st Vice Chairman Mrs. Myron B. Vorce, 2nd Vice Chairman Mrs. Charles F. Thwing, Secretary Mrs. Leopold J. Wolf, Asst. Secretary Mrs. Phillip P. Merrill, Treasurer Mrs. Albert H. Krause, Asst. Treasurer Mr. Clay Herrick, Auditor Headquarters, 300 Bangor Building Cleveland, Ohio The conditions of work in Cleveland are maddening as far as selling journals is concerned. The news papers are all in favor of suffrage, and give excellent news service, consequently only the special workers feel the need of the specialized paper. Forty papers sold at a meeting of [800?] by some six girls is the best record we have ever made. This is discouraging, and will account for our not sending for any papers for the conference. Your consignment of 100 addressed to Mrs. Neibel at the Hotel Sta[d]tler was turned over to our committee as we knew the city could get them from the post office, take them to the various places of meeting etc. Twenty papers were sold, nearly all to people who already had one & desired to send one to some one else. "Every woman" & the "Ohio Woman" were both there to be distributed as "sample copies". We are very glad some Journals were there, but next time please do not send more than 25 to Cleveland unless specially ordered. We use them - or have used them quite a bit for free distribution, but they are a little expensive for that. The Woman Suffrage Party Of Cuyahoga County LET OHIO WOMEN VOTE Miss Harriet L. Keeler, Chairman Miss Myrta L. Jones, 1st Vice Chairman Mrs. Myron B. Vorce, 2nd Vice Chairman Mrs. Charles F. Thwing, Secretary Mrs. Leopold J. Wolf, Asst. Secretary Mrs. Phillip P. Merrill, Treasurer Mrs. Albert H. Krause, Asst. Treasurer Mr. Clay Herrick, Auditor Headquarters, 300 Bangor Building Cleveland, Ohio The bill for both of these orders ( the subscriptions and the 100 papers ) should be sent to our [party? county?]. If we can do more about subscriptions, we will, but my heart fails me: it is easier to sell [hate? hats?] and get $1 per month for the support of our work. Respectfully yours, [Bildle?] M. [Lyttle?]. April 4, 1913. Women Suffrage Party of Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 11 subscriptions to the Woman's Journal April 1913 to April 1914 11 00 Less 30% discount 3 30 7.70 The Woman's Journal, On as about Feb 6th 1912 and renewed my own subscription to the journal, and wrote that Mrs. W. H. Fisher would not renew her subscription. I did not think it important to say that I had sent it to her as a gift for some time, and that as California had sensed suffrage far sooner. I did not care to send it longer, but that was the case. Now it seems that the paper has been sent during 1918 and Mrs. Fisher supposeing L was still sending it took it from the office. I certainly will not pay for it, Either your book keeping is carelessly done, as by incompetent persons. If ought to be insufficient when one declines to renew a subscription. Harriet B. Stanton SUBSCRIPTION Domestic 1 Year . . $1.00 6 Months . . .50 4 Months on Trial .25 Single Copies . .05 Canadian 1 Year . . $1.50 Foreign 1 Year . . $1.50 Ordered by SUBSCRIPTION ORDER The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Date Please enter subscription to THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL for / year from April. Name Mrs. Nuriot Simons Paid $1.00 Address 1867 Craw Ford Road Clearland. Ohio. Due $ SUBSCRIPTION Domestic 1 Year . . $1.00 6 Months . . .50 4 Months on Trial .25 Single Copies . .05 Canadian 1 Year . . $1.50 Foreign 1 Year . . $1.50 Ordered by G.P. Dilla SUBSCRIPTION ORDER The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Date Dec. 22, 1913. Please enter 1 subscription to THE WOMAN'S JOUNRAL for 4 months from Jan. 1, 1914 Name Mrs. H.E. Mottinger Entd Jan. 5, 1914 to May 1915 Paid $.25 Address 672 Park Street, 90 Mrs. Krider, Massillon, Ohio. Due $ Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters--501 and 503 Schwind Building 25-27 South Kudlow Street Dayton, Ohio BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. F.J. McCormick. Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Mrs. J.E Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment. Active Membership-- No dues. Sustaining Membership- One Dollar a Year. _________________ Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel July 2, 1913. Answered, JUL 8 1913 7/7/13 [?] [?] 6, [?] order to 15 Women's Journal Boston,0. Dear people: Will you please increase the number of copies which you send to W.H.Schwartz of Dayton C. by ten. That maker 15 in all. Please be sure that the additional order gets in for the coming issue for we are planning some additional advertisement this week and hope to sell the entire lot. We hope soon to sell many more. The sheet continues to improve with rapid strides; not a dull spot in it. I think you deserve boundless praise. Yours very truly, Doris C. [Aierc??] Women's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters-501 and 503 Schwind Building 25-27 South Endlow Street Dayton, Ohio BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine Winters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment. Active Membership-No dues. Sustaining Membership-One Dollar a Year. ------ Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel Sept. 30, 1913 Woman's Journal, 585 Bolyston St., Boston, Mass. Dear People: Please find enclosed check for One Dollar for bill of Sept. 1. Yours truly, Doris C. Stevens DCS/HS 33 TELEPHONE NORTH 1256 WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CLEVELAND MISS ELIZABETH J. HAUSER, CHAIRMAN MISS MYRTA JONES, 1ST VICE CHAIRMAN MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, 2ND VICE CHAIRMAN MISS RUTH PRESLEY, SECRETARY MISS ALPHA ROBBINS, ASS'T SECRETARY MRS. PHILIP P. MERRIL, TREASURER MRS. MORTIMER F. MEHLING, ASST. TREAS. MR. CLAY HERRICK, AUDITOR HEADQUARTERS 1264 EUCLID AVENUE CLEVELAND OHIO [*Feb. 13, 1913*] The Woman's Journal Business Manager. 