NAWSA Subject File CONN. WOMAN Suffrage Assoc.- Corresp. HARTFORD CONN. APRIL 540 PM [19?4] THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY Ms Rosamund Danielson Putnam Conn. Thank you for list of Putnam league. Daneilson has sent also - Sincerely yours Mabel C. Washbourn Cor. Sec. C.W.S.A. April 1 Contributing Editors Mary Johnston Stephen S. Wise Josephine Peabody Marks Zona Gale Florence Kelley Witter Bynner THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL and SUFFRAGE NEWS 585 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts Telephone: Back Bay 4717 Contributing Editors Ben B. Lindsey Caroline Bartlett Crane Ellis Meredith Mabel Craft Deering Eliza Calvert Hall Reginald Wright Kauffman Assistant Editor Henry Bailey Stevens Editor-in-Chief Alice Stone Blackwell Managing Editor Agnes E. Ryan September 24, 1915 Dear Miss Danielson: I am writing to you today particularly to remind you that we have extended the time to January 1 for each State to get 1000 new readers of the Journal. The plan has proved very successful. And we are all delighted to find that suffrage interest in practically every state has been greatly stimulated. State Presidents, League Presidents, Organizers, Workers in various departments commend the plan, and are eager to help increase the number of Efficient Suffragists. Speaking of the success of the plan, I wonder if you realize that from May 1 to September 14 (the dullest season of the year) we have added 6378 new paid subscribers to our list? Do you realize that these came in a few at a time and that the good showing is entirely due to the effort of individual workers? I wish I could tell every single worker how much we appreciate every single subscription! Will you help me pass the word on and will you do all in your power to have the work go on? If you believe that the Journal is valuable as an educator, as an asset in suffrage work - as I know you do - you will not need urging from me. Yours Sincerely, Agnes E Ryan AER*MH New York, May 25th, 1915. Miss Ruutz-Rees invites you to lunch with her on Tuesday, June 1st, at 1:30 P. M., at the Colony Club, Madison Avenue and 30th Street, to meet a few members of the Connecticut Suffrage Association and discuss together what shall be the stand of the State Suffrage Association and the Local Leagues concerning the organization of the Congressional Union in Connecticut. Kindly reply at once to Miss Ruutz-Rees at Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Connecticut. Danielson. Sept 20th 1915 My dear Mrs Danielson. Mr & Mrs Milner are touring & will not be at home for a week or more so that meeting must be off. Dr Sykes can go there any time by auto. He will be here & I shall regret not to have you with us . Time is getting short & I must get this done. I have talked over the phone with Mrs Cranska & she seemed pleased to have Mrs. Hepburn on Oct 1st. Friday afternoon at 3.30. You also chatted with Mrs Bard & they will be in readiness for us in the evening. I shall expect you & your brother to have tea with me. shall invite Miss Bill to tea with us. I want you to know her better. Mrs Stoddard thinks she is an uncommon woman. I know she is a dear & most lovable. The second Tuesday in Oct I am arranging for a W. C. Y. U. meeting suffrage afternoon at Mrs Bills & I want you to see what the leagues have done in Windham CO - & the state. Cordially yours, Mrs R. Robinson Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, House of Representatives United States, Washington, D. C. Sixty-Third Congress. John A. Moon, Tenn., Chairman David E. Finley, S. C. Thomas M. Bell, Ga. William E. Cox, Ind. Frank E. Wilson, N. Y. William E. Tuttle, Jr., N. J. Arthur B. Rouse, Ky. H. Robert Fowler, Ill. Fred L. Blackmon, Ala. Alfred G. Allen, Ohio. Thomas L. Reilly, Conn. E. E. Holland, Va. Samuel W. Beakes, Mich. James P. Buchanan, Tex. Samuel W. Smith, Mich. Halvor Steenerson, Minn Martin B. Madden, Ill. William H. Stafford, Wis. William W. Griest, Pa. Ambrose Kennedy, R. I. Ira C. Copley, Ill. J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Hawaii. Jo J. Ivins, Clerk. O. E. Bruce, Assistant Clerk. January 13, 1915. Dear madam: Your commication requesting me to vote for Equal Suffrage was received. It gives me pleasure to notify you that I voted "Yes" on the Mondell amendment, which was in compliance with your request. Yours respectfully, Thos L. Reilly House of Representatives U. S., Committee on Patents, Washington, D. C., Sixty-Third Congress. William A. Oldfield, Ark., Chairman. Martin A. Morrison, Ind. Frank Clark, Fla. Joshua W. Alexander, Mo. Oscar Callaway, Tex. Herman A. Metz, N. Y. Robert P. Hill, Ill. Woodson R. Oglesby, N. Y. William Kennedy, Conn. Hunter H. Moss, Jr., W. Va. Aaron S. Kreider, Pa. Francis O. Lindquist, Mich. John I. Nolan, Cal. Calvin D. Paige, Mass. Clarence E. Kay, Clerk. Jan. 11, 1915. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Dear Madam:– Your letter of Jan. 8th received. I am in favor of each of the several states determining by popular vote [wh] whether women shall be allowed to vote or not. When such a question is presented in the state of Connecticut I will cast my ballot in favor of women voting. I shall vote against the Mondell Amendment. Each state should decide for itself, separate from any national law as to whether women should be permitted to vote in said state. Sincerely yours, William Kennedy. Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, House of Representatives United States, Washington, D. C. Sixty-Third Congress. John A. Moon, Tenn., Chairman David E. Finley, S. C. Thomas M. Bell, Ga. William E. Cox, Ind. Frank E. Wilson, N. Y. William E. Tuttle, Jr., N. J. Arthur B. Rouse, Ky. H. Robert Fowler, Ill. Fred L. Blackmon, Ala. Alfred G. Allen, Ohio. Thomas L. Reilly, Conn. E. E. Holland, Va. Samuel W. Beakes, Mich. James P. Buchanan, Tex. Samuel W. Smith, Mich. Halvor Steenerson, Minn Martin B. Madden, Ill. William H. Stafford, Wis. William W. Griest, Pa. Ambrose Kennedy, R. I. Ira C. Copley, Ill. J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Hawaii. Jo J. Ivins, Clerk. O. E. Bruce, Assistant Clerk January 11, 1915. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Conn. My dear Madam: I have your letter of January 9, urging that I support the Mondell Woman Suffrage amendment, and you may be sure that your request will be given careful consideration. Yours respectfully, Thos L. Reilly House of Representatives U. S. Washington, D. C. January 11, 1915. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Connecticut. My Dear Madam; Your letter of recent date received. I have already made it known through the press that I regard women suffrage as a question for the state and not for the federal government and, of course, will vote accordingly. Very truly yours, Augustine Lonergan THIS SIDE OF THE CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY DANIELSON OCT 26 730 PM CONN. Miss Rosamond Danielson. Putnam Heights. Ct. Danielson. Oct 26, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson:– Can you come to our meeting this Thursday afternoon, Oct 29th at 3.30 at the home of Miss Kelley, at Dayville? We hope to land her at this meeting in our league. This is our first meeting at Dayville. Do come if you can. It means much. This will be my last meeting in six months in Conn. Will you give us a report of the Convention? In haste– Sincerely yours, Marinda C. Butler Robinson RHODE ISLAND WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Regular Meeting Recital Hall Butler Exchange Thursday, October 29, 3:30 P. M. LECTURE "THE DUTIES OF THE SUFFRAGISTS" By MRS. CARROLL MILLER Music, Miss May Evans, Miss E. B. Hale. The public is cordially invited. ELIZABETH UPHAM YATES, Hon. Pres. IMPORTANT-Send annual tax to Mrs. A. Porter, 596 Smith Street PROVIDENCE, R. I. OCT 27 11-30P 1914 U.S.POSTAL CARD ONE CENT THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Heights Conn. DANIELSON AUG 12 730 PM CONN. U.S.POSTAL CARD ONE CENT THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Heights Conn. Danielson. Aug 12 - 1914. My dear Miss Danielson. I am planning for a band concert on the Park for Aug 22nd or 29th whichever date will be most convenient for you & Dr Harris - I prefer the 22nd. It is not easy to do suffrage work at this time of the year, so many of our league are out of town & I have been very busy with company. Let me hear as soon as possible. I hope to be able to hold a neighborhood meeting in [?] first week in Sept. at which I shall want you. Sincerely yours - M.C.B. Robinson Dear Miss Danielson: I am to organize a league Thurs. afternoon at the home of Miss Susan Pendleton in Hebron. I know this is outside your county but I am wondering if you can not come down and help me. The meeting is set for 3 o'clock and I have to get from there to North Granby for a meeting that night. I could do the first part of the meeting all right but it would help a lot if you could be there and stay and help them finish up. It leaves such a dissatisfied feeling to leave one burry away. Sincerely, Emily Pierson Waterbury, Tues. A.M. P.S. I'd get out of the N. Granby meeting but I have to drive up. E.P. Danielson. Sept 11 - 1917 My dear Miss Danielson. Have had a talk with Mr Frinko he says, the board voted to charge all, as we have spoken for a booth, at 3 dollars for two days. Mrs Sheppard offered us the tent my board think it better to keep to our booth inside, as it is the time of year when it is apt to be stormy & cold. We also think it is better for each league to pay their own expenses. If you have the regalia & bags from the headquarters, we will take them when you are through with them. I can run up for town after your fair is over. Hope to see you at Woodstock next week & talk over other plans. It is difficult for me to write as you see. Cordially yours - Marnida C. Butler Robinson COMMITTEE District 1 BURTON L. NEWTON, Hartford 2 WALTER S. GARDE, Hartford 3 FRED J. BLISS, Hartford 4 WILLIAM C. CHENEY, South Manchester 5 CLAUDE W. STEVENS, Berlin 6 ANDREW J. SLOPER, New Britain 7 FRANK E. HEALY, Windsor Locks 8 ISAAC M. ULLMAN, New Haven 9 THEODORE H. MACDONALD, New Haven 10 FREDERICK E. WHITAKER, New Haven 11 JOHN V. RATTLESDORFER, New Haven 12 ROBERT O. EATON, North Haven 13 EDGAR J. DOOLITTLE, Meriden 14 JACOB D. WALTERS, Cheshire 15 ULYSSES G. CHURCH, Waterbury 16 MARTIN F. PERKINSON, Waterbury 17 FREDERICK L. GAYLORD, Ansonia 18 WILLIAM J. BRENNAN, New London CONNECTICUT REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN OF 1912 HEADQUARTERS, ALLYN HOUSE, HARTFORD CHAIRMAN, J. HENRY RORABACK, CANAAN SECRETARY, GEO. E. HINMAN, WILLIMANTIC ASS'T SECRETARY, A.G. NYSTROM, HARTFORD COMMITTEE District 19 TYLER CRUTTENDEN, Norwich 20 FRED J. BROWN, Lebanon 21 JOHN T. KING, Bridgeport 22 ALEXANDER L. DELANEY, Bridgeport 23 ALBERT E. LAVERY, Bridgeport 24 WILLIAM P. BAILEY, Bethel 25 ELMORE S. BANKS, Fairfield 26 ERNEST C. RUSCOE, Wilton 27 EDWARD J. TUPPER, Stamford 28 G. HARLOD GILPATRIC, Putnam 29 CHARLES A. GATES, Windham 30 MORRIS C. WEBSTER, Harwinton 31 MARVIN H. TANNER, Winchester 32 HOWARD M. GUERNSEY, Thomaston 33 WILSON S. REYNOLDS, Middletown 34 ELWYN T. CLARK, Haddam 35 WILLIAM H. HALL, South Willington Sept. 3, 1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. Dear Madam: Yours of