NAWSA Subject File CONN. WOMAN SUFFRAGE Assoc.- Corresp. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 24 Ford Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. William T. Hincks President 152 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President 150 E. 40th St.. New York Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Treasurer 82 Akron St Meriden MIss Mabel C. Washburn 64 Evergreen Ave Hartford Miss Frances E. Osborn Auditor Derby Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Julius Maltby Auditor 15 Hillside Ave Waterbury Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 413 Orange Street Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn Ex-President (1910-1911) 133 Hawthorn St.. Hartford Mrs. M Toscan Bennett Chairman Hartford County Chmn. Legislative Committee 14 Park Terrace Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Mrs. Frederick Johnson Chairman New London County Uncasville Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 16, 1913. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson;- It give the Executive Board of the C. W. S. A. very great pleasure to welcome you as the chairman of your county. This is especially so because this office makes you a member of the Board. The attendance and advice of women from different parts of the State is exceedingly important, as otherwise we cannot know the temper of the State. If we introduce you informally to the Convention on Tuesday afternoon next, it will not be because we expect any report, but simply that you may make your bow to the Convention an say that you esteem it an honor to become the chairman of your county. I hope to meet you personally very soon, Very faithfully yours, (Signature) Wanda. M. Hincks Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Mrs. Edward Porritt Recording Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St,. Hartford Mrs. Mary Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Auditor 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St., Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Miss Mary Bulkley Chairman Hartford County 924 Asylum Ave., Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield COunty New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell December 2, 1914 My Dear Miss Danielson; May I call your attention to our Christmas stock, of which I am giving a list and sending a few samples. We shall be very glad to fill orders and I can promise that it will be done promptly. We have in stock; Forerunner Calendars, (Mrs. Gilman) $.60 Christmas Seals (Sample Enclosed) .05 per sheet of 25. Christmas Post-cards .05 for two. Christmas ribbon. white with holly and "Votes for Women", alternately. .25 per piece. Celluloid pocket book calendars with suffrage map, .05 each. Votes for Women playing cards .25 per pack. Votes for Women pencils .05 each, .50 per doz Tea sets, (Tea-pot, sugar, creamer) 2.75 and cups and saucers, .50 each. Watch guards with C.W.S.A. slides, .50 Votes for Women pins .50 Clover-leaf pins .25 We also take subscriptions for the "Womans' Journal", the best Suffrage paper, price, $1.00 a year, published weekly. Hoping to receive your order early, I am, Very sincerely yours, Mabel C Washburn NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION 505 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Date, May 28/14 Permission to produce (Name of play) How the Vote Was Won by (Name of author) Cicely Hamilton at (Name and address of hall) Union Hall is hereby given by the National American Woman Suffrage Association to (Name of organization) Putnam E. F. League of (Address of organization) Putnam Ct in consideration of the fee of $5.00 royalty for each performance payable at this office the day after the performance at the latest. Secretary N.A.W.S.A., 505 Fifth Avenue, New York NATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. PUBLISHERS FOR THE NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION May 25, 1914 Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Conn. Dear Madam: There is a royalty of $5.00 on the play, "How the Vote Was Won". This royalty is only paid when play is presented, and is payable to us. I enclose blank form, and if you care to fill it out and return it to us we would be very glad to send you a copy of the play. Yours very truly, NATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. Lillian Macomber Business Manager. Per [?] National Child Labor Committee 105 East Twenty-Second Street, New York City Honorary Members{ Woodrow Wilson William H. Taft Theodore Roosevelt Executive Officers Felix Adler, chairman Homer Folks, Samuel McCune Lindsay, } Vice-Chairmen V. Everit Macy, Treasurer Owen R. Lovejoy, General Secretary Josephine J. Eschenbrenner, Membership Secretary Board of Trustees Felix Adler, Chairman Jane Addams Mrs. Caroline B. Alexander Francis G. Caffey Edward T. Devins Homer Folks William E. Harmon Mrs. Florence Kelley Adolph Lewisohn Samuel McCune Lindsay V. Everit Macy Charles P. Neill Isaac N. Selioman Lillian D. Wald Paul M. Warburo Stephen S. Wibe John W. Wood The tenth annual conference will be held in New Orleans, March 14th - 18th, 1914 March 2, 1914 Miss Rosamond Danielson Dear Miss Danielson:- Do you realize that there are many thousand children in the United States, many of them seven, eight and nine years old, who are working long hours at exhausting toil? The fate of these children and all the children of a nation is primarily in the hands of the women of that country. It is therefore on the help of the enlightened women that we must count for suppor in blotting out this abuse. As one openly standing for the welfare and advancement of the country through the advancement of the women and children, will you not help us in our fight to save these children? The best way to help is to enroll in our membership helping with influence and with the financial support of your membership fee. This year, we have important legislation pending in fourteen states. One of these bills, for instance, is to prevent children ten years old working eleven hours a day in Georgia cotton mills. The other work is just as pressing as in Georgia and the passage of progressive Child Labor legislation in fourteen states would mark a great advance, but one which must be fought for hard. We need the help of all interested in the little workers. We need YOUR help, which would mean much in the struggle ahead. Surely, you will not withhold that aid! Very truly yours, Josephine J. Eschenbrenner Membership Secretary Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association. 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. The next meeting of the Executive Board of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association will be held at Mrs. A. E. S. Taylor Norfolk, Conn. on Aug. 19, 1914 at 11 A.M. o'clock. Kindly fill in attached post car and mail it immediately. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, 55.57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Conn. Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St.. Hartford Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 August 31st, 1915. Dear Miss Danielson, I have been enquiring into that matter of the making of school voters, and I find that the law provides that voters shall be made only every other year. It will be September 16--or the equivalent date according to the day of the week--1916 that will be the last day for filling applications. I made very careful enquiries at the States Library and the Capitol; but they assure me that this is the law. Consequently I am not using the item in the News Bulletin. Hartford did not have nearly such good weather as we had, therefore I have you to thank for this enjoyment--and I do like good weather. Yours very sincerely Annie J. Poritt. Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 63 Tremont St, Hartford, Ct. August 23rd, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson, How much of the enclosed can you get into the local papers? I should think they might take a good deal as the thing is local. It certainly was a pity that you could not be there, for according to all accounts it was a most interesting and effective deputation. Very many thanks for the hint about school voters. I will certainly use it both in the Bulletin and in the newspapers. Yours sincerely, Annie G. Porritt Putnam Equal Franchise League Putnam. conn., Aug 2- 1915 Received of Miss Rosamond (Damilsous?) For Membership in the Putnam Equal Franchise League From May 1915 to May 1916 $ 1.00 (Kaihousil?) Brynn Secretary Treasurer Putnam Equal Franchise League Putnam, Conn., Aug 2 1915 Received of Mrs. R. P. (Damilson?) For Membership in the Putnam Equal Franchise League From May 1915 to May 1915 $1.00 (Kahousil?) Brynn Secretary Treasurer May 7th 1915 Mr. William E. Perry To Miss Rosamond Danielson Dr. Terms Billheads, No 20. Automobile for Cast 18.00 Wigs & Expressage 2.00 Box of Cold Cream .40 20.40 Paid [?] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 Hartford, Conn. April 9, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson, Miss Washburn being very busy this morning has asked me to answer your letter regarding the car. She consulted Miss Pierson and found that the lowest possible price would be $300. Very sincerely, Marguerite J. Pierson. Debate and Vote on Woman Suffrage Resolution The Capitol, Hartford Wednesday, April 7th 11:45 A.M. All suffragists are urged to be present, wearing their colors. To secure good seats in the gallery it will be necessary to be there as early as 9 A.M. Come prepared to stay through a long session. Emily Person HARTFORD. CONN. APR 2 12-PM 1915 THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 April 4, 1915 Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson I enclose a record of the attitude of every man in your County toward the resolution. We now have 113 possible votes. We need 130 votes with every man present. Work first to get your favorable men to come Wednesday without fail: 2nd to bring over your doubtful men to our side. 3rd to get your opposed men to consent to stay away. A similar letter is going to all the leagues, but you know perfectly well that only a few of them will do anything. Wherever possible work through prominent townspeople. Have them see the Representatives if possible, next best have them telephone them. If you can find no local people to work through take this action yourself. Do not let anyone think failure is sure. It is not true and if it were it would be worth every effort to make our majority as high as possible. Good Luck. Work hard. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson WINDHAM COUNTY Ashford Oscar D. Baker D. (P. O. Warrenville Weak will probably vote against may be made to stand by party platform. Alexander M. Bassett D. (P. O. Warrenville Inclined to be favorable. May be made to stand by the party platform. Brooklyn Oscar F. Atwood D. Favorable. Sure. Canterbury William J. Barker R. (P. O. S. Canterbury R D 1 Sure Edward Baker " " " Probably sure. Chaplin Clarence C. Chester R. Will undoubtedly voter against Eastford Welcome David R. Sure Hampton Charles A. Glazier Ind. (P. O. Elliott) Will probably vote against Killingly Harry E. Back R. (P. O. Danielson) Hates us, but says he will stand by his pledge to vote for us. Charles E. Ayer R. )P. O. Danielson) Supposed to be sure Plainfield Sessions L. Adams R. (P. O. Central Village Opposed Sure to vote against. Edward Hall. R. Sure to vote against Pomfret John Ash R. P. O. Pomfret Center. Sure James A. Hutchins R. (P. O. Abington) Sure Putnam Archibald MacDonald R. Was pledged but now working against. Jospeh Plessis R. Was pledged but now working against Scotland Leander O. Haskins R. (P. O. Hampton R F D Sure. Sterling Clark Congdon R. )P. O. Wolcott R D 1 Opposed. Hopeless. Thompson Fernando C. Ross D. (P. O. E. Thompson Reported sure. Edmund S. Backus R. Gone back on his pledge. Hopeless. Windham Ernest F. Chesbro R. (P. O. Willimantic Sure S. Arnold Peckham R. (P. O. Willimantic) Bitterly opposed. Woodstock Benjamin R Ritch R. Sure. Chester E. May R (.P. O. East Woodstock Probably sure. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL March 5, 1915. To the Affiliated Leagues and the Sympathizers with Suffrage in Connecticut: -- The Anti-suffragists did not present their petition at the Suffrage Hearing. This was undoubtedly because it was smaller than ours. From all sides comes the report that they are working frantically on their petition with the obvious intention of presenting it when the vote is taken and having it larger than the suffrage petition. We must at least keep even with them. There is one week, possibly more, in which to work. Send in each sheet as fast as it is filled as we may have to rush them up to the House at short notice. If there are boys or girls filling sheets at two cents a name in your town, have them continue. Sincerely yours, EP-F. Emily Pierson Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL February 22, 1915. To the Affiliated Leagues: Our Hearing has been set for the afternoons of March 3rd and 4th. One woman should be prepared to come on March 3rd to represent each town in the state when the petition is presented, and as many women as possible should come from all towns on March 4th to support our rebuttal. All should wear prominent suffrage badges and, if desired, purple and white sweat peas or violets and lilies of the valley. All must be in the lobby of the Hall of the House of Representatives by 12 noon if they wish to get a seat. I have divided the state into groups by leagues hoping that each league will send one woman from its town for the 3rd and one woman from each of the towns assigned to it where there are no leagues. Can you be responsible for one woman from your town and one from [P? ?ret]. We enclose [a few names of women who may be willing to go from these towns, and also] an addressed post-card to send us [for the list of the towns for which you can be responsible and] the names of the delegates. The idea is to have women stand up in their places when the County Chairman presents the petition from the county. The County Chairman will say, "We present a petition from every town in County." Then she will read the list of the towns with the names of the women and the number of signers from each town, ending with the grand total for her county. No woman will be conspicuous, being only one of 168 women. Let me know by return mail if possible how much we can count on from you. Everything is going splendidly. We certainly have a chance of winning. Sincerely yours, EP/F Emily Pierson Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association My dear Mrs. Danielson:_ We are sending a copy of this letter to ten women in each of the towns in your County where there is no league. Emily Pierson for [?] I am very anxious to have one letter go out from your town to every representative in the Legislature from your county. Will you do it? I enclose a list of these representatives with post office addresses. The letter should say that you beliefe in woman suffrage and that you are hoping that he will vote in favor of submitting the question to the voters. The envelope should be addressed to the Hon. -----, --------. This should be attended to right away as the hearing before the Committee in the Legislature at Hartford is set for the 3rd and 4th of March and the vote will come soon after. Better work hard for two weeks now than to let this drag along for another two years. If you have any neighbors or friends who will write similar letters to these men, please have them do so immediately. I will give you two duplicate lists to hand out in case you know of anyone. Sincerely yours, Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association February 20, 1915 To the Affiliated Leagues: I enclose 20 duplicate lists of Representatives in one county. Please have 20 suffragists take one list each and write letters by hand on personal stationery to each of the men. We prefer to have women who have not yet written to Representatives, at least not to these particular men. These letters should be addressed to Hon. ---------------, and should be brief, simply urging him to vote in favor of submitting the question of woman suffrage to the voters of the state. This must be done immediately as the Hearing is set for March 3rd and 4th, and the vote will come soon after. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F. If you are a member of the Grange be sure to attend the next few meetings. The question of whether or not the Connecticut State Grange shall continue to back up the action of the National Grange is endorsing equal suffrage for men and women is to be voted on soon by the women of all the local Granges in the state. It would certainly be reactionary for the Connecticut State Grange to go back on the National Grange. In the interests of fairness try to have action deferred until your Grange can have a speaker on both sides. [*Dear Miss Danielson: won't you please see what you can do about the granges in your county: Yrs. EG.*] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL January 29, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson : I am very glad that the Putnam League is hoping to be able to take care of its three days and that it is sure of the two days anyway. You have no idea how splendidly the leagues are taking care of this work. We are making a profound impression at the Capitol. I do hope you may be successful in getting some individuals or leagues from other parts of your county to come also. It impresses the men very much to have women from different towns interview them. I will come and speak before the Ladies' Organization at St. John's Hall Sunday afternoon, Feb. 21st. The time I note is four o'clock. I find that I have to reach Putnam at 10:25. I shall be leaving at 7:19. Very sincerely yours, EP/f. [*Emily Pierson*] [?F.] Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD Telephone Charter 6217 Branch Office: 30 Asylum Street Telephone Charter 8415 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt ST. Harford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 52 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Auditor 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1905-1910) Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Miss Mary Bulkley Chairman Hartford County 924 Asylum Ave. Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London county Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell January 13, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: I have just sent out the enclosed letter to the President of every league in the state. You will find also enclosed a list giving the dates and the towns which have been assigned to them. Please do all that you can to encourage the leagues in your county to co-operate fully with us in this. Very sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Jan. 12, 1915. To the Affiliated Leagues; The Legislature has now convened. The only representatives in the State who were not reported before it opened are: 1 from Colebrook, 1, Harwinton, 1 Durham, 1 Middletown, 1, Westbrook, 1, Derby, 1, Colchester, 1, Norwich, 1, Sterling: nine men out of a total of 258, a splendid result of faithful work done. The record now stands on our file: 119 pledged to vote for the referendum, 197 will not commit themselves, and 24 opposed. 8 still unreported. Not all those who have pledged are sure, by any means, and many of the non-committal ones are hopeful. We now propose to have at least five women at the Capitol every day between now and the time when the vote is taken, probably in early April, about twelve weeks from now. In order to have these women representative of the whole state I suggest the following plan: that each of the large leagues be responsible for one legislative week, occupying three days--Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: that the league doing this send up a party of four women for Tuesday, another party of four more for Wednesday and another party of four more for Thursday. These women will be taken to the Capitol by one of the organizers, or by a member of the Hartford Leagues and will each be introduced to about four different men. No one will be asked to interview a man with whom she has already talked on the subject. It will not be necessary or even desirable to argue with the Representatives. The point is simply to have at least twenty men asked every day to support the referendum. Will your league take one week? The legislative week beginning, Tuesday February 9th is not yet covered. If this will not be convenient please name several different weeks which would be possible. If some of the smaller leagues in the state can not undertake all three days we shall be glad to have them take one day or even combine with some other small league to take a day. No league in the state should fail to send one person for this interviewing. If you want an organizer to come and talk to your league about his, write or telegraph us. Please call a special meeting if necessary and let me know at the earliest possible moment what you can do. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F. Week of Jan. 19 New Britain Farmington West Hartford Week of Jan. 26 Windsor Unionville South Manchester X Stratford E F L Hartford Self Supporting Week of Feb. 2 Danbury Guilford Hartford E F L Willimantic Thomaston Bridgeport E L of Self-Supporting Women. Week of Feb. 9 Meriden E. Rights Club Middleton Stratford S.S.A. Putnam E F L Week of Feb. 16 New Haven E F League New London Redding Ridge Stafford Stamford Week of Feb. 23 Greenwich Waterbury E F League Wallingford Lyme Fairfield Meriden New Haven 1st Inc. Club Week of March 2 Norfolk Bridgeport E F League Hartford E Rights Club Salisbury New Haven P.E. Club Week of March 9 Norwalk Clinton New Haven W P U Enfield Litchfield Week of March 16 Norwich Woodbury Wilton Hebron Derby, Shelton, Ansonia Lime Rock Waterbury P.E. Club Week of March 23 New Canaan East Haddam and Moodus Torrington Hampton Cornwall Sharon Westport Week of March 30 New Milford Eastford Colebrook Hamburg Madison Canaan Danielson Goshen Riverton Week of April 6 Woodstock Washington Ridgefield Barkhampsted Griswold New Haven Equality League of S Supporting CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Branch Office: 30 Asylum Street Telephone Charter 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 56-57 Pratt ST.. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Auditor 412 Orange St.. New Haven Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 104 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 132 Park Place, Bridgeport Miss Mary Bulkley Chairman Hartford County 924 Asylum Ave.. Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell January 20, 1915. Dear Rosamond Danielson: You certainly are a wonder. You are the promptest, most business-like County chairman in the world. Miss Flanagan says you do your work better than any of the others. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 Branch Office: 30 Asylum Street TELEPHONE CHARTER 8415 December 28, 1914 To the Affiliated Leagues: The time is almost up for interviewing the legislators and there are still 80 men in 61 towns who have not been reported as interviewed. Where one of the two representatives in a town has been seen the name of the remaining man is given. Following is a list of these towns: Fairfield County One man in one town Mr. Huxford at Stamford Hartford County 21 men in 16 towns Berlin 1, Burlington 1, Canton 1, Enfield 1 --James Loughlin; Glastonbury 1 --Samuel G. McLean. Granby -- Eugene E. Goddard. Hartford 1 --William J, Galvin, Hartland 2, Manchester 2, Marlborough 1, New Britain 1 -- E. Clayton Goodwin. Newington 1, Simsbury, Suffield 2, Windsor 2, Windsor Locks 1, Litchfield County 17 men in 11 towns. Colebrook 2, Cornwall 1 -- Alvah W. Bailey. Goshen 2, Harwinton 2, Plymouth 2, Thomaston 1, New Hartford 1, Warren 1, Watertown 1, Winchester 2, Woodbury 2. Middlesex County 8 men in 6 towns Chatham 2, Cromwell 1, Durham 1, Middletown 2, Portland 1, Westbrook 1. New Haven County 12 men in 10 towns. Branford 2, Cheshire 1 -- Fred M. Peasley; Derby 1-Mr. Tracy. East Haven 1, Guilford 2, Madison 1, North Branford 1, Prospect 1, Southbury 1, Wolcott 1. New London County 4 men in 4 towns Colchester 1 -- Curtis P. Brown, Groton 1 -- Charles H. Kenyon. Norwich 1 -- Joseph H.Henderson. North Stonington 1 -- Clarence E. Palmer. Tolland County 9 men in 7 towns Andover 1, Bolton 1, Coventry 1 -- Holden A. Brown. Ellington 1, Mansfield 2, Tolland 1 -- Peter Morgenson. Willington 2. Windham County 8 men in 6 towns Hampton 1, Killingly 1 -- Charles Ayer. Plainfield 2, Scotland 1, Sterling 1, Thompson 2. Delay in this matter is more serious than it looks as we find the men less and less ready to give pledges as the day for the opening of the legislature draws near. Kindly write me immediately sending in any reports you have and letting me know for which of the above names you can be responsible. Truly yours, E/F. Emily [?] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 Branch Office: 30 Asylum Street TELEPHONE CHARTER 8415 Tolland County Andovr Horace J. Backus Rep Bolton Edward M. Howard Dem Columbia T. G. Tucker Re p Coventry Holden M. Brown Dem John H. Reynolds " Ellington William N. Pinney " Hebron Clayton A. Lord Rep. Mansfield J. L. McFarlane " M. H. Parker " Somers Charles S. Fuller " Strafford William H. Heald " John C. Wightman " Tolland Samuel Simpson Dem. Peter Morgenson Rep. Union Fred V. Horseman Rep. Milton H. Kinney " Vernon John H. Yost " Francis H. Randall " Willington Walter A. Allen " William H. Hall " Windham County Ashford Oscar D. Baker Rep. Alexander Boffett " Brooklyn Oscar F. Atwood Dem. Canterbury William J. Barker Rep. William Baker " Chaplin Clarence E. Chester " Eastford Welcome Davis F " Hampton Glazier Prog. Killingly Harry E. Back F. Rep. Charles Ayer " Plainfield S. L. Adams " William Hall " Pomfret James H. Hutchins F Prog. John Ash F Rep. Putnam Joseph Plesis " Archibald McDonald " Scotland Leander O. Haskins " Sterling Clark Congdon " Thompson Fernando C. Ross Dem. Edmund S. Backus Rep. Woodstock Chester May " Benjamin R. Ritch PVF " Windham S. A. Peckham " E. P. Chesbro " Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE: CHARTER 6217 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8415 Hartford County Avon Fred. C. Hydel Rep. Berlin Roger M. Griswold " Bloomfield George Mexcur " Bristol William F. Smithwick Dem. Joseph H. Glaston " Burlington William Hohbein Rep. Canton Frederick H. Lawtow " East Granby Owen H. Goslee " East Windsor Thomas J. Ball " Charles J. Miskill " Enfield James Loughlin " Olin S. Woodward " Farmington Edward M. Sanford " Thomas Hewes Dem. Glastonbury Arthur B. Goodrigc Rep. Samuel G. McClean Dem. Granby Herbet A. Chittenden Rep. Eugene E. Goddard " Hartford William J. Galvin Dem. William J. Meyer " "f" Hartland John L. Hitchcock Rep. Charles T. Oxborne Dem. Manchester Arthur E. Bowers Rep. William S. Hyde " Marlborough Henry Cordes Dem. New Britain Edwin P. Schultz Rep. "n"E. Clayton Goodwin Newington George Churchill Rep. Plainsville Edward T. Carter " Rocky Hill William H Lennox " Simsbury Francis F. Anders " Harry N Curtiss Dem. Southington Charles H. Clark Rep. Albert R. Welles Rep. South Windsor Olcott F. King Dem. Suffield Herbet L. Spear S R Spencer Rep. West Hartford ---R. L. Deming Rep. Wethersfield E Hart Fenn Rep. Dudley Wells, 2nd Windsor Stanton F Brown Rep Albert H. House New Haven County Ansonia Abrahan S. Aaronson Rep. M. C, Isbell " Beacon Falls George T. Clark " Bethany Tyler D. Davidson Dem. Branford Earl A. Barker Rep. S. P. Osborne " Cheshire Fred M. Peasley " Clayton E. Peck " Derby Gorman Dem. Tracy " East Haven Herbert C. Nickerson Rep. Guildford Dudley Chittenden " Jerome C. Potter " Hamden William F. Smith " John W. Sanford " Madison A. W. Marsden " Meriden A. B. Aubrey " Montague Hanmer " Middlebury Johnson W. Atwood " Milford J. D. Brown " Edward T. Clark " Naugatuck Thomas O'Loughlin Dem. Thomas P. O'Reilly " New Haven Fred. L. Stanford " E. J. Stanford " North Branford Lee F. Revere " North Haven Robert O. Eaton " Orange John Brown " Charles J. Martin " Oxford Lewis W. Church Dem. Prospect Stephen A. Tallmadge Rep. Seymour Richard Pearson " Southbury Edward L. Mitchell " Wallingford Clifford W. Leavenworth " John A. McKenzie " Waterbury Jesse Devine "f" N. R. Bronson " Wolcott ---- Thomas Hill Rep. Woodbridge ---- Cliffor I Stoddard Hartford County Windsor Locks --- Frank E Healy Rep. ---- Chairman of House Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE: CHARTER 6217 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8415 Litchfield County Barkhampsted Dwight Ranson Rep. Burton E. Hoskins " Bethelem John A. Wiltshire Dem. Bridgewater "Myron B. Disbrow " Canaan Francis S. Skiff " Colebrook Egbert A. Norton " M. J. Gilman " Cornwall Alvah W. Bailey Dem. Edward W. Bennett " Goshen Thomas W. Griswold 2d Rep. Alfred H. Wright Dem. Harwinton John J. G. Dawe Rep. Kent William E. Page "n" Dem. Litchfield W. B. Allen Rep. W. S. Rogers " Morris Henry C. Goslee Dem. New Hartford C. M. Maxfield " Frank S. Roberts Rep. New Milford John Addis Dem. Montville H. Mallett " Norfolk Benjamin Brown Rep. Charles H. Caul Dem. North Canaan John Graves "f" Rep. Plymouth Clarence B. Emmery " William B. Tuttle " Roxbury J. O. Emmerson " Salisbury James R Harrison "f" " Abram Martin "f" " Sharon George Kleber " Ralph R Woodward " Thomaston George C Horsford " Torrington John M Brooks " John M. Claxton " Warren Hartley Perkins " Washington Benjamin J Taylor Clifford C Hough Rep. Watertown Bennett C. Atwood Rep. Winchester Lyman P. Case " Woodbury Charles S. Curtis " Fairfield County Bethel John Reid Rep. Bridgeport E. Earle Garlick " James H. Kelley " Brookfield " V. Clarke Joyce Darien Charlies E. Williamson " Danbury Howard M. Taylor Dem. Martin Gorman " Easton Edgar G. Jennings [*n*] Rep. Fairfield Clitus H. King " Charles G. Lacey " Greenwich Joseph P. Crosby " E. B. Mead " Huntington Hubbell Dillon Rep. Monroe Frederick P. Sherman [*n*] " New Canaan George H. McKendry "f" Dem. New Fairfield Fred E. Knapp [*2*] Rep. Newtown William Egan Dem. Jesse A. James " Norwalk Charles F. Tristram Rep. C. C. Hegeman " Redding Samuel C. Shaw "f" " William E. Hazen " Ridgefield Joseph H. Perry "f" " James E Ryan " " Sherman W. J. Atchison [*2*] " Stamford Huxford " Ford " Stratford J. Henry Blakman " Ivan L Morehouse " Trumbull John W Treadwell " Weston Sturgess Dem. Westport Harry R. Sherwood Rep. Wilton Jackson " Litchfield County Woodbury Wallace C. Ward Rep. CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8415 MIDDLESEX COUNTY CHATHAM William F. Quigg Rep. Jacob A. Day Dem. CHESTER Daniel E. Smith Rep. CLINTON Charles A. Pelton " CROMWELL Thomas W. Beaumont " DURHAM W.J. Tucker " Diogini Arrigoni " EAST HADDAM George B. Hall " E. Everett Swan " ESSEX George B. French " HADDAM John C. Russell " William C. Marble " KILLINGSWORTH Albert E. Perkins " Frank J. Pavelka Dem. MIDDLEFIELD Ernest L. Coles Rep. MIDDLETON Samuel Russell, Jr. " Frank E. Boardman " OLD SAYBROOK Edmund