586 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: I am enclosing a check from our treasurer for two dollars to pay this subscription of Mrs. [?] also the renewal for Mrs. Ethel Somers, of 9412 Hough W. Cleveland, whose trial subscription was sent in ni July. Please send hs a receipted bill for her subscription as well as return this other one. [*Dec 1913*] This bills were shoved one side, and as you have sent no reminders, they had not been unearthed. Mrs. Ludwig's account is shange to me at least to my account. Some one in the office sent in subscriptions three or four times plus the money without having them pass through my hands. Very truly yours, [?] M. Lyttle. Miss Agnes Ryan- Woman's Journal - Boston Mass. My dear Miss Ryan,- I am taking Miss Lyttle's place until the first of November and she told me that it was customary to send merely the names of subscribers to you - and that you then sent us the bill minus whatever commission we were to get - and our treas. would send the check to you. If I should work some other way - you will have to tell me. September 10th we are to have a huge suffrage fair here and a booth from which we shall sell single copies of the journal and take subscriptions. What offer can you make us for sending us a huge number of current issues? Also - can we get from you about six bags for carrying the papers? These are all the plans we have so far but but any you can offer us - we will be most grateful for. Cordially yours, Grace W. Lemmon. THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY LET OHIO WOMEN VOTE MISS HARRIET L. KEELER, Chairman MISS MYRTA L. JONES, 1st Vice Chairman MRS. MYRON B. VORCE, 2nd Vice Chairman MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, Secretary MRS LEOPOLD J. WOLF, Asst. Secretary MRS. PHILLIP P. MERRILL, Treasurer MR. CLAY HERRICK, Auditor HEADQUARTERS, 300 BANGOR BUILDING CLEVELAND, OHIO [[pencilled notes at top of page: Bill 1 IRF 2 M4/4/3 [[diagonal line across list with writing: April 12 1913 IRF]] Please send journals to the following and send the bill to the Party. This order is for one year now; but will be renewed by us next year in all probability - at least until our cause is won the bill must come to us. All in Cleveland, Ohio. Carnegie West Branch Library 1900 Fulton Rd. St. Clair Branch St. Clair E. 50th St. Hough Branch Crawford Rd. Near Hough St. Woodland Branch Woodland near East 55 St. Miles Park Branch Miles Park and East 93 St. South Branch Clark Av. and Scranton Rd Glenville Branch 10523 St. Clair Av. 3 copies to Woman Suffrage Party - 300 Bangor Bldg. Ohio Equal Franchise Association HEADQUARTERS: 201 DURNER BUILDING Peebles' Corner, Walnut Hills CINCINNATI, O. Corresponding Secretary MRS JOHN M. DIETA Recording Secretary MISS RUTH VAN PELT Treasurer MISS SOPHIA B. SPRIGG Auditor MRS L. A. McGUIRE Member Nationnal Executive Committee MISS M. LOUISE SPRIGG Honorary President MRS. BYRON STANTON President MISS FLORA E. WORTHINGTON Vice-Presidents MRS. CARL S. RANKIN MISS EMMA PERKINS President Five Cents a Day Club MRS. CHAS. W. WAITE Advisory Board DR. SAMUEL ALLEN HON. L. A. BURRELL REV. CHAS. FREDERIC GOSS MR. FENTON LAWSON JUDGE WM. LITTLEFORD REV. SAMUEL TYLER Representative Auxiliary Societies MRS. GEO. B. TWITCHELL ANSWERED FEB 21 1913 Send 2 posters 2 mm/24/3 c/s Feb 20, 1913 Miss Agnes E. Ryan Business Manager Women's Journal. Dear Miss Ryan: Will you forward the enclosed letter to Miss Mary Johnston, whose address I do not know? Will you send me a Woman's Journal poster for our new headquarters? We should like to have also a portrait of Lucy Stone, and a suffrage map of the United States about the size of this page. I have a request from a club, for literature pertaining to laws of Ohio relating to women. Have you any tracts - booklets or anything of that kind. I have mislaid the list of my subscriptions to the Woman's Journal. I think I had four or five, and we want [from] eight, and What Eight [Melow] Women Want for our reading room. Please send portrait, map and literature if you have it, with bill. I thank you in advance for your kindness. The Ohio Equal Franchise Association and the Men's League for Woman Suffrage of the state of Ohio Ohio Equal Franchise Association Corresponding Secretary MRS. JOHN M. DIETZ Recording Secretary MISS RUTH VAN PELT Treasurer MISS SOPHIA B. SPRIGG Auditor MRS. L. A. MCGUIRE Member Nationnal Executive Committee MISS M. LOUISE SPRIGG Honorary President MRS. BYRON STANTON President MISS FLORA E. WORTHINGTON Vice-Presidents MRS. CARL S. RANKIN MISS EMMA PERKINS President Five Cents a Day Club MRS. CHAS. W. WAITE Advisory Board DR. SAMUEL ALLEN HON. L. A. BURRELL REV. CHAS. FREDERIC GOSS MR. FENTON LAWSON JUDGE WM. LITTLEFORD REV. SAMUEL TYLER Representative Auxiliary Societies MRS. GEO. B. TWITCHELL HEADQUARTERS: 201 DURNER BUILDING Peebles' Corner, Walnut Hills CINCINNATI, O. 2 38 have joined in headquarters, the first permanent headquarters in Cincinnati. We have a fine location, one of the most prominent in the city, two large windows with the names of our association and the Men's League, Suffrage Shop, Reading Room, and a transparent sign Votes for Women with electric bulbs behind it, shining out all night. A suffrage tea will be given here once a week, and many suffrage activities carried on. We are very proud and happy over our success, and hope for as rapid advance in the future. We have 500 members in eight counties, and have accomplished a good deal in a year. Our members will be glad to see these notes in the Woman's Journal. We appreciate your paper, and hope to get many subscribers for it. Yours Very Sincerely, Flora E. Worthington Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters--501 and 503 Schwind Building 25-27 South Ludlow Street [*1*] [*IRF*] Dayton, Ohio BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine Winters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment. Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. --------- Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel [Write yes.] March--7th 1913. [213 ----- 2.00] Agnes Ryan Woman's Journal, Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan-- [*Mar 1914*] [*IRF*] Enclosed find $2:00 for which send Woman's Journal to Mrs. Cyrus Mead--325 West Second St. Dayton Ohio. (Renewal) Mrs. Oliver D. Houck--16 Russel Apts. " " Please change the address of Mrs. Keppele Hall from R.R.