NAWSA Subject File CONN. WOMAN SUFFRAGE Assoc.- MAY 9, 1915 PAGE 19 Dr. Griswold, Anti-Suffrage Advocate, Garbled Words of Judge Lindsey Says Leading Woman Suffrage Writer Mrs. Porritt Says Antis Are "Thoroughly Accustomed to This Kind of Unfairness." Convention in Hartford, June 8 and 9. Susan B. Anthony Amendment Will Be Main Topic. Some Facts. ANNIE G. PORRITT. ORGANIZING IN TOWNS (By Annie G. Porritt, Secretary Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association) The letter of Dr. Griswold, which is being seized upon with so much gusto by the anti-suffragists, taken thoughtfully, contains several excellent arguments for woman suffrage which were quite unintended by its author. In the first place Dr. Griswold contends that woman is unfitted physically for political life, and then he blames strongly the suffragists for their persistent efforts at the capitol this session, and declares that men would not have been permitted to do the same things. The persistence and perseverance of the suffragists goes far to disprove the contention that women have not the physical strength to vote; for surely the act of voting would take no such physical strength as had to be expended in the gentle arts of indirect influence which are all that women now possess, and which women are blamed for using even though they are bidden at the same time to use them. Give the women the vote, Dr. Griswold, and you will save the wear and tear on thousands of women who are working and striving for political freedom and who are certain to keep up the struggle until they attain their goal. As for saying that men would not be permitted to do what the woman did at the capitol, that is really ridiculous. How not permitted? What the women did, that was entirely and completely legal; and the worst result that could come of it would be the defeat of their measure. That the methods were wise was shown in the fact that although defeat of their measure. That women mustered a very much louder vote than ever before. If they had not persevered in their demands - while their opponents had used all the influence, direct and indirect of which they are capable - the defeat would have undoubtedly have been sweeping and discouraging, instead of being as it was merely a presage of early victory. Another of Dr. Grisworld's arguments consists of a garbled quotation from Judge Lindsey, the kind of quotation against which Judge Lindsey had frequently and energetically protested. Judge Lindsey has again attested that it has been the votes of the women which have kept him in office and kept the juvenile court in existence, in spite of most determined attacks to get rid of him and suppress the court by men interested in the exploitation of the children he protects." To say, as Dr. Griswold does, that Judge Lindsey "goes further to state that in the corrupt politics of Colorado, he had usually found that leaders of suffrage not only refuse to help him in his fights against the corrupt machine, but that they went to be extreme in assisting the passage of corrupt measures." Every world of this sentence is absolutely contrary to what Judge Lindsey continually and repeatedly asserts. These are Judge Lindsey's own words: "Women suffrage is right. It is Just. It is expedient. In all moral issues the women [?] THAT CANNOT BE BETRAYED [T0??????] again: "I believe that in this, our [fi????] Beast. THE WOMEN SAVED US." [I????] sey fairly? Judge Lindsey would be [?] Judge Lindsey is thoroughly [accust????] from Anti-Suffragists. In the closing paragraphs of "[n????] Judge Lindsey and George Greel, is [?] be difficult to conceive that its write [?] ment attributed to him by Dr. Griswol[d???] self-seeking, the vile and the venal, [th???] rado who would do away with equal [?] tions that preceded its concession. [Co????] long a shame among the states by its [?] ment, is fighting hard for freedom. A [?] ter of general revolt, has found [mu????] man, and winning many of its [Victims????] Confirmation of the conviction [?] men can be used to obtain measure [?] the mother is coming in abundant [me?????] the legislatures in the suffrage [stat????] the Legislature turned down with [li????] pensions for widowed or deserted mothers [?] states to come into line on this policy [?] the exception of Wyoming, where [ov????] one of the equal suffrage states - [in????] edged that the place of the woman [?] the home, that she does a greater [ser????] in the store of factory, and that if [m????] who would otherwise support the [fan????] well as of mercy for community to[?] to make her best contribution to the [?] boys, reared in a real home. If votes for women had done [no????] voters have brought about the [resul????] be enough to convince every man [an????] ion of labor between men and women be allowed to work in the home, and be brought up by their mothers, the[?] represented, and homes inadequately the needs of the home will be overloo[???] itty to serve the business interests o[?] Votes for women mean better homes MRS. ROBINSON REPLIES TO MRS. WILLIAMS' ARTICLE AND SHOWS WHERE ANTI-SUFFRAGIST IS WRONG (By Marinda C. Butler Robinson) The physiologist says "that only one of forty people think." The most charitable view that can be taken of the contents of the letter published in the Herald of May 2, in the column run by Mrs. W. B. Williams is that the author did not think. It is unbelievable that a man who did think could make such a statement as this: "There is no protective legislation on the statute books of that state (Colorado) which Connecticut cannot duplicate." Without looking into the statute books of either states, I can mention half a dozen "protective laws" that are on the statute books of Colorado that are not on the statute books of Connecticut. They are so well known. No. 1: In 1895 Colorado, the FIRST YEAR THAT WOMEN HAD THE VOTE, passed the law raising the age of consent to eighteen. Connecticut law is SIXTEEN. There is no law on the statute books of any state that is more significant of the status of women than this---or more significant of the lack of moral sense in our legislators. No. 2: In 1897, Colorado passed a law establishing a state industrial school for girls. There were three women members in the house during that session. Has Connecticut an individual school for girls? If it has I do not know of it. No. 3: A school teachers' pension bill in 1909. Connecticut legislature of 1915 turned down such a law. No. 4: A bill providing for physical examination of ALL school children at public expense as to eyes, ears, teeth, nose, throat, breathing capacity, and general health condition. The two women members of this legislature of 1909, Mrs. Alma V. Lafferty and a woman physician, Dr. Mary Bates, were given the credit of this splendid law. Has Connecticut such a law on its statute books? NO! No. 5: Establishments of juvenile courts. That has been copied in other states, BUT NOT IN CONNECTICUT. No. 6: A mothers' pension bill. Connecticut has none. The legislature of this 1915 turned one down. No. 7: No teacher, man or woman, can be paid less than $50 a month. In Connecticut they are paid less-- the women teachers. [head-shot photo of woman] MARINDA C. ROBINSON No. 8: A state-wide prohibition law was put on the statute book of Colorado last year. Connecticut has no such law. Why go further? Yes, I must go one step more. In 1907, Colorado passed a splendid civil service law. Very complete. In 1913 a civil service reform bill passed the Connecticut legislature. What has the 1915 legislature done? It has extracted the strongest teeth in this law, making it practically null. This 1915 legislature has the reputation of being the most reactionary of any that has sat at Hartford for years. Ex-President Taft condemned the action of this legislature in regard to the civil service law in plain language. Are we women not justified in believing that the majooity of the legislators of this 1915 legislature must belong to the thirty-nine unthinking class? The writer of that letter in the Herald of May 2 must be an anti-feminist man. No wonder we have such a reactionary legislature when a representative can deliberately make such a egregious blunder as to say that Colorado "has no protective laws" in her statute book that cannot be duplicated on the statute books of Connecticut. His arguments cannot be worth the paper they are printed on to the one man or woman out of forty who think. If Connecticut is so poverty stricken for thinking men, it is time we put our women in our legislature. It is because of Connecticut legislature has been the laughing stock for years that women are demanding the vote, and have never have we been so strongly convinced the necessity as today. It presages the arrival of a new era, and announces a re-birth for Connecticut. This I believe to be the deepest meaning of our suffrage movement. It stirs my pulse to think we today are thereby linked to humanity in its highest and purest dreams all ages. It is a profoundly religious moment, in which we can say reverently, "Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." This is the only true charter of an ONLY TRUE DEMOCRACY. The great Methodist church has come out strongly on behalf of woman suffrage in several of our largest states. Only recently the Troy Methodist Episcopal conference adopted a resolution favoring an extension of the franchise to "all good citizens irrespective of sex" in national and municipal affairs. It has taken the stand that every church must take if it is to stand for justice. If they do not take hold of this great social movement that is now shaking the world, the day will come when their pews will be as empty of women as they ARE TODAY OF MEN. Government in the past has been based on brute force, as is proven by the most brutal war that has ever stained the pages of history. The government of the future when mean and women make the laws, will be based on MORAL IDEAS. Expression will give place to protection. The paramount duty of our up-to-date government constructed by men is to protect property will give place to a government whose paramount duty will be to protect weakness. Let us ponder the words of a religious teacher uttered 5,000 years ago. "The Creator created power for the purpose of protecting weakness; do not therefore come into hostile contact with the weak; take care that the eyes of the weak do not burn thee like a blazing fire; weakness is more powerful than the greatest power; for the power that is scorced by weakness becomes utterly extinguished." s' Egg Contest way mark to 2,000 eggs. The winning pens for the week are as follows: Tom Barron's White Wyandottes from England were first with fifty-eight eggs. Mrs. J. D. Beck, Canaan. Conn., White Wyandottes, and Braeside Poultry Farm, Stroudsburg, Pa., Leghorns, tied for second with fifty-six eggs. James H. Lord's White Leghorns from Methuen, Mass., and Jas. V. Thomas' White Leghorns from Ballston Lake, N.Y., tied for third with fifty-five eggs each. Twenty-seven pens, including White Rocks, White Wyandottes, Columbian Wyandottes, R.I. Reds, White Leghorns and Black Leghorns each laid seventy per cent or better during the past week, three of these twenty-seven going up to eighty per cent or better. The total yield for all pens was 4,214 or 257 eggs gain over last week; all this in spite of the fact that there were thirty-six hens shut up in the broody cages during this period. The ten leading pens to date are as follows: Ed Cam, Houghton, near Preston, England, White Wyandottes, 1033 Hillview Poultry Farm, St. Al- bans, Vt., Rhode Island Reds, 994 Tom Barron, Catforth, near Preston, England, White Wyandottes, 969 ham, Conn., Rhode Island Reds, 826 the ten leading Connecticut pens to date are as follows: Merrit M. Clark, Brookfield Center, Barred Rocks, 847 F.M. Peasley, Cheshire, White Leghorns, 846 Springdale Poultry Farm, Durham, Rhode Island Reds, 826 Windsweep Farm Redding Ridge, White Leghorns, 789 Merrythought Farm, Columbia, Columbian Wyandottes, 753 Harry B. Cook, orange, Rhode Island Reds, 725 Branford Farm, Groton, White Leghorns, 723 Merrythought Farm, Columbia, White Wyandottes, 717 Branford Farm, Groton, White Leghorns, 716 Homer P. Deming, Winsted, Rhode Island Reds, 708 --------------------- PROOF. ---- Husband-----You charge me with reckless extravagance. When did I ever make a useless purchase? Wife-----Why, there's that fire extinguisher you bought a year ago; we've never used it once." --------------------- ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD Corn-Mad? Use "GETS-IT", It's Sure -- Makes Corns Vanish Like Magic Rest Rooms for Women (By Chloe Arnold) Most towns are entirely destitute of a place where a woman traveling may go for an hour's rest while she is waiting for a train. There is always the Young Women's Christian Association. But its purpose, as it justly should be, is to supply a training-club for young girls of small means, rather than a convenience for older business or married women. Hotels and department stores have parlors and drawing rooms but for the comfort of their customers and guest. And if a woman have no business in either place, she generally has some hesitation about going in. Sometimes a well-meaning person will suggest to you that there is a picture gallery or a museum to go to that and see the wonders. But after walking miles of stairs and pavement, it is a poor sort of a woman who cannot devise a better plan for spending her leisure hour before the train. In Hartford they are fortunate enough to have the Connecticut Woman Suffrage headquarters on Pratt street. It is obvious enough that the building is not maintained for a rest room. Though its neat quiet and even elegant arrangement offers infinite comfort to whoever is so fortunate as to have business there. Bridgeport, Waterbury, New Britain, Stamford, Canaan, New Haven, and dozens of other towns have no known place where a woman may go for rest. But all of these have their equal franchise leagues of some size or other. It would appear that if the suffragists wished to endear themselves, they would have one room to which the traveling public (feminine) might go and feel welcome. The privilege would undoubtedly be enough appreciated and seldom abused. A small fee might be asked when one wished more that to sit quietly in a well-kept room, reading a magazine. A restaurant or tea room, neatly fitted up, would supply a need, and bring in a fair revenue. In Bridgeport, with its boasted 122,000 people, they do not have a women's university club, where college women may take their friends to a meal, or see that they are well entertained for a short stay in town. One trouble with women's clubs is that they are likely to become mean. Unless they are run on a large scale and with a membership of rich women such as the "Colony club" in New York. Which is quite out of the question in this consideration. Most women, whatever their salaries may be, are not over lavish in spending, except on clothes or some personal extravagance. But all speculations upon the subject lead nowhere in particular. And the rest-room problem remains a problem and a troublesome one to women shoppers and business representatives. [*X*] OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE [*X*] (By Mrs. W. B. Williams, Press Chairman Representing The Connecticut Association Opposed to Women Suffrage). --- It is very easy for Eastern Suffragists to theorize vaguely as to the wonderful reforms to be brought about by "votes for women." It is easy-and perhaps natural-for them to gaze upon the Western suffrage states through rose-colored glasses; but when someone comes out of these same Western suffrage states to tell just how things really are there, it is all quite, quite different. Those who view the workings of woman suffrage at a close range instead of theorizing about the matter at a safe distance of several thousand miles do not speak in its favor. For example, Col. John P. Irish writes from California as follows: "There is an increasing pressure form nonvoting women here, reinforced by thinking men, for an initiative measure cancelling suffrage out of the constitution. It has been a flat failure." Equally to the point is an interview with Judge W. H. Snell, published in the Boston Post of March 31. Judge Snell is from Tacoma, Washington and his opinion is practically valuable because he was originally in favor of women suffrage and has been forced to change his mind, not by theories but by seeing for himself that women suffrage is a failure. Judge Snell says: "I favored woman suffrage in Washington and voted for it. But in common with thousands of other who looked at the question as an abstract proposition, and hoped for the best, I am so greatly disappointed at the way it has worked out that I would today welcome an opportunity to vote for its withdrawal; and I believe if it were resubmitted to the people of Washing- ton, and every man and woman of voting age were compelled to vote upon it, woman suffrage would be defeated by an over-whelming majority. "Many of us were led to support woman suffrage in Washington by the familiar argumnt that it would tend to purify politics and make for better government. But after four "Our experience with woman suffrage in Washington is that women divide on public questions just as men divide, and when I say public questions I mean to include moral questions. And they are at least as inconsistent and vacillating in their judgments as men. In Seattle the women tied up with the ministers and secured the recall of Hy. Gill; and then when he became a candidate for the same office at the next election women gave him their hearty support and elected him. "In Tacoma the women tied up with the saloon element and secured the recall of Mayor Fawcett, and then when he became a candidate for reelection they worked and voted for him and he was returned. "And just as in the case of men, there is an element among the women of Washington who do make a business of politics. And by business I mean mercenary and selfish business. They form political organizations, pass resolutions and present petitions for legislation, presuming to represent the women of the state, when as a matter of fact they are only a few busybodies who represent but a small faction of the women of the state." HERALD ADVS.--TRADE PULLERS Nurse Saves Aged Man From bed-sore suffering with Sykes Comfort Powder [???] from Anti-Suffragists. In the closing paragraphs of "n[?] Judge Lindsey and George Green, is [?] be difficult to conceive that its write [?] ment attributed to him by Dr. Grisw[?] self-seeking, the vile and venal, th[?] rado who woud do away with equal [?]tions that preceded its concessions. Co [?] long a shame among the states by its [?] ment, is fighting hard for freedom. A [?]ter of general revolt has found mu [?] man, and is winning many of its vi[?]. Confirmation of the conviction [?] men can be used to obtain measure [?] the mother is coming in abundant me [?] the legislatures in the suffrage sta[?] the Legislature turned down with li [?]sions for widowed or deserted mothe [?] states to come into line on this policy [?] the exception of Wyoming, where ov[?] of the law, the courts have pronoun [?] one of the equal suffrage states-[?] edged that the place fo the woman [?] the home, that she does a greater ser[?] in the store or factory, and that if [?] who would otherwise support the fam [?] well as the mercy for the community [?] to make her best contribution to the [?] boys, reared in a real home. If votes for women had done no [?] voters have brought about this result [?] be enough to convince every man an [?]ion of labor between men and women [?] be allowed to work in the home, and [?] be brought up by their mothers, tha[?] Suffragists always insist that the pl[?] they also insist that women underst[?] than men can possibly do, and tha[?] represented and homes inadequately [?] the need of the home will be overloo[?] iety to serve the business interests o[?] Votes, for women mean better homes [?] men also, for the business of women [?] only reasonable that men should be [?] very best tools for making the go[?]. 'Mothers' pensions are not the on [?] supported and which by means of the [?] voting women have recognized the fa[?] out of the home to earn their living [?] factories and shops to work. The eq[?] more than the states where women [?]ing hours of women and children an[?] The only four states in the Union t[?] are equal suffrage states, and other good nine hour laws. In Connectic[?] two the working week of girls and women [?]lators only a few weeks ago: an in fact the present Legislature has done its very best to show women of how little consequence they are to the law-makers so long as they have no votes. The bill to raise the age of consent of girls, the bill to enable the community to cope effectively with commercialized vice—a bill already in force in several of the equal suffrage states—the bill for teacher's pensions and for the pensions for mothers, have all gone the way of the bill for submitting the questions of women suffrage to the electors. Those who run may read. Anti-suffrage goes with neglect of women's interests. Women suffrage is always allied with careful provisions for the needs of women and children. Connecticut women, not in the least discourages by the fate of their measure, look forward very hopefully to the early enfranchisement. It is more than possible under the constitutional procedures of the state amendment. It may come by means of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and that amendment may be passed by the 64th Congress. To aid in the movement for such an amendment Connecticut suffragists are joining hands with suffragists in all the other states, and on June 8th and 9th they are holding a convention in Hartford. This convention is under the auspices of the Congregational Union—the national body whose sole purpose is the passage of the Susan B. Anthony amendment to the United States Constitution. The Convention will open with a lunch in the Hotel Bond. Mrs. E G. H Schenck, President of the Wilson Equal Franchise League will act [???] the speakers at the luncheon—so far as yet arranged, will include Miss Dotha Stone Pinneo of Norwalk, Mrs. Charles A. Beard of New Milford, Mrs. William A. Prendergast of New York, and Congressman Hill. After the luncheon there will be an open meeting at which a history of what has been done in the past in regard to a congressional amendment will be related and plans for the future outlined. Since the defeat of the measure in the Legislature, here, the more enthusiastic suffragists are turning eagerly to this plan of enfranchisement, nationally, and a very ready response is meeting the efforts of the women who are organizing the convention. The intention of the Congressional Union is to organize in every state so that pressure can be brought to bear on the members of Congress—Senators and Representatives—in their own constituencies, as well as in Washington, when they assemble for the first session of the 64th Congress in December. Another piece of work that is being enthusiastically taken up by the Suffragists this spring, is the organizing suffrage leagues in all the towns where such organization has not already been effected. This is being done by the members of the leagues in the neighboring towns or cities, not as in previous years by the state organizers. Miss Emily Pierson and Miss Alyse Gregory are both up to their eyes to work in the campaign states—both in New Jersey, where the vote is taken first. They will remain at work in these more important places—more important suffragists at the present moment—all the summer, and local work is therefore falling on the officers of the state association and on the members of local leagues. s Egg Contest way mark to 2,000 eggs. The winning pens for the week are as follows: Tom Barron's White Wyandottes from England were first with fifty-eight eggs. Mrs. J. D. Beck, Canaan, Conn., White Wyandottes, and Braeside Poultry Farm, Stroudsburg, Pa., Leghorns, tied for second with fifty-six eggs. James H. Lord's White Leghorns from Methuen, Mass., as Jas. V. Thomas' White Leghorns from Ballston Lake, N. Y., tied for third with fifty-five eggs each. Twenty-seven pens, including White Rocks, White Wyandottes, Columbian Wyandottes, R. I. Reds, White Leghorns, and Black Leghorns each laid seventy per cent or better during the past week, three of these twenty-seven going up to eight per cent or better. The total yield for all pens was 4,124 or 257 eggs gain over last week; all this in spite of the fact that there were thirty-six hens shut up in the broody cages during this period. The ten leading pens to date are as follows: Ed Cam, Hoghton, near Preston, England, White Wyandottes, 1033 Hillview Poultry Farm, St. Albans, Vt., Rhode Island Reds, 994 Tom Barron, Catforth, near Preston, England, White Wayndottes, 969 A. P. Robinson, Valveston, N. Y. White Leghorns, 895 Pinecrest Orchards, Groton, Mass., Rhode Island Reds, 859 Merritt M. Clark, Brookfield Center, Conn., Barred Rocks, 847 F. M. Peasley, Cheshire, Conn., White Leghorns, 846 Colonial Farm, Temple, N. H., Rhode Island Reds, 832 Tom Barron, Catforth, England, White Leghorns, 832 Springdale Poultry Farm, Dur- [???] [???] The ten leading Connecticut pens to date are as follows: Merritt M. Clark, Brookfield Center, Barred Rocks, 847 F. M. Pearsley, Cheshire, White Leghorns, 846 Springdale Poultry Farm, Durham, Rhode Island Reds, 826 Windsweep Farm Redding Ridge, White Leghorns, 789 Merrythought Farm, Columbia, Columbian Wyandottes, 752 Harry B. Cook, Orange, Rhode Island Reds, 725 Branford Farm, Groton, White Leghorns, 723 Merrythought Farm, Columbia, White Wyandottes, 717 Brandord Farm, Groton, White Leghorns, 716 Homer P. Deming, Winsted, Rhode Island Reds, 708 PROOF. Husband—You charge me with reckless extravagance. When did I ever make a useless purchase? Wife—Why, there's that fire extinguisher you bought a year ago; we've never used it once." ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD Corn-Mad? Use "GETS-IT", It's Sure —— Makes Corn Vanish Like Magic. —— A harp cap of skin makes up ever corn. When you put 2 drops of "GETS-IT" on it, it shrivels up and comes right off—and there's your corn—gone by thunder. Simple as taking off your hat. That's why corn-millions have gone wild over "GETS-IT"—nothing like it ever known. Some folks, to this day, putter around with bandages, sticky tape, thick plasters, corn "pulling" salves, gouge corns out with knives, snip them with scissors, make them bleed and then howl because they can't get rid of sore corns. Use "GETS-IT." There's nothing to do but apply 2 drops. The work is done, "GETS-IT" does the rest. No pain, no fussing, no changing shoes, no limping. It never fails. Try it tonight for any corn, callus, war or bunion. Be sure that you get "GETS-IT" and nothing else. "GETS-IT" is sold by druggists everywhere. 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Sold in Bridgeport, and recommended as the world's best corn cure by W. P. Hindle. ———————————————————————————— [???] there, it is all quite, quite different. Those who view the workings of woman suffrage at a close range instead of theorizing about the matter at a safe distance of several thousand miles do not speak in its favor. For example, Col. John P. Irish writes from California as follows: "There is an increasing pressure from nonvoting women here, reinforced by thinking men, for an initiative measure canceling suffrage out of the Constitution. It has been a flat failure." Equally to the point is an interview with Judge W. H. Snell, published in the Boston Post of March 31. Judge Snell is from Tacoma, Washington and his opinion is practically valuable because he was originally in favor of woman suffrage and has been forced to change his mind, not by theories but by seeing for himself that woman suffrage is a failure. Judge Snell says: "I favored woman suffrage in Washington and voted for it. But in common with thousands of others who looked at the question as an abstract proposition, and hoped for the best, I am so greatly disappointed at the way it has worked out that I would today welcome an opportunity to vote for its withdrawal; and I believe if it were resubmitted to the people of Washington, and every man and woman of voting age were compelled to vote upon it, woman suffrage would be defeated by an over-whelming majority. "Many of us were led to support woman suffrage in Washington by the familiar argumnt that it would tend to purify politics and make for better government. But after four years of experience, we are forced to conclude that it has done neither. On the contrary, it has simply added to the numbers of those who can be used in the interest of corrupt politics, and has resulted in a hodge-podge of ill-digested, sentimental, socialistic legislation, which is a menace to the welfare of the state. It is unquestionably true that many men have the privilege of the franchise who are clearly unfit to exercise it. This, however, as we have learned to our cost in Washington, is no reason for extending the suffrage to women. When we gave women the vote we enfranchised the wife, and daughter who were no more fit to cast the ballot than the unfit husband and father from whom the ballot should have been taken away. In other words, we simply added one wrong to another and called it a right. "In Washington we have found that the same motives which control men in their exercise of the franchise, also control women. Women are hired to do political work at so much per day, just as men are hired, except that women work cheaper. Women are actuated in their use of the ballot by the same selfish motives as men, and they look forward to securing political "plums" for themselves or relatives in return for their political influence just as men do—and they get their reward, too. [???] with the saloon clement and secured the recall of Mayor Fawcett, and then when he became a candidate for reelection they worked and voted for him and he was returned. "And just as in the case of men, there is an element among the women of Washington who do make a business of politics. And by business I mean mercenary and selfish business. They form political organizations, pass resolutions and present petitions for legislation, presuming to represent the women of the state, when as a matter of fact they are only a few busybodies who represent but a small faction of the women of the state." ——————— HERALD ADVS.—TRADER PULLERS ————————————————————— Nurse Saves Aged Man From bed-sore suffering with Sykes Comfort Powder Here is proof and nurse's letter "For ten years in my work as a nurse I have depended upon Sykes' Comfort Powder with excellent results to soothe and heal skin soreness. I was recently called to a case of an old man, 84 years of age, who had been confined to his bed for months, and his body was simply covered with terrible sores. I immediately commenced to use Sykes' Comfort Powder as thick as I could sift it on and you ought to have seen the change that took place within twenty four hours, and the sores were soon healed."—Mrs. C. L. Frost, Nurse, Catatonk, N. Y. At Drug and Dep't Stores, 25c. THE COMFORT POWDER CO., Boston, Mass. ————————————————————— ASTHMA AND RHEUMATISM Hundreds of testimonials from Waterburians and others all over the state of cases positively cured by the application of "Reumifugo." A wonder liniment. $1.00 a bottle postpaid. MARY J. DEELEY, 16 LAUREL ST., WATERBURY Page 20 May 9, 1915 A Study of Mrs. Hitchcock, the Woman Who Has Stirred Connecticut THE HERALD takes considerable pleasure today in giving its readers a character sketch of Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock, whose articles upon the vital and interesting subjects to women have appeared frequently in the Herald for two years. Mrs. Hitchcock was really introduced to Connecticut people through the Herald. One day a fat envelope came through the mail to the editor's desk. That envelope contained the first article that Mrs. Hitchcock submitted to the Herald. The way the writer attacked the double standard of morals was something terrific. Here was a hurricane writer and no mistake. She was sensational, pretty nearly shocking maybe, but she told the truth, and Lord, how some people do hate to read the real truth in a newspaper. The editor of the Herald knew that when the article was published it would be followed by a flood of letters from readers who protested against Mrs. Hitchcock's calling a spade a spade, a hypocrite a hypocrite, and a liar a liar. But the Herald felt that it was time a certain element, consisting of prudes and easily shocked individuals, in Connecticut received an awakener, and they received it in that very first article of Mrs. Hitchcock's that appeared in the Herald. And then the flood of letters came protesting against the Herald permitting Mrs. Hitchcock to write such articles. And the letters were thrown in the waste basket, for there were just as many letters that came from other men and women who congratulated the Herald upon publishing Mrs. Hitchcock's articles. So Mrs. Hitchcock continued to contribute a weekly letter to the Herald, and there is no question but that her articles have been of great assistance to the movement in Connecticut to secure women an equal footing with men. We may not always agree with Mrs. Hitchcock, but we cannot help but admire her. She is one woman who has the courage of her convictions. She does not use a rapier when she writes; rather she wields a club, but a club is needed in these days. Today, Miss Cloe Arnold, of the Herald staff, gives you a pen picture of Mrs. Hitchcock, the woman who has both entertained and shocked you by her writings in the Herald. You will see that Mrs. Hitchcock is a real Mother Woman, the kind you would like to have for your mother if you are young or old. (By Chloe Arnold) Writers have always created for themselves a liberal amount of curiosity. And the public has had various opinions about them. Some have even gone so far as to think that those who write believe and live and uphold everything they write about. That women writers are men, or that the product turned off and printed is purchased by the bale from either foreign or domestic bourses. So that if you are a normal human being and have ever read the Herald, you must have asked yourself what manner of person this Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock is, if she is at all. You are about to be told the truth; where she lives, what she does, and who she is. She said herself that she had not concentrated upon any form of wit and wisdom to disperse in her interview. But that she was going to behave as Josh Billings advised a young lover. The Y. L., she said, inquired of Josh what he should do after he had kissed the young lady to whom he had just been engaged. And Josh advised that he follow the inspiration of the moment. But before you become lost in the scenery about the Hitchcock house, and think you are being tricked with fiction, know that Mrs. Hitchcock exists. That she is somewhere in the late forties, and as motherly and gentle a creature as you ever saw. Motherly and Gentle. "Motherly and gentle" are frequently extravagantly misused. But they are literal here. She lives out a mile or so this side of Canaan, which is South. And in a valley where the grass looks very green and tender to the eye. The name of her abode is "Meadowland Farm." It is set in sort of a separate civilization from the rest of Connecticut, and appears to be connected only by a narrow ribbon of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad. Indeed, the tracks go by the house and through the cool meadows. And one might get off and walk up to the house if it were not for [?] of the grizzled peaks. Which gave such as had the interest to look, a view of the firs and beeches and birches, and the hemlocks with their shaggy foliage. Here and there juniper trees blossomed. They were like patches of cool snow on the hillside. And about everything there was the perfume of the mountains, embodying the season when everything is young. The brown house has a shingled surface, as could be seen upon nearer approach. And the door is the kind which can be opened either at top or bottom, because it separates in the middle. Through this the breath of the spring day came. And presently, also, the hostess. Her Color is Amber. She was wearing a black lawn gown, short of shirt and with a plain waist of the same material. That brougth out her color which is amber. Her hair is amber, a reddish-yellow, her eyes and complexion are the same. And she wore a string of amber beads. She did not look like a person who forcibly denounces the amiable, and other weaknesses of the human family; but like what she is. A good mother enjoying all the honors and emoluments of that sublimest of woman's offices. You would have failed to see in this woman, the writer who cudgels the vices, and names them; and creates such a complete uproar so far as they are concerned. Mrs. Hitchcock would be called by the most of the population whose descriptive powers are accurate though not of great variety, "a sweet little woman." She is that, literally, too. But the living room of the Hitchcock house deserves some attention quite on its own account. It is fashioned from an old kitchen (the house was built in 1762). And is the most comfortable place imaginable. That day spring was in one of her most capricious moods so that one could hardly tell if it were cold or hot or neither. A fire, accordingly, crackled in the fireplace in a corner of the room [?] double The Hitchcock Homestead. The youngest son Her Oldest Son Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock (Photos by Herald Photographer) The Thing That is the Matter Is the Evolutionary Stage of Ideas Concerning Women BECOMING WOMEN BARKERS Here is one of Mrs. Hitchcock's characteristic articles, written expressly for the Herald: (By Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock) It isn't being a suffragist or anti that is the cause of women's unrest. It is the evolutionary stage of ideas concerning woman that is the matter with us humans. These old ideas have remained in the tadpole stage long enough and are now shedding their tails to become something higher up in the evolutionary game that God plays upon the physical and spiritual plane of life. What I want to write about is the odd, pathetic, and very funny things that are happening to the average woman during this evolutionary stage of her sex. Where she is shedding her pulpy tadpole existence and becoming a bigger, more developed creature with a bigger and better head. A being that can live on land and water, and is less of moral, mental, and physical pulp that formerly. Just as a frog can live a wider life in different environments than the tadpole so it has been found, by actual experiment, that a woman, [?] women. It is but an incident, a step of progress. For years it has been a cry for wider fields of action, broader views, and, if you will, liberty for woman for no one can really say that woman has been wholly a free agent. Liberty and equality are two big subjects to handle. Too big for me - an average woman. I am beginning to understand that, as yet, real liberty and equality are impossible for millions of men and women, and while sin, ignorance and man's inhumanity to his brother man and sister woman continues, there will be the down-trodden, the weak, and all that incapable, sin-ridden portion of humanity that is neither free nor equal. I doubt if any human being is free in the real sense of the word; and as for equality, neither man nor woman can judge of their brothers' or sisters' inequalities or capabilities. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL, UNTIL ALL KNOW HOW NOT TO ABUSE THEM. Nor do I believe in freedom or equality, for the same reason. I should hate to see an average man or woman holding a position of great trust and responsibility, and I should think [?] all get a newspaper article written up about us. Those things are the cheapest things possible, but they do not MAKE INTELLECT GROW WHERE IT DOES NOT EXIST, NOR DO WE GROW BRAINS by PRETENDING TO HAVE THEM. Self development is all right for both men and women, but we can develop without calling on other people to watch us do it. Nor need we issue a bulletin concerning the matter. The self-development of the average man or woman will never be so astonishing a character as to make it necessary for them to write their own biography to an insatiable public clamoring to hear about their marvelous personal achievements. No, the most that any of us can achieve is an obituary written by someone who had just as soon say nice things about us as not - WHEN WE ARE DEAD AND CAN'T READ IT - but few, oh mighty few, of us are called on by man or God to be great, and mighty fewer yet are chosen after the FEW CALLED ARE SORTED OVER. About one man or woman in 10,000 is really chosen to do some remarkable or wonderful thing in this life. I shall be glad when this sillier phase of unrest of the average wom[?] being and have ever read the Herald, you must have asked yourself what manner of person this Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock is, if she is at all. You are about to be told the truth; where she lives, what she does, and who she is. She said herself that she had not concentrated upon any form of wit and wisdom to disperse in her interview. But that she was going to behave as Josh Billings advised a young lover. The Y. L., she said, inquired of Josh what he should do after he had kissed the young lady to whom he had just been engaged. And Josh advised that he follow the inspiration of the moment. But before you become lost in the scenery about the Hitchcock house, and think you are being tricked with fiction, know that Mrs. Hitchcock exists. That she is somewhere in the late forties, and as motherly and gentle a creature as you ever saw. Motherly and Gentle. "Motherly and gentle" are frequently extravagantly misused. But they are literal here. She lives out a mile or so this side of Canaan, which is South. And in a valley where the grass looks very green and tender to the eye. The name of her abode is "Meadowland Farm." It is set in sort of a separate civilization from the rest of Connecticut, and appears to be connected only by a narrow ribbon of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad. Indeed, the tracks go by the house and through the cool meadows. And one might get off and walk up to the house, if it were not for the apparently well established custom of waiting until you get a mile away to the station in Canaan. The house is brown and looks as if it had grown out of the meadow, it is so low and close to the ground, and holds itself in such an affinity to the earth. There are no public conveyances to "Meadow Land," so that one must take a hired carriage from the station, a jitney swollen to a fifty-cent fare. It goes through a brown ring of a road, around the mountain-side, and over the brook, frequently passing apple trees which just now look like green powder puffs. Sort of "Happy Valley." This is sort of a "Happy Valley" from which even a Prince of Abyssinia would not wish to escape. The sand-colored driveway sweeps from the mountain road in a graceful circle up to the brown house and its stables and silos. The whole place is surrounded by round, verdant hills, and wooded-topped mountains. On the one side the mountains arose. Each peak had a family likeness. One thought of the torrent from the "Blue Lake" at the summit of one of these, and how in the mysterious silence in summer it can be heard dashing down to its freedom. A thin veil of gray clouds, like a delicate tulle, hung above the valley and was rent now and then by one [?] top or bottom, because it separates in the middle. Through this the breath of the spring day came. And presently, also, the hostess. Her Color is Amber. She was wearing a black lawn gown, short of skirt and with a plain waist of some material. That brougth out her color which is amber. Her hair is amber, a reddish-yellow, her eyes and complexion are the same. And she wore a string of amber beads. She did not look like a person who forcibly denounces the amiable, and other weaknesses of the human family; but like what she is. A good mother enjoying all the honors and emoluments of that sublimest of woman's offices. You would have failed to see in this woman, the writer who cudgels the vices, and names them; and creates such a complete uproar so far as they are concerned. Mrs. Hitchcock would be called by the most of the population whose descriptive powers are accurate though not of great variety, "a sweet little woman." She is that, literally, too. But the living room of the Hitchcock house deserves some attention quite on its own account. It is fashioned from an old kitchen (the house was built in 1762). And is the most comfortable place imaginable. That day spring was in one of her most capricious moods so that one could hardly tell if it were cold or hot or neither. A fire, accordingly crackled in the fireplace in a corner of the room; near the double door which leads to the library In this fire there hung an ancient black pot, or it looked so, on a crane. Moreover, a sofa in front of the fire created such an ingratiating effect that one would not have minded if there had been nothing else at that house but these. The tone of the room, which has many windows, is tan. Several low chairs such as you would have to sit in, are about, rockers, and easy chairs with ottomans for one's feet. And there are pictures, of course, and a grand piano that has a player for the boys' special benefit. Up in Canaan it is Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchcock. You would inquire where "Frank Hitchcock" lives, and never for Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock, or so it appeared when one put the question to the jitney man. There Are Two Boys. There are two boys, Cornish, twenty-seven, and Samuel Fairchild, twenty. Cornish was overhauling the family touring car at some garage in town. Sam, as his mother called him, had set forth to certain trout streams with which he is well acquainted. Mr. Hitchcock was in the field harrowing down a crop of some sort. Mrs. Hitchcock said she acknowledged she was ignorant of many things about the farm. That was (Continued on Last Page.) the Evolutionary Stage of Ideas Concerning Women BECOMING WOMEN BARKERS Here is one of Mrs. Hitchcock's characteristic articles, written expressly for the Herald: (By Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock) It isn't being a suffragist or anti that is the cause of woman's unrest. It is the evolutionary stage of ideas concerning woman that is the matter with us humans. These old ideas have remained in the tadpole stage long enough and are now shedding their tails to become something higher up in the evolutionary game that God plays upon the physical and spiritual plane of life. What I want to write about is the odd, pathetic, and very funny things that are happening to the average woman during this evolutionary stage of her sex. Where she is shedding her pulpy tadpole existence and becoming a bigger, more developed creature with a bigger and better head. A being that can live on land and water, and is less of moral, mental and physical pulp than formerly. Just as a frog can live a wider life in different environments than the tadpole so has it been found, by actual experiment, that a woman, under changed conditions and the shedding of old worn-out ideas can live a more useful, better, wider, finer and far happier life than before. As the frog can live on land and water, so can woman live in man's environment and find it is hers as much as his. He has heretofore lived in the little puddle of home, when he couldn't go anywhere else, and has had what he has been pleased to call the man's place in the world. And lo! Woman has shed her tadpole existence, jumped out of her little home puddle and found she could live on man's land too; and it has disconcerted man terribly and even some timid women who long for the nice long tails and helpless no legs, no head bodies of tadpole womanhood. But don't let us worry. Evolution is the plan of God, but as I said, odd things happen during upheavals of any kind. Leaving out the final good that inevitably results, and forgetting as much as possible the sad and tragic, after either evolution or a revolution is finished, human nature soon settles down to the old fundamentals and necessities of life, and we find men nad women are still men and women, though grown a little WISER and BETTER through a great change or experience that God intended for that end. What God intends, shall be. Let us remember that. We, at present, place great stress on the vote for women. It is but an incident, a step of progress. For years it has been a cry for wider fields of action, broader views, and, if you will, liberty for woman for no one can really say that woman has been wholly a free agent. Liberty and equality are two big subjects to handle. Too big for me - an average woman. I am beginning to understand that, as yet, real liberty and equality are impossible for millions of men and women, and while sin, ignorance and man's inhumanity to his brother man and sister woman continues, there will be the down-trodden, the weak, and all that incapable, sin-ridden portion of humanity that is neither free nor equal. I doubt if any human being is free in the real sense of the word; and as for equality, neither man nor woman can judge of their brothers' or sisters' inequalities or capabilities. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL, UNTIL ALL KNOW HOW NOT TO ABUSE THEM. Nor do I believe in freedom or equality, for the same reason. I should hate to see an average man or woman holding a position of great trust and responsibility, and I should think they had no right to assume it. Such people should be restrained from attempting the big things, they are unequal to, mentally or physically, but this is not a curtailing or repressing of the liberty or equality of the individual. Women have proved themselves capable of handling the vote wherever they do vote, therefore there should no longer be any political restrictions for them except the same that are placed upon men such as idiocy and a few other lesser handicaps. Now I am coming to the main reason for writing this article. Why should so many average women deem it necessary for themselves to run after public notice? Is it an outcome of the changing conditions of woman? Why, even though it is but a temporary aberration of the feminine mind, should this desire to become a public speaker, writer, or a public flamdoodle of some kind, attack the average woman of just ordinary education and capabilities, so virulently? Why so obsessed to attract attention? To become a doer of things that will bring her before the public in some way? Cannot the average woman be a suffragist or anti, a clubwoman, churchworker, baby tender, school teacher, business woman, or home-maker, without sounding the PUBLIC GONG to inform people of the fact? An average woman absorbs the ideas and thoughts of the truly great, and then announces herself ready to become a public speaker and instructor of others, so then, the patient public, or a few friends, must perforce gather to listen to a lot of rehashed stuff that is familiar to all well read intelligent people; and doesn't it seem a bit pretentious, not to say ridiculous, that this sort of thing should become so common? Cannot women develop morally, mentally and spiritually without trying to show off? We are becoming a nation of WOMEN BARKERS, because out of 1,000 women only one will be found out of the ordinary and gifted above the average, does it follow that every other of the 999 that is left should strive to outdo the barkers at the fairs, in calling attention to herself and her imaginary or fake attainments. We should not blame the suffragists or the antis for this rather funny phase of feminine evolution, or, perhaps, revolution. It is but the froth and foam that follows the wake of all human progress. Ponds and big bodies of water have yearly a season of what is called working, which means a fermenting and throwing off of impurities in the water, and then it all becomes sweet and pure again. So in the great woman movements of the day, as in all other preceding evolutionary processes of humanity, there must be much frothing and bubbles of ferment, and one thing is certain. That which is foolish and unnecessary will stop when the ferment is over. So the average woman will stop barking, in other words striving after something big, and this craze for publicity that is spoiling the average woman will end. Meanwhile she is fooling nobody but herself if she thinks she is ever going to be great or famous. We can all achieve notoriety; that is cheap. We can all get a newspaper article written up about us. Those things are the cheapest things possible, but they do not MAKE INTELLECT GROW WHERE IT DOESN'T EXIST, NOR DO WE GROW BRAINS by PRETENDING TO HAVE THEM. Self development is all right for both men and women, but we can develop without calling on other people to watch us do it. Nor need we issue a bulletin concerning the matter. The self-development of the average man or woman will never be so astonishing a character as to make it necessary for them to write their own biography to an insatiable public clamoring to hear about their marvelous personal achievements. No, the most that any of us can achieve is an obituary written by someone who had just as soon say nice things about us as not - WHEN WE ARE DEAD AND CAN'T READ IT - but few, oh mighty few, of us are called on by man or God to be great, and mighty fewer yet are chosen after the FEW CALLED ARE SORTED OVER. About one man or woman in 10,000 is really chosen to do some remarkable or wonderful thing in this life. I shall be glad when this sillier phase of unrest of the average woman stops fermenting, and the social and domestic pond becomes clear, sane, sweet, and settled again. It's hard on the average men to have such wonderfully gifted (?) women to live with! That it is all a fake makes it still harder for them. Why not be content to live, dear average woman, with the average man on "life's protected levels"? The average man outnumbers any other kind by many, many millions, and the same can be said of woman. Is it actualy necessary that any average woman should address her club on the amalgamation of Spherical Oblivion with Pterodactillian philosophy, or the Psychical Value of Molluskan Inhibitions? Give us a rest. But then, don't you suppose the little one-time tadpole feels sort of queer at first, when he finds himself such a great, green bodied creature with FOUR LEGS where HE DIDN'T HAVE ANY and such a great, big, soulful eyed head! And then to find he can still swim like a fish but leap on land like a kangaroo! And woman! When she finds she is fitted to live both outside and inside her little home puddle the same as a man - well, it's a wonderful change, but she'll get used to it. The average woman, too, will get over the wonder of having a head of her very own after a while - and then she will know how to use it better. (Photos by Herald Photographer) May 2, 1915 Page 19 Anti-Suffrage Literature Lack Three of the Primal Qualities of Christianity---Faith, Hope, Charity So Writes Noted Suffrage Advocate, Saying Antis Have "Nothing to Look Forward To", "Distrust Mankind" and While Condemning Themselves Abuse Others. Give Some Examples. WORLD IS NOT A JUNGLE (By Annie G. Porritt, Secretary Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association) I have just spent an hour or two in reading the recent numbers of the anti-suffrage periodicals which are issued in Boston and New York. I do not enjoy this duty, but it is necessary if we are to keep up with what our opponents are doing. I do not enjoy it, in fact such reading leaves a very bad taste in my mouth; for the whole tone of the anti-suffrage literature seems to me to be lacking in all three of the primal qualities of Christianity---faith, hope and charity. It is permeated with distrust of humanity and in particular of women, lack of faith in democracy, and a still greater lack of faith in the Creator who is represented as having made men and women with no precarious a sex line between them, that any new freedom given to the women might altogether obliterate the line and thereby destroy the home and the family. There is a lack of hope in anti-suffrage. There is nothing to look forward to in their field of vision. The most they can expect is to keep the world as it is, and not to allow it to get any worse. But of real hopefulness, of an inspiring belief that the world is growing better and that the great modern movements, including the movement for women uffrage, are helping this world-wide improvement, there is of course none to be found in the creed of the anti-suffragists. Without faith in mankind, there can be little hope for the future of mankind. Faith and hope are so linked together that the one is almost impossible without the other. As for the lack of charity, it is only necessary to glance at the constant abuse of the men and women in the equal suffrage states to perceive the absence of this chief of the virtues of the Christian. Again and again the men of the equal suffrage states have complained bitterly of the cruel attacks and the incessant slanders that their women have had to endure since equal suffrage was adopted. It is difficult to find any man or woman from the equal suffrage states who is not fully satisfied with the results; and yet the people who are two or three thousand miles away, people who have never been in the states where women vote long enough to know anything of the working of equal suffrage, are always ready to invent or repeat slanderous stories about the women who vote. Now and again man or woman is found who is ready to assert that women suffrage has failed in his state. With what glee is such a witness taken up by the anti-suffragists, and how his sayings are repeated! There is no examination into his credibility, no discussion of possible selfish reasons for his opinion. That he stands alone one among thousands, is of no consequence. He comes from a suffrage state and he is willing to state that in his opinion, women suffrage after a trial of perhaps as much as three full years---possibly even five years---has failed. When his reasons are analyzed, it will probably be found that they will apply fully as well to man suffrage, which has had a trial of fifty years or more. That is of no consequence. Women have voted in his state for five, four, or three years, and the state has not yet attained political perfection. Hence woman suffrage is a failure. Such a witness is Judge Snell of Washington, but suffragists welcome heartily one of his suggestions and recommend it to the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. According to the Woman's Protest for April, Judge Snell announced in Boston that "Woman suffrage has proved such a failure in the state of Washington that thousands of those who helped to adopt it four years ago would today gladly vote for a return to male suffrage if given the opportunity." But Judge Snell, why do you not set to work to give those people such an opportunity? It would be very easy for they have the initiative and the referendum in Washington, and it would only be necessary to get up a sufficiently large petition signed by men and women voters. Then every association and leaugue organized to oppose woman suffrage in any part of the United States could be called upon to help; and if Judge Snell is correct, there would surely be an easy victory for the antis---the very first victory they have every secured. Such a plan seems so obvious that there is only one explanation for its not being adopted. That is that woman suffrage has not failed in Washington and that the people there could not now be induced to vote it down. Four years is only a short time for the women to prove their value as voters; but as a matter of fact it takes very little time indeed for people to find out that woman suffrage is a help to the community and a help to the women themselves. Of course there are people in the equal suffrage states who are inclined to think woman suffrage a failure. No doubt Judge Weller of San Francisco thought so when the women of [?]. Lucius Judson, Descendant of Stratford's First Settlers, Enjoys Life at Ninety-two "SYSTEMATIC LIVER" Value of Day's Work From "Sun to Sun." TELLS OF OLDEN DAYS White Lead Mixed With Sugar, Ink With Medicine, in Ancient Grocery Store. ON VOTES FOR WOMEN. (By Lura Abell) "I dont think women will be any more content after they get the vote than they were when they used to go out to work here in the Stratford spinning flax for fifteen cents a day and two means," said Lucius Judson, whose ninety-one years have given him ample opportunity to ponder over the evolution of the new woman. Mr. Judson believes that plenty of work is the best cure for discontent, and he cited the day's work that was measured from sun to sun as a reason why women did not bother their heads about politics and equality in the days of spinning wheels. Was it because the work day used to be reckoned from sun to sun that someone originated the idea of summer vacations? Surely any thinking person would prefer to "hire out" in the winter under such system. Dr. Ellsworth Huntington of Yale wondered in recent magazine article why people did not take vacations in the winter, when vitality is at its lowest and the need of rest is correspondingly greater than in summer. Probably those who remember as far back as Mr. Judson can do see why people fell into the summer holiday habit. My. Judson believes that work is the best tonic for himself, and judging from the fresh color of his smooth skin and the keenness of his interest in life, it agrees with him. His hair is white and his shoulders are bent, but he finds his years no great burden. His time is systematically mapped out and the early morning of these fine spring days finds him busy in his garden. His hyacinths were among the first and the loveliest of the season and his tulips will soon signal the passerby on North Main street to stop for a moment and admire their brilliance. Back of his attractive white house is the vegetable plot, which he as marked out in rows as precisely straight as a regiment of soldiers on parade, and every bush and tree and blade of grass about the place testify to the care Mr. Judson has given them. It is quite a constitutional for a nonagenarian to walk twice a day from Hillside avenue to Stratford center. But so regular is this active old man in leaving his home near the avenue for this purpose, precisely at 12:30 every weekday afternoon, that people in the neighborhood set their clocks by him. One day his own to talk about Lucius Judson's relatives in Stratford, where could a convenient stopping place ever be found? "My great-great-great-great-great-grandfather," he told me, "was the first white man who ever stepped foot on Stratford soil." As a representative of the eighth generation of Judsons in Stratford, it is probable that Mr. Judson is the most richly endowed man in town in the number of his relatives, for Stratfordites have been almost as exclusive as the royal families of Europe in the matter of inter-marriages. For 276 years Stratford has held its charm for the Judson family, a charm for the Judson family, a charm that has lasted through all the changes that have come about since the day when William Judson emerged from the wilderness to confront the "Stratford" Indian who had never before seen a "paleface." In 1639 William Judson, who came over from England to settle in Concord, Mass., wandered fearlessly out into the wilds to explore for a dwelling-place more to his liking, and built the first house in Stratford. It was on Main street, a little to the south of Academy Hill, and the stones of which this house was built are serving today as the foundation of the house now occupied by the Misses Celia and Cornelia Curtis on Academy Hill. But to get back to Mr. Judson's recollection of the women of yesterday and day before yesterday; they were lucky if they were sometimes privileged to stop work with the setting sun. "My mother had to do everything for herself, from spinning her own shoe-thread to making tallow candies," he told me. "She had to plan so far ahead to have the will ready to make winter clothing and to have her flax spun for summer linens that she had no time for worrying about problems any farther away from her own life bundles, 800 or 900 of these being formed into a stack, where it was left until cold weather came. Most everyone had a pestle and mortar for preparing the samp that people ate then and the bundles of flax were threshed against these mortars until the seeds were all off. The stalks were then hauled down to Fresh Pond and kept under water until they were soaked through. Then they were spread out on the meadows to dry; this made them as white as a piece of paper. After that they were put back in the barns and when a good northwest wind came, they were taken out again and broken up in what was called crackle, in which the flax was separated from the outside. The next trip was to the flax mill, where a large wheel, about the size of a wagon-wheel, revolved by a treadle, got all the shives (stalk splinters) out of the flax." Then it was ready to spin and the woman's work in the evolution of a garment began. A good deal of Stratford's surplus flax was sold to Hartford, at from fifteen to twenty-two cents a pound where it was made into fish lines. The American's international reputation for extravagance has all been (Continued on Last Page.) OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE (By Mrs. W. B. Williams, Press Chairman Representing The Connecticut Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.) The following letter is written by one who is both a physician and a member of the Connecticut House of representatives. It speaks therefore with a two-fold authority, that of the medical man and that of the legislator and will fake a special appeal to every thinking man and woman. To the Editor: -- As a preface to the subject under consideration, I wish it distinctly understood that I yield to no no man in my respect and admiration for women, and my respect is based upon nearly forty years practice of medicine in the homes, and my intimate association with the thousands of women I have come in contact with in those homes. I can say with some degree of assurance that I know the average woman and wife and mother as none but a family physician in a country practice can know them. I am perfectly free to say that my respect and regard for the average woman far exceeds my respect for the average man. But I also know that there are certain physical conditions which render most women unfit for the worry and responsibilities of political life, if they are to maintain an average standard as wives and mothers. My objection to extending the general franchise to women is not at all based upon belief in her mental deficiencies nor upon a disbelief in her mental ability to accomplish along certain lines of study and research, as good results as are accomplished by men. In most of these respects, granted equal opportunity, the average woman of today stands on a par with the average man. All the professions (and I am speaking now of the state of Connecticut) are open to her. All of the trades are open to her if she cares to avail herself of her privileges. In the control of her personal rights and her property, in the guardianship of her children or dependents every right which any man has, the woman, single or married, has also. And beyond this she has many rights which man has not. For example, a husband is responsible for his wife's debts, but a wife cannot be compelled to pay a dollar of her husband's debts. In nearly all occupations which do not affect the safety or welfare of the general public, a man may work as many hours a day as he pleases unrestrained by any law of the state, but in many similar occupations where women are employed, the hours of labor and the conditions under which they work are controlled by laws enacted for their physical and moral welfare. Nowhere in the world is woman so protected from civic injustice, in no place in the world is woman so protected in her personal and property rights, nowhere under the canopy of heaven is woman so free and unrestrained to do and say what she will, and nowhere is she held so little to a responsibility for what she says and does, as in Connecticut. We have just had an example of this tolerance accorded women, in the scenes which have been enacted day after day in the halls of this capitol during the past few weeks. If any body of men had pursued the same methods of lobbying, or resorted to the same devices to secure legislation favorable to their wishes as these women, thy would have been branded as disreputable. But because these lobbyists were women, the legislators have allowed themselves to be button-holed day after day, cajoled, pink-tea'd and brow-beaten in various ways--tactics which men have long since discredited because they were detrimental to honest legislation and equally detrimental to the self-respect of all concerned. Now if the advocates of woman suffrage will condescend to such methods as this to obtain the franchise, what methods will they not resort to if they ever enter into real political work? Suppose we let one of the leading advocates of suffrage partly answer this query. Judge Ben Lindsey of Colorado, who needs no introduction to those who advocate woman suffrage, says: "If anyone believes that woman suffrage is a panacea for all our ills, he is mistaken. The leaders of this movement are and always have been politicians. They get their nominations from the machines and work their measures through the caucuses and primaries the same as the men do. They are susceptible to the same influence as themes are, and often to influences to which men are not susceptible." He goes on further to state that in the corrupt politics of Colorado, he had usually found that the leaders of suffrage not only refused to help him in his fight against the corrupt machine but that they went to the extreme assisting the passage of the corrupt measures. Colorado has been held up as a model for all men to look to, as illustrating what the suffrage will do for women and for the state at large, but it is needless to say that for the past twenty years no state in this Union has had so much political trouble, so many disastrous civic upheavals, such scandalous state conditions as Colorado, and yet the women there are said to hold the balance of political power. There is no protective legislation on the statute books of that state which Connecticut cannot duplicate, and Connecticut has many laws for the protection of women and children which Colorado has not. And all these legal rights and privileges which women hold in Connecticut have been secured to them by the legislation of men. Woman can obtain anything in the world she wishes through the influence of those gentler qualities with which nature has endowed her, but the moment she attempts to secure results by other means she finds herself confronted by a natural law which she can overcome only at the expense of her womanhood and her dignity. (Signed) R. M. GRISWOLD, M. D. WOMAN SUFFRAGE AS NATURAL EVOLUTION (By Marinda C. Butler Robinson) The defeat of woman suffrage in the Connecticut legislature has added two years of hard work to our lives, which does seem so unnecessary; for to an intelligent mind it the teachers "equal pay for equal work" come to be enacted? It was through the hard fight of the teachers--led by a strong suffragist and backed by both women and men suffragists of New York. What has for working women and even killed a ten hour bill. Maine house killed the mother's pension bill. The New Hampshire legislature refused to pass a meat inspection bill. Delaware mangled the child labor bill and rection. Hence woman suffrage is a failure. Such a witness is Judge Snell of Washington, but suffragists welcome heartily one of his suggestions and recommend it to the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. According to the Woman's Protest for April, Judge Snell announced in Boston that "Woman suffrage has proved such a failure in the state of Washington that thousands of those who helped to adopt it four years ago would today gladly vote for a return to male suffrage if given the opportunity." But Judge Snell, why do you not set to work to give these people such an opportunity? It would be very easy for they have the initiative and referendum in Washington, and it would only be necessary to get up a sufficiently large petition signed by men and women voters. Then every association and leaugue organized to oppose woman suffrage in any part of the United States could be called upon to help; and if Judge Snell is correct, there would surely be an easy victory for the antis -- the very first victory they have ever secured. Such a plan seems so obvious that there is only one explanation for its not being adopted. That is that woman suffrage has not failed in Washington and that the people there could not now be induced to vote it down. Four years is only a short time for the women to prove their value as voters; but as a matter of fact it takes very little time indeed for people to find out that woman suffrage is a help to the community and a help to the women themselves. Of course there are people in the equal suffrage states who are inclined to think woman suffrage a failure. No doubt Judge Weller of San Francisco thought so when the women voters recalled him on account of his shameful leniency to men accused of crimes against girls. No doubt Mayor Gill of Seattle thought so when he was recalled for running a wide-open city. Mayor Gill has had the wisdom to perceive that a man must give the administration that his constituents ask for. He though he was doing so when he ran Seattle "wide-open." But he discovered his mistake. Now he knows that his constituents, or a majority of them, really desire decent government, and he is giving them an administration that compares well with that of any city in the United States. He has found out that votes for women mean support for decency and good government, and he is earning that support by giving such a government as the best citizens desire. The very worst that even the most bitter opponents of women suffrage have to say about women voters is that they are no better than the men -- that they have not succeeded in cleaning up government and purifying politics that men have allowed to remain dirty. This, even if true, would be no argument against woman