NAWSA Subject File Bequests (Nettie Lovisa White) Offices Henry P. Blair Lawyer Colorado Building Washington,D.C. Henry P. Blair Arthur Hellen Clyde D. Garrett Cable address 'Blath" September 25, 1922. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. My dear Mrs. Catt:- We are practically ready to make distribution in the matter of the Estate of Miss Nettie Lovisa White. You will recall that the language of the Will makes a bequest "to the National Women's Suffrage Association for use towards the enfranchisement of women, one sixth of the proceeds of my Mergenthaler stock". There are fifty-three shares of this stock left in the Estate after the payment of the loan due the Bank, for which the bulk of the stock was held as collateral, was paid. I have talked with Mrs. Keeler and she is ready to turn over to the Association either nine shares of this stock or the proceeds of the sale of nine shares, as you may prefer. This is a good dividend paying stock. Its present market value is around 155. If you will kindly advise me whether the Association prefers the stock or the cash I will give the matter further attention and disbursement will be made as you may indicate the preference in the course of the next thirty days. Very truly yours, Henry P. Blair Offices Henry P. Blair Lawyer Colorado Building Washington,D.C. Henry P. Blair Arthur Hellen Clyde D. Garrett Cable address 'Blath" October 2, 1922. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. My dear Mrs. Catt: Your letter accepting the nine shares of Mergenthaler stock in settlement of the legacy from the Estate of Miss Nettie Lovisa White is received and I shall the the necessary steps for the early conclusion of the matter. As perhaps you know, the administratrix is in California and it will not be possible to secure the transfer of the stock within the period of four days which you mention in your letter. I am arranging to have the transfer made to the National Woman Suffrage Association, which appears from your letterhead to be the legal title of the organization. If this is in error please have me advised promptly. Will you also kindly arrange with the officers at the National Headquarters so that they will understand the propriety of executing the legal receipts to the administratrix when we are in position to deliver the stock. Very truly yours, Henry P. Blair Offices Cable Address "Blath" Henry P. Blair Lawyer Colorado Building Washington, C. D. August 15, 1922 Henry P. Blair Arthur Hellen Clyde D. Garrett Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. Dear Mrs. Catt: In Mr. Blair's absence from the City on vacation, I wish to acknowledge yours of the 11th inst. relative to the settelemnt of the estate of Nettie Lovisa White. I am unable to advise you when this will be settled but will call the matter to Mr. Blair's attention promptly upon his return from vacation, which will be about September 5th. Very truly yours, Clyde D. Garrett CDG/elh Copy Washington, D.C. Feb., 23rd, 1918 Bring of sound and disposing mind I, Nettie Lovisa White, do make and publish this, my last Will and Testament, as follows: For my cast-off body I request cremation. I bequeath to the National American Woman Suffrage Association, for use toward the enfranchisement of women, one-sixth of the proceeds of sale of my Mergenthaler Linitype stock. I bequeath two hundred dollars to the Society of Daughters of the American Revolution (of which I am a charter member) for the purchase of a clock to be placed in the Continental Hall, (or their museum to be) of Washington, D.C. I bequeath to the Mary Washington Chapter of the D.A.R. (to be placed in the Museum) my Burano lace bertha and an unfinished embroidered collar commenced by my mother, before 1862. I bequeath my marble bas-relief by Franklin Simons, to the Corcoran Art Gallery of Washington, D.C. If not accepted there, I give it to the D.A.R. I bequeath to the Unitarian Church of Washington, D.C., five hundred dollars and also the chair that matches the pulpit chairs. I bequeath to the Edward Everett Hale Memorial Building of the Unitarian Church all my pictures not otherwise disposed of, and also two bookcases. I bequeath the picture "School of Athens" to Dr. U.G.B. Pierce. I bequeath my sewing machine to Mrs. U.G.B. Pierce, and also my mahogany rocking chair. I bequeath the Albert Durer picture to the Corcoran Art Gallery. I bequeath to the National Museum of Washington, D.C. any of the curios in my small cabinet that they may care to select. -2- Will of Nettie Lovisa White I bequeath to Ormeida Curtis Harrison of Berkeley, California, one-sixth of the proceeds of sale of my Mergenthaler, with the request that she give to my aunt, Mrs. Augusta B. Armstrong, the sum of one hundred dollars a year, as long as the latter lives. Also to Ormeida Curtis Harrison my large ruby ring with the two diamonds. Also, to Ormeida Curtis Harrison all my clothing, with permission to give what she does not wish for herself, to Bertha Snipes. I bequeath to my aunt, Mrs. Jennie E. Webb, the sum of five hundred dollars. I bequeath to Mira J. Webb Needham the sum of one hundred dollars. Also the diamond ring that