#12 Dayton Ohio, to Tippecanoe City, Ohio. While I am working for memberships as much as I can it frequently happens that I am compelled to hold them too long if I wait to get 5 to get the 70 cent rate, as today I am sending only two, and am sending the full dollar each. Would you care to accept fewer at a time then 5 at the 70cent rate? [*IRF*] [*Mar 22 1914*] [*Already changed*] Thanking you in advance for an answer, I am yours truly, Alice Kile Neibel, Cor. Secy. [*wrote. Mar 12*] [*JLW*] Women's Journal Boston, Mass. Please to find enclosed 250 for which send the Journal to Mrs. Prentis de Veuve - Cooper Seminary, Dayton Ohio for trial subscription. I received your letter which was written the same on which mine was sent to which answers the questions satisfactorily, which I asked. Very truly, Alice Kile Neibel Cor. Secy. Jennie W. Taylor Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Taylor:-- I have just returned from Cleveland Conference where I enquired for the Women's Journals which you wrote had been sent to me to the Hotel Statler, but none seemed to have come. Perhaps Miss Little received them. I saw her at the first session, but not after that. She seemed to have Journals for sale, and said she would see me again. The first meeting was not held at the Statlers as were the balance, and I was not able to locate her. But I presume she got the papers. Miss Ryan did not answer my question about accepting less than 5 journal subscriptions at the same rate charged when 5 are sent at one time. Some times the wait is too long to get the 5, and if I have to send the same amount for each subscription that I receive for it and have to buy a money order besides it is of course money out of pocket to get subscriptions. Very truly, Alice Kile Neibel Cor. Secy. 300 Bangs Bldg Cleveland, Ohio. March 28, 1913. The Woman's Journal: Boston, Mass. Ladies. Please send the Journal for one year to Miss Harriet C. Lamb 5120 Superior Dr. Cleveland, Ohio. Charge the amount on one bill - Woman Suffrage Party of Cuya Hoga C. My respect fully yours, Bartell M. Lyttle. I have no blanks of house. address 464 Summer Over Newark New [?] Essex County Suffrage Society The Woman's Journal Boston Mas; I enclose check for One and 50/100 Dollars to cover my subscription to the Woman's Journal also the subscription for life and labor as advertised in the Journal. Can I have the address changed in the Summer I would like to receive it while I am away. Very truly Miss Emma La Richards New Jersey 464 Summer Ave. Newark Miss Agnes E. Ryan, The Woman's Journal, 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan: I am sending under separate cover photographs of Mrs. Nina E. Allender, Chairman of the Committee on Outdoor Meetings, Mrs. Lulu W. Hemingway, Chairman of the Literature Committee, and Mrs. Glenna Smith Tinnin, Chariman of the Pageant Committee, for the Woman Suffrage Procession in Washington, D.C., March 3, 1913. Mrs. Allender is a well known artist: Mrs. Hemingway was formerly Enrolling Clerk of the Alabama Senate: and Mrs. Tinnin has produced a number of well known pageants, among them being the Pageant of the Muses. Possibly you may be able to use these photographs in connection with your publicity work. Very sincerely yours, Alice Paul Chairman, Procession Committee My dear Miss Ryan - The Alahaus E. S. Assin will hold its second convention Feb. 4th at Huntesville, at which time I trust to have a number of copies of the Journal for distribution meantime - Ethel Armes 1410 St. Charles St. B'ham, is Chairman of the Woman's Journal Committee of the B'ham Ass'n tales Chariman of the Preeb Com. of the Slate Ass'n - I would thank you write her incorporating in your letter, a list of Journal subscribers and a list of those whose subscribers have fired - Ethel is busy - back I've all are - and I think if you asked her to get 25 or 50 new subscribers to remind by telephone all delinquents she'd get busy At once. I enclose $100 for a re newal for Mike S. Eugenia Seef 1607 - N Allen St. Also .2u cents for trial subscription Mrs. [?] B. [?] 2907 - Highland Ave - B'ham. [* BHJ*] [* Feb 20 1914*] [*June 1914*] National American Woman Suffrage Association Branch of International Woman Suffrage Alliance and of National Council of Women President Anna Howard Shaw 1st Vice-President Jane Addams Hull House, Chicago, Ill. 2nd Vice-President Charlotte Anita Whitney 2121 Webster Street, Oakland, Cal. Corresponding Secretary Mary Ware Dennett 505 Fifth Avenue, New York College Equal Suffrage League M. Carey Thomas, President Bryn Mawr, Pa. Telephone, 4818 Murray Hill National Press Bureau, Elinor Byrns, Chairman, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York National Auxiliaries: Friends Equal Rights Association Mary Bentley Thomas, President Ednor, Maryland Recording Secretary Susan W. FitzGerald 7 Greenough Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Treasurer Katherine Dexter McCormick 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 1st Auditor Harriet Burton Laidlaw 6 East 66th Street, New York 2nd Auditor Louise De Koven Bowen 1430 Astor Street, Chicago, Ill. The Equal Franchise Society Mrs. Howard Mansfield, President 535 Part Avenue, New York Headquarters, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York August 8th, 1913 Miss Agnes Ryan, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Miss Ryan: I am enclosing part of a copy of the "Republican," as I think you may be interested in the letter from Mr. Mondell and in some of the other material. Sincerely yours, Elinor Byrns, Press Chairman. National American Woman Suffrage Association President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Pa. 1st Vice-President, Miss Jane Addams, Chicago 2nd Vice-President, Miss C. Anita Whitney, Cal. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mary Ware Dennett, N. Y. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Susan Walker Fitzgerald, Boston Treasurer, Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick, Boston 1st Auditor, Mrs. Harriet Burton Laidlaw, N. Y. 2nd Auditor, Mrs. J. T. Bowen, Chicago Joint Inaugural Procession Committee of the Congressional Committee, N.A.W.S.A. State Equal Suffrage Association of the D. of C. D.C. Woman Suffrage Association Stanton Suffrage Club, D.C. Political Study Club, D.C. Anthony League, D.C. College Suffrage Club, D.C. Members of Procession Committee Miss Alice Paul, Chairman Miss Lucy Burns, Representing the Congressional Committee, N.A.W.S.A. Mrs. Glenna Smith Tinnin, Pageant Sec'y Miss Emma M. Gillett, Treasurer Representing the D. of C. Suffrage Associations HEADQUARTERS OF PROCESSION COMMITTEE: 1420 F STREET N., WASHINGTON, D.C Feb. 7, 1913. Miss Agnes E. Ryan 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. My dear Miss Ryan: I am sending a package of Fliers announcing the sale of Grand Stand seats. We will be grateful if you will have these distributed at meetings and and enclosed in letters. Thank you for your cooperation, I am, Very sincerely yours, Alice Paul Chairman Procession Committee. Ordered by E. Fair Brother SUBSCRIPTION ORDER The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION Domestic 1 Year . . $1.00 6 Months . . .50 4 Months on Trial .25 Single Copies . .05 Canadian 1 Year . . $1.50 Foreign 1 Year . . $1.50 Date July 24 1913. Please enter ___ subscription to THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL for 1 year from ___ Name Mrs. E.D. Moore Address Richmond Va. R.I. (Route #1 I suppose) Paid $1 SRF Due $___ July 26, 1914 Votes For Women ??? Mrs. Wm. Neil King, Chairman Mrs. E. S. Jaros, Secretary Mrs. F. C. Kelton, 1st Vice-Chairman Miss Jeannette Eaton. Executive Secretary Mrs. C. C. Halloway, 2nd Vice-Chairman Mrs. Madison Whiteside, Treasurer 26./ con ??? Woman Suffrage Central Committee Headquarters: Room 170 Chamber Of Commerce Citizen Phone 7798 Columbus, Ohio 1-28-1913 Womans Journal 18 ?/ ??? # 585 Dear madam:-- I inclosed hum- with check for $1.00 in payment of subscription for Woman's Journal, as per [?] [?] Yours Truly, Nellia B. Masser Saig Mrs. Alice Stone Blackwell, The Woman's Journal, Boston, Mass. My dear Mrs. Blackwell: Mrs. Brooks would like to have you send her the following numbers of The Woman's Journal to complete her Press Association file. We will pay for them if you wish us to. January 6th 13th 20th 1912 February 3rd 17th March 9th 23rd April 13th 20th May 11th 18th July 20th 27th Sept. 7th 14th Oct. 5th 26th Nov. 2nd 9th 16th Dec. 14th May 31st and June 7th 1913. Address Mrs. Chas. Brooks 1958 E. 115th St. Cleveland Yours sincerely, The Woman Suffrage Party. The Woman Suffrage Party Headquarters: 411-413 Race Street Cincinnati, Ohio ANSWERED, JUL 22 1913 President: Mrs. Elliott H. Pendleton Executive Secretary: Miss Bettie Wilson Treasurer: Mrs. Frank H. Simpson Vice-Presidents: Mrs. Samuel Allen Mrs. Hamilton Bell Mrs. Moses Buttenweiser Miss Edith Campbell Mrs. Arthur T. Cobb Mrs. George Dittman Mrs. Louise Eastman Mrs. Henry N. Hooper Mrs. Fenton Lawson Miss Mary MacMillan Miss Emilie McVea Mrs. Bernard Pollak Mrs. Carl Rankin Mrs. E.R. Stearns Mrs. A.G. Strong Mrs. F.C. Tuttle Mrs. Geo. B. Twichell Mrs. Stephen Wilder Mrs. John M. Withrow Woman's Journal. 585 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. Mrs [?anc?s]; A bill for the subscription of the Journal which I have been in the habit of giving to the Cincinnati Mercantile Library is just at hand. I have given the Journal to the library for several years, now, and it seems to me that, if the librarian finds it is read, he should be willing to subscribe for it, as he does for a great number of other magazines. I suggest that you write and Call his attention to this fact and request him to subscribe. I have not been able to afford membership in the [Whary?] for several years, so I am no longer in touch with the management, and I do not think that I will continue the subscription myself. I hope the [hbrarau?] will. Yours sincerely, Eohth Weld Peck Woman Suffrage Party of Mahoning County Youngstown, Ohio, Nov. 17th 1913 To the Woman's Journal,-- Inclosed, find check for $1. (one dollar) please send The Journal, for one year, to Mrs. George Ridge. $742 Elm St. Youngotown, Ohio. I think my subscription expires soon. Please let me [?], as I could not get along [?] it. People [?] [?] Stella B. [?] #224 Fairgreen Ave. Youngstown Ohio Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters--501 and 503 Schmind Building 25-27 South Ludlum Street Dayton, Ohio Board of Directors President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. Ralph A. Bunn Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. George Merry Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Katherine Wright Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Secretary Mrs. Kepple Hall Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Treasuer Dr. Gertrude Felker Mrs. Valentine Winters Dr. Elenora S. Everhard Bell Telephone Main 2717 30/.50 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment. Active Membership--No dues. Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. ------------ Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel August 28, 1913 Halfry Aus. 9/4/13 S.E.H. Womans Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. My Dear Miss Ryan, Please find herewith 50 cents in stamps to pay for half-years subscription to journal for Mr. H. Graham Bleekly 328 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sincerely, Doris C. Stevens DCS/HBS Mar 6, 1914 Ordered by Subscription Order 31/.Y5 ZRF The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Subscription Domestic 1Year . . $1.00 6 Months . . . 50 4 Months on Trial .25 Single Copies . 