suffrage. If it were demanded that votes should be taken from men and given to women instead, this might be an argument. But no woman ever put forward such a demand. The suffragists recognize that the government of our cities, states and nation is not perfect. But they believe and insist that the democratic system of the United States is better for the community and better for every man of the community than the most perfect autocratic government in Europe. All they ask is that this democratic system shall be expended and perfected. Having devised a form of government that tends to greater happiness and greater prosperity than any to be found in the Old World, they desire that the men should include the women also in its scheme, believing that just as a government which is shared by all classes is better that one of a governing class ruling over a subject nation, so a government of both sexes is better than a government of one sex ruling over a subject sex. Just as many evils have been removed or alleviated by the inclusion of all classes in the electorate, so many more will be removed or ameliorated by the inclusion of women along with the men. A new argument against woman suffrage is being put forward founded on the conduct of the women in the Chicago election. It seems that some of the women overstepped the bounds of what is strictly ladylike in their advocacy of the cause of Mayor Thomson. It was admittedly a good cause for which they were working, and of course women in Chicago belong to all classes, just as the men do. The fact that they are voters did not make them all refined and gentle, any more than the fact that men are voters makes gentlemen of them all. It might be suggested that it would be unfortunate for tens of thousands of men in Chicago if all the women suddenly became thoroughly refined and ladylike, for there would be some very serious misfits in family life and lack of the balance described in the immortal words of Mrs. Poyster, that "God Almighty made the women to match the men." But it is also worth remark that the worst examples of feminine depravity are usually to be found in those countries in which women are held cheapest, and in which they occupy the lowest position, socially and politically. American women who have long had rights undreamed of by women one Europe, are not likely to lose their heads or become demoralized by the addition of the further right of the franchise. In all that the anti-suffragists write about sex antagonism there seems to be no comprehension of the fact that injustice and inequality make for antagonism, and justice and equal responsibility and honor make for harmony and friendship. One would hardly think that the following quotation was meant to describe a state of things that the suffragists are trying to bring about; it sounds more like a present condition that the suffragists are trying to cure. Yet it is put forward in the Woman's Protest as an argument against votes for women! "When women underbid men in the labor markets of the world, oppose them in their political ambitions, use their sex equipment of weakness or charm or what not as a weapon in the struggle for existence, then there may be bred a real sex antagonism which will be crushed out eventually by the stronger sex, brutally, and easily, simply by virtue of their strength." What a noble picture of men -- "simply and easily" by the superior strength crushing out the women and their efforts to exist. I suppose it is natural that a woman should be an anti-suffragist when she really belives that the brute is so near the surface in the men around her that it is actually dangerous to provoke the least irritation in the animal. The only way for women to save their lives is to be very quiet and very humble and to keep out of the way of these monsters as much as possible. Suffragists have no such ignoble opinion of their men folk. They believe in their sense of justice, in there humanity and their generosity. They are not afraid of them. They know that the more civilized a man is the more the spiritual prevails over the physical. They know that nowadays superior strength is measured not by muscular power, or the winner in the prize ring would be supreme. It is measured by intelligence, by force of will, by qualities of soul and mind, in which women have absolutely equal chances of excelling with the men. The world is not the jungle, and men are not tigers, and men themselves would abhor "a brutal commercial crushing by the stronger sex. His time is systematically mapped out and the early morning of these fine spring days finds him busy in his garden. His hyacinths were among the first and the loveliest of the season and his tulips will soon signal the passerby on North Main street to stop for a moment and admire their brilliance. Back of his attractive white house is the vegetable plot, which he as marked out in rows as precisely straight as a regiment of soldiers on parade, and every bush and tree and blade of grass about the place testify to the care Mr. Judson has given them. It is quite a constitutional for a nonagenarian to walk twice a day from Hillside avenue to Stratford center. But so regular is this active old man in leaving his home near the avenue for this purpose, precisely at 12:30 every weekday afternoon, that people in the neighborhood set their clocks by him. One day his own clock played a trick on him and hurried him to an early dinner and out by 12 o'clock. The result was that one of the neighbor's children came running in to know if something had happened to anyone in the family. But it's for relaxation, not for more work, that Mr. Judson makes this daily trip down to the center, for he doesn't advocate working from sun to sun at his age. He always spends the early afternoon in the fire house playing cards or "swapping yarns" with numerous others who congregate there to make the time pass less tediously for themselves and Chief Judson, who whiles away many monotonous days, interspersed with odd jobs, about the fire house or town hall, waiting for a fire alarm. Of course, Lucius Judson is a relative of Chief Judson. In Stratford nearly everybody who isn't a newcomer is related to nearly everybody else, if you probe back for a generation or so. Chief Judson's father, another habitué of the fire house, is Lucius Judson's nephew. But if one begins out into the wilds to explore for a dwelling-place more to his liking, and built the first house in Stratford. It was on Main Street, a little to the south of Academy Hill, and the stones of which this house was built are serving today as the foundation of the house now occupied by the Misses Celia and Cornelia Curtis on Academy Hill. But to get back to Mr. Judson's recollection of the women of yesterday and day before yesterday; they were lucky if they were sometimes privileged to stop work with the setting sun. "My mother had to do everything for herself, from spinning her own shoe-thread to making tallow candles," he told me. "She had to plan so far ahead to have the wool ready to make winter clothing and to have her flax spun for summer linens that she had no time for worrying about problems any farther away from her own life than that. You never saw a candle in a store in those days. When a crittur was killed in the fall and the meat laid down, the tallow was tried out and enough candles dipped to last a whole year." A small enough item in the handmade conveniences of those days was the candle, but its dim flicker is sufficient to throw into startling relief the independence of the old-fashioned woman. What woman of today does not object to the hardship of having to take care of lamps and wash chimneys? And even fumbling in the dark for a match with which to light the gas seems tiresome, when we know that others have only to push a button to make an equivalent for daylight. From the planting of the flax in May to the finished garment made from it was a slow and many-sided process. "It grew about two and a half feet high and had a beautiful blue flower," Mr. Judson answered by inquiry as to how flax looked. "It had to be pulled sometime in July and was then bound into small Stratford's surplus flax was sold to Hartford, at from fifteen to twenty- two cents a pound, where it was made into fish lines. The American's international reputation for extravagance has all been ------------------------------ (Continued on Last Page.) are controlled by laws enacted for their physical and moral welfare. Nowhere in the world is woman so protected from civic injustice, in no place in the world is woman so protected in her personal and property rights, nowhere under the canopy of heaven is woman so free and unrestrained to do and say what she will, and nowhere is she held so little to a world she wishes through the innuence of those gentler qualities with which nature has endowed her, but the moment she attempts to secure results by other means she finds herself confronted by a natural law which she can overcome only at the expense of her womanhood and her dignity. (Signed) R. M. GRISWOLD, M. D. Woman Suffrage As Natural Evolution (By Marinda C. Butler Robinson) The defeat of woman suffrage in the Connecticut legislature has added two years of hard work to our lives, which does seem so unnecessary; for to an intelligent mind it must be apparent that woman suffrage is just a natural part of the evolution of social life in our twentieth century civilization. The dial of progress can not be turned back. A legislature may halt it for a short period and that is all. To us it means much waste of time, energy and money, which might be put to interest in other avenues of civic work. We would be saved the unpleasant duty of refuting the false and misleading of the antis, who in lieu of real arguments against suffrage are forced to resort to statements that are not true; for instance, in the Herald of April 25 Mrs. Williams says: "When they (suffragist) have assured women school teachers that their only way to equal pay for equal work lay through the ballot, and then have been reminded that in Colorado -- the gap between men and women teachers is wider than in male suffrage states, while in New York city, without the ballot, women teachers have received what they wanted, they have been thrown into confusion." How much truth us there in this statement? Before me is a speech by Hon. Edward T. Taylor of Colorado in the house of representatives, in which he says, "that no difference is made between the salaries of men and women teachers on account of sex," and further, Colorado has a law that no teacher shall be paid less than $50 a month, and a teachers' pension law beside. How does this compare with Mrs. Williams' own state of Connecticut, where the antis, according to their belief, have such wonderful silent influence? This legislature has just turned down the teachers' pension bill. In a school at Williamsville. Conn., close by Danielson I am told one teacher gets only $40 a month. The antis are surely losing their perspective, if they ever had any. I am truly sorry to have to show them up as such poor statisticians. It is peculiarly true, too, that they do not prove their points -- they say (so and so) is so, without a single proof -- Mrs. Williams brings up New York state -- yes -- and how did that law giving the teachers "equal pay for equal work" come to be enacted? It was through the hard fight of the teachers -- led by a strong suffragist and back by women and men suffragists of New York. What has happened this winter? the legislature passed a bill, "Cromwell Bill," which permits the board of estimate to fix the schedule of salaries which they have done, lowering the wages of women while not touching those of men teachers -- as Miss Strachan showed the teachers' committee for woman suffrage. What has Mrs. Williams to say to the following fact? St. Catherine Welfare Association, an organization of Catholic women working for civic, social and industrial reforms have declared that hereafter they will have meetings for votes for women and nothing else. Why? Because this legislature "has not been satisfactory to an organization pledged to work for shorter hours for women, equal pay for equal work, the minimum wage for women and the abolishment of child labor." The Catholic women say: "Hereafter women need the ballot, not only to secure protective legislations, but also to retain it after it has become the law." All hail to the Catholic women of New York state! In their protest that have shown their Christianity. I have not seen one protest against that infamous cannery bill by the antis. What did the antis do to prevent the legislature from putting through that bill which will work women and children 72 hours a week, instead of 60? It is natural to suppose that the antis would have joined forces with the suffragists to have defeated this most criminal law. We talk endlessly about the inhumanity of this European war -- and rightly -- but -- the legislatures of New York and Connecticut have been just as inhuman in their law making Never have we women had a more striking proof of the sickly sentimentality of men's chivalry. It has been shown in many legislatures this winter and always in the states where they have turned down woman suffrage and even in states where they recently passed the amendment. In Massachusetts, women who have scrubbed the state house floors for years were refused inclusion in the pension system for other state employees. Indiana legislature refused to raise the age of consent to eighteen, refused to pass a nine hour law for working women and even killed a ten hour bill. Maine house killed the mother's pension bill. The New Hampshire legislature refused to pass a meat inspection bill. Delaware mangled the child labor bill and North Carolina turned down the child labor bill, which has the least effective child labor laws of any state. All of which proves that the suffragists are right in their demand for votes for women. The laws for women and children will never be considered and respected until women have the power which lies in the ballot. One thing more, will Mrs. Williams prove in the Herald that Pasadena did go "wet" as she declared in last Sunday's edition. I met a man from Las Angeles last winter and I told him how the antis of Connecticut were continually proclaiming that Pasadena went wet as soon as women voted there. He said "it is absolutely false unless it has since I left recently. Pasadena has never had a saloon and never can until the charter is changed and your Connecticut women are either very ignorant or they must know that they lie." Now he agrees with the board of labor, which made the same statement made by an anti in this same herald. If Mrs. Williams is correct I wish to know it, and I must have her proof before I shall believe it. I regret very much to question her statements, but I love straightforward fighting when so much is at stake. To improve those noble women of California and Colorado, is to improve ourselves, I have no quarrel with any one over their honest beliefs. I do object to the heater-skelter way in which the antis strive to blacken the character of suffragists. We benefit ourselves only as we seek to raise the status of womanhood. MARINDA C. BUTLER-ROBINSON ------------------------ HERALD ADVS. BRING RESULTS L Y R I C LAST LAST WEEK WEEK LAST WEEK of FASHIONS FOREMOST FAVORITES THE CALBURN STOCK CO. Presenting Chauncey Olcott's Greatest Success The MINSTREL of CLAIRE Hear the Beautiful Olcott Songs as Sung by Mr. Arthur Stanford "Mother Machree" (Olcott's Irish lullaby), "Don't You Love the Eyes That Come From Ireland?" "My Beautiful Irish Maid," "My Wild Irish Rose," etc. Commencing MONDAY EVENING MAY 3rd Matinees Daily Except Monday P R I C E S ----------- Mat. 10, 20, 30c. Eve. 10, 20, 30, 50c. WEEK of MAY 10th ------------------- Miss Irene Travers and Her Own Company in A Woman's Law SO HE APOLOGIZED. ------ The other day the commander of a destroyer, rolling heavily in a gale, and with her engines disabled, tried to lessen the strain by ladling out oil. The seaman engaged in this work was washed overboard, and washed back again by a returning wave. He picked himself up, saluted his officer and said: "Very sorry, sir; lost the bucket!" Klondyke Weather for Furs -------------------------- AT 118 CONGRESS STREET With The W. M. Terry Co. Moths and trouble with furs eliminated. Charges are rea- OMAR GRAND OPERA COMPANY OF TEN ARTISTS; NEARY & MILLER, LOCAL BOYS; AND "SATAN SANDERSON" ON POLI BILL ALL-STAR BILL AT POPULAR PLAYHOUSE. For real variety in every sense of the word, you can't surpass the entertainment that Manager Poli has gathered into one programme for the first half of the week at Poli's. There is everything from acrobatics to real grand opera in vaudeville, while the photoplay programme presents a variety of subjects ranging from five-part dramatic masterpiece to the hilarious Vitagraph comedies. Ten talents artists from the Metropolitan Grand Opera Company, organized as the Omar Opera Company, will headline the vaudeville programme in an original operatic fantasie that promises to be the musical sensation of vaudeville. These artists are soloists of ability, and in the grand chorus numbers their voices blend and harmonize in the manner to captivate the most captious musical critic. The production in which they appear is staged in three gorgeous scenes. The costuming is elaborate, while the electrical and scenic effects are nothing short of dazzling. In short, it is real grand opera brought down to vaudeville size and vaudeville prices, without minimizing in the least its appeal to real music lovers. Another big feature of the vaudeville programme will be the reappearance of Simon Neary and Fred Miller, two Bridgeport boys, in their newest variety act. These boys, who are known to most everybody in town as premier dancers of the East, have just completed a coast-to-coast tour during which they scored a distinct success. They have a brand new offering that has never been presented in any theater in Bridgeport, and their reappearance here Monday is sure to bring them a hearty welcome and an assured professional success. The photoplay program is topped by B. A Rolfe's film masterpiece, "Satan Sanderson," a five reel picture version of Hallie Erminie Rives' book and play of the same name. Featured in a star cast presenting this great drama is Orrin Johnson, "the matinee idol of the screen," and a popular Broadway star. "Satan Sanderson" was a huge success as a novel and a play. In picture form it promises to surpass previous records. Mr. Johnson will be seen in the leading role, and Miss Irene Warfield, a very talented photoplayer, will be seen as his blind sweetheart. This picture will be shown after the vaudeville at matinees and between the evening performances. In addition, there will be other photoplays. Returning to the vaudeville bill, one finds another happy surprise in the engagement of "Doc" O'Neil, recognized as one of the funniest men in the varieties. "Doc" is a comedian of the "nut" type, and he is funny -- very, very funny, as anyone acquainted with vaudeville well knows. Leonard and Arnold, a very clever boy and a dainty little girl, will offer their newest singing and dancing offering. These artists have just completed a tour of the Keith theaters in New York, where they met with instant favor. Frank and Georgia have a real surprise in store for Poli patrons. Resident Manager Saunders isn't saying a word about their offering other than it's "going to be a riot." With such mystery surrounding a "surprise" act, vaudeville fans may look forward with pleasing expectancy to this novelty. The vaudeville programme is completed by The Herrolds, two young men who do all sorts of thrilling stunts in the line of aerial acrobatics. Imhoff, Conn and Corinne will head the all-star vaudeville bill for the last half of the week in their new comedy skit. The photoplay feature brings Olga Petrova, the great emotional actress, in "The Heart of a Painted Woman." --Advertisement NAUGATUCK MAY LOSE THOUSANDS --------- Of Dollars in Revenue if the Liquor Opponents Win Tomorrow's Election in the Rubber Borough. MANY ACTIVE. Will Naugatuck's many saloons be abolished after tomorrow, by vote of the taxpayers and residents of the rubber borough? Nothing has attracted more attention in years before Ethan tomorrow's voting on the license question, and it is predicted that the vote will be larger than that polled by any borough election in years. There is a vigorous and influential faction has been at work for weeks past interviewing voters to clean up Naugatuck and rid the place of liquor stores. Those who favor licenses have also been at work interesting their friends to vote in favor of retaining the licenses and license money that ordinarily goes to Naugatuck from such proceeds. One of the contentions is that Naugatuck desires it made necessary for drinking people to go to Waterbury for their liquor, thus making the borough more of an ideal residential place, a wish apparently favored by the aristocracy of the borough, more than by the working people, although the so-called church element is very powerful there and will have a considerable influence in the final count of votes tomorrow. The Herald man was informed yesterday that the church interests had been getting out their forces for weeks past in the endeavor to rid the place of saloons and felt deeply gratified over the outcome of the recent action of the legislature in increasing the cost of license to $750. As voting machines will be used in the Naugatuck controversy tomorrow the result of the voting will be made known early. And some say that considerable money has been "let loose" in putting out workers to accomplish a certain purpose. ----------- HERALD ADVS.--TRADE PULLERS SHOULD THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER BE WELCOMED? Justice of the Double Standard of Morals Discussed in "Man's Prerogative." WHAT SAY YOU? Since the inauguration of the modern motion picture drama few productions have met with the attention being accorded "Man's Prerogative," a four part Mutual Master picture by Frank E. Woods, which has been booked for the Plaza the latter half of the week. "Man's Prerogative," deals with the justice of the double standard of morals and allows many splendid opportunities for bitter debate on the subject. Advanced women's clubs throughout the United States have discussed the picture because of the author's venture to demonstrate how hard any breach of the code goes against the woman. The story purposes to show that man and woman have not been since time began, and should not be, judged by the same standards of virtue and morality. The author seeks to establish that man and woman's separate obligations to society are such that women always must be held to stricter account than men. When a woman disobeys society's time sanctioned law she sacrifices not only her own position, but her child's as well. The man sacrifices nothing but his self-respect. Is this true? Should woman be allowed to shoulder alone the cross that is almost invariably the penalty of unchastity? "Man's Prerogative" handles both sides pretty thoroughly, but there is much to be said for and against. --Advertisement. ----------------- IF THEY HAD LIVED. ---- A census clerk, in scanning one of the forms to see that it has been properly filled up, noticed the figures 120 and 112 under the heading "Age of Father, if Living," and "Age of Mother, if Living." "But your parents were never so old, were they?" queried the clerk. "No," was the reply "but they would ha' bin, if living." The Most Up-to-Date Business School in Connecticut J. R. Booth formerly Principal of the Commercial Department of Bridgeport Business College, and W. M. BAYLISS formerly Principal of the Shorthand Department of Gutchess College, Bridgeport Announce the Opening of The Booth and Bayliss Commercial School, Inc. Whiting Building, 167-169 Fairfield Ave. BIG ORDER FOR TORPEDO PRIMERS Completed by Waterbury Firm and Shipped to the Allies. More to Follow. Prosperity Continues. FOREIGNERS TALK. The Waterbury Manufacturing company has just completed a very large order for primers to be used on torpedoes in the European conflict and its mechanics are no longer working nights until 9 or 10 o'clock. These primers were much sought for in rush orders for the allies and constituted an important addition to the fighting strength of the allies, especially the English. The immediate demand for these primers, which are attached to the torpedoes, was so great and so important that Waterbury SO HE APOLOGIZED. ----- The other day the commander of a destroyer, rolling heavily in a gale, and with her engines disabled, tried to lessen the strain by ladling out oil. The seaman engaged in this work was washed overboard, and washed back again by a returning wave. He picked himself up, saluted his officer and said: "Very sorry, sir; lost the bucket!" will be seen as his blind sweetheart. This picture will be shown after the vaudeville at matinees and between the evening performances. In addition, there will be other photoplays. Returning to the vaudeville bill, one finds another happy surprise in the engagement of "Doc" O'Neil, recognized as one of the funniest men in the varieties. "Doc" is a comedian of the "nut" type, and he is funny -- very, very funny, as anyone prise" act vaudeville fans may look forward with pleasing expectancy to this novelty. The vaudeville programme is completed by The Herrolds, two young men who do all sorts of thrilling Klondyke Weather for Furs AT 118 CONGRESS STREET With The W. M. Terry Co. Months and trouble with furs eliminated. Charges are reasonable and cover Collection, Delivery, Dry Cold Storage and Insurance. Our Repair Department is on the premises, and we guarantee the quality of the week and the reasonable of the charges The W. M. Terry Co. 118 Congress Street Bridgeport, Conn. BIG ORDER FOR TORPEDO PRIMERS Completed by Waterbury Firm and Shipped to the Allies. More to Follow. Prosperity Continues. FOREIGNERS TALK. The Waterbury Manufacturing company has just completed a very large order for primers to be used on torpedoes in the European conflict and its mechanics are no longer working night until 9 or 10 o'clock. These primers were much sought for in rush orders for the allies, especially the English. The immediate demand for these primers, which are attached to the torpedoes, was so great and so insistent that Waterbury mechanics worked nights in turning out the tools. Hundreds of thousands of these primers have gone forward to their destinations and more will follow from now on until the end of the great conflict. Foreigners writing to relatives or friends in Waterbury predict that this war is quite likely to continue for at least three or four years, on account of the vast amount of bitterness it has engendered, and that the arrangements for such a long continuance of the conflict are being made by Germany, and elaborate preparations by Russia and the allies as well. This means immense orders placed in the United States for necessities and implements of war, with the result that at the close of hostilities this country will be so well equipped with factories and machinery for the turning out of arms and ammunition that it need fear no foreign power, however strong, providing it has a far-sighted man at the head of the government. PATRICK'S HINT. Pat Whelan, the new lodger, was engaged blacking his boots in the kitchen. His landlady, standing near, remarked: : "Pat, would you like an egg for breakfast?" "Faith, ma'am," replied Pat, grimly, "I heard of a man who ate two and he is alive yet." The Most Up-to-Date Business School in Connecticut J. R. BOOTH formerly principal of the Commercial Department of Bridgeport Business College, and W. M. BAYLISS formerly Principal of the Shorthand Department of Guttchess College, Bridgeport Announce the Opening of The Booth and Bayliss Commercial School, Inc. Whiting Building, 167-169 Fairfield Ave. Associated with them as Supervisor of Penmanship is Mr. EARL A. RISHOR You are most cordially invited to inspect the school at you convenience. DAY SCHOOL begins Monday, May 3, 1915. Session 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. NIGHT SCHOOL begins Tuesday, May 4, 1915. Session, 6:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. THOROUGH, EXPERIENCED, COMPETENT INSTRUCTION IN Bookkeeping Shorthand Penmanship Rapid Calculation Typewriting Business English Commercial Law Business Letter Writing Spelling Individual Desks, Latest Up-to-Date Equipment, 20 Brand New No. 5 Underwood Typewriters A PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF OUR PROGRESSING CITY 2 THE HARTFORD DAIL [DAILY] SUFFRAGE LOSES ITS CASE AGAIN! Women Touch High Water Mark However, 124 to 106. MOST OF SPEECHES FOR SUFFRAGISTS Party Lines Cut No Figure When Roll Was Called. When the adverse report of the House committee on constitutional amendment was called at 11:45 o'clock, Mr. Emory of Plymouth moved the acceptance of the report and the rejection of the resolution, saying that the committee had voted against it, 9 to 1. Mr. King of Fairfield said that the question of suffrage could not be settled until the people had had a right to vote upon it. He added: "You today tell a woman who is a college graduate and a taxpayer that she cannot vote. But this is not the main question. The real question is whether you are to let the voters decide this question for themselves. This is not a constitution making body. Constitutions are made by the people and it should be left to the people who make them whether or not they should be changed. Four reasons are given against woman suffrage: That they would not use the vote if they had it; that they could not use it intelligently; that the ballot would make the women less womanly; and that the project is socialistic. Only 35 per cent. of the men who have the vote use their right and yet you have rejected the Spellacy vote, which aims to punish the non- voting men, while you are willing to punish the women who do not want the ballot. The election in Chicago yesterday, where the women carried their candidate by 30,000 majority, shows the women can do with the ballot. Has woman suffrage increased socialism in California or the other western states, where it has passed? Republicans Warned. "I want to talk to you as republicans, when I say I believe it is absolutely necessary to elect a republican president in 1916. If the party nominates Penrose as a candidate and declares in its platform that the present administration has been a failure, it will be necessary, to defeat the democrats and the solid South, to get the support of Illinois and the other western states where the votes and the sympathy of the women will be a strong factor. The Republican Party can not long exist without supporting woman suffrage. The next convention will probably support suffrage and it will not dare to oppose woman suffrage with the need of bringing back the progressives, who are almost to a man, in favor of equal suffrage. The next republican candidate for president will not dare oppose the measure." Shaw for the Women. Mr. Shaw of Redding said he agreed with Mr. King that the question could not be settled until it was "settled right" and that the rejection of the resolution would merely mean postponement until the next session of the Legislature. He compared it with the historical settlement of the slavery problem. "Massachusetts took the lead in the slavery question and it is taking the lead in the East," he said, "in the woman suffrage movement. Besides Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and other states in the East have taken the step that confronts you, now. I have read all the newspapers in the state and I have only found one in the state which says 'do not submit the question to the people,' 'The Courant.' The worst I shall say about this paper is that it is ultra-conservative and always has been. "We are all proud of our constitution, but it has been amended thirty-two times, and this shows the need of government change from time to time. "The chief reason I believe in woman suffrage is because I believe in democracy. This is a government of the people, which means that all classes of the people shall have a share in the government. I am glad that immigrants, ignorant people and poor people are allowed to vote, as it would be dangerous to let any class govern another class. Why shouldn't women vote? There is no great mystery or burden about the ballot. We need their help in many ways and they need the vote. "This is one of the great questions of the day. Let the people decide it and don't take the case out of the hands of the jury." Mr. Pelton, Too. Mr. Pelton of Clinton said that he believed women not only needed the ballot, but had a right to demand it. "Furthermore," he added, "the state of Connecticut needs to have the ballot in the hand of its women. I would ask you gentlemen to ask what are the greatest evils in the 168 towns you represent and whether the women of your town would not aid, greatly, in eradicating those evils. It is up to the women of the state to take part in the work of the state in keeping their home surroundings clear." A Voice From Huntington. Mr. Dillon of Huntington said he thought this was the resurrection day for the women of Connecticut and he favored voting for woman suffrage. "We have got to face this question," he said, "and must swim or we will sink. "Our constitution does not restrict us in submitting this question to popular vote, but merely tells us how we can do it, if we wish. The people have the right to alter the constitution. The movement is not new, but has passed the age of ridicule and indifference. "No woman has used her influence to make me favor the movement. I favor it only on the grounds of justice. I believe women have a right to petition us for the privilege of participating in the government. The argument made by Miss Price that the women do not want the burden of the ballot is best answered by the federal constitution which terms it a franchise or privilege." Foord of Stamford. Mr. Foord of Stamford said the question before the House was not one of suffrage or anti-suffrage, but one of having a claim to right adjudicated and settled by the Legislature. "So many of us have already made up our minds or are prejudiced on this question that we ought to make a sincere effort to look at it impartially. We ought chiefly to consider that it is the right of the people and not of the Legislature to decide the question. Recently a bill concerning the mileage of members of the General Assembly was passed here with only three dissenting votes. They was no great outcry then about the necessity of submitting that constitutional amendment to popular vote, why should there be in regard to this question for which 40,000 people ask a vote." An Orator From Griswold. Mr. Potter of Griswold said he believed that it was the duty of the representatives to submit the amendment to popular vote and then go to the polls and vote against it as private citizens, if they wished to do so because of opposition to the principles of suffrage. "It is sometimes argued that women should not vote, because they cannot bear arms. We might just as well restrict the ballot to men between the ages of 18 and 45. I believe, however, that the bravest battles are not fought on battlefields, but before the hearths of our home. Many of the reasons for giving our wives and sisters and sweethearts the vote are sentiment, but sentiment played a large part in the establishment and early history of our country. "We hasten to enfranchise foreigners from every clime; are they any less patriotic or worthy than our women, some of whom have the blood of many generations of American manhood in their veins." A Little Town Heard From. Mr. Davidson of Bethany also spoke in favor of suffrage, saying that he thought it would be only a short time when every woman would have the ballot. Legal Construction. Mr. Taylor of Danbury said he would like to hear the opposition to the question unless it was to be assumed that the "meeting was packed" and that nothing which could be said would influence the votes. "I am glad, however, to see a republican Moses endeavoring to lead his party out of the wilderness," he added. "We can vote in favor of submitting this question to the people without in any way expressing our own opinions on the principles involved. The word 'necessary' in the constitution does not mean that we claim the amendment necessary, but that we consider it necessary to submit the question to the people. If it does not mean this, the Legislature can at its freedom throttle the will of the people at any time. The people have at all times according to another clause in this same constitution of ours, the right to alter their constitution. How can you conform this with the narrower interpretation of that word 'necessary.' This state, unfortunately, is backward politically, socially and even religiously. "I appeal to you here, not as partisans, but as citizens of Connecticut to give the people a chance to decide this question for themselves. The proposition before you here is to strike out from the constitution the word 'male,' as in 1876 the qualifying word 'white' was struck out." A Dissenter. Mr. Isbell of Ansonia said that Mr. Dillon's statement that no woman had used her influence upon him was the first information which had reached him that any of the representatives had been to the North Pole. He did not realize until Mr. Taylor spoke that the state of Connecticut was not on the map and that it had no respectable standing as a state. "I do want," he added, "to ask the men here whether they are men or rubber stamps. What is the use of submitting a question to the state knowing or believing that the people are opposed to the measure? We have petitions signed by 40,000 persons. That's about 10 per cent, of the voting lists of the state and it's not enough for me. Don't dodge the issue. If you believe in this thing, vote for it; if you believe against it, vote against it." Seeing Some Handwriting. Mr. Bowers of Manchester said the members of the House ought to see the handwriting on the wall and realize the strength of the movement for woman suffrage. A Man in Trousers. Mr. Perry of New Haven disagreed with Mr. Taylor's definition of the word "necessary." He said that there are three steps in the passage of a constitutional amendment, that it shall be considered necessary; that it be endorsed by both houses of the assembly and that it be ratified by popular vote. Mr. Rogers Elucidates. Mr. Rogers of Litchfield, the House humorist, took the floor amid the first applause of the debate, saying that the question was no joke. He said he came to the House with every possible sympathy for women suffrage as the result of reading about the movement in newspapers and magazines, but that what he had seen in the House had changed his views. If the women had not come here as "copy cats" trying to pull men about and win votes in the way men do, they might have got the ballot by a unanimous vote. He told several stories which produced laughter, and referred to Adam and Eve, saying that when Eve got the franchise, "Adam had to go to Buffalo and grub for the living." Previous Question. Mr. Thomas of Lebanon moved for the previous question. Carried. Mr. Shaw of Redding moved that the vote be by roll call which was ordered. The question was on the rejection of the bill, a vote of yes being in opposition to the suffrage measure. The vote was as follows: -- Whole number voting..............230 Necessary to prevail................116 Those voting yes (for the acceptance of the adverse report).........124 Those voting no...........106 Those voting yes were:-- Hartford County -- Messrs. Griswold, Mexcur, Lawton, Goslee, Handel, Brewer, Steele, Ward, Loughlin, Goodrich, Goddard, Chittenden, Osborn, Hyde Schultz, Goodwin, Carter, Lennox, Andrus, A. R. Wells, Clark, Spencer, Spear, Deming, Fenn, D. Wells, House. New Haven County -- Isbell, Osborn, Peck, Gorman, Nickerson, Potter, Chittenden, J. W. Sandford, Marsden, Aubrey, Hamm, Atwood, J. D. Brown, Reilly, Standford, Perry, Revere, Eaton, Martin, Church, Talmadge, Mitchell, Bronson, Hill, Stoddard. New London County -- Williams, C. P. Brown, Davis, Lathrop, Austin, Tinker, Henderson, Huntington, Buteau. Fairfield County -- Reid, Joyce, Jennings, Lacey, Crosby, Mead, Hubbell, Sherman, James, Tristram. Atchison. Windham County -- O. D. Baker, Bassett, Chester, Adams, Hall, Congdon, Backus, Peckham, May. Litchfield County -- Hoskins, Gilman, Norton, T. W. Griswold, Pratt, Allen, Rogers, Roberts, Addis, Emery, Tuttle, Klebes, Woodward, Brooks, Claxton, Perkins, Atwood, Case, Vaill, Ward, Curtis. Middlesex County -- Tucker, Arrigoni, Hall, Marble, Pavelka, Coles, Boardman Tolland County -- Backus, Howard, Tucker, Reynolds, Rathbun, Lord, Parker, MacFarlane, Fuller, Thatcher, Wightman, Randall, Yost, Hall, Allen. Those voting no were: -- Hartford County -- Messrs. Hydel, Smithwick, Glasson, Hohbein, Sanford, McLean, Meyer, Galvin, Hitchcock, Bowers, Cordes, Churchill, Curtiss, King, Brown. New Haven County -- Aaronsen, G. T. Clark, Davidson, Peasley, Tracy, Smith, J. Brown, Pearson, Leavenworth, Bridgett, Devine. New London County -- Stark, Potter, Crandall, Taylor, Thomas, Johnson, Hall, Cronin, Palmer, Bailey, Pendleton, Mitchell, Rogers, Wilcox, Babcock, Morgan. Fairfield County -- Kelly, Garlick, Taylor, Gorman, Williamson, King, Dillon, McKendry, Knapp, Hegeman, Shaw, Hazen, Ryan, Perry, Ford, Blakeman, Morehouse, Sherwood, Jackson. Windham County -- Atwood, Barker, E. Baker, Davis, Glazier, Back Ayer, Ash, Hutchins, Plessis, Chesbro, Ritch. Litchfield County -- Ransom, Wiltshire, Disbrow, Skiff, Bennett, Wright, Dawe, Page, Goslee, Mailett, Caul, Brown, Graves, Emerson, Harrison, Hosford, Hough, Taylor. Middlesex County -- Day, Smith, Pelton, Beaumont, Swan, French, Perkins, La Place, Jones. Tolland County -- Brown, Pinney, Parker, Heald, Bartlett, Morgansen, Kinney. Upon motion of Mr. Hyde a motion to reconsider was declared lost, but doubted. A rising vote showed 130 opposed to reconsideration with 89 in favor. SUFFRAGE FOR BOHEMIAN WOMEN Proposal on the Part of the Austrian Government Reported London, Jan. 28 -- A special despatch from Vienna says that the Austrian premier has informed the leaders of the German and Czech parties in the Bohemian Diet that the Austrian Government proposes to alter the Bohemian constitution in such a way as to enfranchise women. 