NAWSA Subject File Anti-Suffrage Literature [*Ill*] How Suffrage Pickets Were Suppressed by Real Men (From "The Rights of Women." By M. Ostragorski, Chapter 2.) This book secured first prize by the Paris Faculte de Droit. –––––––– "On the eve of the French revolution, a great voice arose in favor of the political emancipation of women. The voice was that of Condorcet. "In 1789, at election time, several pamphlets appeared demanding the admission of women to the states general, and protesting against the holding of a national assembly from which half the nation was excluded." One of these, written by Olympe de Gouges, called "Declaration of the Rights of Women," states that: "All male and female citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, ought to be equally admissible to all dignities, posts, and public appointments, according to their capacity." "The Constituante Assembly, however, was not to be persuaded. If in the ranks of the assembly there were some illustrious or notable men willing to free women from their social and political subjection, like Sieyes, the Abbe Faucher, and others, the great majority would not hear of women's political rights. Men are so divergent in their opinions as Mirabeau and Robespierre met together at this point." "Having flung themselves into the revolution with an ardor and an enthusiasm not devoid of grandeur at the outset, the women soon lost all balance, intellectual and moral. The Terrorists, themselves, were disgusted in the end, if not by their excesses, at least by the habit into which they fell, of exciting the people, of remonstrating with the men in office, and of promoting disorder in the streets. Upon the defeat of the Girondins, the Montagnards were not slow in getting rid of their sinister allies. On the 28th brumaire, 1793, when a band of red-capped viragoes forced their way into the lobby of the Communal Council chamber, Chaumette, the procurer general, apostrophised them in the severest terms. " 'What, shall these degraded beings who have shaken off and violated Nature's laws, be suffered to enter a place entrusted to the guardianship of citizens? Since when have women been allowed to adjure their sex and turn themselves into men? " 'A few days later Amar, in the name of the Committee of Public Safety, asked the convention to take measures against female politicians. " 'Should women enjoy political rights and mix themselves up with the affairs of the government? Universal opinion scouts the idea.' "The convention thereupon decreed the suppression of female clubs and societies, and subsequently prohibited any public assemblies of women. The female politicians completely disappeared." –––––––– The More a Politician Allows Himself to be Henpecked The More Henpecking We Will Have in Politics. –––––––– A Vote for Federal Suffrage is a Vote for Organized Female Nagging Forever. –––––––– Issued by REPUBLICAN SECTION, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE, Metropole Hotel, Chicago. (OVER) 137 What Happens to Miss Representatives Suffrage Champions Lose in Primaries (Special to the Pittsburgh Dispatch.) CHARLESTON, W. Va., June 1-A surprising feature of the result of the State-wide primaries developed as the tabulation votes on the counties and districts proceeds, that every one of the Senators or members of the House of Delegates standing for re-election, who voted for woman suffrage at the recent special session of the West Virginia Legislature, has been defeated for renomination. Conspicuous among these who thus went down to defeat is Fred L. Fox, Democrat, of Sutton, who has represented the Tenth Senatorial District in the upper house since 1912, and has been the recognized floor leader for the Democratic membership in all sessions of the Legislature since probably his first term. (OVER) WHITE AMERICANS The Union, The Republic, The White Race, The English Language, and The Stars and Stripes Forever. TO ALL FREE WHITE PERSONS--GREETING: The first law of nature is self-protection. Therefore, we call the attention of all persons of the European White Race who are native-born or naturalized citizens, and those who have in good faith declared their intentions to become United States citizens, to the following facts and conditions at present existing, and to future dangers: In these United States of North America there are four primal races of man, from four different continents, now engaged in a great struggle for race supremacy and existence. This struggle is in obedience to, and in strict accordance with, nature's second great law--The Survival of the Fittest. Which race will survive? The first and the most numerous is the European White Race, which numbers eighty per cent or more of the population of the United States. They are Gaels, Gauls, Teutons, Slavs, Romans, and Greeks. The second and next in numbers is the African or Black Race, which is estimated to number about twelve millions of persons. The United States census reports do not claim t count the negro or colored race accurately, and does not vouch for the census figures since the census reports of 1890. Persons of the African race are the standard of United States citizenship. And as the United States does not discriminate between United States citizens the details of race may be omitted from future census reports. The third is the Asiatic race which is represented by the Semite, Turk, Tartar, Hindu, and Mongol races. The Semitic race is the most numerous of the Asiatic races in the United States and it is represented by over three million Jews, besides Arabs, Persians, Syrians, Armenians. The number of Asiatics in the United States is not known, but may number five or even ten millions of persons. Many Asiatics hail from European countries. The fourth is the American Indian race. It includes United States and Canadian and Mexican Indians and Mestizos and Zambos. Persons with Indian blood in their veins are more numerous than the American public realize. The land which comprises the North American Continent and the present territory of the United States was just as good, fertile, and desirable in the year 1400 A. D. as it is today in the year 1920 A. D. The only difference is that in the year 1400 A. D. it was inhabited by wild Indians and wild animals. But since then it has been discovered, and settled, and developed, by the European White Race, who have, especially in the United States, displaced the Indians, and have in this new land improved upon the arts, sciences, manufactures, transportation, and living conditions as compared to Europe. North America was settled by two different branches of the European race. The central and north coast districts were peopled and developed by persons from the west and north of Europe--genuine, full-blooded White Europeans of the Gaelic, Teutonic, and Gallic races. But the southern coast districts were settled by Spanish persons. Spain had been conquered and overrun by persons of the Asiatic and African races for over six hundred years. The Saracens oppressed the Spanish Christians and made them slaves, and the Jews were very numerous in Spain during all this time. Spanish historians tell us that the Jews who were living in Spain had invited the Saracens to invade Spain. Consequently the blood of the Spaniards was mixed and contaminated by that of their former masters, the Saracens. And the population was mixed by commerce with the Levant. From these causes their race standard was low, so that they readily intermarried with the Indian half-breeds, and the enervating tropical climate, and the importation of negro slaves, combined with the low moral standards of such communities, soon destroyed the race pride of the Spaniards and finally their authority. There are very few persons of the European White Race now living in Mexico, the Indians and mixed breeds having either killed them or driven them out. The central and northern districts, peopled by the north-western Europeans, were governed by the British, a people who are very proud of their race, history and liberty. The British are the only colonial power whose colonies have remained white. The colonies settled and governed by the British people have progressed faster in the arts and sciences and manufactures and methods of transportation and in education and the standard of living than has Europe. We refer to the United States, Canada, and Australia. We attribute this to the fact that the British have race pride and assert the supremacy of the White Race, and also to the fact that the British, while liberal in government and religion and language, still insist on one central government, and one official speech, and strict justice, and obedience to the law of the land. But those British colonies adjoining the Spanish colonies also adopted negro slavery with the usual and inevitable penalty. That is, the white population is either driven away, or emigrates, or refuses to raise children who will have to live among and compete with African, Indian, or Asiatic slaves or inferior persons, and perhaps, be enslaved themselves. Consequently, the same thing is taking place in the Southern United States that has taken place in Spanish American colonies and in the West Indies. The negroes and the mixed breeds are displacing the white people. In many districts and in some states the colored people are in the majority. provided the land and property of the rebels amongst ten ex-negro slaves. The passage of the Fourteenth Amendment was a gross blunder perpetrated during the heat and passion of war. All other amendments have been passed after calm deliberation. The Fourteenth Amendment has divided the United States white citizens and now when a northern man crosses the Mason-Dixon line he feels as if he were in a foreign country. Before the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution the United States citizens were considered to be "Free White Persons" and superior to any other persons or nationality on earth. But when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified they fell to the level of African negro slaves. It may have been that the radicals expected that the Freedmen would have been shipped back to Africa as soon as possible, but if so they were very much mistaken. We refer the reader to the following passage in Woodrow Wilson's History of the American People, page 38, volume 5: "Many motives had governed the members of congress in the adoption of this extraordinary programme. Some had allowed themselves to be driven to radical courses by sheer bitter feeling against the President who insisted so intemperately upon a course more simple, more moderate, more indulgent to the south; some could reason in statesmanlike fashion enough but could propose no alternative plan which seemed practicable or likely to command the support of the rank and file of the party, others were party men, without pretense of refinement of view, their whole temper hardened and embittered by the war and its unpalatable consequences, and were willing to follow those who were frankly bent upon bringing the south to utter humiliation and penitent submission. Their leaders wished not only to give the negroes political privilege but also to put the white men of the south, for the once at any rate, under the negroes heels. Every black vote they cynically predicted would once for all become under such tutelage a Republican voter, and the party which had conquered the south would rule it. Men who looked more scrupulously to their motives saw no way to withstand what they disapproved; were themselves convinced that something must be done to protect the helpless blacks; feared as much the radicals themselves to see the real leaders of the south again in control and, with misgivings not a few lent their aid to the revolutionary programme. Page 50. They had not seen that to give the suffrage to the negroes and withhold it from the more capable white man would bestow political power power not upon the negroes, but white adventurers, as much the enemy of the one race as the other. In that day of passion, indeed, they had not stopped to speculate what the effects would be. Their object had been to give the negro political power in order that he might defend his own rights, as voters everywhere else might defend theirs. They had not reckoned of the consequences, for a little while they had not cared what they might be. They had prepared the way for the ruin of the south, but they had hardly planned to ruin it." Neither had they planned or intended to destroy the European White Race in the United States and to give the country to the negroes, but that is what they have done, or at least given them the south. The white European immigrants will not go to the southern states to live among and work with negroes, and the young white folk are leaving the south and are going where they can be among their own race and kind, consequently, unless the negroes are returned to Africa, or otherwise removed from the United States, they will have the south all to themselves. The colored people are estimated to number about twelve millions and they are uniting with the intention of demanding more and further equality and rights than they no have, and the negro delegate to the Illinois constitutional convention has had a plank or clause inserted which guarantees that no white American citizen shall have any right or privilege in the State of Illinois that a colored citizen of any race or color or religion cannot have and share equally. We do not know how much more liberty, rights, or equality they want or expect. They were emancipated, three constitutional amendments were enacted for their special benefit, the white man's race and birthright were taken away from him and the United States declared to be a mongrel and renegade nation in order to make the black American as good as the white American, and they are allowed to live in the same house as the white Americans, go to the same schools, theatres, parks, to rent or buy property and to crowd or drive objecting white Americans out of the neighborhood, own or lease farms and carry on all kinds of business, vote, hold office, are made policemen with the privilege of insulting, bullying, clubbing or arresting white men, are officers in the army, and are given more than their share of the offices and jobs, cohabit with, and some states to marry white persons. What more do the colored Americans want? Are they in a hurry to enforce communism, or do they want bolshevism so thay they can massacre the white men and appropriate the white men's wives and daughters, and property as the mixed races in Mexico are doing, as the negroes did in Haiti, as the Jews and Saracens did in Spain, as the Turks do in Turkey, as always happens when an inferior race gains power over a superior race. In the black republic of Haiti, on the eastern coast of the U. S. the negroes massacred the whites and half-breeds, and only negroes can be citizens and voters. They object to white people living in their country. In Liberia, the American negro years and a terrible civil war, and which is likely to cause a still more terrible war? It will be easier to return them now than in a hundred years from now when they will perhaps number ten times as many as they do now, and no unsettled country to send them to. The civil war caused by the presence of negro slaves cost the north alone about three billions of dollars in money. It is too frightful to think what a civil or race war would cost now. It would cause a greater calamity than the late world war. We estimate that if five millions of colored persons who are married and have children, or who may marry and raise children, men and women from twenty to thirty-five years of age, were colonized in Liberia, the Congo, or in the German East African state, where there is unlimited land, rich, fertile, and desirable, with mountains and plateaus, and a climate equal to that of the Gulf States, or Mexico, Central America, or Brazil, and there are thousands of white families living in those territories who were born in Europe, many of the children were born in Africa, besides Hindus, and all these persons are getting rich and developing the country and building towns. And the Hollanders and British have developed the great state called the Union of South Africa from the territory where only a few savage negroes roamed one hundred years ago. We believe the negroes could be returned to and settled in colonies in Africa for five hundred dollars or less per head. That would be about two and one-half billions of dollars, or about one-twelfth of what the late world war cost the United States. There is a great and growing demand for sugar, bananas, lemons, sweet potatoes, pineapples, sago, hardwoods, and all kinds of tropical products for which the American public have to pay exorbitant prices, and for which the American public have to pay exorbitant prices, and for which there will be an ever increasing demand in the United States and Canada. We would select the day laborers in the country districts and the towns first, those persons who have no other prospect than a life of toil and poverty in America and who will always be looked down upon because of their race and their lack of intelligence or improvidence. We would give each family a farm, or a garden plot in the towns, and give them enough tools and farm machinery as might be necessary, and build sawmills and railroads and help them to develop the country and market the crops, the whole to be paid at some future date. They could repay everything in a few years. We believe it would pay the United States or a big corporation to hire the negroes in this country and pay them day wages and then develop the country and sell the land after it was developed. The sale of lots in one big city would pay for the whole capital needed. If the Europeans and the East Indians can go to Central Africa and make fortunes we see no reason why United States citizens could not do as well or better. The half-breeds and quarter-breeds could follow as the country developed. The Octoroons could remain in the United States as they are as white and intelligent as many so-called Europeans, and incomparably better and more loyal citizens. Old people, maids and bachelors could remain here as they do not affect the birth rate or increase the population. If the negroes were repatriated at the rate of three hundred thousand persons every year, more or less according to circumstances, in twenty years, the negro race question would be settled in this country and there would be an African State of about ten millions of happy and prosperous people, governed by college and university graduates of their own race. They would have the laws, language, literature, knowledge, and history of the English speaking peoples, and the songs and poetry and customs and games and inventions and help and sympathy of America and Britain. Some people say that the negroes and other colored persons should be regarded as brothers and full social and political equals by the white American public. We answer, that if there had never been African slaves in North America, then North America would be a white man's country all over. And if there had been no negro slavery in the United States there would not have been a civil war, and there would be more old-time native-born U. S. citizens, children that would have been born if the men had stayed at home and raised families, and children of those men and women who were killed or died through the effects of the war, or who did not marry and produce children from causes induced by the civil war. And we further state that if there were no negroes or colored persons in the United States they would not have been drafted, as there were plenty of white men. And the colored men were only doing their duty as U. S. citizens, but the same claim could be made for all Africans or Asiatics. Negroes are dislike by the northern white people, the working class especially objecting. The workers have to work with and live with the hated blacks, and their hatred is extended to all persons who employ or encourage negroes. Many large firms cannot employ negroes simply because they cannot keep their white help who drop off at the earliest opportunity when they have to work with negroes as equals. This dislike is extended to the government which fosters and protects negroes and is a factor in spreading unrest and disloyalty. It is common argument in politics that the Republican party is the nigger party and Lily White and Black Republicans have long been used to describe or differentiate Republicans. Many Democrats openly say they vote the Democratic ticket because the Republicans place negroes above white persons. This is the cause of the solid Democratic south. We believe the Republicans could carry every southern state if they would amend the Fourteenth Amendment. And we believe the Democrats could carry the whole country by an overwhelming majority if they would Race now living in Mexico, the Indians and mixed breeds having either killed them or driven them out. The central and northern districts, peopled by the northwestern Europeans, were governed by the British, a people who are very proud of their race, history and liberty. The British are the only colonial power whose colonies have remained white. The colonies settled and governed by the British people have progressed faster in the arts and sciences and manufactures and methods of transportation and in education and the standard of living than has Europe. We refer to the United States, Canada, and Australia. We attribute this to the fact that the British have race pride and assert the supremacy of the White Race, and also to the fact that the British, while liberal in government and religion and language, still insist on one central government, and one official speech, and strict justice, and obedience to the law of the land. But those British colonies adjoining the Spanish colonies also adopted negro slavery with the usual and inevitable penalty. That is, the white population is either driven away, or emigrates, or refuses to raise children who will have to live among the compete with African, Indian, or Asiatic slaves or inferior persons, and perhaps be enslaved themselves. Consequently, the same thing is taking place in the Southern United States that has taken place in Spanish American colonies and in the West Indies. The negroes and the mixed breeds are displacing the white people. In many districts and in some states the colored people are in the majority. In Europe when one person wishes to speak flatteringly of another person they say, "He is a gentleman and a scholar." In Europe the people are all white, all of one race, and one religion, but are not all gentlemen, and very many are illiterate. In the United States a man may be a gentleman and a scholar and not be a white man. There are millions of such men. Therefore, when a United States white man wishes to speak in highest complimentary terms of another man he says, "He is a white man," or, "He acts white." We believe that the term, "A