I gave Mrs. Steward in 1889 so marked. I bequeath to my niece, Bertha White, the sum of five hundred dollars, with the request that she give fifty dollars of that sum to each of her brothers and sisters. I bequeath to Capt. Frank Curtis, of Ionia, Mich and to his brother Lucius, the sum of the hundred dollars each. I bequeath to Dr. Albert C. White of Palesville, N.Y. my portrait of my great grandmother, Lucinda Webster White, painted by Mr. Eddy, a pupil of Gilbert Stuart. I bequeath to Adelaide Danforth my Jaipur Enamel bracelet. I bequeath to Hetty Newton my amethyst and pearl ring, and to her sister the smaller ruby and diamond ring. I bequeath to Stamford White the miniature of his grandfather, Peter Charles White. I bequeath my necklace of Lopis-lighter to Victoria Rhodes, and my pendant of Isis to Belle Rhodes. Will of Nettie Lovisa White -3- I bequeath to Carrie White Harris the prayer rug, that has long fringe on one end and short fringe on the other. I bequeath to Fanny H. Ingersoll the small Bokhara rug. I bequeath the rug with small all-over design, and with set figures in the border, to Mrs. Porter Farley of Rochester, N.J. I bequeath my oak folding bed, and oak writing desk to H.R.C. Shaw, and my sable collar and muff to his wife. I bequeath my ermine furs to Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, also the sum of $300. Also to Mrs. Harper all the letters and other literature, books, and papers of all kinds that belonged to Clara Barton. Also my personal scrap-book. I bequeath my watch to Marriott Whiting. I bequeath my mahogany chair, with swans' heads and Italian tapestry to Miss Florence Twitchell. I bequeath my magazine stand to Mrs. J.J. Stephens. The sums of money mentioned in above items are to be paid before the proceeds of the fractions of Mergenthaler stock are distributed. Any shares of the Mergenthaler stock, or any cash that many remain after all the above precisions have been carried out and after all necessary expenses have been paid, I bequeath to Ormeida Curtis Harrison, and I make her my residuary legatee. I bequeath to the National Museum such of my Chinese porcelains, curios, and embroideries as the curator may select. NETTIE LOVISA WHITE Witness - Signed, sealed, published and delivered by the testatrix as her last will and testament and at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other we herewith affix our hands and seals. HARRIET WHITING ROBERT H. MUIR November 21st, 1921. Mr. Henry B. Blair, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir:- I am writing as Treasurer of the National American Woman Suffrage Association to say that we understood some weeks ago that the National American Woman Suffrage Association was a Legatee under the Will of the late Miss Nettle Lovisa White of Washington. We learned at the same time that the administration of the Estate was apt to be delayed on account absence of the administrator in California. I write now to ask that you kindly have a copy of the will sent to me and give me any information as to the probabilities of a reasonably early settlement of the Estate. Yours very truly, (Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers) Treasurer Offices Cable Address "Blath" Henry P. Blair Lawyer Colorado Building Washington, C. D. November 23, 1921 Henry P. Blair Arthur Hellen Clyde D. Garrett Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers, Treasurer, National American Woman Suffrage Assn., 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. Dear Madam:- In reply to your letter of November 21st I beg to advise you that the will of Miss Nettie Lovisa White has been admitted to probate and record. It contains the following provision having reference to your organization:- "I bequeath to the National Woman Suffrage Association, for use toward the enfranchisement of women, one-sixth of the proceeds of sale of my Mergenthaler Linotype stock. It is likely that approximately a year will elapse before settlement and distribution is made of the estate. Very truly yours, Henry P. Blair November 30th, 1921. Mr. Henry P. Blair, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C. Mr dear Mr. Blair:- In the absence of Mrs. Rogers, our Treasurer, I am replying to your letter directed to her and dated November 23rd. In that letter you inform us that Miss White's Will provided that "one-sixth of the proceeds of sale of her Mergenthaler Linotype Stock" should come to this Association. In a previous letter to Mrs. Rogers you said that you believed all her securities were intact and that all the bequests would be paid. Could you inform us how much Mergenthaler Linotype Stock Miss White had, and whether she was possessed of it at the time of her death? Yours very truly, President NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION BRANCH OF INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE ALLIANCE AND OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN 1626 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D.C. HONORARY PRESIDENT PRESIDENT DR. ANNA HOWARD SHAW MRS. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT [*Oct. 120-123*] Offices Cable Address "Blath" Henry P. Blair Lawyer Colorado Building Washington D. C. December 9, 1921. Henry P. Blair Arthur Hellen Clyde D. Garrett Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. My dear Mrs. Catt:- In connection with the will of Miss White I beg to advise you that Miss White owned 170 shares of Mergenthaler stock of which 157 shares were pledged to the Riggs Bank of this city to secure a loan of $14,000.00 The Bank is now selling off enough of this stock to pay their loan. Thirteen shares of stock were free and I should suppose there would be thirty-five or forty shares left from the collateral held by the bank after their loan is paid. This would make the total amount of stock probably between 50 and 55 shares. I believe after the specific legacies are paid there will be enough money derived from the personal effects not otherwise disposed of to take care of the debts and expenses of administration. It is difficult to be absolutely sure about this matter due to the fact that the property is still in the hands of the Collector and the administratrix, who has qualified, lives in California and has not yet taken over the estate. She plans to come to Washington during the present month and when all legacies for the specific articles are distributed and the entire assets are in the hands of the administratrix I shall be better able to advise you as to the probable balance of Mergenthaler stock which will be left for distribution. It is for the personal interest of the administratrix to preserve as much of the Mergenthaler stock as the administration will permit as she receives the residue of this estate as well as one sixth of this stock in a direct bequest and is also charged with the payment of $100. a year out of her dividends for the life of another beneficiary. Very truly yours, Henry P Blair September 30th, 1922. Mr. Henry P. Blair, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C. Dear sir:- I am in receipt of your letter. I have taken a vote by telephone and in person of the Board of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the agreement is that the Association will accept the nine shares of Mergenthaler stock instead of the proceeds of this stock. If it is possible to do so, I would esteem it a great and personal favor if this stock could be forwarded to me so that I would receive it within the next four days as I am leaving for Europe and would like to sign the receipts and adjust matters before I leave. Thanking you for the favor, I am Yours very truly, President Offices Cable Address "Blath" Henry P. Blair Lawyer Colorado Building Washington, C. D. November 1, 1922 Henry P. Blair Arthur Hellen Clyde D. Garrett Mrs. Nettie R. Shuler, Treasurer, National American Woman Suffrage Assn., 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. My dear Mrs. Shuler:- Herewith is enclosed you Certificate No. 43, 636 for nine shares of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company which has been transferred to the name of your corporation in satisfaction of the legacy bequeathed by the late Miss Nettie Lovisa White. Accompanying the certificate is a receipt which you are asked to sign in duplicate, one copy being intended for the office file and the other for the Probate Court. There also accompanies these papers a signature card intended for the Mergenthaler Linotype Company and a printed return envelope in which the same should be mailed after the authorized signature has been made. Please have the receipts formally signed by the corporation with its legal seal impressed thereon. I trust you will find everything in satisfactory form and shall be glad to furnish any other or further information if desired. Very truly yours, Henry P. Blair November 4, 1922. National American Woman Suffrage Assn., 171 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. Ladies:- A letter was sent to Mrs. Nettie R. Shuler, Treasurer, addressed as above by registered mail containing nine shares of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company stock and other papers for signature, all in connection with the legacy under the will of Miss Nattie Lovisa White. Probably everything is all right but I am somewhat disturbed this morning by the return of the registry receipt with a signature "Woman Citizen, P. B. Rety". I am not disturbed by the fact that the signature is by an agent but I am disturbed by the fact that the receipt is signed "Woman Citizen", an organization with which I am not familiar. If registered letter has gone astray please advise me promptly on receipt of this letter Very truly yours, Henry P Blair November 9th, 1922. Mr. Henry P. Blair, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C. My dear Mr. Blair:- This is to formally acknowledge your letter under date of November lat in which you enclose Certificate No. 43636 for nine (9) shares of the Mergenthaler Linotype Stock transferred to the name of our corporation in satisfaction of the legacy bequeathed by the late Miss nettie Lovisa White. I am returning to you the Release, signed and witnessed by a Notary. Yours very truly, (Mrs. Frank J. Shuler) Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at