NAWSA Subject File CONN. WOMAN SUFFRAGE Assoc. - Corresp. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Conn Dear Miss Danielson, Your note of January ninth was forwarded to me in New Britain. I was now living in Chaplin only during the summer, and do not happen to know of anyone there who is especially interested in Woman Suffrage. Probably some one there could tell you better than I can. Mrs. J. W. Damphear is president of a Ladies Society there and The Greenwich Equal Franchise League is entertaining the Men's League for Woman Suffrage in Greenwich, on Friday, April 17th, at dinner. It is hoped that all of the members of the Executive Committee will be at the dinner and that they will bring just as many others as possible. The dinner will probably cost from $1.50 to $2 a plate. Attorney John Light will be toastmaster. Katharine Houghton Hepburn Miss Julia L. Martin is librarian. Possibly one of them could tell you if some one with whom you could communicate in regard to the matter. Very sincerely, Florence I Hunt 30 Sherman Court New Britain Comm. [*1-15-14*] January thirteenth. Mrs. H. H. Knox invites the Executive Board of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association to meet Fairfield County Suffrage Workers at Compo Beach Pavilion, Westport, on Thursday, August 5th, at one o'clock. Luncheon. East bound trains arrive at 12:10 P. M. West bound at 11:44 A. M. Trolley connections direct to the beach. Mrs. Lockewood most cordially invites Miss Danielson and members of her family to a suffrage pageant at "Lakeside", Woodstock, this afternoon at 4:30 P.M. One of the most prominent suffragist in the state taking part in it. Mrs Lockewood also sends her love to Miss Danielson. Telephone from Mrs. Lockwood 7-7-15 Kenneth Wynne, Chairman. Resolutions Committee Democratic State Convention. 1. Joseph H. Lawler Hartford 18 George T Brown New London 2 John W. Nolan " 19 Thos J Kelley Norwich 3 Herman P Koppleman " 20 Thos Newman Franklin 4 Arthur E. Bidwell Glastonbury 21 Thos M Cullinan Bridgeport 5 Joseph Dutton Bristol 22 John H Coughlin " 6 George M Landers New Britain 23 Geo M Coughlin " 7 Monroe E Mitchell Canton 24 Lester O Peck Redding 8 Louis E Stoddard New Haven 25 Gideon M Wakelee Huntington 9 Kenneth Wynne " " 26 John Keough 10 David Rivkin " " 27 Chas D Lockwood Stamford 11 Samuel H Fisher " " 28 Orlo B Carpenter Eastford 12 Grove Tuttle East Haven 29 Fred Lendwig Plainfield 13 Thomas L Reilly Meriden 30 Edwin P Quinn Torrington 14 Tyler Davidson 31 Thomas Stack 15 Francis P Guilfoil Waterbury 32 James M Chatfield 16 W C Moore " 33 L D Ryan Middletown 17 Charles Brown Middlebury 34 M J Golden Old Saybrook 35 Leo J. Kelley Vernon. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 5217 August 22, 1914. To the Suffragists of Connecticut: The numerous letters sent by Suffragists to the members of the Republican and Democratic State Central Committees have made a fine beginning to the strenuous campaign to secure a Woman Suffrage plank in both the Republican and the Democratic platforms this fall. The date of the Republican Convention has been set for September 9-10 at the Hyperion Theater, New Haven, Conn. The date of the Democratic Convention has been set for September 17-18 at Foot Guard Hall, Hartford, Conn. The duty of framing the party platform falls technically on the Resolutions Committees which will be appointed at the conventions. Between now and September 6th will you write, and persuade at least ten of your friends to write, just as many personal letters as possible addressed to "The Members of the Resolutions Committee, Republican Convention, New Haven, Conn.", also, to "The Members of the Resolution Committee, Democratic Convention, Hartford, Conn." asking them to include a plank endorsing full suffrage for women in the party platform? These letters should all be mailed by the afternoon of September 6th to Woman Suffrage Headquarters, 55 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. We will send them direct to the Conventions by special messenger. Also, can you get a number of men to come to Hartford and New Haven during the conventions and attend the meetings of the Resolutions Committees, and urge them to put in a woman suffrage plank in the platform? Finally, will you come and bring as many other suffragists as possible to join the delegations to each of these conventions? The first delegation to go to the Republican Convention will meet at the Hotel Taft, New Haven, Conn. at half past nine on the morning of September 10th. The second delegation will meet at Hotel Taft at half past ten. The first delegation to go to the Democratic Convention will meet at Suffrage Headquarters, Hartford, Conn. at half past nine on the morning of September 18th. The second delegation will meet at Headquarters at half past ten. Yours faithfully, Katharine Haughton Hepburn President. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT MRS. EDWARD PORRITT Mrs. H. A. Taylor PRESIDENT TREASURER PRESS SECRETARY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 55-57 PRATT ST.. 55-57 PRATT ST.. 63 Tremont St.. 65 GROVE HILL HARTFORD HARTFORD HARTFORD NEW BRITAIN MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON MRS. MARY J. ROGERS MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX VICE-PRESIDENT AUDITOR CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY GREENWICH 82 AKRON ST.. NEW HAVEN COUNTY NEW CANAAN MERIDEN MERIDEN 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD MISS RUUTZ-REES MRS. H. H. DELOSS CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY RECORDING SECRETARY AUDITOR MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR NORWICH GREENWICH 137 PARK PLACE CHAIRMAN BRIDGEPORT LITCHFIELD COUNTY MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN NORFOLK CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY CORRESPONDING SECRETARY MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON PUTNAM 55-57 PRATT ST.. EX-PRESIDENT MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCK HARTFORD (1906-1910) EX-PRESIDENT MISS EMILY PIERSON 108 CAPEN ST. HARTFORD (1911-1913) STATE ORGANIZER 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT CROMWELL August 5th, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I am enclosing to you a list of the members of the Republican and Democratic State Central Committees. These men will have a great deal of influence in the decision of the question as to whether or not a woman suffrage plank shall be in the party platform about to be framed. Will you write to each one of them asking him to use his influence in favor of having a plank in the party plat- form endorsing full suffrage for women? This should be done at once. The Republican Committee meets on August 15th, so the letters to the members of this of this Committee should be sent first, if you are pressed for time. Yours faithfully, Katharine Haughton Hepburn Conn. Democratic State Central Committee Dist. 1. James J. Burns, Hartford 2. Charles J. Dillon, Hartford 3. Thomas J. Spellacy " 4. William E. Carroll, E. Hartford. 5. Andrew J. Brannan, Forestville 6. George M. Landers, New Britain. 7. Michael J. Connor, Thompsonville 8. James B. Martin, New Haven 9. Frank Kenne, New Haven 10. James E. McGann, New Haven 11. John. E. Doughan, New Haven 12. Hohn F. Downey, Wallingford. 13. John F. Pendors, Meriden 14. Edwin S. Ohomes, Orange. 15. James A. Hynes ,Waterbury 16. Michael J. Noonan, Waterbury 17. William R. Palmer, Oxford. 18. Bryan F. Mahan, New London. 19. William C. McLaughlin, Norwich. 20. Selden B. Manwaring, Waterford. 21. Michael J. Clabby, Bridgeport. 22. Dennis E. O'Neill, Bridgeport 23. Michael A. Kenny, Bridgeport. 24. Michael A. Keane, Danbury. 25William J. Beecher, Newtown. 26. Hanford S. Weed, New Canaan. 27. Galon A. Carter, Stanford. 28. JJohn O.Fox, Putnam. 29. John II. Bossotto, Danielson. 30. E.T. O'Sullivan, Torrington. 31. Edward S. Roberts, East Canaan. 321John F. Addis, New Milford. 33. Humphrey S. O'Connor, Middletown. 34. Rollin U. Tyler, Tylorville. 35. George Forster, Rockville. Chairman. Republican State Central Committee. Dist. 1. Burton L. Newton, Hartford. 2. Walter S. Garde, Hartford. 3. Fred. J. Bliss, Hartford. 4. William C. Cheney S. Manchester 5. Claude V. Stevens, Kensington 6. Andrew J. Sloper, New Britain. 7. Frank E. Healey, Windsor Locks 8. Isaac N. Ullman, New Haven 9. T. H. Macdonald, New Haven. 10. Fred. E. Whitaker, New Haven. 11. J. V. Rattlesdorfer, New Haven 12. Robert O. Eaton, North Haven. 13. Edger J. Doolittle, Meriden. P.O. Hartford. 14. Jacob D. Walters, Cheshire. 15 Ulysses G. Church, Waterbury. 16. Martin F. Perkinson, Waterbury. 177Fred.L. Gaylord, Ansonia. 18. William J. Brennan, New London. 19. Tyler Cruttenden, Norwich. 20. Fred. J. Brown, Lebanon. P.D. Leonard's Bridge 21. John T. King, Bridgeport 22. Alex.L.Delaney, Bridgeport. 23. Albert E. Lavory, Bridgeport. 24. Wm. D. Bailey, Bethel. 25. Elmore S. Banks, Fairfield. 26. Ernest C. Roscoe, Wilton. 27. Ed. J. Tupper, Stamford. 28. G. Harold Gilpatrick, Putnam. 29. Charles A. Gates, Windham. 30. Morris C. Webster, Harwinton. 31. Marvin H. Tanner, Winchester, P.O. Winsted. 32. Harold M. Guernsoy. Thomaston. 33. Wilson S. Reynolds, Middletown. 34. Elwyn T. Clark, Haddem. 35. Wm. H. Hall, South Willington. Chairman J. Henry Roraback. Canaan. Secretary, George E, Hinman, Willimantie. Gardiner Hall Jr. & Co. SPOOL COTTON Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Dear Madam: I have received yours, and a good many other letters from women interested in the Equal Franchise League and while personally I am not an advocate of woman suffrage I believe that the majority should always rule. As a member of the last legislature I voted to submit this question to the electors of the state for their decision. The State Central Committee have no power to pass upon the question which you would like to have made a part of our platform. All we can do is to select a place and fix the date for holding this convention, also fix the dates for holding the caucuses in the different towns to elect delegates to this convention. The place for you to go would be before the Committee on Resolutions which will be appointed when the state convention actually assembles. It is their duty to draft a platform which will be submitted to the convention as a whole for ratification. Trusting this information which I have given you will be of some service, I beg to remain, Yours very respectfully, WHH/RE 7-27-24 -Monday Evening- My dear Miss Danielson, I want to thank you for your interest in behalf of the league in securing Miss Fisher to speak for us. We have engaged the hall for Friday evening - and have advertised the meeting as widely as we could - We have set the time at eight o'clock and I will be at the hall before then in order to meet you. It is very kind of you to bring Miss Fisher and we truly appreciate your helpfulness to us. I am planning to introduce her myself - unless you would rather do it - please do not hesitate to say so - or would you have anything particular you would like to stay to us. You know we would be glad to hear you too. I trust it will be a pleasant evening so that you may enjoy your ride. Very sincerely Maud B. Hill. Hampton Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 53-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY ROGERS AUDITOR 52 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1909-1910) 104 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL July 30, 1914. [*see aug 10*] To the Suffragists of Connecticut: The Progressive Democrats are about to form their platform and are sending out cards similar to the ones I enclose, which are to be filled out by voters and mailed. It would help to get a Woman Suffrage Plank in their platform if you would have the enclosed cards filled out, signed and mailed. Kindly have cards mailed as soon as possible. Faithfully yours, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 53-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 52 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1909-1910) 104 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL July 20, 1914. To the State Leagues of the C.W.S.A. : The Progressive Democrats are about to form their platform and are sending out cards similar to the ones I enclose, which are to be filled out by voters and mailed. It would help to get a Woman Suffrage Plank in their platform if you would have the enclosed cards filled out, signed, and mailed. Kindly have your cards mailed as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Hartford Times Building 724 Main Street Room 17 Hartford, Conn. Dear Sir: Democrats assembled at Lake Compounce, June 27th, commissioned the undersigned to formulate democratic platform material for submission to the coming State Convention. We are trying to execute this task in the spirit of genuine democracy. We count YOU among those forward-looking citizens whose sound and dependable judgement makes public opinion the irresistable power that it is. With your help we shall embody in this platform the aims and ideals of that great body of silent, thoughtful and independent voters, whose ballots decide every election. Please fill out the enclosed card in accordance with your judgement of the proposals listed, and MAIL AT ONCE. If possible, enlist in the popular government army by writing your name and address in the space provided. Follow it up by boosting genuine democracy until it has become a reality in this State. Your advice on any issues that we have failed to enumerate will be especially welcome. Yours for government by the people, George M. Wallace, New Haven, Willard C. Fisher, Middletown, Charles F. Thayer, Norwich, Thomas J. Spellacy, Hartford, Lynn W. Wilson, Bridgeport, George w. Hull, Bristol, James F. Connery, Middletown, Raoul W. D'Arche, Hartford. Do You Favor: Putting popular government over corporation rule? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nominations by petition and direct primary? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The initiative and referendum? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The short ballot? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Votes for women? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repeal of the personal tax? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abolition of contract labor in jails and prison? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home rule for all communities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prohibition of special legislation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please Answer Yes Or No To Each Question And Mail This Card At Once Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Cent Stamp Post Card R. W. D'Arche, Secy. Room 17 Hartford Times Bldg. Hartford, Conn. Hampton, Conn. July 11 1914. Dear Miss Danielson:- The Hampton Equal Franchise League is formed with nine (9) enthusiastic members enrolled - four or five husbands booked (their better halves have bespoken them) and a lot of others almost off the fence. How's that? They wonder if you could come over Wednes- day or Thursday of this coming week and give them a helping hand. Or in an middle of the afternoon couldn't I do it and not take too much of your time? Of course they are not all real [natives?] - but they are [?] [?] much of [?] that they count. They all have homes here and know every one. Mrs. Cartwright is away & we didn't get a chance to see her in time to ask her but I hope she will join. I'll write you again more particulars, but I wanted you to know about it at once and see if you could come. I have to go home on Tuesday I'm afraid & I can't go home but I'll be [?] later. The president is Mrs. Hill the secretary Miss Gladys Hyde, Treasurer Miss Hortense Church R & Vice President Miss Priscilla Fuller - They are all splendid girls. Things look booming, & Mrs. Hill has offered her bungalow for a suffrage headquarters. Things have changed so since your nice meeting. Wasn't it a shame the [Hingingers?] asked me over for a play tonight but our meeting was at 4 and I had to [?] the new league started. I hope you are as pleased as I am. There is good material here in Hampton and another meeting will help out. I want some one to come on from Hartford for another big meeting in about [two weeks?] to help those on the fence to fall off on the right side. I think we will have twenty or more before a very few weeks are gone. I only wish I could stay on but I have to go. The H. E. F. L. [hardly?] [irritates?] for to come to its first [?] league meeting Wednesday or Thursday if possible. I want for [to get to know?] [four?] new friends in the country. With most cordial remembrances to you all Sincerely yours Louise C. Howe. June 17, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson:- I have just been spending a delightful, [?] much too brief, [?] with Miss Mason. Isn't she a perfect darling? I found her in the midst of examinations but in between her [?] hours of work she came one hour on our piazza when a cup of tea. [?] only a stone's throw for to school. Thank you [?] usual for telling me about her for I did enjoy [?] her. We found we had so many friends in common. I remember so well meeting her Father and Mother at your house. I hope now that I can get to Hampton a day or two before your meeting. I shall be at the Inn for a few days and [?] all I can beforehand but don't ask for me to speak. I have learned simply can't. Aside from everything else I have a voice that [?] goes beyond the front neat and the cause would be ruined if I said anything. However anything I can do in the way of getting people to come, decorating the place, handing out literature, talking up hardtimes and other "odd jobs" I'd love to do. I'll try hard to draw people to go I only wish if more women [?] but it's pretty far to motor to for an evening for I'm afraid none of our [Moorish?] [?] will get there. I hope however that some of us can go to Plainfield when you another. You will stay overnight at the Chateau Inn will you not when you are in Hampton? We must have a talk about the college. I am so anxious to get something accomplished this summer in Windham County. The Sylvan [?] to push [?] any time I think if we could get up a meeting in Putnam or Thompson. There are so many monthly people in that region in the summer it would be a great opportunity, to get some generous person interested. Hoping [?] you for Cordially yours Louise C. Howe. I'm glad the Hampton meeting was so successful for that's a [?] of antis. 9 Williams Ave. Norwich Conn. Dear Miss Danielson: I was so interested to see in the Bulletin this morning that for [?] starting - your suffrage campaign and I am wondering if you would have time, some of you, to send me your itinerary. I think if you were as near as Windham or Hampton that some of us from here could drive up, unless you would [?] [?] did not - I would love to come. I have been a great deal in Hampton and know all its people more or less & would love to come up there. If you want any one to help you there in any way [*Hampton, Conn. Write to Mrs. William Nosworthy She is an artist and an ardent suffragist and would do everything she could to help you in any way. While you are going about I wish you would take note for me of any place or any person who (or which) might be interested in the Connecticut College. A little later I want to have some campaigning done to arouse interest in that, which is really suffrage work in a way. Dr. Sykes is an ardent suffragist and of course nothing can help the cause of woman more than the sort of training they will get there. They must not be handicapped by lack of building funds. The matter of [?] is of so much importance too. Good luck to you all. My love to Miss Prism & Miss Gregory. Hoping to see you soon Cordially Louise Howe*] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS . HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BEIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 GRAND ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON SATTE ORGANIZER CROMWELL May 26, 1914. To the Suffragists of Connecticut : The next step toward getting the Federal Amendment passed is one which will make it necessary for the Amendment to be discussed in the House of Representatives. Congressmen Mondell of Wyoming has introduced a special rule (House Resolution 514) asking that time be given for a vote on the Suffrage Resolution in the House this session. This resolution has been referred to the House Rules Committee. We can be of great help if each one of our league and as many individuals as possible beside write to the Rules Committee and ask them to bring in a favorable report on House Resolution 514. I enclose a resolution to be passed at as many meetings as possible, also the names of the Rules Committee each of whom should be written to by as many women as possible. The Anti-suffragists are showing great political wisdom in the manner in which they send out great numbers of letters to their representatives and it behooves us not to let them surpass us in attending to these tiresome details. Hoping to hear that the members of the Rules Committee are receiving great numbers of letters and resolutions from Connecticut, I am Yours faithfully Katharine Haughton Hepburn Please have the following resolution passed at as many meetings as possible and sent to the Members of the Rules Committee. "Resolved, That this meeting calls upon the Rules Committee to make an immediate and favorable report on House Resolution 514, providing for the consideration by the House of Representatives of the Mondell Suffrage Amendment recently reported to the House by the Judiciary Committee. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to each Member of the Rules Committee." Please have as many letters as possible written to the members of the Rules Committee urging the course of action outlined in the above resolution. The Members of the Rules Committee are as follows:- Robert L. Henry, Democrat, Texas,Chairman Edward W. Pou, Democrat, North Carolina Thomas W. Hardwick, Democrat, Georgia Finis J. Garrett, Democrat, Tennessee Martin D. Foster, Democrat, Illinois James C. Cantrill, Democrat, Kentucky Henry M. Goldfogle, Democrat, New York Philip P. Campbell, Republican, Kansas Irvine L. Lenroot, Republican, Wisconsin Edwin A. Merritt, Republican, New York M. Clyde Kelly, Progressive, Pennsylvania The address of each is House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 15-57 Pratt St Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont Street Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913)152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chariman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr.Ester S. B.Woodward Hairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss EmilyPierson State Organizer Cromwell June 10, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson: Mrs. Hepburn has asked us to write you stating that she will be pleased to speck at your meeting in Putnam on the evening of the 19th. The Executive Meeting will probably be held in Putnam on that day. Mrs. Hepburn will telephone you to-day or to-morrow in regard to it. Sincerely yours, C. M. Flanagan - Office Secy for Katharina Houghton Hepburn Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. After Days, Return to Frank Boxie Sons Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise Canterbury, Conn. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Conn [*You can send us 50 Cents and oblige Very Truly Frank Hoxsie*] CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6271 [union bug] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn PRESIDENT 15-57 PRATT ST. HARTFORD Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH Miss Ruutz-Rees RECORDING SERETARY GREENWICH Miss Mabel C. Washburn CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST. HARTFORD Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST. HARTFORD Mrs. Mary J. Rogers AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST. MERIDEN Mrs. H. H. DeLoss AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD Mrs. Edward Porritt PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST. HARTFORD Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST. NEW HAVEN Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK Mrs. William T. Hincks EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT Mrs. H. A. Taylor CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN Mrs. Herbert H. Knox CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN Dr. Ester S. B. Woodward CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH Miss Rosamond Danielson CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM Miss Emily Pierson STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL Putnam, Conn. May 23, 1914. Mr. Frank Hoxsie, Town Clerk, Canterbury, Conn. Dear Sir;- I would like to obtain a list of the voters in the town of Canterbury. Can you send me such a list, or tell me to whom to apply for it? Very truly, [*Rosamond Danielson I can and will if you want one too Very truly Frank Hoxsie*] My dear Miss Danielson,- I am sending you the resolution which we passed this afternoon. The other organizations had the enclosed copy, filled in with the names of the order, dated and signed by the secretary. This I should mail directly to the Mayor, [*I have been trying contact one of my neighbors, miss Elizabeth Clarke, and and found your little blue book, which I consider my good and [?]