United States citizens" should mean "A White man, a gentleman, and a scholar." The "Free White Persons" of the British American colonies continually objected to negro slavery and the importation of African slaves, but they were widely scattered and unorganized, and therefore impotent. When the American colonies asserted their independence and became the United States the fight against slavery and the importation of slaves continued, and a law was passed which said no more slaves should be imported after 1808, but negro slavery still continued to spread and negro slaves imported. And as always happens when there is a superior and an inferior race in a country, the superior race fought among themselves, and in this case the poor white trash, as they were called, were driven from the older settlements to newer districts, and the negro slaves took their places. We are told that in the year 1850 one slave owner owned 2,500 negro slaves, and that two thousand individuals each owned one hundred or more slaves. When some stubborn "poor white trash" offended a rich slave owner he usually sent one or more of his slaves to give the offending white man a beating. When negroes like Jack Johnson were sent to give a severe beating to a poor white man who had no friends or sympathizers, we can readily understand that the "poor white trash" was eager to emigrate, especially if they were sick with malaria, or hookworm, or sore eyes, which were the causes of their being "poor white trash." Theses conditions prevailed until at last the slave owners and their friends became so numerous and so arrogant that they thought to control or divide the country, and finally commenced war on the "Free White Persons" of the north. The free whites took up the challenge and finally abolished slavery, but it took nearly five years of terrible and costly civil war to accomplish this. And then the radical reformers taking advantage of the ill feeling and hatred which always prevails after a war, and being desirous of ending slavery and also to make the negroes offensive and objectionable to the vanquished southerners, they enacted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution making the negroes citizens, voters, and office holders, at the same time disfranchising the white rebels. They also di- color or religion cannot have and share equally. We do not know how much more liberty, rights, or equality they want or expect. They were emancipated, three constitutional amendments were enacted for their special benefit, the white man's race and birthright were taken away from him and the United States declared to be a mongrel and renegade nation in order to make the black American as good as the white American, and they are allowed to live in the same house as the white Americans, go to the same schools, theatres, parks, to rent or buy property and to crowd or drive objecting white Americans out of the neighborhood, own or lease farms and carry on all kinds of business, vote, hold office, are made policemen with the privilege of insulting, bullying, clubbing or arresting white men, are officers in the army, and are given more than their share of the offices and jobs, cohabit with, and in some states to marry white persons. What more do the colored Americans want? Are they in a hurry to enforce communism, or do they want bolshevism so thay they can massacre the white men and appropriate the white men's wives and daughters, and property as the mixed races in Mexico are doing, as the negroes did in Haiti, as the Jews and Saracens did in Spain, as the Turks do in Turkey, as always happens when an inferior race gains power over a superior race. In the black republic of Haiti, on the eastern coast of the U. S. the negroes massacred the whites and half-breeds, and only negroes can be citizens and voters. They object to white people living in their country. In Liberia, the American negro colony in Africa, peopled by Freedmen, only negroes are citizens and voters. In the United States negroes not only vote and hold office, but the negro vote is the deciding factor in the national elections, and also in many of the northern cities, and they trade their vote for jobs and offices and other privileges. The negroes control the great city of Philadelphia, and the press said the negro delegates at the Republic Convention in Chicago openly offered to sell their support to the Presidential candidate who would pay the most money. Just think this thing over, you sovereign United States citizens, the negroes control the elections, and thus your law-makers, judges, and officials; and the negroes have so much pull, and confidence, that they not only defend their political rights, but they start riots and race wars, and openly threaten that they are going to make the white folks stand around. You can never make a negro into a white man, nor educate the brain of a negro so that it will be equal to the brain of a Franklin, Jefferson, Webster, Watt, Edison, Burbank or Wright. All you can do is to educate them so that when they consider themselves strong enough or when a favorable opportunity offers itself, they will arise in their united and organized might, and exterminate the divided and unorganized and degenerated white people. They will be the willing tools of anarchists as are the Chinese the tools and executioners of the bolsheviki in Russia. The negroes should be returned to Africa from whence they came. There are ex-slaves who were captured in Africa and brought to this country living here today. The negroes were brought to this country illegally and against their will. They should be returned willingly or unwillingly. As a matter of public knowledge, most negroes would willingly return to a negro state in Africa if the U. S. Government would take them there and support and protect them until they are able to support and protect themselves. The negro race will survive and increase in North America, they double in numbers every forty years, they are a primal race and are closer to nature than the highly-bred and cultivated White Race, and they will surely displace and supplant the white Americans if they are allowed to remain here just the same as they have outlived the Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, and Vandals, and other white peoples who sought to found colonies in Africa. The only salvation is to get rid of them while it is still possible, and before they become so numerous and well organized that they will destroy the white men. There is no injustice in the proposition. It is only asking the colored people to do what about two millions of European white people have been doing every year for many years. United States native-born citizens will have to emigrate or starve to death in less than one hundred years from now. Thousand are emigrating at present to Mexico, Central and South America and Africa every year. Why not be wise and remove an incubus that has caused trouble for two hundred native-born U. S. citizens, children that would have been born if the men had stayed at home and raised families, and children of those men and women who were killed or died through the effects of the war, or who did not marry and produce children from causes induced by the civil war. And we further state that if there were no negroes or colored persons in the United States they would not have been drafted, as there were plenty of white men. And the colored men were only doing their duty as U. S. citizens, but the same claim could be made for all Africans or Asiatics. Negroes are disliked by the northern white people, the working class especially objecting. The workers have to work with and live with the hated blacks, and their hatred is extended to all persons who employ or encourage negroes. Many large firms cannot employ negroes simply because they cannot keep their white help who drop off at the earliest opportunity when they have to work with negroes as equals. This dislike is extended to the government which fosters and protects negroes and is a factor in spreading unrest and disloyalty. It is common argument in politics that the Republican party is the nigger party and Lily White and Black Republicans have long been used to describe or differentiate Republicans. Many Democrats openly say they vote the Democratic ticket because the Republicans place negroes above white persons. This is the cause of the solid Democratic south. We believe the Republicans could carry every southern state if they would amend the Fourteenth Amendment. And we believe the Democrats could carry the whole country by an overwhelming majority if they would promise to amend the Fourteenth Amendment. Three-fourths of the voters are white persons, and persons who never vote now would work and vote for the party that will promise to make the United States a white man's country all over. The negro is today a cheap laborer just as they were in the south in slavery days, and the negroes will increase by births and by immigration in the north and west just as they did in the south and there will be the same friction among the white workers and the negro employers and the nigger lovers in the north that there was in the south with this difference, there is no new territory to open up, and no new districts where the white Americans can go to get away from the negro, Asiatic, Jews, Levanters, or Mexicans, Mestizos and Zambos. The only refuge left to them will be to return to the folds of the flag that stands for the supremacy of the White Race--drift north to Canada. It seems as if the Stars and Stripes is going to be the emblem of a nation of negroes, Jews, Levanters, Mestizos, Zambos, Kanakas, Mongols, and other mixed breeds and anti-European White Race. And that the same old struggle of the ages that has been taking place in the Balkans and in Asia and Northern Africa will take place in, and be continued by the same races in the United States. We can understand the early colonial settlers, who being unable to get a sufficient supply of convicts or political exiles and prisoners-of-war as indentured servants, buying slaves. The early planters were generally wealthy British persons much like the British investors of today, and they lived in Britain. To negroes were only work animals. But for the present-day Americans, with the history and experience of the last eighty years, the events that have taken place during the lives of hundreds of thousands of living Americans, native-born white United States citizens, thousands of whom took part in the debates, cabals, arguments, riots, wars, and councils and reconstruction problems, some being congressmen, some still in congress, others professors and teachers of history and political economy, to think that Americans will still keep the standard of United States citizenship at "Any and all persons," and the standard of immigrants at "Persons of the African Race," and to allow Asiatics to come to this country and supplant white Americans, for that is what the Japanese are doing on the Pacific Coast; what they have already done in the Hawaiian Islands, and that they meekly accept the dictum of foreign and domestic Jews that the United States is not a nation, but a melting pot, and a dumping ground for the surplus population of the earth. It seems incredible, it seems like a terrible nightmare, but alas, it is true. But why should it be so? We call to mind the query--"What doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?" We put it another way, "What doth it profit the white Americans if after three hundred years of toil, hardship and 2 WHITE AMERICANS privations, and sacrifices, and wars, and economy, that they have developed this great country only to turn it over in the next hundred years to the negros. Levanters, Jews, and other Asiatics and Mexicans, and to have their children either starve to death or emigrate? We ask the United States Congress to give this question a thought. We ask the white Americans to ask the administration and congress to give this question a thought. Write to the president and congressmen. Our motto is, "The Union, the Republic, the White Race, the English Language, and the Stars and Stripes Forever." And the only way to make sure of this is to amend the Fourtenth Amendment to The United States Constitutions so that by adding five words- of the European White Race- it will read as follows: "Any and all persons of the European White Race born or naturalized in the United States shall be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside." And allow only high class Europeans, who can pass a high physical and mental test, to come here as permanent residents or citizens, and to prevent the children of undesirables from acquiring citizenship by right of birth. Our experience has been that the Christian churches have always been the greatest enemy of the White Race in North America. The Christian churches teach-Love your enemies. We could never understand that doctrine. It is contrary to all l..w, human and divine. Jehovah had an enemy named (Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan), who tried to take Jehovah's power and kingdom away from Jehovah. Jehovah did not love or forgive Satan. No; Jehovah made a hell and put Satan in it and He still keeps him there. Christ said, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Yes, but Christ was talking to His Jewish brethren, and He did not tell them to love the negros or Egyptians and those people have never been Christianized. Christ said, "If a man strike thee on the cheek, turn the other." That is a good excuse for conscientious objectors, and other servile or cowardly persons, but it did not build the Empire of the Pharaohs of Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Persia, Rome, Spain, nor the British Empire, nor the Republic of the United States, nor did it win the world war. But that doctrine will help to destroy the white American Race. That doctrine did not drive the Jews and Saracens and Moors out of Spain, but it will help the descendants of those same Jews, Saracens, Moors, and other Asiatics and Africans and Mahometans to drive the White Race and the Christian religion out of the United States, or make slaves of them as it did of the Spaniards from 711 to 1350 A.D. Christ also said, "If a man steal thy cloak, give him also thy vest." But He did not tell the Jews that if the Arabs of the desert stole a cow to give them a whole herd, nor did He tell them that if the Romans took a Jewish maiden for a slave that all the rest of the Jews should give them their daughters. Nor did He tell them that they should yield Judea and Jerusalem up to the Romans without a struggle, and themselves to disappear in order that the Romans and any African troops they may have had should inherit the Land of Palestine. Nor did He tell them that Zeus or Jove was just as good as Jehovah, nor did He tell them that the pagan religion and the idol worshippers-the worshippers of Venus or Bachus- was as good as the worship of God of the Israelites. Nor did He tell them that the Temples of Bacchus, Venus, Diana, Neptune, Jove, Zeus, or any of the other gods of those days were pust as holy as the Temple of Jehovah in Jerusalem. But the United States Government and the Christian ministers teach this doctrine every day. That is what the hundreds of millions of dollars were given by voluntary subscription for in 1920. The salvation, or the conversion of a Japanese, Chinese, Hindu, or Persian, those old nations who were highly civilized before the Christ was said to have been born, and whose religions are as old or older than the Christian teachings, to convert a few of those peoples is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the time, and the best efforts of thousands of good and earnest white Americans. And many sacrifice their lives for this purpose. But not one dollar has been spent except by the residents of the Pacific Coast states to have the Fourteenth Amendment amended, and the immigration laws amended for the purpose of protecting the integrity, purity and supremacy of the White Race in the United States. Much time and money and effort have been spent by labor unions and politicians of the eastern states to guard against contract labor from Europe, to prevent a man who is in business and who employs hired help from sending to Western Europe for a brother or other relative to come and work for him. But the railroads and other large employers of labor can get unlimited cheap Mexican, Greek, Italian, and some Asiatic labor, by some means or other. We have known cases where an order was sent to certain districts that work would be furnished to what Woodrow Wilson, the Encyclopedia Americana, and other United States authorities have said were undesirable persons. And we have seen the arrival. Since the census year of 1890, there has been an enormous influx of immigrants from the south and east of Europe, from the Balkans. Asia Minor, North Africa, and Jews. The great majority of those immigrants were illiterate and ignorant laborers. We refer the reader to an article or passage in Woodrow Wilson's History of the United States on this subject: "The American laborers often refused to work with these newcomers. The Americans generally emigrated further west and developed new communities and industries, only to be followed by fresh hordes of these cheaper laborers. Many of these newcomers were men who only came to this country to make a stake, and they were willing to live in slum districts, camps or company boarding houses, and were willing to work long hours, and seven days a week without holidays. This was especially true about Italians, Greeks and Slavs." And the white Americans had to come down to this standard of conditions, especially unskilled laborers, because every native-born citizen cannot be a business man, an employer of labor, a man- they would have doubled their number. And if the four had also married, making two couples, who would each raise four children, or eight children for the two couples, they would also have doubled their number, and if each generation, for thirty generations, had doubled their number, and allowing thirty years to each generation, or 900 years altogether, then there would be more than two billions of Jews, all of the last generation, all under thirty-one years of age living on earth today. That would be five hundred million more people than is estimated to be living on this earth at present. But the Jews tell us that there are only about fourteen millions of Jews on on earth at the present time. Are the Jews telling the truth, are there only ten million Jews in Europe? The reason we make this remark is because the Jews are a racial and religious caste, who believe that God selected them from among the races and nations of the earth to be His chosen people. And that God would take care of them and would give them the earth for an inheritance. And He commanded them to increase and multiply and people the earth with Jews, and gave them sanitary laws. This was about 4,000 years ago. And yet we find that there are almost as many colored people in the United States as there are Jews on earth today. We never could believe that God could like a Jew better than an Irishman, an Englishman, a German, or a Frenchman, or a Swede, but if Congress does not amend the Fourteenth Amendment very soon, then we will have to believe that Jehovah has sent His destroying angels, the Jews, to destroy the offending American white people, just as the offending Spaniards have been destroyed in Mexico, and the French in Haiti. There are millions of Mexicans in the United States who may have been born here or annexed by war or purchase, or who emigrated to this country, or who have come as refugees during the present civil war. Mexicans, like all Indians and persons who have Indian blood in their veins, consider themselves as being the genuine Americans, and think that they own all of North America. Most of the Mexican refugees will stay in the United states and will send for their families. There is a very large number of so-called white Americans who have a strain of Indian, Asiatic or African blood in their veins and these people openly or secretly scoff at race pride, race feeling, or the color line, and at ancestors or pedigrees and old family names. These people object to patriotism or the restriction of Asiatic or colored immigration. They are hybrids and they are naturally jealous of thoroughbred white Europeans. The newspapers and the magazines and the employers of cheap labor are continually crying out about the scarcity of cheap labor and asking for the repeal of the Chinese and any other Asiatic exclusion laws, and for the admittance of millions of Asiatic coolies every year. the negro slaves were imported because they were cheap, docile, servile, and reliable labor. And now they are ruling the haughty employers and own the farms. The newspapers and the magazines and the theatres of the United States have been owned or controlled by the Jews for many years, and through the medium of the press and the theatre, movie screen, concerts, operas, and lectures, the Jews control and direct the thoughts and legislation of the American public. And like good business men they work for the interest of Jewry and get rich at the business. During the nomination for a candidate for U. S. President a well-known writer said it was foolish for individuals to spend so much money trying to secure the nomination, that the newspapers picked the candidate. The Jews will either buy out a newspaper, magazine, or a theatre if they cannot control it, or else they will start an opposition paper or theatre and bankrupt the other paper or theatre just as they do the retail merchants. The Jew will start business alongside of an American or European storekeeper and undersell him even at a lost for years until finally the white man closes up or sells out to the Jews, who then raise prices and recoup themselves and become rich. And then through the press they will tell the ignorant and gullible Americans what clever business men they are, and such good and desirable citizens-how superior the Jews are to the common people. There has been a very large immigration of Jews to the United States for the last forty years. The Jews are a very recent addition to the population in so far as numbers are concerned. The following are the numbers taken from the Jewish Year Book. Up until the year 1824 there were only six thousand Jews in the United States and in 1840 there were 15,000, and in 1848 there were 50,000, and in 1880 there were 230,000 Jews in a population of 50,155,783. After this they increased fast. In 1888 there were 400,000; in 1897 there were 937,000; in 1905, 1,508,435; in 1907, 1,777,185; in 1914, 2,933,374; and in 1918, 3,320,000. Just take time and read these figures closely and note for yourself the enormous increase they indicate. Through the pioneer days and the early settlements and wars up and up until the year 1824 there were only six thousand Jews. But when the nation became settled and began to prosper and the