000576 Courant Fair Today and Tomorrow; Rising Temperature (Weather Report on Page 9.) April 8, 1915. --22 PAGES. PRICE 3 CENTS. 100 Near Death in Windsor Street Fire; Factory Girls March Out in Good Order; Windows of Myers & Gross Plant Barred CLEARY'S ACCOUNTS BADLY TANGLED Former Town Clerk of Haverstraw, N.Y., Acquitted of Murder, Is Missing. CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR POOR FUND Books and Records of Town's Affairs Reported to Have Disappeared. Albany, N.Y., April 7, --- Accounts of the town of Haverstraw, N.Y., in relation to funds handled by William V. Cleary, the former town clerk, who recently was acquitted of the charge of murdering his son-in-law, Eugene M. Newman, are badly tangled, according to a report made public at the state comptroller's office tonight, Clearly is sad to have disappeared. Investigators working under Comptroller Travis told him today that much of the poor fund, which was dispensed partly by Cleary, could not be accounted for. Many books, records, and checkbooks which would aid in straightening out the financial affairs of the town have disappeared, it is reported. Johiah Felter, a supervisor, and Warren Basley, an overseer of the poor, both of whom worked with Cleary, signed waivers of immunity prior to testifying before the comptroller's inquisitors. Examination of Cleary's accounts at the National Bank of Haverstraw showed that he deposited $7,164 in 1912 and $10,162 in 1913. His salary in fees as town clerk during this time was about $600 a year. What shortage exists, or what money if any, has been misapplied has not been determined by the comptroller. A statement given out at the comptroller's office said court action might follow. According to both Felter and Basley, Cleary relieved them of most of the burden of keeping the books and records of expenditures for the poor. Felter, who acted as treasurer for the town board and was present when Newman was shot, testified that he turned over to Cleary all money to be used for maintenance of the poor. Cleary rendered claims, he continued, but no record of them ever was kept. Felter said he had kept stubs in his check book showing payment of some town moneys, but his wife burned them. Felter testified that he gave Basley between $6,000 and $7,000 yearly to support the poor, but records were introduced to show the cost was only about $2,200. In 1913, it was shown, Felter paid Cleary $5,080. Basley was overseer of the poor from 1910 to 1913, while Cleary was clerk. It was Basley's custom. he said, to sign blank checks and permit Cleary to draw poor moneys as he desired. According to Basley's testimony and available records, about $9,000 more was drawn from this fund from 1910 to 1913 than was spent for the aid of the needy. In many cases Basley's books showed one amount paid out, his report to the county superintendent another and his bank account a third. Basley could not explain these discrepancies. AUSTRIANS BOMBARD TOWNS IN SERBIA No Fire Escapes on Building, Practice in Drill Alone Saves Lives of Employees--Loss Estimated at From $75,000 to $200,000-- Double Alarm Calls Much Apparatus--Bes- sie Levine, Bookkeeper, Overcome in Effort to Save Valuables in Office--Nearby Property Damaged. GIRLS' CLOTHING SCORCHED AND HAIR SINGED Hemmed in by barred windows on three sides and with no fire escape provided for such unbarred windows as there were on the fourth side of the building, more than 100 employees of Myers & Gross, at No. 479 to 485 Windsor street, found themselves facing death from fire late yesterday afternoon and only their practice in fire drills saved a fire horror. Even as it was, some of the young women employees said that their clothes had been scorched and their hair singed before they got out. The building, a two-story brick structure, used for the manufacture of gowns, kimonas and dressing sacks, was gutted, involving a total damage variously estimated anywhere from $75,000 to $200,000. At 6 o'clock operations in the fac- tory had ceased for the day, and the employees gathered around the register clock on the second floor. A few of them had marked their time slips and passed out, when there was a sudden cry of fire. The employees turned about to see flames and smoke pouring out of a bin in which were waste cuttings and trimmings. Fire Drill Works Frank LeMar and J. Duboff, foremen of the plant, had the situation in hand in a moment. They ordered the young women to get into line, and then opened the doors for them to get out. A few panic stricken employees rushed to the rear of the building but they had to turn back when they found that no doors were there and the windows were barred with iron shutters. Meanwhile the male employees had taken their escape. Before the last woman was out of the building, flames swept across the entire second floor. Two Alarms Rung. Duboff ran into a nearby place and telephoned a still alarm, which was answered by No. 2. When he came out, he saw Irwin Harrington, a driver for Philip Harris, an expressman, alighting from a wagon in front of the burning building. Without saying a word, Duboff jumped onto the wagon and whipped the horses into a thrilling dash to Blake street, a quarter of a mile away, where he rang an alarm from Box 94. Two moments later, LeMar, who had gone in the opposite direction rang an alarm from Box 93 in front of the Smith, Northam & Co. warehouse on Windsor street. The firemen that came south through Windsor street were delayed some few minutes at the railroad crossing near the P. Berry & Sons warehouse, as the gates had been lowered for a north-bound train. Upon reaching the scene of the fire, Chief John C. Moran took rapid note of the surroundings and instructed Patrick C. Kirby, his driver and a fireman of No. 3's house, to go in the chief's auto to Blake street and ring a second alarm from Box 91. After the double alarm, engine companies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, truck companies 1, 3 and 4 and Squad A, were at the fire. Bookkeeper Overcome When every one was out of the a stairway, in the middle of the building, leading from the street to the workrooms on the second floor, and another stairway at the north side of the building leading from the streets to the offices of the concern. On all sides of the building, the windows, excepting a few in the front on the second floor, were covered with iron bars. It is said that the iron bars had been installed on account of several burglaries at the plant. Only two weeks or so ago thieves again got into the place by sawing the bars in the windows, and they carried away a large quantity of goods. A policeman was kept on watch afterwards for about a week, but the culprits did not return. According to a fire department official the condition of the building had been learned from inspection work and reported to the building inspector, as beyond the powers of the fire department to remedy. Business Brisk At the time of the fire the senior partner of the concern, Max Myers, was in New York closing orders for 150 bales of cloth which were expected to arrive this week, to be stored in Bill Brothers' warehouse. The concern has been in business in Hartford about ten years, and has grown with leaps and bounds. It started with a capacity of six machines and gradually increased to a capacity of over 200 machines, which are running in three different places in the state and Massachusetts. The output is sold in New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maryland and as far as Texas and California, and in all the New England states. The Windsor street building has been the home of the concern about six years. On account of the big growth in the concern's business, the factory was doubled in size two years ago, and it is said that only a short time ago an architect was hired to draw up plans for another three-story factory beside the one now occupied. When the facilities were doubled in the home plant, eighty new machines were put in. At the time of the fire there were about 140, valued at about $10,000. The machines were practically destroyed by the fire. The first floor of the building was used as the basement, in the middle of which was the furnace. On account of the change in weather conditions and also because the building is tucked between a group of buildings which partially protect it from cold and winds, the furnace had not been in use for two days. In the [???] the National Social Welfare [???] which he is connected, a standing offer of immediate employment at a minimum salary of $8 per week to the women now in the segregated district. A mass meeting is planned here late today at which an effort is to be made to raise $25,000 with which to carry out the league's work in Washington. Mr. Finch will endeavor to obtain the cooperation of the President and Attorney General McReynolds. The President will be asked to aid by deferring the signing of the bill in order to perfect the local organization of the league and to place the proposition before the women it 000577 MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-75 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 9217 AND 4515 RECORD of the VOTE. Whole;229; against amendment;123 Those voting against were: Hartford County Griswold Lawton Handel p. Brewer Steele Ward Loughlin Woodward Goodrich Goddard Chittenden p. Osborn Hyde Schultz Goodwin p. Carter Lennox Andrus p. Wells, A.R. Clark Spencer p. Spear Deming Fenn Wells, D., 2d. House New Haven County Isbell Osborn Peck Gorman p. Nickerson Chittenben Potter p. Sanford, J. W., Jr. Marsden Aubrey Hamm p. Atwood Brown, J. D., Jr. Reilly Stanford p. Perry p. Revere Eaton Martin Church Talmadge Mitchell Bronson Stoddtrd New London County Williams Brown, C. P. Davis Lathrop Austin p. Tinker Henderson Huntington Buteau Fairfield County Reid p. Joyce p. Jennings p. Lacey Crosby p. Mead p. Hubbell Sherman James Tristram Atchison p. Windham County Baker, O.D. Bassett Chester p. Adams Hall Congdon Backus Peckham May Litchfield County Hoskins Gilman Norton Griswold, T.W.,2d. Pratt Allen Rogers Roberts p. Addis Emory Tuttle Klebes Woodward Brooks Claxton Perkins Atwood Case Vaill Ward Curtis Middlesex County Tucker p. Arrigoni p. Hall Marble p. Pavelka p. Coles p. Boardman Tolland County Backus Howard p. Tucker p. Reynolds Rathbun p. Lord Macfarlane Fuller Thatcher Wightman Randall Yost Hall Allen Necessary to prevail ; 115 No. voting for amendment ; 106 Those voting for were: Hartford County Maxcur voted against by mistake Hydel p. Smithwick p. Glasson p. Hohbein p. Sanford p. McLean p. Meyer p. Galvin p. Cordes p. Hitchcock Bowers Churchill p. Curtiss p. King Brown New Haven County Aaronson Clark G. T. Davidson p. Peasley Tracy p. Smith p. Brown, J. p. Pearson p. Bridgett p. Devine p. Hill p. New London County Stark p. Potter Crandall p. Taylor Thomas p. Johnson p. Hall p. Cronin Palmer p. Bailey p. Pendleton p. Wilcox Babcock p. Morgan Fairfield County Kelly p. Garlick Taylor p. Gorman Williamson p. King p. Dillon McKendry p. Knapp p. Hegeman p. Shaw p. Hazen p. Perry p. Foord p. Blakeman Morehouse Sherwood p. Jackson p. Windham County Atwoob p. Barker p. Baker, Edw. p. Davis p. Glazier Back p. Ayer p. Ash p. Hutchins p. Plessis p. Litchfield County Ransom Wiltshire p. Desbrow p. Skiff p. Bennett p. Wright p. Dawe p. Page p. Goslee p. Mallett p. Caul p. Rrown p. Graves p. Emerson p. Harrison p. Hosford p. Hough p. Taylor p. Middlesex County Day p. Smith p. Pelton Beaumont p. Swan p. French p. Russell Perkins LaPlace p. Jones p. Tolland County Brown p. Pinney p. Parker p. Heald Bartlett p. Morgansen p. Kinney p. The men marked 'p' had pledged themselves to vote for the referendum. MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 Those absent and not voting were: Hartford County Goslee New Haven County Barker - p. O'Loughlin, Clark, E. T. Leavenworth. New London County Kenyon, Brown, C. W. Pierson, Gray. Fairfield County Egan, Huxford. Windham County Macdonald, Ross - p Haskins - p Litchfield County Bailey, Maxfield. Middlesex County Quigg (paired informally with O'Brien) Spencer, Morton - p PAIRS Hewes of Farmington voted Yes, paired with Treadwell of Trumbull voting Nay. Ryan of Ridgefield voting Nay, paired with Horsman of Union voting Yes. Sweet of Voluntown voting Nay, paired with Sturges of Weston voting Yea. Russell of Middleton voting Nay, paired with Martin of Salisbury voting Yes. SUFFRAGISTS TO KEEP ON FIGHTING DISAPPOINTED BUT NOT DISCOURAGED AT DEFEAT OF BILL Vote Was 124 Against Bill, 106 for It --12Votes from This County for it, 9 Against, 3 Absent The vote on the suffrage amendment in the House at Hartford last Wednesday resulted in its defeat by 124 to 106. The gallery of the House of Representatives was thronged with women from all parts of the state last Wednesday morning to hear the debate and vote on the suffrage amendment. Suffrage colors were very much in evidence, with an occasional red rose, the anti emblem. The floor of the House was thronged with telegraph messengers delivering messages to the members, urging support or defeat of the measure. The constitution amendment committee made an adverse report on the bill, the vote of the committee standing 9 to 1 against it. The debate was opened by Clitus King of Fairfield who made a strong speech for the suffrage side. He not only supported all the usual suffrage arguments and answered the contentions of the Antis, but also pointed out the political expediency of granting suffrage to women in the East since the western women have the vote. He was followed by Samuel C. Shaw of Redding who championed the suffrage cause as a moral issue which would never be settled until it was settled right, that is, by granting the ballot to women. Five more representatives in turn supported the bill, speaking from the legal, moral and sentimental points of view. Then Milton C. Isbell of Ansonia opened for the opposition with an emphatic statement that he did not believe the majority of either men or women in the state favored the amendment. He urged the representatives to vote according to their convictions and not refer the matter to the voters unless they believed the amendment was necessary. Only two more men spoke against the bill before the debate was closed when J. A. Thomas of Lebanon moved the previous question and it was carried. The vote by roll call stood 124 to 106 against the bill. While this defeat postpones any action to amend the Connecticut constitution for woman suffrage for at least two years, the workers for suffrage feel that they are making great progress in this state when it is remembered that at the 1913 legislature they received only 71 favorable votes. The leaders of the movement are confident that the action of the next legislature will be favorable--if the matter is not settled by federal amendment before that time. Among the local suffragists who were present at the vote were: Mrs. W. J. Bartlett and Miss Rosamond Danielson of Putnam and Mrs. F. A. Harrison of Woodstock. A full report of the debate was a feature of the meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise league in Odd Fellows hall on Friday evening. Of the Windham county representatives, 12 favored the amendment, 9 were opposed and 3 were absent. The roll call was as follows: Voting for suffrage: Atwood, Brooklyn. Barker, Canterbury. Baker, Canterbury. Davis, Eastford. Glazier, Hampton. Back, Killingly. Ayer, Killingly. Ash, Pomfret. Hutchins, Pomfret. Plessis, Putnam. Chesbro, Windham. Ritch, Woodstock. Voting against suffrage: Baker, Ashford. Bassett, Ashford. Chester Chaplin. Adams, Plainfield. Hall, Plainfield. Congdon, Sterling. Backus, Thompson. Peckham, Windham May, Woodstock. Absent: Macdonald, Putnam. Haskins, Scotland. Ross, Thompson. MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4315 NEWS BULLETIN April 7, 1915. Series II. No. 24. Before the News Bulletin can reach our readers, every suffragist in Connecticut will know that the vote on the suffrage amendment yesterday was 106 in favor to 124 opposed. This defeat was so nearly a victory as to cause much rejoicing among all the suffragists who were in the gallery for the debate and the vote. It is a wonderful advance on the vote of two years ago - the first vote ever taken on a suffrage amendment to the constitution of Connecticut. It marks the growing strength of the suffrage movement, and it is a certain indication of success when next the House of Representatives of this state has an opportunity to vote on a woman suffrage measure. As usual the best speeches were on the side of woman suffrage. The opponents on the whole were content to vote in silence, and there were a few speeches in opposition to the amendment. What speeches there were appealed chiefly to emotion and sentiment, and were filled with the usual nonsense concerning the chivalry which woman would forfeit by gaining the vote, and the lofty place they now enjoy at the summit of their pedestals. The speakers in favor of the amendment were serious and logical, and when it is remembered that the greatest possible pressure has been brought to bear on the members of the House to get them to go back on their pledges and vote against the measure, suffragists must feel grateful that so many men were willing to stand by their guns and speak and vote for the submission of the amendment. The response made by suffragists throughout the state to the request for telegrams and night letters to the Representatives was fully in evidence. From the galleries piles of telegrams were visible on the table below and all through the first hour of the session managers were busy carrying the telegrams to the men to whom they were addressed. At last it seemed impossible to clear the piles while the session was in progress and five minutes recess was taken that the telegrams might be delivered. How much effect those telegrams produced it is impossible to tell; but no doubt they helped some men to keep up their courage to the sticking point. After the vote the visiting suffragists adjourned to Headquarters, where tea, coffee and sandwiches were served. As it was after two before we left the Capitol these refreshments were very welcome, and the suffragists also had opportunities of meeting friends and discussing the vote. A very clever skit on the Anti-Suffrage hearing on March 4th was read by Mrs. Bennett to the intense amusement of all her hearers. The leading speakers on the Anti-Suffrage side were caricatured, Mrs. Bennett making the identity of each one of them unmistakeable. The skit was written by Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Bennett as a relief to their feelings during the hard work of recent weeks. The work with the Legislature is now at an end. Miss Pierson and Miss Gregory will go directly to New Jersey to help in the campaign there. Miss Sanders will join them after a short interval, but she goes first to her home in Ottawa, Illinois. The vote in New Jersey will probably be taken on September 14. It comes earlier than in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and on this account is the most important of the four popular votes to be taken in the East this fall. Mrs. Helena Weed of Norwalk is also going to help in the campaign in New Jersey. She is undertaking a ten days' campaign there under the auspices of the Women's Political Union of New Jersey. Her first engagement is at Bloomfield where she will speak with Senator Clapp for suffrage in opposition to Mrs. Grace Duffield Goodwin and Miss Minnie Bronson. Now that the organizers have gone to help in campaigns in sister states it devolves upon the leagues in Connecticut to keep suffrage work going even more actively than in any previous summer. We have to show the Antis that we are in now way discouraged by the defeat of yesterday, and we have to make sure that there will never be another adverse vote on woman suffrage in this state. DONE FOR. The suffrage amendment to the state Constitution failed to get a majority of the members of the House yesterday. This is as was expected. The vote was rather close, but what a long way it was from the two-thirds that would have been needed in 1917, if the majority had favored the matter this year. Still, it is easy to see what would have been the reasoning of the agitators, if they had secured the first step. They would have said at the next session that the members of that body should respect the action of the members of this session; that, as the House of 1915 passed it, the General Assembly of 1917 should follow suit. Suppose all this done. Then it would have to be adopted by the people and the argument there would be that, as the House and then the General Assembly had passed the measure it only remained for the people to ratify the action of their representatives. Fortunately this is all a discussion of "might have been." The effort to push the proposal through failed. "The Courant" is convinced that woman suffrage would bring no benefit to woman or to the state, and also that it is not wanted by men or women here. What we have advocated seems not to have any change of realization, but we'd like to have the Legislature sanction and authorize an official and compulsory enrolment of all women of voting age in Connecticut, submit to them and to women alone the question whether they should have the ballot and see what proportion of the women enrolled voted for it. We have no doubt that the smallness of the vote compared with the total enrolment would be almost laughable, and that would quiet the uneasiness for some time. Weather Forecast. Cloudy To-night and Thursday. Temperature Past 24 Hours: Max. 50, Min. 39. VOL. LXXV. NO. 83. SUFFRAGE LOSES; VOTE 124 TO 106 Committee Report Accepted and Bill Rejected After Two Hours' Debate. HUNDREDS OF WOMEN IN GALLERY AND CORRIDORS. Representatives Showered With Telegrams Pleading for a Favorable Decision. In the presence of a gallery of women, the house by a roll call vote to-day accepted the report of the house committee on constitutional amendments, rejecting an amendment that would, if eventually approved by the assembly two years hence, and by the people, allow women to vote on an equal basis with men. There was an unusually large attendance of members, and the messengers were unable to deliver all the telegrams sent to the members urging support for the women and the rejection of the bill. A row of chairs had been provided in the rear of the hall to accommodate some of the women who wished to follow the debate. At the opening of the house Mr. Davidson of Bethany created laughter and applause by thanking Mr. Russell of Middletown for "fortifying the members against to-day's strain by the presentation of braces yesterday." The consideration of the bill was made the order of the day at 11:45. The speaker decided, however, to dispose of the routine business before taking it up. At 12 o'clock the speaker declared a recess of five minutes to allow the messengers to distribute telegrams to the members calling for suffrage support. Mr. Emory of Plymouth spoke for the acceptance of the report, saying the committee stood nine to 1, the chairman having voted against it. Mr. King's Hot Speech. Clitus King of Fairfield at once launched a hot speech against the report. "This question refuses to be settled until it is settled right," he declared. "You allow the aliens to be made citizens and their vote influences the selection of United States senators and congressmen, and yet you would shut out the women. "This is not a constitutional body," he said, "and you should submit this question to the people. It seems a mere waste of time to discuss it. "In rejecting the Spellacy bill it was demonstrated that only 70 per cent. of the electors voted in the last state election. Yesterday, in Hartford, less than 50 per cent. of the men voted, yet there is no talk of disfranchising the men of Hartford. The women of Illinois went to the polls yesterday and did their duty and they did not swell the socialist vote." Looking Forward. Mr. King sought to show that it was necessary to give the women the vote to insure the election of a republican president in 1916, as the women figure in twelve great states. He charged that the next republican candidate for president would not dare to say he was opposed to suffrage. "Dare we to say that the women of Connecticut are less deserving than the women of other states where the question has been sent to the people, and from whom it has received a favorable verdict?" Another Champion. Samuel C. Shaw of Redding, the second champion of the women, said the question involved a moral issue and therefore could not be settled until settled right. "Only one newspaper in the state is opposed to this bill, and that is the Hartford Courant, and it is, as every one knows, ultra-conservative and always has been." Mr. Shaw pointed out that the constitution had been changed thirty-two times, but the eternal principles of government did not change. He believed in suffrage because he believed in democracy. He portrayed the work of the women side by side with the men since pioneer days and in the dark struggle of the Civil War. "They have earned the vote," he said. Charles A. Pelton of Clinton said [?] ture favoring the women, but the actions of the women themselves changed him. Then the Vote. James A. Thomas of Lebanon moved the previous question. It was carried. A roll call vote was called for on motion of Mr. Shaw. A vote "yes" sustained the unfavorable report of the committee. Report Accepted, Bill Rejected. The report was accepted and the bill rejected, 124 to 106. By a vote of 130 to 39 the motion to reconsider was lost. At 2:15 the house adjourned to Thursday morning at 11:15. Fancy Plants AND Cut Flowers All the Season's varieties in finest display. Welch THE FLORIST Majestic Theater Building BIRTHS. PETERSON - April 4, 1915, a son, Willis Richard, to Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Peterson, No. 112 Edgewood street. DEATHS. DUSINBERRE - In Hamden Conn., April 5, 1915, Rev. George B. Dusinberre, in the 78th year of his age. Funeral service will be held in the Hamden Plains Methodist Church this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. GORDON - In this city, April 7, 1915, at his residence, No. 171 Whitney street, William C. Gordon, aged 50 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. HAASE - In Waterbury, April 5, 1915, Edward. A. Haase, aged 42 years, son of the late William H. and Mary A. Haase, of Terryville. Funeral (private) at his late home, No. 44 Kingsbury street, Waterbury, this (Thursday) afternoon. Burial in Riverside Cemetery. HENSON - In this city, April 6, James P., son of the late Stephen and Nora Tracy Henson. Funeral from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, No. 16 South Ann street, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 8:30. Requiem high mass at St. Patrick's Church at 9. Burial in Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery. MAIN - In this city, April 6, 1915, Emily Stoughton, wife of the late Martin V. Main, aged 76 years. Funeral service at her late residence. A row of chairs had been provided in the rear of the hall to accommodate some of the women who wished to follow the debate. At the opening of the house Mr. Davidson of Bethany created laughter and applause by thanking Mr. Russell of Middletown for "fortifying the members against to-day's strain by the presentation of braces yesterday." The consideration of the bill was made the order of the day at 11:45. The speaker decided, however, to dispose of the routine business before taking it up. At 12 o'clock the speaker declared a recess of five minutes to allow the messengers to distribute telegrams to the members calling for suffrage support. Mr. Emory of Plymouth spoke for the acceptance of the report, saying the committee stood nine to 1, the chairman having voted against it. Mr. King's Hot Speech. Clitus King of Fairfield at once launched a hot speech against the report. "This question refuses to be settled until it is settled right," he declared. "You allow the aliens to be made citizens and their vote influences the selection of United States senators and congressmen, and yet you would shut out the women. "This is not a constitutional body," he said. "and you should submit this question to the people. It seems a mere waste of time to discuss it. "In rejecting the Spellacy bill it was demonstrated that only 70 per cent. of the electors voted in the last state election. Yesterday, in Hartford. The women of Illinois went to the polls yesterday and did their duty and they did not swell the socialist vote." Looking Forward. Mr. King sought to show that it was necessary to give the women the vote to insure the election of a republican president in 1916, as the women figure in twelve great states. He charged that the next republican candidate for president would not dare to say he was opposed to suffrage. "Dare we to say that the women of Connecticut are less deserving than the women of other states where the question has been sent to the people, and from whom it has received a favorable verdict?" Another Champion. Samuel C. Shaw of Redding the second champion of the women, said the question involved a moral issue and therefore could not be settled until settled right. "Only one newspaper in the state is opposed to this bill, and that is the Hartford Courant, and it is, as every one knows, ultra-conservative and always has been." Mr. Shaw pointed out that the constitution had been changed thirty-two times, but the eternal principles of government did not change. He believed in suffrage because he believed in democracy. He portrayed the work of the women side by side with the men since pioneer days and in the dark struggle of the Civil War. "They have earned the vote," he said. Charles A. Pelton of Clinton said the women needed the ballot and the state needed the ballot in the hands of the women. For the Unborn. John B. Dillon of Huntington, said that in the name of the men, women and children of the state, indeed of the children yet unborn, he voiced an appeal for the rejection of the report and the passage of the bill. William H. Foord of Stamford was the fifth lawyer in succession to speak for the passage of the bill and the upsetting of the report. His argument was that it was not proper for the house, or later the assembly to withhold the question from the people, through prejudice. John Potter of Griswold, a farmer, was the first democrat to speak for the bill. For a bachelor, Mr. Potter put a lot of sentiment into his speech. Tyler D. Davidson, democratic representative from Bethany, started to speak at the same time as Mr. Kelly of Bridgeport. Davidson won out after a few joint sentences. Mr. Taylor of Danbury said they should hear from the opponents of the measures. "We're a backward state," said he, "and for a member to vote against submitting this bill to the people or rather to the next general assembly, is to stultify his oath as a representative. Now the Opposition. Milton C. Isbell of Ansonia opened for the opposition. The speaker, who had said that woman could not use her influence, must have come from the North Pole, he said. "Are we sent here as men or rubber stamps?" he asked. "Absurd," he said to the argument to let it go to the people. "Stand up like men, and if you believe in it vote for it, if not, vote against it." Arthur E. Bowers, of Manchester and Frederick L. Perry, of New Haven, spoke in opposition. "This is no joke" said Representative Winfield Scott Rogers, and there was laughter. He opened with a story and followed with an admission that he came to the legisla- BULLETIN, THURSDAY, APRIL house. The excellent showing made by the advocates of equal suffrage rights was one cause of satisfaction and another and significant one was that the equal franchise proposition was supported by a majority of the members from Windham county. Eleven members from towns in this county voted in favor of the bill, nine against and four were absent. The earnest and eloquent pleas that were made on the floor of the house in favor of the bill were a source of joy to Mrs. Bartlett and other members of the delegation present from this city. Mrs. Bartlett's spirits were buoyant and she saw in the great showing made a bright promise of success in the future. Local members were entertained and had lunch after the vote at the capitol, at the headquarters of the Connecticut