the 11th of August with reference to a plank in the Republican platform advocating full suffrage for women, duly received. I did not answer your letter because of absence from home and also from the fact that this matter is one to be determined by our State Convention which meets in New Haven on September 9th and 10th, and will come before the Convention upon a recommendation made by a Committee on Resolutions consisting of thirty five members appointed from the different districts from the state. Unless I am requested by you not to do so, I shall present your letter to the Chairman of that Committee to be considered at its meeting in New Haven on Wednesday afternoon of next week. Very truly yours, J. H. Rorabash. Danielson Aug17 730PM CONN. THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Heights Connecticut. Danielson. Aug 17th 1914 My dear Miss Danielson:- My arrangements are all made for Saturday morning, the 22nd on the Park. If stormy postponed till 29th will have band play from 8 to 8.30 then the address by Dr Harris. I think you said you would bring him down. Please stop for me if agreeable. Cordially yours. M. C. B. Robinson. HEADQUARTERS NEW HAVEN EQUAL FRANCHISE LEAGUE 46 ELM STREET Officers MRS. HENRY WADE ROGERS President 413 Orange Street MRS. E. C. MOORE, 1st Vice President 19 Trumbull Street MRS. CHARLES S. DEFOREST, 2nd Vice President 421 Humphrey Street MISS ELIZABETH HOOKER, Corresponding Secretary 436 Orange Street MRS. CHARLES W. HOYT, Secrectary 115 Livingston Street MISS ELSIE FARNAM, Treasurer 37 Hillhouse Avenue EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD, Chairman MRS. FRANK A CORBIN MRS. G.L. HENDERSON MRS. CHAS. F. CAMP MRS. SIMON B. SHONINGER MISS ALICE WALKER MISS CHARLOTTE BALDWIN MRS. HARRY L. WELCH MRS. JOHN OWSLEY MISS HELEN PORTER MRS. LOUIS E. STODDARD MISS EMILY WHITNEY New Haven, Conn. Aug 11th 1914 Dear Miss Danielson, I am so encouraged by your kind letter, concerning funds for the campaign states and gifts of silver or gold ornaments or pieces. This last idea struck me so forcibly as nearly every woman has a few silver or gold articles - too good to be throw away, or given to careless people, [yet?] no particular use to herself. Let us send them to the "melting pot". I understand how new the work is in your county, but believe the women will respond and will want to be in this movement. I am in Buffalo for a few days but will be in New Haven by Aug 15th and hope to hear from you later as to success of your endeavor, Cordially yours. Emma Winner Rogers. P.S. I sent word in my last as to where monies, and other gifts should be sent. EWR HEADQUARTERS NEW HAVEN EQUAL FRANCHISE LEAGUE 48 ELM STREET OFFICERS MRS. HENRY WADE ROGERS, President 413 Orange Street MRS. E.C. MOORE, 1st Vice President 19 Trumbull Street MRS. CHARLES S. DE FOREST, 2nd Vice President 421 Humphrey Street MISS ELIZABETH HOOKER, Corresponding Secretary 436 Orange Street MRS. CHARLES W. HOYT, Secretary 115 Livingston Street MISS ELSIE FARNAM, Treasurer 37 Hillhouse Avenue EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD, Chairman MRS. FRANK A. CORBIN MRS. G.L. HENDRICKSON MRS. CHAS. F. CAMP MRS. SIMON B. SHONINGER MISS ALICE WALKER MISS CHARLOTTE BALDWIN MRS. HARRY L. WELCH MRS. JOHN OWSLEY MISS HELEN PORTER MRS. LOUIS E. STODDARD MISS EMILY WHITNEY New Haven, Conn. July 31 1914 Dear Miss Danielson Will you get the Windham County Leagues to give a little money and a few "jewels" to the good cause of "winning the [unit?]" for Suffrage? Do, if you can. I suggest sending copies of enclosed letter to each League president; with an urgent personal appeal to help a little in the Cause. Also you may know a few individuals outside the Leagues Help as you can and as soon as possible Cordially, Emma Winner Rogers Chm. Camp. Fund Comm. for Conn (Mrs Henry Wade Rogers) Headquarters New Haven Equal Franchise League 46 Elm Street Officers Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers, President 413 Orange Street Mrs. E. C. Moore, 1st Vice President 19 Trumbull Street Mrs. Charles S. De Forest, 2nd Vice President 421 Humphrey Street Miss Elizabeth Hooker, Corresponding Secretary 436 Orange Street Miss Charles W. Hoyt, Secretary 115 Livingston Street Miss Elsie Farnam, Treasurer 37 Hillhouse Avenue Executive Committee Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard, Chariman Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Mrs. G. L. Hendrickson Mrs. Chas. F. Camp Mrs. Simon B. Shoninger Miss Alice Walker Miss Charlotte Baldwin Mrs. Harry L. Welch Mrs. John Owsley Miss Helen Porter Mrs. Louis E. Stoddard Miss Emily Whitney New Haven, Conn. 19 Dear Miss Danielson, How much can Connecticut help in the Suffrage Campaign now on in North and South Dakota, Montana, Nevada, Nebraska, Missouri and Ohio? The National Women's Suffrage Association sends out an urgent appeal for funds to help our sister states in their struggle to win votes for women this Fall. Speakers and literature are being sent to their aid, and we are called on to make August 15, sacrifice day, in which money and valuables shall be given to the Campaign fund. Cannot each league raise from $10 to $100, and collect gold and silver ornaments and trinkets? The mint agrees to put these into the melting pot and return them as coin to the Campaign Committee. Plan quickly ways of raising money, making an appeal to each member, or calling a meeting, and soliciting gifts of money or gold and silver trinkets. Send money to State Treasurer, Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett, 55 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn., marked, "For the National Campaign Fund." Send gold and silver trinkets to National Campaign Committee, City Hall Square, Chicago Illinois. Cordially yours, Emma Winner Rogers (Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers), Chairman Campaign Committee for Connecticut. Thank you for the card - Here is our program! This tells about the meeting! Shall I tell you about the rest of it? No the reason I can't tell you about the work is work - Aug. 7. we all take the rest cures! This week we are at Beach Park by the sea that is between 12 and 5 A.M.! Really the work has been exceedingly successful. I wish we might see your kindly countenance at a meeting. It always helped. We do so need some one to be a "reel lady at our meetings! The girls send their best love. Thanking you always for your kindness to us and to me - Esther Lee. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Heights. East Putnam, Ct- Danielson. June 24/1914 My dear Miss Danielson: I have invited my league to meet Miss [P?] & her aids Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Can you not join us? It would be pleasant to have your mother & brother also. It will be very informal National American Woman Suffrage Association Branch of International Woman Suffrage Alliance and of National Council of Women President Dr. Anna Howard Shaw 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 1st Vice-President Mrs. Stanley McCormick 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Nellie N. Somerville Greenville, Miss. 3rd Vice-President Miss Katherine Bement Davis 145 East 35th Street, New York Treasurer Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers 505 Fifth Avenue, New York Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Orten H. Clark Kalamazoo, Michigan Recording Secretary Mrs. Richard Y. FitzGerald 7 Greenough Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass 1st Auditor Mrs. Walter McNab Miller Columbia, Missouri 2nd Auditor Mrs. Medill McCormick 500 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL AFFILIATED SOCIETIES College Equal Suffrage League Miss M. Carey Thomas, President Bryn Mawr, Pa. Men's League for Woman Suffrage James Lees Laidlaw, President 26 Broadway, New York NATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. President, Mrs. Cyrus W. Field 505 Fifth Avenue, New York Telephone, 4818 Murray Hill CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE Chairman, Mrs. Medill McCormick Vice-Chariman, Mrs. Antoinette Funk Headquarters, Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT Chairman, Charles T. Hallinan Press Bureau, Miss Clara Savage 505 Fifth Avenue, New York EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mrs. Charles Forster Camp NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 505 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK August 20th, 1915 THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Mrs. Rosamond Danielson Putnam Conn "Putnam Nights" So Canterbury June 2 - 15 Mrs Danielson Was very much pleased to receive your invitation + kindness of meeting me at Station for the PM. Would enjoy the meeting - I know yet will not be able to come. Thanking you for invitation Mrs G. E. Sackett [Old School and Home Week letterhead] Willimantic, Conn. June 1, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson I am very sorry but we are so busy here at present that I will be unable to attend your suffrage meeting Wishing you all sorts of good luck and success - Yours very truly Katharine J Spaulding H. C. LATHROP, TREAS., MRS. JOHN REILLY, WILLIAM P. JORDAN, M. EUGENE LINCOLN, JOSEPH BERARD, GEORGE F. TAYLOR, CHAIRMAN MRS. HERBERT H. SPAULDING, SEC'Y. MRS. ARTHUR W. GATES, CHARLES L. CRANE, NELSON A. DANIELS. FLORENCE A. GRANT. "Old School and Old Home Week" Willimantic, Connecticut, June 20-26, 1915 EVERYBODY WELCOME! Everybody who has ever lived in Willimantic or "The Windhams" --Come and bring all your family and greet your old friends. They'll all be here! Everybody who ever went to school in Willimantic or the Windhams, not only "graduates" but all former pupils of old-time "academy", or high, or grade, or parochial schools--come back to a big reunion of your old schoolmates! Yes! hundreds of them have already sent word they're coming! Something doing every day: Mass meetings, group meetings, addresses, banquets, automobile trips, games, bonfires, fireworks--" the time of your life* in every respect! BIG FEATURES. Citizens Day, Thursday, June 24th. Big civic and industrial parade, followed by address by William Howard Taft, former President of the United States. School Day, Friday, 25th, with reunions, addresses by many former pupils, banquets of school groups, etc. If you wish us to find accommodations for any day or days, let Miss Florence A. Grant, 291 Prospect Street, know just as soon as possible. All inquiries promptly answered. Everybody welcome! Are you coming? Please answer! Cordially yours, George F. Taylor, Chairman Katherine J. Spaulding, Secretary. For the General Committee WILLIMANTIC, CONN., May 22 1915. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:- Your very welcome letter of the 15th. inst. received, and am very grateful to you for your kindness in offering your mother's car for the Willimantic girls to ride in, and all the girls extend their thanks to you for your generosity. Am glad to learn you are planning for a Suffrage Conference June 12th., and I took the matter up with the girls and probably four or five will come to Putnam,as I presume there is where it will be held. If we left Willimantic at 12:15 P. M. would we reach Putnam in time for the Conference? We all have to work Saturday morning, but could make that noon express nicely. I trust some of the ladies in Putnam can see their way clear to enter the parade in cars, as the more we have the better. When we see you in Putnam we will discuss the parade more thoroughly, make arrangements for decorations, etc. I hope sometime we can have a League in Willimantic and in that way we could urge Suffrage stronger in this city. Hoping to hear from you soon again, I remain, Respectfully yours, 74 Park St. May [?.] [S?????.] S. Canterbury June 2, 1915 Miss R. Danielson; I would be very glad to attend the meeting at your house, but f[???] it is impossible for me to come. Respectfully, S. E. Speerli WILLIAMANTIC, CONN. May 12 1915 Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:- Received your very welcome letter and am more than pleased to learn you are willing to help participate in the Old Home Week Parade. It is very kind of you to take such an interest in this matter. Would say, the Parade is on Thursday, June 24th. We are having some difficulty in securing an automobile for that day, as the garage owners will not rent a car without their chauffeur driving same, and individual car owners voice the same sentiment. If you would be willing to drive your car to Williamantic and have a few of the [*Williamantic*] Suffragists ride with you, it would be greatly appreciated. That is the only way we can see where Williamantic girls would be represented. If you find it inconvenient to drive your car to Williamantic, we probably might rent a car from the garage and of course, we would have to use the garage chauffeur. We want you to come any way, whether in your automobile or not, as we have counted on you greatly for this event. In case you bring the car with you, we will stand any expense that might accrue on the trip and during the day. Trusting you will not think I am asking too much and hoping to hear from you soon again, I remain, Respectfully yours, 74 Park St. May A. Sugrue Willimantic, Conn., May 8, 1915. Miss Rose Danielson, Putnam Heights, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:- Several of the young ladies interested in Suffrage in Willimantic are planning to have an automobile float in the Old Home Week parade in June. Old Home Week beings June 21st. for one week. Am writing to know if you would be willing to come to Willimantic for the parade and ride in the automobile, as we all would be delighted to have you. Another thing, we want a lady to chauffeur the car and thought possibly if you run a car, you might be willing to help us out in that way. If any of the ladies in Putnam and vicinity interested in Suffrage would like to participate in the parade, we would greatly appreciate it. Of course, we want to decorate the car with Suffrage banners, flags, etc. Do you think we can rent those from the headquarters in Hartford? As Suffrage is not very strong in this city, it will be a great surprise to the community to witness this demonstration, so the more cars we have, the better. Trusting you will not think me presumptuous in this matter, and that I will hear from you favorably, I am, Respectfully yours, Address: #74 Park St. Willimantic, Conn. May A. Sugrue March 13, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson: This week Mr. Backus of Andover who was pledged has withdrawn his support and we feel somewhat worried about his brother of Thompson. Would it be possible for you to call on Mrs. Backus and see if she would do all in her power to hold his pledge. We are counting a great deal on the support of the wives of the Representatives in many cases. I think it would be worth while to see Mrs. Hall of Plainfield and Mrs. Glazier of Hampton, unless either is actively opposed to suffrage. Yours sincerely, S. Luabella Sanders Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. February 28, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson:- I spoke to you last night of the Vice-President of the Hampton League, Miss Gladys Hyde. Perhaps she will be able to come Wednesday. Your county stands very well at present, although there is no one from Ashford. Will you make an effort to secure a representative woman there? Mrs. Bartlett offered to help if we were all rushed and I am writing asking her to take care of Killingly and Sterling. Very sincerely yours, S. Luabella Sanders Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson: Absolutely no use. Have truly canvassed the women. I find them comfortably interested, but not able to take the trip to Hartford. So dear Lady, you go up, and win - for the country - We'll be sorry then - that we were not there to see it. I do wish that I might see a "loop-hole"; but it looks very solid - for me to go. It is a bit humiliating that things are as they seem to be - Frankly, I don't know "what I am going to do about it" - My splendid enthusiasm of last fall is so suppressed that it helps but little. But we shall win, even in Connecticut. Am ever so sorry to be such a disappointment. Cordially yours, Grace Spalding Danielson, Conn., Feb. 27th 1915. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Associaion HEADQUARTERS 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8415 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 104 CAPEN ST. HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILDFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL December 15, 1914. My dear Mrs. Bartlett: As Chairman of the Connecticut Delegation at the Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association at Nashville, Tennessee, November 12th to 19th, and with the unanimous approval of the Delegation, I pledged $300 from Connecticut for the Support of the Budget for 1914-15, of the National, which the Convention (and Connecticut as an integral part of the Convention) had voted to accept. The changes in the National Constitution, also consumated at this Convention, makes Connecticut once more an Affiliatd member, and restores the DUES to the old ten cent a member basis, compulsory to be paid on or up to 1500 members, and optional payment from that number to 5000 members. i.e. Connecticut MUST pay this year as dues to the National $150, and may pay up to $500 if it wishes a representation of as many as 50 Delegates at the next Convention. This arrangement by no means supplies enough funds for the National Treasury to meet the Budget accepted by the Convention, of about $24,000. Pledges of about $8,000 were made at the Convention, of which Connecticut's pledge of $300, not a large proportion, is a part, and is entirely separate from the dues which will be met by the Connecticut Treasury direct. As the State is already taxed to provide for its campaign and legislative work I am sending out this letter, to give all who believe in, and wish to support the work of the National Woman Suffrage Association, a chance to subscribe. Will you please send me as much as possible towards this pledge? Kindly put the money or check and pledge card in the enclosed addressed envelope at your earliest convenience, and oblige Yours fraternally, Grace G. Seton Date, ....................19....... I pledge myself to give to the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn., the sum of $................... before ............ 19............ Name ................ Address ............. Vernon Stiles Inn Hampton Oct 30th 14- Dear Miss Danielson I do not feel that it is expedient for me to keep my membership in the Putnam Equal Franchise League. Woodstock League really claims all my attention and spare time so I must reluctantly send my resignation hereby and will ask you to kindly read this note, at your next meeting. Wishing you all the success that you deserve as a hard working League I am most Faithfully Yours Janet Sheppard. Greenwich Conn June 22, 1914 Miss R Danielson, Regret not being able to speak. Tell Miss Pierson I will help later in the campaign Grace Seton My dear Miss Danielson I will not be able to come to Putnam on June 19. I am sorry as I think you are such a [?] little league you should go [?] [?] possible - but I am going to take a [?] rest [?] by [?] day celebration [?] Hoping to come to you some other time I am - Faithfully yours [?] Tuesday June 2nd. I am very tired! WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARADE AT HARTFORD, COMM., Saturday, May 2, 1914, 3 P. M. ORGANIZED BY THE Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 PARADE COMMITTEE Mrs. Elbert Bunnell, Barkhamsted Miss Helen Manchester Mrs. Samuel C. Shaw, Bridgeport Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Mrs. L. M. Lawson Mrs. S. T. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Julian Cramer, Clinton Mrs. Hetty W. Hall Mrs. Sturges G. Redfield Dr. Sophia Penfield, Danbury Miss Mary E. Andrews Mrs. Clara S. Barnum Mrs. C. L. Adams, Danielson Mrs. C. M. Smith Miss Grace Spaulding Mrs. Rienzi Robinson Mrs. W. E. Andrews, Derby Mrs. Frederick Martin Mrs. J. G. Mahoney Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, East Hampton Mrs. Charles Brandegee, Farmington Miss Theodate Pope Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith Miss Mary Redfield Mrs. Charles Lee Mrs. Eldridge Mrs. Mary Potter Mrs. Ernest Vaill, Goshen Mrs. Ray Wadhams Mrs. Eunice Adams Miss Winifred Kelly Mrs. E. O. Parker, Greenwich Miss M. E. Robinson Miss Elsie Tiemmann Mrs. Paul Ives, Guilford Mrs. Frederick E. Spencer Miss Mary Bulkley, Hartford Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Mrs. H. F. Miller Mrs. Ella B. Kendrick Miss Frances Eliot Hickox, Litchfield Miss Adelaide Deming Miss Florence Ennis Miss Katherine Ludington, Lyme Mrs. George Wilcox, Madison Mrs. Ralph Buell Miss Sarah J. Fay, Meriden Miss Tillie Derecktor Mrs. Louis O. Krahl Miss Helen D. LaMonte, Middlebury Miss Amelia Carrier, Middle Haddam Mrs. E. Kent Hubbard, Jr., Middletown Mrs. W. J. deMauriac Mrs. Elsie S. Johnson, Moodus Mrs. Arthur W. Chaffee Mrs. H. A. Taylor, New Britain Mrs. Buell B. Bassette Dr. Catherine B. Travis Mrs. William Francis Weed, New Canaan Miss Emma E. Apper Miss Lillian F. Walter Mrs. Frank S. Butterworth, New Haven Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Miss Alice J. Walker Mrs. T. S. McDermott Miss Mary A. Cullen Miss Margaret Horan Mrs. E. D. Fisk Mrs. H. C. Bunner, New London Mrs. Forrest D. Lufler Miss Ruth Bunner Mrs. George H. Wright, New Milford Mrs. J. C. Barker Miss Mary B. Weaver Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor, Norfolk Mrs. William G. Wilcox Miss Katherine Blow Miss Clara M. Hill, Norwalk Mrs. Helena H. Weed Mrs. J. Eldrid Brown, Norwich Miss Mary E. Richards Mrs. Lucius Briggs Mrs. William A. Norton Mrs. W. J. Barlett, Putnam Miss Rosamund Danielson Mrs. E. C. Morse Mrs. Henry H. Keeler, Ridgefield Miss Mary Olcott Mrs. W. H. Allee Miss Rosina H. Emmett, Salisbury Mrs. Charles Lord, South Manchester Mrs. Emma Kenyon Mrs. William B. Kelsey, Stratford Miss Maud Hull Mrs. Leroy Lewis Miss Lillian P. Snowdon Mrs. M. M. Thrall, Torrington MRs. G. H. McKenzie Mrs. A. G. Lamb Mrs. G. L. Porter Miss Myra Smith, Wallingford Mrs. Courtenay Hemenway Mrs. Julius Maltby, Waterbury Miss A. Eletha Puffer Mrs. F. E. Duffy, West Hartford Miss Elizabeth F. Hubbard Mrs. Helen Hawley Mrs. Frank M. Buckland Mrs. C. M. Gallup Mrs. William J. Wood, Westport Mrs. Frank McLaury Miss Sarah L. Potter Mrs. Lawrence Massanovich Mrs. W. A. King, Willimantic