towns grew into cities, the Jew traders began to arrive. You will notice that the years are not census years. The Jews are a people apart from the Gentiles and the U.S. Government. The Jews are a distinct and exclusive race and religious caste, an Asiatic race with a religious caste so peculiar to Asiatic peoples, but foreign to Europeans. But the Jews have made good use of their time while here. They are the best organized and most united people in America. They have their own trade unions. The Americans have a Red Cross Society and their field is the world. The Jews have an organization called the "Red Mogen of David," organized for Jews. The American Jews openly and strenuously objected to being drafted, saying that there were Jews serving in the enemy armies and that they objected to killing Jews. This was an open confession that the Jews are not Americans, that the Jews are not nationalists, but cosmopolitans, internationalists, and that a Jew in the enemy is better Amendment, in order to force a war-weary public, an unwilling public, their own fellow citizens, to surrender their White Race, their birthright. We repeat, to surrender their birthright, because while- "Any and all persons," and "Persons of the African race"- can become United States citizens, one has to be born of white parents in order to be a Free White Person of whom the founders of the Republic spoke. The Fathers of the Revolution did not say that any and all persons and persons of the African race could or should be made citizens. They were Free White Persons and tried to stop the importation of negros. And nowhere outside of Washington, D.C., and the United States Constitution are negros considered as good as white people, and after fifty years the law is publicly ignored and disobeyed, and negros are insulted and assaulted and lynched in the north and in the west as well as in the south. A white person may go to almost any part of the known world, but a negro American is not allowed to go to many countries. It is against human nature for persons of the European White Race, even though they and their parents and grandparents were born and raised in the United States, to live and associate with the ugly, odorous, uncouth and repulsive negro. But we do believe that the Rabbis or Jewish Hierarchy, the real rulers of the Jews, did select the psychological moment to in some manner suggest it to the Puritanical Yankees. Failing to overcome the natural prejudice of White Americans, someone had the word "attached" placed in the oath of allegiance which all alien immigrants must take, or are supposed to take, when getting their second and final citizen papers. There have been many bitter speeches made in and out of Congress by American statesman against the Fourteenth Amendment, and is hated by a majority of the native-born citizens who have read it, and who understand it. But very few Americans know anything about the U.S. Constitution and practically every White American objects to obeying the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. But this word "attached" was evidently intended to prevent thoroughbred, high class, intelligent, educated Europeans who were capable of reasoning from becoming citizens and voters or office-holders. The spirit that put that word in the naturalization law was the same spirit that is destroying the intellectuals in Russia. We assert that only ignorant white men, or liars, and renegade whites can swear that they are attached to the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The native-born do not have to swear that they are attached to the Constitution in order to vote. We assert that a majority of the native-born citizens could not conscientiously swear that they are attached to the Eighteenth or Prohibition Amendment; most of them swear at it. Then why should the first lesson a naturalized citizen learns be perjury? But all citizens, native born or naturalized, will support and uphold the government and the Constitution to the best of their ability. The word "attached" should be removed from the naturalization law, or the Fourteenth Amendment amended. We favor both. When Roosevelt was president the Jews forced him to send a letter to the Russian Government protesting against the ill treatment of the Jews in Russia. President Roosevelt was told that it was against the long established policy of the United States to interfere in the domestic affairs of European nations. President Roosevelt knew this. The Russian Government requested that the letter of protest be not sent as it would be considered an unfriendly act. But the Jews had too much influence and the letter was sent to Russia. The answer came back telling the United States Government to attend to the negro question in the United States and the Russian Government would attend to the Jews in Russia. This was the first instance in which the United States Government had broken its policy of non-interference in European affairs. We do know that the Jews engineered that affair and we learned for the first time that the Jews controlled the United States Government. The Jews were now strong enough and influential enough to work in the open. President Roosevelt also dined an ex-negro slave at the presidential table. The interference was that the freed man had so distinguished himself that he deserved unusual honor. But the White Americans were very much scandalized and insulted and made a great outcry and much adoo about the disgraceful affair. Ex-President Grover Cleveland made some caustic remarks about the affair, and Roosevelt was not re-elected. The country was not yet ready for miscegenation. During the Taft administration, at the request or orders of the Jews, and after long debates in Congress, the United States Government abrogated the commercial treaty with Russia solely to please the Jews. The Russian Government objected to Jews entering Russia, especially Jews from America, most of whom were natives of Russia, and agitators for a revolution in Russia and to overthrow the czar and his aristocracy. The Russians allowed the Jews to leave Russia, but objected to their coming back to foment a revolution in Russia or to create an enmity between the United States and Russia under the protection of a United States passport and citizen papers. The Russian intellectuals had told the czar and his government that the Jews were increasing in numbers and threatened to displace the Russian people. They showed that this had always happened where Jews had been allowed to live and multiply for a length of time, and that the Jews would cause a revolution. The Jews said that they were persecuted for their religion. The Russian Government showed that Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Jews and Mahometans were tolerated, but not encouraged in Russia. Then President Taft and Congress, at the behest or orders of the Jews, not the American public, told the czar's government in particular, and the world in general, that United States citizens had no race and no race pride, and no race feeling and no color. labor from Europe, to prevent a man who is in business and who employs hired help from sending to Western Europe for a brother or other relative to come and work for him. But the railroads and other large employers of labor can get unlimited cheap Mexican, Greek, Italian, and some Asiatic labor, by some means or other. We have known of cases where an order was sent to certain districts that work would be furnished to what Woodrow Wilson, the Encyclopedia Americana, and other United States authorities have said were undesirable persons. And we have seen the arrival. Since the census year of 1890, there has been an enormous influx of immigrants from the south and east of Europe, from the Balkans, Asia Minor, North Africa, and Jews. The great majority of those immigrants were illiterate and ignorant laborers. We refer the reader to an article or passage in Woodrow Wilson's History of the United States in this subject: "The American laborers often refused to work with these newcomers.The Americans generally emigrated further west and developed new communities and industries, only to be followed by fresh hordes of these cheaper laborers. Many of these newcomers were men who only came to this country to make a stake, and they were willing to live in slum districts, camps or company boarding houses, and were willing to work long hours, and seven days a week without holidays. This was especially true about Italians, Greeks, and Slavs." And the white Americans had come down to this standard of conditions, especially unskilled laborers, because every native-born citizen cannot be a business man, an employer of labor, a manager, foreman or expert mechanic. There is not enough of those positions, and all persons are not mentally equipped for leaders." The temporary and a great many of the permanent immigrants did not care with whom they lived, or what the standard of living or race was while they were strangers and hard up. In fact, one-third of the Italians and Greeks and Balkan peoples and Levanters in general have some Asiatic or African blood in their veins. And they brought few women with them, so they associated with colored women, and the persons who employed this class of foreigners found that they would work with American colored men. So they employed negroes, who, being able to speak English, soon became leading workmen and foremen. And the native-born white Americans and the Northwestern European immigrants are rapidly being displaced by those persons, and the southern colored folk are flocking north so fast that they are now a power in the land, and have with the assistance of the Jews, the churches, Levanters, Socialists, Internationalists, and the American Federation of Labor finally broken down the barrier of race. And it now seems as if the United States is going to follow the Spanish colonies and go black. The Spaniards owned and ruled Mexico in 1776. They did not dream that there would be no Spaniards in Mexico in the year 1920. The white men in the United States should consider what has happened in Mexico, in Brazil, and what is even taking place in Russia today. In the event that the anti-white forces succeed in breaking down the color line entirely and destroying race pride and race feeling, and admitting cheap coolie labor, which of the other three races will dominate? Haiti, a French colony, exterminated the whites with the women and the little ones, even as the Jews did of old, and only negroes are allowed to vote or live in Haiti. San Domingo is a mixed breed of white, Indian and negro blood. Cuba is one-third negro and the rest mixed breeds. Porto Rico is negro and they will be made United States citizens soon. The West Indies are negro. The White Race has been practically driven out of Mexico and only Mestizos. Zambos, or Indians are left. If the Asiatics are allowed to come to North America in unlimited numbers the Asiatics will survive and rule. The Jews are only parasites, who must have a generous and a prosperous host on which to live. The Jews are the product of thousands of years of selection from the dwellers in thickly crowded cities or communities or ghettos and slums, and are by nature a servile race of traders. They are not, and never have been empire builders. If the White Race disappears the Jews will follow. To show that the Jews are only a race if traders and parasites like the Gypsies, or else are only destroying angels of Jehovah, and we will quote the following figures: If a Jew man and woman had married in the year 1000 A.D. and had raised four children (?). Year Book. (?) Up until the year 1824 there were only six thousand Jews in the United States and in 1840 there were 15,000, and in 1848 there were 230,000 Jews in a population of 50,155,783. After this they increased fast. In 1888 there were 400,000; in 1897 there were 937,000; in 1905, 1,508,435; in 1907, 1,777,185; in 1914, 2,933,374; and in 1918, 3,320,000. Just take time and read these figures closely and note for yourself and the enormous increase they indicate. Through the pioneer days and the early settlements and wars and up until the year 1824 there were only six thousand Jews. But when the nation became settled and began to prosper and the towns grew into cities, the Jew traders began to arrive. You will notice that the years are not census years. The Jews are a people apart from the Gentiles and the U.S. Government. The Jews are a distinct and exclusive race and religious caste, an Asiatic race with a religious caste so peculiar to Asiatic peoples, but foreign to Europeans. But the Jews have made good use of their time while here. They are the best organized and most united people in America. They have their own trade unions. The Americans have a Red Cross Society and their field is the world. The Jews have an organization called the "Red Mogen of David," organized for Jews. The American Jews openly and strenuously objected to being drafted, saying that there were Jews serving in the enemy armies and that they objected to killing Jews. This was an open confession that the Jews are not Americans, that the Jews are not nationalists, but cosmopolitans, internationalists, and that a Jew in the enemy army is better than a patriotic soldier in the U.S. Army. But the Jews enthusiastically enlisted and served voluntarily in the British Army in Palestine, and the American Jews urged the young men to enlist in the British Army, to serve in the Jewish legion for the liberation and the redemption of Judea. And these are the people who control the press, theaters, legislatures and congress. Before the Jews gained control of the theaters, concerts and operas, we had British and American songs and music, and operas in English. But since the Jews have obtained control of our amusements we have jazzy or negro rag-time music and songs, and Italian, Bohemian, Hungarian or Russian music, rendered by Jews or Gypsies from those countries. We make the assertion that not any three young men out of every twenty, north of the Ohio and Missouri rivers, could sing five songs in the English language together from beginning to end-American songs. They might sing negro songs, and some who had been in the army a year or two might be able to sing a few American songs. We make this statement because it is, or we believe it is, part of a scheme to destroy race and nationality and patriotism in the United States and to help make Americans renegades, Socialists, and internationalists. In the south and in the country districts where the Jews and foreign elements have not yet gained control the old American and British airs and songs are still played and sung, and the people are loyal and patriotic Americans. In the old countries of Europe every boy learns the popular songs and in the army the martial songs, but if an American starts singing a song in the English language in public he is howled down or else some others will sing in opposition or start whistling. In the days of Rome it was "Carthage must go," today it is down in the White Race and Nationalism. Through a so-called shortage of paper the rural press of the United States and Canada is being put out of business, but the radical and Socialistic and anarchist newspapers seem to get enough paper to supply their wants, and in every large daily there are whole pages given to advertisements that could be contained in half a column. And in the Sunday editions, which the devout Christians read, there are pages and pages of advertisements which seem to the average reader a waste of paper, but for which the public must pay five cents extra. Congress has threatened to investigate the ownership, management, patronage and stockholders of the newspapers, but has not done so for some reason. We cannot prove that the Jews engineered the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, but it is hard to understand how men of the European White Race could knowingly commit such a blunder. It is still more difficult to understand how white American statesmen, after two years of trial of the Fourteenth Amendment, and knowing the opposition shown, for a deliberative body like Congress to pass the Fifteenth (?). (?) affair. Ex-President Grover Cleveland made some caustic remarks about the affair, and Roosevelt was not re-elected. The country was not yet ready for miscegenation. During the Taft administration, at the request or orders of the Jews, and after long debates in Congress, the United States Government abrogated the commercial treaty with Russia solely to please the Jews. The Russian Government objected to Jews entering Russia, especially Jews from America, most of whom were natives of Russia, and agitators for a revolution in Russia and to overthrow the czar and his aristocracy. The Russians allowed the Jews to leave Russia, but objected to their coming back to foment a revolution in Russia or to create an enmity between the United States and Russia under the protection of a United States passport and citizen papers. The Russian intellectuals had told the czar and his government that the Jews were increasing in numbers and threatened to displace the Russian people. They showed that this had always happened where Jews had been allowed to live and multiply for a length of time, and that the Jews would cause a revolution. The Jews said that they were persecuted for their religion. The Russian Government showed that Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Jews and Mahometans were tolerated but not encouraged in Russia. Then President Taft and Congress, at the behest or orders of the Jews, not the American public told the czar's government in particular, and the world in general, that United States citizens had no race and no race pride, and no race feeling and no color. We do not know that the Jews engineered this coup de etat, we have been told by travelers and newspaper correspondents that speeches made in Congress on this question and articles published in the newspapers and magazines were used to foment the revolution. Then when the Dillingham-Burnett immigration bill was before Congress with the literacy test, the Jews were the main objectors, and the law was not passed until the Jewish race caste were exempted from its provisions. This was done by excepting persons who claimed to be seeking asylum from religious persecution. The Jews claim that they are persecuted for their religious belief in every country on earth. They may be telling the truth. We know that they are cordially hated in most parts of the United States, including Boston, Mass., but we do not often hear the Jewish religion mentioned although that may be the cause. If it is their religion that has made them so hated and persecuted in all countries by all people for two or three thousand years, we advise them to drop their religion and try being white men. What a lot of crimes have been committed in the name of religion. The Christian sects hate and kill each other in the name of God and for the love and worship of Christ, and yet say there is no salvation except through Christ, and yet say Americans have no religious prejudices and welcome the Jew, Buddhist, Confucian, and Moslem (Muslim), even Elijah Dowie and Christian Science. There was also a clause which excepted skilled laborers if there were no like kind unemployed in this country. This clause admits tailors, jewelers, peddlers, hucksters, pawnbrokers, money lenders, junk dealers, second-hand storekeepers, druggists, printers, socialist, communist, bolsheviki, and internationalist agitators. The Jews are not Americans and have no intention to become Americans; they are always Jews, never Britons, Russians, Germans or French. We quote the following introduction to a Jewish book written by the author: "It is an interesting fact that they are the only people in the world who have been able to mingle with all nations without being absorbed by any of them; they have yet maintained a distinct racial individuality, which is the wonder of the world." For about two thousand years or since the destruction of Jerusalem and their Temple they have strenuously resisted absorption into the body of the nations in which they have lived. What makes the Americans think they will break this habit and become Christian Americans? They herd together, increase and multiply as their religion teaches, and either displace the original inhabitants or else weaken them with their socialist doctrines of internationalism so that they become an easy prey to invaders or anarchy such as is taking place in Russia today. The news dispatches and travelers say that the Jews control the Soviet Government. If so they will surely try to defeat the Poles because about 15 percent of the population of Poland are Jews, and in the City of Warsaw 3 WHITE AMERICANS about 27 per cent are Jews, and in the small provincial towns about 45 per cent of the population are Jews. The Jewish population of the United States has doubled five times in about forty years, or in other words the Jewish population doubles in numbers in less than ten years. If the present number of Jews in the United States doubles six more times there will not be any room for any other people, black, white, brown or yellow. The United States population doubled once in forty years. Think this over carefully, read it again. If the ten or more millions of Jews in Europe are allowed to come to this country and join their clansmen, they will crowd all others out in one hundred years. That means that children now born and living in this country will be eaten out of house and home and displaced by an alien and imported race. This is actually taking place in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, and other cities. The crowding is confined to the large cities at present, but will spread to the small towns eventually, just as it has in Poland, Russia and Roumania. We cannot prove that the Jews have controlled the Wilson administration, but we do believe they have had a great influence in shaping legislation. The League of Nations could, or might, have been written by a socialist or internationalist Jew. And the clause about the rights of minorities and the self- determination of peoples would certainly help the Jews more than any other people. Poland, Gallicia, the Ukraine, Bessarabia and Roumania, where the Jews are thickest, is said to be the granary of Europe. If the League of Nations will protect the Jewish minority who numbered about ten millions at the outbreak of the war until the Jews are numerous enough and rich enough to appeal for the self-determination of peoples, the Jews will inherit that whole district in about the year 2000 A.D. They are even now asking the League of Nations to give them Poland and to drive their Semitic brothers, the Syrians and Arabs. out of Palestine. And if the United States should join the League of Nations with self-determination of peoples and the rights of minorities as the basic law, it might protect the Jews from being barred as undesirable immigrants. The Jews have controlled the New York State Legislature