Suffrage association. ------ NOT DISCOURAGED. Suffragists Defeated, but Have Much to Rejoice Over. "We are rejoicing, notwithstanding our defeat," was the message that Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, one of the most active workers in the state, sent over the wire from Hartford Wednesday afternoon, after the defeat of the so- called woman's suffrage bill in the VOTE 124 TO 106 AGAINST SUFFRAGE After a Protracted Presentation of Its Merits in the House -- John Potter of Griswold Waxed Eloquent in Advocacy of Equal Suffrage -- Senate Votes $225 to William H. Taylor for Compiling Manual and Roll of General Assembly. ----- (Special to The Bulletin.) Hartford, April 7. -- That there was much more than ordinary interest in the woman suffrage question was manifest in the larger attendance of spectators at the session of the house on Wednesday when the unfavorable report of the committee on constitutional amendments, relative to amendment to the constitution concerning the qualifications and admission of electors, was being considered. The result was acceptance of the committee report and rejection of the bill by the majority of 19, and the woman's suffrage question is therefore laid away so far as legislative action is concerned for two years more. Mr. Emory, of Plymouth, a member of the committee, reported that with the exception of one member, the committee was unanimously against the proposition, and therefore made unfavorable report. He moved acceptance of the report and rejection of the bill. Mr. King, of Fairfield, spoke in favor of the bill, delivering a carefully prepared address, teeming with constitutional arguments that favored the right of suffrage to women. He said that he favored the right of suffrage to women. He said the matter to become law, would have to be passed by the house, and two years hence passed by the senate and house by a two- thirds vote. before submitted to the people for final action. Because some women did not want to vote, was no reason why all should be disenfranchised. The recent vote in Chicago showed that the votes of women was beneficial to the republican party. He referred to the party success by reason of woman suffrage in states where it has been in vogue. There are twelve states in the union that cannot be carried without the aid of the votes of women and he favored strengthening the party in this state. Unless republicans take favorable stand in the question the party will be doomed in the course of time, and that not far distant. The next candidate for president will not dare declare against the woman suffrage movement. Are we to say to the woman of Connecticut that they are less deserving than the women of other states? Let us say to the women take the full rights of suffrage. Mr. Shaw of Redding, said the question will never be settled until it is settled right. He referred to the noble band of abolitionists, who were for a time classed as fanatics, and of the great progress they finally achieved, and likened it unto the present woman suffrage movement, and predicted like success. He referred to the success of woman suffrage in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey, indicating that the sentiment is growing in the east. The newspapers are not opposed in Connecticut, and he knew of only one newspaper, The Hartford Courant, that has come out plainly and stated that the matter should not be given to the people to decide. He said the constitution had been changed thirty-two times to meet the changed conditions. He believed in democracy and therefore favored votes for women, and compared the democracy of this country with the lack of democracy in the warring nations. No one class in the world is good enough to govern any other class, and all persons with proper qualifications should have the right to vote and women should not be excluded. The women are on equal footing in every way with the men, and so considered by all men, and so considered by all men, only when the question is at issue to give them the right to vote. The fair thing to do is to put the matter up to the people for settlement, let the jury, the people decide. Mr. Pelton, of Clinton, was in hearty accord with the movement that women be given the right to vote and the state of Connecticut need the vote of the women and ought to put the ballot in the hands. Consider the evils that exist, he said, and then reason whether they would not be sooner eradicated of the women could vote. The credit of the state is involved and it is the duty of the legislators to maintain that credit and settle this question right, by woman suffrage, which is the only right way. Mr. Dillon of Huntington, told the story of the entombed man who shoveled into the cemetery and fell asleep, and who on awaking said, it is resurrection day and he was the first one up. It was resurrection day for the women of Connecticut. He favored the constitutional amendment as it meant the welfare of all the people of Connecticut, and even those not yet born within three months ten states have favored this meritorious movement. What shall we do today? We must sink or swim. We are cast into the sea. We should not let George do it, but do it ourselves and give to the women their full rights in so far as the present general assembly is concerned. Every reform movement is opposed at the beginning and this one has passed the stage of ridicule. The more the subject is studied the stronger it grows. His statement that no woman suffragette has asked him to favor the question created subdued laughter. Mr. Flood of Stamford, said that [?]y person has a right that person has a right to adjudication and that this question ought to be submitted to the people. He quoted sections of the constitution to show that women were citizens and that there were constitutional rights that should be bestowed upon them so that they could vote. This amendment belongs to the people and it ought to be submitted to the judgement of the people. This privilege should not be denied the people by their representatives in the general assembly. Mr. Potter, of Griswold, said he had confidence in the people of the state and believed the people would settle the question right, if given the opportunity. He extolled the noble qualities of women and that their good for the state would be increased of they were privileged to vote, and they ought to be given suffrage. It is urged that women should not be permitted to vote because they would not respond to battle call, still all classes of men, those over forty-five, and in all conditions of health are permitted to not, but could not be taken into service in case of war by reason of being physically unfit. Mr. Potter paid a glowing tribute to women, and indulged in a patriotic strain to indicate the patriotism of America. He referred to giving the ballot to the negro, to our people from all sections of the world, but hesitate on giving like privilege to our own women. Mr. Potter's speech from a noratorical stand point took the palm. Mr. Davidson, of Bethany, said woman were more of an idealist than men and would elevate the plane of politics and favored giving more political freedom. Mr. Taylor, of Danbury, said he would like to hear something on the other side, unless the matter is already fixed. He was glad to see that the republican Moses from Litchfield saw the political light and fell into the democratic line, and marched behind the woman suffrage band: If there is a member going to dodge this question and not give the people the right to decide a change in the organic law that member is not doing his duty. Connecticut is getting left in progressiveness and it is about time there was a step taken forward so as to keep pace with progressiveness, and other states. He appealed to the members to give the next general assembly a chance to vote on the question, as a preliminary step to reach the people under the antiquated constitution of the state, for conditions have changed since the good old man framed the instrument in that good old day. Give the people a chance to decide the question. Mr. Isabel of Ansonia was the first to speak in opposition to the measure and was glad that Connecticut was a conservative state even if the gentleman from Danbury did intimate that Connecticut was behind the times. He asked the members what they were, men or rubber stamps, and could see no reason why this matter be submitted to the people, when it is known that not over twenty per cent, of the people wanted it. There are principles in the constitution, put there to stay, until the whole people wanted a change. Mr. Bowers of Manchester spoke in advocacy of the rejection of the unfavorable, and a canvass made in his town among the women found a majority of them favorable to woman suffrage. Mr. Perry of New Haven was opposed to giving the women the right to vote and at this time he did not favor submitting the question to the people. Mr. Rogers of Litchfield said he was interested in listening to the discussions of the lawyers on both sides of the case. He said he came to the house in sympathy with ballots for women, but what he has seen had changed him. He became disgusted with the popycock action of the suffragette leaders and he believed that a majority of members had also been converted to oppose their project. Mr. Rogers told some of his funny stories, some took well and some not so well. On motion of Mr. Thomas of Lebanon the previous question was ordered. Then on motion of Mr. Shaw of Redding, a roll call vote was taken on the ejectment of the bill, those favoring rejection voting yes. The vote resulted as follows: Whole number voting ........... 230 Necessary to precall ............ 116 Yea .......................... 124 Nay ......................... 106 ------ 19 The report was declared accepted and the bill rejected. New London County Vote. Yes -- Williams, Brown of Colchester, Davis, East Lyme: Lathrop, Franklin; Austin, Ledyard; Tinker, Montville: Henderson. Norwich; Huntington. Old Lyme; Buteau, Sprague -- 9. Nays -- Stark of Boxrah; Potter, Griswold; Crandall, Groton: Taylor and Thomas, Lebanon; Johnson, Lisbon; Hall, Lyme; Cronin, New London; Palmer, North Stonington; Bailey, Norwich; Pendleton and Mitchell, Preston; Rogers, Salem; Wilcox and Babcock, Stonington; Morgan, Waterford -- 16. Absent or not voting -- Kenyon, Groton: Pierson, Lyme; Gray, North Stonington; Sweet, Voluntown; C. W. Brown, New London -- 5. Windham County Vote. Yes -- Baker and Bassett, Ashford; Chester, Chaplin; Adams and Hall, Plainfield; Congdon, Sterling; Backus, Thompson; Peckham, Windham; May, Woodstock -- 9. Nays -- Atwood, Brooklyn; Barker, Canterbury; Davis, Eastford; Glazier, Hampton; Back and Ayer, Killingly; Ash and Hutchins, Pomfret; Plessis, Putnam; Chesbro, Windham; Ritch, Woodstock; Baker Edward, Canterbury -- 12. Absent or not voting -- Macdonald, Putnam; Haskins, Scotland; Ross, Thompson -- 3. BULLETIN, THURSDAY, APRIL rial Day and its significance. She then sent us after flowers to decorate the soldiers' graves with the next day. Just at three o'clock we started for the fields about a mile away. When we reached the railroad bridge the party came to a standstill, as there was a freight train coming along. Considerable time was spent in watching the train pass. Upon continuing our journey we soon reached the field of daisies. Everyone gathered as many as he could carry. Then the girl began telling fortunes, while the boys ran races. One of the boys said he knew of a short way home. Six of us decided to go that way. On entering the woods we came upon the spot where there was to be a picnic the next day. Here we loitered. It was a warm day and every one was happy. The birds sang, the bees hummed, and the butterflies flew in every direction was the Half Moon. Once he sailed in a bay. His men were very frightened and begged him to go back, but he would not. But they put him in a little boat and set him adrift. No one ever heard of Hudson any more. WILLIAM PELIKAN, Age 10. West Willington. -------- My Stay at My Uncle's. The station where we came was named Lyster. It is a village of about is always more or less puzzling to everyone; but a writer to The Nebraska Journal several years ago individualized the parts of speech so as to the better introduce them to pupils, and this is what he said about the nine most important parts of speech: "The Grammar family is a most interesting one. We sometimes refer to this family as the 'Parts of Speech.' It is a family of builders of words. Lucy A. Carter, of Hampton -- I thank you many times for the book I received entitled Madge Morton, Captain of the Merry Maids. I have read quite a little of it and find it very interesting. Frank Pardy, of Norwich -- I thank you very much for the prize book you gave me. I have read part of it and found it very interesting. Laura M. Greene, of Willimantic -- I received the prize book you sent me, The Pool Yes, there are many secrets shut up in my rough coat. All of you plants have them, too! One of those secrets is the circulation of our life fluid -- the sap. Man thinks he is doing all the air will allow when he raises water about 80 feet. We trees raise it several times that distance. How we do it and which was the sugar sap flows is what puzzles. While there are many things we trees could teach animals, it is best still not to be too forward in the matter, especially among ourselves, or when there are those present who do not like us. We should never tell valuable secrets in a mixed crowd. Of course, we cannot hide our age when cut down. Our manner of growth as in rings, and these rings are easily counted at our fall. That is, a layer of woody fiber is made to surround the outer part of our bodies each year. In the center is what a man calls the heartwood, generally a darker color than the rest. In this center our cell formations are pressed very close together. Outside of the heartwood we have a less dense formation termed sapwood. This grows less dense as it approaches the surface in its succes- s'omata not only in our leaves but along all our woody stems, we can tell Farmer Brown's boy that we, too, eat cooked food and that all our sap has to come to some store or lenticel before it can feed our bodies. This is why there is so much dispute about which way the sap flows in the sugar- making days. Our roots (which do not grow like our trunks) take up with the water many varieties of food. The boy's blood is just like our sap, a medium in which to float food to the stoves; but the blood vessels are, however, very unlike the sap vessels in form. Blood vessels, I understand, are nearly all alike in being smooth, round tubes, while our sap vessels have a great variety of forms. Some are series of rings, some are full of tiny pits, some are long spirals, while others are a union of two or more forms. We plants have no strong heart to force our sap, first to a stove, then to parts of the body. The boy's tubes can be round tubes for the flow to be continuous, but our sap sent up by the osmose pressure of the roots and the natural law that makes the oil ascend in the wick of lamps must be continuously pushed along, so our sap vessels are built like tiny engines and are the most numerous in the youngest parts. Our sap passing from cell to cell by continued osmos is circulation, root pushing power, capillary attraction and gravity. Our roots are greedy and their constant taking -in causes a pushing up. Our bodies being a mass of cells -- natural life points -- whose liquid contents are constantly varying in density acts as tiny motors to aid the circulation. Indeed, these cells of ours are the most neighborly neighbors known -- each is trying to give his neighbor a part of his own food or drink. This work to equalize the density of any numerous cells sends the sap to the top bud of the most lofty tree, it really being a natural effort that overcomes the law of gravity. But gravity brings back the cooked food. When my leaves are at work they cause many vacuums that nature's laws say should be filled. Evaporation, too, is constantly going on through every part of my skin (bark) the same as it is through the pores of the boy's skin. This evaporation makes holes that have to be filled and the filling aids the circulation. Sunshine, wind, and other outside sources cause me to be one-sided, liberal in a sap-flow today and miserly tomorrow. When my baby leaves commence throwing off their winter blankets and the babies' toes and fingers are peeking out, then my return sap is being loaded with carbon and the sugar shaker says "It is beady." Mother Nature does not allow the two forces, root-pull and root-push to get into a quarrel. Each has its own right of way. The upper movement of the sap being mainly though the ducts of the woody portion, while the hooked sap returns even to the root- hairs through the soft part of the cor- tical layers. GRANDFATHER LOWATER. I immediately answered the call. My aunt had just arrived from New York and she asked me if I would like to visit the city with her for two weeks. Of course, I was glad to get the chance to go to visit the large city. My mother packed my dress suit case to get ready for the early train the next morning. Before I could realize it I was seated in the train and had bidden all of my folks goodbye. The train was going full force and after a long ride I arrived in New York. My aunt and I got off the train. She lived on Broadway and we had to wait for the trolley car. All at once I heard a whistle. It was at the station waiting for passengers. Just then I was seated in the car, and of course it was crowded. At last we arrived at my aunt's house and they all greeted me. After a long visit I got ready for home. My aunt came as far as New London and put me on the train bound for Stafford and I arrived home safely. MILDRED E. WHITE, Age 13. Stafford Spring. ------ Our Church. We have a little church, which is the Ledyard Baptist. There are about 25 members. We are a little band of followers. The pastor is one of the most active workers for Jesus there is and practices what he preaches. He is doing in this little church what many another pastor wouldn't do for so little salary. I like Mr. Robbins very much, and I guess many others do. We have raised money enough to have the church shingled and now we are trying to have it fixed inside. There were ten of us taken in as members in December, and we are now working for the best to come. I wish many of the heathen boys and girls who do not go to church would some time know how nice it is to know God and love and serve Him and when they die they will know they are going to that beautiful place called Heaven, or the Golden City, where we can all with God and be happy ever after. It's just wonderful. JULIA LATHAM, Age 14. Norwich. ------- Going Fishing. One day two boys called John and Mike thought they would go fishing. They went to a small pond where there were small boats. They fished from the boats, but did not catch anything. Soon Mike saw a board stuck in the grass by the side of the tree. He went to get it. John said they could use it for a raft to fish from. They did not know that the board was old and rotten and had cracks in it, so they pushed off and jumped on. Pretty soon Mike yelled that it was going down. Then they all went in, but soon got out again. They did not go home right away, because they would get a whipping, so they sat down and waited, till their clothes dried, and then went home. JAMES GLADYSZ. Age 12. West Willington. -------- How I Was Lost. It was the twenty-ninth of May, about four years ago, when our teacher gave us a short talk about Memo- While he was in the house, his lit- the mistress has wandered away to the seashore. Meanwhile Sammy coming out of the house could not find her so he thought she was hiding from him; se he went to look for her. Oh! he must save her. He must! He ran! Oh! how he ran to save her. He dashed right into the water and brought her to the beach and he must have help, too. He thought, I will have to go for Eleanor's mother. Oh, no! He was mistaken, she was running down the beach to him. Mother took her little girl home and in a few hours Eleanor was playing with Sammy again, but she never went alone to the beach again. DORIS E. TROLAND, Age 10. Lebanon. -------- New York City. New York is the largest city in the United States. The only city in the world that is larger is London in England. There are several reasons why so many people live in New York city. They live there because there is a good harbor, and the water is deep. There is not room for the people in the houses. A family has only one or two rooms. Many men who do business in New York have homes in the suburbs several miles from the city. Many of the buildings are very high in order to make room for keeping the goods that are bought and sold. LILLIAN KLECAK, Age 10. West Willington. ------ The Frogs. Once upon a time some frogs in a pond asked Jove for a kind king. Jove tossed a log into the middle of the pond. The frogs dived at once into a deep hole for the splash was so great that they were all afraid. But when they saw the log lay quite still they jumped up and sat upon it. This is not a king, said they, and off they went. The next time Jove gave them an eel. Then Jove was angry and sent them a stork for a king and soon there was not a frog left in the pond. -- Unsigned. ---------- The Hammer. In the hammer lies the wealth of a nation. Its merry clinks points out the abode of industry and labor. Not a house is built, not a ship floats, not a carriage rolls, not a wheel spins, nor an engine thunders, not a press speaks, not a bugle peals, not a spade delves, not a banner floats, without having endured the blows of the hammer. The hammer teaches us that great ends and large results can be gained only by good, hard, blows; that, if we would attain usefulness and reach our full perfection, we must not shrink from the hardships of life, but early learn to cultivate the power of patient endurance. FANNY ROSENBERG, Age 11. Norwich. Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, Mrs. J. E. Shepard, Mrs. Harry C. Meinken, Miss R. Psyche Webster, Miss Rosamond Danielson were at Hartford Saturday for the Woman's Suffrage Society parade. Miss Webster was assigned to the division of nurses, Miss Danielson to department C of the parade organization. WOMEN AND THE BALLOT. ---- During the hearing at the Capitol yesterday on the proposed woman suffrage amendment to the state's constitution, Mrs. D. A. Markham recalled that the "president of the suffragists" told the committee on resolutions at the democratic convention in this city last September, "Gentlemen, we have $1,500 a month and we are here to help you." At the same hearing yesterday, Miss Elizabeth Burnell said that at a hearing before the judiciary committee at Washington last year, the three was made by the suffragists, "Grant us woman suffrage throughout the United States or 4,000,000 women who vote in states where suffrage is already a fact will vote against you." In one case there appears to have been the suggestion of a bribe and in the other and intimidating threat. Threats and bribes are not regarded as political weapons of the highest order or as useful methods for the purification of politics, and if they belong to the equipment of the prominent suffragists, who assume to represent their sisters, they provide no argument for the granting of votes to women. But both the threat and the bribe, if they were such, should perhaps, be set down to the feminine habit of over-emphasis. Possibly the suffragists of this state have not so much as $1,500 a month with which to help the democrats or anybody else. If they have that much, how well it could be used to help the reformatory for women, the Visiting Nurse Association of the work against tuberculosis, as Mrs. Markham declared. As to the threat, Miss Burnell showed that there was some "hot air" in that talk about 4,000,000 who now vote. There are, she said, according to the census, only about 2,000,000 women entitled to vote in the states that have adopted woman suffrage. The tendency to exaggeration on the part of the women who say they want to vote is no more convincing of the wisdom of their plea than is their inclination to employ threats and bribes in the promotion of their campaign. PASSIVE RESISTANCE. ---- Women Who Refuse to Pay Taxes Without Vote. To the Editor of the Sunday Journal: Nothing since the coming of Mrs. Pankhurst has stirred up such an agitation in the anti-suffrage world as Dr. Anna Shaw's advice to women to refuse to pay their income tax. To quote from the Women's Journal. I would state that tax resistance has been ever a favorite form of protest among the English-speaking people. To call it militancy is a gross misuse of language. In England the non- militant suffragists are tax-resisting in large numbers. A Princess and Duchess are among those who have lately made their protest in this way, and the Duchess, in letting her goods be sold, announced that she was opposed to militancy and that she, therefore, took this method instead. At the time of our Civil War many Quakers refused to pay their war taxes because they were conscientiously opposed to militancy. It has always been classed as a form of passive resistance. Even among American suffragists, tax resistance is nothing new. In New Jersey, more than 50 years ago, Lucy Stone let her household goods be seized and sold for taxes -- one of the things seized was the baby's cradle -- and she wrote a protest against taxation without representation with her baby on her knee. In Connecticut two sisters let their herd of Jersey cows be sold. There is no difference in principle between the refusal of the income tax or any other tax. A distinguished clergyman fears that the women who began by refusing to pay their taxes will go on to arson and murder. He should brush up his American history. Women have been doing it off and on for more than 50 years and in no single case have they committed violence. The women who refuse to pay know that they will be put to trouble and expense and that in the end Government will collect the tax; but they are willing to undergo the inconvenience for the sake of calling attention publicly and emphatically to the injustice of taxation without representation. Whether we think their action wise or unwise, the handful of brave women who are going to make this protest and to suffer for their principles should be respected. As for the anti-suffragists -- many of them notorious tax dodgers -- who are crying lawlessness and treason, they should remember that the independence of the United States arose out of the refusal to pay a three-penny tax which was legally due. SARA L. G. FITTZ. Providence, Jan. 21. ---------- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 17, 1915 WOMEN LISTEN TO REV. A. H. WITHEE DISCOURSE ON THEIR RIGHT TO THE FRANCHISE Miss Danielson Gives Fine Resume of Dr. Anna Shaw's Address at Providence, Jan. 19 A large audience composed of league members and the friends attended the February meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise League in Odd Fellows hall, Friday evening. The program opened with music, a piano solo by Mrs. Fine, followed by songs by Miss Jenkins. With a few well chosen remarks the president, Mrs. Walter J. Bartlett, introduced Rev. A. H. Withee, pastor of the Methodist church in Moosup, who is widely known in Putnam where he was for several years connected with the Salvation Army. Rev. Mr. Withee proved an earnest and forceful speaker in behalf of equal suffrage. His theme was Patriotism and Women Suffrage, and he developed the idea that the country has heretofore used only half its resources for patriotic service because it has excluded women from active citizenship. The address was in keeping with the spirit of the meeting which had been arranged in celebration of Lincoln's birthday. Miss Danielson gave the following account of the address of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw at a meeting held at Providence on January 19: The meeting was held in Infantry hall under the auspices of the Rhode Island Woman Suffrage Party. Mrs. Algeo, chairman of the organization, presided, and a number of the leading suffragists of the state were seated on the platform. Dr. Shaw opened her address by saying that woman suffrage is the greatest political issue this country has ever faced. She quoted Senator Borah's statement that no man will ever again be elected president of the United States who does not know where he stands on the suffrage question. Dr. Shaw dwelt on the wonderful growth of the movement in the past 50 years. The anti-suffragists claim that we are losing rapidly, whereas suffrage can never lose. 60 years ago the Antis had the whole earth, now women are enfranchised in 49 and 2-55ths of the territory of the United States as well as in Australia, New Zealand, and a number of European countries. The suffrage states so far are situated in the western half of our country. Dr. Shaw expressed the hope that a beginning would soon be made in the East and South. This hope gives promise of being fulfilled, as since this address was delivered, January 19th, the legislatures of West Virginia and Tennessee have passed suffrage bills, a thing unheard of before in a southern state, and in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey, the legislatures have passed the bill for the second time so that the question will go the voters this fall. Dr. Shaw spoke of the good work women have already done for civic reform even without the vote, and asked what is the matter with the men and women of the country that there is any hesitation about giving women the ballot. Surely there is no more ladylike way to get a thing than to vote for it. It has been suggested that women will prize suffrages more for working to get it. Men are not expected to work for their vote, it comes automatically when a boy becomes 21 or a foreigner is naturalized, and no one worries about their not prizing the vote because they did not have to work for it. Dr. Shaw traced the development of the franchise from the time when in New England, to be a voter one must be a member of the church. Later taxpayers were admitted to citizenship, then laborers, then any white man, finally any man. So, at present the qualifications for a voter are: age, 21 years or over, native or naturalized citizenship, sanity, education to the extent of ability to read, all these are sound qualifications, but to these is added the stipulation that the citizen must be a male. The speaker said that the theory of the divine right of kings, and it is gradually being realized that what is fair and just for men as human beings is also fair and just for women. A strong point Dr. Shaw made was the fact that being a voter gives an individual a special interest in the community. Each voter discusses and thinks about the affairs of the town, the state and the country. There will be more intelligent discussion of political questions in a family where man and woman vote on equal terms, than in one where the man alone votes and has to go outside the home to find a political equal. The government is concerned with the education of children, the health of society and many other things in which women take a very vital interest, and it is wise as well as just that women should have a voice in the matter. Dr. Shaw closed her address very eloquently with a description of the special interest that women have in the questions of peace and war, a plea that a voice be given to women in the affairs of the nation. Equal Franchise League The Putnam Equal Franchise League will celebrate its first anniversary at the March meeting to be held in Odd Fellows' hall Friday evening, March 13, at 8 p. m. Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn of Hartford, president of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, will speak. A musical program has been arranged which will be followed by a social hour. Public invited. Local suffragists were delighted at Williams J. Burns' lecture last week when the great detective declared himself a strong supporter of woman suffrage. He stated that the votes of the women in Seattle had done much to clean up the city, and that woman suffrage is a great power for good government. Equal Franchise League Notes The House Judiciary Committee is to have a hearing this week on the woman suffrage amendment to the national constitution that is now pending. Local suffragists have written to Judge Clayton, chairman of the committee, urging a favorable report on the resolution. Mrs Thomas N. Hepburn, president of the Connecticut Suffrage Association, will probably go to Washington to speak at the hearing. The woman suffrage bill passed the New Jersey senate last week by a vote of 11 to 3. The Putnam Equal Franchise League is planning an important meeting on the 13th of this month, when Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn of Hartford will speak. She was president of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association in 1910 and was elected again to that off last November. Mrs. Hepburn graduated form Bryn Mawr in 1900 with the degree of A.M. She has also done advanced work at Radcliffe College. Mrs. Hepburn is a speaker of national reputation, having taken a prominent part at the suffrage convention in Washington last December. PUTNAM Equal Franchise League's Delegates to Hartford -- License Applicants -- Death of Mrs. Alfred Bibeault -- No Magazine Cover Designs Submitted Locally. A meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise league was held at the home of the president Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, Friday evening. Delegates were elected to attend the convention of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage association at Hartford, October 21 and 22. Mrs. John Evans Sheppard of South Woodstock who has been active in the Brooklyn N. Y. Equal Franchise league, gave an interesting talk on the subject of Votes for Women. It was voted to hold a public meeting of the league Friday evening, October 31, when Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard of New Haven will speak. The delegates chosen were Mrs. R. P. Danielson Rosamond Danielson, Mrs. John Evans Sheppard, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. POSTPONED To Feb. 18 Is Equal Franchise League Entertainment The entertainment for the benefit of the Equal Franchise league that was planned for Friday the 13th, has been postponed to Wednesday evening, Feb. 18, in Odd Fellows' hall. An original sketch, "Mrs. Higgins' Employment Bureau," will be presented. A piano solo by Mrs. Geo. S. Bradley and an informal address by Miss Rasamond Danielson will be included in the program. Woman's Suffrage Notes. A delegation of 300 working women from 10 Eastern States paraded to the White House last Monday to petition the President to aid the cause of Woman's Suffrage. President Wilson refused to commit himself, cutting short the discussion by expressing a desire to shake hands with the entire delegation. Connecticut was represented by thirty women, among whom was Miss R. Psyche Webster, Superintendent of the Day-Kimball hospital, and a member of the Putnam Equal Franchise League. The world-wide interest that is felt in the subject of Woman Suffrage is illustrated by a recent dispatch that tells of the proposal of the Austrian Government to alter the Bohemian constitution in such a way as to enfranchise women. VERY SUCCESSFUL ------ Was The Equal Suffrage Convention at Hartford Putnam was represented at the successful and enthusiastic annual convention of the Equal Franchise League held at Hartford last week by Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, president of the Putnam league, Mrs. Janet Sheppard of South Woodstock, Mrs. R. P. Danielson and Miss Rosamund Danielson of Putnam Heights, the latter being the county chairman. At the convention more than $10,000 was subscribed for the cause. Ten dollars was given in the name of the Observer because of its consistently fair attitude on the question of woman suffrage. A number of newspapers were complimented in this way and to one, the Hartford Courant, unfriendly to the cause, the sum of $20 was donated to provide a suitable momento at its death. WOMAN'S REFORMATORY ----- Equal Franchise Association ----- Resolution Passed and Plans Formulated The Board of Directors of the Equal Franchise League met Tuesday at the home of the president, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. Plans were discussed for the next meeting of the league which is to be held on the evening of March 13th. A feature of the evening will be a report by Miss R. Psyche Webster on her trip to Washington with the delegation of women who interviewed the President in regard to woman suffrage. The question of a state reformatory for women in Connecticut was discussed, and the board passed the following resolution: Whereas there is in the state of Connecticut no reformatory under public management for girls over 16, and no reformatory at all for women over 21; and whereas such a reformatory would be greatly in the interests of morality and humanity, it is. Resolved that the Board of Directors of the Putnam Equal Franchise League urge the committee that is considering this matter, to report favorably. Local Talent Scores Hit In Home Made Vehicle ------- Auspices Equal Franchise League There was a good sized gathering attended the