Connecticut Delegation in New York Parade, May 3rd 1913 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 35-37 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 35-37 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 35-37 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1920) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN OF ENROLLMENTS 35-37 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTRY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL May 6, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: You probably know about the deputation that is going to Washington on May 9th from all over the United States to present the resolution to Congress. I am the chairman of the deputation and shall be most disappointed if we do not have a large representation from our state. The parade bids fair to be very lovely. It is to be headed by the flower pageant, which I hear is to be one of the most beautiful ever presented in this country, then there is the trained chorus which will sing "The March of the Women" on the Capitol steps before the resolutions are presented. Do make an effort to come if you possibly can, as I am sure it will not only be worth while from our point of view, but I think it is enormously important from the point of view of the Federal amendment. The Congressional Union and Congressional Committee are co-operating to afford us hospitality, but I should know immediately if you wish to be entertained. I shall be at 512 Fifth Ave., New York City, until Thursday, May 7th, after that at "The New Willard," Washington, D. C. Very sincerely yours, Grace G. Seton My dear Miss Danielson: I thank you very much for your kind invitation to join the Conn. Suffrage demonstration on May 2. I had expected to do so, but since we are going to live in Mass. & that is now a real live campaign state, I decided I must go to Boston instead - and so attend the state convention also. I would like very much to see the [Startford?] parade but will have to be content with one. I hope it will be a great success and help wake up some of the sleepy ones. Sincerely yours Jessie C Saunders 123 [Friedad Av.?] Springfield Mass Apr 30- RHETA CHILDE DORR, EDITOR ELIZABETH C. HARRIS, BUSINESS MANAGER THE SUFFRAGIST WEEKLY PAPER OF THE CONGRESSIONAL UNION FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE Editorial and Business Offices 1416 F STREET N. W., WASHINGTON, D.C. April 23, 1914. Dear Suffragist: We are sending you under separate cover a sample copy of "The Suffragist", the weekly paper of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. We hope after reading it carefully you will decide to become a subscriber both for yourself and for your organization. We take the liberty of giving you a few facts about the paper and to point out reasons why you cannot afford to do without it. The Suffragist was established last November by the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, whose headquarters are in Washington, D. C. the center of all national political action. THE SUFFRAGIST reports in full the news week by week of the progress of Suffrage in Congress. it reports all details of the bill; it gives detailed accounts of hearings before Congressional Committees; it describes deputations to the President. All such matters disposed of in a few paragraphs in the daily press, are given a full description in the columns of "The Suffragist." Incidentally this paper keeps the women of the country informed as to Congressional action on all measures relating to the interests of women and children. Women who are accustomed to thinking of the state legislature as the body to which they must look for reform measures, etc., will be astonished at the amount of legislation undertaken by Congress, and how much of it directly involves the welfare of women and young children. What do you know about the provisions of the Federal Child Labor Law; what do you know of the progress of this measure? The Eight Hour Law for the women of the District; -what about it and how does it work? You may be considering an eight hour law in your own state. The Safety at Sea Bill; The Vocations Commission; The Children's Bureau; how are they faring at the present time in Congress? Without THE SUFFRAGIST you cannot keep informed of these national matters. The Daily press hardly alludes to them. Attached to the editorial page of the paper you will find a subscription blank. Fill it out and return it to THE SUFFRAGIST, at 1416 F St., Washington, D. C. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth C. Harris Business Manager H:C The Suffragist 4-23-14 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 15[?] PARK PLACE. BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL March 14, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: Mrs. Hepburn has asked me to send you the enclosed bill, for some leaflets which she took to Putnam. And to include the return trip ticket which she used. Yours sincerely, Mary A. Smith Office Secretary Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 15[?] PARK PLACE. BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL March 10, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: As we reported over the telephone last Saturday evening, we have in town no cut of Mrs. Hepburn that any one knows of. I have asked Mrs. Porritt and all of the others. Yours sincerely, Mary A. Smith Office Secretary Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Miss Smith 3-14'14 Miss Smith 3 - 10 - 14 HARTFORD CONN. MAR 7 9-PM 1914 Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Heights Putnam Conn. We [?] a [?] here at headquarters, [?] was Mrs. Porritt and unfortunately all the cases of that [?] [?] are gone. We will order them at once & send as soon as we get them. Yours sincerely Mary A. Smith Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell March 2, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson, As you will see, the letterhead has been corrected. The list that this was circulated from unfortunately had been overlooked but has now been corrected. Thank you for writing in about It. Yours sincerely, Mary A. Smith Office Secretary Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Danielson Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell January 12, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson: We received the partly filled petition to be placed on file for Putnam. I am sending to you the little postcards without charge, and trust that they will come in handy for some occasion. Yours sincerely, Mary A. Amint Office Secretary MIss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Danielson Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell January 3, 1913. My dear Miss Danielson: We have received the petition sheet, and have placed it on file for Putnam. I am enclosing a sample card that came in by mistake from the printers. Do you think that you would care to buy these? There are fifty and they would cost you seventy-five cents. Yours sincerely, Mary A. Aminth Office Secretary Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Miss Smith 1 - 12 -14 Miss Smith 1 - 3- 14 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 27 MARSHALL ST., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S.B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMUND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY DANIELSON MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL December 19, 1913. My dear Miss Danielson: I find that the window cards can be printed in in the purple in lots of fifty or over in different manner. Would you like them like either of the enclosed cards, or with the mention of any particular meeting on them? Very cordially, Mary A. Smith Office Secretary Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Miss Smith 12.19.13 NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Branch of International Woman Suffrage Alliance and of National Council of Women President Recording Secretary Anna Howard Shaw Susan W. FitzGerald Moylan, Pa. 7 Greenough Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1st Vice-President Treasurer Jane Addams Katherine Dexter McCormick Hull House, Chicago, Ill. 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 2nd Vice-President 1st Auditor Charlotte Anita Whitney Harriet Burton Laidlaw 2121 Webster Street, Oakland, Cal. 6 East 66th Street, New York Corresponding Secretary 2nd Auditor Mary Ware Dennett Louise De Koven Bowen 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 1430 Astor Street, Chicago, Ill. National Press Bureau, Elinor Byrns, Chairman, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York College Equal Suffrage League NATIONAL AUXILIARIES: The Equal Franchise Society M. Carey Thomas, President Friends Equal Rights Association Mrs. Howard Mansfield Bryn Mawr, Pa. Mary Bentley Thomas, President President Ednor, Maryland 535 Park Avenue, New York Telephone, 4818 Murray Hill Headquarters, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York December 18th. 1913. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:- In reply to your note of November 24th. I regret that it will be absolutely impossible for me to speak at the January meeting of your League. I have every date in January taken and have had for some time. I should have answered your letter earlier, but I have been going through the enormous pile of mail which accumulated during the Convention, and finally gave up in despair in answering the important ones first and now I am taking them just as they come, and answering them as rapidly as possible. If I hade a date free to come to you, I would do so, but in October I promised the New York State people to give them the month of January for campaign work and the State of New Jersey two weeks, and I am having the whole time filled in. I have no spare time to give anywhere in the North before the latter part of March. Perhaps another year I shall be able to come to you. Faithfully yours Anna Howard Shaw Dr Shaw 12.19.13 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST., MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DeLOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 27 MARSHALL ST., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S.B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMUND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY DANIELSON MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL December 12, 1916. Dear Miss Danielson: Enclosed are samples of our special Christmas stock. The prices are as follows: Ribbon, twenty-five cents a piece Postcards, three for five cents, Stamps, five for one cent Samples of the Ryte-Me calendars are also being sent. We have, too, some very beautiful neckties in purple, white and green at seventy-five cents each, or $8.40 per dozen. These are particularly handsome and a novelty. We should be glad to receive your order and can send it forward at once. Very cordially, Mary A. Smith Office Secretary MCW/S Miss Smith 12.13.13 NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION Branch of International Woman Suffrage Alliance and of National Council of Women President Recording Secretary Anna Howard Shaw Susan W. FitzGerald Moylan, Pa. 7 Greenough Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1st Vice-President Treasurer Jane Addams Katherine Dexter McCormick Hull House, Chicago, Ill. 