. I hope that you lam not needed it and will try to return it to you soon. Most Cordially Yours, Mabel Cogswill Johnson. May 12, 1914 Mr. Archie Macdonald 18 Grove St. I am also sending you the list of the members of the Putnam Bar. Frank F. Russell. " Howard Bradford. " Chas. L. Torramey. " Mahlon Geisler " Arthur Macdonald " 5 Prospect Edgar M. Warren " John F. Carpenter " Ernest C. Morse " Eric H. Johnson "*] May 11, 1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson: Miss Pierson has handed me your letter stating that the last two circular letters did not get to you. Miss Flanagan, who has been sending out the circular letters, did not understand that they were to go to the County Chairmen as well as to the Presidents of the leagues, although your name is of course on the mailing list. I think this has only happened with the last two letters, and we will be very careful not to let it happen again, as of course the County Chairman should have the information. Thank you heartily for the help given in the parade. Yours faithfully, KHH/F. My Dear Miss Danielson, I received your letter of the 4th inet. I hardly know what to suggest. I purpose going to Woodstock to spend Decoration-day, and might stay over until the evening of June 1st, Monday, in order to speak for you. If this will be agreeable, let me know within the next few days. Insa is now in Woodstock. My wife will follow next week. I am yours faithfully, PARADE COMMITTEE Mrs. Elbert Bunnell, Barkhamsted Miss Helen Manchester Mrs. Samuel C. Shaw, Bridgeport Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Mrs L.M. Lawson Mrs. S.T. Davis, Jr Mrs. Julian Cramer, Clinton Mrs. Hetty W. Hall Mrs. Struges G. Redfield Dr. Sophia Penfield, Danbury Miss Mary E. Andrews Mrs. Clara S. Barnum Mrs. C.L. Adams, Danielson Mrs. C.M. Smith Miss Grace Spaulding Mrs. Rienzi Robinson Mrs. W.E. Andrews, Derby Mrs. Frederick Martin Mrs. J.G. Mahoney Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, East Hampton Mrs. Charles Brandegee, Farmington Miss Theodate Pope Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith Miss Mary Redfield Mrs. Charles Lee Mrs. Eldridge Mrs. Mary Potter Mrs. Ernest Vaill, Goshen Mrs. Ray Wadhams Mrs. Eunice Adams Miss Winifred Kelly Mrs. E.O. Parket, Greenwich Miss M.E. Robinson Miss Elsie Tiemann Mrs. Paul Ives, Guilford Mrs. Frederick E. Spencer Miss Mary Bulkley, Hartford Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs Elizabeth D. Bacon Mrs. H.F. Miller Mrs. Ella B. Kendrick Miss Frances Eliot Hickox, Litchfield Miss Adelaide Deming Miss Florence Ennis Miss Katharine Ludington, Lyme Mrs. George Wilcox, Madison Mrs Ralph Buell Miss Sarah J. Fay, Meriden Miss Tillie Derecktor Mrs. Louis O. Krahl Miss Helen D. LaMonte, Middleburg Miss Amelia Carrier, Middle Haddam Mrs. E. Kent Hubbard, Jr., Middletown Mrs. W.J. deMauriac Mrs Elsie S. Johnson, Moodus Mrs. Arthur W. Chaffee Mrs. H.A. Taylor, New Britain Mrs Buell B. Bassette Dr. Catherine B. Travis Mrs. William Francis Weed, New Canaan Miss Emma E. Apper Miss Lillian F. Walter Mrs. Frank S. Butterworth, New Haven Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Miss Alice J. Walker Mrs. T. S. McDermott Miss Mary A. Cullen Miss Margaret Horan Mrs. E.D. Fisk Mrs. H.C. Bunner, New London Mrs. Forrest D. Lufler Miss Ruth Bunner Mrs. George H. Wright, New Milford Mrs. J.C. Barker Miss Mary B. Weaver Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor, Norfolk Mrs. William G. Wilcox Miss Katherine Blow Miss Clara M. Hill, Norwalk Mrs. Helena H. Weed Mrs. J. Eldrid Brown, Norwich Miss Mary E. Richards Mrs. Licius Briggs Mrs. William A. Norton Mrs. W.J. Bartlett, Putnam Miss Rosamund Danielson Mrs. E.C. Morse Mrs. Henry H. Keeper, Ridgefield Miss Mary Olcott Mrs. W.H. Allee Miss Rosina H. Emmett, Salisburg Mrs. Charles Lord, South Manchester Mrs. Emma Kenyon Mrs William B. Kelsey, Statford Miss Maud Hull Mrs. Leroy Lewis Miss Lillian P. Snowdon Mrs. M.M. Thrall, Torrington Mrs. G.H. McKenzie Mrs. A.G. Lamb Mrs. G.L. Porter Miss Myra Smith, Wallingford Mrs. Julius Maltby, Waterburg Miss A. Eletha Puffer Mrs. F.E. Duffy, West Hartford Miss Elizabeth F. Hubbard Mrs. Helen Hawley Mrs. Frank M. Buckland Mrs. C.M. Gallup Mrs. William J. Wood, Westport Mrs. Frank McLaury Miss Sarah L. Potter Mrs. Lawrence Mazzanovich Mrs. W.A. King, Willimantic WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARADE AT HARTFORD, CONN., Saturday, May 2, 1914, 3 P.M. ORGANIZED BY THE Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 April 28, 1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson, Mrs Bartlett's daughter age 13, has sent word to us to be sure to get a horse for her to ride astride. The horses are going to cost $ 4.00 apiece and the riders are expected to have hats that cost $ 1.75. Do you think the Putnam League would want to subscribe the $5.75 necessary for her equipment ? We are fearfully hard pressed for money and are making the riders pay for horses and hats in almost every case. On the other hand we need riders very much and I am not sure but that we should wise to pay for the hat and horse as well, if necessary. If you could collect the money in Putnam it would be the greatest kind of help. Don't you want to write me about it ? All is going well, but there are endless expenses and we are fearfully hard up for money. Your faithfully, Katharine Houghton Hepburn Connecticut Delegation in New York Parade, May 3rd, 1913 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St., Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. George H. Day Chairman of Enrollments 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfold Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Tayloar Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Please notify all college women that caps and forms for use in the Hartford Parade may be ordered before April 29 from Cox and Vining. 72 Madison Ave N.Y. City Rental $1.50 Try to get as many college women as possible to march in the academic costume Helena Hill Weed. Marshal Telephone, 4094 John Memorandum. To Miss Rosamund Danielson From Putnam Heights Fred W. & Alfred E. Hinrichs Putnam, Conn. Attorney and Counsellors at Law 76 William Street Borough of Manhattan New York, April 22nd, 1914. My Dear Miss Danielson, Thanks for yours of the 20th inst. I shall try not to disappoint you. I am yours faithfully Fred W. Hinrichs 367 Henry Street Brooklyn, April 19/14 My dear Miss Danielson, I have your letter of the 16th inst, and regret to say that I cannot be with you on the 9th of May, but can serve you on the 16th. I trust that this change of date will not inconvenience you. I am so crowded with business and other engagements, that I hardly know which way to turn. We are also getting things in order for the summer. I was at Willimantic yesterday looking at some horses which I shall probably purchase, but was obliged to go right back to New York. Next Saturday, I may go to Willimantic again. [Insa?] intends to open our house early in May, but not as early as originally planned, - probably about the 7th or 8th. My wife will probably join her on the 12th, and I shall follow by the night boat on the 15th or go up on the 16th. This will bring me to Putnam in time to speak for you on the 16th of May (Saturday), if this can be arranged. It is too bad that my engagements are such that I cannot come on the 9th, but I believe that you will understand. My wife and daughter join me in sending warmest regards to all of your household. Very faithfully, [T.W.H.?] Hinrichs Miss Rosamond Danielson. Fred. W + Alfred E. Hinrichs, Attorneys + Counsellors at Law; 76 William Street. (Bishop Building.) New York. Telephone 4094 John. Cable Address: Hinrichs, New York. A.B.C. & W.U.T. Codes Used. April 6th, 1914. My Dear Miss Danielson, I was very much pleased to receive your little note of invitation of the 2nd inst. It would be quite impossible, however, for me to go up to speak for you in the middle of the week, except during my vacation in the summer, when I could come at almost any time. Mrs. Hinrichs and I would enjoy very much your proffered hospitality. Insa will go up to open our house about May 1st, and my wife and I will go up a few days later to assist her. If you could have your Putnam meeting say on Saturday evening, May 9th, I might be able to help you out. I wish that I were a free man to do as I please about this and many other invitations sent to me, but I am obliged to work pretty continuously for bread and butter. With best wishes for yourself and your household, I am yours faithfully, Fred N. Hinrichs Miss Rosamund Danielson, Secretary, etc., Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARADE Saturday Afternoon, May 2, 1914 Organized by the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 April, 6, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: The copies of "How The Vote Was Won" have been ordered and as soon as they come I will send them on to you. I am delighted to hear that you you are going to give the play in Putnam. I am having sent on to you some of the parade paper and some of the regular paper, as I see that you are writing on plain paper. Are you going to the dinner which the Greenwich League is giving to the Men's League? Have you had any of the dinner invitations so send out? If not shall I send you some? They are very well gotten up. What should you think of having the next executive meeting on the morning of the 18th in Greenwich after the Men's League dinner instead of on the 15th here? Let me know right away, won't you? Yours faithfully, Katharine Houghton Hepburn Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Ct. You have to pay a small sum to give the play. I will write you how much. PARADE COMMITTEE Mrs. Elbert Bunnell, Barkhamsted Miss Helen Manchester Mrs. Samuel C. Shaw, Bridgeport Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Mrs. L.M. Lawson Mrs. S. T. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Julian Cramer, Clinton Mrs. Hetty W. Hall Dr. Sophia Penfield, Danbury Miss Mary E. Andrews Mrs. Clara S. Barnum Mrs. C. L. Adams, Danielson Mrs. C.M. Smith Miss Grace Spaulding Mrs. Rienzi Robinson Mrs. W.E. Andrews, Derby Mrs. Frederick Martin Mrs. J.G. Mahoney Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, East Hampton Mrs. Charles Brandegee, Farmington Miss Theodate Pope Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith Miss Mary Redfield Mrs. Charles Lee Mrs. Eldridge Mrs. Mary Paller Mrs. Ernest Vaill, Goshen Mrs. Ray Wadhams Mrs. Eunice Adams Miss Winifred Kel y Mrs. E.O. Parker, Greenwich Miss M.E. Robinson Miss Elsie Tiemann Mrs. Paul Ives, Guilford Mrs. Frederick E. Spencer Miss Mary Bulkley, Hartford Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Mrs. H.F. Miller Mrs. Ella B. Kendrick Miss Frances Eliot-Hickox, Litchfield Miss Adelaide Deming Miss Florence Ennis Mrs. George Wilcox, Madison Mrs. Ralph Buell Miss Sarah J. Fay, Meriden Miss Tillie Derecktor Mrs. Louis O. Krahl Miss Amelia Carrier, Middle Haddam Mrs. E. Kent Hubbard, Jr., Middletown Mrs. W.J. deMauriac Mrs. Elsie S. Johnson, Moodus Mrs. Arthur W. Chaffee Mrs. H.A. Taylor, New Britain Mrs. Buell B. Bassette Dr. Catherine B. Travis Mrs. William Francis Weed, New Canaan Miss Emma E. Apper Miss Lillian F. Walter Mrs. Frank S. Butterworth, New Haven Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Miss Alice J. Walker Mrs. T.S. McDermott Miss Mary A. Cullen Miss Margaret Horan Mrs. E.D. Fisk Mrs. H.C. Bunner, New London Mrs. Forrest D. Lufler Miss Ruth Bunner Mrs. George H. Wright, New Milford Mrs. J.C. Barker Miss Mary B. Weaver Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor, Norfolk Mrs. William G. Wilcox Miss Katherine Blow Miss Clara M. Hill, Norwalk Mrs. Helena H. Weed Mrs. J. Eldrid Brown, Norwich Miss Mary E. Richards Mrs. Lucius Briggs Mrs. William A. Norton Mrs. W.J. Bartlett, Putnam Miss Rosamund Danielson Mrs. E.C. Morse Mrs. Henry H. Keeler, Ridgefield Miss Mary Olcott Mrs. W.H. Allee Miss Rosina H. Emmett, Salisbury Mrs. Charles Lord, South Manchester Mrs. Emma Kenyon Mrs. William B. Kelsey, Stratford Miss Maud Hull Mrs. Leroy Lewis Miss Lillian P. Snowdon Mrs. M.M. Thrall, Torrington Mrs. G.H. McKenzie Mrs. A.G. Lamb Mrs. G.L. Porter Miss Myra Smith, Wallingford Mrs. Julius Maltby, Waterbury Miss A. Eletha Puffer Mrs. F.E. Duffy, West Hartford Miss Elizabeth F. Hubbard Mrs. Helen Hawley Mrs. Frank M. Buckland Mrs. C.M. Gallup Mrs. William J. Wood, Westport Mrs. Frank McLaury Miss Sarah L. Potter Mrs. Lawrence Mazzanovich Mrs. W.A. King, Willimantic Connecticut Delegation in New York Parade, May 3rd, 1913 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St., Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. George H. Day Chairman of Enrollments 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Mr. Hi[??] A-7-IH Mrs Hepburn 4-8-14 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press secretary 63 Tremont St.. Hartford Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford county 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven county 412 Orange St.. New Haven Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield county New Canaan Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording secretary Greenwich Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield county Norfolk Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London county Norwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Miss Emily Pierson State organizer Cromwell March 20, 1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson: Thank you very much for getting Miss Webster for us. I find that the letter was sent to Miss West and not to Miss Webster, a stupid mistake. Yours faithfully, Kathirine Houghton Hepburn Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell March 16, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: We will send on the Pankhurst speeches. I am delighted at the idea of having the article syndicated, and have written to the addresses which you suggest. Hoping that something will come of it, I am Yours faithfully, KHH/S Katherine Houghton (?) Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Dictated but not read Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters, Hartford March 14, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Here is the copy. The cuts go to you tomorrow morning and you can take your choice. You are really doing credit to your college training and to your sex in the way that you are taking hold of the county work. I was delighted that an old Bryn Mawr girl had been discovered before, but I did not half appreciate how you were getting to work. Congratulations. Thank you for taking such good care of me. It was a great pleasure to see you in your home surroundings and to meet your family. Hoping to see you on Wednesday, I am, Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton (?) Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. KHH/F Mrs Hepburn 3-14-14 CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6171 Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 15-57 Pratt St Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont Street Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913)152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chariman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr.Ester S. B.Woodward Hairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell February 28, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I shall be very glad to come and speak on the 13th as you suggest, and am delighted to hear that the league is growing. It will be a great pleasure to see them all. Yours faithfully, KHH/S Katherine Houghton Hepburn Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell February 23, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I am writing to ask you to get as many letters as possible sent from your league to Judge Henry D. Clayton, of Alabama, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, asking his Committee to make a favorable report on House Joint Resolution No. 1 granting the right of suffrage to women. His address is simply House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. The Suffrage Amendment was introduced in the House on April 7th, 1913, and was referred to the Judiciary Committee. No action upon the Amendment was sought from that Committee; because the suffragists were trying to get a standing Committee on Woman Suffrage appointed in the House, similar to the Woman Suffrage Committee in the Senate. A resolution to this effect was introduced in the House and referred to the Rules Committee. The Rules Committee, as you are aware, declined to report our Resolution favorably; the Democratic caucus sustained the action of the Rules Committee. The proposal, therefore, to create a special Committee on Woman Suffrage was rejected by the House Democrats. Now to return to the Woman Suffrage Amendment itself. Suffragists have asked and been granted a hearing before the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 3d. Will you see that the Chairman and members of the Judiciary Committee are deluged with letters up to and around that date? May I suggest to you the following practical plan? - Please call a meeting of your members; you might call it a Federal Amendment meeting. Provide every one present with pen and paper, and ask them to write to the Chairman and members of the Judiciary Committee, then and there. Please also circularize the members of your Society, and telephone to as many as possible asking them to write or wire Judge Clayton. It is of the greatest importance that we reveal to the United States Congressmen the tremendous extent and earnestness of the suffrage movement, and for the good of our state it is hoped that Connecticut will make a good showing. Faithfully yours, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/S. [opposite page] Mrs. Hepburn 2-28-14 HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. DEMOCRATIC MEMBERS: Henry D. Clayton, of Alabama Edwin Y. Webb, of North Carolina Walter I. McCoy, of New Jersey Daniel J. McGillicuddy, of Maine Louis FitzHenry, of Illinois Charles C. Carlin, of Virginia John C. Floyd, of Arkansas Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., of Kentucky H. Garland Dupre, of Louisiana Jack Beall, of Texas Joseph Taggart, of Kansas John B. Peterson, of Indiana John F. Carew, of New York John J. Mitchell, of Massachusetts REPUBLICAN MEMBERS: Henry G. Danforth, of New York Andrew J. Volstead, of Minnesota John M. Nelson, of Wisconsin Dick T. Morgan, of Oklahoma L.C. Dyer, of Missouri George S. Graham, of Pennsylvania PROGRESSIVE MEMBER: Walter M. Chandler, of New York RESOLUTION TO BE PASSED (underlined) Please have this resolution passed at every meeting of your Society and all Societies friendly to Suffrage in your district:- "That this meeting calls upon the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives to make a prompt and favorable report on House Joint Resolution No. 1, extending the right of suffrage to women. " _______________________________________ Chairman of the Meeting. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell February 6, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Miss Smith, who is the business manager of the National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, has just written me to say that Connecticut is responsible for twenty shares of the company's stock at ten dollars a share. I have never heard of this before, and am writing to you to ask you if you have any knowledge of it. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/S Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell January 29, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson: I have just sent the following letter to the members of the Executive Council. As this matter will come up for discussion at our next executive board meeting you might like to look it over. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/S Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. You are cordially invited to attend The Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration of the organization of The Hartford Equal Rights Club March twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and fifteen at 3 P.M. Twenty-eight Prospect Street Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell November 25, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I wrote to Mrs. Corbin asking her about the letters sent out to the Women's Clubs. She sent me the enclosed sample letters. This year's year book is not yet out and doubtless the other clubs were not members when the other was printed. Will you be good enough to return these letters to Mrs. Corbin, 253 St. Ronan Street, New Haven, Conn. Please send in all the suggestions that you can think of. Miss Washburn is getting to work on the speakers bureau. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. [next page] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell January 28, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson: As Mrs. Seton is to be in Hartford next week doing Legislative work we are planning a reception on Tuesday afternoon, February 2nd, to the members of the General Assembly. We hope that as many of the Executive Board will be here as possible as the invitation is going out in the name of the Board. The reception will be from two o'clock until six. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell November 17, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I have sent you the book about Carola Woerishofer that you loaned me a long time ago. I enjoyed reading it very much. It certainly was a tragedy for the world to have to lose her. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. [next page] My dear Miss Danielson- I am enclosing a short report from the Hampton League. Please feel at liberty to change it as you may think best. I only wish I might be present at the convention for I know it would be well worth while. I also wrote Miss Hyde about attending but she had made other plans. Wishing you a very successful and enjoyable time. Very sincerely, Maud B. Hill 35 Greene St Woonsocket R.I. Oct. 9. 1914. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 15, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: At the Executive Board meeting yesterday when you were absent the following members voted unanimously to recommend to the State Convention that the State Association join the National as an auxiliary instead of an affiliated member. I want to find out how you feel in regard to this so as to know whether or not to say "the Executive Board unanimously recommends this action to the convention." During this year we have paid into the National treasury approximately $1800 and we feel that the time has come when our Association has got to decide whether it is going to do state work vigorously or whether it is going to divide its energies between state and national work. Our constitution says that we are organized to get votes for women in Connecticut. If we are going to do that we shall have the devote all of our time, energy and money to state work. New York and Massachusetts, our neighboring states, as well as New Jersey and Pennsylvania have already succeeded in getting the legislatures to pass the woman suffrage amendment and have had planks in the platforms of all political parties. So far we have only succeeded in getting a suffrage plank in the Progressive, Democratic, Prohibition and Socialist party platforms and the legislature has never passed our amendment. The feeling yesterday seemed to be that the time was hardly ripe for vigorous national work that called for a great deal of money, but that it was the psychological moment to push the state work. CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET , HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 By joining The National as an auxiliary member we show our friendly attitude toward the National and are entitled to ten delegates to the National Convention. By reducing our dues to only $100 per year to the National we put ourselves in position to help with special national work , such as giving to the campaign states. etc., whenever we wants to .In the $1800. That I mentioned as having gone into the National treasury , approximately $550. was collected for the campaign states as a gift. The other $ 1250 . was for the dues this year and last year. Hoping to hear from you soon in regard to how you about this matter , I am yours faithfully, KHH/ F. MISS ROSAMOND DANIEL SON , PUTNAM, CONN. -September 11, 1914- My dear Miss Danielson I must apologize for neglecting to answer your letter sooner - but it reached me just as we were about to start for home - and these past few days have been very busy ones - Mrs. Robinson came over to Hampton one day for the express purpose of asking the league to assist at the fair. I told her, as I am writing you, that the league was composed almost entirely of out of town people and we should not be in Hampton at that time. I personally would have enjoyed helping and I am sure we could have counted on some of the other members but we are scattered far and wide now and I fear our collective activities must cease for a while - but possibly as individuals we can carry on this good work - I hope we may all meet again next year - and with best wishes for a prosperous winter Very sincerely Maud B. Hill 35 Greene St Woonsocket R.I. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell September 22, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: The following is the text of the plank which we have been able to secure in the Democratic State Platform: "We recognize the wide spread interest in woman suffrage and support the submission of a constitutional amendment enfranchising women to the voters of the state." This is a great triumph and we should be very grateful to the members of the Resolutions Committee for their help. I am enclosing to you a list of the members of the Resolutions Committee with the suggestion that you write the Chairman and the members from your county thanking them for their efforts in our behalf. Will you also persuade as many prominent suffragists in your town as possible to write to these men? Of course, if you have the time to write to every one of the members of the Committee it would be a good plan to do so. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson. Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell April 27, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I was sorry not to have seen you at the Board meeting. You are certainly to be congratulated on the record made by your county. Twelve votes for and nine against for Windham County do you credit. I hope that you and your mother are well and that we shall see you at the next Board meeting. We must take up very seriously the question of reaching the different Granges in your county and if possible in Tolland. I wonder if Mrs. Bartlett could cover the granges in both Windham and Tolland if her expenses were paid. With the organizers away in New Jersey for the summer it is going to be very hard to see that each grange is reached. Will you write me about this and tell me whether you feel that with Mrs. Bartlett's help you could undertake any more than the Windham county granges. I hope that you can as Tolland County is so far away from the rest of us. Faithfully yours, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell COPY. April 16, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: Will you thank the members of your league for their splendid co-operation, in the legislative work? The personal interviews with representatives, the letters and telegrams for which the local leagues were responsible did much toward securing the large favorable vote in the house. I want to thank you personally, too, for your unselfish and efficient work in influencing the representatives, and in securing the co-operation of the members of your league. It is certainly a great inspiration to work with women who are willing to give such devoted service to secure political recognition for the women of our state. With great hopes for the future, I am Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Woodmont, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:- Your letter was forwarded to me and I am very sorry, but I shall be unable to attend the County Conference at your home. I am at a Sanatorium for a month's rest, and shall not be home by that time. However I will send your letter to Mrs. Florence Nosworthy in Hampton and perhaps she will be able to go. I hope so, for I think the meeting will be interesting and I wish some member of our League might be present. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell May 24, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I find that I can come on the 12th so will appear without further notice at about three o'clock. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Hoping that you have a successful meeting. I am Most cordially yours, Gladys Arline Hyde June the third. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell May 6, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I have just sent the enclosed letter to Mrs. Bartlett. I have not heard Mrs. Bartlett speak myself and do not know whether it would do for her to go to the granges as the only speaker. If you went with her I think that it would as you have the personal distinction and culture which she lacks. That might mean a great deal to some of the people in the grange. The winning of these granges is a very important matter and they are becoming increasingly important in the political life of the state. Of course we could send a speaker from Headquarters if you thought it necessary. Miss Pierson said that Mrs. Bartlett was very successful with the granges and I certainly was much impressed with her efficient work here at the time of the legislature. How she is a speaker I simply do not know and shall have to trust to your judgement in the matter. I think it would be very fine if you could find it possible to go with her and say a few words first. Any literature that is needed for distribution we should of course be glad to furnish from Headquarters. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. [next page] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. May 29, 1915. Mrs. H.W. Haven, Canterbury, Conn. My dear Mrs. Haven:- There is to be a Windham County Suffrage conference at my home at Putnam Heights, June 12th, at three o'clock. I should be very glad to have you come, and also any of your friends who are interested in the suffrage question. Mrs. Hepburn, president of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, is to be one of the speakers. It is hoped that suffragists will be present from every town in the county to discuss plans for work during the coming summer. I would be glad to have you let me know if you can come, as I am planning to have automobiles at the Putnam depot at 2.55 to meet the car from Plainfield. Yours sincerely, Rosamond Danielson Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell COPY. May 4, 1915 My dear Mrs. Bartlett: I wrote to Miss Danielson in regard to the granges in Tolland and Windham Counties and have received a letter from her saying that she knows that you will do all you can. Of course we have got to be perfectly sure to have every grange covered and I think the best plan will be for you to let us know just what granges you and Miss Danielson will really be responsible for. I am enclosing to you a list of the granges in both counties together with the principal officers who you can see. The Lecturer would probably have to put you on her program. Yours faithfully, KHH/F, Mrs. W.J. Bartlett, Putnam, Conn. Webster Dear Miss Danielson:- Thank you kindly for your work and the list, was received today. Miss Fogarty will take charge of that district. We have had Miss Riehards for three days who did very good work. She found the town had been pretty well canvassed but had the usual difficulty in securing signatures, but found much interest. That I consider the result of the summer workers. We are to have a speech on K of C - or rather G.A.R. rooms the fourteenth by Miss Mulrey. If I find out further particulars as to how long she is to stay I shall be glad to let you know. Sincerely yours, Alice Butler Hetherman Thursday the seventh Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 4, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson: In the call you will notice that the leagues are put down as reporting by counties and not by towns alphabetically as heretofore. The large number of leagues in the state at present make it seem advisable to adopt this arrangement. As soon as your County is called I shall ask you to take the chair and preside over the Convention during the time that your leagues are reporting. I shall ask all of the presidents of the leagues in your county present to come to the platform. We have some new County banners which Mrs. Seton has just designed and I think this arrangement will be very effective. All the County and League banners will be in Unity Hall. I hope that you will make about a ten minute speech before introducing the presidents of the leagues, as I am sure that all of the delegates would like very much to hear you. I have sent calls to all of the dues paying members in the following leagues in your County: Danielson Eastford Putnam Woodstock Equality League of S.S. of Connecticut. I have also sent them to the presidents of the following leagues, as we have no list of the dues-paying members of these leagues. Brooklyn, Plainfield, Williamantic. Calls have been sent to all the names turned in on the enrollments secured at the Brooklyn, Plainfield, and Union-Ashford meetings. Calls have also been sent out with the News Bulletin. I hope that you will make every effort to get a delegation from each one of your leagues to the Convention. If you will urge them to send in their names early in case they wish entertainment I am quite sure we can secure [next page] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 6, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson: I am sending the Convention announcements to the officers of the new leagues, but I am sure that you will have to call them up by telephone and tell them to pay their dues and all of the other information that they could really get from the calls, but that they probably will not get. I hope that you can get a good delegation from Brooklyn and I believe that if Mrs. Bard were urged that she might come on the convention. I know that you will do everything possible to get them here. It was a great pleasure to see so much happening in Windham County and we all thank you for making us so comfortable. Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam, Conn. Miss Danielson 2. it for them. Also will you urge them to come to the Convention prepared to make a substantial pledge to state work. The following year is, in my opinion, an immensely important one as the opposition is now comparatively quiet and we have the field to ourselves. By next fall, because it will be legislative year, the Antis and the liquor interests will put up a vigorous fight against suffrage and it will be much more difficult to organize new branches. We now have 77 leagues in the state so that shows you how many towns we have still to organize. The money pledged by the leagues at the Convention is used for organizing these new towns. (there are 168 towns in the state). The money spent for Headquarters' rent, secretary's salary, and the salary of the press secretary is given by special contributions and does not come from money pledged by leagues. The number of leagues that we are able to form next year will be in direct ratio to the amount of money pledged by the leagues at the state convention. We came within nine votes of getting the suffrage amendment passed at the last session of the Legislature. This close vote will arouse the opposition unquestionably, but it also shows us that we can be pretty sure of the passage of the amendment next time. Now is certainly the time to put in our best efforts. Yours faithfully, Katharine Houghton Hepburn KHH/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. VIII.6.15 My dear Miss Danielson,- I do not see how I can stay on for Saturday evening. It is the only evening in the week that Dr. Hepburn is able to be here - On Thursday there is a meeting before one of the granges that I have got to take. Mrs. Day is going to drive me to Danielson's for the meeting and we are coming back that same night - We might drive one, for some of the other meetings in Woodstock later in the summer - We cannot get to Danielson until after six o'clock so I suppose that it will be impossible for us to take part in the Lucy Stone celebration. We went to the Fairfield County Convention in Westpool day before yesterday - It was a great success - Ninety-one women were present at the luncheon - Yours faithfully, Katherine Houghton Hepburn [Hampton Equal Franchise League letterhead] meeting of the Hampton League on Wednesday, July, 21st 1915 at three o'clock at Mrs. Hills bungalow - Annual Meeting Maud B. Hill Pres. [Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association letterhead] My dear Miss Danielson Many thanks for your prompt response and the contribution. If every one will do as well we'll have an [Adohesograph?] before you can say "Jack Robinson". Gratefully Christine Gallup. [Hartford Equal Franchise League letterhead] My dear Miss Danielson, Our Suffrage Campaign involves sending out [several?] hundred [?] of mail each week. We are now obliged to address it all by hand at considerable expense - much inconvenience and great lack of efficiency - To make the most of our present opportunities and [?] we must have an Addressograph. This with the Stencils for our present mailing list will cost one hundred dollars. We are hoping that you will feel able to make a generous contribution toward the purchase of this machine which will add enormously to our efficiency. Please use the enclosed envelope to let me know how much you will be good enough to donate - Very cordially Christine E. Gallup. [Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association letterhead] February 18, 1915. To the Affiliated Leagues: The Suffrage Hearing before the Constitutional Amendments Committee has been called for the third of March. It is absolutely essential that petitions already filled be sent to headquarters at once. The situation is so serious that we must know right away how many names we have from each of the towns in the state. Will you also try to make every member of your league realize that it is her personal responsibility to fill two sheets before the first of March? The passage of our Resolution at this session probably now depends entirely on the interest manifested by individual suffragists in doing petition work throughout the state. Will you find out from the members of your league what they will do at this crises and notify me by special delivery enclosing all filled petitions? Very sincerely yours, Alyse Gregory [Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association letterhead] January 15, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson : Could you send us in as far as possible full records on the representative interviewed by or through you in Windham County. We want to know what type of men they are and what is the best manner of reaching them. Any data you can send us will be of value. Very sincerely yours, Alyse Gregory [Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association letterhead] Oct. 7, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson, I think it was very nice of you to arrange a meeting in Eastford. [?] it [?] me such a very [?] visit at your house - I am so many times obliged to you and to your mother for your courtesy to me - Will you thank her for me - I was to let you know, was I not, how much my fare was - The mileage from Berlin (where I was working at the fair) as I return was 136, and at two [?] Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. a mile that would bring my expenses to $2.72 - I wonder if you would mind sending this amount to Mrs. Bennett instead of to me - I hope the Atlantic reached you safely, I was very grateful for it on the train - Will you remember me to your family, and we will meet, will we not, at the Convention - Very sincerely yours, Alyse Gregory This is just to say that I had charge of the Union service at Baptist Church last evening so extended an invitation to all to come to hear Mrs. Bennett, Friday. Then I sent a special notice to Mrs. W.A. King and her club of girls. It has been noted in the papers, and will have another notice in Thursday. I begin our meetings at 3-15, and shall have a little business at first, but will give Mrs. B.- all the time possible. You will please come direct to Hall - 140 Valley St. Hastily N.A. Gager - Apr. 20 - Willimantic Willimantic, Conn., March 25, 1914. Dear Miss Danielson:- Our hands are as full just now with the N. England Conference which doesn't close until next Monday, that regular meetings are out of the question, and as I have not talked with some of our members concerning Mrs. Bennett's coming to us for Apr. 24th, at an open meeting I think it safe to say that we will arrange for her on that date. I can not promise a large audience for half our women are sick, but we will do what we can, and give Mrs. Bennett nearly all the time. Our meetings begin at 3-15 P.M. We meant to close at 4-30, but of course if interested the women are willing to wait longer. I believe there is a train from Hartford about 3 o'clock. We have Rest Rooms at 144 Valley - next our Hall, so we can make it comfortable for you and your friend. Did I understand that you would come, too? There is no special hurry in replying, but I felt you should know that we would try to arrange for the meeting. Hastily yours, Nellie O. Gager. [Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association letterhead] December 23, 1913. Dear Mrs. Bartlett: Miss Pierson has already written you about the work which is being undertaken by the Association this winter. We are anxious that all the leagues in the state should start as soon as possible to organize the wards in their towns, and in order to give you a clear idea of just what this will mean in the way of time and work Miss Pierson or I will come to address your league at your next meeting or later if you prefer. Will you in the meantime get from the registrar's office lists of all the voters in the town? These come already arranged according to wards. Will you also let me know when you would like one of us to speak before your league? There is nothing at the present time which is more necessary or more effective than ward organization, and it is work which is neither difficult nor too demanding on one's time. Yours very sincerely, ORGANIZER Alyse Gregory [White Ribbon Banner letterhead] Scotland, Conn., April 9 1904 My Dear Miss Danielson Yours of March 3rd received. We have no Woman's Club in Scotland. I read your letter at our W.C.T.U. meeting yesterday, and we planned to hold a public meeting and secure one of your speakers for the occasion. But a message this morning has caused the plan to be postponed indefinitely. Later on we may succeed! I have been a member of the state organization for several years and our W.C.T.U. White Ribbon Banner. MRS. LISA K. FULLER, EDITOR Scotland, Conn.,..... 