entertainment given in Odd Fellows' hall by the Equal Franchise League, Wednesday evening. "Mrs. Higgin's Employment Bureau." an original sketch written by one of the members, kept the audience good natured throughout and gave opportunity for some of the city's talent to show their best paces. CAST Mrs. Higgins, Miss Anna C. Levitt Gladys, the stenographer, Miss Gertrude Jones John, the office boy, Edgar Champeau Mandy Johnsing, Mrs. C. D. Arnold Mrs. Beckley, a president woman, and child, Mrs. W. N. Phillips and daughter Helen An Insurance Agent, Miss Beck Biddy Malone, Miss Florence Tourtellotte Gwendowlyn Montmorency, a smart typist, Miss Katherine Burns Elizabeth Brown, chambermaid, Miss Abbie McKenna Miss Agnes Paderswski, cook, Miss Anna Lynch Sufferage Speaker, Miss Rosmond Danielson Stenographer, Mrs. Geo. S. Bradley An Angry Man, E. H. Johnson Geo. E. Shaw played the victrola and made a sale, Mr. Fine was telephoned for and rushed up to engage Mandy Johnsing to sing in his theatre, E. C. Morse acting as Oscar Humerstein's agent, was pleased to recommend the playing of the stenographer, Mrs. G. S. Bradley, whose piano solo deserves special mention. The gem of the evening was the ready humor and spontaniety of Miss Beck, the language teacher at the High school, who tried to insure the patrons of the office with all kinds of insurance and assurance. The employers who came to engage help and the help themselves were all a source of wit and repartee while John was as fresh an office boy as was possible to hold a position. EQUAL FRANCHISE MEETING ------ A meeting of the Equal Franchise League will be held in Odd Fellows' hall on Friday evening, January 9, at 8 o'clock. Miss Emily Pierson, State organizer of the National association, whom many had the pleasure of hearing last winter, will be the speaker of the evening. Miss Mildred Wightman and Miss Gladys Farmer will render and interesting musical program, Miss Farmer being accompanied by L. O. Williams. -- The Putnam Equal Franchise League is to give an entertainment on Wednesday evening, February 18, in Odd Fellows hall. An original sketch, "Miss. Higgins' Employment Bureau," will be presented. An informal address by Miss Rosamond Danielson will be given and piano solos by Mrs. Geo. S. Bradley, will be included in the program. Equal Franchise League. A meeting of the Equal Franchise League will be held in Odd Fellow's hall on Friday evening, January 9th at 8 o'clock. Miss Martin of Nevada will speak upon the result of Woman's Suffrage in that state. Miss Mildred Wightman and Miss Gladys Farmer will render an interesting musical program, Miss Farmer being accompanied by L. O. Williams. The public is invited. E. F. LEAGUE MEETING The Board of Directors of the Putnam E. F. L. met Tuesday, at the home of the president Mrs. Walter J. Bartlett. Plans were made for the next meeting of the league which is to be held Friday evening, March 13. A feature of the meeting will be Miss Webster's report of her trip to Washington with the delegation of women who interviewed President Wilson. The question of a state reformatory for women in Connecticut was discussed, and the board passed the following resolution: Whereas there is in the state of Connecticut no reformatory under the public management for girls over 16, and no reformatory at all for women over 21; and whereas such a reformatory would be greatly in the interests of morality and humanity, it is resolved that the Board of Directors of the Putnam Equal Franchise League urge the committee that is considering the matter, to report favorably. Mrs. Rienzi Robinson, who was one of the patronesses, Mrs. C. M. Smith, Mrs. Clarence L. Adams and Miss Grace Spaulding were at Hartford Saturday as representatives of the Danielson branch of the Equal Franchise league to participate in the parade given under the auspices of the Connecticut Woman's Suffrage League. EQUAL FRANCHISE MEETING A meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise League will be held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, Elm Street, on Friday evening, October 17, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. John Evans Shepard will speak. Equal Franchise Meeting There will be a meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise League in Odd Fellows' hall, Friday evening, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock. The following program will be given: Music High School Orchestra Address Ernest C. Morse Vocal Solo Mrs. Walter Gahan Piano and Violin Sammie Walch and Edward Fisher Address Eric H. Johnson Piano Solo Miss Margaret Byrne Music High School Orchestra America Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Equal Franchise League Meets A meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise league was held at the home of the president, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett Friday evening. Delegates were elected to attend the convention of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage association to be held at Hartford on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mrs. John Evans Shepard of South Woodstock, who has been active in the Brooklyn, N. Y., Equal Franchise league, gave an interesting talk on the subject of "Votes for Women." It was voted to hold a public meeting of the league on Friday evening, October 31, when Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard of New Haven will speak. The delegates chosen were Mrs. R. P. Danielson, Miss Rosamund Danielson, Mrs. John Evans Shepard, and Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. -- On Friday the 13, an entertainment will be given in Odd Fellows hall for the benefit of the Equal Franchise League. An original sketch, Mrs. Higgins Women's Employment Bureau will hold the attention of all who attend. SUFFRAGE MEETING The Putnam Equal Franchise League held a meeting Friday evening at the home of the President. Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. These delegates were elected to represent the League at the Convention of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association in session yesterday and today at Hartford. Mrs. R. P. Danielson, Rosamond Danielson, Mrs. John Evans Sheppard, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. Mrs. John Evans Sheppard of South Woodstock, who has been active in the Brooklyn, N. Y., Equal Franchise League, gave an interesting talk about Woman Suffrage. It was voted to hold a public meeting of the League on Friday evening, October 31, when Mrs. Carlos F. Goddard of New Haven will speak. WORK PROGRESSING Annual Meeting Equal Franchise League Play and Lecture To Be Given The first annual meeting of Putnam Equal Franchise League was held Friday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, a large number being present. Preceding the election of officers interesting talks were given on the following topics: "The outlook for suffrage," by Mrs. E. H. Johnson. "The Hartford parade," by Mrs. C. D. Arnold. "Votes for women," by Miss Psyche Webster. "The parade from the sidewalk," by Mrs. G. H. Nichols. The secretary's report was most pleasing for the budget of information continued therein. From a small charter list of a score the league has grown to a membership of sixty. Following the treasurer's report the president addressed the meeting and spoke in a general way of the enthusiastic support the members had given the cause, and the call to align themselves with their sisters from other cities in the fight for equal suffrage. Every meeting of the year has been marked by good attendance and sincerity. "The time has come," she said, "when we ought not to be afraid of anything except not to stand up for the things in which we believe, and any man or woman is more respected for such a stand. Suffragists do not ask new rights, for the foundation of liberty and free government is the right of the people to participate in the legislative councils. We come with that plea, for we women are people and should receive our right to vote for the same political reasons that men receive theirs. Abraham Lincoln defined an ideal republic as a 'government of the people, by the people, and for the people,' but ours is a government of the people by half the people." The following officer were elected: President, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. Vice President, Mrs. Ellen K. Beard. Secretary, Miss Rosamund Danielson. Treasurer, Miss Katherine Byrne. Directors, Mrs. E. H. Johnson, chairman, Mrs. E. C. Morse, Mrs. C. D. Arnold, Mrs. H. C. Meinkin, Mrs. Walter E. Brown. The committee will be announced after the next board meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess and her two little daughters. Mr. Frederie W. Hinrichs of Brooklyn N. Y., will give an address in Odd Fellows hall on Monday evening on "Equal suffrage for men and women." Mr. Hinrichs is a prominent lawyer of New York, and a successful farmer of Woodstock and is well known in this vicinity. Local members of the bar have been invited as well as the men's organizations of the city. Special music by the Congregational [choir under the direction of L. O. Williams will be given. On Tuesday night the one-act play "How the vote was won," will be given in Union hall, followed by dancing. Cargill orchestra will furnish their usual good music, so a pleasant evening is assured to all. A month's campaign for "Votes for women" will begin June 15, when State organizer Miss Emily Pierson and other speakers will visit every township in the country. Automobiles will carry them about and programs of particular interest will be arranged. Funds have been raised whereby Windham and Tolland counties are to be worked. Scarcely any suffrage work has been done in some of the towns in these two counties which send 46 members to the legislature, and some impression may be made on these representatives and their constituents. The dates and places of meetings are not ready to be announced, but all leagues in the towns and cities will give their best help toward making this campaign successful. SUFFRAGISTS OF COUNTY MEET ANNUAL GATHERING SATURDAY AT THE DANIELSON HOME, Putnam Heights -- Mrs. Porritt of Hartford and State Secretary the Principal Speakers The annual meeting of the Suffragists of Windham county was held Saturday afternoon at the home of R. P. Danielson, Putnam Heights. Ideal weather made it possible for a large number to attend. Miss Rosamund Danielson, chairman of the county organization, presided in her usual graceful manner. Interesting reports were given from various leagues, telling of work done in the past, and what they hoped to accomplish in the future. Evidently, the Suffragists in this county are not going to sit down and simply believe in Votes for Women, they are going to work for Votes for Women. The speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. Annie Porritt of Hartford. In her quaint and forceful way, she urged everyone to do "something," saying, "the sin of all is to do nothing." Miss Washburn, the state secretary, told of the value of the Woman's Journal in making efficient Suffragists, who are thoroughly versed with facts regarding the work of the women in states where they are now enfranchised. Miss Whitcomb and Miss Birtwell of Massachusetts gave short talks on how the work is carried on in a campaign state, and told how Connecticut women might help their sisters in Massachusetts, to win the victory. After the meeting delicious refreshments of sandwiches, cake, tea and punch, and suffrage candy were served. The enthusiasm of the suffragists for their cause, the inspiration which comes from exchange of ideas, and the delightful, social intercourse made the meeting a decided success from every point of view. What the Suffrage Meeting Was All About. The main point of the Chicago conference of the executive council and state delegates of the National Woman's Suffrage Association is that it is not to be dismissed as a "suffrage row." It was not a "suffrage row." It was an extremely able and well-mannered discussion of issues in the woman suffrage movement so important as to make it worth while for the lay reader to peruse this explanatory editorial. The country now faces the possibility of two national associations formed for the purpose of winning equal political rights for women thruout all the United States. The first is the National Woman's Suffrage Association, made up of local associations all over the country and with a long and honorable life behind it. The second is the Congressional Union, a more radical and more local body, which is now setting out to rival the older body. ---- Mrs. Stanley McCormick gave, perhaps, the clearest definition of the differences in policy upon which it would be impossible for the National association to compromise with the impatient young women who control the affairs of the Union. Her four points were: Democracy, nonpartisanship, nonmilitancy and work in the states. It is undeniable that the Union is directed by a self-established and self-perpetuating body of officials. It is undeniable, too,, that its policy is partisan in the sense that it believes in attacking all members of a national party which control Congress and yet refuses suffrage. It is undeniable that this is a militant policy as well as the Union's recent heckling of President Wilson. It is undeniable, too, that the Union's belief in a federal constitutional amendment makes it impatient of the work of advancing suffrage state by state. The truth probably is, altho it did not crop out at the conference, that added to these differences of principle is a clash of egos. This is really the things that makes difficult the composition of this break in the suffrage forces. ---- It is a most regrettable break. It means that the "old-line" suffragists, who ought to be devoting all their strength to getting a suffrage amendment in a state like New York, have to spend half their time explaining that the official national body is not encouraging the heckling of the President during a foreign crisis. Even the Unionists in their work for the Bristow-Mondell amendment have to spend a large part of their time in explaining that they are not for the Shafroth amendment. There is a useless confusion, a costly duplication of effort all around the circle. The opposition to the Shafroth amendment is the appeal on which the Union has made its greatest gains in membership. The Shafroth amendment, introduced by the National association's congressional committee now headed by Mrs. Antionette Funk, proposes to compel the individual states to grant a popular vote on suffrage upon the petition of an adequate proportion of the voters. The Bristow-Mondell amendment proposes simply to amend the Constitution so as to grant equal franchise upon ratification by two-thirds of the states. The National association makes the Bristow-Mondell its main policy but tional, there may be disagreements with its policies. but we believe that the intelligent women in the suffrage movement will not, therefore, turn to a still local and unresponsible body as the best way out. They certainly showed at their conference an overwhelming loyalty to the fine leadership of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, as well they might. Even in their differences of policy they took care to repel the implication that they were willing to support the Congressional Union. body. Mrs. Stanley McCormick gave, perhaps, the clearest definition of the differences in policy upon which it would be impossible for the National association to compromise with the impatient young women who control the affairs of the Union. Her four points were: Democracy, nonpartisanship, non militancy and work in the states. It is undeniable that the Union is directed by a self-established and self- perpetuating body of officials. It is undeniable, too, that its policy is partisan in the sense that it believes in attacking all members of a national party which controls Congress and yet refuses suffrage. It is undeniable that this is a militant policy as well as the Union's recent heckling of President Wilson. It is undeniable, too, that the Union's belief in a federal constitutional amendment makes it impatient of the work of advancing suffrage state by state. The truth probably is, altho it did not crop out at the conference, that added to the differences of principle is a clash of egos. This is really the thing that makes difficult the composition of this break in the suffrage forces. It is the most regrettable break. It means that the "old-line" suffragists, who aught to be devoting all their strength to get a suffrage amendment in a state like New York, have to spend half their time explaining that the official national body is not encouraging the heckling of the President during a foreign crisis. Even the Unionists in their work for the Bristol-Mondell amendment have to spend a large part of their time in explaining that they are not for the Shafroth amendment. There is a useless confusion, a costly duplication of effort all around the circle. The opposition to the Shafroth amendment is the appeal on which the Union has made its greatest gains in membership. The Shafroth amendment, introduced by the National association's congressional committee now headed by Mrs. Antoinette Funk, proposes to compel the individual states to grant a popular vote on suffrage upon the petition of an adequate proportion of the voters. The Bristow-Mondell amendment proposes simply to amend the Constitution so as to grant equal franchise upon ratification by two-thirds of the states. The National association makes the Bristow-Mondell its main policy, but supports the Shafroth as an alternative policy. The Union is absolutely for the Bristow, which has behind it the traditions that go with forty-three years. We believe that the Shafroth resolution, because of its consideration of "states' rights" is an easier measure to get through Congress than the Bristol. But it seemed to us before the conference that it might be wisdom for the National to drop the measure for the purpose of avoiding a break in the suffrage ranks. The able speeches in the conference, however, have convinced us that in all probability such a recession would merely have added fuel to the flames by permitting the Union to claim a victory over the National. Furthermore, the "clash of egos," to which we have already alluded, makes it pretty evident that if the Shafroth excuse were gone the Union would find some other weapon wherewith to attack the National. We believe that the conference and the executive council did wisely by the suffrage movement as a whole when they determined to strengthen their lines, re- establish their traditional position and emphasize the differences that divide the moderate and successful course of the association for the inconsiderate and radical policies of the Union. This decision cannot fail to make suffragists the country over realize that they must now choose between the establishment of another national woman suffrage body or the maintenance of the strong and harmonious association which has effectively centralized their power for so many years. there may be discontent with the Na- Equal Franchise League ——————— Miss Martin of Nevada Speaks Miss Anne Martin of Nevada was the speaker at the January meeting of the Putnam Equal Franchise League. Miss Martin, who is president of the state association for Woman Suffrage in Nevada, spoke very interestingly of the conditions in her state, and of the peculiar difficulties the beset suffrage workers there. Nevada is a state of magnificent distances, being larger than England, Scotland, and Wales together, and the population is very small and scattered. This makes it particularly hard to reach the rural voters who are usually more favorable toward equal suffrage than the town voters who are apt to fear women's influence on temperance and allied questions. Nevada is surrounded on every side by suffrage states, and suffragists all over the country are very anxious to have the women win there at the election in November. After Miss Martin's address, the Putnam league took up a collection which was given to aid the Nevada campaign. An excellent musical program was the closing feature of the meeting. Miss Mildred Wightman played piano selections and Miss Gladys Farmer sang, accompanied by L. O. Williams. —————————————— SUFFRAGE NOTES ———— The attention of very many Connecticut suffragists is being turned since the defeat of the amendment in the Legislature to Congress and the Susan B. Anthony amendment. The program of the Connecticut convention of the Congressional Union is now complete. The call to the convention issued on May 12th, was signed by Annie G. Porritt, Katherine B. Day and Edythe Wyme Mathewson. The convention will be held in Hartford on June 8th and 9th. Now that success is almost in sight, it is not asking too much to plead for a united support from suffragists for this amendment, an amendment that will bring success to the whole suffrage movement. The program of the Hartford convention opens with a luncheon at Hotel Bond; Miss E. G. H. Scheack of Wilton will preside, among the speakers will be Miss Dotha S. Pinneo, Norwalk; Miss Wm. Pendergast, New York and Lakeville; Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill, Norwalk; Miss H. H. Knox, New Cannan, Mrs. Mary R. Beard, New Milford; Mrs. E. A. Parker, Greenwich. At the afternoon session which opens at 3 o'clock, at the Lower Unity Hall, Mrs. Annie G. Porritt will act as chairman. An address of welcome will be made by Mrs. George H. Day, a member of the Executive Board of the C. W. S. A. and the speakers will be Professor Charles A. Board, Mrs. John J. Rogers, Jr., and Mrs Inez Milhollland Boissevain. In the evening a reception to delegates and friends will be held at the Hartford headquarters, 55 Pratt Street. Mrs. Toscan Bennett will act as hostess. Among those who will attend the convention are Miss Eden Tatem, Miss Rosemond Danielson, Mrs. J. B. Tatem, Jr., Miss Katherine Byrne, Miss R. Psyche Webster, Mrs. G. L. Padgett, Mrs. W. J. Bartlett. ————————————————————— MANY STATES PASS ON EQUAL SUFFRAGE ——— Legislatures of Seven Vote to Submit Issue to People. ——— QUESTION COMES UP IN 23 ——— Rhode Island General Assembly Turns Down Bills.—Measures on Number of Other Subjects Relating to Women Considered Throughout Country. New York, June 17.—Equal suffrage and other legislation affecting women figured prominently this year in the discussions of a large majority of the State Legislatures. The seasons of most of them have now come to a close and a summary of their activities collated by the Associated Press discloses that the question of women suffrage came up for deliberation in 23 State and that divorce laws, mothers' pensions, women police, minimum wage, eugenic marriage or other subjects relating to women were considered in 29 States. The Legislatures of seven States adopted resolutions whereby a constitutional amendment giving women equal suffrage rights with men will be submitted to the people at the fall elections either this or next year. They are Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania in 1915, Iowa, South Dakota and West Virginia in 1916. Tennessee adopted a similar resolution, but it must also be passed by the next succeeding Legislature before it can be submitted to the voters. So did Arkansas, but the resolution was ineffective, because of a provision of the State Constitution, which forbids more than three constitutional amendments to be submitted at one election, and three had already been filed with the Secretary of State. California adopted a resolution declaring that woman suffrage in that State had been an unqualified success. Alabama will consider the question at an adjourned session to begin July 7. In 12 States woman suffrage measures met defeat—Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas and Vermont. ACTION IN RHODE ISLAND. In Rhode Island two suffrage bills were defeated. The first provided for woman suffrage only upon presidential elections. This was in the nature of a State law, and was defeated in the House upon a roll-call vote. Subsequently a constitutional amendment giving full suffrage was presented, and was maintained in committee by a large majority vote of the committee. Three votes defeated the measure in Indiana. It was passed by the Senate with only three votes registered against it, but a motion in the House to call the bill out of committee failed to carry, 46 to 49. Three votes also killed the measure in the Texas Legislature, where it was introduced in the House. A two-thirds majority, however, was required to pass it and the suffragist supporters claimed a great gain. The resolution did not reach the Senate. There was a bitter contest on the question in North Dakota, where, undaunted by the defeat of their cause at the general election last year, the suffrage adherents renewed the fight. In Delaware a proposed constitutional amendment was defeated decisively in both houses; in Florida in the lower house; in New Mexico and North Carolina it died in committee. In Michigan a proposed amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote for presidential electors and all officers of educational nature was never reported out of the Senate committee. The General Assembly of Connecticut declined to send the measure to the next Assembly for ratification. New Mexico, however, passed a law providing for the appointment of women on the governing boards of State institutions in the discretion of the Governor. North Carolina enacted a bill making women eligible to become notaries in the State and giving them the right of petition in certain instances. Women may become notaries by a law passed also in Tennessee and serve in that State on school boards. LABOR LAWS ENACTED. Labor laws for women were enacted in Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts and Wyoming. Maine wrote into her statutes a 54-hour law for both women and boys under 16 working in mills, factories and laundries. It stipulates that such employes shall not work more than nine hours a day unless for the sole purpose of permitting a shorter schedule for one day in the week. Massachusetts legislated to prohibit the working of women and children overtime for the purpose of making up for the time lost on a legal holiday. Wyoming enacted for her working women an eight-hour day; and both maximum hour and minimum wage laws for women were passed by Kansas. A bill providing for minimum wage for women in Michigan was killed in committee, although the commission appointed by Governor Ferris two years ago to investigate the subject returned a strong report in favor of the enactment of such a law. New Mexico passed an act increasing the property rights of the wife, and Wyoming and Idaho in this particular placed wife and husband on an equal footing. New Jersey authorized the appointment of women policemen. Oregon forbade discrimination between male and female public school teachers in the payment of salaries. An attempt in California to enact a law to forbid women to shake dice for money or prizes was defeated. So was a bill providing for women jurors. ————————————————————— SUFFRAGE UNION IN CONVENTION ——— Delegates Talk Over Plans for Coming Congressional Session. ——— CONGRESSMAN HILL ADDRESSES WOMEN ——— Lakeville School Described as "Unfit for Cattle." ——— Addresses by Congressman Ebenezer J. Hill of Norwalk, Professor Charles A. Beard of Columbia University and Mrs. E. A. Parker of Greenwich were the features of a luncheon and meeting of the Congressional Union Convention at the Hotel Bond, yesterday noon and afternoon. The organization is one maintained by suffragists to secure an amendment to the United States Constitution enfranchising women. Both of the men who spoke emphasized the growing political power of women throughout the country through the ballots wielded by the women of twelve states. Mrs. Parker created a mild sensation when she described conditions she had found in the Connecticut School for Imbeciles at Lakeville, saying that the conditions under which children were kept there were such as to be unfit, even for cattle. A reception was given for the delegates and their friends in the evening at Unity Hall, with Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett, president of the Hartford Equal Franchise League, as hostess. Headed by Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett of this city the delegates will visit Congressman P. David Oakey at 11 o'clock this morning and ask his opinion on suffrage and his attitude toward the national amendment. Mrs. Parker Speaks. Mrs. E. G. H. Schenck of Wilton, as toastmaster, introduced Mrs. E. O. Parker of Greenwich, who spoke on "Community Motherhood." Mrs. Parker said that she had come to the luncheon with a feeling of indignation on account of two recent visits she had made to a Connecticut and a Massachusetts institution. "The men of this state," she said, "do not show love for the helpless children who are in their charge as dependents. There are boys and girls who are herded in at Lakeville under conditions that are not fit for cattle. They are rapidly developing traits and habits that are making them sexual perverts. What I say is not in any way directed at the man who is at the head of the epileptic colony, as he is an efficient and capable official. Under the appropriation recently made by the Legislature, the care of epileptics and that of imbeciles will go on together and the helpless children will be put on a farm eleven miles from a railroad station, where they cannot be visited by their parents. I have seen children at Lakeville who are worse cases physically, than anything I have ever seen in hospitals. Two sisters I saw were an especially interesting example. The parents should never have been allowed to have had the second child. Yet there is no record of the antecedents of cases kept at this institution and they do not even know there whether there are to be more children of the same kind from the same parents. "Corrupt politics eats the flesh and blood of our little children, and the reasons such things go on is because the men in charge of government have no love for their charges and because they are unable, as the antis contend, to take care of the children along legislative, executive and judicial lines without the aid of women and mother love." Congressman Hill. Congressman Ebenezer J. Hill of Norwalk spoke, in part, as follows:— Today the world is deluged with blood, and humanity groans at the awful struggle, but in the end, the fatherland of God and the brotherhood of man will be triumphant over class distinctions, and dynastic greed, and government by consent of the governed will supplant Kings and Kaisers and the self-styled aristocracies of this present time. The question for us who are gathered here today is, How can we best help in the progress of the race, and in what way will our efforts, feeble though they may be, be most productive of good results? For one, I frankly confess that I have become a convert to a belief in the absolute justice of the principle of equal suffrage, and that without it, popular government falls very far short of its full development. The wonder to me is, that the brilliant thinkers who control the leading newspaper of the state and give to us an editorial page which has few if any equal in this country, have not long since put themselves in the very front of the fight for human rights, and their predecessors did when slavery was defended by others, as an institution ordained by God. The only excuse I can give for them, or for myself until a year ago, is that we allowed our prejudices to control our reason and conscience, and the importance of other questions, more urgently pressed, to control our action. I have not the slightest doubt that the traditions of this leader of advanced thought, in this land of steady habits, will in the near future draw it into its natural and normal place. For a quarter of a century we have stood together in promoting the interest and securing the welfare of more than fifty thousand women engaged in the industrial life of this state. Why should we not at this crucial time still stand together and give them a voice and vote in making the laws which regulate and control the industries in which their living is secured and their life work done? For twenty years we have fought side by side for honest money and a currency based on gold, not only for the whole nation's welfare, but that nearly 400,000 women depositors in the savings banks of this state might always find an unshrinking value in more than $150,000,000 of hard earned savings, when they return to it, to educate their children or provide for their own declining years. Shall we refuse to trust them with their own, and then compel them to help bear the burdens of the state by taxing them without their consent? I ask the newspapers of the state to say which policy they think Connecticut women would vote for if they had the power; for peace or war, for economy, or extravagance, for education, or ignorance, for the common good, or for class distinctions, for the home, or the brothel, for God, or the devil. Let these questions be answered fairly and honestly and then let us govern our own actions accordingly; or, as I fear we have done too long, we must impugn the intelligence of Connecticut women and be guided by our own prejudice. The first shock to my calm contentment with the existing order of things came three years ago, when the District of Columbia appropriation bill was reported, with a proviso that an appropriation should be made from the treasury of the United States to provide a fund from which pensions should be paid to the police and firemen of the district; for which the police court fines and local license fees had previously been set aside. As is generally the case in a community showing a marked moral improvement, the revenue fell short of the demands upon it; and the desire of the district was that the whole United States should make it good. James R. Mann of Illinois, who, in my judgment, knows more about the wants and necessities of this nation than any other man in it, and who would make a splendid republican candidate for the Presidency, at once declared that the funds were for a purely local purpose; and he offered an amendment that a special election should be held in the district, at which every taxpayer, and taxpayers only, should be allowed to vote on the question of whether they should lay a special tax on their own property for that particular purpose. The question was at once raised, Does that include women voting, as well as men? Mr. Mann replied that it did, and the fundamental principles of the whole suffrage question were fully discussed, and when the vote was taken the Mann amendment was carried by a non-partisan majority. It seemed to me fair and just and right; and I then cast my first vote for equal suffrage, and took my first plunge, and having done my duty, fell back again into a self-satisfied complacency with the old conditions. My second plunge, though just as unexpected, was far more serious in its results. A year ago I received an invitation to speak to a company of ladies on the Fourth of July, on some patriotic subject of my own selection. I chose "Government by Consent of the Governed," as a proper one for the national anniversary, and, as a preparation for the discussion of the subject, reread the first Connecticut Constitution, the first written constitution in the world's history, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States, and then entered upon the task of writing the address, with a free and open mind, and divested of all prejudice. When I had finished, I found to my complete surprise, that I had argued myself into a thorough belief that government by consent of the governed, not only implied, but compelled equality of citizenship and equality of voting power; and that I was in great danger of flinging the firebrand of woman suffrage into a magazine of high explosives. I at once entered upon a system of scientific pruning, leaving the essential and consecutive facts, and cutting out my own deductions and inferences; and thus permitting each of my hearers to draw her own conclusions, as seemed best to her. A day or two later I submitted the whole address to a prominent citizen of the state, somewhat well known for his anti-suffrage views, and asked his advice. He said go ahead, and I did so. Since that speech was given, a very important change of policy has been made by the political party to which I belong. Hereafter the number of delegates to the presidential nominating convention is to be based in part on votes cast in the congressional districts, instead of on population, as heretofore. As a result of that change the Southern States will lose seventy-six delegates, Tennessee three, New York 2, and the territories and possessions eight. Carried to its logical conclusion, as will inevitably be the case in the not distant future, the influence of New England in the party councils will become negligible as compared with the suffrage states; and, if a general presidential primary goes into operation, as advocate by the present executive, New England must adopt equal suffrage as a matter of self-protection, or cease to take an active interest in presidential nominations; for the votes cast in the Southern congressional districts average 8,380, in New England 