and had it pass laws giving Jews more rights and curtailing the privileges of White Americans. They also controlled the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania and had the liberties and rights of White Americans restricted, and they had legislation passed which virtually denies the liberty of the press in the State of Pennsylvania. They also persuaded the Legislature of the State of Illinois to pass similar legislation, but Governor Lowden vetoed it. We believe that New York City is the finest big city in the world, but we do not consider New York as an American city. We believe that New York City stands in the same relation to the United States that Constantinople does to Europe. Constantinople is in Europe, but is an Asiatic city. New York City is in the United States, but is an Asiatic city. We believe that the majority of the residents of New York City are Jews, Italians, negroes, Greeks, Turks, Syrians, Armenians, Arabs, Egyptians, Tunisans, Algerians, Morrocans, Persians, and persons from the Turkish Empire in Europe, and that half of the population cannot or will not speak American. Philadelphia is a genuine Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments city. Its population is composed of any and all kinds of persons, and persons of the African race. There is no discrimination on account of race, color or past or present condition of servitude or religion. All races and nationalities are well represented. We believe that the Jews are the most influential group, but the negroes are very numerous, especially negro policemen and city employes. And we will prophesy that if the United States joins the League of Nations with the self-determination of peoples, that the States of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland will be separated from the United States in less than twenty years from now and they will give as their reasons that a large majority, perhaps 75 per cent of the population, is of Asiatic or African race, and that 90 per cent or more speak some language other than the official United States language; that most of the population are not Christians, and for other good and sufficient reasons, one of which will be that Americans object to unrestricted immigration and free intercourse between nations. We also predict that under the rights of minorities and the self-determination of peoples, the negroes will assert their rights to full observance of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, and that they will appeal for a plebiscite and the separation of all territory South of the Mason-Dixie line as an independent negro state. And they will have the support of all nations and races with the possible exception of Britain and France. There should be no minority race or races or foreign language groups in the United States. There should be only one race and that the European White Race which discovered and developed North America, and only on language, the language that has prevailed for more than three hundred years -- The English Language, the Union, the Republic, the White Race, the Stars and Stripes forever! There was a newspaper report in 1919 that Congress would suspend all immigration for a few years in order to let the country recover from the effects of the war and to let the returning warriors get settled and to get their old jobs back before the rush of what historian Wilson called the inferior persons from the South and East of Europe began. This seemed to interfere with the plans of the Jews, so the public was informed through the newspapers that two Jew congressmen would be hurried from Chicago to Washington to prevent any action limiting emigration. And the immigration of foreigners has not been suspended. We do not know which two Chicago Jews control Congress. In the year 1880 there were only 230,000 Jews in the United When England began to prosper after the Napoleonic wars, the Jews flocked to England. At first nobody paid any attention to them and they increased and became influential. They were made lords and Disraeli when Premier made Queen Victoria an empress and himself an earl. But the British are European White People, mostly Irish, Scotch and Welsh, Gaels and Saxons, and they have strong race pride and race feeling. The county families and most of the townspeople and many of the labor leaders were educated and had read the history of Europe and biblical history. They saw that the Jews were freezing out the retail storekeepers, peddlers, tailors, seamstresses and all those person who were weak and poor, and that they were buying property and rack renting, and that the poor tax was increasing. They got together and said it is not right that Jews and other aliens shall come to this little Island and displace Britons. So they argued with Parliament for about twenty years, and at last the lords agreed to an alien law that said all undesirables who had not lived in Britain three years could be deported. This law was primarily against Jews and sweatshops and the Jews have never forgiven the British. Then the Jews had to come to the United States. This law was passed about 1900. If the Jews had been allowed to increase to two or three millions and had displaced several millions of loyal Britons, and had spread their pernicious doctrines of socialism, internationalism and anti- militarism, and conscientious objection and pacificism, and had persuaded the British people not to squander money on a fleet or for war materials, or to keep an army of armed oppressors of the proletariat and protectors of capital, as the Jew internationalists preach. then the Germans would have had a walk-over victory, the British would have been made German vassals and would have lost their empire and colonies, and the United States would be preparing to fight Germany with all the resources of Europe behind her and Mexico and Japan as allies. But the Jews were not allowed to increase, and multiply, nor to displace or corrupt the British public, therefore Britain was not destroyed and the Britons are still freemen. God favors the big battalions and the biggest and best equipped armies. Congress and the White American public should take notice of these facts and notice and study the history of Spain and now of Russia and Poland where the Jews have been allowed to live for a long time and to increase and multiply. The Queen of Roumania tells us that there are ten distinct nationalities in Roumania. How can a country like that expect to have peace and amity. We are told that there are twenty- seven distinct races in the United States, and no one knows how many varieties or breeds. There must be at least seventy nationalities and over one hundred languages or dialects. This should be remedied and only persons of the European White Race from the Northwest of Europe allowed to come to the United States. The American people should declare themselves a white nation. The Australians have done so. The Republic of Uruguay did so. Canada would do so only it would create friction with the American negro and Asiatic citizens of the United States. The Canadians have tried to keep United States negroes out of Canada, but the United States Government seems determined to make the whole of North America black. Why should this be so? Does anybody know or does anybody care? We often wonder if intelligent and educated Americans ever think of the incongruity of the United States reserving the right to exclude Chinese and other persons from the United States while forcing negroes, Jews, and other unwelcome United States citizens on protesting nations. Or declaring the highly civilized nations like China, Japan and India, whose people are educated and proud, as being undesirable citizens, while maintaining the standard of United States citizenship at "Persons of the African Race." It seems strange that a great, rich, powerful and valorous and enlightened nation like the United States should keep the standard of its citizens and its immigrants as persons of the African race, especially in a Republic where the majority is supposed to rule and the greatest good to the greatest number is the basis of all law. A country where 80 per cent or more of the population is composed of the highest class of white persons of the European race, millions of them born in Europe or their parents or grandparents having been born in Europe, many being well read and versed in history and know that Europe is overpopulated, with a suplus birth rate of 1 per cent or about three and a half millions of persons every year who must emigrate, or war for food and room to exist, and that the Europeans desire to emigrate to the United States in preference to other countries. It seems unbelievable that an enlightened nation like the United States will deliberately invite and specifically name ignorant, wild, uncivilized, brutal, ugly, odorous, uncouth and repusive "persons of the African Race" as immigrants, citizens, voters, office-holders and future law-makers and judges, and as parents of the future Americans, when they can have from Europe women as lovely as Venus or Diana or Mary Pickford, men as handsome as the Apollo, as brave as Achilles, Horatius, August Winkelreid or Alvin York, sailors like Jason, Don John, Columbus, Cabot, Drake, Magellan, Cook, Grey, Jones or Rodman, soldiers like alexander, Caesar, Sobieski, Napoleon, Washington, Grant, Foch or Pershing, scholars like Herodotus, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Copernicus, Gallileo, Franklin, Webster, Davy, Shapespeare, inventors like Fulton, Watts, Stevenson, Ericson, Maxim, Edison, Marconi, Wright or Zeppelin, explorers like Mungo Park, Humboldt, Stanley, Livingston, Lewis, Boone, La Salle, Carson, Fremont and millions of others of the European White Race. We repeat, the European White Race in order to distinguish it from the Caucasian race, which includes Asiatics and African black races, such as Arabs, Turks, Persians, Hindus, Egyptians, Abyssinians and other races. Conscientious cowards were not respected in those days. They did not admit social equality or political rights to Africans or Asiatics in those days, neither negroes, Turks, Malays, Mongols, Indians, nor Zambos. They were "Free White Persons" and when they spoke about an American they meant a white man. And when European governments or persons spoke about an American they meant the highest standard of white people on earth. We believe it is time that the White Americans should reconstruct the franchise. It should again be restricted to white persons. And only native-born white persons of the European White Race should be elected and sent to Congress. No foreigners, native born or imported, no cosmopolitan, no internationalists, socialists, anarchists or conscientious objectors should be allowed to vote or hold office or to become naturalized citizens. All voters and all immigrants should swear to uphold and protect the Union, the Republic, the White Race, and the Stars and Stripes forever. In Europe the Irish Catholic will not live in peace and amity with his Protestant brother although they are both Gaels and Scots. The French and Germans will not live in peace. The Swedes and Norwegians will not live under one flag and one government although they are practically one people and race. The Poles and Czechs will not live in peace and brotherhood although both are Slavs and have lived together for hundreds of years. The Italians and Austrians hate each other although both peoples are Catholics. The Greeks and Bulgars massacre each other at every opportunity although both peoples are Christians and both have the same common enemy, the Mohametan Turk. And yet in this country when they get the right to vote their whole nature is supposed to change and they are supposed to forget about their race, nationality, religion, traditions, songs, wars, glories, conquests, victories, defeats, rights, wrongs, vengeance and national ambitions, and to accept the despised Jew -- the Hated Turk and the repulsive negro or Mongolian as brother, and to encourage the other fellow to worship his God as he pleases, and to admit that one religion is just as good as another, that Christ, Mohamet, Confucius or Budah are all alike and equally good, and that all Gods are equal. The beliefs of Congress and the American people are more wonderful than true. And to hear the president, senators and congressmen, and university presidents and professors of political history and other persons say the League of Nations will prevent future wars, that there will be no more war, that the European White Race will tamely submit to be displaced and supplanted by negroes, Jews, and other Asiatics, and to meekly starve to death or die from exposure, and to let their women be the sport of Africans or Asiatics - we do not believe it. These same people told us for many years that there would never be another war. It would cost too much money. We did not believe them. We saw the preparations for war, understood the cause, over-population, said we did not think that men who would willingly fight and gladly die for a cause would care how much money it would cost or who would pay. We were right. Bryan told us that a million men would spring up over night to defend the Republic and defeat the invader. We did not believe him. Trained patriots like the French and Germans whose ancestors had lived in those countries for a thousand years, men who had strong race pride and race feeling, and a strong national feeling, yes. But a mob of men who had no race pride, no race feeling, and no national feeling, and who are untrained and unarmed, no. Bryan was wrong. We never believed him. We do not believe Bryan ever believed one-half of what he said. People wanted Bryan to say certain things in a nice way, and he did. It is foolishness to expect an untrained mob, unarmed, unprepared to fight a well trained, well disciplined, well armed, well provided army of patriots and of the same quality and race of men. And we do not believe that man's nature will change just because he gets the right to vote in the United States and we are positively certain that if the white race does not get rid of the black race in the United States then the black race will exterminate the white race, and the black race is organizing now and preaching the propaganda on the streets. It is the law of God, of nature, evolution, self-protection, survival of the fittest. How any person who is intelligent and can read and write and do sums in addition, and who knows how many children are born in some families, persons who can read the census reports of the United States and Europe, can expect the United States to go one hundred years more without a civil war or a race war is beyond our comprehension. The only way to prevent a race war in the United States is to regulate immigration so that only the highest class of European white immigrants be allowed to come to the United States. The next is to restrict the franchise to high-class, virile and intelligent White Americans who believe in the Union, the Republic the White Race, the English language, the Stars and Stripes, and who will support the U.S. Government at any cost. The next is to return the negroes to Africa, Mexicans to Mexico, Asiatics to Asia. And no man should be forced or coerced to take out naturalization papers just to get or hold a job or to conduct business. The franchise should be an honor to be prized, not a cheap right to be acquired by transients or undesirables. The people of North America are not responsible for the fact that Europe and Asia are densely over-populated, or that millions of the peoples of those countries die of poverty, hunger or exposure every year. The same conditions prevailed before the American continent was discovered and the same conditions will prevail a thousand years from now. But the American public can be expected to allow their relatives from the Northwest of Europe to come here and share their good fortune. But the United States and Canada are not the only new and unsettled portions of the earth. There is Mexico, Central and We also predict that under the rights of minorities and the self-determination of peoples, the negroes will assert their rights to full observance of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, and that they will appeal for a plebiscite and the separation of all territory South of the Mason-Dixie line as an independent negro state. And they will have the support of all nations and races with the possible exception of Britain and France. There should be no minority race of races or foreign language groups in the United States. There should be only one race and that the European White Race which discovered and developed North America, and only one language, the language that has prevailed for more than three hundred years- the English Language, the Union, the Republic, the White Race, the Stars and Stripes forever! There was a newspaper report in 1919 that Congress would suspend all immigration for a few years in order to let the country recover from the effects of the war and to let the returning warriors get settled and to get their old jobs back before the rush of what historian Wilson called the inferior persons from the South and East of Europe began. This seemed to interfere with the plans of the Jews, so the public was informed through the newspapers that two Jew congressmen would be hurried from Chicago to Washington to prevent any action limiting emigration. And the immigration of foreigners has not been suspended. We do not know which two Chicago Jews control Congress. In the year 1880 there were only 230,000 Jews in the United States and 49,925,785 other persons. Denis Kearney and his sand lot agitators persuaded Congress to protect the White Americans from being overwhelmed by the Chinese coolies. The Jews were not rich enough nor numerous enough nor influential enough at that time to prevent the passage of the Chinese exclusion law, but they were influential enough to dictate in regard to the Dillingham-Burnett immigration bill, and a year ago when the Japanese asked for unrestricted immigration they were willing it should pass. They are all the time asking for the admission of millions of cheap coolie labor. The Jews believe this is their promised land and they are laying their plans accordingly. The Jews are a united people, they are a race caste. Their leaders only consider the interests of Jewry. They have had two thousand years of experience with the European race and they have controlled more difficult and dangerous peoples than the Americans. We can judge from what is happening in Russia where there were about ten million Jews, who, we are told, are the business and intellectual class and who are said to have started and controlled the bolsheviki revolution and the Soviet Government. We may guess what will happen in the United States if these people get full control. The Jews do not believe in the Declaration of Independence which says that all persons are born free and equal. It is contrary the the Mosaic law. The Jews know from what sources Jefferson the white man, the gentleman, and the scholar and patriotic American, got his information, and they know that neither he nor the other revolutionary fathers ever intended to make persons of the African race or persons of the Asiatic race citizens or equals of White Americans. And they know that the Declaration of Independence is not now and never has been part of the Constitution of the United States. The Jews only use it for effect and propaganda the same as they and the negroes use the name of Abraham Lincoln. The Jews do not believe in nor do they in their hearts indorse the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution because these amendments will conflict with the commands, words and promises of Jehovah. And when the Jewish Hierarchy are confident that the Jews can rule the United States they will annul both these laws. The Jews as individuals are as good as other Americans, and we will admit that the Jewish religion may be better than the Christian religion or any other religion, and that Jehovah is the greatest of all Gods, but we know that taken collectively the Jews as a religious race caste are a very real danger. We know from history that every nation in which they were permitted to live and increase to considerable numbers has suffered severely or wholly perished. We refer the reader to Deut. iii-21: “And I commanded Joshua at that time saying, Thine eyes have seen all that Jehovah your God hath done unto these two kings: so shall Jehovah do unto all the kingdoms whiter thou goest over.” many being well read and versed in history and know that Europe is overpopulated, with a suplus birth rate of 1 per cent or about three and a half million of persons every year who must emigrate, or war for food and room to exist, and that the Euopeans desire to emigrate to the United States in preference to other countries. It seems unbelievable that an enlightened nation like the United States will deliberately invite and specifically name ignorant, wild, uncivilized, brutal, ugly, odorous, uncouth and repusive “persons of the African Race” as immigrants, citizens, voters, office-holders and future law-makers and judges, and as parents of the future Americans, when they can have from Europe women and lovely as Venus or Diana or Mary Pickford, men as handsome as the Apollo, as brave as Achilles, Horatius, August Winkelreid or Alvin York, sailors like Jason, Don John, Columbus, Cabot, Drake, Magellan, Cook, Grey, Jones or Rodman, soldiers like Alexander, Caesar, Sobieski, Napoleon, Washington, Grant, Foch or Pershing, scholars like Herodotus, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Copernicus, Gallileo, Franklin, Webster, Davy, Shapespeare, inventors like Fulton, Watts, Stevenson, Ericson, Maxim, Edison, Marconi, Wright or Zeppelin, explorers like Mungo Park, Humboldt, Stanley, Livingston, Lewis, Boone, La Salle, Carson, Fremont and millions of others of the European White Race. We repeat, the European White Race in order to distinguish it from the Caucasian race, which includes Asiatics and African black races, such as Arabs, Turks, Persians, Hindus, Egyptians, Abyssinians and other races. And yet the eighty or more millions of high class White Americans, with all their learning, their high schools, colleges and universities, with thousands of instructors and professors and public libraries, will every year send hundreds of men to Congress, men who are supposed to be the best, best educated, most intelligent, wisest and most far-seeing statesmen to be found in the United States, to make laws that will degrade the White Americans down to the level of “Persons of the African Race,” and will meekly submit to be called renegades, mongrels and inferior persons and have their country called a melting pot where the contents are separated, not amalgamated, nor are they assimilated, because many of them will not assimilate. And meekly hear their country called a dumping ground, that they are the surplus and the weak and the unfit