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 2nd Vice-President 1st Auditor Charlotte Anita Whitney Harriet Burton Laidlaw 2121 Webster Street, Oakland, Cal. 6 East 66th Street, New York Corresponding Secretary 2nd Auditor Mary Ware Dennett Louise De Koven Bowen 505 Fifth Avenue, New York 1430 Astor Street, Chicago, Ill. National Press Bureau, Elinor Byrns, Chairman, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York College Equal Suffrage League NATIONAL AUXILIARIES: The Equal Franchise Society M. Carey Thomas, President Friends Equal Rights Association Mrs. Howard Mansfield Bryn Mawr, Pa. Mary Bentley Thomas, President President Ednor, Maryland 535 Park Avenue, New York Telephone, 4818 Murray Hill Headquarters, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York December 9th, 1913 Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson:- In reply to your letter of December 8th. I regret that it will be impossible for me to give you a date in January as all my dates are already taken and I cannot yet see when it will be possible to have any free dates. I regret very much not being able to comply with your request Faithfully yours, Anna Howard Shaw Dr Shaw Dec 10 1913 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. George H. Day Chairman Hartford County 27 Marshall St., Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Danielson Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell November 28, 1913. My dear Mrs. Danielson: Miss Washburn has asked me to send you the enclosed "Methods of Work" which gives the sale price of our leaflets and literature, as well as a list of the articles which are loaned by headquarters. The buttons we sell at $1.50 a hundred, the postcards retail at two for five cents, and the regalis or shoulder bands are loaned to the different leagues upon request. Of course the petition blanks are also sent without charge. Sometimes the French, German and Italian flyers are very effective in canvassing. Please let us know what we can do to help in any way. Very cordially, Mary A Smith Office Secretary. Mrs. Rosamond Danielson, putnam, Conn. Miss Smith 4 - 28 - 13 [Connecticut Men's League for Woman Suffrage letterhead] Miss Rosamond Danielson. My dear Miss Danielson:- The enclosed letter explains itself. Up to the present time we have representatives in the following Windham Co. town, Killingly. Kindly send us names at your earliest convenience of men you think would serve in the remaining towns [?] oblige Very truly yours, A. S. G. Taylor, Sec'y. 57 Pratt St. Hartford, Conn. 9/25/1914 Per EPC 55 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. The Men's League for Woman Suffrage asks your co-operation in a state-wide movement for the advancement of the cause in the coming campaign. To that end it is proposed to invite those who sympathize with the movement in the 168 towns of the state to form the "Committee of 168", which will assist the league locally in ascertaining the stand taken by each candidate for the legislature of 1915 on the question of equal suffrage. The candidates for previous legislatures have been written to by women in the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association, and only slight attention has been paid to these letters from non-voters. It is believed that much more weight will be given to communications from this committee of men voters, representing every town in the commonwealth. We have reason to belive that you are sympathetic with the cause. While no publicity will be given the names of those who are on the committee, it is of great importance that each town be represented. There will be no dues and no expense for the committee. The work will be done largely at the headquarters of the league. Kindly indicate on enclosed form whether you will serve on this proposed committee or not. If for any reason you find it impossible to serve, kindly give us the name of some suitable voter in your town, who, in your opinion, would be willing to accept the honor. Yours for the Cause, Secretary, Connecticut Men's League for Woman Suffrage. Marshall J. Frink, Pres. Joseph B. Stetson, Sec'y. William R. Thurber, Treas. Sixty-fifth Annual Exhibition and Fair September 22, 23, 24, 1914 WINDHAM COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Oldest Agricultural Society In the United States. Organized 1820 Mrs. A. H. Tanner, Pres. Ladies' Department Brooklyn, Conn., Sept. 7, 1914 Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Conn. Dear Miss Danielson:- At a meeting of the Fair Committee held Sept. 5th, it was voted to allow the Danielson Equal Franchise League to have a booth at the Windham Co. Fair this year at the rate of two dollars for Wednesday, Sept 23rd, and one dollar for Thursday, the 24th. One complimentary ticket will be granted for both those days. If you decide to take the booth at those terms, kindly let me know this week, and also state to whom the complimentary ticket shall be sent. Almost all the space in the buildings is taken, so we need to know as early as possible. Very truly yours, Mrs. R. Thurber. (Agent of Grounds) per G Norfolk 24 Aug. 1914 My dear Miss Danielson It was a disappointment not to have all of you under my roof last Wednesday night, and I want you to promise me that whenever our lovely hills tempt you to come this way again you till let me have the pleasure of really being your hostess, I should like so much to have you come. I am very grateful to all the women who went out Wednesday and worked for our common cause in my county. I hope I may some day return their kindness. Do not let anything of the sting you felt in regard to the [?] being sent into your county remain with you. I have had many hurts since I took up the work, and we shall all continue to bruise each other more. I am very weary, and the thought of the fairs makes me almost sick. There are calls coming from downstairs now and I must go and see callers but I can't finish this letter without asking you as a fellow worker to stick to your post and and not think of giving up your chairmanship. With kindest regards to your mother and best wishes for yourself I am Faithfully yrs Amelia E. S. [Taylor?] or less as time goes on. Sometimes the little things seem harder to put up with than real affronts, real affronts there will be too, but we can stand them for the sake of the good work we are trying to do. You will pardon me for writing to you like this I hope, I only do it because I know from some of my own tender spots just you you felt. I have been so busy since Thursday ISAAC M.ULLMAN NEW HAVEN,CONNECTICUT August 17,1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Conn. Dear Madam:- I have your letter of August 10th, and evidently you have written to me as a member of the Republican State Central Committee. I have not been a member of the Republican State Central Committee for some time and, therefore, would not, of course, attend the meeting of the State Central Committee nor have anything to do with the matter in question. Very truly yours, [*I. M. Ullman.*] United States Senate, COMMITTEE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE. FREE. Charles S Thomas WASHINGTON APR 7 1914 D.C. Mrs. Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Connecticut. United States Senate, COMMITTEE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE CHARLES S. THOMAS, COLO., CHAIRMAN. ROBERT L. OWEN, OKLA. HENRY F. ASHURST, ARIZ. JOSEPH E. RANSDELL, LA. HENRY F. HOLLIS, N. H. GEORGE SUTHERLAND, UTAH. WESLEY L. JONES, WASH. MOSES E. CLAPP, MINN. THOMAS B. CATRON, N. MEX. J. RAY ADAMS, CLERK. April 6, 1914. Mrs. Rosamond Danielson, Putnam, Connecticut. My dear Madam: I am in receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant and in reply thereto beg to advise that as soon as the Committee can be called together, one of the members being absent from the city, a favorable report will probably be made on the Bristow Resolution, as I have no reason to believe that any member of the Committee has changed his views since joining in the former report. Yours very truly, C S Thomas N. Hampton Conn Jan. 30 1914 Miss Danielson: We have a Ladies Aid Society, president Mrs. Henry Clapp. I don't think it would do you any good to talk suffrage question here no one interested in such a thing. How did you get my name Kate A. Thompson Miss Rosmond Dainilson Putnam Heights Putnam Conn 35 Oxford St Worcester Oct 13. My dear Miss D. I hope you & Mrs. Bartlett are surely going in the Parade and wish you would go with Mrs G. Our headquarters in Boston is at the Hotel Lenox, cor Exeter & Boylston at the invitation of the proprietor. I am afraid no one is going from Southbridge or Dudly - I do wish those places could be represented. If there is no one from either place, you & Mrs B had better represent them & carry their banners. However if Conn. wishes you to represent that state I mustn't insist on anything else. I hope you have [signed?] the Dudley canvassing and that the results are satisfactory Cordially yours Camilla E Whitcomb The Consumers' League of Connecticut OFFICERS President, Rockwell Harmon Porter, Hartford. 1st Vice President, Henry W. Farnam, New Haven. 2d Vice President, Arthur T. Hadley, New Haven. Recording Secretary, Mrs. S. H. Williams, Glastonbury. Treasurer, Mrs. Solon P. Davis, Hartford. Auditor, H. Leonard Beadle, Hartford. General Secretary, Miss M. C. Welles, Newington. DIRECTORS AT LARGE William B. Bailey, New Haven. Mrs. James R. Bolton, New Haven. Mrs. Charles P. Cooley, Hartford. Mrs. Arthur P. Day, Hartford. Miss Isabella Eldridge, Norfolk. Mrs. Irving Fisher, New Haven. James Goodwin, Hartford. George C. F. Williams, Hartford. Office of the Secretary 36 Pearl Street Hartford, Conn. Sept. 22, 1915. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam Heights, Putnam, Conn. My dear Miss Danielson: We are working up an educational conference for our annual meeting, and hope to hold it in New Britain. In order to make it successful, it is necessary to secure the co-operation of the board of education, and I am invited by its chairman to appear before the board at its next meeting and present the proposition to its members and ask for the appointment of a committee to co-operate with us. Now this meeting comes at 4.30 P.M. on Friday, the 8th of October, the very day when I was to speak to your suffrage association. Yet I don't see how I can refuse this opportunity because the next meeting of the board wll not be until in November, which will be too late for us to do anything. Please let me know if you can change the date of my lecture to you. I hate to miss the opportunity of coming to Putnam and hope you can make some other arrangement at the same time that I am very sorry to put you to this trouble. Very sincerely yours, Mary C. Welles MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE. SOUTH HADLEY, MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT September 15, 1915. Miss Rosamond Danielson, Putnam Heights, Putnam, Connecticut. My dear Miss Danielson: Your cordial invitation to speak for the Putnam Equal Franchise League in April reached me on my return from California. I greatly appreciate your invitation to have me as one of your lecturers and wish I dared accept it, but I already have a heavier program for the year outside the college than I ought to keep in addition to the demands within it. I wish that I were able to say yes, for I am interested in both causes, [of] Equal Franchise and Education. Believe me, with the hope that I may have the pleasure of welcoming you again to the College, Cordially yours, Mary E. Woolley Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 6039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL June 10, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson; Mrs. Hepburn has just told me that we shall both travel by rail on Saturday, so I am writing to claim your offer to meet us at the train in Putnam. We will take the train which leaves here at 11.16 and reaches Putnam at 12.55. Hoping that the day will be as beautiful as the one last year, I am, Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights, Connecticut Norwich, Conn June 4, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson:- Fate, I believe, is against me. Leaving here at 2:05, I could not avoid being late at the meeting and should not be able to remain long, if I returned at 6:- I am sorry I shall miss the conference. How I wish I might be having one here. I shall look forward to seeing you when you come down to visit the college, as Miss Howe assures me you will do. Thanking you for the invitation. I am, with best wishes, Very sincerely Esther S.B. Woodward My dear Miss Danielson- Mother and I are due at the beach now so of course it will be impossible to attend the meeting at your home this week. But I should like to so much. Thank you for sending me word about it. Very sincerely, Bessie Williams June eighth Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 and 4515 Branch Office: 30 Asylum Street Telephone Charter 8039 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Auditor New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Frederick C. Spencer Chairman New Haven County Guilford Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Miss Mary Bulkley Chairman Hartford County 924 Asylum Ave. Hartford Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamund Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell May 11, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson; I have been out of town on Journal business and have only just received your letter. The Hartford League has two horse blankets with the familiar legend upon them which were made recently for a "Clean-Up" parade here. We should be glad to lend them. the we have, of course, bunting in the three colours and the paper roping which you must remember from last year. If you come to the next board meeting perhaps you could yourself look up what you would want. What success are you having with the Journal work? Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights, Connecticut Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL May 7, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson; I am so glad that the Journal material reached you in time for use at your meeting. and that you were able to make a good start on the campaign. If Miss Webster sends to me for supplies of any kind I will try to be especially reliable. I think that Mrs. Byles has sent you a supply of stationery. Hoping to see you at the next Board meeting, I am, Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights, Connecticut Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL April 28, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson; I am very sorry that your league meeting is not one at which I could appear on behalf of the Womans Journal, but I can at least feel that I am leaving it in good hands if you will take up the matter. I will see that you have sample copies and plenty of subscription blanks. Will you make an effort to get as many subscriptions as possible on the spot ? This is really the best way to make sure of them. We have quite a lot of the little paper flags and shall be glad to sell them to you for 25¢ a doz. If you want them, perhaps you would do well to telephone, as it is rather late. Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights Connecticut Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE., HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL April 24, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson[:] I am sending the enclosed letter to all the league presidents. I feel, personally, very enthusiastic about this scheme to push the Journal. There are now only 429 subscribers in Connecticut, and to get a thousand more would mean to secure just so many more really efficient suffragists. Don't you think so ? Do get your county interested in it. Hoping for your cooperation, I am, Very sincerely yours. Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights Connecticut Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL March 13, 1915. Dear Miss Danielson; Miss Bulkley will take the Thompson engagement. I have sent your letter of instructions to her. Hoping to see younext Wednesday, I am, Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights Connecticut Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPHONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL March 11, 1915. My dear Miss Danielson; This is to tell you that I have received your letter and will promise to send you someone for March 25. I shall see Miss Bulkley this morning and will ask her. How does one get to Thompson and when can one get back ? Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights Connecticut [* 11 . 16 9. 09 *] My dear Mrs. Danielson -- The Woman's Protective Assn in Hartford has sent me the enclosed -- of course you are familiar with the question ~ I am trying to find people who will take the trouble to help get the Bill through --- Faithfully yours P. Webster [* 188 Bishop St. New Haven. *] Dear As state chairman for Connecticutt am responsible for the appointment of a congressional chairman in each district and for the organization of local groups of women in each party. All womans clubs, church societies, councils, etc. are urged to join the party as groups, all the groups in one locality uniting for mass meetings and other general work. Each group ay decide on its own membership fees, usually 1 or 2 cents, its officers and preferred line of activity. The dues of the group, which are $5. and sustaining membership fees of [$]1 less the dues of the group itself, should be paid in to me. The $5 dues are turned in to the National Treasurer, the sustaining membership dues are retained for local and state work. The rapid spread of the Women's Peace Party in Chicago, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington makes me hope that our Connecticut women will take this opportunity to enroll themselves at the side of peaceful settlements of international disputes. May I hope that you will be interested in forming groups and enrolling sustaining members in your town. [I] want to call your attention to the marked paragraphs in the enclosed circular, which show how broad our membership may become. Sincerely yours, [* ?Josepha Witney.*] [* I enclose a copy in case you would pass it on to some friend. In case your [?can] interest some one I should be glad to send more circulars & information. Groups are being formed already here in New Haven, In Bridgeport, & Greenwich - & I am gratified to find so much interest. This makes me hope there may be some in Putnam also.*] My dear Miss Danielson- This morning I found that it would be possible to use the W.C.T.U. rooms on Wednesday afternoon so told Mrs. Gager you would be over there. The expense will be about a dollar. Everyone seems quite enthusiastic (that is, the non-antis, you know) so you may have more than those six, after all. Very sincerely, [Bernice?] Williams. Sunday noon. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1010) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL October 28, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson; Mrs. Byles is sending a bunch of the literature recommended by Miss Pierson for use on the legislators. If you want any of the higher priced things will you let me know and I will send it promptly. You have probably heard, by this time, of the action of the convention in regard to the National. After some quite heated discussion it was finally voted to change our membership from Affiliated to Auxixlliary. Will you excuse the looks of this letter ? If it were to a stranger I would write it over again, but I trust that you will be charitable. Very sincerely yours, [*Mabel C. Mashburn*] Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam Heights, Connecticut [Postmark stamp] PROVIDENCE, R. I. OCT 17 [? OP] 1914 [U.S. postal stamp U.S. POSTAL CUD ONE CENT THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ONLY Miss Rosamund Danielson, Putnam Heights, Conn. WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY HEADQUARTERS 602 JACKSON BUILDING. Prov., R.I., Oct. 17/14. You are cordially invited to the Headquarters of The Woman Suffrage Party, at 602 Jackson Bldg., Friday evening, Oct. 23, at 8:15, for a farewell reception to Mrs. Carroll Miller, who will be the principle speaker of the evening. Sincerely, Nettie E. Bauer Sec'y Norwich. Conn. [?] 476. my dear Miss Danielson:- Your letter of August 11- reached me on the 18th. I think it rested in our post-office at Brooks. Your later one came promptly. I am glad that I shall meet you in Newport. I am planning to go on Saturday afternoon, remaining until Monday morning. As yet, I do not know when I shall lodge, but I shall surely meet you at three o'clock, at Marble House. I regret very much that I could not go to Norfolk; it must have been profitable and enjoyable, to judge by the bulletin. With kindest regards, I am, Sincerely, Esther S.B. Woodward August 23, 1914. Brooks Station, Mass. August 12-1914. My dear Miss Danielson:- I must apologize sincerely for not seeing you yesterday at Putnam. I do not know how I missed you. When the train came in (a little late) I looked all about for you. Not seeing you, I went into and around the station and then to the hotel to telephone, as I could not in the station. When I returned to the train, my friend there said she believed you had gone thro but she did not realize until too late that it might have been [?]