32,770, and in the suffrage states, 59,904. Other Speakers. Mrs. John Rogers Jr., of New York, a member of the advisory council of the union, made an appeal to increase the membership of the Congressional Union saying that, if it had not been for the union the country would hardly have heard of the Anthony amendment. Miss Emma Opper of New Canaan and Mrs. M Toscan Bennett also spoke at the luncheon. Afternoon Session. The afternoon session, held in a reception hall of the Hotel Bond, was presided over by Mrs. Annie G. Porriti. Mrs. George H. Day gave an address of welcome in which she emphasized the importance of the work being done by the union. Professor Charles A. Beard of Columbia University said that the speech given a short time before by Congressman Hill was destined to be one of the great historic documents of the woman suffrage movement. Continuing, he said, in part:— "The national amendment is most important in its work of supplementing the work in the states. Through the federal amendment, suffrage becomes political, it gives you a power you cannot get in any other way. With all due respect to the statesmen of this state and this country it is true that a statesman cares more about ten votes than about the good will of all the women in the country. If you go to your own state or national representative and ask for his vote he will or he can tell you that he doesn't care about what you want for you can do nothing to affect him. "I know one congressman who began to listen to the suffragists when he heard the prediction seriously made by a man of weight that the votes of 4,000,000 women in 1916 would determine whether the next president would be a republican or a democrat. If you women put any one of the existing parties above the suffrage cause you are not true suffragists. "Women of the United States will elect one-fifth of the electors in the next presidential election. I had to smile when I heard the reference a little while ago to James R. Mann who recently became converted to suffrage. He saw a great light just a little while after his state had swung into the suffrage column. Let me prophecy one thing: The republican platform in 1916 will contain a suffrage plank or the presidential candidate will espouse the cause. "The national amendment will not be submitted to the voters but to the legislatures of the states for ratification after it has passed Congress—and it will pass. If the democratic party is then in power in Connecticut and it fails to ratify the amendment you will have the party on record and known to the democratic women voters of other states, who have a direct power. "Politicians cannot live by orations alone. They live on jobs such as postmasterships, collectorships and other fat plums, which are given out by a party president. These jobs must be given out by the parties, or the party organizations will go to pieces. With all this true, what do you think the party leaders will say if you can tell them that if they are right on suffrage they can elect the president who hands out all these plums? "Don't let any attachment to an organization interfere with your primary air and view. You can now invite the women of the States into one movement in which they are all thinking with one mind and with one view. Keep the fire burning in Washington and keep it burning in Connecticut. Mrs. Rogers again spoke of the work of the union, saying that it did not interfere with the work in the states and she described deputations which had gone to senators and congressmen in the past, as will be done today. She admitted that the deputations were a bother to the men receiving the visits, but denied that they were discourteous, as they were for the purpose of influencing votes. She explained the differences between the two bills sponsored by the union in Congress, the Susan B. Anthony amendment to the United States constitution and the Shaffroth-Palmer referendum amendment. She favored the former as simpler and more direct. Mrs. Crystal Eastman Benedict of Washington, an expert of the federal industrial relations commission, spoke on the importance of the work of the union. She referred to the recent defeat of suffrage in the Connecticut Legislature, as follows. "Never mind our state Legislature. Let those boys go and play. We will do our work in Congress, where it counts." Among the reasons for the desirability of woman suffrage which she gave was the "activity of certain men in the country who are trying insidiously, to drag the United States into war." She thought the influence of women with votes and power would counteract this. Mrs. Benedict said that it made her bitter "to see gray-haired women going to Legislatures year after year and vainly asking mere boys for the privilege of asking the people for a grant of their just rights." Mrs. Inez Milholland Boissevain of New York was not at the convention, as had been expected. She sailed for Italy when that country entered the war. Reception. The evening session of the convention started with a reception in Unity Hall, at which the delegates were guests of Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett, president of the Hartford Equal Franchise League. After the reception, Mrs. Bennett opened the more formal part of the program with a talk in which she described work done by the women of Connecticut at the Legislature. She spoke of the plans for sending a deputation to Congressman Oakey this morning saying that it would be giving the new congresssman his "first kindergarten does of federal suffrage." Mrs. Annie G. Porritt said that the opposition to suffrage came chiefly from three sources: Millionaires, liquor dealers and ignorant foreigners, who are newly made voters. The latter considered women beneath them. The suffragists, therefore, do not wish to leave the constitutional amendment subject to their veto or to the veto of the secretly voted ballot, but preferred to have it threshed out in Congress, where it would be subject to votes that are matters of record. Miss Alice Paul of New Jersey and Washington, D. C., chairman of the executive committee of the national union, was the chief speaker of the evening. She said, in part:— "With one-fifth of the presidential vote cast in suffrage states and the parties so evenly divided in power as now, you can see how much power women's votes now have along national lines." She described the plans made by the union for influencing suffrage legislation at the next session. "You have seen how certain congressmen held up Congress at the last session by a deliberate filibuster until they got attention to the cotton situation. One-fourth of the congressmen could pass the suffrage amendment by a filibuster, but they will not do it unless you force them to. We want you to help by constant work and by keeping at your congressman every minute so that they do not have a chance to [for?] men of their district [?]. She said that a district would be formed [her?] [?cers], to take charge [?] the union in this [c?] [?trict], and similar org[?] soon exist in every [?] United States. WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1915 SUFFRAGETS PLAN FALL CAMPAIGN Suffrage workers of Worcester county, as well as their sympathetic sisters of Connecticut, are holding an animated all day meeting at the Threshing Floor, 35 Oxford street, in the interests of suffrage, today. There were about 35 women present at the opening of the morning session, representing Worcester county towns. The session was given over to reports of what has been done in the interests of votes for women. Mrs. Claude U. Gilson, state organizer, and Mrs. Rose A. Clark, chairman of the canvassing committee of the state, were visitors who aided in outlining plans for the summer work. An automobile tour of the county towns is to take place in August, with a day spent in each town. The itinerary is to be announced later. It was reported that four suffrage automobiles took part in Paxton’s anniversary parad, making an excellent showing. Several towns reported that suffrage autos had taken part in Fourth of July parades. Miss Rosamond Danielson of Putnam was at the conference, extending an offer of aid by the Connecticut suffrage workers, in the towns bordering on Connecticut during the coming campaign. CLOSED PERIOD IN FORCE Pollution of Streams and Alleged Recklessness of Fishermen Causes for Poor Catch - Season Was Discouraging, Says Supt. Crampton New Haven. - The shad season was an unsuccessful one. John M. Crampton, superintendent of fisheries and game, says the catch for the entire season was remarkably small and was discouraging to the men engaged in shad fishery. Mr. Crampton attributes the comparative failure of the shad season this year to a number of causes. Perhaps the principal one was the destruction of shad on their way to the spawning grounds. Fishermen are blamed for their recklessness in catching the fish without any regard for their propagation. It is believed that the number of seine nets that were set in the past has been too great and this does not give the fish the slightest chance for escape. In the Farmington river this year there have been nearly seventy nets set for the catch of shad. The fishermen down the Connecticut river share in the disappointment over the results of the season. Another reason for the comparative shortage of shad this year is the pollution of the waters of the rivers by acids and chemicals from factories and from sewage. It is not easy to prevent this pollution since it comes from the industrial development of the state. The matter of the pollution of the waters of the state has been before the general assembly for a number of years. The solution of the problem which it involves has not yet been reached. It is expected that the hatchery at Windsor will be helpful in the propagation of shad and that the fishermen may look with confidence on successful seasons in the future. The experiments at the hatchery have been successful and the superintendent of fisheries and game says he has every reason to be satisfied with the outlook. During the past season Superintendent Crampton and his assistants have paid close attention to the nets used by shad fishermen to see that the meshes are of the proper dimensions. They took measurements and by this secured a more general observance of the law. Fishermen console themselves by the fact that while the catch of shad has been small they have been saved from a serious financial loss by the price received for the fish. If the number of shad was unsually small the price was unusually high. The consumer seems to have been the only one with a substantial grievance, or a grievance that was beyond a remedy. Most Glowing. An old man attended a public funeral in honor of an American states- County Suffrage Conference A notable gathering of Windham county suffragists met Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss Rosamond Danielson at Putnam Heights. The Equal Franchise Leagues of Danielson, Putnam, Woodstock, Eastford, and Willimantic were represented also the towns of Thompson, Pomfret and Brooklyn, as well as the Massachusetts cities of Worcester and Webster. Miss Danielson, who is Windham county chairman of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, called the meeting to order at 3 15. The first speaker was Mrs. Edward Porritt of Hartford, press secretary of the C.W. S.A. She came to the conference in the place of Mrs. Hepburn, the state president, who was detained by illness. Mrs. Porritt outlined the work that can be done for suffrage in Connecticut in the coming year. The advantages of the formation of local leagues was especially emphasized and Mrs. Porritt closed her address with a plea for an organization in each town in the county. The next feature on the program was reports from the Windham county leagues as follows: Danielson, Mrs. Rienzi Robinson, president. Putnam, Mrs. W.J. Bartlett, president. Woodstock, Mrs. F. F. Rockwell spoke in the absence of the president, Mrs. J.E. Sheppard. Eastford, Mrs. H.H. Converse, president. Willimantic, Miss Abbie O’Connor, vice-president. An informal discussion followed in which plans were made for at least one meeting during the summer in each town in the county. Miss Camilla Whitcomb, chairman of southern Worcester county, spoke briefly of the campaign that is being carried on in Massachusetts where the suffrage question will be before the voters in November. Miss Frances M. Birtwell who is engaged in organization work in Webster, gave an account of the methods by which the Massachusetts association is making a canvass of every voter in the state. She also told of ways in which the Connecticut workers can help the Massachusetts women and expressed much pleasure at the offers of assistance which she received from Windham county. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. “Suffrage signals” badges of purple, white and green, were given as souvenirs. The scheme of decoration in suffrage colors was carried out in large bouquets of purple and white iris with masses of green foliage. July 18, 1915 Hartford-Meriden-Bristol News WAS DOWER RIGHT, OR MISTAKEN? The Actual Condition of American Real Estate Company Interests Many Poor Bondholders Today. AWAIT ACTION. Many pairs of eyes are now being turned towards the American Real Estate company, a New York state corporation, and the bank commissioners' office at the state capitol. The refusal of Building and Loan Commissioner John L. Dower to allow the company a license to transact business in the Nutmeg state, cause all the trouble. It was one of Commissioner Dower's last acts before his office was abolished by order of the state legislature. Commissioner Dower claimed in refusing the necessary license that he was satisfied after an examination of the company's reports etc., that they were not really solvent. Perhaps the commissioner did not state the above in the exact language, but people owning stock in the American Real Estate company were of the opinion that that was what Commissioner Dower really meant. It was only a few days after Commissioner Dower's refusal has been made public that he was legislated out of office and he was obliged to turn over all his information and the paper pertaining to the company to the bank commissioner's office. After he had retired from his office he felt as if he could give the facts as he knew them to the public, and when asked to do so he referred all callers to the bank commissioner. Thousands of dollars' worth of bonds and stock certificates of the American Real Estate Company are owend and now held by Hatford and vicinty people. It would appear to anyone who looked colsely into the affair as if most of the bonds and stocks were purchased and are now held by hard working clerks and shop employes. The American Real Estate Company up to the time that Commissioner Dower made his statements was considered to be one of the staunch investment companies of New York City. The American Real Estate officers came out last week and called Commissioner Dower to account and in. LIQUOR RAID WAS A DEAD FAILURE First Liquor Warrant Issued Since Last Year Falls Flat. There was no Liquor on Premises. IT WAS TO LAUGH The first liquor raid that Meriden has had in over a year was a regular fizzle and everyone had to smile when the facts were made known in the daily newspapers. The warrant was signed by Liquor Prosecutor A. B. Aubrey, and it is the first official act of this gentleman in many moons. When the picnic resorts and the local dealers were hailed into court by the state police in their memorable raid, Prosecutor Aubrey did not sign the warrants. They were gotten out by the court prosecutor, City Attorney Daniel Danaher. The liquor prosecutor gets $10 for every search warrant issued and even if no liquor is found by the officers making the search the law gives Mr. Prosecutor his $10 bill. The prosecutor last week was $10 richer but the authorities did not have anyone to prosecute as no liquor was found although the officers made a pretty thorough search of a private residence. The prosecutor received warning that Oresto Sartucci, of 80 Andrews street was conducting a kitchen barroom to the thirsty individuals in the vicinity of the home. The hard working constable even examined the proprietor himself but not a drop of liquor could he find an dhe returned to town a sadder but much wiser man. Just where the slip is a question hard to answer, but it is quite evident that Prosecutor Aubrey acted too quickly or else he has received the wrong kind of information. Mr. Aubrey's inactivity as liquor prosecutor has caused a large number of people to do a whole lot of talking. Generally a man occupying the position of liquor prosecutor wishes to get all there is in his office out of it while he holds down the job. It is declared that there have been several violations of the liquor laws in the city and town of Meriden, but that the violators have escaped scot free and are now able to laugh in the faces of the prosecution ojicials. The police have discovered one or two violations of the cider law and the acceded dealers and dispensers were brough before the court and were prosecuted by Prosecutor Aubrey. He received $10 for his trouble in each case, but what he has gotten out of his "sinecure" would hardly buy him a decent suit of clothes. Prosecutor Aubrey was representative from Meriden in the last legislature. Many people seem to be of the opinion that the gentlemen has not interfered with anyone during the past year as it is alleged that the Republican party are endeavor- POLICE OFFICER BEATS A CITIZEN The Fight a Personal One, Takes Place in a Polish Saloon. Moffitt Suspended Twice. POLICE OFFICER BEATS A CITIZEN IN TROUBLE. Two New Britain policemen were suspended last week, and it appeared as if the hot spell had somewhat affected the blue coats as well as the dogs at Hayden's station. One officer, Charles Johnson was relieved from suspension two days after he was laid off by orders of the chief of police. Johnson was accused of failing to ring up at the proper time. But the circumstances surrounding the case were rather peculiar, and the mayor and board of public safety gave Johnson and the benefit of the doubt. He will be before the board at their next meeting and will explain his actions fully. The other officer, George Moffitt, appointed about a year ago to the local force, was suspended for failing to ring in his call. He missed one call and and in all the others. It is possible that the system was out of wear that one time, that it did not sound an alarm in the police station. It is quite evident that Moffitt would have gotten out of the failure to ring in charge quite easily, if he has not "slopped" over later in the week. On Thursday night Moffit was in a Polish saloon in New Britain and during an altercation it is alleged that Moffitt gave James Chute a good beating. Chute appealed to Officer Perry on the street soon after the assault has been committed. Later Chute made a complain to the chief of police and a spectator who claimed he saw the assault in the saloon gave his version of the affair to Chief Rawlings. Moffitt was suspended fcor the second time during the weaken Friday, and he will be obliged to amuse himself to the best of his ability until the board of public safety sees fit to summon him to trial. According to the story told by Charles Flin, the spectator, Moffitt gave Chute a bad beating and hut's clothes looked after the affray as if he has been in a Western cyclone. Chute's story was about the same as that told by Flin. The officer was called before the chief. It is not known what sort of a defense Moffitt did make. Just what reason Moffitt has for visiting the Polish saloon is not known. If he was in the saloon to get a drink, either in or out of uniform, he certainly broke one of the strict rules of the local department. What started the row appears to be a mystery. After it was over with Moffitt did not make an attempt to place Chute under arrest, so it would appear as if the fight was purely personal. Moffitt's action was looked upon seriously by the chief of police and the members of the board of public safety, it is declared, and Moffitt may possibly awaken to find that he SHE TOOK AWAY SULLY'S RING It Was a Diamond and Sully Couldn't Get it Back so He Brought Suit in City Court. MUST PAY $80 Just why Daniel J. Sullivan of 272 rumble street, Hartford, allowed Elizabeth J. Brannigan of 85 Capitol avenue to have a diamond ring that Sullivan paid $80 for, is a hard question to answer, and even Judge Bullard of the city court wanted to know why the sparkler was at first delivered into the keeping of Miss Brannigan. Miss Brannigan conducts a rooming house at 85 Capitol avenue. Once upon a time Dan Sullivan roomed with Miss Brannigan. Sullivan alleges that he was politely asked one night by Miss Brannigan to allow her to wear the sparkler to an entertainment she was getting ready to attend. Sullivan says that he passed the ring to Miss Brannigan without a murmur. Then tome flew by, as time has the peculiar habit of doing, and Miss Brannigan did not even make an attempt to give back the diamond. Sullivan in the meantime removed from the Capitol avenue rooming house, but the diamond ring stayed on in the Capitol avenue home. Sullivan tried several times, he says, to induce Miss Brannigan to give him back his property, but she always made some sort of an excuse. Finally Sullivan appealed to an officer of the law. He hired Deputy Sheriff Charlie Latham to pay Miss Brannigan a visit and try and get her to give up the stone without a lawsuit. It was alleged in court that Miss Brannigan at first told the sheriff that she had lost the diamond, but later it is said she acknowledged that she still had it in her possession. Sullivan waited a reasonable length of time, then he instituted the suit. He appeared before Judge Bullard asking for his bauble, and after listening to the evidence the ordered judgment to be against Miss Brannigan for $80. Miss Brannigan did not even go to the trouble of hiring an attorney to look out for her interest, and she did not appear herself to either affirm or deny Sullivan's story. If Miss Brannigan is possessed of $80 worth of property Sullivan's attorney may attach. Harry M. Burke appeared for Sullivan at the city court trial. Sullivan claimed that Miss Brannigan has converted his property to her own use, and on these grounds he brought the suit. Sullivan is the authority for the statement that he bought the diamond at a sacrifice figure, and that it was worth considerable more than $80 he paid for it. As diamonds have soared into the skies since the European war commenced, it is likely that Miss Brannigan will make money if she gives Sullivan $80 in cold cash and RUMOR HAS PARKER IN CITY POLITICS The Busy Old Dame Declares That Prohibitionists Are Looking For Mayoralty Candidate. WOMEN ENDORSE. It is being quite extensively rumored about Hartford that the local Prohibition party would be willing to nominate George A. Parker, superintendent of parks, as their mayoralty candidate in the spring time. It is known that Supt. Parker would have the full endorsement of the local suffragists and the combined women's clubs of the city. Ever since the Lake Compound incident, the ladies of Hartford who are interested in politics, even if they cannot cast a vote for city candidates, have reeled off many yards of eulogy for George A. Parker's moral stand at the outing of the Hartford Chamber of Commerce. They have it is declared, privately said that he was the only logical candidate for mayor, but even the ladies do not seem to think that either the Democrats or the Republicans would name Mr. Parker. He is not in with the political machines, and then there would be a question in the minds of political bosses whether Supt. Parker would be a strong or a weak candidate for mayoralty honors. It is gently whispered about town that the local Prohibitionists believe that they have a far better show this coming election than they have had before in many years. Many Prohibitionists are so sure of the feeling of the people that they really imagine that if they should nominate a city ticket it would be successful. Mr. George A. Parker is not a member of the Prohibition party as far as is now known. He is said to be a strict temperance man, but he has not affiliated, at least openly, with the Prohibition party. But the mere fact that he did not belong to the Prohibition ranks would not keep him away from the Prohibition nomination. A few years ago "Scoop" O'Brien, ex-newspaperman and lawyer, did somethings in Bridgeport that won the hearts of the Prohibitionists of the state, and they nominated him on two occasions for governor of the commonwealth. "Scoop" did not come anywhere near winning but he gave the Prohibitionists something to holler about for a long time. It is not known whether Mr. Parker would accept any political honors if they were ordered him on a silver salver. He is a municipal employe and would be obliged to give up the lucrative job of superintendent of parks of Hartford if he were elected to the mayor's position. An unknown cabaret singer evidently gave Mr. Parker a prominence he could not have gained in any other possible manner. She places her snake-like arms about his neck in the picturesque open air theater at Lake Compounce, and then it is alleged Mr. Parker struck out straight The American Real Estate officers came out last week and called Commissioner Dower to account and in- [???] Man Tailored Norfolk Suit at $9.65 Value $12.50. Order No. B. V 665 Made of the World Renowned Genuine Palm Beach Cloth In Natural Tan Color Only. Genuine Palm Beach Cloth REGISTERED U.S. PATENT OFFICE. None Genuine Without Above Label. Jacket, Norfolk strapped front and back, with two patch pockets, trimmed with large pearl buttons: skirt full flare with two patch pockets, high waist line, basted hem. Seams in jacket and skirt neatly bound. Suit can be laundered and will not shrink or crush. Adoptable for all purposes. Made in ladies sizes 32-46 bust. Misses, sizes, 14-16-18. Skirt length. 36-42. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Will be sent Parcel Post upon receipt of Money Order. M. & C. SPECIALTY CO., R.965, 3-W. 23rd St. New York ————————————————————— It is declaredthat there have been several violations of the liquor laws in the city and town of Meriden, but that the violators have escaped scot free and are now able to laugh in the faces of the prosecuting ojcials. The police have discovered one or two violations of the cider law and the accused dealers and dispenser were brough before the court and were prosecuted by Prosecutor Aubrey. He received $10 for his trouble in each case, but what he has gotten out of his "sinecure" would hardly buy him a decent suit of clothes. Prosecutor Aubrey was representative from Meriden in the last legislature. Many people seem to be of the opinion that the gentleman has not interfered with anyone during the past year as it is alleged that the Republican party are endeavoring to the best of their ability to placate the sallon element and get the liquor dealers and their following to vote the Republican ticket in December. ————————————————————— insinuated that he had issued his edict without carefully or even intelligently looking into all the facts in the case. The commissioner has answered the officers of the company by telling them to look towards the bank commissioner's office at the capital. It is expected that during the coming week the bank commissioner's office will issue a statement for the benefit of the ones who now own and control bonds and stick in the real estate concern. The stockholders are considerably worked up over the affair. Hartford stockholders held a meeting last week and voted that they had every confidence in the real estate company. The absorbing question is: Was Commissioner Dower right or wrong, about his sizing up of the American Real Estate company? If the commissioner made a serious mistake and the company is perfectly solvent they will endure a period of hardship that may hurt their business considerably in this immediate vicinity. If the company is not perfectly sound financially it is about time that the bound and stock holders were made aware of that fact. There appears to be considerable difference of opinion in regard to this matter and the developments as soon as the bank commissioner takes hold and publicly announces his decision will interest a large number of people. Bonds and stock are owned in Willimantic, New Britain, Middletown, and in nearly all the smaller towns surrounding the capital city. If the company is financially embarrassed, there will be a gnashing of teeth and many tears shed in this immediate vicinity. ——————— After wearing a straw hat a week or two one wonders why he wasted so much time selecting it. ————————————————————— [???] Chute's story was about the same as that told by Flin. The officer was called before the chief. It is not known what sort of a defense Moffitt did make. Just what reason Moffitt had for visiting the Polish saloon is not known. If he was in the saloon to get a drink, either in or out of uniform, he certainly broke one of the strict rules of the local department. What started the tow appears to be a mystery. After it was over with Moffitt did not make an attempt to place Chute under arrest, so it was purely personal. Moffitt's action was looked upon seriously by the chief of police and the member of the board of public safety, it is declared, and Moffitt may possibly awaken to find that he made a serious mistake and he may be obliged to seek another clime. ————————————————————— TO MEET BRASS CITY'S HITTERS ——————— Meriden "Cops" Are Daily Practicing For Two League Games. Silver Town Has Good Team. ——————— GOOD BATTERS. —— The Meriden "cops" will play ball with the Waterbury blue coated aggregation on August 10 and 19. The Meriden officers will cross bats with the Brass City men on the first named date at Readville and the Waterbury sluggers will play at Hanover Park on the 19th. Meriden is said to have some ball players this season. The men have been practicing for several weeks at the Hanover park grounds. They have gotten limbered up and those who have watched them play against scrub teams say that they will be able to put it all over the Brass City bunch in both games. Word comes from the Waterbury that the local "cops" are out every day it does not rain to practice, and that they are certain that the Meriden aggregation will go down to sure defeat when the games are played next month. Captain Custy is a veteran and he knows just what each and every man on his team can do and he is also aware of what they cannot do. He believes in keeping the boys working at every opportunity and, although the players find Custy a hard task master, they thoroughly understand that they must take a few hard knocks if they wish to best their wily opponents. Kippy Kurcon, third baseman, sprained an ankle the other day and he is daily nursing the injured member as he wouldn't miss playing in the two games for a big luscious ripe watermelon. Sergeant Thayer goes to the grounds daily and coaches the team to the best of his ability. The sergeant has considerable ability as a coach and he might get a good job with the Federal league if he wished to leave the police department of Meriden. Manager Herman has been paying more attention to the financial end of the affair recently. He is getting out a pretty little score card that will be liberally covered with advertisements of Meriden merchants. It is up to Herman to get the ball tickets out in time and see to it that all the friends of the police buy one or two for the home game. The lineup will probably be as follows: Captain Custy, Bonin, Doran, Kurcon, Alix, Carroll, Cole and Bartram. Detective Sergeant Burke will keep the boys from getting under the edge of the canvas and "Polly" Quinn will watch the flies that happen to go outside of the Hanover park fence. Interpreter Harris is said to be organizing a cheering company who will hurrah for Meriden even if the home team does not make one single run. Waterbury and Meriden have played several series in the past and the Meriden "cops" have always given a good account of themselves. If they do not play good ball this year it will not be the fault of either Captain Custy or Manager Herman. The team always has a good sized crowd and a large number of tickets are always disposed of as the funds are added to the police fund for disabled and retired police officers. ——————— HERALD ADVS. BRING RESULTS [???] ————————————————————— [???] Miss Brannigan did not even go to the trouble of hiring an attorney to look out for her interest, and she did not appear herself to either affirm or deny Sullivan's story. If Miss Brannigan is possessed of $80 worth of property Sullivan's attorney may attach. Harry M. Burke appeared for Sullivan at the city court trial. Sullivan claimed that Miss Brannigan had converted his property to her own use, and on these grounds he brought the suit. Sullivan is the authority for the statement that he bought the diamond at a sacrifice figure, and that it was worth considerable more than the $80 he paid for it. As diamonds have soared into the skies since the European war commenced, it is likely that Miss Brannigan will make money if she pays Sullivan $80 in cold cash, and keeps the stone. ————————————————————— [???] tionists of the state, and they nominated him on two occasions for governor of the commonwealth. "Scoop" did not come anywhere near winning but he gave the Prohibitionists something to holler about for a long time. It is not known whether Mr. Parker would accept any political honors if they were offered him on a silver salver. He is a municipal employe and would be obliged to give up the lucrative job of superintendent of parks of Hartford if he were elected to the mayor's position. An unknown cabaret singer evidently gave Mr. Parker a prominence he could not have gained in any other possible manner. She placed her snake-like arms about his neck in the picturesque open air theater at Lake Compounce, and then it is alleged, Mr. Parker struck out straight from the shoulder. That incident will keep Mr. Parker before the people for some little time to come. George A. Parker might make an excellent mayor of Hartford. He has fully satisfied the park commissioners of the city for a number of years. He would greatly please all the ladies of the town; and any man who can please all the ladies of a city the size of Hartford, should be a howling success as mayor of the Greater City. ——————— BIG MOOSE CARNIVAL. —— Waterbury Lodge Will Hold Annual Show Beginning Tomorrow. Many Attractions. —— The Waterbury Lodge of Moose is ready to start its big show. Everything is now in readiness for the big Moose carnival, which will open Monday, July 19, and to continue the entire week, consisting of Leon W. Washburn's Midway Shows, there will be both afternoon and evening performances. Unlike at most carnivals there will be as much doing in the afternoon as in the evening. The committee feels confident that everyone attending the shows will be more than satisfied, as the committee have visited the shows in other towns and have found that Leon W. Washburn's shows are much better than represented by the advance agents. There will be no contests or ticket selling on the grounds during the week. The Moose have patiently waited until the late date in order to get the best carnival show in the United States, and they feel that they are not going to be disappointed. There will be a big street parade Monday night, leaving Moose Hall, 5 Bank street, at 7:30 headed by Lieut. William J. Shanahan, of Company A, the Moose Drum Corps, the mayor, the Moose defenders, followed by the members of the lodge. Brother William Kiersted offered to ride one of the elephants and follow the parade, so we will see Brother Bill on Jumbo's back Monday night. There will be three big free acts both afternoon and night. Tuesday afternoon will be known as clerks' day, as there will be special attractions at all shows for the benefit of the clerks who have their only chance to visit the carnival on that day. Don't forget to pay a visit to the Country Store while on the grounds, conducted by Waterbury Lodge, No. 703. ————————————————————— [???]as they are comfortable; may be obtained in either fine French serge or storm serge, in white navy blue or black; also in plaids and homespuns. All are specially priced at $3.75 Fifth Avenue-Madison Avenue 34th and 35th Streets New York ————————————————————— MEN TELL BOMB STORY TO MAYOR ——————— An Engineer Says He Heard of Plot to Destroy War Munitions Plants in Bridgeport. ——— THE TALE. — Mayor Quigley of New Britain was paid a visit on Wednesday evening by a well known engineer of New Britain whose name is witheld. The visitor told his honor that hw was in New York city on June 23, and in a saloon overhead a conversation between several Germans about blowing up factories in Connecticut. Mayor Quigley did not take much stock in the story, but he evidently did inform several factory managers. The mayor did not intend, he alleges, to have the matter get out, and that he told the story in confidence to a New Britain newspaperman. The newspaperman jumped at the information, and the mayor alleges that he forgot all about his confidential promise. There appears to be one rather peculiar coincidence that cannot be explained at the