of the old nations, and that neither they nor their government has any right to alter these conditions or to exclude any persons on account of race, or color, or religion, or previous condition of servitude. That is to say a Tunguse from Siberia or a cannibal slave from the Congo, or a brutal, bestial savage from Terra del Fuego or head hunter from Borneo, is as much entitled to entry and citizenship as Marconi, Madame Curie, Paderewski or Premier Borden of Canada. The people who say those things about the United States and its citizens cannot understand how any person can be objectionable or undesirable to a nation or a people who say that any and all persons born in the United States shall be citizens, for all kinds of undesirables are born in the United States, a nation that elected W. H. Taft as president after he made a speech saying that he knew no difference between United States citizens, and that United States citizens have no race or color. We remember the time when United States citizens were “Free White Persons” or were supposed to be “Free White Persons,” and the best people on earth, not inferior persons. And we believe that should be the standard again. We publish our opinion and ask all Free White Americans to join with the United States and make that the standard again. The revolutionary fathers were Free White Persons and they decreed that only Free White Persons should be citizens. They did not dream that their great-grandchildren would be placed on a level with ex-negro slaves or Asiatic coolies or Zambos, or that Jews would control Congress, or that this kind of people would displace and supplant their White American descendants. They were American and Nationalists, not cosmopolitans or internationalists, and they did not take orders from European or Asiatic kings, nor from cosmopolitan Jews. And every citizen was liable to military service and to be armed, and to be ready to respond on the minute when called, just as their brothers of Northwest Europe did when millions of the race marched straight into battle at the call to arms. And to every citizen was reserved the freeman’s right to bear arms. How any person who is intelligent and can read and write and do sums in addition, and who knows how many children are born in some families, persons who can read the census reports of the United States and Europe, can expect the United States to go one hundred years more without a civil war or a race war is beyond our comprehension. The only way to prevent a race war in the United States is to regulate immigration so that only the highest class of European white immigrants be allowed to come to the United States. The next is to restrict the franchise to high-class, virile and intelligent White Americans who believe in the Union, the Republic, the White Race, the English language, the Stars and Stripes, and who will support the U.S. Government at any cost. The next is to return the negroes to Africa, Mexicans to Mexico, Asiatics to Asia. And no man should be forced or coerced to take out naturalization papers just to get or hold a job or to conduct business. The franchise should be an honor to be prized, not a cheap right to be acquired by transients or undesirables. The people of North America are not responsible for the fact that Europe and Asia are densely over-populated, or that millions of the peoples of those countries die of poverty, hunger or exposure every year. The same conditions prevailed before the American continent was discovered and the same conditions will prevail a thousand years from now. But the American public can be expected to allow their relatives from the Northwest of Europe to come here and share their good fortune. But the United States and Canada are not the only new and unsettled portions of the earth. There is Mexico, Central and South America, Siberia and Africa. These are good countries and could support a billion inhabitants. We suggest that all persons born in Europe south of Latitude 44º North should emigrate to Mexico, Central or South America, where the Latin language is spoken and Latin culture prevails. And we suggest that all persons born east of Longitude 24º East of Greenwich should go to Siberia, as they are virtually all Slavs, Siberia is a very large country and if settled and developed by Europeans from Central Europe would support hundreds of millions of persons. It is not any further north and not any colder than Canada and just as fertile and has great resources. Russia is now or soon will be a Republic and will be a peaceable country in a few years. Therefore we believe the Slavs should be headed east before the Mongols and Tartars head west. We also believe that if those peoples can come to a country where the language, laws, and customs are foreign and in many cases a different race and religion, as is the case in North America, we do not see why those people cannot do the same in Siberia and Eastern Russia. The people from Northwestern Europe came to wild America and settled it, and we believe that their children or the children in the old home should inherit the reward of the pioneers' toil. We see no good or valid reason why the United States should be flooded by the surplus populations of the South and East of Europe, and Asia and Africa, the West Indies, Mexico, or Jews. And this pamphlet is a protest against such a crime. A halt will have to be called soon and it should be called immediately after the reassembling of Congress. There will have to be a line drawn somewhere at some time, as the United States cannot very well pick out an old and highly civilized race and two great nations like China and Japan and still admit any and all persons and persons of the African race. We suggest the line be drawn north of Latitude 44º North, and west of Longitude 24º East of Greenwich. There are 200,000,000 of high class people living in that section, the same kind of people as the early colonists and present-day Americans who have developed the West. They will have a surplus population every year of about two millions of persons. The United States could pick the best of the emigrants and they will assimilate with the White Americans and form one homogeneous whole with one religion and culture, and the same history and aspirations, and then along towards the end of the century when the country is crowded and the next great civil war or revolution breaks out, the victors will be White Americans, who will very likely carry on the same union of states or perhaps a greater union, the same Republican form of government, the same American speech and the same old Stars and Stripes. We believe that the present Republican form of government that we have in the United States and that has endured for 137 years is the best and freest form of government on earth. And all kinds of governments have been tried by all kinds of people 4 WHITE AMERICANS for three thousand years of recorded history. And we believe that any people who cannot govern themselves under the United States Republican form of government, a government elected by the people, to legislate for the people, cannot govern others; they need a rule, and should be given a pass back to some monarchy. Immigrants should be informed that the United States is not an experimental station for experiments in government, but an old and established government, a prosperous nation, and a happy and contented populace who want no disturbers or reformers. All reformers in government should be steered to Central America, Mexico, or Russia. And any citizens who wish to change the form of the United States Government should be sent to those countries for several years' experience and study without pay. We believe the only manner in which the United States Government can be reformed or made better is to elect good, intelligent and educated statesmen and not so many ignorant politicians and foreigners. Europe has an area of 3,750,000 square miles. The United States has an area of 3,026,780 square miles. Therefore Europe is larger than the United States. Europe was over-populated with 380,000,000 of people. Europe is very old and is cultivated to the limit. But Europe is really a vast workshop and had to import a large part of its food, clothing, building materials and raw materials from other continents. We will suppose that the United States could support 350,000,000 of people. That might be more than it could feed. The population in 1880 was 50,155,783. Therefore the population has more than doubled in the last forty years. And there were five years in which there was little immigration, a war with its unusual loss of life, and a drop in the birth rate and a severe epidemic. Therefore it is reasonable to suppose that the population will double in the next forty years. That will be 1960. We will say 200,000,000 in the year 1960. Then if it should double in the following forty years, that is, by the year 2000, there would be 400,000,000 of people. That would mean that the United States would be more crowded in eighty years from this date than Europe was in 1910. The reason we have published this pamphlet is to place a few of those facts before the White American public and to show the suicidal folly of an indiscriminate flood of cheap labor. Very few people every give a thought to the future of the United States. All they think or care about is how fast the population grows and how rich the people are getting. They never think about how soon the country will be overcrowded or what kind of people will be in the country one hundred years from now. Mr. Shima, the Japanese potato king, told a committee from Congress that Japanese and Americans should intermarry. He said it would be all right in a hundred years from now. He said that when the potato seed began to run out or degenerate in California they sent it to Oregon and got some new seed and the potato crop was all right again. Mr. Shima is a smart man and has been in the United States thirty years. He thinks it would improve the Americans to be crossed with Japanese. Read this over and think it over. A man was explaining to some fellow workmen in Philadelphia about the danger of a negro race war. He explained carefully to them that the negroes now numbered about twelve million and that they double in numbers in less than forty years. That would mean about twenty-five million blacks in forty years from now. And that the colored folk were uniting and teaching the young colored folk that they would have to fight the white folk if they wanted equality and to retain their liberty. And he told his White American hearers that their children or at any rate their grandchildren would very likely be killed and their daughters or granddaughters be the wives of negroes. They hated and cursed the negro as a rule, but seemed not to care about the future. He asked the foreman if it made no difference to him what happened to his children or grandchildren. The foreman said, "No, let them fight their own battles same as I did mine." These working men actually hated the sight of colored men and threw missiles at them and cursed the colored men and their friends, but did not care what happened to their children or the United States after they were dead. They were like the average American politician - live for today, let tomorrow take care of itself, get what you can while the getting is good and before the other fellow gets it. Statesmen differ from politicians because statesmen look to the future; politicians can only see the present. Statesmen get all they can and try for the rest and keep trying and educating people; politicians want everything at once or they will ruin everything in their impotent rage. Statesmen build nations and peoples; politicians destroy them. Then be a statesman and help to build a great White American Nation on this North American continent, not another Haiti or Mexico or Cuba. The fact that a man is born in the United States and is taught to read and write does not make him a reasoning being. The son of a fighting Turk, or a Bedouin Arab, an African chief, a Mexican bandit, or Japanese Samurai will have the fighting and predatory instincts of their sires. They may seem docile while they are few in numbers, but if ever they get started as an organization they will divide the United States into so many factions, groups and finally warring states. A Moslem born and raised in America will be just as fanatical as one born in Turkey, and as ready to fight and die for the faith as his ancestors. Porfiro Diaz riled Mexico with an iron hand, but he was the best ruler Mexico ever had. He was three-quarters Indian blood and a warrior. He knew that force was necessary to keep the Mexicans in order. He was a patriotic Mexican and he wanted to make Mexico a great nation. So he invited foreign capital and white business men to build up industries in Mexico, but he make a law that 75 per cent of all employes should be Mexicans. He also established schools, and Mexico became prosperous. But every man could not be a grandee or a general or a governor and so there were malcontents. A [?] for its own protection? The integrity, purity and supremacy of the white race should be above party or local politics. But at every city, state or national convention and church conventions we find the negro demanding the abolition of race and they generally are placated. Then the Japanese are insisting on free immigration for all races to North America and Australia. If they succeed it will be a toboggan slide for the white race in the United States and perhaps in Canada. There would be a surplus of five million Japanese young couples all anxious to come to America. And they breed and increase like rabbits. The Japanese are vigorous fighters, not conscientious cowards. They take, not give. They are ancestor worshippers and they are Japanese and are proud of it, and they intent that the Japanese race will spread out and our Christian churches with their brotherly love and humanity teaching and non-resistance and pacifist doctrines will only help the Japanese to destroy the white race. Governor Stevens of California has asked the Republican and Democratic Parties to protect the White Americans of the Pacific Coast states from being displaces and supplanted by the Japanese. Governor Stevens appealed to Secretary of State Colby asking him to take steps to stop the influx of the Japs. He says: "Twenty years ago our Japanese population was nominal. Ten years ago the census reports of the United States Government showed a Japanese population in California of 41,356. A computation and survey recently made by the Board of Control of the State of California indicates that this Japanese population has been more than doubled, amounting now to 87,279." He shows conclusively that the spirit of existing anti-alien land laws and immigration agreements has been evaded through the employment of legal and other subterfuges to such an extent that the purposes of the measures have been frustrated. Then why leave such a serious problem as the future of the white race in the United States in the hands of corrupt or ignorant or renegade politicians, or why leave it to the United States Congress, which can be controlled by two Chicago Jews? There are thousands of Maderos, Villas, Zapatas, Huertas, Kerenskys, Lenines, Trotzkys and such men in the United States today and millions of men who would support them. We are not inveighing against any political party nor asking support for any political party. We are just trying to show the danger of the White American Race being destroyed and asking White Americans to unite to protect the integrity, purity, and supremacy of the American White Race. There is a national election now going on and an association of White Americans could heckle the different candidates for Congress as to their willingness to amend the Constitution and to proclaim the United States a white man's country all over. And an association which had branches all over the country could get petitions sent to Congress from every section of the United States asking Congress to amend the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. There is a job for the united efforts of the White American Race, not for individuals. In Unity is Strength. Then let us unite. If we had an organization or association for the protection of the white race is could appoint committees to interview candidates for Congress as to their fitness for the honor and the responsibility attached to the office of a congressman; their loyalty to the United States, their intelligence, they education, their ideas on race and nationality and just what legislation they would propose or vote for. Then we would know whether a candidate was an American or a foreigner or an internationalist. If an Irish constituency elects an Irishman to represent the cause of Irish freedom he will do so. If German socialists elect a German socialist to represent the socialist party and the interests of Germany, he will do so; if a Jewish constituency elects a cosmopolitan Jew to represent the interests of cosmopolitan and international Jewry, he will do so. If a negro constituency elects a negro or a renegade white person to represent the negro race and their renegade mongrel friends, he will do so. If a constituency of socialist and international laborers of mixed nationalities nominate an anti-nationalist or proletarian soviet crank to represent them, he will do so. And the Republican and Democratic Parties will dicker with these anti or non-American forces to get their votes. Mr. Sabath is a cosmopolitan Jew; he will tell the world what a good and loyal and patriotic United States citizen he is and what he has done for the United States and Americans, and tell you what the Jewish race caste has done for America. But if any legislation bobs up that might interfere ever so little with the plans of the Jews, then Mr. Sabath and his colleagues and friends are very busy, and it is dollars to doughnuts that the legislation is either killed or side-tracked or a joker inserted which will annul it so far as the Jews are concerned. And the Jews do not leave the nomination of candidates to chance. They are on hand in force at all conventions and confabs. The Jews are united for the protection, integrity, purity and supremacy of the Jewish race. Why does not eh White American Race unite for its own protection? Victor Berger is a German socialist; he was elected by German and other socialists who object to the United States being a united nation. Berger is an internationalist, not an American. He was elected and served in Congress, convicted of treason, sentenced to the penitentiary, released on appeal, re-elected, rejected and re-elected by the same socialist, bolshevik, internationalists, and openly anti-American United States voters. There native-born and naturalized foreigners have the franchise and the right to nominate and elect anti-United States foreigners like themselves to go to Congress and make laws contrary to the interests of the United States and the White American Race. We could name others, but these two are sufficient. Senator James Phelan a few months ago introduced a bill or [resolution into the U.S. Senate which asks that the ?] resolutions in favor of Irish Independence. Now we do not wish to say one word for - or against - Irish Independence, or on the Irish question. We are too much interested, and too busily engaged in United States affairs to waste any time on foreign affairs. We just quote this to show that foreigners of any nationality will take more interest in the affairs of their nation or race than in the affairs or race of the United States. There were no demonstrations or resolutions in favor of Senator Phelan's bill to guard the American White Race. And we have not read any resolutions or planks being presented to the voters in either of the party platforms to protect the integrity, purity and supremacy of the White American Race. These congressmen are not elected to safeguard the American White Race. They are elected to represent constituencies of foreigners resident in America. And if they dared to hint that the U.S. Constitution needs amending they would lose their office. The fact that many of them are born in the United States does not alter the face that their duty is to their race and the home of their race, and not to a country or government which degrades them down to the level of an African negro, or as Asiatic coolie, in exchange for a living. And these foreigners know in their heart that there will be a civil or race war in the near future, but they have no idea as yet how the different races, religions or nationalities will be aligned. Let us align the White Race, the Christian religion, the free-thinkers and the English language group, and those persons who believe in a Republican form of government on the same side. Let us do so now while there is time. Think this over, you white American, who are capable of thinking. You ask how these conditions can be amended. We say if you are an American, that is a native-born or naturalized citizen, of the European White Race, from any nation or section of Europe, or of European descent, it will make no difference if you only got your final citizen papers out yesterday, or if you can trace your ancestry back for ten generations in North America. The question is, are you a "Free White Person" and a U.S. citizen? Are you an American nationalist or an internationalist? If you are an American nationalist and a white American, join with your friends and neighbors and acquaintances and form a White American Association or Brotherhood. Remember that there are many exclusive Patriotic Societies that the average native-born and naturalized citizens cannot join for various reasons. But all could join a White American Society for the protection of the common White Race. There are scores of social and benevolent and national and social and religious and political societies and associations and brotherhoods, but not one that we have ever heard of to protect the White Race in the United States except the Anti-Asiatic League of the Pacific Coast. We do not understand why this should be, and one of the aims of this circular is to induce some influential white Americans to organize such a society. The public complain that the congressmen do not carry out their election pledges. We believe they do, only the average American knows little about conditions outside of their own bailiwick. And they ask for a referendum. They have a referendum in the mail box and the postoffice. Write a letter to your senator or representative and state your wants and why it should be done, and how it should be done; it will be read and given the consideration it deserves. If you do not feel inclined to join a White American Association or Brotherhood, join a group of your acquaintances and sign a petition asking the Senate to support Senator Phelan's bill to amend the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, and to make the United States a white nation. W.J. Bryan was United States Secretary