NAWSA Subject File Congressional Union Young, Ella Flagg COPY BOARD OF EDUCATION City of Chicago Tribune Building Telephone Central 3981 EDUCATION DIVISION Office of the Superintendent of Schools March 10, 1914. To the Secretary of the Congressional Union Washington, D. C. Dear Madam: It was through mistake that I sent you recently, an application for membership. I am heartily in accord with the work of Mrs. Medill McCormick, and therefore direct that my application for membership be destroyed and my name stricken from the list of the members of the Congressional Union. Very truly yours, (Signed) Ella Flagg Young Superintendent of Schools. Y-S COPY BOARD OF EDUCATION City of Chicago Tribune Building Telephone Central 3981 EDUCATION DIVISION Office of the Superintendent of Schools. March 10, 1914. Mrs. Antoinette Funk, National American Woman Suffrage Ass'n., Washington, D. C. My dear Mrs. Funk, After reading your note telling me about the Congressional Union it was a relief to me to note that your paper was headed "National Congressional Committee." It did not, on the whole, excuse me from making such blunders, thinking I was joining the Association in which you and Mrs. McCormick are working so effectively, but it does, in a measure, show how it happens, that in the rush of affairs here I don't study out the titles of all organizations. I enclose to you a letter to the Congressional Union, which, if it meets with your approval, I trust you will have dropped in the letter box for the Secretary. Cery truly yours, (Signed) Ella Flagg Young Superintendent of Schools. Y-S Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at