present time. Eugene Davis, of Plainville, an old man who was a spy in the Union service during the war of the Rebellion, tells of overhearing three or four men plotting in the rear of his barn on June 20. He alleges that they were trying to induce another member of the party to acquiesce to the plan of blowing up New Britain, Hatrford and Bridgeport properties. The engineer whose name is withheld by Mayor Quigley claims that he overheard the plot in a New York city saloon in the 23rd day of June. Then comes the Davis story of hearing men talking about bombs three days previous, on June 20. It is not known that Eugene Davis is acquainted with the engineer or that the two men ever exchanged confidences. It does appear, however, that Davis really believes the yarn, and that he has not only visited the manufacturers of New Britain and told his tale of woe, but he has written the police and has also paid the mayor a visit. Just why Davis should tell a story of this nature before any newspaper printed the facts, and that the engineer should also go to the mayor with practically the same tale, is unexplained at the present time. If there is a plot in the works to blow up Connecticut factories, it would be a good idea for the factory owners and to take every possible precaution, and the police of the state should endeavor to arrest every suspicious character. In New Britain on Saturday, the story was laughed at by the police, the mayor and factory managers. But many careful, conservative citizens seemed to be of the opinion that the story had many peculiar features, and should not be laid aside without a proper investigation. ——————— HE NEEDED IT. —— "Do you love sister Clara, Mr. Simpson?" asked the little brother frankly of the caller. "Why, Willie, what a funny question!" replied the astounded Mr. Simpson. "Why do you ask that?" "Because she said last night she'd give $1 to know and I need $1." ——————— HERALD ADS. SHOW BIG RESULTS Mrs. Hitchcock Declares That Some Chambers of Commerce Might Better Be Called Chambers of Wantonness (By Mrs. B. A. Hitchcock) Our chambers of commerce seem to be having a rather unpleasant time of it trying to combine pleasure with business and wickedness in cabaret form, said form well known to be nothing more or less, as a rule, than a half-naked female thing, which decent women hate to have to own belongs to their sex, cavorting up and down the room, singing suggestive songs, and hugging, kissing and shamelessly fondling our fathers, husbands, brothers and sons. At the rate we are going on, it would seem as if chambers of wantonness would be the correct name to apply to these exhibitions that grace (or disgrace rather) our (supposedly) respectable men's banquets. That chambering and wantonness should be suppressed, as a menace to the home and morals of communities, no decent minded person will deny. Women of the fallen class are arrested in public for lascivious conduct. We do not pretend to know whether these cabaret creatures are all of the fallen class or not, but if a woman can fall any lower in lascivious carriage and wanton conduct before a pack of equally guilty men, we do not want to see it done. That men, calling themselves respectable, the fathers of pure daughters, that law makers, ministers, church-going, supposedly decent men in any town or city have got to such a pass that at their banquets a female professional man hugger, indecently salaciously unclothed, and in every action abominable suggestive, must be hired to amuse them, at that such men will submit to that which would make a healthy-minded baboon blush for very shame, is a sign that our boasted civilization has fallen lower in the moral scale than ever in other times of wickedness on earth. We all know how wicked Babylon, in its orgies, had to have naked women slaves and courtesans to grace or disgrace their kings and men-in-high-places feasts. We know of the ancient days, when sacred prostitutes performed with their men patrons unspeakable acts of degradation. But I cannot see that we of today are any better than they. Is it necessary that old fool married men should hire a brazen baggage to come to their feasts and hug and kiss them and tousle what hair they have left? If a street walker attempts such gross conduct, these same men would have her arrested! It is against the law to indulge in lascivious carriage or conduct on the street, but it's all right when you hire it for a chamber of commerce banquet-eh? I wish there were words strong enough in the English language to express the bitter contempt, scorn and utter loathing some of us decent humans, especially women, feel toward this latest abomination and outrage against moral decency, and uprightness of living that it is as much men's duty to uphold as it is women's. The cabaret curse is upon us, and is, after all is said, but the natural outcome of the vilest of vile dances, in which all of the abominable contortions of abandoned bestial passion were faithfully copied. These dances became popular and the rage in what was supposed to be decent society, and our girls and women, today, submit to familiarities of handling by men, that are the exact counterpart of those permitted in the brothel. These dances actually disgust fairly decent young men, but many men are led to avail themselves of this polite permission of good (?) society to handle the pure women somewhat as they do the prostitute. I will say in passing that it seems to be girls and women in good society that are more keen after these brothel dances than are the men. But let us on with the cabaret. Quickly following the lascivious dancing came the cabaret craze. Not all the excuses, plausibilities, hypocritical defenses since the days of Sodom can make that which is vile decent. We, of today, in town and city, grow more and more loose in the character of our amusements. The cabaret is wicked and vicious. The cabaret girl has been rightly called a "brazen baggage," but the wretched creature is the offspring and offshoot of an evil environment and an evil demand. There is no more reason that decent men citizens should be amused at their banquets by a real or make-believe harlot than that their decent mothers and wives and daughters should be amused in the same way, by a half naked male libertine or pretended one. How would these chamber of commerce dignitaries like to look on and see their wives hugged and kissed and fondled by some male creature hired by the women for that EXPRESS PURPOSE! Shades of Ruth and Naomi! Fancy, white-haired, dignified matrons, and fine old grandmothers, screaming with laughter, while a male hand tousled their hair and smacked their lips! Great God of decency! Can we make any reasonable or just excuses for bald-headed, old or middle aged or even young men, for their undignified, not to say blatantly absurd and disgraceful conduct? Why should men be allowed such things that in the same class of women would be considered beyond the pale? Dear antis, where is your indirect influence? It doesn't seem to be in working order. Or do you approve of this tawdry and undignified tom-fool conduct in your men folk? We are told that women look on in the galleries at some of these professional exhibitions of wantonness, in which their male friends participate with much delight, and pretend to like it, or at least to not mind it. If true, it only goes to show that such women, no matter what their station, are either poor, weak creatures, the slaves and dependants of their menfolk, or else they are at heart no better than the half-naked, brassy baggages that hug their not-any-too-moral husbands. The man who recently showed his innate decency by striking one of these slavering, slobbering caterers to the lowest passions of men, did exactly right. HE OUGHT TO BE CANONIZED. He should receive the praise of plaudits of every decent mother, wife, daughter, and sister in the land. His magnificently scathing reply to the other men who composed that choice (?) company is a rebuke that cannot be beaten. Indeed, what business has the cabaret singer and PROFESSIONAL LUST PROVOKER to assume that every man present at a banquet is at heart a libertine? Of course, a man is known by the company he keeps, and it is of doubtful morality who subscribes to the maintenance of vicious conditions, and the majority vote settles in a chamber of commerce whether there shall be chambering and wantonness or not. MEN VOTE FOR WHAT THEY WANT and until the women raise a howl of protest, so fierce and violent that their men filk cannot ignore it, we shall continue to have that most needless, most disgraceful thing of modern times among us, the cabaret man hugger. Right here is a good chance to give our smug anti suffrage men a dab. Say, gentlemen, you preach that a woman's place is in the home. Why don't you send your cabaret baggages there?" Why do you want your own women to stay at home so much? Men of the Senator McLean sort speak and write most feelingly about "the hand that rocks the cradle," etc. How about the hand that fat old fools hire to come and tousle hair (if there is any to tousle) and pat shiny baldpates that are supposed to have brains inside; and how about bare-armed, bare-faced and otherwise bare caresses that are taken and received with great gusto by married men and men of all ages and degrees and stations? We notice, we women who have got the noticing habit, that it isn't "the hand that rocks the cradle" that is getting the most fun in life, or the most money out of men's pockets, nor is that dead hand the one that is most wanted to fondle and caress the tired business man. Oh no; The hand that rocks the cradle and the gentle influences of that dear, home-loving woman, seem to be completely forgotten in our chambers of commerce or wantonness and in every other place where man loos for pleasure, and what is MAN'S REAL PLEASURE? What really seems to suit him, the best of anything in this world? NOT THE KIND OF WOMAN WHOSE HAND ROCKS THE CRADLE. NOT the dear, sweet, Indirect Influence woman, whom they are forever beseeching to stay at home where they can't see or hear or know what their model men are doing or what is going on in chambers of wantonness. No, the kind of woman that is wanted to give the most pleasure, real solid satisfaction, and appreciation to the overwhelming majority of men, is the bawd, the shameless near bawd, and the intermediates, the kind of women that it is an utter insult to decent womanhood for pretendedly decent men to patronize or tolerate. She is the kind of woman that WRECKS THE CRADLE ROCKER'S HOME AND HAPPINESS BECAUSE OF THE HUSBAND'S JOY AND PLEASURE IN HER. He wants her society. He glares and gloats like a famished beast at her lewd atrocities of nakedness and utter shamelessness of manner. Her disgustingly gross embraces and kisses are a profanation, a blasphemy against all that is holy and sacred in life's purest relations between man and woman. And MARK THIS— (God help me to say it and move the Blessed Bridgeport Herald that some hypocrites dare to call yellow, to publish it) —NO GOOD, CLEAN, MORAL MEAN WILL TOLERATE the lewd familiarities of that kind of woman. The man who struck at a brazen hussy recently, did so because her conduct was repugnant to him. She revolted his sense of decency. Men do not have to accept that kind of conduct from women unless they want it, any more than their womenfolk do. I, for one, most earnestly wish that men of a certain sort were compelled to live with and have no other woman's society but that of the bawd or close imitation bawd. It seems abominably unfair that after every licentious orgy, a man can go home—that dear home that woman must guard from every impure thing save its too often blackguard master—to the society of a pure woman. To be able to consort with harlots and also good women, is one of the privileges of man for which the tame, all too meek and complaisant woman must take her share of blame. There are enough decent men in the world to stand by and help decent women when they clamor for decent conditions. OPPOSED TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE (By Mrs. W. B. Williams, Chairman Press Comittee, Conneticut Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage." "A Noisy and Selfish Propaganda" (From Elm Tree Monthly and Spirit of the Age.) it is true that I have become definitely opposed for the present at least, to woman suffrage. The immediate and compelling reasons is the fact that I find so many more promising, more serious, more unselfish and more pressing problems relating to human welfare forced on my attention. There are, for example the questions of disease prevention, of infant welfare, of mental and moral defectives, or immigration, of unemployment, of labor, of housing, of our country's defense. The air is filled with cries and problems there is need of study and work. Furthermore, we know that we can by such study and work achieve something, There is no battle line as to these matters. We are all agreed that hey need our attention and our best efforts and that such efforts will secure reward and make an assured contribution to human progress. But women voters-will they help or mar? We do not know. Apparently they do nothing. To me the insistent demand of "Vote for Women" is a distant and WHERE TO EAT TODAY SEYMOUR HOUSE Seymour, Conn. When out for a good chicken or steak dinner stop at the SEYMOUR HOUSE PRIVATE DINING ROOMS Service A-la-Carte F.G. Thornton, Prop. Phone 194 The Hedgemere 623 Beach St. - Savin Rock - West Haven OPEN THE YEAR 'ROUND Try Our 50c Shore Dinner with Lobster Special Attention to Banquets and Auto Parties MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS Garage A.G. Mann, Prop's. Telephone Carroll's Grove Hotel Cabaret and Cafe Savin Rock, Conn. OPENS ITS SEASON WITH THE FOLLOW BIG REVUE ARTISTS AT SAVIN ROCK HARMONY TRIO McClay, Nelson & Collins Ida- Ross & Ross - Jack "Some Wops" MISS AUGUSTA PHELPS Late of "Jardene de Baris" Girls JOHNNY MACK Character Singer in "Opium Dreams" LUCILLE WOOSTER Mezzo Soprano BILLY JENNETTE "Some Rag Player" JOSEPH CURTIS, Baritone and DIrector SHORE DINNERS-BANQUETS A SPECIALITY HOTEL BERKSHIRE 1200 Feet Above The Sea At Litchfield, Conn. Open Decoration Day. Special Rates. Auto Parties Accommodated. Under New Management. Only three hours from New York. Fishing, boating, bathing, golf, tennis, dancing and music. Excellent Cuisine and Service. Grill Tea Room. Write for booklet. H. PFLANZ, Prop. Formerly Manager Berkeley Waiontha Hotel, Richfield Spring, N.Y. CASINO GRILL AND CABARET BEACH ST. - SAVIN ROCK - WEST HAVEN Always the best talent obtainable is the motto of the Casino. Here you can spend an evening with your family or friends in real bohemian fashion. Moderate Prices Prevail. JOHN J. SULLIVAN, PROP. Hotel Seaview Cabaret 10--ENTERTAINERS--10 Direct From Metropolitan Engagements PRIVATE PARTIES ARRANGED FOR ON SHORT NOTICE HOTEL SEAVIEW, SAVIN ROCK, CONN. THOS. DUNLEA, PROP. ;; 'Phone 073 :; WEST HAVEN Hotel FLANDERS 47th Street Just off Broadway N.Y. City The right kind of hotel in the right locality. In the heart of the theatre district and adjacent to the shopping centres, Positively fireproof. Excellent cuisine and an exceptional orchestra. A large addition just completed, containing library, grill and billard hall. 350 All With $1.50 Wyoming, A Woman Suffrage State, Has the Best Laws for Development of Children Every Child Should be Examined on Entrance Into Public Schools. (By Marinda C. Butler Robinson) It has been frequently stated in the Herald by the antis that the states where women vote have not as good laws for the protection of children as the states where women do not vote. I desire to call the attention not only of the antis but also of the readers of the Herald to a statement made in the convention of the American Medical Association, which commenced in San Francisco in June. The chairman of the committee on the Conservation of Vision in his report stated that Wyoming had the best law for the examination of school children of any state and gave it in full as a guide for other states to present to their legislatures. This is the law: Section 1: It shall be the duty of every teacher engaged in teaching in the public schools of incorporated cities and towns of the state separately and carefully to test and examine every child under his jurisdiction to ascertain if such child is suffering from defective sight or hearing or disease of nose and throat. Section 2. In making the tests required by Section 1 of this act the teacher shall employ eye testing charts of a standard character approved and supplied by the state superintendent of public instruction, shall conform to the rules of the state superintendent of public instruction, and shall conform to the rules of the state superintendent in methods of applying such tests, special attention being given to defects that may be disclosed by the following questions: 1. Does the pupil habitually suffer from inflamed lips or eyes? 2. Does the pupil fail to read a majority of the letters in the number 20 lines of the standard vision chart with either eye? 3. Do the eyes and head habitually grow weary and painful after study? 4. Does the pupil appear to be "cross-eyed"? 5. Does the pupil complain of earache in either ear? 6. Does matter or foul odor proceed from either ear? 7. Does the pupil fail to hear an ordinary voice at twenty feet in a quiet room? 8. Is the pupil frequently subject to "colds in the head" and discharges from the nose and throat? 9. Is the pupil a habitual "mouth-breather?" If an affirmative answer is found to any of these questions the teacher shall give such pupil a report to his parent or guardian. There is many more concerning the technicalities of the law. This is sufficient to show how well the law is framed. Wyoming has had equal suffrage longer than any other state. How much influence is due to the women we cannot tell? It is sufficient that it has the best law for conserving the health of its schoolchildren, and thus has improved their educational possibilities and at the same time rendered the duties of the teachers much easier and pleasanter. The nervous strain has been cut off all along the line from the pupils and teachers to the parents. Connecticut has a law for examining the school children a year, but cannot be enforced except in cities of ten thousand, I believe, while in Wyoming it is obligatory in small communities as well as in large ones. Government, national, state, and municipal must be paternal if we are to have the best results. EFFICIENCY is the word that this horrible and satanic war has brought to the fore. It cannot be had until we recognize the reciprocal relationship which exists between the soul and the body. There is a right culture of the body which is necessary to the right culture of the soul. "Flesh helps soul," says Browning. The great fundamental principle of all religions and especially of our Christian religion has been FAITH. Faith in what? Faith in God, Who manifests Himself in the divine laws written in our bodies. If this had not been so, Christ would not have commanded his disciples to be "perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect." We have not fully recognized the relation existing between the soul and body. By this neglect, we have impoverished life and denied God. We are weak Christians because we have been so intent on carnal indulgences that we have not transmuted our sex energies into spiritual and intellectual life. Spiritual and moral vigor can never attain its God intended uses until we recognize the relation which they hold to the body. Hence the examination of every child that enters our school to be educated by public money should be put at the start into proper relations with what is expected of them by removing every physical handicap possible. The state's best assets are strong, straight men and women who can enter into the full joy of living--through the sense of health--which gives the consciousness of physical efficiency and enables them to rejoice alike in human labor and sports. How many children are called stupid and go all their days censured because of some physical handicap which might be removed through an examination on their entrance of our public schools? If more thought were given to the physical development of our pupils and less to athletic sports, our schools would not send out thousands of ill-informed men and women to begin their race in life. Anyone who looks intelligently at any one class that graduates from our high schools will see how ill-informed most of the pupils are narrow chested lopped shouldered, crooked spines, etc., etc. It should not be so. The soul can never be free if it has not its true relationship with the body. Wyoming, where women have had the vote the longest, has a law that every state should have, and the American Medical Association has done the country an untold blessing by calling this great body of medical men to the fact. Would that every school board in the country and every legislator might be baptized with light from on high that would enable them to realize the importance of this law and bring it to pass that every child in EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL in the United States might have an examination on its entrance into our schools. We need the mother interest in our schools, which we will never have until women awaken from their indifference to public affairs--and the ballot will be one of the best educators that women can have. NOT TOO EARLY Father (sternly) - Elizabeth, you know I don't believe in early marriage. Daughter (sweet eighteen, joyfully) - Why, neither do Harold and me, daddy. We've decided on high noon. -- Puck. HERALD ADS. SHOW BIG RESULTS. _____________ [?]If a streetwalker attempts such gross conduct, these same men would have her arrested! It is against the law to indulge in lascivious carriage or conduct on the street, but it's all right when you hire it for a chamber of commerce banquet -- eh? I wish there were words strong enough in the English language to express the bitter contempt, scorn and [?] young men, for their undignified, not to say blatantly absurd and disgraceful conduct? Why should men be allowed such things that in the same class as women would be considered beyond the pale? Dear Antis, where is your indirect influence? It doesn't seem to be in working order. Or do you approve of this tawdry and undignified tom-fool [?] with great gusto by married men and men of all ages and degrees and stations? We notice we women who have got the noticing habit, that it isn't "the hand that rocks the cradle" that is getting the most fun in life, or the most money from men's pockets, nor is that dear hand the one that is most wanted, to fondle and caress the tired businessman. Oh, [?] to the society of a pure woman. To be able to consort with harlots and also good women is one of the privileges of man for which the tame, all too meek, and complaisant woman must take her share of the blame. There are enough decent men in the world to stand by and help decent women when they clamor for decent conditions. [?]tention. There are, for example, the questions of disease prevention, infant welfare, mental and moral defectives, immigration, unemployment, labor, housing, education, and also the problems of our country's defense. The air is filled with cries for help, and for all these cries and problems there is a need for study and work. Furthermore, we know that we can buy such study and work to achieve something. There is no battle line as to these matters. We are all agreed that they need our attention and our best efforts and that such efforts will secure reward and make an assured contribution to human progress. but women voters -- will they help or mar? We do not know. Apparently, they do nothing. To me, the insistent demand for "Votes for Women" is a distant and selfish cry - an echo of the childish demand: "I want a doughnut, and I want it now!" Voting is not a right denied, but a privilege granted to the voters. If we give votes to women, we do not correct injustice, we experiment with legislation. If voting by women could be shown to add to the happiness, efficiency and progress of the state, women ought to vote. If voting by men did not do these things, men should not vote, but we should go back to the efficient days of the despot. It has not been shown, so far, that votes by women have added to the real value of the government; until it has done so there should be a decent pause and a co-operation in work on social measures which we know are urgent and workable. Apparently, the propagandists in this country will not listen to this. They appreciate the point of view; they do not even try. I once put it to Mrs. Pankhurst, and she promptly and automatically replied with an attack on the tyranny of man. In England, however, they no admit its force. But, as I walk down Fifth Avenue and see the garish and vulgar display of "Votes for Women," with its tables of half-true statistics, I feel that I am confronted with the oriflamme of noisy and selfish propaganda, and I am forced as a conscientious citizen to take a stand. And so I urge that the energies and magnificent capacities of women for promoting good causes be spent just now on more acutely needed lines and more fruitful fields. Women suffrage would throw into the electorate a mass of voters of delicate nervous stability. We would double our vote, double the expense of elections, and add to our voting and administrative forces the biological element of an unstable preciosity Report on the Debate and Vote on the Suffrage Resolution. House of Representatives, Hartford, April 7, 1915. Early in the day the Gallery of the House filled with women from all parts of the state, anxious to hear the result of the active effort that has been devoted to the suffrage cause in the past two years. For while suffragists can count the enrollments that pile up at headquarters and the number of petition signatures secured, and tell the amount of money spent in propaganda work, it is after all at the vote in the legislature that they can check up the progress made. The suffrage colors were very much in evidence in the form of scarfs, buttons, badges and little purple white and green paper flags that quickly became the prevailing style of that trimming. Many suffragists who could not be present did not allow their interest in the bill to be forgotten. They telegraphed. There was such a number of messages to be delivered that after the routine business of the day was finished, a recess of five minutes was taken to allow the messengers to deliver the telegrams. The real business of the day began at noon, when the adverse report on the suffrage resolution, by the House Committee on constitutional amendments was called. Mr. Emory of Plymouth moved the acceptance of the report and the rejection of the bill. He said the report was practically unanimous, the vote standing 9-1 against the bill. Clitus King of Fairfield immediately opened the debate with a strong speech in support of equal suffrage. Mr. King had a good voice and a desire to be heard which were a great satisfaction to the audience in the gallery who had found it hard to follow the reading of the resolution, report, etc, by the clerk of the House. Mr. King first spoke of suffrage as a moral question which will never be settled until it is settled right, that is of course in favor of the suffragists. Then he named over several of the arguments which are supposed to be most potent against suffrage. "First they say women don't want to vote. Well, men don't want to vote. Only 35% of the men who have the right use their vote, but that does not disfranchise them." It was brought out that the present legislature rejected the Spellacy bill which aimed to punish the non-voting men. Yet it is thought proper to disfranchise all the women because some women do not want to vote. Second, "they would not use it if they had it." This was answered by a reference to the reports in the morning papers of the huge women's vote in Chicago. Third "The ballot would make women less womanly". Mr. King said women were created womanly and no power on earth could make them less so. (2) Fourth, "She is a socialist", Mr. King pointed out that in no case has the enfranchisement of women increased the socialist vote, and said that women are naturally conservative, especially in matters affecting property. Now Mr. King left the usual field of suffrage argument and began to talk politics to the politicians in the House. The gist of his remarks was this: to secure prosperity for the country a republican president is necessary. As women are now important politically in 12 great states, including Illinois and California, the republican party in 1916 will have to declare for equal suffrage. Mr. King advised the republicans of Connecticut to do it now. The next speaker was Samuel C. Shaw of Redding, whose desk was piled high with the petition signed by over 43,000 persons. Mr. Shaw is a good friend of the suffragists. His wife is president of the big Bridgeport League. Those who saw the parade in Hartford last year will remember the ox cart representing "Connecticut trying to catch up". The driver of the ox team was Mr. Shaw, and in the debate as in the parade, he used his best efforts to get Connecticut to "catch up". He drew an analogy between suffrage and the abolition movement. As the country could not continue half slave and half free, so in the present day we cannot long continue to have a country where half the women may vote and half may not. He referred to the recent progress of suffrage in Mass., N.Y., N.J. and Penn., indicating that the sentiment is growing in the East. As Mass. was the first state to take up the abolition movement, so it has been the first in New England to decide [vote] to submit the suffrage question to the voters. Mr. Shaw pointed out that the Connecticut constitution has been engaged 32 times to meet changing conditions, but the principles of government have remained the same. He said the time has come to recognize the women as citizens of the democracy. Charles A. Pelton of Clinton next stood up to say that while he believed that women need the ballot and have the right to demand it, he also believed that Connecticut needs the ballot in the hands of the women and has a right to demand that it should be placed in their hands. What are the evils in Connecticut towns, he asked, and wouldn't the women with the vote help to eradicate them? Mr. Dillon of Huntington urged his fellow legislators to consider the welfare of all the people of the state, and let the women vote. He urged them to pass the measure immediately, and not put it off for some one else to do. Quoting Miss Price the anti suffrage speaker who has said "we do not want the extra burden", he pointed out that the vote is not a burden, but a gift, a franchise or priviledge as it is called in the constitution. Will women lower the standard of the electorate? Consider who (3) does the work in most of the philanthropic and charity organizations, Mr. Dillon said, and think what would become of the churches without the women. Mr. Dillon's statement that no woman had asked him to favor the question was greeted with smiles on every side, for everyone in the Capitol knew of the women's activity in the past months, in interviews, letters, telegrams, etc. He undoubtedly meant that he favored the matter of the bill, in the name of the men, women, and children of the present and of the future. Mr. Ford of Stamford stood up for women's right to vote as citizens of the state. He took up the much mooted question of submitting the matter to the vote of the people. The suffragists have been saying that it is a matter for the voters to decide, whereas the opponents have made much capital of the phrases in the constitution saying when "the representatives shall deem it necessary," holding that it is wrong for a man to vote to submit to the people an amendment which he does not personally believe necessary. Mr. Ford maintained that no made had a right to try to withhold the question from the people when 40,000 were asking for it. He said, "Very little fuss was made about a recent bill concerning the mileage of the members of the General Assembly, which was passed with only 3 dissenting votes. There was no great outcry then about the necessity of submitting that constitutional amendment to the popular vote. Can we not do as much for the 40,000 who are asking for equal Suffrage, as we did for ourselves in this matter? Submit it to the people." Mr. Potter of Grisworld was the first speaker from the democratic side of the House. He spoke with much feeling, and urged the legislations to "dare to let the mothers vote". Mr. Davidson of Bethany also spoke of women as on a higher plane than men. Mr. Taylor from Danbury was the seventh successive speaker in favor of suffrage. He spoke from a legal standpoint of the legislators duty to submit the question to the voters. The first speaker for the opposition was Mr. Isbell of Ansonia. He said Connecticut has always been conservative, a sort of balance wheel which he thought valuable to the country. He took up the question of referring the matter to the voters, and was very emphatic in urging the members to vote according to their convictions. His conviction was that the measure was highly undesirable, and that it would be foolish to submit a question to the people when the people are overwhelmingly against it. a petition signed by 40,000 was not enough for him, he said. Next, Mr. Bowers of Manchester spoke in favor of suffrage. Unfortunately he read his remarks and it was almost impossible to hear him, and in some newspaper reports he is credited to the (4) opposition. He said he had been opposed to suffrage until after he took a sort of census among his friends. He persuaded a number of men to ask their wives whether they wanted to vote. the results were: 54 wives did want to vote, 34 wives did not, and 14 husbands did not ask the question. This convinced Mr. Bowers that the women want the vote and he thinks they ought to have it. Mr. Perry of New Haven came out strongly against voting for the amendment on any other ground than necessity. He said he did not believe it was necessary. The last speaker was Mr. Rogers of Litchfield who is so well known as a humorist that his rising was greeted with applause. This was the first applause of the debate, as demonstrations from the gallery are forbidden, and the legislators did not seem inclined to applaud the suffrage sentiments. that had seemed very fine to the women. Mr. Rogers began by saying "this is no joke", to the great delight of the audience, and he continued with a number of anecdotes, including one about the domestic history of Adam and Eve. He claimed he had come to the legislature favoring suffrage, but had changed his mind on account of the suffrage methods, which were too much like those of the men, he said. He valued woman's influence outside of politics, he mentioned the chivalry of the centuries, and closed with a vision of Heaven, with Woman holding the Cross at the foot of the Throne, on a pinacle towards which men would forever strive. The previous questioned was moved and carried, closing the debate in which 8 men had spoke for and 3 against suffrage. On motion of Mr. Shaw, a roll call vote was taken, on the acceptance of the committee's report and the rejection of the bill. Those who wished the bill rejected voted "yes", while those who favored suffrage and wished the bill to pass voted "no". The clerk read the result as follows: Whole number voting, 230 necessary to prevail, 116, Voting yes, 124, voting no, 106. The suffrage resolution was defeated by a majority of 18. The majority was so small that we can see a victory in our defeat, and feel encouraged because of the progress we have made. In 1913 the amendment was defeated by a majority of 73, the vote standing 143 to 71. This year the margin was only 18. It is hard to think that a change of heart on the part of only 10 men who voted against us would have given us a victory. However with such a gain in the past two years, there can be no doubt but the measure will succeed at the next session, always provided the matter is not settled before that time by an amendment to the federal constitution. )5) Of the eight counties in the state, four gave a majority for suffrage, including Windham County. The vote in this county was, 12 for suffrage, 9 against, and 3 absent or not voting. It is interesting to note that in this county only two unfavorable votes were cast by representatives from towns where there are suffrage organizations, one from Willimantic and one from Woodstock. It has been pointed out that the same legislature which rejected the suffrage resolution this week, has previously gone on record as opposed to mothers' pensions, teachers pensions, shorter working hours for women, raising the age of consent, and a number of other progressive measures. Some people wonder whether Connecticut instead of being a balance wheel as one of the speakers said, is not really a brake on the wheel of progress. The question of course that arises now is what are the suffrage organizations going to do now. It would be contrary to the character of the Connecticut suffragists to sit down and do nothing, waiting for the influence of suffrage progress in neighboring states to settle the matter for us. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at