. It rained so hard after I got here that I could not send a letter to the station. I am very very sorry to have missed you and to have inconvenienced you. I shall be glad if you care to go to Newport. Shall you go to Norfolk to Mrs. Taylor's? I wish to very much but I cannot get there until afternoon unless I go the day previous. I would like to see that part of the state. Princeton has been very damp and foggy since I arrived. Believe me with kind regards. Cordially yours, Esther S. B. Woodward I return to Norwich next Tuesday. Norwich, Conn Drawer 576. August 8, 1914 My dear Miss Danielson:- Have you received the invitation to the suffrage conference in Newport on the 30th? In case yours is still on the way I enclose mine. Would you care to go? It seems to me it might be very interesting and instructive. I should like to go but not alone. We could go Saturday P.M. and return Monday A.M. and I suppose we should do well to engage rooms in advance. I am going thro Putnam Tuesday A.M. to Worcester 10:17-10:43. If you liked to consider it, could you come down to the train. If not you might send me a note to Brooks Station, Box 13, Mass. Would you kindly return the folder. I have been really overwhelmed with the "Days Work" lately and have done nothing for suffrage. I think your work for the College in Windham County is splendid Remember me kindly to your family Cordially yours, Esther S.B. Woodward August 1, 1914 Dear Fellow Worker: We have not yet heard from you regarding our Sacrifice Proposal for August 15, Lucy Stone Day. Can we count on you or a substitute? If so how many Woman's Journals shall we send you? You will do us a favor by letting us know at once. Agnes E. Ryan Putnam, Conn July 21st 1914. Miss Rosamond Danielson Putnam, Conn. Dear Miss Danielson, I am sending you enclosed Miss Pierson's letter to me also a receipted bill for rent of Stall on night of July 2nd as per your requested by "Phone" this evening. Am sorry there has been any misunderstanding in regard to this bill. I have paid the Janitor $1.00 and you can see $1.00 for use of hall would hardly pay for electric lights. Thanking you for favor I am Sincerely Yours George W. Webster, Jr. Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Telephone Charter 6217 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 25-27 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St. Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St. Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell July 17, 1914. Mr. C. W. Webster, Dayville, Conn. My dear Mr. Webster Your bill for the rental of the Hall at Dayville for the evening of July 2nd has been forwarded to me. I understood the hall was to be $ 2.00 and nothing was said about any extra charge for Janitor. Won't you kindly see if this is not a mistake and have the bill returned to me ? Sincerely yours, Emily Pierson EP/F. Norwich Conn Drawer 476 My dear Miss Danielson: -- I am planning to come to the meeting on Friday. My train reaches Putnam about ten-twelve. Is the meeting at your home and reached by trolley or is it in town? I wish you good weather and all sorts of good luck for the campaign. Cordially yours, Esther S. B. Woodward June 15th Woman Suffrage Parade At Hartford, Conn. Saturday, May 2, 1914, 3 P.M. Organized by the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. Telephone Charter 6217 Head Marshall, Nurses Miss P. Webster Putnam, Conn. April 14, 1914 To the Trained Nurses of Connecticut: On the afternoon of Saturday, May 2nd, a great woman suffrage parade and pageant is to be held in Hartford. This is part of a nation-wide demonstration, which is to take place on that date in every state in the Union in support of granting votes to women. If you believe in votes for women your presence is important. The enormous appeal to the eye and to the imagination which such a demonstration makes is not limited to the capital city, but will penetrate to everky part of the state. Also, there is the spiritual uplift and inspiration that comes from marching shoulder to shoulder for an ideal. No group of women are in a position to know the needs of the enfranchisement of women better than nurses. Let us not forget the opposition with which the world met the registration of nurses, and the elevation of our profession to a profession. But for the work of such earnest suffragists as Florence Nightengale and Clara Barton, nursing might today still be in the Smiry Camp clans. Today Lavinia Dock and Lillian Wald are not too busy for suffrage. The nurses of the state are to march together in uniform and cap. Won't you help us to make our deputation the most dignified and impressive in the entire parade? Please send us by return mail your pledge to march. In case you decide to come at the last minute you can do so, but it will be easier for you and for me if you send in your name and now and receive full directions. Your sincerely, P. Webster Parade Committee Mrs. Elbert Bunnell, Barkhamsted Miss Helen Manchester Mrs. Samuel C. Shaw, Bridgeport Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Mrs. L. M. Lawson Mrs. S. T. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Julian Cramer, Clinton Mrs. Hetty W. Hall Mrs. Sturges G. Redfield Dr. Sophia Penfield, Danbury Miss Mary E. Andrews Mrs. Clara S. Barnum Mrs. C. L. Adams, Danielson Mrs. C. M. Smith Miss Grace Spaulding Mrs. Rienzi Robinson Mrs. W. E. Andrews, Derby Mrs. Frederick Martin Mrs. J. G. Mahoney Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, East Hampton Mrs. Charles Brandegee, Farmington Miss Theodate Pope Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith Miss Mary Redfield Mrs. Charles Lee Mrs. Eldridge Mrs. Mary Paller Mrs. Ernest Vaill, Goshen Mrs. Ray Wadhams Mrs. Eunice Adams Miss Winfred Kelly Mrs. E. O. Parker, Greenwich Miss M. E. Robinson Miss Elsie Tiemann Mrs. Paul Ives, Guilford Mrs. Frederick E. Spencer Miss Mary Bulkey, Hartford Miss Mary A. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Mrs. H. F. Miller Mrs. Ella B. Kendrick Miss Frances Eliot Hickox. Litchfield Miss Adelaide Demin Miss Florence Ennis Miss Katherine Ludington, Lyme Mrs. George Wilcox, Madison Mrs. Ralph Buell Miss Sarah J. Fay, Meriden Miss Tillie Derecktor Mrs. Louis O. Krahl Miss Amelia Carrier, Middle Haddam Mrs. E. Kent Hubbard, Jr., Middletown Mrs. W. J. deMauriac Mrs. Elsie S. Johnson, Moodus Mrs. Arthur W. Chaffee Mrs. H.A. Tayor, New Britain Mrs. Buell B. Bassette Dr. Catherine B. Travis Mrs. William Francis Weed, New Canaan Miss Emma E. Apper Miss Lillian F. Walker MRs. Frank S. Butterworth, New Haven Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Miss Alice J. Walker Mrs. T. S. McDermott Miss Mary A. Cullen Miss Margaret Horan Mrs. E. D. Fisk Mrs. H. C. Bunner, New London Mrs. Forest D. Lufler Miss Ruth Bunner Mrs. George H. Wright, New Milford Mrs. J. C. Barker Miss Mary B. Weaver Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor, Norfolk Mrs. William G. Wilcox Miss Katherine Blow Miss Clara M. Hill, Norwalk Mrs. Helena H. Weed Mrs. J. Eldrid Brown, Norwich Miss Mary E. Richards Mrs. Lucius Briggs Mrs. William Norton Mrs. W. J. Barlett, Punam Miss Rosamund Danielson Mrs. E. C. Morse Mrs. Henry H. Keeler, Ridgefield Miss Mary Olcott Mrs. W. H. Allee Miss Rosina H. Emmett, Salisbury Mrs. Charles Lord, South Manchester Mrs. Emma Kenyon Mrs. William B. Kelsey, Stratford Miss Maud Hull Mrs. Leroy Lewis Miss Lillian Snowdon Mrs. M. M. Thrall, Torrington Mrs. G. H. McKenzie Mrs. A.G. Lamb Mrs. G. L. Porter Miss Myra Smith, Wallingford Mrs. Julius Maltby, Waterbury Miss A. Eletha Puffer Mrs. F. E. Duffy, West Hartford Miss Elizabeth F. Hubbard Mrs. Helen Hawley Mrs. Frank M. Buckland Mrs. C. M. Gallup Mrs. William J. Wood, Westport Mrs. Frank McLaury Miss Sarah L. Potter Mrs. Lawrence Mazzanovich Mrs. W. A. King, Willimantic Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford Mrs. Grade Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mable C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt Street Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt Street Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron Street Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen Street Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont Street Hartford Mrs. George H. Day Chairman of Enrollments 55-17 Pratt Street Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange Street New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place, Bridgeport Mrs. H.A. Taylor Chairman, Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. Knox Chairman, Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham county Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell Woman Suffrage Parade At Hartford, Conn. Saturday, May 2, 1914, 3 P.M. Organized by the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. Telephone Charter 6217 My Dear Mrs. Danielson, We are asking all the members of the parade committee to sit on the platform at the mass meeting after the parade on Saturday afternoon, and hope that you will be among the number. The meeting, as you know, will be held at the Park Casino at 5 o'clock. Hoping to see you there, I am, Very Sincerely yours Mabel C. Washburn Parade Committee Mrs. Elbert Bunnell, Barkhamsted Miss Helen Manchester Mrs. Samuel C. Shaw, Bridgeport Mrs. H.H. DeLoss Mrs. S. T. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Julian Cramer, Clinton Mrs. Hetty W. Hall Mrs. Sturges G. Redfield Dr. Sophia Penfield, Danbury Miss Mary E. Andrews Mrs. Clara S. Barnum Mrs. C. L. Adams, Danielson Mrs. C.M. Smith Miss Grace Spaulding Mrs. Rienzi Robinson Mrs. W. E. Andrews, Derby Mrs. Frederick Martin Mrs. J. G. Mahoney Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, East Hampton Mrs Charles Brandegee, Farmington Miss Theodate Pope Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith Miss Mary Redfield Mrs. Charles Lee Mrs. Eldridge Mrs. Mary Paller Mrs. Ernest Vaill, Goshen Mrs. Ray Wadhams Mrs. Eunice Adams Miss Winifred Kely Mrs. E. O. Parker, Greenwich Miss M. E. Robinson Miss Elsie Tiemann Mrs. Paul Ives, Guilford Mrs. Frederick E. Spencer Miss Mary Bulkley, Hartford Miss Mary A. Smith Miss. Elizabeth D. Bacon Mrs. H. F. Miller Mrs. Ella B. Kendrick Miss Frances Eliot Hickox, Litchfield Miss Adelaide Deming Miss Florence Ennis Miss Katharine Ludington, Lyme Mrs. George Wilcox, Madison Mrs. Ralph Buell Miss Sarah J. Fay, Meriden Miss Tillie Derecktor Mrs. Louis O. Krahl Miss Amelia Carrier, Middle Haddam Mrs. E. Kent Hubbard, Jr., Middletown Mrs. W. J. deMauriac Mrs. Elsie S. Johnson Mrs. Arthur W. Chaffee Mrs. H. A. Taylor, New Britain Mrs. Buell B. Bassette Dr. Catherine B. Travis Mrs. William Francis Weed, New Canaan Miss Emma E. Apper Miss Lillian F. Walter Mrs. Frank S. Butterworth, New Haven Mrs. Frank A. Corbin Miss Alice J. Walker Mrs. T. S. McDermott Miss Mary A. Cullen Miss Margaret Horn Mrs. E. D. Fisk Mrs. H. C. Bunner, New London Mrs. Forrest D. Lufler Miss Ruth Bunner Mrs. George H. Wright, New Milford Mrs. J. C. Barker Miss Mary B. Weaver Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor, Norfolk Mrs. William G. Wilcox Miss Katherine Blow Miss Clara M. Hill, Norwalk Mrs. Helena H. Weed Mrs. J. Eldrid Brown, Norwich Miss Mary E. Richards Mrs. Lucius Briggs Mrs. William A. Norton Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, Putnam Miss Rosamund Danielson Mrs. E. C. Morse Mrs. Henry H. Keeler, Ridgefield Miss Mary Olcott Mrs. W. H. Allee Miss Rosina H. Emmett, Salisbury Mrs. Charles Lord, South Manchester Mrs. Emma Kenyon Mrs. William B. Kelsey, Stratford Miss Maud Hull Mrs. Leroy Lewis Miss Lillian P. Snowdon Mrs. M. M. Thrall, Torrington Mrs. G. H. McKenzie Mrs. A. G. Lamb Mrs. G. L. Porter Miss Myra Smith, Wallingford Mrs. Julius Maltby, Waterbury Miss A. Eletha Puffer Mrs. F. E. Duffy, West Hartford Miss Elizabeth F. Hubbard Mrs. Helen Hawley Mrs. Frank M. Buckland Mrs. C. M. Gallup Mrs. William J. Wood, Westport Mrs. Frank McLaury Miss Sarah L. Potter Mrs. Lawrence Mazzanovich Mrs. W. A. King, Willimantic Woman Suffrage Parade at Hartford, Conn., Saturday, May 2, 1914, 3 P.M. Organized by the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. Telephone Charter 6217 April 18, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson, Thank you for the noble bunch of photographs from Putnam. We are beginning to get together quite a collection. I suppose that you are in Greenwich today, with the other faithful. I am trying to be useful here, instead. Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Delegation in New York Parade May 3rd, 1913 Executive Committee Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn President 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton Vice-President Greenwich Miss Ruutz-Rees Recording Secretary Greenwich Miss Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. M. Toscan Bennett Treasurer 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Mary J. Rogers Auditor 82 Akron St., Meriden Mrs. H. H. DeLoss Auditor 137 Park Place Bridgeport Mrs. Elizabeth D. Bacon Ex-President (1906-1910) 106 Capen St. Hartford Mrs. Edward Porritt Press Secretary 63 Tremont St., Hartford Mrs. George H. Day Chairman of Enrollments 55-57 Pratt St., Hartford Mrs. Carlos F. Stoddard Chairman New Haven County 412 Orange St., New Haven Mrs. A. E. Scranton Taylor Chairman Litchfield County Norfolk Mrs. William T. Hincks Ex-President (1911-1913) 152 Park Place. Bridgeport Mrs. H. A. Taylor Chairman Hartford County 65 Grove Hill New Britain Mrs. Herbert H. KNox Chairman Fairfield County New Canaan Dr. Esther S. B. Woodward Chairman New London County Norwich Miss Rosamond Danielson Chairman Windham County Putnam Miss Emily Pierson State Organizer Cromwell April 2, 1914. To the members of the Parade Committee; In our experience with press work we have found that nothing is more helpful in getting the papers to publish full accounts than sending them photographs. Will you help the parade work in this way, by letting us have your photograph for publication? Will you send us photographs of other prominent suffragists in your town? It may be worth hundreds of dollars to the parade and stimulate other women to the like courage. The papers will often print, with a picture, notices which they would otherwise refuse. We have just had this paper printed for us in the parade work. Would you like us to send you some? Hoping soon to receive you picture and as many others as you can collect, I am, Sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. H. A. TAYLOR CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTRY 65 GROVE HILL NEW BRITAIN MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTRY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTRY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL March 26, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson; I have just been writing to Putnam and Danielson asking for the list of their league members. We are very desirous of getting complete lists of all league members. Will you kindly use your influence, on occasion, to get them to comply with our request ? I am still breathless from catching that train in New Haven. Very sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam, Conn. Willimantic Conn March 25, 1915 My dear Miss Danielson, Yours of March 21, received I am not situated so that I can well arrange for a suffrage meeting in Scotland. If you will write to Mrs. Liza K. Fuller Scotland Conn. she may attend to the matter Very sincerely Mary E. Waldo Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 133 HAWTHORN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 64 EVERGREEN AVE.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 22 FOREST ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTRY 27 MARSHALL ST.. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTRY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTRY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY DANIELSON MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL 64 Evergreen Avenue, Hartford, Conn. February 13, 1914. My dear Miss Danielson; Your irritation is completely justified, as expressed in your recent letter about the mistaken letterheading. Miss Smith, the office secretary, assured me that it should immediately be made right, and I hope that this has been the case. I have nothing to do, myself, with the office supplies. Hoping to see you in Bridgeport next Wednesday, I am, Very truly yours, Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary. Miss Rosamund Danielson Putnam, Conn. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 133 HAWTHORN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 64 EVERGREEN AVE.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 22 FOREST ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTRY 27 MARSHALL ST.. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTRY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTRY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY DANIELSON MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL December 27, 1913. My dear Miss Danielson: I am enclosing a letter just sent to the presidents or secretaries of every league in the state. The plan, which must be kept secret within the Executive Board on account of our friends, the Antis, is to have a petition presented through its Representatives from every one of the one hundred sixty-seven towns in the state. Individuals will have to cover most of the towns which are not organized, and it is hoped that each country chairman will be able to make herself responsible for a petition of at least one hundred names from every town in her country. This is a tremendous piece of work, but it will be very impressive if we can carry it through. It may be necessary to have the organizers go to some of the towns in the unorganized counties next fall, but certainly we ought not to use up our resources in that way if it is possible to avoid it. Sincerely yours, Mabel C. Washburn Cor. Sec. Miss Washburn 2 - 16 - 14 Miss Washburn 12 - 27- 13 Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1010) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL December 27, 1913. Dear At the last meeting of the Executive Board it was decided that the petitions which are to be presented to the Legislature next spring shall be presented by towns. There are in the state one hundred sixty-seven towns. There should be at least one thousand names from each of the larger ones, and as many as possible form the smaller ones. Each town's petition will be presented through its Representatives. This will add much to the value of the petition, as few Representatives will be inclined to vote against a measure for which a good number of their constituents have petitioned. If you already have on your petition names from people in nearby towns you will simply have to say in presenting it - a petition from the town of . . . . . . . with the exception of . . . . . . names, which are form either towns in Connecticut. From now on however secure on your petition only the names of your townspeople. If you care to, keep another sheet to gather up scattering names of people form other towns. From now on only sheets like the enclosed should be used. If you have on hand any different sheets, whether filled in or not, they should be sent in to Hartford headquarters. As soon as each sheet is filled out it should be mailed to me immediately at 55 Pratt Street. Here the sheets will be kept on file under the name of your town. Try so far as you can to keep track of the number of names you send in. You can however get the number from me at any time. It may be well for you to keep a list of the names of any people who sign your petition who may work up later as league members Unless you so request, no copy will be kept at Hartford of the names which appear on the petition. As there ae only fifty-two of the one hundred and sixty-seven towns in the state organized as many of the leagues as possible shoul[d] volunteer to be responsible for nearby towns. If you are willing to do this kindly send on the names of such towns. Under the present plan of presenting petitions by towns it will be a very serious matter if any town fails to present a petition of dignified size. On the other hand it will be a striking evidence of the suffrage sent[i]ment throughout the state to present to the legislature. Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association HEADQUARTERS: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONES CHARTER 6217 AND 4515 BRANCH OFFICE: 30 ASYLUM STREET TELEPONE CHARTER 8039 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MRS. EDWARD PORRITT RECORDING SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST., HARTFORD MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 55-57 PRATT ST., HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 39 GRISWOLD ST., MERIDEN MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD AUDITOR 412 ORANGE ST., NEW HAVEN MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1010) 106 CAPEN ST., HARTFORD MRS. FREDERICK C. SPENCER CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY GUILFORD MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAN T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MISS MARY BULKLEY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTY 924 ASYLUM AVE. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY PUTNAM MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL The success of the plan is assured with the hearty coooperation of all the suffragists if the work is begun at once. Very truly yours, EP/S [*Mabel C. Mashburn*] [*Cor. Sec.*] Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Headquarters: 55-57 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD TELEPHONE CHARTER 6217 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. THOMAS N. HEPBURN PRESIDENT 133 HAWTHORN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. GRACE GALLATIN SETON VICE-PRESIDENT GREENWICH MISS RUUTZ-REES RECORDING SECRETARY GREENWICH MISS MABEL C. WASHBURN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 64 EVERGREEN AVE.. HARTFORD MRS. M. TOSCAN BENNETT TREASURER 22 FOREST ST.. HARTFORD MRS. MARY J. ROGERS AUDITOR 82 AKRON ST.. MERIDEN MRS. H. H. DELOSS AUDITOR 137 PARK PLACE BRIDGEPORT MRS. ELIZABETH D. BACON EX-PRESIDENT (1906-1910) 106 CAPEN ST.. HARTFORD MRS. EDWARD PORRITT PRESS SECRETARY 63 TREMONT ST.. HARTFORD MRS. CARLOS F. STODDARD CHAIRMAN NEW HAVEN COUNTY 412 ORANGE ST.. NEW HAVEN MRS. A. E. SCRANTON TAYLOR CHAIRMAN LITCHFIELD COUNTY NORFOLK MRS. WILLIAM T. HINCKS EX-PRESIDENT (1911-1913) 152 PARK PLACE, BRIDGEPORT MRS. GEORGE H. DAY CHAIRMAN HARTFORD COUNTRY 27 MARSHALL ST.. HARTFORD MRS. HERBERT H. KNOX CHAIRMAN FAIRFIELD COUNTRY NEW CANAAN DR. ESTHER S. B. WOODWARD CHAIRMAN NEW LONDON COUNTRY NORWICH MISS ROSAMOND DANIELSON CHAIRMAN WINDHAM COUNTY DANIELSON MISS EMILY PIERSON STATE ORGANIZER CROMWELL My dear Miss Danielson; Last spring before presenting our Petition to the Legislature, we had it copied for future reference, and it has seemed to the Executive Committee that this copy will be of most use in the districts from which the names were procured. Therefore I have been instructed to send the sheets, where that is possible, to presidents of leagues in the different places. Where there are no leagues I am sending them, by counties, to the Country Chairmen, hence this bundle for you. Hoping that you may find it of use in organising your County, I am, Very truly yours, Mabel C. Washburn Corresponding Secretary. Miss Rosamund Danielson Danielson, Conn. Miss Washburn rec. Nov 11, 1913 Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at