0.05 Canadian 1 Year . . $1.50 Foreign 1 Year . . $1.50 Date August-28-1913 Please enter subscription to The Woman's Journal for H M??? from aug 23. Jun 6, 1914 Name Mrs. Henry N. Whipple Paid $ .25- Address Hac???????????? New Jersey. THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY Do you understand this? Return (Yes) (E.M.G) MISS HARRIET I. KEELER, Chairman MISS MYRTA L. JONES, 1st Vice Chairman MRS. MYRON B. VORCE, 2nd Vice Chairman MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, Secretary LET OHIO WOMEN VOTE MRS. LEOPOLD J. WOLF, Asst. Secretary MRS. PHILLIP P. MERRILL, Treasurer MRS. ALBERT H. KRAUSE, Asst. Treasurer MR. CLAY HERRICK, Auditor [*for $1.00 for Miss Lipetta (Pub + Pill pa[?i?] on) Feb[?]. 18, 1913 Wrote 9/24/13 EM*] 33 HEADQUARTERS, 300 BANGOR BUILDING CLEVELAND, OHIO The Woman's Journal Boston, Mass. My dear Miss Ryan, The dollar for the renewal of [MDR]. Helen Giddings' (810 New England Cleveland, O.) Journal was sent to us last May or June. Dr. Giddings did not send us her bill so that it was necessary to simply send the statement when we forwarded the money. The money was sent to me to forward. As I am not managing the magazine + suffrage supplies sales now, I turned the statement over to be sent through the finance committee. The error is at our office + it is there it must be fixed. [?] I supposed that this was straightened some time ago, and am very sorry that Dr. Giddings has had this experience 33 THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY MISS HARRIET L. KEELER, CHAIRMAN MISS MYRTA L. JONES, 1ST VICE CHAIRMAN MRS. MYRON B. VORCE, 2ND VICE CHAIRMAN MRS. CHARLES F. THWING, SECRETARY MRS. LEOPOLD J. WOLF, ASST. SECRETARY MRS PHILIP P. MERRILL, TREASURER MRS. ALBERT H. KRAUSE, ASST. TREASURER MR. CLAY HERRICK, AUDITOR HEADQUARTERS 300 BANGOR BUILDING [*13/1.25*] CLEVELAND OHIO July 26, 1913. Miss Agnes E. Ryan, Boston, Mass. [*What due This you to? Let me see my letter*] Dear Miss Ryan: In reply to your letter of the 18th, we think your charge for sending out the seventy six copies of the Woman's Journal is very reasonable. Enclosed find check to cover your bill. Yours truly, Bertelle Lyttle. with ends due to summon vacations, changing office help, and her own good way of paying a bill. I am inclosing a bill of mine that I have been remiss in paying; and which I am glad has not been send again for in my case it has been carefully filed for future reference. Meanwhile the Journal is always very acceptable. Very respectfully yours, Bertelle M. Lyttle. Woman's Suffrage Association of Dayton and Montgomery County Headquarters---501 and 503 Schwind Building 25-27 South Ludlow Street Dayton, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mrs. Oscar F. Davisson Vice-Presidents Mrs. J. Brainerd Thresher Mrs. James A. Robert Mrs. Henry Stoddard Mrs. James A. Marlay Mrs. F. J. McCormick, Jr. Miss Katherine Wright Secretary Mrs. Brainerd B. Thresher Treasurer Mrs. Valentine Winters Mrs. J. E. Welliver Mrs. Charles I. Williams Mrs. Emily K. Bishop Mrs. Ralph A Bunn Mrs. George Merry Miss Katherine Wenner Miss Ella Haas Mrs. D. Wilson Eby Mrs. Kepple Hall Miss Dorothy F. Patterson Dr. Gertrude Felker Dr. Eleanora S. Everhard BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2717 The Object of This Organization Is to Promote the Cause of Equal Suffrage and Social Betterment. Active Membership--No dues Sustaining Membership--One Dollar a Year. ------ Field Secretary, Miss Doris C. Stevens Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Alice Kile Neibel ANSWERED JUL 14 1913 July 12, 1913 Very dear Miss Ryan: What price can you give us on 200 Journals per week? - We will sell all we can and push the rest to those whom we wish to enlighten on suffrage. Please answer by return post. [Wives] for bags and 25 copies this week. No doubt they are en route. Sincerely, Doris C. Stevens [*Aug 2 - 100 " 9 - 100 200 @ 2 - 4.00*] [*Write 9/24/13 EMC*] JUNIOR NEWARK EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS 33 HALSEY STREET, NEWARK, N. J. 18 MISS CAROLYN FOEHL, PRESIDENT MISS ANNA E. HORN, VICE PRESIDENT MISS MAY K. CULLEN, CORRESPONDING SECRETARY MISS AIMEE SEYMOUR, RECORDING SECRETARY MISS MARY HELLMAN, TREASURER MISS SARA KAUFMAN, AUDITOR [*13 1/2 Spring St Newark NJ Sept 19, 1913*] My dear Miss Ryan In looking over my books last night I failed to find a bill for the Woman's Journals that we have received from you. As we are anxious to find out the amount of our debt. Thanking you for an early reply. Sincerely yours Mary L. Hellman, Treas. J. N. E. S. L. P.S Kindly forward bill to my home address 13 1/2 Spring St Newark, N J. SUBSCRIPTION ORDER SUBSCRIPTION Domestic 1 Year ... $1.00 6 Months .. .50 4 Months on Trial .25 Single Copies ... .05 Canadian 1 Year ... $1.50 Foreign 1 Year ... $1.50 The Woman's Journal [*1 CSRF*] 585 Boylston Street, BOSTON, MASS. [*207 / 1.00*] Date Feb 26, 1913 Please enter $1.00 subscription to THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL for 1 year from Feb 26 '13 to Feb 26, '14 Name Mrs. B. L. Stein Address 481 E. 29th Street Paid $1.00 Due $ -- Paterson, N. J. [*Mar 1, 1914*] [*Sales [??]*] JUNIOR NEWARK EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS 33 HALSEY STREET, NEWARK, N. J. 18 MISS CAROLYN FOEHL, PRESIDENT MISS ANNA E. HORN, VICE PRESIDENT MISS MAY K. CULLEN, CORRESPONDING SECRETARY MISS AIMEE SEYMOUR, RECORDING SECRETARY MISS MARY HELLMAN, TREASURER MISS SARA KAUFMAN, AUDITOR [*57 / 4.00*] [*13 1/2 Spring St Newark NJ Oct 8, 1913*] My dear Miss Ryan Enclosed please find a money order for $4.00 for the Journal we received in August. Yours Sincerely Mary L Hellman. Treasurer J. N. E. S. L. 000459 ANSWERED APR 29 1913 Passaic Equal Suffrage League Passair, New Jersey [*1 QRF 753 4.25*] Apr. 28 13 The Woman's Journal Enclosed please find check of 4.25 covering 2 renewals of subscrip- tion + 3 new names. Will you please send these out at your earliest convenience + acknowledge receipt of money to Mrs. N. F. Bar[b]gate Treas. 