C. Spencer " PORTLAND Robert S. Mitchell " Dennis O'Brien Dem. SAYDROOK Howard A. Morton Rep. Edgar R. LaPlace " WESTBROOK Allen W. Jones " NEW LONDON COUNTY BOZRAH Nelson L. Start "f" Rep. COLCHESTER Curtis P. Brown " Daniel C. Williams "o" " EAST LYME Marion R. Davis "n" " FRANKLIN C.M. Lathrop o " GRISWOLD John Potter "f" Dem. GROTON Charles T. Crandall, Jr. Rep. Charles H. Kenyon " LEBANON Frederick N. Taylor "n" " James A. Thomas "f" " LEDYARD Joseph D. Austin Dem. LISBON Francis H. Johnson n Rep. LYME John S. Hall Dem. Charles W. Pierson " MONTVILLE Matthew A. Tinker "o" Rep. NEW LONDON Cyrus Brown " Frank Cronin n " NORWICH Albert J. Bailey " Joseph H. Henderson " NORTH STONINGTON Clarence E. Palmer "o" Dem. Lyle C. Gray "n" OLD LYME Joseph S. Huntington "o" Dem. PRESTON William. Mitchell "n" Rep. Eckford G Pendleton " " SALEM J. Frank Rogers "f" Rep. SPRAGUE Irene L. Buteau "o" Dem. STONINGTON Burdon A. Babcock p v f Rep. Elias F. Wilcon f " VOLUNTOWN Stanley B. Sweet "n" Dem. Stanley D. Morgan f Rep. Name Town Record Vouched for by Interviews (by whom and when held) Letters (number written) Invitations to meetings, (dates) Meeting attended, (date) Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 December 1, 1914. To the Presidents of the Affiliated Leagues; I enclose a list of the men elected to the House of Representatives this year. Those marked "f" are favorable to suffrage; those marked "p v f" have promised to be present and vote in favor of the referendum to the voters; those marked "o" are opposed; those marked "n" are non-committal or uncertain. We have no record at Hartford for any of the other representatives, --those left unmarked. Putnam has two Representatives; Joseph Plesis Republican "f" Archibald McDonald " "n" I enclose two cards for the record of these men. Call on your Representatives at once; fill in the cards and forward them to us. If a man is favorable, or if he even promises to be present and vote in favor of the referendum, this is all that needs to be filled in on the card, except the name of the person who vouches for the facts. If a man is not favorable he must be interviewed by at least five people and written to by ten or more. Hold a public meeting and invite him to attend; have him preside if possible. If a Representative is a Democrat or a Progressive remind him of the suffrage plank in his party platform. I enclose a copy of a letter sent out to all the Representatives, also three copies of the suffrage planks in the different party platforms. If any member of your league has friends or relatives in another town where a Representative is opposed or unrecorded her help with him will be valuable. We must have this information immediately or it will be worthless to us. Your league is responsible for its town. Sincerely yours, EP/F. Emily Pierson CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 PRATT ST. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Recording Secretary 412 Orange St. New Haven Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 63 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Mrs. George H. Day Chairman Enrollments 27 Marshall ST. Hartford Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell DEMOCRATIC PARTY "We recognize the widespread interest in Woman Suffage and pledge outselves to support the submission of a constitutional amendment enfranchising women to the voters of the State." PROGRESSIVE PARTY. "We pledge ourselves to work for the extension of suffrage to women." PROHIBITION PARTY. "We favor suffrage for women on the same terms as for men." SOCIALIST PARTY. "We advocate and pledge ourselves to unrestricted political rights for men and women." Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Headquarters 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 October 18th, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson, Can you set us right on the enclosed addresses? Yours sincerely, A (?) G. Porritt. Miss Miriam Church Mrs. James Church Miss Hortensa Church Mrs. E.R. Hill Hampton. Norfolk. Conn. My dear Miss Danielson. We had a fine trip down to New Haven & back in the pouring rain the next day, but we were most fortunate and had no trouble of any kind. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity of seeing all your lovely country & home, it didn't seem a bit like suffrage work we had such a good time, & the little party in New London was lots of fun. With kind regards to your family & thank you again. Very Sincerely Yours. Madge Poggi. Sunday. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Recording secretary 412 Orange St., New Haven Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-10) 106 Capen St., Hartford Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. Edward Porritt Press secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Mrs. George H. Day Chairman Enrollments 27 Marshall St., Hartford Miss Emily Pierson State organizer Cromwell October 12, 1912. My dear Miss Danielson: The program for the "Little Campaigns" is simply tentative and the whole thing except for the Hartford County Campaign is still in the air. If you have any suggestions or changes to make I shall more than welcome them. If you think it would be better not to come at all with this kind of a campaign at this time do not hesitate to say so. Sincerely yours, EP/F. Emily Pierson Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone charter 6217 October 10, 1914. To the Leagues of Connecticut: Beside interviewing the representatives all our emphasis this fall should be on securing signers to the petition. About January 1st we plan to have the petition presented to the legislature. It is to be presented by towns and whenever possible by a townswoman, through the town's representative. For this purpose each town must be kept on a separate petition sheet just so far as possible. In order to have every town visited the following plan has been proposed: A series of seven or eight "Little Campaigns" of one week each will visit those towns which have never had a campaign or where results have been very unsatisfactory. These campaigns will center around towns which already have a strong local leagues and all the help possible must be given. We shall need entertainment for the two organizers and the automobile, and three volunteers for each of the five days and evenings of the campaign. During the day the Association's automobile will go out to a town on a petition party, gathering up all the names possible. In the evening a hall meeting will be held in the town to give all doubters especially if they be representatives, a chance to hear. The "Little Campaigns" which have been suggested are as follows: Hartford County Group Week of Oct. 12. Hartland, Granby, East Granby, Canton, Simsbury, Burlington, and Avon. Waterbury and Litchfield County Group. Week of October 26. Plymouth, Wolcott, Prospect, Bethany, Oxford, Southbury. New Milford and Fairfield County Group, Week of November 2nd. Warren, Kent, Sherman, New Fairfield, Bridgewater. Fairfield County Group Week of November 9. Newton, Monroe, Trumbull, Easton, Weston. Norwich Group Part 1. Week of November 16 Preston, Griswould, Voluntown, Lisbon, Sprague. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 Norwich Group. Prt 11. Week of November 23 (omitting Thanksgiving) Franklin, Lebanon, Bozrah, Salem. New London Group Week of November 30. Groton, Stonington, North Stonington, Leyard, Waterford. In addition to these there should be some sort of a petition cam- paign in the vicinity of New Haven visiting East Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Hamden, Woodbridge and Orange This could best be undertaken theweek of November 2nd when I shall be in that vicinity doing preliminary work for the Fairfield County Group which starts November 9th, but practic- ally all of the work would have to be undertaken by local workers and cars as another campaign will be going on at that time. At present many towns which have leagues have no names on file, but of course it is assumed that every league will file a petition with us. Please do this as soon as possible. Be sure every member signs her own name and tries to fill out one sheet. In the organized towns we shall depend on the leagues for the petition work and beside these towns we have this summer's automobile campaign, at least a few signers from every town in Windham, Tolland and Middlesex Counties. The little campaigns if completed as now planned will increase the number of towns covered, but there will still remain the fol- lowing towns from which we have no signers now, nor any plan for securing any: Hartford County New Haven County East Windsor, Glastonbury, Plainville. Beacon Falls, Chesire, Seymour. Windsor, Windsor Locks. Milford, Naugatuck, Fairfield County Litchfield Bounty Brookfield, Darien. North Canaan, Winchester. New London County Colchester, East Lyme, Lyme. Montville. Not to have names from these towns will break down our plan of having a petition from every town in the state. If you can be responsible for covering any one or more of these towns beside your own, please write me immediately. It will certainly be a pity if we fail to carry through our plan. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson P.S. We are sending you several petition sheets under separate cover. VOTES FOR WOMEN ! Campaign Oct. 11 to 17, 1914 MEETINGS EAST HARTLAND, Congregational Church, 7:30 P. M., SUNDAY, OCT. 11 Chairman, Rev. T. W. Spanswich Speakers, Miss Emily Pierson, Cromwell, Miss Isabella Sanders, Chicago. WEST GRANBY, Hugins Hall, 7:30 P. M., MONDAY, OCT. 12 Chairman, Mr. F. B. Case. Speakers, Miss Alyse Gregory, Norwalk, Miss Isabella Sanders, Chicago. EAST GRANBY, Congregational Church, 7:30 P. M., TUESDAY, OCT. 13 Chairman, Rev. C. W. Hanna. Speakers, Miss Alyse Gregory, Norwalk, Miss Mary Bulkley, Hartford COLLINSVILLE, Town Hall, 8:00 P. M., TUESDAY, OCT. 13 Speakers, Miss Emily Pierson, Cromwell, Miss Isabella Sanders, Chicago UNIONVILLE, Town Hall, 8:00 P. M., TUESDAY, OCT. 13 Chairman. Rev. Louis E. Belden Speakers, Mrs. Ernest Thompson Seton, Greenwich, Mrs. T l N. Hepburn, Hartford SIMSBURY, The Casino, 8:00 P. M., TUESDAY, OCT 13 Chairman, Rev. C. P. Croft. Speakers, Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard, New Haven Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn, Hartford AVON, Town Hall, 7:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14 Speakers, Miss Alyse Gregory, Norwalk, Miss Isabella Sanders, Chicago BURLINGTON, Town Hall, 7:30 P. M., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14 Speakers, Miss Mabel C. Washburn, Hartford, Miss Emily Pierson, Cromwell. NORTH GRANBY, Library Hall, 7:30 P. M., OCT. 15 Chairman, Rev. Magee Pratt. Speakers, Mrs. Annie G. Porritt, Hartford, Miss Emily Pierson, Cromwell BRISTOL, Laurel Club, 7:30 P. M., THURSDAY, OCT. 15 (By invitation) Speaker, Miss Alyse Gregory, Norwalk GRANBY STREET, Library Hall, 7:30 P. M., FRIDAY, OCT. 16 Speakers, Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett, Hartford, Miss Isabella Sanders, Chicago TARIFFVILLE, FRIDAY, OCT. 16 COPPER HILL, Methodist Church, 7:30 P. M., SATURDAY, OCT. 17 Chairman, Rev J. W. Faust Speakers, Miss Alyse Gregory, Norwalk, Miss Isabella Sanders, Chicago You must be interested in Votes for women. We cordially invited you to come and hear the speakers who will visit your town. ADMISSION FREE 6 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Recording Secretary 412 Orange St., New Haven Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rodgers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St., Hartford Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A. E. Scranton Tayloe Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Ester S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Mrs. George H. Day Chairman Enrollments 27 Marshall St., Hartford Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell October 9, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson : I have sent out letters to your leagues asking them to interview their Representatives in regard to suffrage. Won't you undertake to interview all the candidates for the House in the towns which have no leagues ? It certainly should be done if possible before election on Nov. 3rd. I am very glad to say that I have found the Thompson and Grosvenordale petition sheets. They had gotten into the wrong file. I am sorry to have troubled you. Very sincerely yours, KP/F. Emily Pierson Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter: 5217 September 29, 1914 To the Affiliated League: It was a great inspiration to me to get back from my vacation just on the eve of our first, big, political victory, and to learn of the perfectly superb work which you had all done in interviewing and writing to the delegates to the convention. For the first time in the history of Connecticut the Democratic Party has pledged itself to support the referendum of woman suffrage to the voters. It now rests with us to secure a majority in favor of this resolution in the House. Every organization in the state must throw itself into the work between now and the elections, on November 3rd. First - Unless your nominations are already made, try to persuade a representative man in favor of suffrage to stand for nomination in both Republican and Democratic parties. Second - As soon as the nominations are made arrange for a committee of one or more from your league to interview the nominees and find out what practical help they are prepared to give us if elected to the Legislature this winter. Third - Send them literature. The following is recommended : A. Map showing the suffrage states. B. What Kind of Men Want Women to Vote. C. The Change in the Status of Women. D. The Revolution in Women's Work E. Why Equal Suffrage has been a Success. F. Measuring up Equal Suffrage G. What have Women done with the Vote. Send one of these to each candidate every few days between now and election. Fourth - Ask each member to write a personal letter to both candidates saying that she believes in woman suffrage and wishes him to stand for it if he is elected to represent her in the Legislature. Fifth - If one candidate is obdurate while the other promises to vote for our measure, use all your influence against the one opposed. Sixth - Unless unusual circumstances arise, do not oppose Democrats or Progressives as they are bound by their party platforms, but get a pledge from them just the same that they will be on hand and vote for the measure. If your League can take charge in the same way of one or more of the nearby towns where there is no league, please write me at once. There are 168 towns in the State and as we have only 58 leagues, it will be almost impossible for Miss Gregory and me to cover all of the other towns and we shall be deeply grateful for all the extra help of this kind that you can give. With best wishes for our success in the Legislature this winter, Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 September 29, 1914. To the Affiliated Leagues : It was a great inspiration to me to get back from my vacation just on the eve of our first, big, political victory, and to learn of the perfectly superb work which you had all done in interviewing and writing to the delegates to the convention. For the first time in the history of Connecticut the Democratic Party has pledged itself to support the referendum of woman suffrage to the voters. It now rests with us to secure a majority in favor of this resolution in the House. Every organization in the state must throw itself into the work between now and the elections, on November 3rd. First - Unless your nominations are already made, try to persuade a representative man in favor of suffrage to stand for nomination in both Republican and Democratic parties. Second - As soon as the nominations are made arrange for a committee of one or more from your league to interview the nominees and find out what practical help they are prepared to give us if elected to the Legislature this winter. Third - Send them literature. The following is recommended : A. Map showing the suffrage states. B. What Kind of Men Want Women to Vote. C. The Change in the Status of Women. D. The Revolution in Women's Work. E. Why Equal Suffrage has been a Success. F. Measuring up Equal Suffrage. G. What have Women done with the Vote. Send one of these to each candidate every few days between now and election. Fourth - Ask each member to write a personal letter to both candidates saying that she believes in woman suffrage and wishes him to stand for it if he is elected to represent her in the Legislature. Fifth - If one candidate is obdurate while the other promises to vote for our measure, use all your influence against the one opposed. Sixth - Unless unusual circumstances arise, do not oppose Democrats of Progressives as they are bound by their party platforms, but get a pledge from them just the same that they will be on hand and vote for the measure. If your League can take charge in the same way of one or more of the nearby towns where there is no league, please write me at once. There are 168 towns in the State and as we have only 58 leagues, it will be almost impossible for Miss Gregory and me to cover all of the other towns and we shall be deeply grateful for all the extra help of this kind that you can give. With best wishes for our success in the Legislature this winter, Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL October 1, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson : The names signed to the petition in Thompson seems to be missing. I am under the impression that you took them home. That was the first meeting of the campaign and Miss Rankin who had charge of that work during the entire campaign states that she did not receive them. Should you have them won't you please send them to me immediately as we are working to get the petition into shape? Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Futnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-557 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 108 Oapen St., Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scanton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell 63 Tremont St, Hartford August 20th My dear Miss Danielson, Immediately on reaching home I began an investigation of the reason why you are not receiving the News Bulletin. The reason seems to be simply because the Putnam list has vanished entirely. I cannot tell what happened to it,nor when it was last in service. I have traced it through several hands but do not now who is responsible for its loss. I am sending this week to all the names that the girls here can remember. Will you please let me have the list again. I will take care that it is kept safely next time. I am very sorry to give you this extra trouble. Yours sincerely, Annie [?]. Porritt GREENWICH EQUAL FRANCHISE LEAGUE GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT Chairman Entertainment Committee Mrs. Percy D. Adams Chairman Petition Committee Mrs. Hermann Pauli Chairman Press Committee Mrs. Hermann Pauli Honorary President Miss Adelaide B. Hyde President Mrs. Ernest Thompson Seton Vice Presidents Mrs. Myron I. Borg Miss Ruutz-Rees Mrs. Maurice Wertheim Miss Mayone Lewis Treasurer Mrs. E. O. Parker Secretary Miss M. E. Robinson Auditor Mrs. E. C. Ray August 16, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson:- I have promised Miss Pierson that I will give two weeks-commencing Tuesday, August 25th.,toward organizing Suffrage Leagues in Windham County. She asked me to consult you regarding plans. I shall be in Salisbury, Conn., during this coming week and will go to Hartford on Monday, the 24th. Will it be best for me to come direct to Putnam? I have not looked up trains, but might be able to reach there Monday night. My address for next week will be-Care of Mrs. Anson S. Hopkins, Salisbury, Conn Very sincerely, Valerie H. Farber (Mrs. Edward O.) CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman, Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Aug 7th, 1914 My Dear Miss Danielson, As you know the next Exec. Board Meeting is to be held in Norfolk on the 19t.h. of August, and Mrs. Taylor has planned to make practically a Litchfield County Campaign that day, and she is anxious to have the cooperation of all the Board members Outdoor meetings are to be held at 5p.m. in five different towns within automobile distance of Norfolk, and a big hall meeting in Norfolk in the evening; Can we count on you for one of the afternoon meetings? It would be necessary for you to spend the night at Norfolk and Mrs. Taylor is providing hospitality for all the Board. Yours very sincerely, Annie G. Porritt h.h.M.M.P. CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 132 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell August 8, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Your letter of July 22nd has been chasing me around the country and has at last reached me. I enclose a check for the $ 2.00 for the balance of the Dayville hall. You were very generous to pay the extra $ 1.00. I know that you will be glad to hear that the campaign in Middlesex County is going splendidly and that we are going to cover expenses. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VIE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD. PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL August 1st, 1914. Dear Miss. Danielson, The next piece of work,now that the campaign is practically over,is the fairs. Those in Windham County are Brooklyn Sept 22-24,and South Woodstock,Sept 14-16. Can you stir up the local people to attend to these? If you want us to help you in this work just let us know,but probably you will not need any assistance from Headquarters. We are making up a fair package with decorations, leaflets for distribution and buttons etc.for sale. These packages cost $10 absolutely cost price. Mrs Hepburn and I had hard work to squeeze in what was really necessary for fair work at that price. If the buttons etc are all sold at retail prices they would clear about $5.00 leaving the cost of big Votes for Women Sign,smaller signs,12yds colored cheesecloth,3 10yd pieces of moss paper and the leaflets only $5.00 There are hat bands that can be used as regalia,and bags for literature can be borrowed from Headquarters. Yours very sincerely, Annie G. Porritt. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VIE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD. PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL June 15, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson : Thank you for your letter telling me about the rooms which the Futnam league is so generously providing for the campaign. Your arrangements I am sure will be entirely satisfactory and I am very grateful to you. I wonder if it would be too much trouble for you to do the billing for Thompson, North Grosvenordale and Woodstock. I have sent out the mailing cards, but the window cards and handbills ought to be taken out immediately. I am sending you 2000 to use in and around Putnam. There will be enough for the other three towns also and possibly for South Woodstock too. I wish I could get out there and help you with this advance advertising but it is absolutely impossible as I have the plans for the Tolland campaign too as well as my other state work. I am sending an article to the Norwich bulletin with two cuts, Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 PRATT ST. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell June 12, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Three of the girls who are coming on the campaign will arrive in Putnam on the noon train from New York. I told them to go to the Inn and wait for us there in case we did not meet them. There are a great many small things to be attended to and I doubt if we reach Putnam before the middle of the afternoon. Can you attend to these youngsters and see that they are made comfortable? Miss Kirchway and Miss Knuttner are friends. I do not think they know Miss Rankin. Thank you for the Canterbury names. Will you please send the others to Miss C.M. Flanagan at headquarters and she will see that they are addressed and sent out from here. I was going to send you cards for Putnam, but on second thought decided it was an unnecessary expenses. I will bring some with me in case there are a few people you particularly wish to notify by mail of the Putnam meeting. Sincerely yours, Emily Peirson The ministers' notices for the week went out from here. E.P. CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell June 8, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I am sending you by Adams Express Co. one hundred window cards. I have ordered three hundred for the campaign, as you can use your judgment in disposing of them. In the cards the following corrections should be made in green ink on the map: "3" instead of "4" in the date of the Danielson meeting, "3" in place of "2" in the date of the Eastford meeting. You will find these dates correctly given in the schedule at the side. The pulpit notice for the ministers will follow to-morrow. I am also sending you cuts of Miss Greggory and Mrs. Seton so you may use them in your work. You can have the cut giving the map of the campaign by Wednesday or Thursday. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett TREASURER 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfold Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell June 8, 1914. Dear Miss Danielson: I neglected to say in speaking of the meetings for the first week that of course I want the proper men to be used as star speakers at the meetings in their towns. The names I gave you are just the people from our end. If you find that Mr. Hinrichs will speak just add his name to the others. I will send you tomorrow the letters and notices for the ministers. Will you please add the names of the men you get to speak to these notices and send them along. Sincerely yours, Emily Peirson Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. EP/F CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett TREASURER 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St. Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfold Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell June 8, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: I have your letter of June 3rd and I am sorry to say that it is too late to arrange about Mrs. Sheppard's bungalow at South Woodstock. I have already taken the hall and will have to stand by my agreement. However it seems to me that it would be very wise if Mrs. Sheppard is willing to have an afternoon meeting at her bungalow. I am writing to her to that effect and thanking her very effusively for her hospitality. I am sending you today via Adams Express 100 one sheet bills which are to be used throughout the county. Put up what think a fair proportion in your town and we will ship the rest to our second boarding place after we reach Putnam. Everything is going well, we have track of a second hand Ford car in very good shape, price $375, and we probably shall take it. Our chauffeur looks at it this afternoon. The window cards are all ready, but are being held up for the Danielson Hall. I have telephoned Mrs. Robinson but she cannot let me know until Monday. False hope to get replies from Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Holt, Dr. Harris and Mr. Morse saying that I may use their name as speakers. Would it be too much trouble for you to telephone these gentlemen so that it will reach me Monday? People are so slow about answering and it is too bad not to have their names to use in case they are willing. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Miss Rosamond Danielson. Putnam, Conn. Putnam Equal Franchise League Putnam, Conn., 6-3- 1914 Received of Miss Mary L. Dougherty For Membership in the Putnam Equal Franchise League From May 22-'14 to May 22-'15 $1.00 Katherine Byrne, [Secretary] Treasurer Putnam Equal Franchise League Putnam, Conn., 6-3- 1914 Received of Miss K. F. Peckham For Membership in the Putnam Equal Franchise League From May 22-'14 to May 22-'15 $1.00 Katherine Byrne, [Secretary] Treasurer Putnam Equal Franchise League Putnam, Conn., 6-3- 1914 Received of Mrs. R. P. Danielson For Membership in the Putnam Equal Franchise League From May 22-'14 to May 22-'15 $1.00 Katherine Byrne, [Secretary] Treasurer COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS House of Representatives U.S. Official Business-Free Mrs. Rosamond Davidson Secretary, Putnam Equal Franchise League, Putnam, Connecticut. Sixty-Third Congress. Edward W. Pou, N.C., Chairman Martin Dies, Tex. Luther W. Mott, N.Y. Hubert D. Stephens, Miss. Geo. C. Scott, Iowa George McClellan, N.Y. George W. Edmonds, Pa. H. A. Metz, N.Y. Charles Hall Dillion, S. Dak. John M. Evans, Mont. Francis O. Linquist, Mich. R. P. Hill, Ill. George M. Young, N. Dak. Henry Vollmer, Iowa. John A. Peters, Me. J. R. Collie, Clerk. G. R. Pou, Assistant Clerk COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS House of Representatives U.S. Washington, D.C. June 4, 1914. Mrs. Rosamund Davidson, Secretary, Putnam Equal Franchise League, Putnam, Connecticut Dear Madam: I beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 2nd instant, relative to H. Res. 514 and assure you that same shall receive careful consideration Very respectfully, E W Pou B. EWP-B. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD. PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL June 3, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson : Thank you for your letter suggesting the names of Suffragists who may help. I am writing all of them to see if they will go down on the list as speakers. I am putting you down, of course, although if you don't want to fill the bill you don't have to. I hope you will speak some for us though as it looks well as the chairman of the county. I will send you some more signs like the one sheet poster which I sent you to-day. Can you take some out to Thompson, North Grosvenordale, and the Woodstocks? The cards with the map will not be ready until Friday. I will send them rush the minute they come in. I have received a list of the voters for Pomfret, and Hampton, but that is all so far. The ones that there is hurry about are the four towns just mentioned as they come the first week. The mailing cards go as fourth class matter and therefore must leave early. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson [?7?] Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD. PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL May 20, 1914. To the Members of the Affiliated Leagues of the C W S A: We find now that the parade is over a deficit of just about $1500. in the parade fund. There are about this number of dues-paying members of the affiliation leagues of the States Association, and if each member contributes $1.00 this deficit can be met without diverting any big contributions which may make possible a campaign in our two unorganized counties this summer. We hope that you will be one of those who sees that in order to get votes for women on the basis of the gifts must be large. Great numbers of people must share to their utmost the financial burden of this great democratic movement. The account in the Hartford Papers speaks for itself. The fact that anti-suffrage papers felt the political importance of this parade sufficient to devote front space and nearly two entire pages to it, is significant. Hoping to receive your $1.00 by return mail in the enclosed envelope, I am Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F. Received June 4 - CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION JOSEPHINE B. BENNETT, TREASURER 55-57 PRATT STREET HARTFORD, CONN. CONNECTICUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION, 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VIE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD. PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL June 1, 1914. My dear Miss. Danielson : I am glad that the Putnam league is going to take care of getting a speaker for the meeting there. In regard to entertainment while at Putnam of course we prefer to be together, but I know it is quite impossible for any one to take as many as six people and we should prefer to be entertained even if we did have to stay only one in a place, as it will save expense. I am having a slow time the Halls as it is almost impossible to get in touch with the different people by 'phone. I wrote them all Friday and am telephoning them as fast as I can make connections with them. Everything seems to be going well. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 PRATT ST. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell May 28, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Your letters of May 25-26 and 27th are at hand and I am delighted with the shape in which your results have come in. After dealing with amateurs it is a relief to have these arrive with professional completeness and accuracy. I am delighted to tell you that I have just had a gift of $ 500, from Miss Rosina Emmet of Salisbury for the Tolland and Windham Counties campaign. This will make it possible for us to do both counties completely. However, I am still hoping that it may be possible for the Putnam League to entertain the "Troupe" for a week--the time that we will be in that vicinity. Our present plan includes buying a car instead of renting one. We find that we can get one, a practically new Ford for $550. Even if we take it to see for $ 200. after the campaign we probably can save enough including the chauffeur, gasoline, etc. to make it pay. Of course if we could afford the thing to do would be to have the Association own this car to use at fairs, etc. It would be invaluable. However, in order to carry this through we shall have a close shave even with our $ 2500. complete. I have seen Mrs. Hepburn about changing the Executive Board to Friday, while very reluctant to do this as it is a bad precedent and absolutely against rules, she thinks the case sufficiently important to warrant it and will send out notices to that effect. We are engaging the hall for Friday, the 19th. In case we do not buy the card you might tell Mr. Bunce that we keep the car going from nine in the morning until ten or eleven at night. It makes frequent stops and sometimes rather long stops, but we should want no limitations to its use. Afternoons it would probably go to a meeting and be idle until the meeting was over. Sundays it would seldom be used, but if we wanted to use it we would want to be perfectly free to call on it as all sorts of complications arise. In other words we should want an agreement which would place the car absolutely at our services for two months. Some days, I might say, the mileage runs as low as 30 or 40 miles, but often to 90 as to 60 or 80 miles as the girls go out to distribute handbills, put up window cards, hold noon meetings and often just to show themselves, that is to show the decorated car. We out to have the names of all the votes by the beginning of the campaign. The vote for the towns around Putnam ought to come in by next Thursday or Friday if they are to receive mailing cards in time. I think I shall get the car tomorrow. Everything is going swimmingly. Will you try to get Mrs. Stoddard as a speaker for the Putnam meeting and in case you fail in that, to be responsible for somebody else? It would be splendid if you could get Max Eastman. You have never had him there, have you? We think he is splendid. Very sincerely yours, Emily Pierson c.f. Miss Rosamond Danielson. Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters : 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Miss A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell May 22, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson : I have just come home from two days in Tolland and Windham Counties. In Tolland County I have stopped to get information about towns, but in Windham County all I did was to ride through the town and try to get an idea of the relative importance of the various centers in each township and also to get some idea of the condition of the connecting roads, so as to know which towns to group together. At Brooklyn there is a young Mrs. Sydney Bard, who would I am sure help you with local arrangements. At Eastford, Mr. J. M. Tatem, Telephone Putnam 223-12 will arrange for a meeting for us at the Chapel. Tuesday or Friday evenings are preferable. Monday is possible. They have their socials Wednesday and their prayer meetings on Thursday. I was not able even to ride through the towns of Ashford, Eastford, Woodstock, Thompson or Scotland. Neither did I go through Pomfret, Putnam or Killingly, but Pomfret and Putnam I knew more or less. At Danielson I stopped and spoke with Dr. Robinson. He did not strike me as a very agreeable man, Mrs. Robinson was away, as I see by your letter you know. I am much disappointed about Mrs. Sheppard's automobile, yet it is no more than I really expected. Now in regard to leaving out some of the towns. I think we better take in every town that has two representatives and if there are two distinct centers in any of these towns we would better arrange for meetings at both. Then in the towns which have only one representative we could arrange for one meeting at the largest center. When the last possible minute comes for O. our engagements we can put double meetings for as many of the towns as possible and only cut out the meeting at the smaller center of the two, in those towns with two representatives. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters : 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Miss A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell There is a bare possibility that some money even as much as $500. may come in from Miss Rosina Emmet of Salisbury. She was trying desperately to raise some money the last I knew, but I have had no report from her as yet. I called you up this morning about 11 to tell you that Mrs. Gallup and I would not be over to lunch, but central gave the report that you were away and were not expected to back until two o'clock, so I assumed that you had forgotten your cordial invitation and did not worry any more about it. I do hope your Mother did not expect us and that it did not inconvenience her. I am glad that Windham is to be first, but assure you that it is pretty short notice to get the work done and to have a meeting at as large a center as Putnam on the 17th. However, with the league there you can undoubtedly make a success of it. You really ought to have a big speaker there that night. Mrs. Stoddard would be splendid if you could get her. Let me have the results of your survey of the County by Special delivery letter the instant you have finished. I tried again to see Mrs. King to-day, but will have to let you deal with her. It would be a good plan I think to leave the Willimantic meeting until the last. If you decide to have the Opera house the times when you can get refusals of it may make a difference. We will hold street meetings there every time we go through the city and try to work them up a bit. By the way I have a noon meeting at Sterling to-day. About 100 present, mostly men, but some women. They sat on the steps of the post-office and stood around looking like owls. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS : 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MISS A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL After seeing the country I have fully decided that a list of registered voters in each town must be procured. Won't you try to get these in each town as you go through. Where this is impossible we will try to secure these by mail, or perhaps you could do it still better, I think every one of these, with the exception of the towns of Willimantic, Putnam and Danielson, should be fully circulated and they should also receive one of the cards to the meeting. Not one per cent of the people seemed to have telephones. Oh, my, such a county ! I will tell Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Day about your Mother's kind invitation for the Board Meeting. It is very hospitable of her. I am sure it would be great fun. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. 63 Tremont St, Hartford, Conn. April 21st, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson, Just as soon as I got your letter I hastened at once to get a new cut of Miss Pierson. I am afraid that your small papers would not use a picture, unless they had the block. The block is to be forwarded at once to you. I do hope you will get in in time. Unfortunately I am to be out of town until Friday morning, and have to trust to others to get this done. Please thank your mother and Aunt for their kind and pleasant hospitality to me. I certainly should enjoy an opportunity of addressing a fuller Putnam audience. Yours very sincerely, Annie Porritt Mrs. Porritt 4-20-14 April 11, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Your letter of April 8th is at hand. Miss Webster had already told me about the engagement on Saturday afternoon, April 28th, which I shall be very glad to meet. I do not know the place but assume that I shall be able to get that information at my Abbington meeting the night before. Sincerely yours Emily Pierson EP/R Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam, Connecticut Miss Pierson 4-11-14 PORRITT, Edward, journalist ; b. at Bury. Lancashire, Eng., Dec. 8, 1860; s. Jon and Elizabeth (Longshaw) P.; ed. People's Coll., Warrington, Eng.; m. Darwen Eng., Annie Gertrude Webb, of staff of Porter Sch., Farming- ton, Conn., Sept. 3, 1891. Entered journalism on Warrington Guardian; reporter Liverpool Daily Mail, 1881; chief reporter, London Echo, 1882-4; reporter and spl. corr. Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, 1884-5; in gallery of House of Commons, London, 1886-92; London editor Manchester Examiner, 1888-92; settled at Farmington, Conn., as hist. writer and contbr. to New York Evening Post, Outlook, Independent, Boston Transcript, Yale Review, North American Review, Political Science Quarterly, Atlantic Monthly, Edinburgh Review, and corr. Times, London, Glasgow Herald, Yorkshire Post (Leeds), writing on polit. subjects and giving personal attention and investigation to industrial developments in U.S. and Can.; in 1902 visited S. Africa to investigate trade and econ. conditions after the war. Corr. with Canadian Tariff Revision Commn., 1905-6. Lecturer at Harvard, 1908-9, 1909-10, U. of Cal., summer session, 1910. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. Am. Hist. Assn. author: Englishman at Home, 1894; Break-Up of English Party System, 1895; The Unreformed House of Commons (2 vols., with Mrs. Annie G. Porritt), 1903; Sixty Years of Protection in Canada, 1846-1906, 1907. Ad- dress: 63 Tremont St. Hartford, Conn. "Who's Who in America" - 1910-1911 63 Tremont Street, Hartford, Connecticut, U. S. A. April 9th, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson, It will be very pleasant if we can go together on Wednesday and as the Board meeting is set for that day, I am hoping that will be feasible. If there should be any charge, I will take the 5.17 train in any case. I am writing on my husband's business paper so that you may have a few items about me if you wish to publish a note before the meeting. I am also sending you a block which the newspaper may like to have. If it is used, please be sure and get it back to return to me. Yours very sincerely, Annie G. Porritt Putnam Business Men's Association Putnam, Connecticut Putnam as a Railroad Centre The natural geographical advantages of Putnam make it a prominent cen- ter for public travel, and its freight facilities for giving quick delivery to both far distant and neighboring towns and cities are unsurpassed in the New England states. The New York, New Haven and Hartford company has about 700 freight stations and the management has arranged these stations into 154 groups, varying from one to 33 sta- tions each, Putnam being group No. 141 and stands alone. Out of 154 groups covering 700 stations eight have been selected as the centers and designated as transfer stations; they compromise the following: Westchester, N.Y., Providence, Middleboro, Mass., Mansfield, Mass., Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport and Putnam, and it is safe to say that the freight from the cities where these transfers are lo- cated make 24 to 48 hours quicker de- livery than freight from all the other 600 odd stations. Local freights run in and out of Putnam in four different directions which alone cover about 75 stations daily. These locals run between Bos- ton, Worcester, New London and Hartford. We load and transfer daily some 40 odd cars of freight to the following points, New London, Providence, Hartford, Willimantic, Bridgeport, Mansfield, Worcester, Woonsocket, Franklin, Fox Point, Plainfield, Bos- ton, Milford, Pomfret, Rockville, India Point, Danielson, Webster, Southbridge, Jewett City, Erie freight to Campell Hall transfer, P. R. R. to Waverly, transfer, Lehigh Valley to Jersey City, Central Railroad of New Jersey to Elizabethport transfer, and B. & M. to Worcester. Norwich loads freight on 112 groups to Putnam, loading to the other seven transfer stations, freight to the other 29 groups. Worcester, Webster and South- bridge load most of their foreign freight to Putnam, and nearly all of their local freight. Hyde Park, Fair- mount, Winslows, Milford and Frank- lin, Mass., Dayville, Danielson, Jew- ett City, and other stations to Nor- wich inclusive, load to Putnam; Willi- mantic loading larger portion of their freight to New Haven and Hartford for transfer; New London forwarding to New Haven and Providence. We load cars daily to the 23 junc- tion points with which we have con- nection with foreign roads, also to four junction points with boat lines and several cars of foreign freight daily to foreign roads. If you are lo- cated at any point outside these eight transfers on the New Haven road your shipments are necessarily sub- jected to more or less delay which is unavoidable. OFFICERS President, E. M. Wheaton Vice Presidents First, G. L. Baldwin Second, Dr. O. LaRue Third, Richard Gorman Secretary, L. O. Williams Treasurer, C.H. Brown Executive Committee E. C. Morse G. E. Shaw G. A. Hammond E. L. Kelley I. Champeau A Portion of the Putnam Freight Yard March 24, 1914 Putnam Equal Franchise Association Putnam, Conn. Dear Mesdames: We have been appointed by the Putnam Business Men's Association to arrange a Clean Up Week MAY FOURTH TO NINTH. We invite your organization to choose one representative to work with our Committee. A meeting will be held Friday April 3d at 8 P. M. in Odd Fellow's Hall. If you have no meeting before that, will not your presiding officer appoint some one to act for the present? Yours for Putnam, C. S. Andem Ulric Beausoleil C. J. Harriman Committee. Business Men's Ass 3-24-14 CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 PRATT ST. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell March 23, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: - Thank you for making arrangements for Abington on the 24th. I am reserving that date for you. I am writing Mrs. Brown, confirming the new arrangement. Sincerely yours, Emily Peirson Miss Pierson 3-24-14 CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 PRATT ST. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell 46 Elm Street, New Haven, Conn. March 12, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson:-- Your letter of March 10th has just reached us here. I have no way of getting to my file for a few days but have written Hartford to send you the list of enrollments for Willimantic. Mrs. W.A. King is the very best person in the city, a suffragist of long standing, and she told us we had practically no-one on our enrolled list who amounted to anything. She said th(?) they were good enough people, but----. If you have any affiliations there I should branch out on an entirely new line. Have a parlor meeting, and at the smartest possible house. They are all all snobs and there is no other way to get them started. Good luck. Do not worry much if the enrolled list does not get to you in time for I believe(s) Mrs. King knows what she is talking about. She said she though you could be a college league started. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Miss Pierson 3-13-14 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H.H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST. NEW HAVEN MRS. A.E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 27 MARSHALL ST.. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S.B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL 63 Tremont St, Hartford, Conn. January 27th. My dear Miss Danielson, My many thanks for your interest in the Press work and your efforts in getting the Putnam Patriot on the free list at Headquarters. I wish you would further represent to the editor--for evidently you have much more influence locally than I can possibly have--that the News sent to him each week is always arranged in paragraphs, and that if he has only small space he might print the first paragraph only, or the first and second as space permits. The weekly news bulletins are never entire articles, which would be spoiled by cutting, but are adapted to just the situation of the country papers, which may have very [?] little space or little opportunity of setting long articles. I think if you will again call his attention to this matter, we shall be able to get the news printed in your part of the country. Yours very sincerely, Annie G. Porritt Mrs Porritt 1-27-14 CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 PRATT ST. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St.. Meriden Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St.. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. George H. Day Chairman Hartfield County 27 Marshall St. Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S.B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell December 11, 1913. Dear Ms. Danielson, I am sending you under separate cover one of the Ryte-Me calendars thinking you may be glad to use one or more of them among your Christmas presents. They are very attractive and also help the cause. Dr. Shaw got them up, you know. The calendar is fifty-four cents. Please return it or the money to me just as soon as you decide. Sincerely yours, Emily Porritt EMP/S Miss Pierson 12-12-13 CONNECTICUT WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. William T. Hincks President 152 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St.. Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Treasurer 82 Akron St.. Meriden Miss Francis Osborn Auditor Derby Mrs. Julius Maltby Auditor 15 Hillside Ave. Waterbury Mrs. Elizabeth d. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St., Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St. New Haven Mrs. A.E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn Ex-President (1910-1911) 133 Hawthorn St., Hartford Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Chairman Hartford County 14 Park Terrace, Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Mrs. Frederick Johnson Chairman New London County Uncasville Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Sept. 8, 1913 Miss Danielson, Putnam Heights, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:-- I was much disappointed while in Putnam last winter not to meet you, and I am anxious, if possible, to see you in the near future on a matter of business. Would it be convenient for you to have me come out some time in the next two weeks, prefably the first or last of the week. I trust that I have not been mistakenly informed that you are much interested in Woman Suffrage. Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at