of State, and after he had left the office he told the public not to kick at and find fault with the administration; that the administration was doing the best it know how, but to write to the President, or to the Secretary of State, or to the congressmen, and that the communications would be given due consideration and helpful suggestions adopted. President Wilson, who was elected as a pacifist and a neutral, said he would abide by the decision of the American public as to whether he should declare war on Germany. That meant leaving the decision of war or neutrality to a postoffice referendum. Then why not use the same postoffice referendum and ask congress to amend the obnoxious and dangerous Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that we can make the United States a white man's country, and so that we can protect and foster and perpetuate the White Race in the United States? Senator Williams, addressing the United States Senate, said, "I never found any destiny which was manifest except this: Whatsoever a man south, that shall be reap. The truth is that Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina are part of a white man's country, and whether they accidentally or incidentally have a majority of negroes makes no difference. The truth is that California is a white man's country and, however much the Chinese and Japanese may give her trouble, she proposes to remain a white man's country, as a part of a white man's country. There is not a man in the United States that will respond more quickly than I to an appeal to race supremacy, race integrity, race purity, and to making this country a white man's country all over." It would take volumes to record the speeches and arguments that have been made in the United States Congress on the race question. We quote this small part of a great speech make in the United States Senate by a senator, just to show that Congress is ready to make the United States a white man's country all over, not in places, if only the White Americans who are in the majority would demand it. Then why not unite and demand it? If you sow negroes you will surely reap negroes, as the south has done. If you sow Jews you will surely reap Jews as New York has done. If you sow Japanese you will surely reap Japanese as the Hawaiian Islands have done. The [?] Statesmen get all they can and try for the rest and keep trying and educating the people; politicians want everything at once or they will ruin everything in their impotent rage. Statesmen build nations and peoples; politicians destroy them. Then be a statesman and help to build a great White American Nation on this North American continent, not another Haiti or Mexico or Cuba. The fact that a man is born in the United States and is taught to read and write does not make him a reasoning being. The son of a fighting Turk, or a Bedouin Arab, an African chief, a Mexican bandit, or Japanese Samurai will have the fighting and predatory instincts of their sires. They may seem docile while they are few in numbers, but if ever they get started as an organization they will divide the United States into so many factions, groups, and finally warring states. A Moslem born and raised in America will be just as fanatical as one born in Turkey, and as ready to fight and die for the faith as his ancestors. Porfiro Diaz ruled Mexico with an iron hand, but he was the best ruler Mexico ever had. He was three-quarters Indian blood and a warrior. He knew that force was necessary to keep the Mexicans in order. He was a patriotic Mexican and he wanted to make Mexico a great nation. So he invited foreign capital and while business men to build up industries in Mexico, but he made a law that 75 per cent of all employes should be Mexicans. He also established schools, and Mexico became prosperous. But every man could not be a grandee or a general or a governor and so there were malcontents. A Spaniard named Madero, a member of one of the oldest and richest families in Mexico, caught the socialist fever, or else he used the socialist teachings to aid his ambitions. He told the peons that they were slaves and were being robbed and exploited, and if they would help him he would divide the lands of the robber rich among them, and that everybody would be well off, happy and contented. Madero crossed into the United States and formed a revolutionary council. The Mexican and United States Governments knew about it. When he was ready he crossed back into Mexico with about sixteen armed men to fight the dictator, Diaz, with an army and a nation of about fifteen millions of people behind behind him. The odds were 100,000 to 1 against Madero, but he and his friends were fighters, not statesmen, and the ignorant Indians and Mestizos and Zambos were fighters and they believed that the white Spaniards and Americans and British and other white peoples had robbed them and made them slaves. They quickly overthrew Diaz and drove the Spaniards and other white people out of Mexico. The revolution has been going on for ten years and now the Indians are beginning to fight the Mestizo breeds. And so it will be in the United States in another generation unless measures are taken to safeguard the white race. Some party of reformers will get excited enough to fight and then the numerous races or nationalists or religious groups will join together for protection or for conquest and that will be the end of the Union and very likely the White American Race. This is a very large country and there is a good deal of sectional feeling, even hatred, already in the United States. Then why not unite the white race all over the country for the United States and Americans, and tell you what the Jewish race caste has done for America. But if any legislation bobs up that might interfere ever so little with the plans or interests of the Jews, either the present or future plans of the Jews, then Mr. Sabath and his colleagues and friends are very busy, and it is dollars to doughnuts that the legislation is either killed or side-tracked or a joker inserted which will annul it so far as the Jews are concerned. And the Jews do not leave the nomination of candidates to chance. They are on hand in force at all conventions and confabs. The Jews are united for the protection, integrity, purity and supremacy of the Jewish race. Why does not the White American Race unite for its own protection? Victor Berger is a German socialist; he was elected by German and other socialists who object to the United States being a united nation. Berger is an internationalist, not an American. He was elected and served in Congress, convicted of treason, sentenced to the penitentiary, released on appeal, re-elected, rejected and re-elected by the same socialist, bolshevik, internationalists, and openly anti-American United States voters. These native-born and naturalized foreigners have the franchise and the right to nominate and elect anti-United States foreigners like themselves to go to Congress and make laws contrary to the interests of the United States and the White American Race. We could name others, but these two are sufficient. Senator James Phelan a few months ago introduced a bill or resolution into the U. S. Senate which asks that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution be amended, so that children of persons who are not eligible for U. S. citizenship, even if the children are born in the United States, shall not be citizens, and so not able to own land. The states on the Pacific are threatened with an invasion of Japanese that will be worse than the negro slave question ever has been. It would also include the Chinese and Hindus. These Asiatics come in numbers, and work for small wages; live in squalor. They take the jobs of the white farm laborers, who have to leave the district or state and go where they can get a living. The Japanese are no trouble to the farmer or his wife, they do their own cooking and buy their own food and are so nice and obliging. This goes on for a year or two; then the Japanese asks for a raise in wages. If it is granted, all right; if not, there is no help to harvest the crop. Then it is taken by contract by a Japanese, and finally the farmer is either bought out or else leaves his farm or orchard for a long term and leaves the district; and the small storekeepers in the country towns close up and follow and the Japanese have all the retail trade. And thus by easy stages the Japanese are acquiring the land. They have also monopolized the fishing industry of the Pacific, or will in a few years, and they are branching into other industries. This is why Senator Phelan wants the Fourteenth Amendment amended. This bill was received and quietly disposed of. It is a serious and vital measure, and genuinely American. Shortly after a debate was being held on an international question, when some Irishman interjected a motion foreign to the question. There was immediately a demonstration by about 70 of the foreign members of the United States Congress who passed make the United States a white man's country, and so that we can protect and foster and perpetuate the White Race in the United States? Senator Williams, addressing the United States Senate, said: "I never found any destiny which was manifest except this: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall be reap. The truth is that Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina are part of a white man's country, and whether they accidentally or incidentally have a majority of negroes makes no difference. The truth is that California is a white man's country and, however much the Chinese and Japanese may give her trouble, she proposes to remain a white man's country, as a part of a white man's country. There is not a man in the United States that will respond more quickly than I to an appeal to race supremacy, race integrity, race purity, and to making this country a white man's country all over." It would take volumes to record the speeches and arguments that have been made in the United States Congress on the race question. We quote this small part of a great speech made in the United State Senate by a senator, just to show that Congress is ready to make the United States a white man's country all over, not in places, if only the White Americans who are in the majority would demand it. Then why not unite and demand it? If you sow negroes you will surely reap negroes, as the south has done. If you sow Jews you will surely reap Jews as New York has done. If you sow Japanese you will surely reap Japanese as the Hawaiian Islands have done. The Pacific Coast states are objecting to sowing Japanese or any other Asiatics. They can see and realize the danger of being supplanted by Asiatics. Then why not keep the race as pure as possible, and sow only high class white men? Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are asking the assistance of the United States to protect the White Race; let the White Race unite. If you cannot join an association or brotherhood, then join with your acquaintances and sign a petition to Congress, which is now investigating the question, something like the following: We, the undersigned citizens and voters of Chicago, Illinois, humbly (or respectfully) petition the Honorable Members of Congress to so amend the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States by adding the following words, or words that will have a similar effect and purpose to-wit: Of the European White Race, in order that only persons of the genuine European White Race shall be United States citizens, and that the United States be a white man's country all over, and that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution when amended shall read as follows: Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1. Any and all persons of the European White Race, native-born or naturalized, in the United States shall be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside. Any and all persons who are in favor of forming a White American Association, Society or Brotherhood for the purpose of protecting the integrity, the purity, and the supremacy of the American White Race, please write to PATRICK O'ROURKE, Chicago, Illinois. [*1230 W Madison St*] Yankee Doodle, isn't it tough? Red, brown, black or yellow-- Any mongrel is good enough To be an American fellow. The dirty, greasy Eskimo The cholo Peon from Mexico Iggorrotes or Ignorantes-- All make fine Yankee Doodle Dandies. The Arab knave or Congo slave, Dwarf, Bushman or Hottentot yellow, Any person of the African race Is a standard American fellow. The Malay, Mongrel, or Tartar clan, The Ghooska tribe from Hindoostan, Tierra del Fuegoan or Samoan Make very good American man. Yankee Doodle is a wonderful man And think's he is very nice, But he has to import the Gypsies To give him good advice. The Yankee nation is big and strong And Europe can lick with ease, But it cannot pass an exclusion law That will exclude the Japanese. Americans to Europe speak their mind, In language plain and emphatic, But to Asia they are civil and kind-- The Jews and Japs are Asiatic. The slant-eyed Jap, from Great Japan, Buck-toothed, pug-nosed, yellow, President Roosevet said would be A desirable Yankee fellow. The Perkins family were "pore white trash," When they lived in Tennessee, But Perkins moved to Canada-- Rich and respected now is he. Yankee Doodle to college went, Wore a gown and a flat-topped hat, And graduated with honors as A dollar diplomat. A negro to a college went, Wore a gown and joined a frat., And graduated with honors for He beat ten seconds flat. Yankee Doodle, isn't it tough? Red, brown, black, or yellow-- Any mongrel is good enough To be an American fellow. You must go, you must go. Where, we don't care, we don't know. Black labor is cheaper-- White man, you must go. We are black and repulsive, You don't like us we know, But black labor is cheaper-- White man, you must go. Like Haiti, or Cuba, or Old Mexico, The Carolinas or Georgia, wherever you go We will follow and displace you-- White man, you must go. You hate and despise us, You outclass us, we know, But we'll outbreed and outlive you-- White man, you must go. [*This is highly approved of by Western men & women - but us southern man can read it and shudder-*] “A Prudent Man Foreseeth the Evil; the Simple Pass on and are Punished.” -Proverbs. By James Callaway, in Macon Telegraph May 29th. THE EQUALITY PROPAGANDA. THIS column has shown so often the “Equality” idea is being taught by the literature sent out to the colored people. The literature sent out that prepared the way for the “Exodus” of the negro, teaching political and social equality, the Philadelphia Record says had much to do with the exodus movement. The negroes are now war-wealthy. Sambo is the nabob of the South. The negro is now reveling in his wealth, while the war had created a scarcity of labor by its demands upon the country for soldiers. This temporary condition, to be changed on return of the soldiers from the war, has puffed some negroes with wild ideas of their importance. The negro spoils all the financial blessings coming to him by his war prosperity, by cherishing ideas of political and social “equality.” As evidenced of all this I reproduce extracts from a letter written to me by a negro of Jacksonville, Fla., by name of Harmon Murray. The letter is of no importance except it shows how this Northern literature from DuBois’ paper, “The Crisis,” and from the “Suffragists,” and from “Headquarters News Letter,” Mrs. Catt’s organ, is building hopes in the minds of negroes that will lead to trouble and ugly complications. MURRAY’S LETTER. “Dear Sir: My advice to you and all your kind is to read the handwriting on the wall and cease writing about the race question, and fall in line with those who know that the solution of the race question will be ‘equality’ in every respect, pure and simple equality, and that day is fast coming. Your own Administration is backing the Federal measure for universal suffrage. “You have the old ‘rebel’ spirit and you should call the attention of your readers to the decision of the courts in the ‘residence segregation’ case and see by that decision we negroes can have annulled your infernal Jim Crow school system, and also your infernal Jim Crow railroad law. The clause ‘equal accommodation,’ while not a denial of our rights is an infringement of the fourteenth amendment and will yet be knocked skyward when properly brought before the United States Supreme Court, as will be done. “You stand mightily on State rights and quote Ben Hill and Alex Stephens. That’s all camouflage now. Wake up and ask old Satan to give you a furlough. Read the United States Supreme Court decisions ‘that no State or municipality can annul the right of white woman to marry whom she pleases, or vice versa. “Rest assured a new day has come and the colored people of the whole country are going to take into the courts every ‘Jim Crow’ and ‘segregation’ law and the big court will declare null and void all your restrictive laws and their decision will in future be enforced. “You Southern editors talk about suffrage. Read the decisions on the grandfather’s clause. This decision confirmed the conviction of two Oklahoma registration officials who attempted to prevent some colored men from registering by test questions. Tell your readers these decisions will be the pulling of all jaw and wisdom teeth from your Southerner’s heads. So fall in line with the new order of things. Things are working for the colored man’s cherished hope. His ‘equality’ is coming. You Southern people had a lesson taught you when one million colored men took up their bed and walked across the Potomac into the land of ‘equality.’ “No force bill is needed now to protect us to vote. The law now protects us. Wait until 1920 and we in the South will show you that we are going to vote and vote strong and then for candidates only who respect Americanism in its full democracy. We stand for “equality.” “Congressman Dyer, of Missouri, has introduced a splendid anti- lynching bill, which will pass, and such a law will not accord with Southern white men’s views. “Read the Chicago Defender the greatest weekly on earth. Some much contempt for doctrine of State rights and State self-government as has the negro Harmon Murray and his teachers- Jane Addams, Dr. Shaw, Mrs. Carrie Catt, Max Eastman, Mrs. Whitehouse, Alice Paul and Ida Husted Harper and others of like faith and order. The Anthony amendment translated into practice means the negro Murray’s interpretation. The white people of Georgia deplore lynching. But lynching is not confined to sections. The worst, on the largest scale, have occurred beyond the Mason and Dixon line. The negro Murray while he cries out for vengeance for lynchings, does not even deplore the crimes committed which cause lynchings. The negro Murray would conceal from the law’s punishment any negro guilty of assault upon a white woman. Governor Dorsey in his admirable reply to the Augusta League for negro “uplift,” called attention to this — the utter failure of the negro race to condemn the crimes committed that lead to lynchings. East St. Louis, on Illinois soil, gave the negroes least regard in that riot. No such ever occurred in the South. The new negro is reading literature from the “Chicago Defender,” from “The Crisis,” from “Headquarters News Letter,” organ of Mrs. Catt’s suffrage association, from the “Suffragist,” Alice Paul’s organ, and the “Masses,” Max Eastman’s paper, and these inflame him against the whites of the Southern States. I have time and again reproduced the terrible indictment of the people of Georgia from Mrs. Catt’s paper, the “Headquarters News Letters.” The white men of Georgia were held up in most ugly terms -simply because we opposed universal suffrage and opposed Federal control of the elective franchise. All the suffrage organizations North stand for the creed of the negro Murray, and will enforce it when it becomes a national law. The Anthony measure provides for its enforcement. It all means a world of confusion for the South. It is not like the German propaganda- a means to an end- and that end to rob the South of its labor? In this contest the strong men of the East are standing by the South. They oppose taking from the States the right of regulating the franchise. Harmon Murray wants conditions in the South similar to those in Porto Rico. Some years ago Miss Edna Cain, of Quitman, Ga., gave account of what she saw on her visit to Porto Rico and prayed that the South be saved from such. Any observer can see that these recent crimes which produced these recent lynchings are direct resultant of the teachings of such negroes as Harmon Murray, who are saturated with the ideas of social equality preached by the literature from papers in a conspiracy to bring about a new order of things in the South. The war is enough for the present. When that is over will be time enough to consider the “Equality” propaganda now urged on the Senate. No German propagandist is needing handling more than the negro Harmon Murray, who writes from Jacksonville, Fla. “GOING A LITTLE TOO FAR.” A Washington telegram says: “President Wilson today urged the adoption of woman suffrage in Louisiana in a telegram to the Louisiana State Legislature. “‘I cannot help regarding the settlement of this question as of world-wide significance,’ said President Wilson, ‘and as affording a standard by which to judge our present interest in the complete establishment of democracy. I am moved to send you this expression of opinion by a very profound sense of the public interest.’” While an admirer of President Wilson and a strong supporter of his administration especially of his war measures, the Clarion-Ledger States Supreme Court, as will be done. "You stand mightily on State rights and quote Ben Hill and Alex Stephens. That's all camouflage now. Wake up and ask old Satan to give you a furlough. Read the United States Supreme Court decisions 'that no State or municipality can annul the right of white woman to marry whom she pleases, or vice versa. "Rest assured a new day has come and the colored people of the whole country are going to take into the courts every 'Jim Crow' and 'segregation' law and the big court will declare null and void all your restrictive laws and their decision will in future be enforced. "You Southern editors talk about suffrage. Read the decisions on the grandfather's clause. This decision confirmed the conviction of two Oklahoma registration officials who attempted to prevent some colored men from registering by test questions. Tell your readers these decisions will be the pulling of all jaw and wisdom teeth from your Southerner's heads. So fall in line with the new order of things. Things are working for the colored man's cherished hope. His 'equality' is coming. You Southern people had a lesson taught you when one million colored men took up their bed and walked across the Potomac into the land of 'equality.' "No force bill is needed now to protect us to vote. The law now protects us. Wait until 1920 and we in the South will show you that we are going to vote and vote strong and then for candidates only who respect Americanism in its full democracy. We stand for "equality." "Congressman Dyer, of Missouri, has introduced a splendid anti-lynching bill, which will pass, and such a law will not accord with Southern white men's views. "Read the Chicago Defender, the greatest weekly on earth. Some tell you the Southern colored people do not want 'equality,' as in the North, but they do want it, and are going to have it. (Signed) "Harmon Murray." Harmon Murray has every reason to be comforted. All the suffrage associations North are pulling for his political and social creed. Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded their creed on this idea. They condensed it in the Susan B. Anthony amendment. The negro Harmon Murray has rightly interpreted them. During the Hughes campaign all the suffragist and Socialist orators endorsed the creed of Susan B. Anthony. Mrs. Norman Whitehouse and others were so pronounced in regard to the political and social "uplift" of the negro. They are making good their promise and have swarmed the White House and Congress to put through their measures. They captured the House of Representatives––the Southern vote being overrun by the vote of the vast West. The majority of the House has as Harmon Murray wants conditions in the South similar to those in Porto Rico. Some years ago Miss Edna Cain, of Quitman, Ga., gave account of what she saw on her visit to Porto Rico and prayed that the South be saved from such. Any observer can see that these recent crimes which produced these recent lynchings are direct resultant of the teachings of such negroes as Harmon Murray, who are saturated with the ideas of social equality preached by the literature from papers in a conspiracy to bring about a new order things in the South. The war is enough for the present. When that is over will be time enough to consider the "Equality" propaganda now urged on the Senate. No German propagandist is needing handling more than the negro Harmon Murray, who writes from Jacksonville, Fla. "GOING A LITTLE TOO FAR." A Washington telegram says: "President Wilson today urged the adoption of woman suffrage in Louisiana in a telegram to the Louisiana State Legislature. " 'I cannot help regarding the settlement of this question as of world-wide significance,' said President Wilson, 'and as affording a standard by which to judge our present interest in the complete establishment of democracy. I am moved to send you this expression of opinion by a very profound sense of the public interest.' " While an admirer of President Wilson and a strong supporter of his administration, especially of his war measures, the Clarion-Ledger cannot but help differ with him on the question of female suffrage, and must condemn his attempt to influence State legislatures into the adoption of a female suffrage amendment to their constitutions. It is none of President Wilson's business to interfere in the internal affairs of Louisiana or any other State. He bulldozed the House into the adoption of the Susan B. Anthony amendment, extending to the women of the United States the right of suffrage upon the acceptance of the amendment by three-fourths of the States of the Union, which was a questionable privilege, but he has certainly gone out of his way to give some unsought-for advice which the people of Louisiana are not apt to appreciate. Louisianians have always been accorded men of ordinary intelligence, and certainly in this case have sense enough to know what their people want without having to be advised by even so big a man as the President.––Daily Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Miss. Why this Hysteria? Only 14 States For Suffrage, and 34 Against Write Your Congressman and Senators Today Not to Vote for the Federal Suffrage Amendments [*Federal suffrage will add to this the negro woman, a veritable friend aroused, the negro soldier, + both backed by Yankee millions — Save the children!*] Will the States Consent to Blot the Stars from Old Glory, Leaving Only a Meaningless Square of Blue? Then Beware of Federal Amendments Passed in "War Times" when the Public Mind is Demoralized. A Message from the Old South to an United Nation of To-Day. (By James Callaway.) Macon, Georgia, Telegraph, January 8th, 1918. IN TUESDAY'S column attention was called to Senator Bailey's warning against submitting constitutional amendments in war times when the public mind is out of joint and not in a normal condition. Senator Bailey's position is illustrated in the passage of the fifteenth amendment. As it takes nothing short of revolution to get rid of an amendment, howsoever odious it proves, so amendments should be carefully weighed before making them Federal laws. To show that it is unwise to pass amendments in times of war when the public mind is demoralized, it is well to recall the circumstances under which the fifteenth amendment became a national law, and for the nation to learn from the blunder then made, to avoid such unwise legislation in the future, at a time when passion and prejudice sway the thoughts of men. That blunder of the fifteenth amendment put upon the country amid the excitement of war times produced the Ku Klux Plan. Of this Klan Collier's Weekly says: "The Ku Klux Klan was a gigantic conspiracy of night riders who saved the civilization of the South and bequeathed it a priceless heritage to the nation. The conditions which gave it birth have no parallel in the story of the human race. The bloodiest and most destructive war in history had just closed. The conquered South lay helpless in her rags and ashes, with the flower of her manhood buried in nameless graves. "Four million negroes had been suddenly freed and the economic world torn from the foundations of centuries. Five billion dollars' worth of property had been destroyed in the South; every bank had been closed, every dollar of money had become worthless paper, and the whole South—the eleven States—had been plundered by invading armies. "The task of reorganizing this wretched society and controlling the millions of ignorant and superstitious negroes was one to appall the stoutest hearts. "Such a blow on a disarmed foe, who accepted the surrender at Appomattox in good faith, could never have been struck had Lincoln lived, but upon his death, the shrewdest and meanest man who ever dominated over our national life became dictator of our republic. "This man was beyond doubt the most adroit parliamentary leader in our history. A fanatic, a misanthrope, embittered by physical deformity, a born revolutionist endowed with the audacity of the devil, he became in a moment the bold and unscrupulous master of a crazed nation. "Twenty-eight years before this, when he lived in Lancaster, Pa., he had become infatuated with a mulatto woman (Lydia Smith) of extraordinary animal beauty, whom he had separated from her husband. This yellow vampire fattened on him during his public career, amassed a fortune in real estate in Washington, wrecked his great ambition to be President, and made him a social pariah. "But the muffled crack of a pistol in Ford's theater in the hands of a madman suddenly snatched this man from the grave and lifted him to the seat of empire with his negro wench by his side. Over him she had complete control and became the 'First Lady' of the land. "Thad Stevens as master of the situation, being leader of the House, determined to blot the South from the map, confiscate the property of its citizens, give it to the negroes, deprive the whites of the ballot, while conferring it upon the former slaves, send their leaders into beggared exile, enfranchise the negro and make him master of every State from the James to the Rio Grande." In this scheme he had the hearty support of Cady Stanton, Anna Dickinson, Fred Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Theodore Tilton and Lucy Stone, who set up shop in Washington, and beseeched Congressmen to stand up to Thad Stevens and his policies. This same Susan B. Anthony amendment was offered and insisted upon, but Congress refused to accept it. However, these women did not desert Stevens. To quote again from Collier's: "If the statement about Thad Stevens seems extravagant, turn to the Congressional Record (Globe) for 1867, page 203, and read Thad Stevens' confiscation act, House bill No. 29, and his speech in its defense-- a speech which lights with the glare of infamy his whole character and career. He lost the confiscation and miscegenation scheme by ONLY FIVE VOTES, but was sustained in the balance of his Reconstruction plan and measures. "He disarmed all the whites, armed the negroes, placed the ballot in the hand of every negro, and a bayonet at the breast of every white man, though no armed foe existed anywhere. He organized the negroes through the Freedmen's Bureau into oath-bound secret societies, known as 'Union Leagues,' in which they were drilled in insolence and crime and taught to hate their former owners, over whom they were promised unlimited dominion. Every device was resorted to in order to detach the negroes from the whites. Stevens had his military satraps to nail to the door of every court house his proclamation of EQUALITY and promised bayonets to enforce the intermarriage of whites and blacks. Negroes were supplied with arms taken from the whites and drilled every night at the league rendezvous. "The women of the South being thus in danger, a 'reign of terror' immediately followed. The men who represented the Aryan civilization had to take their choice between rebellion against these conditions permitted by the government or annihilation. A great crisis was upon the men of the South. "At this very time in South Carolina, 80,000 armed negroes, answering to no authority, terrorized the State, and not a single white man was allowed to bear arms. He was jerked up by the Freedmen's Bureau even if he kept an old shotgun in his home. Hordes of former slaves, well armed, paraded daily before the homes of their former masters. The children of the breed of Burns and Shakespeare, of Drake and Raleigh, had been made subject of the spawn of the African jungle." This from Collier's Weekly, and taken from Harper's. But it shows how unwise and unstatesmanlike to enact legislation and put amendments to the Constitution when the public mind is out of balance--for the public mind sustained the Reconstruction measures, now regarded a foul blot on the escutcheon of the nation. Had it not been war times these measures would not have been passed and Lincoln's plan of "restoration" would have been adopted. Hence it is Senator Bailey warns against submitting amendments during a period of war, when the public mind is distracted and out of balance. But the disciples and followers of Cady Stanton, Susan Anthony, Anna Dickinson and Fred Douglass are now in Washington to rush through the amendment as a companion of that fifteenth amendment which they aided Stevens to fasten upon the South. No wonder the Ku Klux Klan arose as in a night to save the South. But the "leagues" had done their work of alienating the negroes from the whites. The same organization that aided and abetted Thad Stevens had its headquarters in Washington. They are now making a "drive" on Congress, hoping in the unsettled state of affairs, Congressmen will yield to their entreaties and devices. These organizations care nothing for States and State self-government. At a suffrage convention in Washington City Mrs. Chapman Catt said: "If the Constitution stands in our way we will tear it up and make another to suit us." And so felt Thad Stevens. He said the "Constitution was a worthless old parchment, for which he had no regard." Yet these anti-South and anti-Constitution suffragists catch the weaklings. Even Southern Senators (names omitted) are attracted by the "swish" of the petticoat. [*a sample of Southern chivalr(??) expressions [?] [?]. E.A.B.*] They walk right into the web spread for such as they, and like the unwary fly of old, listen to the spider's siren song as she sings: "Won't you walk into my parlor?" Said the spider to the fly; "Tis the prettiest little parlor That ever you did spy." STATES' RIGHTS ARE BEING WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE. LET "JUSTICE" GAUGE THE SCALE. [*Such a sweet disposition- No wonder she’s still a meddling old maid. Reforming our women dissatisfied & unhappy--*] Mine “Adversary hath written a book,” “Yea thine own lips testify against thee.” --Job. Women ARE Taught by Men to Deceive; All are Liars How Long Halt Ye Between (these) Two Opinions? “Greater Love Hath No Man” “WOMEN ARE TAUGHT BY MEN TO DECEIVE; ALL ARE LIARS” (Dr. ANNA H. SHAW) Notable Suffragist Passes Through Birmingham on Way to Address State Association at Tuscaloosa. Talks Interestingly of Progress of the Work. “But women are greater liars,” was Dr. Anna Howard Shaw’s reply to a remark that men were liars, made by a prominent suffragist as the Tutwiler Thursday morning. “All women are liars. That is the trouble with the suffrage movement today. Women have been taught for so long, by the men, to win what they wanted by deceit, that it is now hard to come forward and ask for it in a straight forward manner.” Dr. Shaw has a charming, almost Scotch, accent and her face is touched with the lines of an habitual humorist. “The most consistent part of men is their inconsistency,” she continued. “I have always thought so, but I never had the nerve to say it until recently.” But when she launched into the serious questions that have to do with women suffrage, one could not imagine her lacking nerve in anything. She chatted lightly on several subjects, her trip, her recent visit to Raleigh, N. C., and Philadelphia, and the progress of the cause in other sections of the country. “But,” she said, “I believe that undoubtedly the Southern States will be ahead of the East and the Northeast in winning the ballot. Things may look dark at times, but progress during the last two or three years has indicated the advance of the cause. “The men and their idea of chivalry, which does not now and never did exist, stand most in the way in the South. They are most conservative and fear the entrance of women into politics, which they say is too filthy, and yet they refuse to admit that they are themselves part of the filth. They give reasons, but stick to theory and idea rather than facts. “It isn’t the men who are working and making homes that I fear. It is the shifting, unsettled, mostly unmarried men that are drifting in groups from place to place that will give the most trouble. They are the first to make objections. “The legislators say that women will not be satisfied with the ballot, they will be wanting to hold office, but the recent law passed in Montgomery allowing women on school boards, shows that they are willing that women should hold office, but want them elected by the men." --Birmingham News. WHAT IS PEDESTAL? By James Callaway. The press dispatches from London relate a touching story of man's deference to woman--even giving his life to save hers. Alfred G. Vanderbilt was on the deck of the Lusitania as she went down. He could not swim, and had equipped himself with a life belt. Near him he saw a young woman without a life belt. He gallantly took his off and placed it around this woman--a stranger to him. Before he could secure another the boat sank. This man of great wealth, gave his life to save the woman. This was "pedestal." His duty was to the weaker one. He surrendered to her his only chance of life. [*He destroyed more women’s honor than can be counted. Was this chivalrous too E. A. B.*] "No man has greater love than this--that he lays down his life for another." When Southern men say they place their women upon a pedestal, what do they mean? That the woman comes first. He places her above him. He regards her as purer, loftier than himself. Even when the sea is opening as a yawning gulf, and only one life-preserver, he hands that to the woman. That is what we mean when we say we place our women on a "pedestal." Save her, even if the man goes down. This is the Southerner's ideal of his duty. And, like Vanderbilt, so did Archibald Butt act in the tragedy of the Titanic. A member of the White House, associated with President Taft, the officials rushed to provide his representative with a seat in the lifeboat-- a compliment to his official station. Did he avail himself of it? What did he do? A woman was near. He seized her, placed her in the seat reserved for him, and as the boat was sinking, waved her adieu, his very countenance lit with a smile. This was manhood. This was "pedestal." He gave his life to save the woman. Greater love hath no man than that. Love for what? Not for the individual woman whose life was saved, but in obedience to that principle of deference to womankind. May our Southern women remain on the pedestal, forever preserve that distinctive deference which is theirs so long as they remain as they are-- our highest ideals of the true, the beautiful and the good. Thank God that Archibald Butt and Alfred G. Vanderbilt illustrated in their self-sacrifice the true spirit of American manhood. On Mother's Day we wore the white flower in token of our affection for our departed mothers. The heart of each bowed in love and reverence at her shrine. This, too, was "pedestal." May our women never desert the pedestal, but remain on it--the objects of perpetual adoration and homage. [*What not!*] Deference to its womankind has always been a distinguished characteristoc of the Southern people. Southern men would perpetuate it, But foreign forces have invaded us, established branches over the South of a huge National Woman's Association whose ideals are not our ideals; whose women are not like our Southern women. They are women of a different clay, and are of different mould. Should these foreign crusaders succeed, pervert the tastes of our women, persuade them to abandon their old ideals and descend into the arena of politics, as practiced in Oregon, Washington, California and Colorado, then the Southern mothers of the future will change the song. "Oh, Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?" and distressingly and despairingly ask "Oh, where is my wandering girl?" Woe is the day for Southern civilization when the "pedestal" is overthrown. God be praised that heaven's door was wide open to Archibald Butt and Alfred Vanderbilt. They symbolized our "pedestal." [*Both dissipated*] --Macon (Georgia) Telegraph. Lest Ye Forget. Only Fourteen States Want Suffrage -- Thirty-Four Against SOME FACTS ABOUT CALIFORNIA'S EXPERIMENT WITH WOMAN SUFFRAGE ...Compliments of the... Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Woman For pamphlets and information address the Secretary 687 Boylston Street, Room 615, Boston. ISSUED BY The National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage 37 WEST 39th STREET NEW YORK CITY 206 ALLIED PRINTING TRADES UNION LABEL COUNCIL NEW YORK CITY WOMAN suffrage was imposed upon the State of California by a minority of the voters. Now the entire population, men and women, are feeling the evil effects of this dangerous experiment. It earnestly behooves every citizen-- both men and women-- of those States where a small minority is seeking the enfranchisement of women to read this report compiled from official records, newspapers and the letters of resident and visiting investigators in direct touch with the situation in California. The official election figures prove the contention of Anti-Suffragists that the better moral element among women does not vote. And the elections prove that many women of the "submerged tenth" do vote for undesirable and vicious measures. Suffragists contended that the women of California wished to vote, to have " a voice in the government " of the city, the State and the nation. It was on such representations of a few enthusiastic Suffragists that California women were enfranchised in October, 1911. "Women want the vote. Why not let them have it? It won't do any harm and it may do good," reasoned the majority of the minority of me who voted on this constitutional amendment. Do the women of California vote? Do they vote in city elections? In State elections? In national elections? Has woman suffrage in California done harm? Has it done good? The correct answers to these questions may save to guide the action of other States confronting this serious problem in government. Because of its wider interest, let us first consider the national phase. The Bureau of the Census at Washington states that there are 920,397 males and 671,386 females of voting age in California. Eliminating the Chinese and Japanese, who have no vote, there should have been 860,794 men and 665,450 women registered (less those not naturalized, of whom there are more men than women.) Secretary of State Jordan, of California, is authority for the statement that 802,000 men and 180,000 women registered to vote 3 920.397 208.000 118.397 at the Presidential election on November 5, 1912, a most interesting and important national election. These figures show that of those entitled to vote over 93 per cent. of the men registered and only a fraction over 27 per cent. of the women registered. And this at the first national election, when the tinsel had not yet worn from the Suffragists' toy! Beyond all shadow of doubt, then, at least 73 per cent. of the women of California do not wish to perform the duty of voting in national elections. This 73 per cent, does not include the many women who voted to offset the vote of misguided women - and not because they wished "a voice in the government." What then of the number and kind of who vote in local or State elections? Just two recent instances: In Pasadena on March 20th, this year, a special election was held to vote on bond issues, some of which would enable the purchase of land for public parks and playgrounds. Out of a voting population of 16,324 (city clerk's figures), 4,672 voted. The votes of men and women are not kept separate, but it is clear that at least 50 per cent. of the women did not vote. ! In Los Angeles on March 24, 1913, there was a more important election, one involving radical and socialistic changes in the city charter. A Citizen's Committee of 1,000 advocated in all the newspapers the carrying of certain propositions and the defeat of others. Sample ballots marked "Vote No," "Vote Yes" were distributed broadcast. Only 31,000 voters (men and women) out of 161,000 voted at all, and nine out of ten of the propositions advocated by the Reform Committee were defeated. The Los Angeles Times of March 26th says: "The vote of the women was disappointing. In some precincts it was a negligible quantity, while in others it was only about one-third of the total." Yet the Suffragists carried on an active campaign, attended and spoke at all-day meetings and even worked at their headquarters all Easter Sunday. Has woman suffrage in California done harm? The saloon question is one which Suffragists say women