102 High St Passaic N.J. [*Mar 1914 QRF*] Renewals Mrs. Sydney Toman 289 Bloomfield Ave * 1.00 Passaic New J. Miss S. King 28 Irving Place Passaic N.J. [*May 3, ,1914 SRF 1.00*] Mrs Carl Vail 123 Lafayette Ave Passaic N. J. [*May 3, 1914 [?]RF .75*] Mrs John Adamson 101 Hadley Ave. Clifton, N. J. [*May 3, 1914 [?]RF .75*] Mrs. John Steiner 84 Clinton Ave Clifton N. J. [*May 3, 1914 SRF .75*] [*$4.25*] [*768 1.66*] Montclair Equal Suffrage League [*Send Literature Life + Labor*] MRS L HOWELL LAMOTTE MONTCLAIR N. J May 21 1913 Dear Madame Enclosed find mail order in payment of bill for 63 c. I have not received the papers however. I also enclosed 50 c to add to my renewed subscriptions which spent in last week in order to secure the clubbing arrangements with the magazine Life and Labor. The 33 c additional is for an order of literature advertised by the Mass. Wom. Suffrage. Will you please forward it to them. Sincerely Mrs. G. G. Scott 899 Valley Rd. wy. Montclair N. J. [*Ordered of the Mass. Suffrage*] 1. Anonymous 3. Address by J. P. Peabody 4 Liquor versus Suffrage 1 Equal Suf. mass 2 a. true Story 5 Suffrage & Temperance Equal Suffrage League of Plainfield and North Plainfield, N.J. COMMITTEES President Mrs. C. L. Riley 7 Myrtle Ave. Mrs. E. F. Feickert Dunellen, N.J. Mrs. Chas. E. Ryder 615 E. Front St. Mrs. T.H. Tomlinson 212 E. 7th St. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. F. E. DuBois 28 Washington Ave. Programme Mrs. Allan Cowperthwait Hypewood Hall Press MRs. S. S. Carvalho 400 W. 8th St. Enrollment Mrs. A. B. Jones 981 Central Ave. Ways and Means Mrs. H. C. White 99 Rockview Ave Literature Mrs. B. S. Lacklan 963 Park Ave. Civics Dr. Clara De H. Krans 920 Park Ave. Recording Secretary Mrs. Prederick Conlin 835 Kensington Ave. Treasurer Mrs. F. O. Ball 44 Washington Ave. Auditors Mrs. All Cowperthwait Hyewood park Mrs. Maxwell Perkins 95 Mercer Ave. Plainfield N.J. Nov 18th 1913 7 Myrtle Ave. The Women's Journal 585 [?] Boston [?] Please send me 20 copies of the Woman's Journal to sell at a meeting to be held Tuesday Nov 25th at 2:30. If they do not reach Plainfield by Tuesday morning I shall not have any appointments to sell them Please charge to Mrs. F. O. Ball, 44 Washington Ave Plainfield (Treasurer) Yours Truly Sola H. Riley Pre (Ners C. L) New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association 33 Halsey Street Newark, N. J. Honorary Presidents Mrs. F. Howe Hall. High Bridge Mrs. M. G. Sexton, Orange N. A. W. S. A. Executive Committee Member Mrs. Clara S. Laddey, Arlington First Vice President Mrs. Mary K. Colvin. East Orange Second Vice President Miss Elinor Gebhardt. Clinton Recording Secretary Mrs. E. L. Penrose. Montclair Auditor Miss Bessie Pope. Jersey City Answered JUL 11 1913 President, Mrs. E. F. Feickert Colonial Farm, Dunellen Corresponding Secy, Mrs. A. P. Bowne 33 Halsey Street. Newark Treasurer, Mrs. A. B. Jeffery 358 HArtford Road. South Orange July 9, 1913. Dear Miss Ryan:- Referring to your letter of May 24th, which should have been answered a long time ago, and would have been except that I have been literally swamped with work of all descriptions, I brought up the matter of subscribing to some Woman's Journal stock at our Board meeting of June 27th, and it was voted to subscribe to one share, different members of the Leagues being asked to give one dollar apiece, just as Louisiana did. Sixteen dollars was subscribed on the spot. and no doubt the rest will come in rapidly. I take it for granted that the blank receipts should be signed by the Treasurer of out Association. I hope to be able to send the entire subscription within the next four or five weeks. We would like to do more as we are all devoted to the Journal, but now that we are a campaign state there opportunities to spend twenty dollars for every one which we have. However, suffrage work is progressing finely. Our own organization has increased from 800 dues-paying and 2000 non-dues-paying members in November to 2000 dues-paying and 3000 non-dues-paying member today, and new Leagues are being organized every week. Best regards and best wishes from Yours cordially, Lillian F. Feickert President. BHJ 1- Reform Miss Briggs White Joint Legislative Committee of New Jersey Equal Suffrage Organizations Legislative Chairman Fr Bergen County Miss Rose Lewis. Ridgefield Park Chairman Mrs. Everett Colby Vice-Chairman Mrs. Francis De Lacey Hyde New Jersey State Woman Suffrage Association Mrs. Edward W. Feickert. 119 Crescent Ave., Plainfield Miss Bessie Pope, 161 Summit Ave., Jersey City Mrs. Francis De Lacey Hyde, Hydewood Hall, Plainfield Women's Political Union Mrs. Abraham Van Winkle. 102 Halsey St., Newark Miss Belle Tiffany, 17 East Part St., Newark Mrs. R. T. Newton. 26 Edgewood Ave., Nutley Recording Secretary Mrs. R. T. Newton Treasurer Mr. C. L. Riley Equal Franchise Society Mrs. George T, Vickers, 22 Duncan Ave., Jersey City Mrs. Evertt Colby, Llewellyn Park, Orange Mrs. Philip McKim Garrison, Llewellyn Park, Orange Men's League for Woman Suffrage Mr. William L. Saunders, Plainfield Mr. C. L. Riley, 7 Myrtle Ave., Plainfield Mr. Oberlin Smith, Bridgeton DEC 3 1913 Nov. 19, 1913 Woman's Journal Boston, Mass. Women = ( I think that is correct.) I am in receipt of the inclosed bill. I have just called up The First Nat. Bank of Ridgefield Park, N.J. They tell me the check I sent you was deposited by you in the Nat. Shawmut Bank, In Boston, Nov. 5. Don't stop my Journal. I can't get along without it. The editorials are the brightest source and most inspiring I read in any paper - Yours Truly, Rose Lewis Advertising New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association 33 Halsey Street Newark, N. J. ???? Honorary Presidents Mrs. F. Howe Hall, High Bridge Mrs. M G. Sexton, Orange N. A. W. S. A. Executive Committee Member Mrs. Clara S. Laddey, Arlington First Vice President Mrs. Mary K. Colvin, East Orange Second Vice Pesident Miss Elinor Gebhardt, Clinton Recording Secretary Mrs. E. R. Penrose, Montclair Auditor Miss Bessie Pope, Jersey City Legislative Secretary Mrs. M. J. Reynolds, Newark President, Mrs. E. F. Feickert Colonial Farm, Dunellen Corresponding Secy, Mrs. A. P. Bowne 33 Halsey Street, Newark Treasurer, Mrs. A. B. Jeffery 358 Hartford Road, South Orange The Woman's Journal Boston, Mass. Please give me a 2" space for