191 Keeps the subject prominent in many ways. When there is an opening I will write you Sincerely Yours Lisa K. Fuller We plan to read Mrs Gilman's book in our study with your explanation of her extreme views. We are very grateful to you for your many kindnesses to us. Most sincerely, Bertha L.S. Gallup "The Homestead" Moosup, Connecticut. October 31 1915. My dear Miss Danielson:- The books came safely and I am sure will prove most interesting. I have followed your suggestions and asked Miss Douglass to give to us her thought of Mill first chapter. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell June 4, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Your letter too Mrs. Hepburn has been received. At the present time Mrs. Hepburn is out of town, but on her return she will take up the matter of speaking in Putnam with you. Sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary. F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR South Hadley, Massachusetts August 17, 1915 Miss Rosemond Danielson, Putnam, Connecticut My dear Miss Danielson: As President Woolley is on the Pacific coast at the present time, I must acknowledge your letter of August sixteenth and say that your request will be referred to her upon her return in the East. She will probably write you the later part of this month or the early part of September. Very truly yours, Caroline B. (?) Registrar. CBG/ AGH Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Putnam, Conn. May 28, 1914. Mr. Dyer S. Elliott, Town Clerk, North Grosvenordale, Conn. Dear Sir:- I would like to obtain a list of the Voters in the town of Thompson. Can you send me such a list, or tell me to whom to apply for it? Very truly, Rosamond Danielson Please to apply to Marcus A. Covell Registrar of Voters, N. Grosvenordale, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson - I have left Hartford for a while. Should I be there later, I'll be very glad to do the work you mention. Very sincerely, Leila M. Eastman Lula M. Eastman Mailed in Springfield, Mass 1 - 26 - 14 COMMITTEE ON MINES AND MINING HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. MARTIN D. FOSTER, ILL., CHAIRMAN. EDWARD T. TAYLOR, COLO. COURTNEY W. HAMLIN, MO. JAMES F. BYRNES, S.C. SAMUEL M. TAYLOR, ARK. JOHN M. EVANS, MONT. PETER J. DOOLING, N.Y. JOHN J. CASEY, PA. JOSEPH HOWELL, UTAH. RICHARD. W. AUSTIN, TENN. E.E. ROBERTS, NEV. HOWARD SUTHERLAND, W. VA. JAMES WICKERHSAM, ALASKA. WASHINGTON, D.C. June 4, 1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Dear Miss Danielson: I am in receipt of your letter urging favorable consideration of House Resolution 514. Beg to say I shall take pleasure in giving this matter careful consideration when it is brought up in the House. Yours very truly, M.D. Foster Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Jan. 4, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: Your letter to Miss Pierson asking about the record of Chester May of Woodstock has been received. Mrs. W. J. Bartlett called at headquarters and reported to Miss Washburn. We have him as "doubtful" on our list but would like another report on him if possible. Sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary F. Miss R. Danielson. Putnam, Conn. Can you give me a report on the Sterling [?] ? Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 3, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Thank you for sending in the names of the new leagues and officers so promptly, The bags and regalia have been received and credited to you. Receipt enclosed. Sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Miss Rosemond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. [next page] VOTES FOR WOMEN! CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford, Connecticut In Account with Putnam Equal Franchise League Ordered by Miss Rosamond Danielson Oct. 1, 1914 Sept. 212 Newsbags 4 Regalia Postage 06 Returned Paid Oct 3, 1914 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell August 29, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Mrs. Porritt has asked me to write you and ask you whether or not you told her to send you a Fair package. She is not quite sure about it and would like to know definitely, I enclose card for reply. Very sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary. Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Conn. [next page] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 1, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: May I ask you to send me the names of the officers of the Hampton and Eastford Leagues which I understand you organized? Thanking you for this favor, I am Sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Woman's Department The National Civic Federation Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section Membership Form Enclosed please find my annual dues for the year ending January 1, 1916. $............ Life Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Annual Sustaining Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Annual Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Associate Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Special Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received Payment: Please make checks payable to Mrs. Matthew Bartlett, Treasurer, and mail to Room 6, 2A Park Street, Boston, Mass. Mrs. George R. Agassiz, Chairman Membership Committee. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. MRS. GEORGE T. RICE, Chairman MRS. HOMER B. RICHARDSON, Vice-Chairman MASSACHUSETTS MRS. BRADFORD NORMAN, Vice-Chairman RHODE ISLAND MRS. MATTHEW BARTLETT, Treasurer, BEVERLY FARMS, MASS. MRS. ELLERY SEDGWICK, Secretary, MRS. GEORGE R. AGASSIZ MISS MARY S. AMES MRS. HAROLD BROWN, RHODE ISLAND MRS. SPENCER BORDEN, JR., FALL RIVER MRS. T. JAMES BOWLKER, Pres. Women's Municipal League of Boston MRS. W. MURRAY CRANE, DALTON MRS. GEORGE CROMPTON, WORCESTER MRS. MALCOLM DONALD MISS HELENA DUDLEY MRS. WALTER N. ELDRIDGE, RHODE ISLAND MRS. L. CARTERET FENNO MRS. FRANCIS GRAY MRS. EDWIN FARNHAM GREENE MISS ALICE W. HUNT, Consumers' League of Rhode Island MISS PENDLETON KENNEDY MISS LOUISA LORING MISS IDA MASON MISS ELIZABETH S. PORTER MRS. ROBERT S. RUSSELL MRS. C. MINOT WELD MRS. BARRETT WENDELL MRS. CHANNING SIMMONS, Representative Associated Charities MRS. EVA W. WHITE MISS MARY C. WIGGIN, Sec'y Consumer's League MRS. ROBERT A. WOODS, South End House MRS. ROGER WOLCOTT MRS. WILLIAM E. MCNAMARA, Field Secretary. MISS MARY E. POWER, Executive Secretary. ADVISORY BOARD For Massachusetts RICHARD C. CABOT, M. D. MR. EDWARD T. HARTMAN, MR. LORIN F. DELAND, MR. EBEN D. JORDAN, MR. CHARLES C. FERRIS, MR. JOHN S. LAWRENCE, HON. CHARLES S. HAMLIN, MR. RICHARD OLNEY, 2D, WILLIAM C. HANSON, M. D. MR. ROBERT A. WOODS. For Rhode Island MR. WILLIAM GROSVENOR, MR. JOHN SHEPARD, JR., MR. SAMUEL POWEL, HON. GEORGE P. WETMORE. MR. WILLIAM P. SHEFFIELD WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT National Civic Federation NEW ENGLAND SECTION 2A PARK ST., BOSTON The New England Section of the Woman's Department of the National Civic Federation was formed in January, 1912, to conduct an educational campaign for civic, industrial and social advancement through co-operation with public officials, employers and employees. Its main object is to promote living and industrial standards and to improve the civic and social conditions under which the vast army of wage earners live, work and play. Its purpose is to unite with other organizations and agencies in a common effort for the common good. Its policy is to avoid politics, religion and legislation. Its chief interest - WOMEN WORKERS. The original membership of ten has grown to more than one thousand. Encouraged by this growth and convinced of the usefulness and power of an organization, national in its scope and consequences, we ask you to join in our endeavor for industrial peace and progress. The New England Section comprises: - Executive Committee. Mrs. George T. Rice, Chairman. This committee has among its members representatives of the principle organizations in the State and City, which are doing similar work, thereby eliminating duplication. Membership Committee. Mrs. George R. Agassiz, Chairman. The activity of this committee is responsible for the present large membership of representative women. More members are desired, the young with their enthusiasm and energy, and the mature with their experience and wisdom. All can help either by personal service or financial assistance. There are four classes of members, Associate, Active, Sustaining, and Life. All members, except Associate, may vote at the business meetings of the Section, and all members have the privilege of attending lectures and educational meetings, subject to such limitations as the Committee on Lectures may decide. At the present time the Committee represents 358 Associate, 549 Active, 135 Sustaining and 21 Life Members, also 51 Gifts. Sub Committee. Branch Membership. Mrs. James M. Swift, Chairman. The work of this committee is to form and to direct new branches in small towns and industrial centers of New England. Finance Committee. Mrs. Matthew Bartlett, Chairman. Ways and Means Committee. Mrs. C. Minot Weld, Chairman. Publication Committee. Mrs. Barrett Wendell, Chairman. Vacation Committee. Miss Elizabeth S. Porter, Chairman. The object of this committee is to impress upon women and girls who work steadily, that a vacation is essential to health and efficiency. To assist them, a Vacation Savings Fund with a system of stamp cards and pass books has been established. They are encouraged to make small deposits, thus securing the means for rest and recreation. Summer boarding houses are investigated, lists of which are published and furnished to depositors. 17 Stations have been opened: 2500 members have registered and over $30,000 have been deposited. Club House Committee. Mrs. L. Carteret Fenno, Chairman. Plans are being formulated by this committee to establish a convenient centre which will be a headquarters for depositing vacation savings as well as a social gathering place. Lecture Committee. Mrs. Malcolm Donald, Chairman. Four lectures have been arranged for the winter by this committee, on subjects pertinent to the work of the National Civic Federation. It is hoped that the success of these lectures will be such as to stimulate interest in and arouse enthusiasm for the work. Prison Committee. Mrs. Francis Gray, Chairman. An investigation of the Correctional and Penal Institutions of Rhode Island by invitation of His Excellency Governor Aram J. Pothier, led to the formation of this committee. Industrial Committee. Mrs. Roger Wolcott, Chairman. Worcester Branch. Mrs. Alfred L. Aiken, Chairman. Sub Committees. Building. Mrs. Edwin Farnham Greene, Chairman. Housing. Miss Alice Brayton, Chairman. Lectures in Foreign Tongues. Miss Pendleton Kennedy, Chairman. Occupational Hygiene. Mrs. T. Russell Sullivan, Chairman. The Industrial Committee is interested in occupational centres where large numbers of women are employed. While WOMEN WORKERS are the especial province of the committee, men are not overlooked. An earnest study, not only of living and working, but of economic and social conditions is being made with the following ends in view: to improve these conditions where possible, to standardize and maintain them by securing the support and good will of employees, and to convince employers that the physical improvements of industry and the protection against accident and disease are an asset to Capital as well as a benefit to labor. By encouraging a closer relation of mutual understanding between employer and employee it is hoped that confidence and peace may displace suspicion and strife. A Bureau of Information and a Registry for Nurses and Social Workers has been established for the use of employers and those interested in social and industrial economics. The recent fire at Salem, the care of refugees from the European war zone, the work of relief incident to unemployment at home and conditions abroad have presented a variety of interesting problems to the Industrial Committee and opened a new and large field - Emergency - with its challenges to the Organization's availability, and this work is being carried on under the Emergency Relief Com. Mrs. Robert A. Woods, CHairman. January 1, 1915. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT THE NATIONAL CIVIC FEDERATION WORCESTER BRANCH OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AND RHODE ISLAND SECTION. MRS. GEORGE CROMPTON Chairman MISS MARY THURSTON RICE Secretary, Chairman Lecture com. MRS. LINCOLN N. KINNICUTT Vice-Chairman MRS. GEORGE A. GASKILL Treasurer MRS. ALFRED AIKEN Chairman Industrial Com. MISS MARY F. BERNARD MRS. CHANDLER BULLOCK MRS. RANDOLPH CROMPTON MRS. LUCIUS J. KNOWLES Chairman Membership Com. MRS. ROBERT K. SHAW MRS. GEORGE A. SLOCOMS Chairman Vacation Com. MRS. CHARLES M. THAYER MISS MIRIAM F. WITHERSPOON MISS S. LOUISE WOOD During the past year the Worcester Branch has developed to such an extent that the Executive Board has decided to send out the following brief report of its work. The Vacation Savings Fund has grown steadily and has more than fulfilled all our hopes for its success. We now have six stations in five factories and one department store, the number of girls has increased from two hundred and eighty-six to four hundred and fifty and they have deposited in all nearly $3,000.00. Over one-third of these girls have drawn out their money to take vacations during the last two summers. Four meetings were held for them last year. At the January meeting in Cotillion Hall the girls told stories of their vacations and photographs that they had taken away were thrown on a screen by means of an electric apparatus. Dancing and refreshments followed. In May an evening meeting was held in G.A.R. Hall when Professor Zelotes Coombs gave an illustrated lecture on historic Concord. The evening ended with informal dancing. In June the Vacation Committee arranged a day's outing in Concord. Two special electric cars carrying the committee and one hundred and fifty-six girls left Worcester at nine o'clock one Sunday morning returning at eight in the evening. Professor Coombs met the party in Concord and visited the different places of interest with them. The girls had all been given a chance to read "Little Women" and they much enjoyed visiting Alcott House which was opened especially for their inspection. In July Mrs. Matthew Whittail gave them a rose party at her beautiful grounds on Southbridge Street. All kinds of sports were arranged, a hurdy gurdy played for dancing, and ice cream and cake were eaten in the garden. In order that the vacation girls might have a place to spend their one free afternoon a week, a tennis court was provided for them in North Worcester where a number of them played during the summer months. All of these gatherings are much enjoyed by the girls. They call themselves the "Vacation Club" and are beginning to conduct the evening meetings themselves, using a few of the principles of parliamentary law. We are confident of a future for this Vacation work and hope that it will eventually broaden into a Girls' Club which is much needed in Worcester. After hesitating for some time over the Industrial work we finally decided to try it last winter and an Industrial Committee was formed. Through their efforts the Industrial Secretary and trained investigator for Massachusetts, Mrs. McNamara, visited eleven factories in Worcester as well as the Boys' and Girls' Trade Schools. Several of these establishments asked her to return for a second visit in order to discuss problems concerning the welfare of employees. The excellent conditions found in many of the factories were spoken of in the last Industrial report for the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section. The Lecture Committee, which was organized in November 1913, arranged four meetings for the Worcester Branch during the last year. At the Annual Meeting in December, Mrs. George T. Rice, Chairman of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section, Mrs. Roger Wolcott, Chairman of the Industrial Committee for Massachusetts, and Mrs. McNamara, the Industrial Secretary, told of the Massachusetts work. In April, Miss Wetmore, our National Chairman, spoke of the National work. Two evening Lectures for men and women were also planned by the Lecture Committee. On the evening of February 5th, John Graham Brooks [next page] of Cambridge gave a talk on "The Real Work of the National Civic Federation," and very recently Mrs. Archibald Hopkins, Chairman of the District of Columbia Section, spoke inspiringly of what has been accomplished by the women in Washington. These meetings and lectures are an important part of our work. They keep us informed of what the National Civic Federation is doing all over the country; they give us a definite policy to follow here, and best of all, they make us feel that we are a part of this splendid body of women who are bettering conditions in the East, in the West, and in the South. That the Worcester Branch has now one hundred and forty-two members, whereas a year ago it only had fifty, is due to the well-organized work of our Membership Committee which was formed last December. There are four kinds of members: Life, $100.00; Annual Sustaining Membership, $10.00; Annual Membership, $5.00' and Associate Membership, $1.00. All of the dues are sent to Boston and one half of the amount is returned to us for our Worcester work. In return for our half dues, the Massachusetts Section does considerable clerical work for us and we are allowed to use Mrs. McNamara, the Industrial Secretary and trained worker, for our Industrial work. The Massachusetts Section also sends five hundred dollars yearly to New York for the National work. Our National Chairman, Miss Wetmore, was anxious to have Massachusetts take up prison work, so that was considered by our Executive Board. As a result, we have co-operated with Mrs. Hodder of the Sherborn Prison and with Mr. Richardson of the Worcester County Jail and are doing protective work for the discharged women inmates of those institutions. We have worked in many ways to safeguard the public health. Nine hundred pamphlets have been distributed among the painters of Worcester telling them of simple precautions to take against lead poisoning, and eight hundred pamphlets have been sent to housewives telling them of the dangers to which painters are exposed and asking them to give men who are working in their houses a chance to wash their hands before eating, and if possible some place to eat besides the room in which they have been working. A Committee of our Federation has recently conducted a week's campaign against spitting in the streets and public buildings. The co-operation and help of city officials, the newspapers, and public-spirited men and women was secured, articles appeared daily in all of the papers, bills were posted and circulars sent out. When it was felt that the public had been thoroughly warned, Chief Hill ordered his men to make arrests. All who were approached about this campaign assured us that there was real danger in the uncleanly habit and a need for the work in this city. As we are a Branch of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section, and as one half of our dues is kept in Boston for the Massachusetts work, you will be interested to know that the Section did much relief work in Salem last summer, and that it also worked with Mayor Curley in taking entire charge of the refugees arriving from Europe. One hundred and sixteen persons were given whatever was necessary for their comfort and helped to reach their homes. When Mayor Curley dissolved the Relief Committee in October he spoke in the highest terms of the work that had been done so efficiently and economically and asked the women of the National Civic Federation in Boston if they would form a Committee to suggest measures to be taken for the relief of the unemployed this winter. A Committee was appointed to confer with the Mayor We have a large field in Worcester and the work is growing and reaching i all directions. We depend on our members. We need their interest and their help and we need their money, to. If you do not already belong, we appeal to you to help us by joining the Worcester Branch of the Women's Department of the National Civic Federation. Dec. 1, 1914. ALICE H. CROMPTON, Chairman. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT OF The National Civic Federation MASSACHUSETTS AND RHODE ISLAND SECTION 2A PARK ST., BOSTON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. GEORGE T. RICE, Chairman Mrs. MATTHEW BARTLETT, Treasurer, Beverly Farms, Mass. Mrs. George R. Agassiz Miss Mary S. Ames Mrs. Harold Brown, Rhode Island Mrs. Spencer Borden, Jr., Fall River Mrs. W. Murray Crane, Dalton Mrs. T. James Bowlker, President Woman's Municipal League of Boston Mrs. George Crompton, Worcester Miss Helena Dudley, Denison House Mrs. Walter N. Eldridge, Rhode Island Mrs. L. Carteret Fenno, Rowley Mrs. Edwian Farnham Greene Miss Alice W. Hunt, Consumers' League of Rhode Island MRS. HOMER B. RICHARDSON Vice-Chairman Massachusetts Section Mrs. BRADFORD NORMAN, Vice-Chairman Rhode Island Section Miss Louisa Loring Miss Ida Mason Miss Elizabeth S. Porter Mrs. Robert Russell Mrs. Channing Simmons, Representative Associated Charities Mrs. Eva W. White, Elizabeth Peabody House Miss Mary C. Wiggin, Sec'y Consumers' League Mrs. Robert A. Woods, South End House Mrs. Roger Wolcott Mrs. William E. McNamara, Executive Secretary Miss Mary E. Power, Corresponding Secretary FINANCIAL STATEMENT RECEIPTS Cash on hand January 1, 1913 $148.62 Subscriptions 2,901.00 Life members 900.00 Special donations 1,930.00 Interest on bond 40.00 Interest on bank account 36.47 ________ $5,956.09 EXPENSES Annual dues, Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section $560.00 Dues to Worcester 122.50 Industrial Committee 417.19 Vacation Committee 635.78 Lecture 25.00 Office rent 300.00 Telephone, typewriter, lighting 139.48 Stationery and printing 263.35 Postage 150.00 Petty cash (office) 145.00 Fees and subscriptions 12.50 Salaries: Executive Secretary 1,200.00 Corresponding Secretary 1,000,00 Travelling 19.10 Miscellaneous 22.54 __________ $5,012.44 Cash on hand January 1, 1914 943.65 __________ $5,956,09 This certifies that I have examined and audited the cash books of the period from January 1, 1913, to January 1, 1914, and have seen that the accounts are correct and properly vouched for. I have also verified the amount of cash on deposit in the Old Colony Trust Company and found it correct. (Signed) ANNIE R. BLANCHARD, Auditor. BOSTON, March 21, 1914. ANNUAL MEETING REPORT I wish to say a foreword of thanks and appreciation to all who have been kind enough to join the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section of the Woman's Department, which to-day numbers 860, after two years' work. It is the encouragement that has been derived from the willingness of these people to join us that has made those of us who have the work at heart feel that we could and must go on. During the last year I feel that the Section has won its right to an existence and demonstrated its possibilities. When the National Woman's Department was first organized, it was said that it was formed in order to interest women of leisure and relatives of employers in the great industrial problems of the day. I have found in my work here in the State of Massachusetts that we can not and do not wish to limit our membership to this type of woman, because there is a very general seeking for knowledge of our industrial conditions on the part of all women throughout the State. Also the day has gone by when one group of women can work alone. We must have the co-operation of all before we can go very far. I think the frank criticism which we have had, and the splendid advice which has been given us by others who have been in the field longer than we have, have been of untold value to us. One of the greatest of our assets, I believe, lies in the fact that we can bring about better conditions--and have done so-- without legislation. I feel that the number of bills this year to go before the Legislature (which at the count in December numbered 2,500) makes it plain that there is enough of that work being done, so that if we are able to solve difficulties, improve conditions, and give help to either employer or employee, without resorting to this means, we are justified in doing so. This does not mean that we are not interested in legislation, for I personally have, during the past two years, passed many hours listening to various hearings, in order to keep posted, and in that way report to my Executive Board and our professional worker what is going on in the State which has a bearing on our work. It was also said in the beginning that this organization would not touch on wages. That also, I believe, was and is a good point, in so far as it can be carried out, but of course we did not work very long before we found out that we should have to at least discuss the wage question, and have a thorough knowledge in regard to it. Mrs. McNamara, who does our professional visiting, has been over 260 establishments. My own personal visits have been many, bur unrecorded. I feel that it is absolutely essential, so long as I am chairman of this organization, that I should know as much regarding the labor conditions as any professional worker. This, of course, sounds like a very big contract, and I do not mean to say that I have lived up to it. The greatest cordiality has been extended to us by the employers--out of all the factories we have approached we have had only one refusal, and that was in a textile mill some time ago. There is an untold amount to do. There is much that is left undone. I believe that the great questions can only be solved and remedied through education and co-operation, and I believe sincerely that this is being brought about. In fact, I feel almost sure of this, because we are asked continually to join with others in the great movements of the day; for all must stand on common ground before there can be mutual understanding. We have tried, in our small way, to stem the tide of too radical thinking in regard to some of the industrial questions, which, in my experience, I have found are sometimes exaggerated and misquoted. Bad there is; good there is also. This good must be dwelt on to a great extent to-day. People are losing their sense of proportion. We must do away with our petty prejudices against either employers or employees, and be fair-minded in our general grasp of the situation. There are in our office files covering the investigations which have been made. We have been criticised for not giving out our information, but have been unable to do this. The ethics of the work forbit it, and certain etiquette must be observed in this work as in every other line. We have given our word to the heads of all establishments visited that our observations were confidential, and, though I feel sure that they would grant us permission to speak were we to ask it of them, we are not willing to do so. At the close of our investigations, a sheet of recommendations is left by the investigator with the