will settle when they vote. Their favorite attack is that the anti-suffrage campaign is financed by the saloon interests. Anti-saloon workers favor control of saloon evils by means of a local 4 option. A local option election was held in San Francisco late last year. What happened? There were 121,000 possible women voters in San Francisco; 45,665 women and 89,023 men were registered and entitled to vote; a total of 78,857 did vote. Remembering that the papers had been urging the adoption of the local option amendment in order to control the saloons and lessen crime during the approaching exposition, the Suffragists would have us believe that at least all the women who registered would vote. Yet only 15,087 votes were cast in favor of the amendment, although 45,665 women registered, and it is stated that approximately one woman in eight who was interested enough to register took interest enough to go to the polls. At a special election held in Berkeley, Cal., April 12th, on the issuing of bonds for playgrounds, about 1,500 of the 8,000 women voters of the city voted. The mayor, who has been a zealous worker for women suffrage, reprimands the women for their negligence of this particular issue, which of all others should interest them. In a newspaper interview he asks, "What were the mothers?" Thus one of the crying evils of our day has been aggravated by the enfranchisement of women in California - the evil of an irresponsible or disinterested voting class who do not vote. This sort of negligence and indifference is resulting in government by a minority. That there is opportunity enough for evil results is indicated by the fact that eight or nine distinct elections were held in Los Angeles in the year 1912. The dereliction of the new voters and its evil effects are further revealed by this letter from a San Francisco written February 26, 1913. "The Suffragists in other States are asking for the vote, as they say, 'to put down vice.' Albany, Cal., had a local election two weeks ago and the 'drys' were snowed under, although, as the local paper states, over 50 per cent. of the Albany voters are women. "I notice that when a State is about to vote on suffrage the Suffragists adroitly pass it around that the saloon interest and white slavers are raising funds to defeat suffrage, knowing that their occupation will be gone. This argument has made converts of thousands of the very best people. But these interests are organized, too, and know through their agents that in the suffrage 5 States the wind sets in their direction. And why not? At the cost of some space let me explain. When suffrage is granted to women only a small vote can be brought out in minor elections. But the class with personal interests at stake will vote. Those, too, do not neglect to vote who find their ballot has a money value. Note how many affiliated interests are pulling with the saloon interest. Hotels, clubs, restaurants, brewers and the people they buy from. Now their wives, their sisters, mothers, cousins and their aunts get out on the streets and bring their friends to the polls. As for 'the submerged tenth,' they had formerly no political strength. Now they can vote and use their influence, which is not benign." That this warning is not an idle one is confirmed by the information that Pasadena, which had been "dry" ever since it was founded, voted "wet" the first time women voted. John W. Foster, former Secretary of State of the United States, returned to Washington last month after four months spent in California. He writes the Washington Post: "My study of the subject, my intercourse with its people and my careful reading of the local press led me to the conviction that the amendment of the State constitution conferring the franchise on women was a serious error, and that so far in actual practice is not proving an unmixed blessing to the State, counties and municipalities. The amendment was adopted by a minority of the legal voters. I met many women who were opposed to it and quite a number who since its adoption have never gone to the polls. Some towns formerly 'dry' have, since the granting of female suffrage, voted themselves 'wet.' So-styled reforms, adopted since the amendment, have proved impracticable or unwise in enforcement. * * * In a city who newspapers I read daily the voters were being called upon to resort to the registry office, primaries, and the polls four different times in thirty days. The result usually is that the busy citizen and the laboring man, finding it inconvenient to devote so much time to the affairs of State, stay away from the polls and leave the elections, in large measure, to the idle and such as obey the call of the political manipulators, and often the actual voters constitute a minority of the legal voters. The conclusion reached during my four months' stay in California was that it would be wise for the older States of ourUnion to await the result of the working out in practice of these 'modern' 6 measures of government by such adventurous States as California and other more recent members of the Union." A San Franciscan sees a reflection of the "baleful suffrage influence" in the increasing divorce rate in his own city. He writes: "San Francisco in proportion to its population grants nine times as many divorces as the City of New York. From a State report just published, there were in 1912 thirty-seven hundred divorces granted here." The San Francisco Chronicle sees in a proposed two-year State budget of $48,800,000 for 2,500,000 people an evidence that extremists are in control of the government. We have seen that the enfranchisement of women in California has done positive harm. Has it done good to offset this harm? Suffragists claim that the one great good accomplished was the defeat of race-track gambling. But we find that the race-track measure would have been overwhelmingly defeated whether women had voted or not. Because, as less than one-third of the women entitled to vote took the trouble even to register, and fewer voted, gambling could easily have been legalized had the men wished it. In view of the facts brought out in this article, is is not the part of wisdom to withhold the burden of the ballot from those who do not want it and will not use it, especially since granting the ballot to a few Suffragists imposes a burden upon the entire State? A CALIFORNIA EDITOR ON SUFFRAGE “TESTIMONY’ (San Francisco Argonaut, July, 1916) A certain tendency to distort facts may usually be noticed in the expert and the enthusiast. Sallying forth in pursuit of evidence for his pet project or contention, he never fails to find it, even though he may have to manufacture it for the purpose. * * * * For example, there is a lady called Helen V. Barg, and she is a member of the Industrial Welfare Commission of California, and therefore an ardent suffragist. It seems that the Springfield Equal Suffrage League is anxious to inform itself on conditions in California, as they relate to women and to the suffrage, and so it addresses a series of questions to Helen V. Barg and prints her replies to the extent of about a column and a half. Now whether the women of California have actually done so much to make us all happy as these replies would indicate is not a matter for discussion in this column. Whether the gates of an earthly paradise have swung open before our eyes as the result of the various tax-eating commissions that have been aptly described as homes for indigent politicians might perhaps be challenged, but not here. Whether women have had other than a pernicious influence upon legislation is a subject for debate, but not on the present occasion. At the moment we can only think of one achievement that was definitely feminine, and that was the recall of Judge Weller, who subsequently died of chagrin, and his replacement by Judge Crist, which was a flying leap from the frying-pan into the fire and a definite impetus to the degradation of the police bench. But let that pass. The question that attracts our attention is as follows: “Are the women of your State or city treated with less consideration, chivalry, or courtesy than they were before enfranchisement?” The incredible reply is: “Certainly not. . . . . Women have been accorded much more consideration as members of the community since 1911.” Now it will be observed that this reply is an evasion. The question speaks of “consideration, chivalry, or courtesy.” The reply speaks only of “consideration as members of the community.” None the less it is intended to convey the impression of an emphatic and inclusive negative. And no doubt the sisterhood in Springfield will solemnly add it to their already vast stock of misinformation. It will form a basis for what they call their views. Now it is most emphatically untrue to assert or to suggest that women have been treated with more “consideration, chivalry, or courtesy” since 1911. As a matter of fact these virtues practically disappeared so far as the general public is concerned when the suffrage agitation first came on the stage of practical politics. The change was obvious and unmistakeable. It became a matter of general comment everywhere. And it may be said that there is an active and a practical dislike of the woman who take a conspicuous part in public affairs. There is a definite sex antagonism, and it has resulted everywhere in a lowering of the social status of women. The California Legislature of 1916 did not pass one law of benefit to women or children. The California laws safeguarding women’s property are very inferior to those of most male suffrage states, and under woman suffrage they are growing worse. Formerly a married women could by homesteading exempt property to the amount of $5,000 from any debt owed by the husband. This gave the widow and children enough to meet their immediate wants. Now, in case of death, if there is indebtedness the wife and children lose everything. In the newly established “equality” the wife is liable for all debts; she can be made to pay the household expenses and can be sued for alimony. One of the highest honors possible to bestow at an election has been given to a man whose private life is such that he was refused a nomination for a lesser office and practically driven out of politics by male voters in California, a few years ago. He is now a prime favorite among the California women, who helped to elect him, and not one of them makes any pretence to ignorance of his record. To turn women out of the home into politics is to start a fire the end of which no living prophet can foresee--Octave Thanet. Issued by the Woman’s Anti-Suffrage Association of Massachusetts CALIFORNIA UNDER WOMAN SUFFRAGE THE GROSSLY EXTRAVAGANT STATE GOVERNMENT OF CALIFORNIA Despite the denunciations and denials of the state administration, California’s per capita cost of state government has been irrevocably established by the Federal Department of Commerce, through the United States Census Bureau, as the highest in the United States. “Financial Statistics of States” is the latest publication by the Census Bureau. Page 68 of that report gives the per capita governmental cost of each of the forty-eight states. California leads with a per capita of $12.17; South Carolina is lowest with a per capita cost of $1.87. The average per capita for the whole of the United States, including California, is $5.03. An interesting compilation has been made of ten other states in the same class as California in relation to population. The highest rate in any of these is that of Iowa, with $4.14; the lowest is that of North Carolina, with a rate of $2.14; the average for the ten states is $3.16. The average governmental cost for these ten states is $7,000,000 a year; that of California is $34,000,000. Analytic comparisons are made by the Federal statisticians of the comparative costs of the different general departments of the American states. These reveal clearly that our high per capita is due to the frills and extras of our state government and not to the necessities. All these states pay for schools, roads, courts, prisons, asylums and corrective institutions. CALIFORNIA PAYS HIGHER SALARIES AND HAS A GREATER PROPORTION OF HER POPULATION ON THE STATE PAY ROLL THAN ANY OTHER STATE. Government by commission seems to have run mad in California. We have a department headed by $5,000- a-year men to handle something that is cared for in other states by a couple of clerks in some minor department. Whenever a complaint is made about something our state administration slaps a commission on it. Not only are our commissions the most numerous of all the states, but they are the highest priced. Our Board of Control costs three times as much as that of other states of similar population; our Railroad Commission is the most expensive in the United States, although there are others that do a great deal more work, as their annual reports prove. We duplicate Federal commissions in a needless and reckless manner and manage to spend more each year for extras than any of the other states in our class spend for necessities. Shortly after the close of the last fiscal year The Times published a statement of the governmental cost for the year and asserted that the per capita cost of our state government had been a little more than $12, the highest in the United States. This statement was denied by Gov. Johnson in his platform speeches. His utterances were paraded on the front pages of the Progressive press under the flamboyant heading, "A Lie Nailed." But every figure given by The Times has been verified in detail by the Federal experts. They will be verified a second time when the annual reports of the State Treasurer and State Controller appear. These were carefully held back until after the legislative elections were well out of the way. Satellites of the State administration clamor that the money was all honestly expended; that their books are open to public inspection; that there has been no graft. This clamor deceives no one. The fault lies with the administration, which used state patronage to force through the Legislature bills creating useless commissions, raising salaries, lengthening pay rolls, putting three men to do the work that one man did before. The gross cost, net cost and departmental cost of state government had doubled in California during six years of "Progressive" rule.* Promised twice the efficiency at half the expense, we have received half the efficiency at twice the expense. That tells why our tax bills are so heavy and why politics has been injected into so many lines of private industry in California. If we delay much longer the organization of taxpayers for common defense we shall find that organization impossible because there will be a state deputy on guard over every business, almost in every house. The stage is set for a modern Patrick Henry to sound the clarion of freedom from administration tyranny, the clarion of economic independence. --Los Angeles Time, Dec. 6, 1916. *Woman suffrage was granted in California six years ago--in 1911. The following testimony received by a prominent educator in the East from a friend in California is enlightening: A single election in which not twelve per cent of the people vote can change what is called our "constitution." It would take a man several days, I think, to read over the amendments for which, at a single time, he is often expected to vote. In two weeks we had once three elections, and one of the documents sent by the state to the voter to read preparatory to voting contained something like seventy-eight pages in the finest newspaper type. The beauty (?) of the thing is that both constitutional amendments and candidates are determined by some individual, not by a convention or the result of consultation. A man may nominate himself, or have his own crude conception voted for as a "constitutional amendment," if only he can persuade or purchase enough signers to a petition that he himself has drawn up. When the final vote comes, elections have been so frequent that few pay any attention to them. Only six thousand out of more than two hundred thousand registered voters went to the polls to decide a matter, last year, requiring an outlay by the city of something like six million dollars. Just this month less than half the registered Republican voters decided upon the candidate for senator. Those that did not go to the polls are surprised to find that they must vote for Johnson who was not registered as a Republican. Our laws are such that, if there be no contest--or opposition to one candidate--in a party, those who belong to it can register as belonging to another party and control, perhaps, the nominee. In this way Democrats can nominate a Republican who will serve themselves and vice versa. At the general election one need not vote for the man whom he has nominated. After the nomination, however, no matter how objectionable a candidate may be, there is no freedom such as was formerly the case, allowing independents or dissenters to name another candidate. Three years ago, for instance, one could not vote in California for Taft. No Taft electors could be printed on the official ballots. In this way many hundreds of thousands in California were disenfranchised, all in the name of progress! In bringing about such conditions, progressive legislation seems to be in its element. The woman suffrage business, too, has singular results--not only political but moral. It reinforces the followers of reformers with untried panaceas, giving every socialist and anarchist a more intelligent and reputable set of constituents than he could find among mere men; but in California, at least, it has brought about a wholly unanticipated change in moral standards. Out of a jury of women six decided that the police had no reason to arrest the keeper and dancer in one of the shows at the Exposition because, as the police and every man of an audience of the state militia who was asked, swore the dancer posed and danced before them absolutely nude! The two presidents of the best clubs here united in requesting the police and common council to rescind the regulation forbidding the sale of liquor in public dancing houses, or, what is the same thing, to allow dancing in all saloons and restaurants. Because girls are often doped in such places, through opium in cigarettes, the police have recently forbidden their use by girls in such places. Without apparently thinking or caring about the effect that their opinion will have upon their own sons, almost all the women here seem to think that no man is chaste, and that he has no right to require a woman to be chaste. The heroine of the moving picture is usually a harlot-- I am not exaggerating--who, because of her experience in her profession, marries the good man whom she meets, and ever afterwards lives happily. The one impression that a thoughtful man would derive from much of the applause that he hears in public places is that the emancipated woman of the future is to be like every man of the past--as she pictures him--and lead a perfectly "free" life. I am afraid that nothing but tribulations like those brought by war will sober our people and bring them to their senses. We are in danger of having all our society as corrupt as was the court society in France in the age of Louis XV. One paper here, the other day, recorded fifteen divorces and fourteen marriages, and moral conditions in certain high schools are appalling. P. S. By the way, the progressive Republicans of San Francisco aided by the women of the slums, who unlike those of Nob Hill all vote, nominated for the Legislature the president of the bar keepers association, two other bar keepers, and two brothel keepers, and if the Republicans want to vote for their party they must vote for these. I don't think the direct primary has improved the character of the candidates! A convention would hardly dare to nominate all these at the same time. A prominent Californian wrote as follows to the San Francisco Argonaut of Nov. 18, 1916, concerning the recent political campaign in California and the other suffrage states: Casa Rio, Nov. 12, 1916. Editor Argonaut: The result of the presidential election will long be the subject of speculation and discussion. Why all of the great industrial states except Ohio went against Wilson, and why all of the woman suffrage states but two went against Hughes, will afford material for analysis. Wilson had gone to desperate extremes to catch the industrial vote and failed. Hughes had jumped over his platform to catch the twelve suffrage states and failed. Any one who knew the psychology of the suffrage issue knew that Hughes was beaten from the time he surrendered to Mrs. Catt. Samson was shorn of his hair. Compare the virility and manhood statesmanship of his message to the convention, with the progressive weakness that followed his bargain with Mrs. Catt to promote National suffrage for the assurance of the votes of 4,000,000 women and ninety-five votes in the Electoral College, and the situation is clarified. But why did he not carry the twelve woman suffrage states, all but two of them normally Republican? Immediately after his bargain with Mrs. Catt, Republicans began telling me that they would not vote for him. These cases became so numerous that inquiry was made in the other suffrage states, and the same condition was disclosed in them all. Men do not like woman suffrage. When the special trains of Hughes women began their tour and the female politicians said in their speeches, "We are going to show that we woman can elect a president," this aversion became more intense. Last July Mr. Rowell in an editorial in the Fresno (Cal.) Republican said that the only difference between Hughes and Wilson was their attitude toward woman suffrage, and then proceeded to laud Hughes for favoring the Susan B. Anthony Amendment. I immediately wrote Mr. Rowell that if that were the only difference between the two candidates Mr. Hughes would be beaten. My study of woman suffrage has established these two facts: First that in all the suffrage states a majority of men bitterly oppose it, and in all but two a majority of women despise it. The votes of men defeated Hughes in ten of the twelve suffrage states. They have seen the evils of suffrage in their states, its demoralization of men and women, and they look forward to the time when it will be voted out, and they determined that a system so full of evil should not be made permanent by being made National. In Utah men beat Sutherland, who introduced the Susan B. Anthony Amendment in the Senate. In Wyoming Mondell, who introduced it in the House, barely scratched through. The oldest suffrage states, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, all normally Republican, in the opinion of their men came to believe that suffrage was the only difference between the two candidates, and voted against Hughes. That is why Mrs. Catt has wrecked the Republican party by a scandalous bargain with its presidential candidate. John P. Irish Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at