enclosed advertisement and run it in four weeks of the Journal. Send brief to treasurer indicated above. Make all in clear, readable type please, with the words anti - suffrage in bold type as a catch word. Most sincerely, Mary K. Colorin 36 N. Maple Ave. E. Orange. N. J. June 1 - 1913 The Woman's Journal, Boston Mass The inclosed check for $2.00 is for the renewal of my subscription to the Journal and for "Life + Labor." I am president of the Equal Suffrage League formed one month ago in our town, As yet we have little or no money in our treasury but we are planning have a small suffrage tent beside the big [Chautauqua?] tent that will be here all next week. I have added another dollar to my check for some Journals to for much the tent. We are going to ask for subscriptions to the Journal. We think it a wonderful paper doing awonderful work for the cause. If you have any free as any old copies the Journal to give away, please send them along. Yours truly (Mrs. John Jr. ) L. D. H. Cowling 24/2.00 Women's Political Union of New Jersey Headquarters: 79 Halsey Street, Newark. N. J. Telephone 3150 Market Officers President Mrs. Mina C. Van Winkle Newark First Vice President Mrs. F. A. Sturgis Westfield Second Vice President Miss Julia Sampson Hurlbut Morristown Secretary and State Organizer Mrs. M. J. Reynolds Newark Treasurer Mrs. Stewart Hartshorn Short Hills Chairman Finance Committee Mrs. Frank W. Smith Westfield Legislative Chairman Mrs. Everett Colby West Orange Legislative Secretary Miss Eleanor Garrison Advisory Board Mr. William Fellowes Morgan Hon. Charles O'Connor Hennessy Rev. Henry R. ROse Dr. Addison B. Poland Mr. Jesse Lynch Williams Rev. Charles S. Kemble Mr. Frank H. Sommer Rev. J. J. McKeever Mr. Henry Carless Mr. Frank W. Smith Mr. Arthur R. Rule Mr. A. W. MacDougall Mr. Richard Stevens Rev. Edgar Swan Wiers Mr. Everett Colby Prof. J. C. Monaghan Mr. J. A. H. Hopkins Mr. John Cotton Dana Mr Frederick L. Hoffman Dr. Charles L. Thompson Mr. Edward D. Page Dr. William E. Bohn ANSWERED, AUG 19 1913 August Sixteenth, 1913. Yes R??? Women's Journal, 585 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dear Madam: We wish to learn about the contest regarding the trip to Washington. As a Union, could we enter, and if securung sufficent subscriptions, have a delegate sent? Am enclosing two subscriptions, beginning with August number, for members of our W. P. U of Newark. Mrs R. M. Laird, 48 Stratford Place, Newark, N. J. Miss Annie Peake, 79 Halsey St., Newark, N. J. Sincerely yours, Annie Peake WOMEN'S POLITICAL UNION. Aug 1914 Madam - Member 20, 1918 [?] - Nov 29 Miss Agnes E. Ryan Care of the Woman's Journal, Boston Mass My dear Miss Ryan:- Having read your article "Danger Ahead" in [?] issue of this Woman's Journal, I would like to know to whom a protest against such possible [?] as you describe should be sent. Also is this rumors & is their want knowledge to be had which I could bring before my department? Thanking you for any information you can give me From truly yours, M. S. Buttenheim Chairman Dept. of Legislation N. J. S. F. Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. 13, 1913 The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St., Boston Ladies.- Enclosed please find check for five dollars ($5) for which please send the Woman's Journal to the following addresses: - 1. Mrs. Robe Huse [*Oct 27, 1914 10/25/[?]*] 575 Westminster Ave., Elizabeth, N.J. 2 Mrs. Ada P. Grapnell, 545 Westminster Ave. Elizabeth, NJ. [*Oct 1914 10/25/13*] 3. Mrs. Otto Mendle, 580 Westminster Ave., " " [*Oct 1914 10/25/13*] 4. Miss Isabel J. Cameron, 464 Moris Ave., " " [*Oct 1914 10/25/13*] 5. Mrs. Soline McCahill 1210 Fairmount " " " [*Oct 1914 10/25/13*] Prompt attention to this order would be greatly appreciated. Very sincerely yours Anna H. [Bla??elt] Press Chairman E. E. S. L. Miss Agnes Ryan - The Woman's Journal My dear Miss Ryan: - Our Press Chairman should have asked you to discontinue our ad. some weeks ago. I will forward your statement to our Treasurer and trust she will have money to pay soon. Please discontinue now as we have no funds for such purposes at present. Yours very truly, (Mrs) Mary L. Colvin Elizabeth Equal Suffrage League Votes for New Jersey Women Rev Antoinette B. Blackwell, D.D. Honorary President Miss Esther G. Ogden, President Mrs. S.T. Jones, 1st Vice-President Mrs. James Floy, 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Melville Egleston, 3rd Vice-President Mrs. C.L. Olmsted, Corresponding Secretary Miss Nelle L. Swartz, Recording Secretary Mrs. Nellie Rankin Alexander, Treasurer 2 Subs Agent V2 1 SRF 2 Halfey M9153 White 8 Send 10 TO each 9/13/13 Elizabeth, N.J., Sept 11 1913 To the Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St Boston Mass. Ladies- Enclosed please find check for one dollar the subscription to the Woman's Journal to be sent to Miss Doris Cole 582 Pennsylvania Ave Elizabeth, New Jersey. Miss Cole wishes the subscription to start with the issue for Sept 6th. Miss Cole is planning to [ ] for the Journal among the league members of her neighborhood. It might be well to send her a half dozen sample copies. She could use a half dozen sample copies. We want to see all the members of our league and introduce them to spread the Journal - preferably to subscribe for it to ensure their reading it. Very sincerely yours, Anna H. Blackwell 537 Magie Street Miss Agnes E. Ryan, Boston, Mass., My Dear Miss Ryan: I answer to your better of recent date in regard to sending samples of The Woman's Journal would say to please send them to our state Franchise Superintendent, Mrs. Lilian Milson, Gallup N. M. I think perhaps she will have noon time 15 handle subscriptions than I would. Thank you for the sample euphy. 20 is fine. Very sincerely yours Adella A. Scott Elizabeth Equal Suffrage League Votes for New Jersey Women Wrote [?] W. Notes 10/15/13 Rev. Antoinette B. Blackwell, D. D. Honorary President Miss Esther G. Ogden . . President Mrs. S. T. Jones . . 1st Vice-President Mrs James Floy . . 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Melville Egleston. 