explanation that after three months a duplicate sheet will be sent, with the request that any improvement made shall be noted under each recommendation. INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE Under this committee, Mrs. Roger Wolcott, Chairman, sub-committees on Building, Housing, and Occupational Hygiene have been formed. Since the last Annual Report more than 100 interviews have been obtained with officials, and 161 visits have been made to manufacturing and mercantile establishments in 43 cities and towns. Typewritten recommendations forwarded to the manufacturers following visits have been well received. Duplicates are to follow in three months with the request that suggestions adopted be checked off and returned, thus enabling a record of what has been done to be filed. Inspections have been undertaken of the Stations in the Boston Postal District, and have been completed at the main office, North and South Postal Stations, and Essex Street. The absence of sufficient sanitary facilities in the Boston market district remains a serious problem, and at the request of organizations and individuals activities have been resumed. PRISON COMMITTEE The Prison Committee, with Mrs. Francis Gray as chairman, is now in process of formation. This Committee, with the approval of and in conjunction with various authorities, intends to undertake the care of women for at least one year after their discharge from penal institutions, each member taking an interest in one ex-prisoner. Upon the request of the Governor of Rhode Island, visits were made to State and County institutions, including jails, House of Correction, Alms House, Prison, Reception Hospital, State Hospital for the Insane, and Industrial Schools for Boys and Girls. Reports of inspection, together with recommendations for the new buildings for which an appropriation has been made, have been submitted to the Governor. VACATION COMMITTEE The Vacation Committee, Miss Elizabeth S. Porter, Chairman, has registered in its Stamp Savings Fund over 2,000 depositors, with a total deposit, since the beginning of the work twenty-two months ago, of more than $18,000. This represents deposits in amounts of one dollar, or less, from girls in 18 stations. A list of investigated summer boarding-houses, both country and seashore, has been prepared for the past two years, and distributed, gratis, to depositors. We hope the lectures which were held here this winter under the auspices of the Lecture Committee, Mrs. Malcolm Donald, Chairman, have brought to many people a clearer understanding of the scope of our work, and we expect to continue these next winter, with a longer course and the best speakers we can possibly secure. This organization works in a very quiet way. We do not advertise, and we do not publish our achievements. It is enough for us that good has been brought about through our efforts. I wish also to say a word of thanks to the Women's Clubs which have invited me to speak before their members, as well as to many other clubs and organizations with whom pleasant relations have been established. These have, of course, been great opportunities to place our work before the women of the State. This report, of course, is merely a sketch of the work. It would he asking too much of our members to keep them for any fuller details. MARGARET PERKINS RICE, Chairman. April 1, 1914. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Hartford August 7, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I wish to thank you in the name of Mrs. Bennett for your payment of $20.00 on Convention Pledge. I herewith enclose Mrs. Bennett's receipt. Very sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary. F. Miss Rosamond P. Danielson, Putnam , Conn. Dear Miss Danielson: I am writing to ask co-operation in increasing the membership of the Woman's Department of the National Civic Federation. At the New York Meeting of the National Civic Federation early in December it was voted to change the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Section to the New England Section, and with this change comes the necessity of gaining members at large in these states. Will you help us to accomplish our end by joining the Federation and by sending me names of women in your city whom you think would be interested in the work of the Woman's Department of the National Civic Federation? I enclose our annual report, three folders (one of which gives a short account of the formation and growth of the federation) and a report of the Worcester Committee. This last report gives a very excellent idea of the committees we hope to establish throughout the towns of the New England States when enough interest has been aroused. If you will speak of the work to your friends and ask them also to send in lists it will help very much to create a local interest, and when the right time comes to organize locally we can send someone to speak at any meetings which are planned. I hope to be in Pomfret at the Beu Grosvenor Inn soon after the first of April, and if you will let me come over to see you someday in regard to this work I should be very much obliged. I am also writing to Mrs. Bartlett, and possibly we might meet together if you think there is any chance for the work of the National Civic Federation in Putnam. Sincerely yours Pauline Shaw [Fermo?] C.S. Mrs L. Carteret Fermo [Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association letterhead] August 13th, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson Putnam Heights My dear Miss Danielson: Thank you very much for letting me know about the Granges which Mrs. Bartlett has taken care of in Windham County. I am very glad to hear about the Killingly Grange. Thank you for your good wishes about my vacation. I expect to have quite an interesting time as I go to New Jersey to be with Miss Pierson in the Campaign. Very sincerely yours, C.W. Flanagan OFFICE SECRETARY Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell July 26, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I wish to acknowledge with thanks check for one subscription to the Woman's Journal. Sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary. F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell August 7, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I wonder if you could let me know sometime this week just how many Granges and at which ones Mrs. Bartlett has spoken. I have written to Mrs. Bartlett asking her to let me know, but I presume she is keeping so busy that it has slipped her mind. I start on my vacation next Saturday and would like very much to have some record on Windham County in before that time. Thanking you, I am Very sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary. F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell September 15, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: Mrs. Hepburn has asked me to write to you stating that she will be very much pleased to take the two meetings which Mrs. Robinson has arranged for, and will probably come by train. Very sincerely yours, C.M. Flanagan Office Secretary. F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. [next page] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 53-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1909-1910) 104 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell September 27, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: The enclosed post card was received at Headquarters a few days ago, and I thought you might wish to invite Miss Douglas to your Moosup meeting so am forwarding it to you. We sent the literature as requested. Very sincerely yours, C M Flanagan Office Secretary F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY MOOSUP SEP 15 6PM 1915 CONN. U.S.POSTAL CARD 1 1 ONE CENT MCKINLEY Woman's Suffrage Headquarters Hartford Connecticut I should appreciate any literature you care to send me on [the] suffrage. Yours truly Miss Blanche Douglas Address Moosup, Conn. Residence: Sterling, Conn. Write Miss Danielson about this Lent. [*Sent ECB*] HARTFORD THEATRE PICTURES AND VAUDEVILLE Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. May 25th 1914 Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Conn. Pardon me for not answering your communication ere this There has been an unexpected demand for The Suffragette Reel on The Poli Circuit and I have been unable to decide on dates I have been able however to secure the reel for you for Friday May 29th if you wish it Price $ $5.00 for the day. Sincerely Fred P. Dean Please confirm WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARADE AT HARTFORD, CONN. Saturday, May 2, 1914, 3 P.M. ORGANIZED BY THE Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 [photograph] Connecticut Delegation in New York Parade, May 3rd, 1913 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 ParkPlace Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. George H. Day Chairman of Enrollments 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell April 11, 1914 Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson, In arranging the position of each car in the Parade, it is necessary to know whether the car is a touring car or limousine, also how many it will hold. We are planning to charge for seats in them hoping by so doing to offer an incentive to people to march, also to raise a little toward the expense of the day. Will you kindly send me the desired information on the enclosed postal, and later I will notify you where the cars will be placed. It is desired that each car be decorated according to the owners taste, we only suggest that the Suffrage colors be used, purple, white and green. I have written to Mrs. Sheppard, as I had received a letter from her promising her machine. Yours sincerely, Katherine B. Day PARADE COMMITTEE Mrs. Elbert Bunnell, Barkhamsted Miss Helen Manchester Mrs. Samuel C. Shaw, Bridgeport Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Mrs. L.M. Lawson Mrs. S.T. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Julian Cramer, Clinton Mrs. Hetty W. Hall Mrs. Sturges G. Redfield Dr. Sophia Penfield, Danbury Miss Mary E. Andrews Mrs. Clara S. Barnum Mrs. C.L. Adams, Danielson Mrs. C.M. Smith Miss Grace Spaulding Mrs. Rienzi Robinson Mrs. W.E. Andrews, Derby Mrs. Frederick Martin Mrs. J.G. Mahoney Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, East Hampton Mrs. Charles Brandegee, Farmington Miss Theodate Pope Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith Miss Mary Redfield Mrs. Charles Lee Mrs. Eldridge Mrs. Mary Paller Mrs. Ernest Vaill, Goshen Mrs. Ray Wadhams Mrs. Eunice Adams Miss Winifred Kelly Mrs. E.O. Parker, Greenwich Miss M.E. Robinson Miss Elsie Tiemann Mrs. Paul Ives, Guilford Mrs. Frederick E. Spencer Miss Mary Bulkley, Hartford Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Mrs. H.F. Miller Mrs. Ella B. Kendrick Miss Frances Eliot Hickox, Litchfield Miss Adelaide Deming Miss Florence Ennis Miss Katharine Ludington, Lyme Mrs. George Wilcox, Madison Mrs. Ralph Buell Miss Sarah J. Fay, Meriden Miss Tillie Derecktor Mrs. Louis O. Krahal Miss Amelia Carrier, Middle Haddam Mrs. E. Kent Hubbard, Jr. Middletown Mrs. W.J. deMauriac Mrs. Elsie S. Johnson, Moodus Mrs. Arthur W. Chaffee Mrs. H.A. Taylor, New Britain Mrs. Buell B. Bassette Dr. Catherine B. Travis Mrs. William Francis Weed, New Canaan Mrs. Emma E. Apper Miss Lillian F. Walter Mrs. Frank S. Butterworth, New Haven Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Miss Alice J. Walker Mrs. T.S. McDermott Miss Mary A. Cullen Miss Margaret Horan Mrs. E.D. Fisk Mrs. H. C. Bunner, New London Mrs. Forrest D. Lufler Miss Ruth Bunner Mrs. George H. Wright, New Milford Mrs. J.C. Barker Miss Mary B. Weaver Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor, Norfolk Mrs. William G. Wilcox Miss Katherine Blow Miss Clara M. Hill, Norfolk Mrs. Helena H. Weed Mrs. J. Eldrid Brown, Norwich Miss Mary E. Richards Mrs. Lucius Briggs Mrs. William A. Norton Mrs. W.J. Bartlett, Putnam Miss Rosamund Danielson Mrs. E.C. Morse Mrs. Henry H. Keeler, Ridgefield Miss Mary Olcott Mrs. W. H. Allee Miss Rosina H. Emmett, Salisbury Mrs. Charles Lord, South Manchester Mrs. Emma Kenyon Mrs. William B. Kelsey, Stratford Miss Maud Hull Mrs. Leroy Lewis Miss Lillian P. Snowdon Mrs. M.M. Thrall, Torrington Mrs. G.H. McKenzie Mrs. A.G. Lamb Mrs. G.L. Porter Miss Myra Smith, Wallingford Mrs. Julius Maltby, Waterbury Miss A. Eletha Puffer Mrs. F.E. Duffy, West Hartford Miss Elizabeth F. Hubbard Mrs. Helen Hawley Mrs. Frank M. Buckland Mrs. C.M. Gallup Mrs. William J. Wood, Westport Mrs. Frank McLaury Miss Sarah L. Potter Mrs. Lawrence Mazzanovich Mrs. W.A. King, Willimantic [*Mrs Day 4-11-14*} Mrs. George H. Day 27 Marshall Street Hartford, Conn. Nov. 9th, 1913. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Putnam, I am sending you some enrollments which I think were taken at some of the Fairs, will you please have them copied and signed with your initials, that I may be sure in the futuer that you have had them, then return them to ne for filing at the Headquarters. Yours sincerely Katherine B. Day Chairman Enrollment Committee Miss [Day?] Mar. 9, 1913 WORCESTER OCT 30 2 AM 1915 MASS. THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS U.S.POSTAL CARD ONE CENT 1 JEFFERSON 1 Miss Rosamond Danielson. Putnam Heights Conn. College Division forms on Salisbury St. near the Armory, and directly behind the Teachers. Report at 6.30 P.M. to Marshall Cornelia Forbes. A considerable number are going to wear white and sit on the platform at the rally afterwards. We would be very glad to have you and your friend join them if you could. There is a place to leave outer wraps which may not be white. Cornelia Forbes. Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at