3rd Vice-President 55 ------- 2.50 DCBHJ Mrs. C. L. Olmsted Corresponding Secretary Miss Nelle L. Swartz. Recording Secretary Mrs. Nellie Rankin Alexander. Treasurer Elizabeth, N. J. [?] 191 3 The Woman's Journal 585 Boylston St. Boston Mass. Ladies; Enclosed please find check for two dollars and a half subscription payment for two copies of The Woman's Journal, one copy of Life and Farm and one of the Woman Voter and Newsletter. I find I can use to much [?] extra copies of the Journal, so with these two ordered more I will have three per week. It seemed to me in under that a "repealed" might avail herself of the advertised [?] roles for new substitutes -- The Woman roles and the Woman's Journal $1.00, Life and Farm and W.J., $1.50- Very sincerely Yours, Miss Anna H Blowvell [?] of the Pres + PwhahyCom E. E. S. F. Please let the subscription for the W. V. begin with the Sept-November Address 587 Mazie St. Elizabeth, N. J. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage. All that thou commandest us, we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest, we will go." --Josh, 1:9, 16. North Carolina Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1912-1913 President. MRS. T. ADELAIDE GOODNO, 315 E. Edenton Street, Raleigh Vice-President at large, MRS. ELIZABETH STEVICK, Raleigh Corresponding Secretary, MISS ELIZABETH MARCH, 419 Cherry Street, Winston-Salem Recording Secretary, MRS. MARY E. W. White, Guilford College Treasurer, MRS. E. J. Y. PREYER, 506 Summit Avenue, Greensboro The N.C. White Ribbon Official Organ of the North Carolina Woman's Christian Temperance Union Subscription Price, 25 cents a year MRS. ELLEN J. Y. P[?], EDITOR, 506 Summit Ave., Greensboro ANSWERED MAY 22 1913 Winston-Salem N.C. May 10th 1913. Miss Agnes and Ryan, Boston, Mass., Dear Miss Ryan:- Your interesting letter of May 1st is received with your financial folder enclosed. Also the marked copy of "Woman's Journal." under separate cover which I shall take pleasure in reading. In reply will say your proposition in regard to recurring subscriptions and sale of the Journal is liberal and some our who is thoroughly interested and capable of doing such work might do well to take up the work if they could give the time to it The people need to know from intelligent sources the logical truths in regard to womans status under the man-made laws of the states and our nation, yea the world, and her capability and the possibility of her righteous influence for all good in the affairs of humanity in every place where human beings dwell or congregate. I have not the time myself to give to the work implied in your position. My immediate duties in our W. G. T. N. work just now in routing speakers, in connection with the regular work has filled my hands and monopolizes all my time. I will say by way of encouragement the subject of woman's suffrage is awakening a deeper consideration in the minds of the people, open to conviction in our state, as never before. A few weeks ago this was made a subject for debate, systematically arranged for the young men in the higher grades of the high school of our state, with signal success for the affirmative. Many Ministers too are not reticent on the subject as they once were. I will thank you Miss Ryan, if you will inform me of any subscribers in our state, for the "Woman's Journal." and especially if any in our Twine City. I will recommend your paper as opportunity affords. With best wishes, Yours for justice to women Elizabeth March Thank you for any good leaflets you may have sent to me in the past. Notes for Women League Pres. - Mrs. E. M. Darrow, Fargo STAT OFFICERS V. P. at Large - Mrs. M. L. Ayers, Dickinson Cor. Sec. - Mrs Alice N. Page, Grand Forks Rec. Sec. - Mrs. F. H. Wilder, Fargo Treas. - Mrs. O. J. DeLendrecie, Fargo 1st - Dr. Mae Sanders, Grand Forks DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENTS 9th - Mrs. Jean McN. Stevens, Towner 2nd - Miss Mamie Sorenson, Cando 5th - Mrs. Thos Beiseker, Fessenden 10th - Mrs. V. H. Stickney, Dickinson 3rd - Mrs. W. L. Stockwell, Fargo 6th - Mrs. John Burke, Bismarck 11th - Mrs Martha P. Tatem, Williston 4th - Mrs. W. S. Lauder, Wahpeton 8th - Mrs. F. L. Sherman, Minot 12th - Mrs. W. H. Stutsman, Mandan Mrs. C. F. Amindon, Fargo PROMOTION COMMITTEE Miss Candis J. Nelson, Valley City Mrs. W. J. Holbrook, Rugby Mrs. Rathman, Jamestown Mrs. Middaugh, Minot Mrs. Fairfield, Gardena DISTRICT of NORTH DAKOTA Rush Send 10 of March 8 10 of Mar 15 10 sub blanks Rush Univiersity No. Dak. M3/15/? March 3 - 1913 Miss Agnes E. Ryan [?18] Boston, Mass. 3.00 My dear Miss Ryan I was very glad to receive your favor of Feb 27, 1913. I am interested in the financial statement. I shall say a good word for the Journal and try to interest others in it. I procured three subscriptions tonight. Mrs. James Collins, 716 No. 4th St. Grand Forks No. Dak. [?yst 1914] SRF Mrs. Alice Nelson Page, 417 So. 6th St. Grand Forks No. Dak. Dr. Mae Sanders, Hotel Dakotah, Grand Forks No. Dak. I only wish I had the time. I would get some subscriptions for you. By the way, those illustrations in your Journal improve is greatly. They are fine. Do you mind telling me how many subscriptions you have? And do you want to send me a list of your No. Dak. subscriptions? Have you any business proposition to offer me? I have been wondering if I could have some sold here on the street corner. Saturdays would be the best time. There are so many people on the streets Sat. afternoon and evening. Don't you think the number describing the pageant at Washington would be a good one to begin with? What we do not sell, I will use as sample copies to introduce it. So if you wish, you may send me 100 copies of the number describing the pageant. I hope it has an illustration on it. Please send the 100 copies to Dr. Mae Sanders. Hotel Dakotah, Grand Forks, No. Dak. Inclosed find three dollars ($3.00) for subscriptions. With best wishes I am very sincerely yours (Miss) Mary E. [McCunter?] Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at